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Activity #1 – 3 programs

Criteria (%)
Prototype Designing 30%
Property Assigning 20%
Source code embedding | (running program) 50%
Total 100%

1. Visual Basic .NET Programming.

2. Save your file.

Design the given prototype and embed the given source code.

Filename: AddingTwoIntegers

HCI Page 1
Activity #1 – 3 programs

Set the Properties

Object Property Value

Label 1 Text Input the first number
Font > Font Style Bold
Label 2 Text Input the second number
Font > Font Style Bold
Label 3 Text The sum is:
Font > Font Style Bold
Text Box 1 Back Color Menu Highlight
Text Box 2 Back Color Menu Highlight
Text Box 3 Back Color Menu Highlight
Button 1 Text Compute
Font> Font Style Bold
Button 2 Text Clear All
Font> Font Style Bold
Button 3 Text Exit
Font> Font Style Bold
Form Text Addition of two numbers
Back Color Active Caption

Design the given prototype

Filename: AreaOfCircle

HCI Page 2
Activity #1 – 3 programs

Set the properties

Object Property Value

Label 1 Text Please enter the radius
Font> Font Style Bold Oblique
Label 2 Text The area of a circle is:
Font> Font Style Bold Oblique
Label 3 Text Note: Pi = 3.1416
Font> Font Style Bold Oblique
Text Box 1
Text Box 2
Button 1 Text Compute
Font> Font Style Bold Oblique
Form 1 Text Area of a circle
Back Color Highlight

Design the given prototype

Filename: FindAverage

HCI Page 3
Activity #1 – 3 programs

Form Back color is chocolate

Button back color is salmon
Text back color is inactive caption

Object Property Value

Form 1 Text Find the Average
Back Color Chocolate
Button 1 Text Compute
Back Color Salmon
Button 2 Text New
Back Color Salmon
Button 3 Text End
Back Color Salmon
Text Box 1 Back Color Inactive Caption
Text Box 2 Back Color Inactive Caption
Text Box 3 Back Color Inactive Caption
Text Box 4 Back Color Inactive Caption

Send your programs [compressed using WINRAR] to

Thank You!

HCI Page 4

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