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(Case Study at Eight Grade of Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School)

Riki Gunawan1, Aa Qonaatun2,

Lia Amalia3 Universitas Banten
Jaya Serang, Indonesia

Object of this research is to explain the use of code switching by English
teachers in classroom during learning activities. This research uses
qualitative approach with a case study design, the research subject is an
English teacher at Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School. Collecting data in
this study using data display, data reduction and drawing conclusions. The
focus of this research is the use of code switching by English teachers in
online classroom during the learning process and the sub focus of the
research is the types of code switching used by the English teacher and the
reasons for using code switching. The result of this research is to find the
type of code switching usage and the reasons for using code switching by
English teachers in online classroom during the learning process. The
conclusion is there are three types of code switching used by English teachers
during the learning process in the classroom. Namely: First, inter sentential
code switching, which is 64 times. Second, Intra-sentential code switching 31
times. Third, Tag switching 10 times. Then some reasons why English
teachers use code switching, namely: First, Talking about Particular topic.
Second is Interjection. Third is Repitition for Clarification. Fourth is
Expressing for Group Identity..

Keyword: Code Switching, English Teacher, Islam Tirtayasa Junior High


INTRODUCTION hand, Code-Switching is used of two

Language is the ability that people language or multiple languages in the
have to communicate with other people words, phrases, and sentences. It is support
using signs, such as words and movements. by Hudson (2012, P.51) “Code-Switching,
The scientific study of language is calling which is the inevitable consequences of
linguistics. Study of language is very more than one language choices, they use
important, because language is a tool of them depend on the situation” but it also
communication. In everyday life we always occurs in the classroom during the process
using the language for communicate. of teaching and learning to explaining the
Indonesian society use Indonesian language material.
or foreign language in a capital city but
Before the writer found the problem
sometime they are use local language in
about mastery of language, the writer was
their home or their village as their first
observed and gives some question to Mrs.
Septi Hartati as English teacher in Islam
Furthermore, they are also required Tirtayasa Junior High School at January
foreign languages such as English, Arabic, 15th 2020. From observation the writer can
Chinese, and other language to found the problem such as sometime they
communicate with foreign people. The have difficulty to understand the material if
important of languages becomes essential to the teacher using full English language in
be known and learn, and also most of their classroom and the students has limit
Indonesian people are bilingual. People vocabularies. From this problem, the
who mastery languages, sometime to switch teacher can use code switching in order the
from are language into another language students can understand the material that
because of the repertoire in their minds. explain by the teacher. In the other word,
Therefore, this phenomenon can be called code switching is also more important for
“Code-Switching in Sociolinguistics”. junior high school, because they have
limited vocabularies. It is the way to
J. Holmes (2013, P.1) said
improve their comprehension about the
“Sociolinguists study relationship between
language and society. They are interested in
explaining why we speak different social Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School
contexts, and they are concerned with is formal education but the students
identifying the social functions of language required English language when English
and to convey the meaning”. In the other subjects process. In the other hand, their

background education is different, exactly because relates to social life behaviors and
in mastery the language. The recruitment of the writer focus on one person from the
students does not depend on the interest of activities or process. In this research, the
the students. When the students back to writer used several instruments to collecting
school, they use Indonesian language and data is documentation, observation and
English language in classroom. So, this is interview. In analyzed the data, the writer
school know and aware about the important focused on code switching used by English
using foreign language and will applied teacher at Eight Grade in Islam Tirtayasa
bilingual class. Junior High School. In Qualitative inquiry
uses a variety of procedures to confirm their
Based on explanation above, the
writer is interest to analyze code switching
The writer were accumulated the data,
used by English teacher when learning
described the result of the research and
process. Specifics on to find out the types
descriptive the data into data reduction, data
of code switching and what the reason of
display and conclusion
code switching used by English teacher.
In this research, the writer uses TECHNIQUE OF DATA ANALYSIS
the qualitative approach and case study In analyzed the data, the writer
methods to analyses code switching used by focused on code switching used by English
English teacher in Eight Grade at Islam teacher at Eight Grade in Islam Tirtayasa
Tirtayasa Junior High School. Junior High School. In Qualitative inquiry
The writer chooses qualitative uses a variety of procedures to confirm their
approach for this research to express an research.
opinion or community feedback, detail is The writer were accumulated the
found the precise particulars of such data, described the result of the research
matters as people’s understanding and and descriptive the data into data reduction,
interactions. Because qualitative is data display and conclusion
primarily exploratory research, it is use to drawing/verification.
gain an understanding of underlying reason, 1. Data reduction
opinion and motivation. Qualitative also Data reduction refers to the process
use to uncover trends in thought, opinion of selecting, focusing, simplifying,
and dive deeper into problem. Therefore, abstracting and transforming the data that
the writers also focus on chase study appears in written-up field notes

transcriptions. To collect the data, the The formula as follow;

writer focused on observation in the online f
RF= ×100
classroom activities by Zoom Apps to get n

the result. After observation, the writer

identified the teacher about the reason uses RF = Relative Frequency

code switching by interview. f = Frequency

2. Data Display n = Total number of data values

Data Display generally is an

organized, compressed assembly of FINDING & DISCUSSION

information that permits conclusion The writer focused on the finding

drawing and action. In this section, the and discussion about code switching use by

writers begin analyzed and describe the English teacher in eight grade at Islam

data from teacher’s conversation in online Tirtayasa junior high school to identify the

classroom activities by Zoom Apps to know type of code switching use by English

the types of code switching and the reason teacher in eight grade at Islam Tirtayasa

in used code switching by the teacher at junior high school and then to find out the

Eight Grade in Islam Tirtayasa Junior High reasons are code switching use by English

School. teacher in eight grade at Islam Tirtayasa

3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification junior high school.

Conclusion drawing is only half A. Finding

of a Gemini configuration and also verified In this part the writer present the

as an analyst proceeds. As we know that result from observation.

conclusion drawing and verification is the 1. Data Reduction

way to take summarize from observation The writer observed this research in

and interview. In this step the writer use two sections with Mrs. Septi Hartati as

Mark and Casper formula are namely English teacher at Islam Tirtayasa Junior

relative frequency. According Mark and High School trough the teacher utterance in

Casper (2017, P.48) “relative frequency is online classroom activities by Zoom Apps.

equal in the frequency for an observed The observation was started on 9th until 16th

value of the data divided by the total April 2020. The purpose of the research

number of data values is the sample. This were to get data about the occurrence of

formula is to get final result from type of code switching used by teacher at Eight

code switching used by English teacher in Grade in Islam Tirtayasa Junior High

number percentages. School, to identify the types of code


switching used by teacher and then to find observation was taken by photos and
out the reasons are code switching used by written transcript on appendices.
teacher when learning activities. 2. Data Display
Before presenting the result of The writer did data display in
observation which discussed the types of second step. In this step, the writer would
code switching used by English teacher at display the result of transcript that has been
eight grade in Islam Tirtayasa Junior High simplified to make data to analyze. In the
School and find out the reason are code other hand, the result of transcribe would be
switching used by English teacher at eight identified to determine which were
grade in Islam Tirtayasa Junior High considered as code switching phenomenon
School, the writer did data reduction. The as follow;
writer sorted the data by only choosing A. The types of Code Switching used by
utterance of conversation that occur on English Teacher at Eight Grade in
online classroom activities by Zoom Apps Islam Tirtyasa Junior High School
in two section and the data from
1. Table 4.2.1 The Result of Inter Sentential Switching
Teacher's Utterance CL
Observatio Now, siapa yang belum joint in this
CL 1.7
n1 meeting?
And then, siapa lagi? CL 1.9
Ok sambil menunggu mereka for joint this
CL 1.11
Still remember with the material yang
CL 1.11
miss jelasin last meeting
That's true, jawabannya bener Dafin CL 1.15
Okay, thank you Fatih, kita bisa mulai yah
CL 1.17
Ok open your book on pages…. Halaman
CL 1.19
berapa tuh
Okay, One Hundred Seventy Seven
CL 1.21
tentang apa tuh?
Okay, next pages lihat disitu yah dibagian
CL 1.23
yang A yang look and say, sudah?
So in part A kalian bisa lihat "look and
say" yang diawali dengan "Last Weekend"
CL 1.25
selanjutnya dilanjutkan dengan kalimat
yang berhubungan dengan gambar
So in part A you can see kalau gambar- CL 1.29
gambar tersebut bercerita tentang
kejadian di minggu lalu, kita sebut recount
text yakni menceritakan kejadian dimasa

lampau understand class?

So look that percakapan antara Binsar
CL 1.31
dan Atiqah
And the dialogue is bercerita tentang apa
CL 1.33
I mean is ya Atiqah and Binsar ngomongin
CL 1.35
tentang apa Hisyam?
Where is Atiqah vocation last weekand,
CL 1.37
ada yang tau?
And then apalagi Dona? CL 1.41
Means of the water disitu untuk ombaknya
CL 1.47
yah Dafin
It's mean bahwa kejadian ini terjadi
dimasa lampau atau sudah dilalu bukan
CL. 1.51
sedang berlangsung atau akan
For now I want to give you all the exercise
pada bagian yang C, sebelumnya ada CL 1.51
yang mau ditanyain ga?
Masih berkaitan dengan Atiqah and
CL 1.53
Binsar in part B yang tadi
I give you fifty minutes, kalau ga paham
bisa ditanyakan, tinggal jawab true or CL 1.53
false and complete the text by Atiqah
Lanjut ke number two, true or false, bagus
CL 1.55
coba jawab
That's true, and now giliran Radit buat
CL 1.59
jawab number three true or false
And then number four giliran Decira yang
CL 1.61
jawab true or false Decira
Giliran Abhi yang jawab number five true
CL 1.63
or false Abhi please answer
Soalnya Atiqah bilang there weren't many
CL 1.67
people there, disana tidak ramai orang
For the next true or false giliran siap nih,
ya udah coba Navra answer for number CL 1.67
six true or false?
Ya, jawabannya False, karena disitu
dijelasin kalau the water was calm yah CL 1.69
anak-anak, next true or false anak-anak
The answer is true karena Atiqah
CL 1.73
menyarankan Binsar untuk pergi kesana
For number one sudah ada jawabannya,
so next on number two sekarang Zickrina CL 1.73
yang jawab
Yes true the answer is sand, and then for
the next number jawabannya apa anak- CL 1.81
And the last jawabannya apa? CL 1.85

Ok finish class buat latihannya yang part

CL 1.87
D and E, any question?
And for your homework tulis tentang
kejadian dimasa lampau kalian baik itu
CL 1.89
last week last month or yesterday minimal
lima kalimat
Baiklah hari ini kita kembali belajar mata
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yah anak-anak, CL 2.7
do you have a homework?
Okay class siapa nih yang belum joint this
CL 2.14
meeting sekarang?
Baiklah sambil menunggu miss mau tanya,
still remember about what we have study CL 2.19
last week?
About what? Tentang apa? CL 2.21
Ya that's true, and then apa lagi? CL 2.23
How the weather? Cuacanya gimana? CL 2.31
And dengan siapa Atiqah goes to beach? CL 2.35
Pada percakapan tersebut with whom
CL 2.37
Atiqah was talking?
Okay now open on pages 182, buka
CL 2.47
halaman 182
Kalimat dibawahnya menjelaskan about
CL 2.47
the activity
And the meaning is? Artinya apa Nazla CL 2.51
And for the next please Mozaweka coba
CL 2.53
Observation bacakan kalimatnya
2 And then Rangga Unggu turn buat bacain
CL 2.57
kalimat selanjutnya silahkan Rangga
Next Khusnul turn for read aloud kalimat
CL 2.61
selanjutnya berserta artinya yah
And the last apa anak-anak CL 2.65
Just kidding yah anak-anak CL 2.67
Miss kasih waktu kalian 10 menit yah and
then we are move to next question, do you CL 2.70
Finish class? Sudah selesai anak-anak? CL 2.72
Okay for number one, who wrote the
CL 2.74
email, siapa yang menulis emailnya?
Yeah that true and for number two
CL 2.76
jawabannya adalah, Rizki coba jawab
And then for number three is sekarang
CL 2.78
giliran Dona, coba ayo jawab
Next number, what she does on the first
CL 2.82
day of her vacation? Dafin silahkan jawab
And then for the next question apa nih
CL 2.84
jawabannya anak-anak
For the next number apa nih jawabannya, CL 2.86

what did she buy there Muhtado please

The last question did she have a good time
CL 2.88
in the shops? Siapa yang bisa jawab?
Okay finish buat latihannya, dan yang tadi
about email from Lidia to Johan is
example of Recount text dalam bentuk CL 2.92
pesan yah anak-anak, sampe sini ada
yang mau ditanyakan ga?
Okay before we ended this study miss
CL 2.96
punya pekerjaan rumah lagi buat kalian
Open pages on 187, look at part A disitu
sama kaya yang sebelumnya tapi CL 2.96
bentuknya text cerita yah anak-anak
Find the verb2 at this text yah anak-anak,
CL 2.96
do you remember?
Okay class thank you for today dan terima
CL 2.98
kasih buat perhatiannya
Total Inter
Switching 64

2. Table 4.2.2 The Result of Intra Sentential Switching

Observation Teacher's Utterance CL

So yang lain mengertikan dengan gambar
CL 1.27
gambar teresbut
Sekarang next ke bagian B "Listen to the
CL 1.31
Now giliran Nayla Gina CL 1.43
So yang dimkasud dari "the water was
calm" adalah bahwa ombaknya tenang yah CL 1.47
Simak baik-baik yah class CL 1.49
Recount Text menggunakan kalimat past
CL 1.49
Observation Jadi verbnya menggunakan verb kedua yah
1 anak-anak… kalo present tense kan pake
CL 1.49
verb 1 yah kalo past tense pake verb
kedua, sampe sini faham?
Penggunaan verb kedua pada percakapan
CL 1.51
Okay and the last jawabannya true or false CL 1.71
Finish for part D and then kita move on to
CL 1.73
part E
Iya air udara yah bukan water CL 1.75
Next Bakhtiar jawabannya apa buat nomor
CL 1.75
3, silakan dijawab
Okay siapa yang bisa answer pertanyaan CL 1.77

nomor 3
For number four is zidane turn, silakan
CL 1.79
answer Zidane
selanjutnya answer for question of number
CL 1.83
Baiklah untuk pertemuan selanjutnya kita
ke part dua tentang "we walked to the CL 1.89
dikumpulkan paling lambat sehari sebelum
kelas kita dimulai, bisa kirim by WA ke
CL 1.89
miss aja nanti ditulis dibuku lalu difotokan
dam kirim ke miss disertai nama yah
Siapa yang belum mengumpulkan
CL 2.9
homeworknya ke miss kemarin?
Who yang goes to the beach? CL 2.27
The names of the beachnya apa? CL 2.29
Was it crowded at the beach? Beachnya
CL 2.33
That's good kids kalian cool CL 2.39
See pada bagian 2 yah yang "we walked to
CL 2.47
the beach" hampir sama kaya bagian 1
Observation Disitu you can see the picture CL 2.47
2 First silakan baca Nazla CL 2.49
Iya that's true Unggu CL 2.61
And then Haekal turns, silakan Haekal CL 2.63
Udah udah stop kita lanjut ke part B yah CL 2.70
Good Halim ya betul CL 2.82
So jadi recount text itu bercerita tentang
kondisi, situasi, aktivitas atau peristiwa CL 2.96
dimasa lampau yah anak-anak
So yang tidak ikut hari ini miss anggep ha
CL 2.98
hadir yah
Total of
sentential 31

3. Table 4.2.3 The Result of Tag Switching

Observation Teacher Utterance CL

Observation Nah, still remember about recount text? CL 1.13
1 Yaps the answer is true CL 1.61
Let's say hamdalah CL 1.91
Alhamdulillah See you next meeting CL 1.91
Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi

We can start now yah CL 2.41
Nah, in part B there is an email from Lidia
CL 2.70
to Johan
Yaps, good answer Dafin CL 2.92
2 Aha good Dafin, the answer is she walked
CL 1.84
to the beach
Let's say hamdalah CL 2.98
See you next time, Assalamualaikum
CL 2.100
warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh

Total Tag
Switching 10

3. Conclusion Drawing / Verification reduction and data display to verify analyst

In the last step are Conclusion proceeds using Mark and Casper formula.
Drawing / Verification. The writer gave the The result will be discussed below;
conclusion of the result from the data
a. The Percentages Types of Code Switching Used by English Teacher at Eight Grade
in Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School
Table 4.2.4
Types of Code Switching
That Occur on Learning
No Process in Eight Grade Frequency Percentages (%)
at Islam Tirtayasa
Junior High School
1 Inter Sentential Switching 64 60,95%
2 Intra Sentential Switching 31 29,52%
3 Tag Switching 10 9,52%
Total 105 100%

b. Number Percentages of Code Switching

1) Inter Sentential Switching
RF= ×100=60,95 %
2) Intra Sentential Switching
RF= ×100=29,52%

3) Tag Switching

RF= ×100=9,52 %
c. Chart result of Types of Code Switching Used by English Teacher in Eight Grade at
Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School


Inter Sentential Switching

Intra Sentential Switching
Tag Switching

d. The Reason of Code Swithcing That In the second question is the writer
Used by English Teacher in Eght asked about what are the goals of code
Grade at Islam Tirtyasa Junior High switching used in online classroom
School activities. Then the English teacher
In this part the writer showed of answered;
interview from English teacher in online “Tujuannya supaya mereka lebih paham
classroom activities at Islam Tirtyasa Junior tentang materi yang kita berikan, jadi
High School. The result will be discussed supaya mempermudahkan saja, jadi ketika
below; anak itu bingung kita pertama menjelaskan
In the first question the writer asked bahasa inggris setelah itu kan biasanya
about the reason code switching used when mengerti gak tuh, ada yang beberapa
the teacher teaches in online classroom mengerti dan ada yang engga, ada beberapa
activities and English teacher answered yang mengerti itu enak kan yah gampang
that; dan kalau gak ngerti tuh biasanya kita
“Alasannya karena mayoritas, tidak ngasih kuis ke bahasa indonesia nah itu
mayoritas sih tapi beberapa anak belum baru mereka paham memudahkan"(CL
mengerti banget bahasa inggris jadi untuk 3.10). You can see on Appendices.
mempermudah KBM jadi kita In the third question, the writer
menggunakan code swithcing” (CL 3.8). asked about the important code switching
You can see on Appendices. used in online classroom activities. Then
the English teacher answered;

“Sebenernya sih ya penting gak penting ya, 4. Expressing group identity

tapi karena kita kan mayoritas orang The last reason are to expressing group
indonesia banget kan dan bahasa inggris identity, sometime someone who speaks
sebagai foreign language bukan second foreign language to expressing group
language jadi dimana bahasa inggris itu identity in because they want to expressing
sebagai bahasa asing, mereka umumnya some group identity.
belum mengerti bahasa inggris ya mungkin From four reasons above was used
merekapun cuma ngomong-ngomong by English teacher in online classroom
bahasa inggris gitu aja kan dilagu tapi activities where are the data based on the
mereka tuh gak tau artinya tuh apa, nah interview with English teacher at Eight
sebenernya itu penting untuk pembelajaran Grade in Islam Tirtayasa Junior High
karena memudahkan KBM”(CL 3.13). You School.
can see on Appendices. B. Discussion
From each reason the writer can 1. The Types of Code Switching That
conclude that the reason of using code Used by English Teacher in Eight
switching that used by English teacher such Grade at Islam Tirtyasa Junior High
as; School
1. Talking about particular topic a. Inter-Sentential Code Switching
People sometimes prefer to talk about a The first types of code switching
particular topic in one language. that used by English Teacher in Eight
2. Interjection Grade at Islam Tirtayasa Junior High
Interjection is words or expressions which School are Inter sentential code switching.
are inserted into a sentence to convey According to Holmes (2013, P. 44-45)
surprise, strong emotion that explains by “Inter sentential code switching is people
Hoffman. Therefore the used interjection is who are less proficient will tend to switch
as connector in their language. at sentence boundaries”. In the other hand,
3. Repetition for clarification each teacher has purpose in using these
According to Hoffman repetition is not only types for English teacher has one aim in
served on clarify what is said, but also to orders the student become easier to
amplify or emphasize a message. Therefore, understand when the teacher gives
the teacher used repetition in order the instruction. But make English teacher has
student can understand what the teacher purpose to the student more easily in
utterances. understanding the information. For example

of Inter sentential code switching for each which related to language culture and to
teacher below; convey a habitual for praying. For example
Teacher: I give you fifty minutes, kalau ga that mention by each teacher below
paham bisa ditanyakan, tinggal jawab true
Teacher: Okay class thank you for attention and for
or false and complete the text by Atiqah joint in this meeting, let say hamdalah (CL
(CL 1.53). 1.91).
From the example above, the Teacher: Nah, in part B there is an email
teacher switch their code to make an from Lidia to Johan (CL 2.70).
instruction and give information that From the example above, the teacher used
comprehensible for the student. their code based on their mother tongue
b. Intra-Sentential Code Switching like, nah, yaps, or insert short expression.
This type occur within in a Besides that the teacher used culture of
sentences, as define by Jendra (2010, p.75- language to said greeting in the classroom.
77) “this type found when a word, a phrase, 2. The Types of Code Switching That
a clause of a foreign language is found Unused English Teacher in Eight
within the sentences in a base language”. In Grade at Islam Tirtayasa Junior
this part, teacher purpose is to give an assist High School
for the students to understand the meaning In this part, the writer discuss about
of new vocabularies. types of code switching unused by English
For example that mention below; teacher in Eight Grade at Islam Tirtayasa
Teacher: Iya air udara yah bukan water (CL Junior High School.
1.75). Based on the observation, the types
From the example above, the that unused by English teacher in Eight
teacher switch their code to gives assist for Grade in Islam Tirtayasa Junior High
the students to understand the meaning of School are situation code switching and
new vocabularies and also to clarify their metaphorical code switching.
utterances According to Wardhaugh (2015,
c. Tag Switching p.98) “Situation code switching occurs
As define by Holmes (2013, p. 44- when the languages used change according
45) “Tag switching is simply an interjection to the situations in which the conversant
or a linguistic tag in the other language find themselves”. Therefore, this type can’t
which serves as an ethnic/culture identity manipulate in the classroom activities
marker”. The teacher purpose in using tag because the situation not changed. This
switching is to convey short expression classroom activities use online classroom

activities by Zoom Apps. The next code their codes about particular topic. For
switching that unused by English teacher in example from English teacher;
Eight Grade at Islam Tirtayasa Junior High Teacher: It's mean bahwa kejadian ini
School are metaphorical code switching. terjadi dimasa lampau atau sudah dilalu
According to Jendra (2010, P.75-77) bukan sedang berlangsung atau akan
“This type happens when there is a change berlangsung
in the perceptions or the purpose, or the In the sample above, the English
topic of the conversations”. Based on the teacher teaching recount text and the
observation, the teacher does not used code teacher explain about the meaning of
switching in their perception or opinion. recount text. In this case the teacher used
Therefore, that type unused by teacher in code switching in order when the teacher
Eight Grade in Islam Tirtyasa Junior High explains about the topic the students can be
School. understand.
From the explanation above, the b. Interjection (inserting sentence
writer concluded that types code switching fillers or sentence connectors)
used by English teacher in Eight Grade at Interjection is words or expressions
Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School are which are inserted into a sentence to convey
inter sentential code switching, intra surprise, strong emotion that explains by
sentential code switching and tag switching. Hoffman. Therefore the used interjection is
Moreover, the types of code switching that as connector in their language. In the other
unused by English teacher in Eight Grade at hand, the English teacher used interjection
Islam Tirtayasa Junior High School are in a sentence to indicate that the teacher
situational code switching and metaphorical wanted to attention from the student. For
code switching. example from the English teacher that
3. The Reason of Using Code Switching mention below;
That Used by English Teacher in Teacher: Udah udah stop kita lanjut ke part
Eight Grade at Islam Tirtayasa B yah
Junior High School In the example above, the teacher
a. Talking About Particular Topic gives strong emotions to students so that
People sometimes prefer to talk students can calm down and not be rowdy
about a particular topic in one language. and continue learning poses.
This reason came from English teacher. The c. Repetition for Clarification
English teacher feels comfort to switch According to Hoffman repetition is
not served to clarify what is said, but also to

amplify or emphasize a message. Therefore,

the teacher used repetition in order the 4. The Reason of Using Code Switching
students can understand what the teacher That Unused by English Teacher in
Eight Grade at Islam Tirtayasa
utterance but sometime the teacher used
Junior High School
repetition in another language. In this case In this part, the writer will discuss
came from English teacher. For Example about the reason unused English teacher in
that mention by teacher below; Eight Grade at Islam Tirtayasa Junior High
Teacher: How the weather? Cuacanya School.
gimana? Based on the interview, the reason
In the teachers’ utterances above, that unused by English teacher in Eight
teacher used code switching at the previous Grade at Islam Tirtayasa Junior High
sentences in order the students can be School are Quoting somebody else, being
understand at the English sentences that emphatic about something, and Intention of
repeat into Indonesia language. clarifying the speech content for
d. Expressing Group Identity interlocutor. All of them can’t manipulate
According to Hoffman expressing because the English teacher was convery
group identity in code switching is the ways that doing code switching should be based
people communicate with their group are on what our needed in classroom activities.
obviously different from the way they
Based on the explanation above, the
communicate with other people from other
writer can concluded that their reason in
groups. When the writer interviewed the
using code whitching from 7 reasons based
English teacher, she said about majority of
on Hoffman and Jendra theory from each
Indonesian people language. That mention
teacher based on gender inequality only
used 4 reasons. The reason are talking
Teacher: tapi karena kita kan mayoritas
about particular topic, repetition for
orang indonesia banget kan dan bahasa
clarification, interjection and expressing
Inggris sebagai foreign language bukan
group identity. Therefore, there are 3
second language jadi dimana b.inggris itu
reasons that unused by English teacher
sebagai bahasa asing
based on gender inequality ore quoting
In this case, the teacher want to
somebody else, being emphatic about
explain about English is foreign language
something, intention of clarifying the
for Indonesian people not second language.
speech content for interlocutor.

Based on data analysis the writer
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