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- A karyotype is a photograph of chromosomes for the number of chromosomes and

its appearance such as length, banding pattern and centromere position for any
forms of abnormalities.
- Uses g-band in analyzing metaphase chromosomal spreads to identify chromosomal
abnormalities such as trisomies, monosomies, translocations for 20 cells that also
where duplication and deletions takes place.
- Karyotyping analysis is a type pf culture-based technique that where fresh viable
tissue cells are grown and locked in the metaphase stage of cell division.
- It can be used to patient’s who wants to have fast results in small areas of the
chromosomes deletions also detects congenital genetic diseases for the purpose of
medical autopsies to still-borns.
Methodology: karyotyping or the isolation and microscopic observation will be
obtaining through cytologists ohtograogh of the chromosomes patch in an ideogram
as a primary method by which clinicians studies the chromosomal abnormalities.
Analyzes the entire chromosome obtained through microscope with a technique of
staining to have a clearer visual of the cells during metaphase process and
chromosome condensation.

SKY Spectral Karyotype

- It is a type of karyotype which homologous pair of chromosomes with distinctive
colors since it made easier to the scientists to determine chromosomal defects and
abnormalities compared to a conventional karyotype.
- Colorful characteristic of a SKY made it easier abnormalities of the chromosomes
from an individual patient or from an individual organism.

Metacentric –equal length of each bands with centromere placed on the center.
Submetacentric – slight offset centromere from the center that leads for a slight asymmetry
in length of each sections.
Acrocentric – centromere is severely offset with a very long and very short sections from
the center.
Telocentric – have the centromere at the very end of the chromosome and humans don’t
have this kind of chromosomes.

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