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Nusrat Jahan

Lecturer (Grade-I)
Department of Civil Engineering
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 1

 Principles of Geotechnical Engineering – Braja M. Das
 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – Dr. K.
R. Arora

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 2

What is Permeability
 Permeability is the measure of the soil’s ability to
permit water to flow through its pore or void.
 Soil consists of solid particles with interconnected
voids where water can flow from a point of high energy
to a point of low energy.

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 3

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 4
Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 5
Importance of Permeability
 Estimating the quantity of underground seepage.
 Making stability analysis of earth dams and earth
retaining structures.

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 6

Seepage and Discharge velocity
 The discharge of water per unit cross sectional area A
is known as Discharge Velocity.
 The flow which occur through the voids is known as
Seepage Velocity

 It is found that the seepage velocity is always greater

than the discharge velocity.
 Seepage velocity = Discharge velocity/Porosity

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 7

Laboratory Determination of Hydraulic
 Constant Head Test.
 Falling Head Test.

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 8

Constant Head Test

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 9

Constant Head Test (cont.)
 In constant head permeability test, the water supply at
the inlet is adjusted in such a way that the difference of
head between the inlet and outlet remains constant
during the test period.
 After a constant flow rate is established, water is
collected in a graduated flask for a known duration.
 The total volume of water collected may be expressed as
Q = Avt = A(ki)t
Where, Q = Volume of water collected
A = Area of cross section of the soil specimen
t = Duration of water collection

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 10

Constant Head Test (cont.)
 Hydraulic Gradient, i = h/L
Where, L = Length of specimen
So, Q = Ak(h/L)t
Or, k= QL/Aht

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 11

Falling Head test

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 12

Falling Head test (cont.)
From Darcy’s Law, v = ki
Again, flow rate q = vA = kiA
Where, i=h/L (here, h is continuously changing)
A very short interval of time dt, head is dh.
Amount of water collected in dt time, Q = q.dt
Continuity Equation:
-volume of water dropped in standpipe in time dt =
volume of water collected in the jar in time dt

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 13

Falling Head test (cont.)
→ -a.dh = q.dt
→ -a.dh = kiA.dt
→ -a.dh = k(h/L)A.dt
→ (kA/aL)dt = -(dh/h) [where,(kA/aL) is constant]

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 14

Example 7.1
 For a constant head permeability test, the following values are
given: Length, L=30 cm; Area of the specimen, A=177 cm2 ;
Constant head difference, h=50 cm; Water collected in a
period of 5 minutes=350 cm3. Calculate the hydraulic
conductivity in cm/sec.
 Solution: For constant head permeability, Given,
→ k=QL/hAt Q= 350 cm3,
Or, k= (350x30)/ (50x177x300) L=30 cm,
-3 A=177 cm2,
k =3.95x10 cm/sec h=50 cm,
t=5 min
Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 15
Example 7.2
 For a falling head permeability test, the following values are
given: Length of specimen=203 mm; Area of the soil
specimen=10.3 cm2 ; Area of the standpipe=0.39 cm2 ; Head
difference at time t=0=508 mm; Head difference at time t=180
sec=305 mm. Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the soil
in cm/sec.
 Solution: For falling head permeability, L=203 mm =20.3cm,
k= A=10.3 cm2,
a=0.39 cm2,
h1=508 mm,
h2=305 mm,
t=180 sec

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 16

Example 7.3
 The hydraulic conductivity of a clayey soil is 3 x 10-7
cm/sec. The viscosity of water at 250 C is 0.0911 x10-4
g.sec/cm2. Calculate the absolute permeability of the soil.
 Solution:

k= 3 x 10-7 cm/sec
Or, 3 x 10-7 = [1/ (0.0911 x10-4)]
= 0.2733x10-11 cm2

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 17

Example 7.4
 A permeable soil layer is underlain by an impervious layer
with k= 5.3 x 10-5 m/sec for the permeable layer,
calculate the rate of seepage through it in m3/hr/m width
if H = 3 m and 𝜶 = 80

 Solution:

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 18

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 19
Hydraulic Gradient, i = head loss/length =

= sin𝜶
Here, k = 5.3x10-5 m/sec
A = (3 cos𝜶 x 1) m2
Flow rate, q = kiA = (5.3x10-5)(sin𝜶)(3 cos𝜶 x 1)(3600)
q = 0.0789 m3/hr/m

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 20

Example 7.5
 Find the flow rate in m3/sec/m length through the permeable
soil layer. Given, H = 8 m, H1 = 3m, h = 4 m, L = 50 m, 𝜶 =
80, and k = 0.08 cm/sec.
 Solution:

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 21

Hydraulic Gradient, i = head loss/length =

q = kiA
= k (h cos𝜶/L)(H1 cos𝜶 x1)
= (0.08x10-2 m/sec)(4 cos 80 /50)(3 cos 80 x1)
= 0.19x 10-3m3/sec/m

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 22

Relationships for hydraulic conductivity (Granular
 k 𝜶 (e3/ 1+e)
 Example 7.6 : The hydraulic conductivity of a sand at a
void ratio of 0.5 is 0.02 cm/sec. Estimate its hydraulic
conductivity at a void ratio of 0.65
 Solution: Given,
k1= 0.02 cm/sec
e1 = 0.5
e2 = 0.65
k2 = ?

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 23

Permeability of stratified soil deposits
 A stratified soil deposit consists of a number of soil layers having
different permeabilities. The average permeability of the deposit
as a whole parallel to the planes of stratification and that normal
of the planes of stratification can be determined as expressed
 (a) Flow parallel to planes of stratification
Let us consider a deposit consisting of two horizontal layers of
soil of thickness H1 and H2.
For flow parallel to the planes of stratification, the loss of head
(h) over a length L is the same for both the layer. Therefore, the
hydraulic gradient (i) for each layers is equal to the hydraulic
gradient of the entire deposit.

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 24

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Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 26
 (b) Flow normal to planes of stratification
Let us consider a deposit consisting of two layers of soil
of thickness H1 and H2 in which flow occurs normal to
the plane of stratification.

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Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 30
Example 7.11
 A layered soil is shown in the following figure. Given,

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 31

 Solution:

Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CE, AUST 32

Example 7.12

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