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ISSN : 2012-6182



Department of Business Management

Faculty of Business Studies & Finance
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•Dr. K.A.M.S. Kodisinghe

Editorial Board
•Dr. T.K. Karandaka ya
•Dr. R.A. Rathnasiri
•Ms. P.A.B.H. Amarathunga
•Ms. D.M.T.D. Dissanayake

Editorial Advisory Board

•Dr. H.M.A. Herath
•Dr. K.A.S. Dhammika
•Dr. M.M.D.R. Deegahawathura
•Dr. R.A. Rathnasiri
•Mr. B.M. Wijesiri
•Dr. H.M.S.P. Herath


Page No

What Factors Direct the Customers’ Intention of 01-11

Purchasing Branded Apparels; An Investigation in the
Western Province in Sri Lanka
W.G.T. Dimagi & H.M.A. Herath

Human Behavior on the Development of Group 12-24

Technology: A Study in Sri Lankan Apparel Industry
A.K.D.N. Dilshani & U.L. Herat

The Relationship Between People-Related Elements of 25-39

Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and
Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Apparel Industry in
Gampaha District
K.G.K.S. Wijesingha & D.M.T.D. Dissanayake
Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

What Factors Direct the Customers’ Intention of

Purchasing Branded Apparel;
An Investigation in the Western Province in Sri Lanka

W.G.T. Dimagi1 & H.M.A. Herath2

Department of Business Management
Faculty of Business Studies & Finance
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
tharushadimagi@yahoo.com1 , herathhma@wyb.ac.lk2

More or less, the brand is a key factor in different industries. The concept of brand
personality as a human related component of the brand is pivotal in making the
consumer purchase intention favorable towards a particular brand of a product. In the
recent past, it can be seen a greater tendency of people throughout the world for more
concerning the green concept in industries due to the grown consciousness for
environmental protection. This tendency is gradually being extended even towards
customer behavior. This study tested a model which couples brand personality and
eco consciousness of consumers as independent variables and consumer purchase
intention as the dependent variable. The model was tested in the branded apparel
industry, since the brand name is a critical success factor in this industry. The
objectives of the study were to investigate the magnitude of effect of brand
personality and eco consciousness on consumers’ purchase intention of branded
apparels. The model was tested among randomly selected sample of 200 apparel
consumers in western province by using correlation and multiple regression analysis.
It was based on a comprehensive literature review and the research was designed as
a survey by collecting data from the sample using a standard questionnaire The
results revealed that both brand personality and eco consciousness has significant
positive impacts on consumer’s purchase intention. The findings imply that the
consumers have more concern whether the apparel manufactures comply with eco
friendliness when they make their purchasing decisions. The effect of brand
personality proves that it is also a significant factor in making consumers purchasing
decision on branded apparels. However, when the findings are compared with
previous studies in the world, obviously, the effect of two independent variables on
purchasing intention remains lower than the consumers in other western countries. It
gives a signal for Sri Lankan apparel manufactures for being proactive by preparing
their manufacturing processes to comply with eco friendliness since this lower level
of impact may become gradually stronger in line with global consumer behavior.
Moreover, they should make stronger the brand personality component by targeting

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

the characteristics of their market segment/s into consideration. It is proposed for the
future researchers to pay more attention specially on eco consciousness of Sri Lankan
consumers since the significance of the effect of the variable on consumer purchasing
behavior are to be reconfirmed.
Keywords: Brand personality, Eco consciousness, Apparel industry, Sri Lanka,
consumer behaviour

1. INTRODUCTION personality among other dimensions

of a brand name is thus a factor that
The consumer behavior in apparel may highly influence consumer choice
industry has its own characteristics and preference (Biel, 1993). it has
since the brand is a critical success been investigated as a dimension that
factor. Specially, the branded apparel generates value for the consumer and
consumers can be considered as a the company (D. A. Aaker, 1991,
separate segment due to their higher 1996). Some of the previous studies
concern on the brand name when they have asserted that the consumers find
are making purchasing decision it natural to build relationships with
(Gauzente and Roy 2012). In the brands (Fournier, 1998) and to embed
consumer buying behavior process, them with different personality
just before engaging in purchasing characteristics, such as ‘elegant’ or
action, the consumer makes an ‘confident’ (Aaker, 1997; Plummer,
intention to purchase. unless any 2000).
contingent factor prevents the action,
most probably, they implement the Some other studies have found that the
intention. According to Laroche & brand personality dimension is an
Zhol, (1996) purchase intention is important component for creating a
defined as the individual’s intention brand differentiation which may
on buying a specific brand of product. directly affect the Consumer’s
purchase decision (Aaker, 1997). As
In the consumer segment of branded per Wang and Yang, (2008), stronger
apparel, the brand name plays a the brand personality is, the higher the
critical role in influencing the consumers’ purchase intention toward
consumer purchase behavior. The the branded products.
many previous studies have proven the
influencing capacity of brand name in The brand personality largely
purchasing branded apparel by contributes to create the brand image
consumers. However, among the that have already been positioned
dimensions of brand name, the brand consumers’ minds rather than
personality has rarely studied in the positioning the original attributes or
Sri Lankan context. Aaker (1997) the characteristics of the product itself
defines brand personality as “a set of (Dick et al., 1990).
human characteristics associated to a
In recent past, the people at the global
brand.” Hence, the functions of self-
level had a more concern on eco
symbolization and self-expression are
friendliness with the spread of the
offered to the customers by brand
green concept. Some of the studies in
personality (Keller, 1993). The brand

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

western countries has considered how 1.1 The issue in the Sri Lankan
far consumers are conscious on eco context
system and how that concern affects
their purchasing behavior. It has been The Sri Lankan consumers have the
conceptualized as eco- consciousness freedom to choose the local brands of
of consumers. The eco-consciousness apparel and the market remains very
refers to the psychological factors that competitive. The common Sri Lankan
determine individuals’ propensity consumers are price sensitive and
towards pro environmental behaviors therefore, the price will influence their
(Zelezny and Schultz,2000). buying decisions Jayasingh and Eze
Consumers are becoming sensitive to 2012). However, the behavior of the
the extent of avoiding the purchasing branded apparel consumer segment
of environmentally harmful products. may be different from the common
Eco-consciousness is a consumers since they are mostly
multidimensional construct known to coming from the up market and likely
be influenced a person’s knowledge, to be brand and quality conscious.
attitude, behavior, intentions and Nevertheless, in this segment, the
actions (Singh and Gupta, 2013; studies related to consumer
Dunlap et al., 2002; van Liere and purchasing behavior is lacking. No
Dunlap 1981). studies have been conducted specially
for investigating eco consciousness of
As Lee et al. 2012 studied, the consumers in this segment in Sri
consumers’ perception of eco-friendly Lankan apparel industry. Since it is the
apparel brands provides positive branded apparel consumer segment,
influences to their purchasing the brand may play a pivotal role in
intention. Researches indicate that the consumer purchasing decision.
involvement in eco-conscious apparel Though there are few studies on the
acquisition increases among brand, brand loyalty and brand image,
consumers who understand how the brand personality has very rarely
branded apparel products affect the been studied. Therefore, a research
environment (Hustvedt and model with eco consciousness and
Dickson,2009; Stephens, 1985). Also brand loyalty as predictor variables
consumers’ purchase intention may be a parsimonious but strong
directly influences the green branded model in this segment.
apparel products, since such products
are eco-friendly, safe, and good for 1.2 The research Model
their health (Lai and Cheng 2016).
Some studies have shown that the Growth of the number of branded
consumers who are more likely to apparels clearly widened the
practice eco-friendly behavior tend to consumer choices in terms of
purchase more green branded apparel purchasing because consumers have a
products (Diamantopoulos et al., variety of brand positions in their
2003; Zimmer et al., 1994). mind when they go to buy clothes and
the consumer will ultimately decide
which apparel brand should purchase.
Therefore, how the brands positioned

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

in the mind of the consumer has been For answering the specified research
a decisive factor to attract more questions by testing the proposed
customers. As a result, it is interesting research model, four specific
to identify which factors are objectives were formulated as given
influencing Sri Lankan consumer below.
choice to buy branded apparel.
1.4 Research Objectives
Based on the premise discussed in the  To identify the level of purchase
literature on brand personality and intention of branded apparels
eco-consciousness and the features of among consumers in the Western
the segment in Sri Lankan context, the Province.
study conceptualized the research  To investigate the relationship
model as shown in Figure 1. between brand personality and
purchase intention of consumers
Brand in Western Province
Personality  To investigate the relationship
Purchase between eco consciousness and
Intention purchase intention of consumers
Eco in Western Province
consciousness  To explain the impact of brand
personality & eco-consciousness
Figure 1. Research Model on consumers’ purchase
Based on the conceptual model, the
following questions were answered by 1.5 Hypotheses
testing the model in Sri Lankan
context. For calculating the statistical values
for the two direct paths of the
1.3 Research Questions theoretical framework to find the
model fit to the real context, the study
 What is the level purchase formulated two hypotheses to prove
intention of branded apparels the relationships and the impacts of
among consumers in the Western the predictor variables and the
Province? criterion variable.
 What is the relationship between
brand personality and purchase H1: There is a positive relationship
intention? between Brand Personality and
 What is the relationship between Purchase Intention and brand
eco consciousness and purchase personality significantly affect the
intention? purchase intention.
 To what extent does each factor H2: There is a positive relationship
(brand personality and eco between eco consciousness and
consciousness) affects the purchase intention and eco
purchase intention? consciousness significantly affect the
purchase intention.

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

2. METHODS The descriptive analysis was

2.1. Research Design performed to identify the univariate
behavior of variables and to analyze
The current research aims to examine the sample characteristics.
the impact of brand personality & eco- 2.4 Testing Multivariate
consciousness towards the consumers' Assumptions
purchase intention. Accordingly, the
positivistic method is suited while Before performing the mainstream
deductive reasoning was the approach. data analysis for hypotheses testing,
The time horizon of the study was multivariate assumptions were tested
cross sectional and study setting was to check the suitability of variables for
non-contrive and unit of analysis was multiple regression analysis.
individual customers.
2.5 Normality
2.2 Population and Sample
When testing for normality, it was
The target population of this present mainly checked by using the Normal
work is the consumers in Western Q-Q Plots. The graphical
Province who purchase the branded representation of the plots indicates
apparels. The survey sampling frame that the data appears to be normally
couldn’t be defined since there were distributed as it follows the diagonal
no source of exact number of line closely and does not appear to
consumers. The sample size consisted have a non-linear pattern.
of 200 respondents whom were
selected as per the Morgan table. As the figure 2. indicates, the
independent variable brand
2.3. Measures, Data Collection and personality has no deviation from the
Analysis normal distribution and suitable for
using in the multiple regression
Survey questionnaire was used to
collect data for the purpose of this
study. In order to collect primary data,
a self-administered questionnaire was
used, and it requires respondents to
answer. the questions in a decided
order (de Vaus 2002). The
questionnaire was posed to the sample
members by using Google Forms. The
structured measurements were used to
operationalize the variables and they
were adapted for the current study.
Thus, having collected the completed
questionnaires from the online survey,
the data were analyzed by using the
correlation and multiple regression Figure 2. Q Q Plots for Brand
analysis for testing the hypotheses. Personality

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

Figure 3. Normal distribution of

Purchase Intention Figure 5. Linearity of the
Also, the figures 3 and 4. show the
2.7 Auto correlation
variables purchase intention and eco
consciousness are respectively
The auto correlations among variables
normally distributed proving their
were tested by estimating the Durbin-
suitability for using in the regression
Watson value. The value is according
to the table 1. is 1.864 and
approximates 2. Therefore, it can be
concluded that there is no auto

2.8 Multicollinearity

To test the assumption of

multicollinearity, VIF and tolerance
indices were used, the values are given
in the table 2.

Table 2. Multicollinearity statistics,

VIF and Tolerance values
Figure 4. Normal distribution of
Eco Consciousness

2.6 Linearity

Linearity of variables was assessed by

the examining the scatter plots. The
graphical representation of the scatter
plots for all variables indicates a good As per the collinearity statistics, the
linear relationship, which allows to VIF value of 1.464, means that it lays
conduct a linear regression between 1 to 10, it can be concluded
analysis. (figure 5.) that there are no multicollinearity

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

3. RESULTS Table 4. Pearson Correlation

3.1 Descriptive statistics
For understanding the beaviour
patterns of single variables
Descriptive statistics were estimated.
Accordingly, minimum and maximum
values, mean and standard deviation
were observed. The results show in the
table 3. Belo

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics

When the brand personality increases,

the purchase intention also increases.
As well as it shows significant value
In the table 3, it shows that the highest
of 0.000 and can be concluded that
mean value reports by brand
there is a statistically significant
personality while next value
correlation between brand personality
represents by eco consciousness. The
& purchase intention.
lowest mean value remains with
purchase intention. The mean value of The relationship between eco
brand personality & eco consciousness and purchase intention
consciousness is higher than the mean shows Pearson’s value of 0.674 which
value of purchase intention. was positive and there is a moderately
strong correlation. when the eco
3.2 Correlation Analysis consciousness increases, the purchase
intention also increases. The
The Pearson correlation coefficients significant value of 0.000 indicates
among variables were estimated to that there is a statistically significant
investigate the bivariate relationships correlation between eco consciousness
among independent and dependent & purchase intention. It means,
variables. (Table 4) One of the increases or decreases in eco
objectives of this study is to evaluate consciousness do significantly relate
the relationship between brand to increases or decreases in purchase
personality and purchase intention. intention.
This table shows Pearson’s value of
3.3 Regression analysis
0.439 was positive. The value
represents a moderately strong
correlation. As per the results of regression
analysis, the regression model
estimated shows a good fit with the

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

assumed model. It also indicates that ‘purchase intention of branded

the research mode tested exists in the apparels
real context of branded apparel
industry. Empirical results confirmed the
positive and statistically significant
Table 5. The Regression Model effect of brand personality on
Fit purchase intention. Therefore, it is
possible, in this study, to draw the
conclusion that brand personality has
an effect on consumers’ purchase
intention. Eco consciousness is also
positively correlating with consumers’
purchase intention. Therefore, it is
possible to draw the conclusion that
eco consciousness has an effect on
consumers’ purchase intention.
As the per the F statistic of the table 5. The results of this study related to
and P value being less than .001, it brand personality and purchase
proves a good model fit. Moreover, it intention is consistent with previous
indicates that brand personality and studies, (eg. Son et al. 2013;
eco consciousness are good predictors Vikkraman and Sumathi 2012).
of the dependent variable purchase Hence, it revealed that individual
intention. The β values for both consumers desire to see their very own
independent variables are also personal characteristics and identity in
significant at the significant level .001 selecting apparel products. They wish
and therefore both brand personality to differentiate themselves from others
and eco consciousness significantly in the society with a unique fashion
affect the consumers’ purchase sense. Also the results imply that
intention on branded apparels. branded apparel manufacturers have
Accordingly, as per the results of to make a major concern on the brand
correlation and regression analysis personality dimension of their brand.
two hypotheses formulated in this That dimension will be much helpful
study can be accepted. for strongly positioning a particular
brand in the mind of branded apparel
4. CONCLUSION AND consumers. From the side of
RECOMMENDATIONS consumers, it seems that they are
becoming more eco conscious and tis
This study aims were to investigate the mind set will be a stronger predictor of
brand personality & eco branded apparel purchase intention.
consciousness and their relationships However, when the results are
with and effect on purchase intention. compared with similar studies of
The correlation analysis, and the western, it can be observed that the
regression analysis confirmed the impact of eco consciousness is not so
significance of brand personality, eco stronger in the Sri Lankan context. It
consciousness in the consumers may imply for the Sri Lankan

Dimagi W.G.T., Herath H.M.A., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

manufactures to re think since it may to reconsider consumers’ intention

become stronger in the future with the when they compete in the open market
world increasing concern on the green
concept. While the results of the study are
beneficial for the existing
Also the present study profiling manufacturers and merchants in
consumer segments based on their apparel industry in particular similarly
preference for branded apparels non- it will be for the new comers who
branded apparels. Thus, it gives attempted to enter into the apparel
important implications for apparel market.
manufacturers. Based the findings,
consumers who prefer to buy For the future researchers in the field,
ecofriendly branded apparels tend to it can be suggested to conduct more
have a unique lifestyle and shopping studies specially focusing the eco
orientation. Interestingly, they are not consciousness of consumers and its
necessarily from the highest income trending growth. This variable applied
group, but they are big spenders on to not only to the branded apparel
clothing and are willing to pay higher industry but also other manufacturing
prices for brand, quality and image. industries. It is better to keep in touch
However, it revealed that their attitude with the changes of eco friendliness
towards the environment lead them to mind set of Sri Lankan customers
prefer ecofriendly branded apparels. despite the nature of the industry.

The results of the study on influencing Generalizability of the results of the

factors to the purchase intention would study to entire industry in Sri Lanka
have been a great advantage for the can be considered as one of the main
apparel manufacturers and retailers. In limitations of the study, as it was
view of the competitive landscape of carried out in a particular province and
the textile and apparel industry, it is results may not be considered as the
vital for the manufacturers, retailers, perception of the country as a whole.
marketers and other relevant parties to REFERENCES
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Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

Human Behavior on the Development of Group Technology:

A Study in Sri Lankan Apparel Industry
A.K.D.N. Dilshani1 & U.L. Herat2
Department of Business Management
Faculty of Business Studies & Finance
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
dilshani@wyb.ac.lk1, umangi@wyb.ac.lk2


Greater attention was paid to the increasing need of organizations for alternate
process solutions to integrate the efficiency of product flow layouts with the
flexibility of functional layouts. The solution, at least for some organizations, is group
technology (GT). Much GT studies focused on the technical concerns involved in
transforming functionally segregated operations into integrated multifunctional cells.
However, it is proposed that a complementary connection between technical and
human behaviour is required to ensure the optimization of GT implementations. In
that regard, the present research was primarily conducted to study the effect of human
behaviour on the implementation of the GT, especially referring to the apparel
industry in Sri Lanka, where the GT was introduced as a key strategy for process
improvement initiatives to reduce the burning issue of longer lead time. In addition,
the study aims to explore the key factors for implementing the GT and the perceived
benefits that can be obtained from the implementation of GT. A selection of 70
executives from the sewing departments of garment manufacturing organizations
where the GT concept was applied, was chosen on the basis of a judgmental sampling
technique. The questionnaire was the primary research instrument. Findings have
shown that high inventory storage, high lead time, quality problems and, as well as
dissatisfaction among staff, are the serious manufacturing issues that contributed to
the implementation of GT. Furthermore, the potential advantages of using GT include
improved productivity of employees, skills of workers, flexibility, on time delivery,
and product quality, while decreasing lead time, inventory level, set up time,
throughput time, and production and quality control cost. Employee resistance to
change has been shown to have the greatest detrimental effect on the implementation
of the GT.

Keywords: Group Technology (GT), Human Behaviour, Apparel Industry, Sri Lanka

1. INTRODUCTION and complex global economy,

challenges that have put in question
Many companies, large or small, face the effectiveness of traditional
serious challenges from a dynamic management methods. Some of these

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

challenges include growing demand more flexible than product layouts and
from customers for better quality much more efficient than process
products and services at lower prices, layouts. Variety of items within a
competitive pressures, keeping up certain range can be efficiently
with technological developments, and produced using a cellular layout
supplier pressures. To overcome these (Perera, 2009).
challenges and become more efficient,
organizations will have to create Since the late-1970s, the Sri Lankan
alternatives to hierarchies, change the apparel industry underwent rapid
way decisions are made, change the growth and continues to be the largest
way of doing business, redefine jobs, manufacturing market. The role
and make the necessary structural played by the apparel industry in Sri
changes (Lussier & Achua, 2003). Lanka is significant in many respects.
One popular approach to structural It is now becoming one of the
changes to meet these challenges has strongest manufacturing sub-sectors,
been the implementation of Group the largest export contribution, foreign
Technology (GT) in the organizations. exchange earnings, the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) and the
GT involves the redesign of a development of job opportunities
functionally organized small batch occupy a prominent role in this regard.
manufacturing facility (i.e., a job
shop) into a cellular layout in which Considering the output of Sri Lanka's
dissimilar but sequentially related industrial sector, the most important of
machines are relocated in physical these is apparel production. Similarly,
proximity to one another and the apparel industry is currently the
dedicated to the manufacture of a leading export-oriented industry in Sri
specific family of component parts Lanka and as well as it has provided
(Pullen, 1976; Wemmerlov & Hyer vast quantities of direct and indirect
1989). GT offers an opportunity to jobs to nearly 600,000 workers. But
combine the efficiency of product the industry is operated in such an
flow layouts with the flexibility of environment that they are the victim of
functional layouts (Anbumalar & low labour productivity, high WIP,
Sekar, 2015). In this type of layout, low labor utilization and higher
groups dissimilar machines into work manufacturing cost, excessive
cells to work on products that have manufacturing lead times. The most
similar processing requirements. GT important task for the industry is to
reduces the part movements since the reduce the lead time of garment
products are processed in a single cell. manufacturing (Kumar, Anbumalar,
Bala Ganesh and Mayandy, 2014).
It also reduces the scheduling
complexities. This layout is designed Garment manufacturing in
to obtain much of the efficiency of a comparison to most other
product layout without sacrificing manufacturing industries use light
flexibility. Using many cells, with weight machineries which are easily
facility with such a layout can produce movable during a changeover.
a variety of items. GT can be much Therefore, the present practice is to

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

rearrange the garment manufacturing changes do occur when companies

line when a garment style needs to be convert from functional
changed. The same machine manufacturing layouts to
arrangement may prevail for several manufacturing cells. These social
years for large order quantities or it changes along with the required
may last only few hours as the order technical modifications will require
quantities can be as small. As the careful attention by practitioners
fashion is changing rapidly, today’s because of their potential impact on
trend of the garment industry is to employee attitudes, motivation, and
move towards small order quantities. retention, and therefore the overall
Hence the garment manufacturing success of GT implementation (Fraser
lines should react fast for rapid et al).
changeover (Lanarolle and Ratnayake,
2014). GT is considered and adopted Most research on GT has focused on
by most garment manufacturing the technical issues involved in
organizations as core strategy in converting functionally segregated
process improvement initiatives. operations into integrated
multifunctional cells. Examples of
While there is no doubt about the these technical issues include
increasing popularity of GT, classification methods, physical
companies at large fall short of arrangements, methods for reducing
achieving benefits that were perceived set-up time, and design of work flow
as being important to GT adoption sequence. By comparison, research on
(Fraser et al). However according to the human or social side of GT has
Udo & Ehie (1996) only half of those been notably lacking (Huber &
companies adopting GT ever attain Brown, 1991). It is now clear that not
successful implementation. Study also only the technical factors but also
revealed that a considerable gap exists human factors play significant role in
between the organizations’ the success of GT.
expectations and their actual
achievements of GT benefits. As the garment industry is more
people involved process it is critical to
It is argued that a contributing reason obtain the positive commitment of
why the full benefits of GT have not people in the implementation of any
been achieved is due to the fact that the technique (Lanarolle and Ratnayake,
research literature on cellular 2014). Accordingly, this study was
manufacturing over the last 15 years primarily conducted to study the
has to an overwhelming degree impact of human behavior on the
focused on the development of implementation of GT specially
procedures to solve the cell formation referring to the apparel industry in Sri
problem (machine order/layout, Lanka. Moreover, study tries to
family part grouping, work flow investigate the main reasons for
sequence) (Wemmerlov & Johnson, implementing GT and the perceived
2000). To a large degree this is also benefits that can be gained from
true in practice. It is now accepted that implementing GT.
a number of fundamental social

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

1.1 Research Problem clear from the literature that GT

should not be viewed merely as a
GT is a well-known strategy in technical, engineering-dominated
removing many of the inefficiencies problem but as a change process
associated with functional batch-type where the people elements play a very
manufacturing environments. It is important role in the success of GT
widely accepted that the successful (Wemmerlov & Johnson, 1997; Park
implementation of GT will bring much & Han, 2002; Chakravorty & Hales,
benefits such as reducing delivery lead 2004). But, by comparison, research
times, set up time, lot size, work-in- on the human or social side of GT has
process inventory and defects, while been notably lacking (Huber &
improving product quality, worker Brown, 1991).
productivity, & process
improvements. Within these enablers It is now accepted that not only the
there is no doubt that organizations are technical factor but also human factors
willing to apply GT in their have significant impact in the success
organizations. As discussed in the of cellular layout. But the impact of
introduction. However according to human or social side on the success of
Udo & Ehie (1996) only half of those the GT is a missing field. So this study
companies adopting GT ever attain tries to reduce that gap.
successful implementation.
1.2 Literature Review
The investigation is then open to Over the past 15 years there have been
explore why organizations couldn’t various attempts by researchers to
get the full benefits of GT. To explore develop models for the
the reasons many literature has implementation of GT. Some of these
predominantly focused on technical models have built on previous work
issues (machine order/layout, family while others have focused on
part grouping, work flow sequence) individual areas of the implementation
using mathematical or simulation process. What is missing from the
methodologies (Singh, 1993; perspective of practitioners is a
Kazerooni, 1997; Shambu & Suresh, comprehensive step-by-step guide of
2000; Albadawi et al, 2005).it is also the various phases to implement GT.
confirmed by the early study The earlier work had a strong focus on
conducted by Fazakerley (1976) the design phase of manufacturing
stating that, companies introducing cells with the major consideration
cellular manufacturing have being given to the technical factors
concentrated on such technical issues (machine order/layout, family part
as classification methods, the design grouping, and work flow sequence).
of the workflow sequence and the The more recent research has
physical arrangement of machinery identified the importance of the human
for reducing set‐up times. factors in GT along with strategic and
operational considerations, without
However, Wemmerlov & Johnson providing a comprehensive model
(1997) found that ‘people’ issues
outnumbered ‘technical’ issues. It is

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

combining all the various facets system design that considers both
(Fraser et al). technical and social dimensions. In
concluding, the authors revealed that
In the initial study of GT, Wemmerlov there are several key factors
& Johnson (1997) revealed that significantly affect the successfully
manufacturing cells can provide introduction of manufacturing cells.
substantial benefits; however, These include ‘selling’ the need for
implementing GT is not merely an change, general decisions about
issue of rearranging the factory layout, structure and operation, analysis of
but more importantly an issue that social and technical subsystems, cell
involves and effects the organizational assignments, detailed design, and
and human aspects of the implementation. They go to add that in
manufacturing firm. Surrounding cell contrast to existing GT literature,
conversions, the authors found that the these elements paint a far more
number of comments about ‘soft’ comprehensive picture of the change
(people) issues exceeded the number process and suggest areas where future
about ‘hard’ (technical) ones. As is the research may be targeted.
case with other studies, the authors
found that successful change is more In an attempt to determine
dependent on organizational than performance obstacles in GT
technological factors. They also found implementation, Park & Han (2002)
that ‘planning cannot be emphasized found that four factors played an
enough (and) small, incremental important role: information
successes should be the basis for requirements, training and education
larger, integrated cell systems’. of workers, supervision, and
teamwork skill. These findings were
The early empirical work to develop recently supported by another study of
social system factors that supported human related issues in GT. In a
GT success were conducted by Huber survey of both operators and
& Hyer (1985); Huber & Brown managers, Bidanda et al (2005) found
(1991). Huber & Brown (1991) used that the most important human factors
socio-technical systems (STS) were communication, teamwork, and
theories and human resource training.
management practices to provide
implementation guidelines for According to Fraser et al, to obtain the
successful implementation of GT. full benefits of GT, successful
Based on STS theories; they suggest implementation is a critical factor.
that a complementary match between Evidence indicates that firms
technical and social systems is needed converting to GT often struggle with
to ensure optimization of GT implementation and achieving results
implementations. that are less than anticipated. A
comprehensive review of
Based on a review of both existing cell implementation literature was
design approaches and socio-technical undertaken and a multi-phase model
systems (STS) theory literature, Hyer developed and tested through a case
et al (1999) propose a model of cell study. The framework recognizes the

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

importance of both technical and manufacturing organizations in Sri

human aspects of GT and provides Lanka. It was further narrowed
better understanding of the various geographically to the North Western
phases in the implementation process, province. The sample consisted with
including the many decisions which seventy garment factories where GT
need to be considered for each step. concept has already been
implemented. Judgmental sampling
In their study Wemmerlov & Johnson procedure was being applied to select
(1997), found that the most common 70 garment manufacturing
problem faced by firms in connection organizations in North Western
with establishment of manufacturing province in Sri Lanka where the GT
cells were related to cell design, the concept was applied. Then, 70
implementation process, and human executives from the sewing
issues. The importance of user department, were selected as value
involvement in effective change is addition for a garment mainly
also a frequent theme in the happened in the sewing department. A
implementation literature. total of 70 questionnaires together
Restructuring the factory to adopt GT with the covering letter explaining the
should not be viewed merely as a purpose of the study and the
technical, engineering-dominated confidential letter were sent through
problem but as a change process email and personally to the
where the people element dominates. respondents and 60 questionnaires
were returned to the researchers with
Park & Han (2002), commented that 86% of response rate.
GT implementation is a rich and wide
research area where interdisciplinary The structured questionnaire was
participation seems fruitful’. In a developed based on the existing
study of performance obstacles in GT literature. The questionnaire was
implementation, they found that the arranged into two sections. The first
major factors were: training and section was designed to collect data
education, information, teamwork relating to respondents demographic.
skill, supervision, and scheduling. The second section consists with
questions relating to motivational
2. RESEARCH force for applying the GT, benefits of
METHODOLOGY GT, and confronted human relation
obstacles in implementing the GT
The study adopted descriptive survey concept in the organization. Collected
design which involved quantitative and compiled data were analyzed
exploratory methods. As the data for using Statistical Package for the Social
this study will be collected at a single Science (SPSS). A reliability and
point in time, the study was cross- validity analyses were performed at
sectional in time horizon. the beginning of the analysis.
Statistical measures such as mean,
The unit of analysis is the individual standard deviation and percentages
level. The target population of the were used. Multiple regression
study is large scale garment analysis was used to measure the

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

impact of human barriers/ obstacles on Preliminary Analyses

the dependent variable of
implementation of GT. It is essential to calculate the validity
and reliability of measures used in the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION study before analyzing the data. The
Cronbach Alpha value is considered as
The demographic characteristics of a measure of scale reliability.
the respondents are shown in table 1. Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.869
Accordingly, 28 respondents were indicating excellent level of reliability
female (47%), and 32 respondents according to Gliem & Gliem (2003).
were male (53%). 27% of the Univariate and bivariate normality
participants’ ages were between 20- was tested by using KMO test and
29, 35% of participants’ ages were Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity.
between 30-39, and 38% were over 40 Accordingly, KMO measure for all the
years old. 23% of participants were constructs is above 0.6 indicating the
bachelors. In terms of working sample is adequate. Bartlett’s Test of
experience, 42% of the respondents Sphericity is significant (>0.05) for all
have less than 5 years working construct which indicating sufficient
experience, 52% have 5-10 years, and correlation exists among items to
6% have more than 10 years working proceed.
Table 1. Demographic Reasons for Applying GT
Characteristics of Respondents
In order to understand the main
reasons for introducing GT, the
respondents were asked to specify the
different production problems faced
by their organizations. According to
the respondents point of view high
inventory storage and high lead time is
the severe production problem which
caused to implement the GT in
garment factories. It is also important
to point out that quality problems and
as well as worker dissatisfaction is
also play as a motivational force in
applying GT system.

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

Figure 1. Reasons for Applying GT

Perceived Benefits of GT benefits gained from implementing

the GT are increased worker
In the survey instrument, the productivity, worker skills and
respondents were asked to rate their flexibility has increased, product
perception on the benefits of quality has increased, on time
implementing GT. The reasons and delivery, decreased lead time, reduced
their relative importance were inventory level, reduced set up time
considered. Multiple benefits have and throughput time, reduction of
been identified as critical because the production and quality control cost.
average respondent view is not less
than 4. According to analysis the main
Table 2. Benefits Gained from GT

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

Human Related Issues in Implementing GT

Table 3. Human Related Issues in Implementing GT

The major Barriers / obstacles in resistance is the prominent barrier for

applying GT are presented in the the implementation of GT system in
above table. In the questionnaire the Indian firm. Lack of knowledge
respondents were asked to degree the about GT principles and techniques
barriers faced by them when applying and as well as lack of training and
GT technique. The responses were education in the use of GT techniques
evaluated based on three point Likert is also identified as major obstacles in
scale (never a barrier (3), occasionally applying GT system.
a barrier (2) and always a barrier (1)).
The workers’ resistance is the most Hierarchical Multiple Regression
significant barrier when applying GT Analysis
system (mean = 1.2 and SD = 0.31). In order to test the effect of human
Similar results were found in another related barriers on the implementation
study conducted by Dixit & Gupta in of GT, multiple regression analysis
2013. According to authors workers’ was performed.

Table 4. Model Summary

According to the model summary the multiple regression model. As the

table, multiple correlation is 0.79 value exceeds 60%, it is concluded
which indicates that human related that the model is well fitted. Durbin-
issues are having strong joint Watson test statistics is 1.87 which
association with the implementation falls in between 1.5 – 2.5, signifying
of GT. Coefficient of determination is the fact that the residuals of the
0.62, indicating that 62% of GT regression model are independent and
implementation has been explained by tend to be appropriate.

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

Table 5. F- test Statistics

In relation to the regression ANOVA the all independent variables jointly

result, probability of F test statistics influence on the dependent variable of
happened to be highly significant as implementation of GT.
the P value is 0.00, interpreting that

Table 6. Coefficients

The results of the multiple regression since all are below 0.05 significant
analysis further verifies the fact that level. In contrast, influence of trade
seven out of nine independent unions and communication barriers
variables (except influence of trade are individually insignificant as the P
unions and communication barriers) values are higher than 0.05. Hence,
have negative influence on the these factors are removed from the
implementation of GT. Worker model. Additionally, all the variance
resistance to change found to be influencing factors (VIF) are less than
having the greatest impact which is 10, indicating data set is free from
closely followed by lack of knowledge multicollinearity problem and model
and trading. In addition to that fear of is appropriate.
losing jobs, lack of involvement from
top management and managers’
resistance happened to be significant

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

4. CONCLUSION Effective communication before,

during, and after the change
When applying GT, organizations implementation process will prevent
need to provide keen attention on misunderstandings, false rumors and
human resource issues such as conflicts. It is important that those
employee resistance to change, responsible for implementing change
knowledge and training of GT not hear about it from second hand
technique, top management sources (Lussier & Achua,2003).
involvement to get the fullest benefits Most organizations will begin the GT
of GT. As garment industry is more conversion with a large pool of
people involved process, it is critical employees who are not attuned to
to obtain the positive commitment of group work, and initial training must
the people in the implementation of be geared to convince them of the
GT. The most effective way of general effectiveness of group
obtaining positive contribution from problem solving (Huber & Brown,
the people through education and 1991). Following that, training in
training. group interaction skills may be
necessary. Components of this
Change disrupts the status quo and training may include oral
often leads to stress, discomfort, and communication skills, listening, joint
for some even dislocation. These problem solving, and negotiation.
conditions motivate people to resist According to the point of Schuler and
change. Attempts to implement Huber (1990) an organization may
change are more likely to be need to provide cell members with
successful if leaders understand the training in basic skills, interpersonal
reasons behind employees’ resistance skills, and conceptual/integrative
to change. According to Lussier & skills. Interpretation of statistical
Achua (2003) the most common process control charts, review of
reasons why people resist change are; documents, and report writing, are
threat to one’s self interest, likely to make this training essential.
Uncertainty, lack of confidence that Interpersonal and
change will succeed, lack of conceptual/intergrative skills also may
conviction that change is necessary, help employees to solve problems,
distrust of leadership, threat to listen to coworkers, develop intra- and
personal values, fear of being inter-cell coordination mechanisms
manipulated. So, it is recommended to and interpret data, all of which will
minimize employee resistance by enable them to meet the new
applying several techniques such as; requirements of the GT work
effective communication before, environment. As well as allow time
during and after the application of GT, after training for the team members to
effective training and development, bond with one another and form team
empowering employees, employee skills.
involvement programmes,
establishing supportive reward Reward Structures. Reward structures
structure, and as well as upgrading top address the ways in which people are
managers involvement. compensated for work. Reward

Dilshani A.K.D.N., Herat U.L., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

systems which promote teamwork will Huber, V.L., and Hyer, N.L., 1985,
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can create tremendous conflict
between interdependent employees or Huber, V. L. and Brown, K. A., 1991,
work units. Two major compensation Human resource issues in cellular
system options likely to promote manufacturing: a sociotechnical
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gain-sharing and profit sharing. Management, 10, 138±159.
Strong support from senior
management is crucial to ensure that Hyer, N. L. and Brown, K. A., 1999,
they support the efforts to implement The discipline of real cells.
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requires careful attention on team
members’ problems, allocate the Kumar A.A.S., Anbumalar, V.,
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training opportunities for the team (2014). Implementation of
members to perform their task Cellular Manufacturing Systems
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organizational culture where GT can study. International Journal of
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Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

The Relationship Between People-Related Elements of

Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and
Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Apparel Industry in
Gampaha District

D.M.T.D. Dissanayake1 & K.G.K.S. Wijesingha2

Department of Business Management
Faculty of Business Studies & Finance
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
tanyad@wyb.ac.lk1, ksriwije@gmail.com2
Apparel manufacturing sector is the largest industrial sector in terms of density of
employees. Over the last few decades, the importance of TQM has emphasized as a
mean of competitive advantage. Peo in apparel industry. people-related TQM
practices (PRTQM) have identified as the most important practices for organizational
success. People- related practices mainly involve with soft performance of the
organization. Therefore, the focus of the present study is to examine the relationship
between people-related elements of Total Quality Management practices and
Employees’ Job satisfaction in Apparel Industry in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. In
Sri Lanka, the data were collected from 110 employees using convenience sampling
technique from Production Managers and Supervisors in selected garment factories
in Gampaha district with 94% response rate. The study finds a positive relationship
between people- related TQM practices and employees’ job satisfaction. Among six
independent variables, Top Management Leadership, Employee Empowerment,
Employee Involvement, Teamwork and Compensation had the significant
relationship with employees’ job satisfaction. The results of this study show that
Employee Training has no significant relationship with employees’ satisfaction.
Finally, the study concludes that, only five TQM elements (Top Management
Leadership, Employee Empowerment, Employee Involvement, Teamwork and
Compensation) could impact on employee satisfaction in the apparel industry.
Keywords: People- related TQM Practices, Job Satisfaction, Apparel industry

1. INTRODUCTION 2014). Therefore, committed

employees in an organization may
Organizational workforces perform consider as an asset to that
vital role in executing organizational organization in achieving
strategies (Lillly & Maheshwari organizational success. Further,

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

“employee satisfaction” has techniques are concerned to be

considered as one of the important applicable throughout any type of
determinants of employees‟ organization (Magd & Curry 2003).
commitment level (Ko & Boo 2004, Those techniques are alike useful in
Ofoegbu & Joseph 2013) along with organizations engage in
employee attitude and commitment. manufacturing (Prajogo & cooper
2010), public services (Amin &
According to Lillly & Maheshwari Ahmad, 2015), education (Bradley,
(2014), satisfied employees lead to Petrescu & Simmons, 2004), health
great performance in any type of care, and hospitality industries.
organization. Jha & Kumar, 2012
stated that employees‟ negative Introduction of TQM methods can
feelings may lead to behaviors that adjust and modify organizations‟
harmful to the organization while the work practices and even thinking
employee satisfaction influences on pattern of mangers (Magd & Curry
important aspects of the organization 2003). There are uncertainties in
such as productivity and success. empirical researches about the TQM
Therefore, it can be seen the techniques and concepts used in
consecutive relationship among organizations in different countries
employee satisfaction, employee and sectors. According to Yapa (2012)
commitment, and organizational the techniques used by different
performance. researchers to assess the level of TQM
implementation in different countries
Quality thinking in organizations are also different.
started with inspection then evolved
into quality control, which evolved As TQM proponent stated, ultimate
into quality assurance and then to goal of TQM is customer satisfaction
quality management (Hoyle, 2007).In (Prajogo & cooper, 2010). According
1979, Crosby has identified 14 steps of to Matzler K, Fuchs and Schubert,
quality improvement includes (2004) the employees may be treated
management commitment, quality as internal customers if the product or
improvement teams, employee service delivery chain seen as a system
education, and recognition ( Samuel, with interrelated and mutually
2011). In 1986, Edward Deming also supportive components. In order to
identified similar 14 points for quality satisfy external customers, it is
management such as leadership, essential to satisfy the internal
continuous improvement, on the job customers first hence external
training, education and self – customer satisfaction cannot be
improvement, and put everybody to achieved without internal customer
work (Samuel, 2011). (employee) satisfaction (Prajogo &
cooper, 2010).
TQM philosophies and concepts
emerged as the organizations which TQM is a comprehensive quality
are making their every effort to management philosophy. TQM
achieve and maintain competitiveness requires the integration of every
is increasing day by day (Magd &
person, activity and process within the
Curry 2003). TQM methods and

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

organization (Ahire, Golhar & Waller, product and beverages despite of the
1996). Different studies suggest that second largest number of
impact of TQM principles on establishments and highest density of
organizational performance (Kumar, employees.? Here it arises the problem
et al., 2009), financial performance, what affects the productivity of
and operational performance employees in this apparel
(Kuruppuarachchi & Perera, 2010) in manufacturing and dyeing industry.
the literature (Ahire , Golhar &
According to Matzler, Fuchs &
Waller, 1996; Hakes, 1991; Garvin &
Schubert, (2004) employee
David, 1988; Hoang, et al., 2006).
satisfaction acts as a driver of
1.1 Research Problem productivity and an employee with
high level of job satisfaction holds
Sri Lankan economy comprises with positive attitude towards the job. It has
three main sectors such as service, been identified that satisfied
agriculture and industry (Department employees tend to be more productive
of census and statistics, Sri Lanka). In than an employee who is dissatisfied
the industry sector there are mainly (Ofoegbu & Joseph, 2013; Parvin &
three categories such as Kabir, 2011).
manufacturing, mining and quarrying,
and electricity, gas and water supply According to Parvin & Kabir, (2011)
(Department of Census and Statistics, “the level of pay and benefits, the
Sri Lanka). perceived fairness of the promotion
system within a company, the quality
In 2014 highest labour productivity (as of the working conditions, leadership
measured by GDP per hour worked, in and social relationships, and the job
2002 prices) growth of 8.7% has itself determines the employee job
observed in the industry sector satisfaction. Other influences on
(Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 2014). satisfaction such as management style
These statics show that even with and culture, employee involvement,
highest density of employees and with empowerment, and autonomous
the second highest establishments in workgroups (Amin & Ahmad, 2015;
manufacturing sector, manufacturing Prajogo & cooper, 2010).
of wearing apparel, dressing and
dyeing of fur has recorded less value Previous literature proves that, job
of input and output satisfaction resulting from TQM
implementation will lead to a greater
The problems arise on why commitment in adopting TQM
productivity in manufacturing of programs and producing intended
wearing apparel, dressing and dying of results, high quality performance
fur is less than manufacturing of food (Lam, 1996). Therefore, one of the

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

roles of the ‘soft’ TQM factors is to between PRTQM and job satisfaction
create an environment where the in the context of appeal industry.
‘hard’ TQM can be implemented by
1.2 Research Objectives
empowering and supporting
employees to maximize their potential General objective of this study is to
in contributing to the achievement of identify the relationship of the people-
high quality outcomes of their work related TQM practices on employee
job satisfaction in apparel sector in
(Rahman and Bullock, 2002).
Gampaha District of Sri Lanka. In
The arguments suggesting a link order to achieve that broader objective
between people-related TQM following specific sub objectives have
being identified;
practices and job satisfaction have
been discussed in the literature with  To find the relationship between
several of them being highlighted leadership and job satisfaction of
below (Ahire et al., 1996; Anderson et the employees.
al., 1995; Black and Porter, 1996).  To find the relationship between
compensation on opportunities
Job satisfaction is identified as the for teamwork and job satisfaction
main construct which effects on of the employees.
employees' commitment level, which  To find the relationship between
leads to the productivity of the human employee involvement and job
resource. There is a shortage of satisfaction of the employees.
adequate empirical findings in the area  To find the relationship between
of TQM, to ensure the impact of employee empowerment and job
PRTQM practices on employees' job satisfaction of the employees.
satisfaction (Boon, Arumugam, Safa,  To find the relationship between
& Bakar, 2006; Amin & Ahmad, training and job satisfaction of
2015). Therefore, there is an empirical the employees.
gap in the present study.  To find the relationship between
Teamwork and job satisfaction of
So, with the previous literature the the employees.
problem has been clearly depicted as
the PRTQM practices were identified 1.3 Literature Review
and tested in many contexts and also
in the appeal industry. The scope was Employee job satisfaction
tested in the Sri Lankan context as Employee job satisfaction can be
well and the findings of Chathurika et defined as “a pleasurable or positive
al, 2016 also proved that there a emotional state resulting from the
significant impact of PRTQM appraisal of one's job experience”
(Locke cited in Saiyadain,2003). It is
practices on job satisfaction.
a feeling consists of employee’s
Therefore, there is a research gap cognitive, affective and evaluative
reactions to their jobs (Saiyadain,

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

2003). According to the above satisfaction leadership, training,

literature employee satisfaction may employee empowerment, employee
simply define as emotional state involvement, teamwork, and
within employees influenced by and to Compensation.
employees‟ job experience (Ofoegbu
& Joseph , 2013). Maintaining a loyal People-related TQM practices
workforce is a qualification for a Several authors categorized TQM
successful TQM implementation elements into two discrete groups, that
(Changa et al, 2010). is, soft TQM and hard TQM (Vouzas
The growing interest on employee and Psyhogios, 2007; Lau and Idris,
satisfaction has led to the studies about 2001; Wilkinson et al., 1994). Hard
antecedence and the consequence in TQM refers to the various quality
TQM literature (Matzler, Fuchs & tools and techniques whereas the soft
Schubert, 2004). Parvin & Kabir , aspects emphasize the management of
2011 have studied about the factors human resources (Wilkinson et al.,
like working condition, pay and 1994). In other words, the soft aspects
promotion, job security, relation with deal mainly with people. Luthans
co-workers, and relation with (1995) defined TQM as a participative
supervisors. Khuong & Tien, 2013 system whereby all employees are
have studied supervisor’s support, empowered to take responsibility and
working environment, training, fringe contribute towards quality
benefit and teamwork as important management in the organization.
contributing factors for employees‟ In the pursuit for organizational
job satisfaction. Those studies have excellence, TQM captures the
commonly suggested determinants quintessence of the people-related
such as: leadership, training and practices such as teamwork, employee
development, employee participation, empowerment and involvement,
reward and recognition, customer extensive training, management
focus, empowerment, team work, and commitment, as well as reward and
communication as management recognition to be implemented
practices recognized in the area of together with its quality improvement
Human Resource Management tools and techniques (Yue et al, 2002).
(HRM) practices (Boon, et al, 2006) Fotopoulos and Psomas (2009) noted
as determinants of employee that both soft and hard TQM elements
satisfaction. have varied impact on the quality
In this study, the discussion of people- management results and they opined
related TQM practices is based on an that quality improvement is influenced
enhanced version of Prajogo and primarily by soft TQM elements and
Cooper’s (2009) identification of secondarily by hard TQM elements.
TQM key practices that sustain an Brah et.al., (2000) found that
organization’s business strategy intangible features such as top
towards job satisfaction. Thus, the six management support, teamwork,
people-related TQM practices employee empowerment and
selected in relation to employee employee involvement, play a
significant role in ensuring success of

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

TQM in improving company’s Employee Training

Importance of training is highlighted,
This underscores the importance of unless employees have received
analyzing the soft elements, more formal and systematic training in
accurately, the people-related quality management, other TQM
practices of TQM. Morrison and elements such as; employee
Rahim (1993) and Hoogervorst et al. empowerment and involvement would
(2005) noted succinctly that effective not be effective (Ahire, Golhar, &
management of human resources is the Waller, 1996).Training is a valuable
core ingredient of success in TQM. source for employee to expand their
This statement is further supported by knowledge and skills to engage team
both Yang (2006) and Jimenez and work for the efficient manner
Costa (2009) whose empirical (Changaeat al, 2010). Training can be
research revealed that synergy indifferent forms such as; on the job
between HRM and TQM practices training or information can be
yielded positive tangible and provided to employees about
intangible results educational programs available in
Top management leadership professional institutions (Pekar,
1995).The positive and significant
Leadership is considered as the impact of training on employees' job
preliminary step (Prajogo & satisfaction has been identified in the
Cooper,2010) and critical ingredient literature (Boon,Arumugam, & Hwa,
(Chang, Chiu,& Chen, 2010) before 2005; Prajogo &Cooper, 2010). The
an organization starts with putting growing interest in employee
TQM in implementation because the satisfaction has led to the studies about
right tools and the right systems to do the antecedents and consequences in
a good job by employees can be TQM literature (Matzler,Fuchs, &
supplied only by management (Pekar, Schubert, 2004).
1995).Managers of all layers of the
organization must be committed to The related studies have emphasized
quality improvement(Pekar, 1995) the factors contributing to employees'
and that must be visible(Ahire, job satisfaction such as; training and
Golhar, & Waller, 1996). In previous development,
studies the role of top management in leadership, teamwork, pay and
providing leadership had received a promotion, employee participation,
great deal of attention (Changa et al, employee empowerment as
2010) and the strong relationship management practices recognized in
between leadership behavior and the area of HRM (Boon, Arumugam,
employees‟ job satisfaction has & Hwa, 2005; Parvin & Kabir, 2011;
empirically identified (Prajogo & Khuong & Tien, 2013) and TQM
cooper, 2010) lterature (Chang, Chiu, & Chen, 2010;
Amin & Ahmad, 2015; Ahire, Golhar,
& Waller, 1996). So, based on the
literature following variables were

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

used for the present study to denote the (QCC) and quality improvement
independent variable. teams (Prajogo & Cooper,2010).
Working as a team leads to better
Employee involvement employee attitude and supportive
relationship between members
Employee involvement or
facilitates the work (Alsughayir,
participation in quality improvement
2014). Because working as a team
is central and this requires developing
leads to better employee attitudes and
both top-down and bottom-up
a supportive relationship between
communication channels, providing a
members facilitate the work
mechanism for employees, give their
(Alsughayir, 2014). Team
concerns and suggestions on quality
achievements of established goals
issues and direct participation in the
should be recognized (Pekar P & Jach,
decision making process (Prajogo &
Cooper, 2010). Organizations can
develop formal systems to encourage,
track, and reward employee 2. METHODS
involvement but, if the extent and In this study conceptual framework
quality of participation declines, it designed to find out impact of people
may lead to dissatisfaction of the related elements of TQM on
workforce (Ahire, Golhar, & Waller, employees’ job satisfaction.
2.1 Conceptual Framework
Employee Empowerment
Conceptual framework has been
TQM proponents and scholars have developed by using theoretical
been made that the empowerment as perspectives and literature those has
one of the key elements of TQM and being mentioned previously.
without it continuous improvement
will become impossible (Prajogo &
Cooper, 2010). One of the key
elements of TQM is employee
empowerment involves encouraging
employees to respond to quality
related problems and it also requires
supply them with the resources and
authority to do so (Prajogo & Cooper,
2010). In previous studies it has been
empirically supported the strong
positive relationship between
empowerment and job satisfaction
(Prajogo & Cooper, 2010).

Teamwork takes place in various Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
forms such as; quality control circles

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

As per the model there are 6 internal consistency of the component

independent variables (Top and validity test to check validity of
Management Leadership, Employee the study and descriptive analysis such
Empowerment, Employee as mean, standard deviation,
Involvement, Teamwork and percentage and frequency and
Compensation, Training) to measure correlation analysis was carried out to
the relationship with dependent examine the relationship between the
variable (Employee Job satisfaction). dependent variable
Accordingly, 6 hypotheses were
developed in order to measure the 3. RESULTS
All variables were measured with
There’s a significant relationship questions adapted from existing
between leadership and job scales. All items were measured on a
satisfaction of the employees. five-point Likert-type scale where 1 =
strongly disagree and 5 = strongly
There’s a significant relationship agree.
between compensation on
opportunities for teamwork and job In this study majority (71.84%) of
satisfaction of the employees. respondent were male. Majorities
(54.4%) of respondent were in 26-35
There’s a significant relationship age category, 94% employees were
between employee involvement and work as permanent employees, 47.6%
job satisfaction of the employees. of respondents had 1-3 years of
There’s a significant relationship experience in current job position,
between employee empowerment and 45.6% had experience in current field
job satisfaction of the employees. of 1-3 years and 45.5% had 1-3 years
of experience in current company.
There’s a significant relationship
between training and job satisfaction Normality Test
of the employees. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test is a
There’s a significant relationship measure of how suited the data is for
between Teamwork and job factor analysis. The test measures
satisfaction of the employees. sampling adequacy for each variable
in the model and for the complete
In this study, primary data were model. The lower the proportion, the
collected by using structured more suited the data is to factor
questionnaire. Population of this study analysis. KMO returns values between
were Production Managers and 0 and 1. KMO value more than 0.5
Supervisors in Apparel Industry in generally indicates that factor analysis
Gampaha district and sample include is useful.
one hundred and ten number of
employees which has been carefully
chosen from the selected apparel
factories in Gampaha district. The
study used Reliability test to check

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

Table 1. KMO and Bartlett's Test Correlation Analysis

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling .789 Table 3. Correlation between
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi- 207.753 dependent and independent
Df 21 variables
Sig. .000

Source: Survey Data

This table shows KMO value of 0.789

for the complete model of this study.
This indicates that factor analysis is
useful with the data collected.
Reliability Analysis
As Table 3.1 illustrates, all six TQM
variables and job satisfaction are
measured by their corresponding
items. The alpha coefficient for all six
TQM elements is approximately
greater than 0.7. These results suggest
that items of variables have relatively
high internal consistency.
Table 2. Cronbach’s alpha According to the results obtained from
coefficient the correlation analysis here
researcher has found that all
Variable Alpha value Number of items independent variables are significant
Leadership 0.815 11 at 0.01 levels. But According to the
Employee training 0.730 5
data, only five independent variables,
Employee empowerment 0.703 2
Leadership, Employee empowerment,
Employee involvement 0.719 4
Teamwork 0.740 2
Employee involvement, Teamwork &
Compensation 0.741 3 Compensation has P – values less than
Job satisfaction 0.757 5 0.05. And out of those 05 variables
Teamwork and Compensation had the
Source: Survey Data highest Correlation values

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

If P value of independent variable is measuring the correlation are Perarson

lower than 0.05 then null hypotheses & Product-moment correlation. This
should be rejected and alternative study has mainly used Pesrson
hypothesis should be accepted. correlation for analyze the data and
Accordingly, P value of Top hypotheses.
Management Leadership, Employee
The Pearson correlation value for top
Training, Employee Empowerment,
management leadership and
Employee Involvement, Teamwork
Employee job satisfaction is 0.481 and
and Compensation are 0.000, 0.464,
it has a moderate positive relationship.
0.018, 0.002, 0.000 and 0.000
Hence the significance value is less
respectively. Alternative hypothesis of
than 0.05 (.000<0.05). H1 is accepted.
05 variables other than Employee
The Pearson correlation value for
Training is accepted.
employee training and Employee job
If Pearson coefficient of correlation is satisfaction is 0. 73 The significance
close to 1(>0.5) there is low positive value is greater than 0.05(.464>0.05).
correlation between independent therefore, H2 rejected an it says
&dependent variable. Accordingly, there’s no significant relationship
there is low positive correlation between employee training and
between Top Management Leadership Employee job satisfaction. Employee
and Employee’ Job Satisfaction as empowerment and Employee job
0.481. There is low positive satisfaction has a moderate positive
correlation between Employee relationship(β=.233) and H3 can be
Empowerment and Employees’ Job accepted because of the significance
Satisfaction as 0.233. There is low value is less than the alpha value.
positive relationship between
The Pearson correlation value for
Employee Involvement and
employee involvement is 0.296. It has
Employees’ Job Satisfaction as 0.296.
a moderate positive relationship. The
There is high positive relationship
alpha value is less than the
between Teamwork and Employees’
significance value (.002>0.05). So, H4
Job Satisfaction as 0.596. There is
is accepted. Teamwork and Employee
High positive relationship between
job satisfaction has a moderate
Compensation and Employees’ Job
positive relationship(β=.596) and H5
Satisfaction as 0.543.
can be accepted because of the
Hypothesis Testing significance value is less than the
alpha value (.000>0.05). The Peasorn
Correlation analysis is a statistical
correlation value for compensation is
technique which can use to show the
0.596. It has a moderate positive
relationship between variables. Most
relationship. The alpha value is less
common methods that can use for

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

than the significance value By applying correlation technique all

(.000>0.05). So, H6 is accepted. relationships were found significant
except Employee Training. There is
strong relationship between
This present study was investigated Teamwork and Compensation with
the Relationship between People- Employees’ Job Satisfaction.
Related elements of Total Quality Leadership, Employee Empowerment
Management (TQM) Practices and and Employee Involvement
Employees‟ Job Satisfaction in relationship have less influence on
Apparel Manufacturing Industry in Employees’ Job Satisfaction.
Gampaha District. The finding of the Accordingly, Teamwork is the
present study will be important as it important independent variable
help to solve current Employees‟ Job among them.
Satisfaction problem. Similar studies
have been conducted in Australia In achieving the objective of measure
(Prajogo & Cooper, 2010),Pakistan the strength and significance of the
(Amin & Ahmad, 2015), Saudi Arabia relationship between each PRTQM
(Alsughayir, 2014), and India (Jha practice and Job Satisfaction, it was
&Kumar, 2012). apparent that findings were different
from previous studies. The results
Based on the reliability analysis all the show significant positive relationships
independent variables are reliable and of Leadership, employee, employee
the Cronbach alfa value for all the Involvement, employee
independent variable are greater than Empowerment, and Teamwork,
0.7. as it shows a higher internal compensation with the Job
consistency of the variables. Satisfaction. This indicates that the
Job Satisfaction is a result of
The general objective of this study is
collective practices of PRTQM and
to examine the impact of the PRTQM
when the PRTQM practices are in
practices on employees' Job
higher level the Job Satisfaction of the
Satisfaction. The study considered the
employee will also be high. This
impact of quality of the Leadership,
finding is supported by the findings of
employee Training, employee
Prajogo &Cooper (2010). Findings of
Empowerment, employee
Alsughayir (2014) also confirmed the
Involvement, and Teamwork on the
strong positive relationship between
Job Satisfaction as similarto two other
working as a team (Teamwork) and
previous studies done by Prajogo &
the Job Satisfaction.
Cooper (2010) and Amin & Ahmad,

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

There were some inconsistencies of organization to increase the

the findings with the previous employees‟ job satisfaction. Some
literature. The insignificance of the techniques such as lean manufacturing
relationship between (compensation) also can use to increase the
and Job Satisfaction is found by Amin employees‟ job satisfaction.
and Ahmad (2015). The findings of
Compensation has the second highest
the Prajogo &Cooper (2010) showed
impact (29.5%) on Employees‟ Job
that there as positive relationship
Satisfaction. Quality based evaluation
between training and job satisfaction
increase compensation and other
but the present study found that there’s
rewards will increase the employees‟
a negative relationship between
job satisfaction.
training and job satisfaction.
Top Managers Leadership have 23.1%
impact on Employees‟ Job
The present study was conducted to Satisfaction. So Top Managers have a
find the relationship between people critical role in determining employee
related TQM practices and job satisfaction.
satisfaction. In apparel manufacturing
Leadership dimensions and employee
organizations‟ the productivity
involvement dimensions such as;
depends on the performance of
clarity of the quality goals, relative
employees. Therefore, satisfied
importance given to quality as a
employee performance is a must to
strategic issue, relative importance
maintain organizational success.
given to quality versus cost, relative
Since it is implicated that Top importance given to quality versus
Management Leadership, Employee production schedule, allocation of
Empowerment, Employee resources to quality improvement
Involvement, Teamwork and efforts, performance evaluation of
Compensation has significant impact managers based on quality,
on satisfaction. Out of these 05 encouragement for employees to give
People-Related elements of TQM suggestions, employee suggestion
practices, Teamwork, Compensation implementation are recommended to
and Top management Leadership has enhance within those organization
the highest impact when comparing setting.
with others.
There are several limitations of this
Teamwork has the highest impact study. First, it may lack
(35.5%) on Employees‟ Job generalizability, due to the sampling
satisfaction. So, the implementation of technique. The population considered
quality improvement teams, cross- in the study is only the organizations
functional teams and etc. will help in Gampaha district only. It does not

Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

necessarily reflect the perception and Therefore, it is important for HR

level of satisfaction of employees in manager to find out what works
the Apparel manufacturing for their organization. Present
organizations outside the Gampaha study found that Top
District. Limited availability of
Management Leadership,
previous studies, literature, and
Employee Empowerment,
figures was another constraint,
especially in Sri Lankan context.
Employee Involvement,
Therefore, this research is limited to Teamwork and Compensation
less background knowledge in the area were strong TQM practice
of study. Further research could be predictors of Employees’ Job
conducted considering some other Satisfaction. The implication of
PRTQM practices which are identified this finding is that those above-
in the literature but not considered in mentioned variables are the most
this study to examine those critical TQM practices to be
relationships with the employees' Job implemented by Apparel
Satisfaction. In addition, it is
manufacturing companies to
important to extend the focus on other
increase Employees’ Job
provinces in Sri Lanka and other
industries to generalize the findings.

And there are more factors that is Since it is implicated that employee
cased to employee job satisfaction involvement and leadership have a
within an organization. But here only significant influence on satisfaction,
selected Top Management top managers have a critical role in
Leadership, Employee Training, determining employee satisfaction.
Employee Empowerment, Employee Leadership dimensions and employee
Involvement, Teamwork and involvement dimensions such as;
Compensation to examine the clarity of the quality goals, importance
problem. The failure of TQM given to quality as a strategic issue,
programs is attributed to lack of allocation of resources to quality
consideration to soft side of TQM by improvement efforts, performance
implementing organizations and evaluation of managers based on
emphasized teamwork, employee quality, encouragement for employees
involvement and top management to give suggestions and
commitment as highly essential to implementation of them, and
success of TQM strategy (Prajogo framework for evaluating the quality
and Cooper, 2017). of participation are recommended to
enhance within those organization
All TQM practices have not been settings.
worked same for all organization.
Dissanayake D.M.T.D., Wijesingha K.G.K.S., Wayamba Journal of Management 8 (2)

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