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1 Habit is studied by: sociology pedagogics linguistics philosophy physiology ВАРИАНТ B

2 “Methods of teaching” studies psychology of teaching treatment of teaching ways of teaching upbringings of teaching tasks for education ВАРИАНТ C

3 Content of teaching means what material to teach when to teach how to teach why to teach whom to teach ВАРИАНТ A

4 To language skills doesn’t belong speaking reading testing writing listening ВАРИАНТ C

5 What doesn’t refer to teaching materials : dictionaries selected reading books tape-records flashcards ВАРИАНТ D

6 What does not refer to teaching aids? tape- records radio a blackboard an overhead projector photographs ВАРИАНТ E

7 A future teacher who is still learning and who is new teacher teacher –student novice teacher experienced teacher learning teacher ВАРИАНТ C
without experience:
8 Blackboard, tape –recorder ,computer are: teaching materials techniques visual aids approaches teaching aids ВАРИАНТ E

9 Textbook, manual, dictionary are: teaching aids teaching materials techniques visual aids approaches ВАРИАНТ B

10 A plan for a year is called: calendar unit daily module syllables ВАРИАНТ A

11 Linguistic component of ELT include school curricular students habits and skills pattern-dialogues students outlook students imaginative ВАРИАНТ C
12 Didactics studies general ways in teaching general ways in educating general ways in general ways in developing general ways in ВАРИАНТ A
young generation developing mental skills bringing up children

13 Drill work is used for: presentation of the material deductive presentation control of the material consolidation of the material testing the material ВАРИАНТ D

14 “Skill” means elementary action ability of doing something drill work often repeated action imitation ВАРИАНТ B

15 What is language which learners are attempting to classroom written oral native target ВАРИАНТ E
16 What kinds of plans does the teacher need? daily, unit , weekly daily, monthly calendar daily, unit,calendar daily, calendar daily, weekly, calendar ВАРИАНТ C

17 A way of learning by repeating it many times is: gap-filling extension completion drill transformation ВАРИАНТ D

18 Questions consisting of a number of questions one of multiple choice general alternative disjunctive special ВАРИАНТ A
which is correct………
19 “ To unscramble” a sentence means: to translate to restore to the origin to complete to change to transform ВАРИАНТ B
20 The factor that makes someone want to do function feedback acquisition reflection motivation ВАРИАНТ E
21 The content of foreign language teaching is laid methods curriculum syllabus approaches techniques ВАРИАНТ C
down in the
22 Psychological, linguistic, methodological, aim of FLT techniques of FLT content of FLT approaches of FLT objectives of FLT ВАРИАНТ C
components comprise the
23 Listening and reading are : productive skills receptive skills natural skills unusual skills writing skills ВАРИАНТ B

24 Teaching grammar should be based upon the conscious, practical, structural, practical, structural normal, conventional, oral, communicative conscious ВАРИАНТ A
following principles: different approach psychological approach

25 Tasks , where students share information or work transformation role play matching re-ordering problem solving ВАРИАНТ E
together to get a solution are called:
26 A form of teaching by question and answer feedback eliciting rapport pace metal language ВАРИАНТ B
gradually leading to the coming out of certain truth

27 What are the three features of communication? output, input, feedback information gap, information gap, choice, output, feedback feedback, output, ВАРИАНТ B
feedback, choice feedback,distractor choice

28 “Gap-filling” means: correcting matching re-ordering filling in the blanks completion ВАРИАНТ D

29 Find the first component of the content of foreign Pronunciation Language material Textual material grammar, phonology, Hearing, speaking, ВАРИАНТ E
language teaching: vocabulary reading and writing

30 Grammar for conservation is called: passive active new authentic conversational ВАРИАНТ B

31 Methods of FLT is a pedagogical science an applied psychology a scientific art artistic science an applied linguistics ВАРИАНТ A

32 What do pupils do during the oral introductory read and write speak and write listen and speak learn grammar rules only written ВАРИАНТ C
33 “ Feedback” means: drawback communication practice help response ВАРИАНТ E

34 The principle of activity in FL implies that the active a native speaker a foreigner a teacher a student a director ВАРИАНТ D
participant in the whole process of instruction is:

35 Dialogue may be: poli - syllabic and mono – true-false prepared-unprepared one-pattern, two pattern aloud – silent ВАРИАНТ C
36 Exercises used for developing pronunciation skills: preparing questions describing matching filling gaps recognition and ВАРИАНТ E
reproduction exercises

37 Exercises used for developing listening drill and speech exercises description matching filling gap acting ВАРИАНТ A
38 A card with a letter sound symbol or a word is: wall-chart table crossword flashcard map ВАРИАНТ D

39 Test is targeted to: master student’s knowledge consolidate student’s evaluate student’s evaluate student’s fluency evaluate teacher’s ВАРИАНТ C
knowledge knowledge knowledge
40 Test is conducted to: assess student’s achievement master the material asses language fluency develop communicative practice the material ВАРИАНТ A

41 Using language correctly without mistakes is: technique accuracy fluency drill feedback ВАРИАНТ B

42 Oral approach in language learning implies that first reading and writing hearing and speaking writing and speaking grammar and vocabulary role play ВАРИАНТ B
should be taught:
43 The principle of visualization in FLT consist of: different techniques true- to life situations audio-visual aids and authentic texts the students mothers ВАРИАНТ C
materials tongue
44 Structural approach is one of the approaches in pronunciation grammar vocabulary listening reading ВАРИАНТ B
45 One of the problems with speaking activities is presentation inhibition identification suggestion preparation ВАРИАНТ B
46 Topical text is designed for: silent reading intensive reading extensive reading studying a theme home reading ВАРИАНТ D

47 A published book used by students and teachers as grammar reference course book manual dictionary picture dictionary ВАРИАНТ B
the primary basic for a language:
48 Dialogue is characterized by: series of connected questions four phrase questions accuracy of reproduction one side activity accuracy in form ВАРИАНТ A

49 Retelling of the texts develops: listening skills communicative skills monologic speech reading skills writing skills ВАРИАНТ C

50 Teaching pronunciation covers: sounds study word study grammar study vocabulary study letter study ВАРИАНТ A

51 Translation may be …. created improvised only oral only written written and oral ВАРИАНТ E

52 What is induction: conclusion reached by reasoning collection of information method of reasoning act of calculating act of thinking ВАРИАНТ A
from general laws to a particular shown in number which obtains or
case discovers general laws
from particular facts

53 What is the third component of foreign language Hearing, reading and writing Linguistic material Language material Textual material Language skills ВАРИАНТ B
54 Teaching pronunciation should be done: at the senior stage at the intermediate stage at the junior stage only throughout the whole period at the advanced level ВАРИАНТ D
of instruction

55 Feature of the grammar-translation method : practical direction in teaching insistence on grammar ignoring of the mother restricted application of inductive approach to ВАРИАНТ B
analysis tongue grammar grammar

56 What do we call the exercise when pupils complete a matching re-ordering information transfer gap –filling completion ВАРИАНТ C
table or draw a diagram after listening to a text ?
57 What technique is it better to use for presenting the context antonym context miming word-building elements ВАРИАНТ A
word “to be thirsty”?
58 Looking for the numbers in a reading text is: function scanning skimming warm –up cloze ВАРИАНТ B

59 Repetitive drill is: recognizing new words and reproducing words and substituting the words in a pronouncing the sentence finding signals for the ВАРИАНТ D
sentences sentences in inner speech sentence pattern after the teacher correct choice of the

60 Find the system of exercises used in teaching grammar tests recognition exercises graphemic -phonemic, speech exercises reproduction exercises ВАРИАНТ C
reading: structural-information,

61 Pronunciation drill is used for practicing: sounds grammar vocabulary sentence pattern listening ВАРИАНТ A

62 A plan for a particular lesson is called: unit daily calendar module syllables ВАРИАНТ B
63 What role does the teacher perform if he asks friend manager model informant social worker ВАРИАНТ C
students to repeat a sentence after him?
64 Bingo – is the activity for reinforcing... pronunciation reading aloud grammar vocabulary speaking ВАРИАНТ D
65 What is the oldest method of FLT? the Comparative Method the Audio – Visual the Audio-lingual method the Direct method the Grammar – ВАРИАНТ B
method Translation method

66 A situation where the language being learned is: context content complex cue card clause ВАРИАНТ A
67 The principle of visualization in FLT implies the use the students mother tongue authentic texts true-to life situations different techniques audio-visual aids and ВАРИАНТ E
of: materials
68 A test aiming to discover how much and what a subjective achievement proficiency aptitude cloze ВАРИАНТ B
student has learned over a given period is called:

69 What are the two forms of reading: skimming and scanning extensive and intensive reading aloud and silent pre-reading and post-reading formal and informal ВАРИАНТ C
70 Oral interview is a technique for testing: speaking pronunciation writing grammar intonation ВАРИАНТ A
71 What type of work is most effective for teaching silent reading cross words and chain exercises on learning poems and songs by dictations and ВАРИАНТ D
pronunciation accuracy? words transformation heart reproductions
72 The modern teaching aid is: language laboratory radio TV set tape recorder computer ВАРИАНТ E
73 Listening comprehension tasks depend on: the voice of speaker the objective and types of the tempo the theme of the story for the length of the text ВАРИАНТ B
reading auding
74 The work on the text for listening comprehension we discussion correcting mistakes paraphrasing questions answer work true-false statements ВАРИАНТ A
finish with:
75 Pre-listening question on the text helps pupils to: control the content get satisfaction entertain understand the content follow the speech of ВАРИАНТ D
76 One of these reading strategies characterizes a good he reads and translates in short he uses dictionaries very he uses a context to guess he moves his lips while he translates every ВАРИАНТ C
reader: phrases often an unknown word reading sentence
77 What is reading ? reproduction of sounds consolidation of grammar articulation of sounds movement of the tongue perceptional process ВАРИАНТ E

78 At the creative stage of teaching dialogue students: receive the dialogue by ear make up their own listen to the dialogue translate the dialogue copy the dialogue ВАРИАНТ B
79 What technique is it better to use for presenting the miming re-ordering matching gap –filling completion ВАРИАНТ A
verb “to sneeze”?
80 A big sheet of paper with sign “English tenses” is: a poster a picture flashcard wall-chart map ВАРИАНТ D

81 Methods of foreign language teaching is closely Literature, art, industry Pedagogics, psychology, Science space, nature History, biology physics Mathematics, sport, ВАРИАНТ B
related to linguistics chemistry

82 There are different ways to check up reading the length or the text the type of the text for the theme of the story for the purpose of reading & the the tempo ВАРИАНТ D
comprehension. The choice of them depends on: reading reading type of reading

83 Find the three stages in teaching a foreign language active, selective, transitive primary, secondary, Beginners, intermediate individual, group, mass work class work and ВАРИАНТ C
in schools: advanced and advanced homework

84 What are the main methods of foreign language audio, oral, modern grammar-translation, oral, direct and traditional oral, conscious, inductive Palmer, West, Fries ВАРИАНТ B
teaching? direct, contemporary

85 What method is used when teaching the pupils grammar-translation deductive inductive audio-oral traditional ВАРИАНТ D
86 Find the two stages in teaching vocabulary? spelling and translation presentation (explanation) transcription, writing and translation receptive and ВАРИАНТ A
and retention interpretation reproductive

87 Verbal techniques include: context, synonyms, antonyms, texts, exercises grammar items games, rhymes songs and games ВАРИАНТ A
definition, word- building

88 What methods are used in teaching reading aloud? phonetic, lexical, grammar the phonic, the word and transcription and spelling lexical, morphological and the phrase, the sentence ВАРИАНТ B
the sentence grammar and the text

89 Composition is … acting out a dialogue writing a test pupils’ expression of their writing answers to given underling a certain ВАРИАНТ C
own thoughts in a foreign questions grammar item

90 The best way teaching a foreign language is… to begin with spelling rules to begin with to begin with writing to begin with teaching all the to begin with teaching ВАРИАНТ E
pronunciation language skills oral language first

91 Teaching aids which are at teacher’s disposal in verbal techniques, audio-visual non-mechanical and visual aids and audio language laboratory, recode textbook, a piece of ВАРИАНТ B
schools consisit of: materials mechanical aids materials player chalk
92 Reading silently for extended period of the time is: test reading control reading diagnostic reading intensive silence extensive reading ВАРИАНТ E

93 Feature of the Direct method: practical direction in teaching presentation in dialogue teaching rules in grammar early reading vocabulary studying in ВАРИАНТ A
94 Goal is: test plot aim plan skill ВАРИАНТ C
95 A test designed to show wether a student is capable subjective close aptitude proficiency achievement ВАРИАНТ E
of performing certain given tasks is called:

96 What kind of exercise is presented here? He wrote a extension completion matching transformation gap filling ВАРИАНТ D
book. The book was written by him.
97 For correcting written work is better to: stress the mistake read the mistake indicate the mistake use interrogative intonation cross the wrong word ВАРИАНТ C

98 What kind of exercise is presented here?He came paraphrase completion matching substitution extension ВАРИАНТ B
late because….
99 A wall-chart is… an album a card with letters a glass or plastic plate a book of pictures or a big sheet of paper ВАРИАНТ E
bearing a picture photographs with drawings or words
to be hung in the

100 What technique is it better to use for presenting the world-building elements synonym antonym context miming ВАРИАНТ B
verb “to reply”?
101 When the teacher presents a grammar structure what origin meaning form pronunciation translation ВАРИАНТ B
is important to show first?
102 One of the most difficult aspects of language testing vocabulary grammar speaking reading writing ВАРИАНТ C
103 The communicative post-listening activity is: problem solving introducing new gap filling reading retelling ВАРИАНТ A
104 The course of pupils who show great interest in extra-curricula course main course optional course specialized course visual course ВАРИАНТ C
learning a foreign language is:
105 Methods of conveying the meaning of words? silent reading grammar- translation audio-lingual direct method and translation communicative ВАРИАНТ D

106 Methods of foreign language teaching covers three how to spell, pronounce and what should be achieved how to teach how to teach speaking, aims, content, methods ВАРИАНТ E
main problems: write this particular lesson pronunciation, spelling writing and reading and techniques of
and penmanship teaching

107 Pupils get information from the text by the help of drills substitution exercises semantic-communicative recognitive exercises filling gap exercises ВАРИАНТ C
…. exercises

108 Speaking involves …. vocabulary and reading pronunciation and silent reading writing paragraphs dialogue and ВАРИАНТ E
spelling monologue
109 Drill exercises require - prepared speaking reproduction sound producing aids learning to read orally getting information ВАРИАНТ B
from the text
110 Visual technique for vocabulary presentation: picture synonyms antonyms categories situation ВАРИАНТ A
111 The method used in teaching orally is … inductive method direct method aural-oral method deductive method audio-lingual method ВАРИАНТ C

112 Point out the stages in learning dialogue: receptive, reproductive and creative, delayed modified, reproductive constructive, immediate reproductive and ВАРИАНТ A
constructive modified

113 Conscious approach means: making dialogues writing essays phonetic drills pupils concentrate their pair work ВАРИАНТ D
attention on sentence

114 What could you say in the situation, when you Who got it right? Who is absent today? Everybody change books Is that correct? Work in pairs ВАРИАНТ B
checking attendance:
115 What technique is it better to use for presenting the world-building elements miming context antonym synonym ВАРИАНТ E
verb “to take”?
116 Structural grammar studies …. relationship between grammar basic structures and structures of various language material syntactic level of the ВАРИАНТ C
and phonetics transformation rules levels and syntactic level language

117 The most difficult thing in learning to read is …. silent reading reading aloud to make a process to get information from a to understand ВАРИАНТ D
118 Pronunciation drill enables the teacher … to concentrate pupils’ attention to prepare pupils for to present grammar to carry out lexical and to prepare pupils for ВАРИАНТ A
on sounds, sounds combinations, speaking grammar analyses reading
rhythm and melody

119 There are two forms of reading: individual and group silent and aloud aloud and individual extensive and intensive silent and group ВАРИАНТ B

120 The verbal techniques include… songs and games games, rhymes grammar items texts, exercises context, synonyms, ВАРИАНТ E
antonyms, definition,
word- building

121 What type of work is most effective for teaching dictations and reproductions exercises on learning poems and songs cross words and chain words silent reading ВАРИАНТ C
pronunciation? transformation
122 Completion … pupils retain the grammar pupils substitute the pupils complete the pupils the grammar item in pupils perform various ВАРИАНТ C
material through auditory and words or phrases sentences structures oral exercises
visual perception

123 Which is the most difficult type of exercises in repetitive drill creative exercises drill exercises oral exercises written exercises ВАРИАНТ B
teaching Grammar?
124 Writing may include: penmanship, spelling and copying out abbreviation of the words writing letters describing pictures ВАРИАНТ A
125 Skimming is: reading to interpret the material reading for translation reading critically reading to find a particular reading fast through a ВАРИАНТ E
information text to get a general
126 In order to teach grammar inductively the teacher grammar explanation of rules & grammar tables with translation from the translation from the FL into drill exercises ВАРИАНТ B
resorts to: structures examples for the pupils to native language into the the native language
induce the rule FL

127 Reading is: movement of the tongue perceptional process articulation of sounds consolidation of grammar reproduction of sounds ВАРИАНТ B

128 What doesn’t suit the component of teaching visual dictation composition spelling intonation penmanship ВАРИАНТ D
129 Speaking on the film is : drill exercise reproductive exercise preparatory exercise pronunciation drill creative exercise ВАРИАНТ E
130 Global listening is: listening for details gist listening casual listening attentive listening productive listening ВАРИАНТ B
131 What kind of exercise is presented here? Sister/ fond/ re-ordering extension filling in the gaps matching completion ВАРИАНТ A
my/ is/ dancing/ of
132 When reading silently, the reader focuses on: grammar pronunciation comprehension vocabulary intonation ВАРИАНТ C
133 Articulation and integration are the problems in dialog monologue role-play grammar pronunciation ВАРИАНТ E
teaching :
134 Visual technique for vocabulary presentation is: definitions antonyms synonyms gestures situations ВАРИАНТ D
135 At the constructive stage of teaching a dialogue listen to the dialogue receive the dialogue by make up their own translate the dialogue copy the dialogue ВАРИАНТ C
students: ear sentence
136 What is communicative post-listening activity? retelling reading gap filling introducing new vocabulary problem solving ВАРИАНТ E

137 Transformation is a technique for testing: grammar speaking reading aloud pronunciation abilities ВАРИАНТ A
138 To post listening activity we refer: introduction in the topic of the looking at the title and introduction of the new summarizing introduction in the text ВАРИАНТ D
text making guesses vocabulary
139 What are the main aims in teaching a foreign The development of audio- educational, cultural and practical, educational, aesthetic, political, cultural scientific, practical, ВАРИАНТ C
language in schools? lingual skill first didactic cultural theoretical
140 Teaching aids which are at teacher’s disposal in non-mechanical and mechanical verbal techniques, audio- visual aids and audio language laboratory, recode textbook, a piece of ВАРИАНТ A
schools may be grouped into: aids visual materials materials player chalk

141 What is course for pupils who show great interest in main course optional course extra-curricular course specialized course visual course ВАРИАНТ B
learning a foreign language?
142 Problem solving is a good activity for testing : grammar speaking vocabulary pronunciation writing ВАРИАНТ B
143 Methods studies… the relationship between general ways of collecting the specific ways of teaching and education of the general theories of ВАРИАНТ C
grammar and vocabulary information shown in teaching a definite subject younger generation teaching in schools

144 The technique is it better to use for presenting the antonym synonym context miming world-building ВАРИАНТ B
verb “to answer”? elements
145 To create a positive foreign language learning corrects all students mistakes praises and encourages uses drills uses the mother tongue is very strict ВАРИАНТ B
environment the teacher:
146 Find the second component of the content of foreign Grammar, phonology, Language skills Pronunciation Textual material Hearing, speaking, ВАРИАНТ D
language teaching: vocabulary reading and writing
147 There are different ways to check up reading the tempo the purpose of reading & the theme of the story for the type of the text for the length or the text ВАРИАНТ B
comprehension while FL listening. The choice of the type of reading reading reading
them based on:

148 What role does the teacher perform if he goes round monitor informant manager friend model ВАРИАНТ A
the classroom, listening to pairs, practicing in a
dialogue ?

149 An assessment of a person’s ability to use a diagnostic test aptitude test proficiency placement test achievement test ВАРИАНТ C
language for a particular purpose regardless of any
previous instruction is:

150 Scanning is …. quickly going through text to quickly running one’s reading unknown texts reading aloud reading silent ВАРИАНТ A
find a particular piece of eyes over a text to get gist
information of it

151 Find the three main methods of foreign language the contemporary method audio-oral methods the conscious, direct and oral and indirect grammar-translation, ВАРИАНТ E
teaching: oral direct and
contemporary methods

152 The content of foreign language teaching involves… Language skills, language Textbooks, topics Activity, visualization Reading, writing Methods and ВАРИАНТ A
material, linguistic material techniques

153 The methods named after the aspect of the language The intuitive method, the the grammar method, the the translation method, the West method, the Jacotot The synthetic method, ВАРИАНТ B
are… conscious method, the direct lexical method, the the oral method method, the Palmer method the analytic method, the
method phonetic method deductive method

154 The methods got their names from the psychology of translation, oral Palmer, West, Fries lexical, phonetic, intuitive conscious, direct synthetic, analytic, ВАРИАНТ D
language learning They are: grammar deductive
155 How many principles are there in teaching a foreign 5 4 8 6 10 ВАРИАНТ B
156 Methods of foreign language teaching are based structural and conscious audio-visual, oral a conscious approach, structural and conscious and ВАРИАНТ C
upon the fundamental principles of didactics. They approach approach activity, visualization, communicative approach communicative
are: durability, integrated, approach

157 What is the second component of foreign language Language (textual) material Language skills Oral exercises Elementary composition Pronunciation drills ВАРИАНТ A
158 A theory concerning the teaching of foreign linguistics methods of foreign pedagogic philology didactics ВАРИАНТ B
languages in schools and other educational institution language teaching;

159 Point out the oldest method of teaching a foreign direct translation contemporary grammar-translation method Fries ВАРИАНТ D
160 The representatives of the direct method were … . H. Sweet, D. Jones D. Crystal, L. Shcherba M. Derlitz, M. Walter,B. A. Gimson, R. Kingdon O. Jesperson, N. ВАРИАНТ C
Eggeret Zhincin
161 Traditional methods have their origin in the Grammar-translation method the Direct method the Communicative the Audio-lingual method all methods ВАРИАНТ A
162 The Grammar-translation method was practiced in the 13th century the 18th and 19th century the 18th century the 20th century the 14th century ВАРИАНТ B
schools in ….
163 The oldest aid in the classroom is… a language laboratory record player blackboard teaching materials television ВАРИАНТ C
164 To teach a foreign language effectively the teacher a teacher’s book good salary a magnet board teaching aids and teaching a blackboard and chalk ВАРИАНТ D
needs… materials
165 Teaching materials are: A blackboard and flannel board A teacher’s book and A lantern, tape recorder Television, radio Library and broadcast ВАРИАНТ B
pupil’s book systems
166 Point out a mechanical aid: a tape recorder a blackboard a flannel board a magnet board a lantern ВАРИАНТ A
167 How many groups of exercises are there for 4 5 7 3 2 ВАРИАНТ E
developing pronunciation?
168 What kind of pronunciation is taught in our schools? American literary Cockney Scottish Irish ВАРИАНТ B

169 In final position voiceless consonants have… . voiced weak articulation strong articulation high low ВАРИАНТ C
170 The pronunciation of words is only a matter of …. sounds, stress, accent sounds accent stress intonation sounds ВАРИАНТ A

171 How many vowel sounds are there in English? 18 16 14 12 20 ВАРИАНТ D

172 How many stages are there in teaching vocabulary? 8 6 5 4 2 ВАРИАНТ E

173 What method is used in presenting new words? translation conscious contemporary inductive deductive ВАРИАНТ B
174 How many groups of exercises are there in 5 2 3 4 6 ВАРИАНТ A
consolidation of the words?
175 How many problems does the teacher have in 2 5 4 3 6 ВАРИАНТ D
vocabulary retention?
176 The definition of induction: method of reasoning which collection of information conclusion reached by act of calculating act of thinking ВАРИАНТ C
obtains or discovers general laws shown in number reasoning from general
from particular facts laws to a particular case

177 Techniques for the use of direct method. establishing connection between presenting a passage to revision assimilation of language visual and verbal things ВАРИАНТ E
words the class material

178 The translation method is efficient for presenting …. house hold things new words sentence patterns grammar item new teaching methods ВАРИАНТ B

179 If the teacher explains a difficult letter combination explanatory dictation visual dictation control dictation dictation in pictures self- dictation ВАРИАНТ A
before the dictation, is called:
180 How many approaches are there in teaching 2 4 3 5 10 ВАРИАНТ D
181 Tests in grammar may involve: copying out prepositions filling in the blanks, reading aloud reproducing a story writing an essay ВАРИАНТ B
opening the brackets,
182 What do the verbal techniques include? songs and games games, rhymes grammar items context, synonyms, texts, exercises ВАРИАНТ D
antonyms, definition, word-
building elements

183 Creative exercises may be …. translated from mother tongue done home asking questions with a reproduced on the part of the pronounced after the ВАРИАНТ C
given grammar item pupils teacher

184 Grammar tests allow the teacher …. to evaluate pupils’ achievements to accumulate correct to reproduce sentences in to realize the difficulties to present new ВАРИАНТ A
in grammar sentence patterns order and inner speech pupils have in speaking vocabulary

185 What does Reading develop? writing skills listening skills mind intelligence reading habits ВАРИАНТ D
186 Reading to oneself is a…. receptive skill extensive fluent reading just reading reading aloud ВАРИАНТ A
187 Reading develops pupils’…. memory, will, imagination, oral speech education imagination speech, education, ВАРИАНТ A
intelligence memory

188 What do pupils do during the immediate pupils read the Dialogue for pupils reproduce the teacher uses pictures to pupils read pattern dialogue pupils listen to the ВАРИАНТ B
reproduction? better understanding. dialogue in imitation of illustrate its content dialogue for the second
the speaker. time

189 Copying may be carried out …. in class at home in class and at home while writing a dictation during drill exercises ВАРИАНТ C

190 How many forms of dictation do you know? 8 2 4 5 3 ВАРИАНТ E

191 In the 5-6 form dictation should take ….
only 5 minutes from 5 to 10 minutes from 10 to 15 minutes from 3 to 5 minutes from 15 to 30 minutes ВАРИАНТ B

192 A spelling test may be given …. only at the beginning of the in the middle of the lesson before classes after classes at the beginning or in ВАРИАНТ E
lesson the second half of the

193 Visual dictation is …. intermediate between copying a preparation pupils for choosing words from the comparing pictures reading paragraphs ВАРИАНТ A
and dictation spelling tests text
194 Self dictation may be given at …. intermediate stage advanced stage junior and intermediate junior stage pre-intermediate stage ВАРИАНТ C
195 A good grammar presentation shouldn’t be: clear efficient productive appropriate too long ВАРИАНТ E
196 Pupils have to overcome the following difficulties in lexical phonetic, spelling grammatical phonetic, lexical, writing, checking ВАРИАНТ D
practicing listening …. grammatical
197 The type of communication inventing stories, description putting question description, narration spelling, narration sending messages, ВАРИАНТ C
making a speech
198 Oral exercises are used to assimilate …. writing phonetics, grammar and vocabulary self dictation grammar, fluency ВАРИАНТ B
199 Pupils’ speech may be …. unprepared oral and unprepared prepared written prepared and ВАРИАНТ E
200 Good listening exercises are: grammar exercises interesting content, action response, test and dictation listening to the tape ВАРИАНТ B
preparation, various reproduction
visuals, guiding questions
and etc.

201 What kind of exercises the teacher uses for oral exercises drill and speech exercises grammatical exercises phonetic exercises lexical exercises ВАРИАНТ B
developing listening comprehension?
202 During the first two years pupils assimilate the in written form orally learning pronunciation learning punctuation learning reading ВАРИАНТ B
language ….
203 By translation we mean …. asking questions making statements on the the transmission of a adequate comprehension learning to make right ВАРИАНТ C
picture or objects thought expressed in one and correct usage of words stresses
language by means of
another language

204 Word for word translation lexical units of the foreign transmits the thought development of pupils’ making statements translation ВАРИАНТ A
language are replaced by those expressed free ability interpretation
of the mother tongue interpretation of the text

205 How many stages are there in learning a dialogue? 4 2 3 5 6 ВАРИАНТ C

206 We may distinguish … kinds of reproduction. 5 2 4 3 6 ВАРИАНТ D

207 During the immediate reproduction … pupils listen to the dialogue for pupils read pattern teacher uses pictures to pupils read the dialogue for pupils reproduce the ВАРИАНТ E
the second time dialogue illustrate its content better understanding. dialogue in imitation of
the speaker.

208 How many stages are there in learning a monologue? 5 2 3 4 6 ВАРИАНТ C

209 Modified reproduction is … imitation the pronunciation of developing speaking recognizing the new analyzing the meaning of changing some ВАРИАНТ E
the teacher fluency sounds lexical items elements in the

210 Delayed reproduction is … reading the pattern dialogue enacting the pattern listening to the dialogue drawing pictures which reading the dialogue ВАРИАНТ B
dialogue in persons recorded illustrate the content of the paying attention to the
dialogue intonation

211 The methodological component of the content of at learner’s strategies teaching materials & text extra curricula work I principles of FLT exercises ВАРИАНТ A
school suggests book FLT
212 The methodological component of ELT involves extra- curricular work syllabus of FLT learner’s styles exercises teaching materials and ВАРИАНТ C
text book
213 Linguistics component of ELT involves pattern-dialogues school curricular student’s habits and skills student’s outlook student’s imaginative ВАРИАНТ A
214 The word “ authentic” means: valuable complete easy genuine adapted ВАРИАНТ D
215 “ Realia” means: teaching ideas real objects teaching materials environment communication ВАРИАНТ B
216 Content for the reading and listening should be: artificial prompting entertaining characterful useful ВАРИАНТ E
217 To authentic text we refer: tests textbooks advertisements home-reading adapted literature ВАРИАНТ C
218 The “ communicative competence” was coined by: Diana Freeman George Loznov James Asher Dell Hymes Charles Fries ВАРИАНТ D

219 To teaching material we refer: pictures magnet-board flannel board overhead projector tape –recorder ВАРИАНТ A
220 Role play is a good: warm-up activity follow-up activity pre-reading activity vocabulary activity pronunciation activity ВАРИАНТ B

221 The intended meaning of speech ( apologizing, habit skill assessment reflection function ВАРИАНТ E
requesting, complaining) is:
222 Natural way in which language is learned, an reflection function acquisition observation technique ВАРИАНТ C
unconscious process:
223 The principle of visualization is especially adults grown-up young learners senior students advanced students ВАРИАНТ C
important for teaching:
224 A language teaching method based on that concept Grammar translation Communicative language Direct method Audio-lingual method Silent way ВАРИАНТ B
that interaction is the key to language learning and teaching
students must have opportunities to communicate
during the lesson:

225 What do we refer to pre-listening activities? looking at the title and making retelling role –play summarizing dictation ВАРИАНТ A
226 According to Krashen a good language is : a beginner a model a facilitator a monitor an acquire ВАРИАНТ E
227 Infant learners are: attentive curios static professionally oriented conscious – minded ВАРИАНТ B

228 Primary school leaners are: attentive noisy static professionally oriented conscious – minded ВАРИАНТ B

229 Teaching vocabulary aids : structural words phrasal words abstract notions concentrate words general words ВАРИАНТ D
230 What is the best way presenting the word “infant”? using a picture translation-interpretation translation context definition ВАРИАНТ E

231 What is the best way presenting the word “a table”? to give translation to demonstrate an object to demonstrate a picture to give an explanation using a picture ВАРИАНТ B

232 What is the best way presenting the word “ to demonstrate an object to give translation to demonstrate a picture to give an explanation to give a synonym ВАРИАНТ A
233 What is the best way presenting the word “ soft to demonstrate a picture to tell a story to enumerate different to give an explanation to give a synonym ВАРИАНТ C
drinks”? drinks
234 What is the best way presenting the word “ a picture a definition an explanation a synonym a context ВАРИАНТ E
235 The exercise is the best for vocabulary practice…. put in the right tense composition open the brackets paraphrase using new word put in the right order ВАРИАНТ D

236 What exercise is the best for vocabulary practice? composition essay fill in the gap put in the right tense put in the right word ВАРИАНТ C

237 To recognition exercises refer: quiz complete the sentence open the brackets fill in the blank show me ВАРИАНТ E
238 We start teaching the them “Family” with the word? father aunt uncle cousin nephew ВАРИАНТ A

239 “ Da di di di Da” this exercise is designed for: teaching English syllables teaching English sounds teaching English teaching English rhythm teaching English ВАРИАНТ D
intonation phonemes
240 In teaching pronunciation we should use: schemes tables sound symbols theoretical explanation games ВАРИАНТ C

241 Feature of the Audio lingual method : presentation of new material in presentation of grammar memorization of set early reading vocabulary studying in ВАРИАНТ A
dialogue through rules phrases drill exercises

242 Feature of the Communicative method: memorization of set phrases importance of fluency deductive teaching of early reading vocabulary studying in ВАРИАНТ B
grammar drill exercises
243 The Communicative Language Teaching was in 1950s in 1970 s 1920s before World War II in the 18 century ВАРИАНТ B
244 In what method much attention is paid to the Direct Grammar translation Suggestopedia Audio-lingual Communicative ВАРИАНТ C
Environment? approach
245 In what country was the Audio-lingual method Great Britain the USA Bulgaria Russia Germany ВАРИАНТ B
246 Listening to the radio while doing home work is: focused listening casual listening per-listening post-listening while-listening ВАРИАНТ B

247 In class the students deal with: difficult listening problem listening casual listening focused listening easy listening ВАРИАНТ D
248 Graphemic - phomenic exercises for teaching the spell the word and read it choose words group up the words which letter in the word underline the word in ВАРИАНТ B
technique of reading do not include: characterizing the main according to the type of “debt” which the letter “a” is
hero reading “e”: read like in the alphabet

249 To predict the content of a reading or listening text to guess it alter it describe it check it correct it ВАРИАНТ A
250 Semantic- communicative exercises for teaching group words according to the which letter in the word choose words, grammar analysis of the spell the word and read ВАРИАНТ C
reading include : types of reading of “t” “debt” is silent characterizing the main sentence it

251 “Look at the key words in the text and guess what pre-reading task while-reading task lexical task problem-solving task after-reading task ВАРИАНТ A
the text is about” is an example of:
252 This type of reading is used for reading books, scanning skimming intensive silent extensive ВАРИАНТ E
poems, magazines, etc. in your free time:

253 What are three stages of working with a text for pre-reading, while-reading, after- doing vocabulary reading, translating, re- presenting new vocabulary, pre-reading, reading ВАРИАНТ A
reading: reading exercises, reading aloud, telling practicing grammar, making and re-telling
re-telling a plan of the text

254 This type of reading is aimed at finding specific study scanning skimming reading for detail silent ВАРИАНТ B
255 The content of teaching pronunciation does not stress rhythm sounds of the English penmanship intonation ВАРИАНТ D
include: language
256 The process of working out the rules on the basis of deduction induction inductee inducement indicative ВАРИАНТ B
examples is called:
257 A system for the teaching of a language based on a technique approach method syllabus curriculum ВАРИАНТ C
particular theory of language and language learning
is called:

258 The information that learners get on their feedback reaction criticism personalization cognition ВАРИАНТ A
performance is called:
259 The method developed by Georgi Lozanov is called suggestive way suggestopedia suggestibility suggestivity suggestion ВАРИАНТ B

260 Which method teaches language through physical Community language learning Silent way Suggestopedia Total Physical Response The Natural Approach ВАРИАНТ D
261 The method is called Suggestopedia because learners are suggested to bring learners are suggestive in learners are suggested to learners are suggested to do learners are suggestive ВАРИАНТ C
their ideas into the classroom their behavior the material being learned different types of oral in their utterances

262 What teaching aid is supposed to be the main one tape-recorded speech textbook objects teacher’s gestures dictionary ВАРИАНТ A
according to the audio-lingual method?
263 What is the main purpose of teaching a foreign knowledge of foreign practical mastery of the insistence on grammatical the use of translation knowledge of ВАРИАНТ B
language according to the direct method? morphemes language analysis vocabulary
264 What are the primary objectives according to the mastery of reading and writing knowledge of foreign insistence on grammatical mastery of speaking and knowledge of ВАРИАНТ C
grammar-translation method? morphemes analysis listening vocabulary

265 What was ‘turned up’ to grammar in the grammar- translation phonetics pronunciation vocabulary intonation ВАРИАНТ D
translation method?
266 What is grammar? a list of verbs in different forms a set of rules that define a number of parts of a number of structures description of the ВАРИАНТ B
how words are combined speech language
to form meaningful

267 To teach a new word means to teach all these aspects its spelling its meaning its usage its pronunciation and ВАРИАНТ A
grammatical forms

268 A drill is: persuading someone to do solving a problem reaching some consensus a classroom activity whose repetitive oral practice ВАРИАНТ E
something on an issue focus is on communicating of a language item

269 The aim of pre-listening activities is: to introduce unknown words to prepare learners for to explain new grammar to prepare visual aids to write questions on ВАРИАНТ B
listening comprehension the board

270 A method in foreign language teaching is based on: syllabus textbook approach techniques of teaching authentic teaching ВАРИАНТ C
271 The principle of communicative approach requires: creation of real-life situations in learning by heart writing dictations repeating after the teacher mechanical drill ВАРИАНТ A
272 An approach in foreign language teaching is chosen classroom management techniques used in method of teaching aim of teaching qualifications of the ВАРИАНТ D
according to: teaching teacher
273 Which of the following documents contains the Teacher’s book Curriculum Daily plan Unit plan Syllabus ВАРИАНТ E
content of teaching English:
274 According to the structural view of the language the to learn different types of to master the elements of to develop learner’s to teach creative writing to develop critical ВАРИАНТ B
aim of language learning is: reading the language system mental abilities thinking

275 Speaking as a communicative activity is: production reproduction articulation repetition reception ВАРИАНТ A
276 Listening comprehension as a communicative practice reproduction production reception presentation ВАРИАНТ D
activity is:
277 The final aim of foreign language teaching at school language competence teaching speaking crosscultural teaching oral communication teaching reading and ВАРИАНТ C
is: communication speaking
278 Which approach doesn’t allow learners to use their lexical approach grammatical approach the direct method the natural approach the communicative ВАРИАНТ E
native language in a language class? approach
279 Learners must memorize grammar rules and the inductive approach Grammar Translation the process approach lexical approach phonetic approach ВАРИАНТ B
vocabulary and translate large amounts of text into
English if their teacher is using a method called

280 Which is a method of teaching grammar in which the inductive approach the deductive approach Grammar Translation lexical approach TPR ВАРИАНТ A
learners must discover the rules in context
themselves while reading and/or listening?

281 Which is a method of teaching grammar in which the phonetic approach lexical approach the inductive approach the deductive approach the direct method ВАРИАНТ D
rules are given to the learner first, followed by
examples and exercises?

282 A method for teaching writing in which learners are process product communicative lexical receptive ВАРИАНТ B
given a model and then asked to create something
similar is called the _______ approach.

283 If you're testing your students' comprehension of discussed pointed out listened to read written ВАРИАНТ D
written English, you're testing their understanding of
what they've just

284 If a reader skims a piece of text, they read it fully read it aloud glance over it read it loudly read it silently ВАРИАНТ C
285 The term "sight vocabulary" refers to common words reading skills writing skills listening skills speaking skills grammar ВАРИАНТ A
that learners first spot and recognize when
developing their

286 If you refer to the "context" in which a written word read it summarize it emphasize it precede and follow it write it ВАРИАНТ D
or phrase is found, you're referring to the parts of the
text that
287 Structured listening in which listeners confirm in active listening passive listening guided listening post listening while listening ВАРИАНТ A
their own words what they've understood is called

288 Content of teaching means what material to teach when to teach how to teach why to teach whom to teach ВАРИАНТ A

289 General philosophical orientation to language technique approach feedback close method ВАРИАНТ B
teaching is
290 Writing and speaking are: receptive skills natural skills productive skills unusual skills writing skills ВАРИАНТ C
291 Collection of student’s work is: curriculum plan test syllables portfolio ВАРИАНТ E
292 The language which learners are attempting to learn native target oral written classroom ВАРИАНТ B
is :
293 Error is: ability plan test drill mistake ВАРИАНТ E
294 Questions consisting of a number of questions one of multiple choice general alternative disjunctive special ВАРИАНТ A
which is correct are called:
295 A written form or checklist to assist in the evaluation plan feedback rubric crossword list ВАРИАНТ C
of a writing assignment is:
296 Teaching pronunciation should be done: at the advanced level at the senior stage at the intermediate stage at the junior stage only throughout the whole ВАРИАНТ E
297 The longest part of the composition is: passage conclusion introduction body title ВАРИАНТ D
298 The goal of the teacher is to have students become active independent competent responsible receptive ВАРИАНТ C
communicatively …
299 To pre-listening activities we refer: retelling looking at the title and role –play summarizing dictation ВАРИАНТ B
making guesses
300 Transformation is a technique for testing: writing pronunciation reading aloud speaking grammar ВАРИАНТ E

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