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Communication Skills

Name Asad Ur Rehman

Registration Number

Section 3A

Teacher’s Name Mehmood Ul Hassan

Intercultural and Intracultural Variables:
Intracultural communication occurs in interactions between members of a relatively definable
speech community following conventions of language and conventions of usage with individual
choices. Intercultural communication refers to interactions between speakers who have different
first languages, communicate in a common language, and, usually, represent different cultures.

Intercultural Variables:

The only language that the Prophet (PBUH) knew and spoke was Arabic. There is no resource
mentioning that the Prophet spoke any other languages. It is stated in some resources that he
uttered a few words in Persian but it does not mean that he spoke Persian. 

After the Prophet (PBUH) came to Madinah, delegations and letters started to come from various
nations, especially the Jews living around Madinah. The Prophet advised Zayd bin Thabit, one of
the revelation scribes, to learn Hebrew and Syriac in order to understand what the delegations
said and to respond to the letters. It is mentioned in Musnad, Zayd bin Thabit expresses it as

"When the Messenger of Allah arrived in Madinah, I was a child. They took me to the
Messenger of Allah. He liked me very much. They said to the Messenger of Allah:

“O Messenger of Allah! This child is from Sons of Najjar. He memorized more than ten

The Messenger of Allah liked it very much. Once, he said to me,

"O Zayd! Learn the writing of Jews. By Allah, I cannot trust in what Jews write to me."

"I learned to read and write Hebrew in fifteen nights. After that, I started to read the letters Jews
sent to the Messenger of Allah and to write them answers in Hebrew." (Musnad, V/136).

Intracultural Variables:
Intracultural communication occurs in interactions between members of a relatively definable
speech community following rules of language and rules of usage with individual choices.

Once a Bedouin came to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he used very harsh nonverbal language.
Actually, he did not misbehave but his ascent is like that. He belonged to Makkah. Therefore,
this is a intracultural variable among two people belong to a same culture.

My name is Muhammad Farhan. My Father name is Muhammad Ashraf. I belong to a small

village of Jauharabad District Khushab. Currently, I am studying Software Engineering at
Comsats University Islamabad. I am highly interested in the field of Information Technology. I
like to take initiative and prove them right. I like to explore new things. I never lose heart and
learn from my failure. I want to live a meaningful life with bravery, faith, courage, integrity and
grace. IT having a huge scope in the professional life of upcoming generations. The world of
computer is growing at an un-recordable rate every day. Computers are the most influential tools
in our lives, these are our present and future. In my opinion, nothing on the planet can measure
the exponential growth and excitement in the computing industry, and industry whose I want to
become a good IT specialist in my future life. That’s why, I want to study in America because I
want to expand my knowledge with latest technologies and developments which my country
doesn’t have. I am also a well-rounded sportsman. I like to play cricket in my leisure hours. I am
always depending on myself, do work with patience and courage.

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