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Asexual Reproduction. Eubacteria produces

Asexual Reproduction, by the process of spore to stay latent for several years.
fragmentation, budding and binary fission
Archaea and
bacteria are both Lipopolysaccharide/ Peptidoglycan
Autotrophy, Aerobic and Anaerobic
Methanogenesis They do not have
Respiration, Fermentation and
a nucleus and Photosynthesis.
lack membrane-
Consists of three RNA bound
organelles. Consists of single RNA.
Can sustain in extremely harsh environment
such as oceans, hot springs, marshlands, They are tiny,
They are generally found in soil, organic
hot springs and gut of humans single-cell matter, earth’s crust, water, bodies of
organisms which animals and plants, radioactive wastes, hot
cannot be seen springs etc.
Introns are present in the chromosomes of
by the naked eye
Y Introns are absent in the chromosomes of
eyehuman eye
called microbes.

Archaea are a source of enzymes commonly added to detergents to
maintain activity at high temperatures and pH.
Archaea provide the major routes for ammonia oxidation in the
Archean has become a source of enzymes used as the basis for DNA
amplification in a technique called the polymerase chain reaction.
BY: Sofia Marianne R. Calansingin.

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