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Subject : International Marketing

Class ID : MK304DE02 – 0100

Lecturer : Mrs. Dang Truong Thuy Anh
Group member : Group 2
1. Nguyễn Ngọc Tường Vy 2180930
2. Võ Minh Quân 2180804
3. Trần Hữu Đăng Nguyên 2185510
4. Ngô Hoài Lân 2180510

Hochiminh city, 2/2021




Subject : International Marketing

Class ID : MK304DE02 – 0100

Lecturer : Mrs. Dang Truong Thuy Anh
Group member : Group 2
1. Nguyễn Ngọc Tường Vy 2180930
2. Võ Minh Quân 2180804
3. Trần Hữu Đăng Nguyên 2185510
4. Ngô Hoài Lân 2180510

Hochiminh city, 2/2021


Numbe Group member Work Level of Signature

r completion
1 Nguyễn Ngọc
Tường Vy
2 Võ Minh Quân
3 Trần Hữu Đăng
4 Ngô Hoài Lân

TABLE OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................iii
TABLE OF FIGURE..........................................................................................................................vii
L’OREAL PARIS IN VIETNAM.......................................................................................................2
1. Politics...................................................................................................................2
1.1. Political structure in Vietnam................................................................................2

1.2. Political climate......................................................................................................4

1.3. Political stability.....................................................................................................5

1.4. Assessment..............................................................................................................7

2. Economics.............................................................................................................7
2.1. GDP growth............................................................................................................7

2.2. Vietnam trading statistics......................................................................................7

2.3. Export condition.....................................................................................................7

2.4. Import conditions...................................................................................................8

2.5. Trade deficit............................................................................................................8

2.6. Labor force and unemployment in country..........................................................8

2.7. Inflation rate...........................................................................................................9

2.8. Assessment..............................................................................................................9

3. Social environment...............................................................................................9
3.1. Family......................................................................................................................9

3.2. Education..............................................................................................................10

3.3. Demographics.......................................................................................................10

3.4. Social class.............................................................................................................11

3.5. Living standards and leisure................................................................................12

4. Technology..........................................................................................................12
5. Environment.......................................................................................................13
5.1. Topography...........................................................................................................13
5.2. Transportation......................................................................................................14

5.3. Weather.................................................................................................................14

6. Legal.................................................................................................................... 15
6.1. Constitution of Vietnam.......................................................................................15

6.2. Components of business laws...............................................................................15

6.3.  International Trade Agreement.........................................................................16

6.4. Assessment............................................................................................................17

6.4.1. Product...........................................................................................................................17
6.4.2. Price................................................................................................................................17
6.4.3. Place...............................................................................................................................17
6.4.4. Promotion.......................................................................................................................17
7. SWOT analysis of L’oreal Paris........................................................................18
7. PESTEL summary..............................................................................................19
8. Idea of L’Oreal Paris in Vietnam.....................................................................19
9. International marketing objectives..................................................................20
9.2. Revenue Respect..................................................................................................21

9.3. Market share objective........................................................................................21

10. International marketing program...................................................................21

9.1. Fianancial objective.............................................................................................21

10.1. Market Segmentation and Target market........................................................22

10.1.1. Demographic segmentation variables...........................................................................22

10.1.2 Psychographic segmentation variables...........................................................................22
10.1.3 Geographic segmentation varialbes...............................................................................22
10.1.4 Behaviroural segmentation variables.............................................................................22
10.1.5 Evaluating market segment............................................................................................22
10.1.6 Summary.......................................................................................................................24
10.2. Marketing Mix – 4P...........................................................................................24

10.2.1 Product...........................................................................................................................24
10.2.2 Price...............................................................................................................................29
10.2.3 Placement/Distribution..................................................................................................30
10.2.4 Promotion (IMC Plan)...................................................................................................37
10.2.5 Summary.......................................................................................................................43
11. Evaluation and control....................................................................................44
11.1. Finance...............................................................................................................44
11.2. Customer............................................................................................................44

11.3. Internal business process..................................................................................44

11.4. Learning and growth.........................................................................................45

12. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................45
Figure 1: Domestic station diagram (Sơ đồ nhà ga, 2020)....................................................................36
Figure 2: International station diagram (Sơ đồ nhà ga, 2020)...............................................................37
Figure 3: Departures floor (Sơ đồ nhà ga sân bay Đà Nẵng, 2020)......................................................38
Figure 4: Arrivals floor (Sơ đồ nhà ga sân bay Đà Nẵng, 2020)...........................................................39
Figure 5: CGV'S lobby (CGV, 2020)...................................................................................................41
Figure 1: 57% of Vietnamese people buy cosmetics online.................................................................42
Figure 2: Major online newspapers in Vietnam....................................................................................45
Figure 3: More than 53% of women are interested in the beauty category...........................................46
Figure 4: More than 40% of people love smartphones to watch news..................................................46
Table 1: Political stability chart in Vietnamese from 2010-2019............................................................6
Table 1: Budget of digital marketing....................................................................................................44
Table 2: Budget of PR plan..................................................................................................................47
Table 3: Budget of FB Ads...................................................................................................................48
Table 4: Master plan and budget..........................................................................................................49
"This is a work made by our team and does not violate issues of academic
integrity. There are studies and references to documents of high reliability and origin
in the article."
Tuesday, 16th January 2020.

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First of all, our team would like to send our sincere thanks to Hoa Sen
University for allowing us to implement the project in this subject. Besides that, we
can apply the knowledge learned in practice.
Next, we would like to thanks Dang Truong Thuy Anh who teaches us plentiful
knowledge, expresses all the experiences that Mrs. Anh has during the semester.
Furthermore, Mrs. Anh also supports us dedicatedly, suggest good information and
ideas to help us finish our report.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all members because of your positive
and active participation during the group’s working time. So that we all can finish our
report in a good way.
We sincerely thank yo
1. Politics
1.1. Political structure in Vietnam
The’Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is a law-governed state. The political system was
established upon the birth of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam and comprises the
The’Communist Party of Viet Nam is the vanguard of the Vietnamese working class,
the working people, and the whole nation; a loyal representative of the interests of the
working class, the working people, and the whole nation.’
People’in the political system: As the maker of history, the people constitute the
decisive force in the process of social evolution and make up the current political
system in Viet Nam. All powers belong to the people and their powers are exercised
through the State. The State regulates the society by laws under the leadership of the
Communist Party of Viet Nam.’
Source: [ CITATION Soc20 \l 1033 ]
The’State of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is the central organization and the
pillar of the political system that realizes the will and power of the people, acts on
behalf of the people and is accountable to the people for the management of all
activities of the social life and in domestic and external affairs’
The National Assembly is the highest-level representative body of the people; the
highest organ of state power of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam; the National
Assembly exercises three main functions: to legislate, to decide on important national
issues, to exercise supreme supervision over all activities of the State.
Source:[ CITATION Soc20 \l 1033 ]
The State President is the Head of State, elected by the National Assembly from
among its deputies to represent the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in domestic and
foreign affairs. The President has twelve powers as provided by the Constitution, of
which the most important are to declare the promulgation of the Constitution, laws
and ordinances, to head the all people’s armed forces and assume the Chairmanship of
the National Defence and Security Council, to recommend to the National Assembly
the election, removal or dismissal of the Vice President, the Prime Minister, Chief
Justice of the Supreme People's Court, and Head of the People's Procuracy.
Source:[ CITATION Soc20 \l 1033 ]
The Government is the highest body of State administration of the Socialist Republic
of Viet Nam. The Government has the same term of office as the National Assembly.
The Government administers the implementation of the State’s affairs in the fields of
politics, economics, culture, society, national defense and security and foreign
relations; ensures the efficiency of the State apparatus from central to grassroots
levels; assures that the Constitution and laws are respected and executed; and
guarantees the sustainability and improvement of the people’s material and spiritual
life. The Government consists of Prime Minister, who is a National Assembly deputy
as provided by the Constitution, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and other
Source:[ CITATION Soc20 \l 1033 ]
People's’Courts: The Supreme People's Court, local People's Courts, Military
Tribunals and the other tribunals established by law are the judicial organs of the
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Under special circumstances, the National Assembly
may decide to set up a Special Tribunal. During trials, the Jury is equal to and
independent from judges and shall only obey the law. Trials are held publicly except in
cases stipulated by laws. Judgments of the People's Courts are made collectively and
decided by majority. The Supreme People's Court is the highest judicial organ of the
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. It supervises and directs the judicial work of local
People's Courts, Military Tribunals, Special Tribunals and other tribunals, unless
otherwise prescribed by the National Assembly at the establishment of such’Tribunals.
Source:[ CITATION Soc20 \l 1033 ]
People's Procuracies: The Supreme People's Procuracy oversees the enforcement of
the law by Ministries, Ministerial–level organs, other Government agencies, local
administration, economic entities, mass organizations, people's military organs and
citizens. It exercises the right to prosecution, ensures serious and uniform
implementation of the law. Local People's Procuracy and Military Procuracy oversee
the execution of the law and exercise the right to prosecution as stipulated by the law.
Source: [ CITATION Soc20 \l 1033 ]
Social-Political Organizations and People’s Associations: These are organizations
representing the interests of different social communities participating into the political
system with their own principles, purposes, and features. There are currently major
social-political organizations in Viet Nam such as the Vietnamese Fatherland Front,
Vietnamese Trade Union, Vietnamese Women’s Union, Ho Chi Minh Communist
Youth Union, and Veterans Association and other professional organizations.
Source: [ CITATION Soc20 \l 1033 ]
1.2. Political climate
The’political environment includes: The legal system, government agencies and the
role of social pressure groups. The developments of these factors have a very strong
influence and also very directly on the marketing decisions of businesses.’
Source:[ CITATION Kiế19 \l 1033 ]
Vietnam is building a market economy institution. Every year, the National Assembly
regularly has the task of developing new laws and ordinances, and at the same time
considering and revising and amending old legal documents.
Source:[ CITATION Kiế19 \l 1033 ]
Even so, Vietnam's economy still operates in the "lack of law" conditions.
In’such conditions, in order to run the economy, the Government often issues a series
of legal documents such as decisions, regulations, regulations, circulars ... to
institutionalize laws and replace for the laws in the areas of business activities that
have not been regulated by any law.’
Source:[ CITATION Kiế19 \l 1033 ]
In addition, even ministries, provinces and localities also have a series of sub-law
Although over the past few years, the Government has formed a working group to
review all the above legal documents, eliminate the conflicts and overlaps between
them, but generally assess the legal environment of In Vietnam, many experts and
traders still believe that:
The legal document system of Vietnam is both lacking, weak, and confusing ... very
unpredictable. The above situation causes many obstacles for businessmen.
Regarding the governance of the Government, in general, since moving to market
mechanism. The government has made many efforts to change the principle of
operating the economy - from direct intervention - to indirect regulation by law,
through impacts on the business environment.
Source:[ CITATION Kiế19 \l 1033 ]
But because the government and enforcement-level officials have not completely
abandoned the thinking and management methods since the subsidy period according
to the "please-give" mechanism, the government and enforcement-level officials still
keep the working style of "administration is the main" Investments must be
"lubricated" that prevails.
Source: [ CITATION Kiế19 \l 1033 ]
In relations with the authorities of the State, businesses are either very easy, if "side by
side, in harmony", or very difficult.
Source:[ CITATION Kiế19 \l 1033 ]
For their part, it is not uncommon for businesses to have a long-term view, doing
business in the "snatch" style, even cheating (multi-level business), dishonest
advertising, imitation products counterfeiting, deceiving customers, unfair competition
Besides,’also in the context of the establishment of a market economy mechanism, to
protect consumers and the interests of society, the group of social organizations will
increasingly increase, forcing marketing administrators to cannot fail to consider the
influence of these organizations before deciding to implement marketing solutions.’
Source:[ CITATION Kiế19 \l 1033 ]
1.3. Political stability
Vietnam: Political stability index (-2.5 weak; 2.5 strong), 1996 - 2019: For that
indicator, we provide data for Vietnam from 1996 to 2019. The average value for
Vietnam during that period was 0.24 points with a minimum of -0.02 points in 2014
and a maximum of 0.53 points in 1996. The latest value from is points. For
comparison, the world average in based on countries is 0.00 points. See the global
rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
Source: [ CITATION The21 \l 1066 ]

Table 1: Political stability chart in Vietnamese from 2010-2019.

Source: [ CITATION The21 \l 1066 ]

1.4. Assessment
Vietnam is a country with an independent and only "Communist Party of Vietnam"
party. The President of Vietnam is the incumbent head of state and is in the name of
Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnamese Army, Chairman of the National Defense and
Security Council. The State President holds the second most powerful position in the
Vietnamese political system after the General Secretary of the Communist Party. The
Prime Minister’of Vietnam is the head of government. Vietnam participates in
international associations to maintain good relations with other countries such as the
United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations’(ASEAN). ),etc.
Source: [ CITATION Pol21 \l 1066 ]

2. Economics

2.1. GDP growth

Vietnam is a socialist country, so its economic activities in the past were quite
conservative and did not follow the market economy. But since the "doi moi"
campaign, Vietnam began integrating with other countries around the world,
normalizing diplomatic relations with the US, moving towards a market economy,
focusing on industrial development over agriculture. Industry and results have seen
remarkable economic developments in recent years. Vietnam has significantly raised
the income of its people. In particular, in 2017, they exceeded the GDP growth target
of 6.7% with a growth rate of 6.8%, mainly due to the sudden increase in domestic
consumption and production demand and partly due to import-export activities taking
place smoothly. With the current steady growth and upward trend, Vietnam's economy
promises to be more and more developed in the future, providing more opportunities
for foreign companies wishing to invest in this country. In 2017, the GDP growth
ranked 21th compared with other countries in the world.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
2.2. Vietnam trading statistics
Vietnam is a developing country, a young country in diplomatic integration, economic
development with countries in the world. However, in recent years, this economy has
transformed itself into one of the attractive destinations for foreign investors. The
consumer demand of the guide is also increasing, so the import-export market in
Vietnam takes place extremely vibrantly and diversely, steadily developing each year.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
 2.3. Export condition
The total export value of Vietnam has increased rapidly and steadily each year, in
2019 it is ranked 31st in comparison with other countries in the world. In 2017,
Vietnam's total export value was $ 204,169 billion, in 2018 it was $ 233,294 billion, in
2019 it was $ 248,953 billion. We can see, from 2017 to 2019, the total export value
has a strong change, increasing to more than $ 40 billion, which is a sign of prosperity
of this young but dynamic economy. The data also shows that more and more
countries believe that Vietnamese consumer goods and consumer goods are
increasingly reputable compared to products from other countries. Vietnam's import
partners are spread across the world and the continent, the largest partner is the United
States, accounting for more than 20% of the total export value of Vietnam, followed
by China, accounting for 14.5% of the export value. The third largest importer of
Vietnamese goods is Japan, accounting for more than 8% of the total export value of
Vietnam and the fourth largest importer of products from Vietnam is Korea,
accounting for the up to 6.8%, as of 2017. According to statistics, the products
produced in Vietnam for export to other countries are very diverse, but mainly come
from the following industriesclothes, shoes, electronics, seafood, crude oil, rice,
coffee, wooden products, machinery.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
2.4. Import conditions
Like the export market, the import market is also active, and tends to increase year by
year, ranking 26th in the world according to statistics in 2017 .. That shows that,
despite the business Vietnamese industry is developing strongly, but Vietnam still has
to import items that it cannot produce by itself due to many other factors and factors.
According to statistics, Vietnam's total import volume tends to increase, especially in
2019, to more than $ 266,066 billion, in 2018 it is $ 245,563 billion and in 2017 it is $
217,684 billion and its most importing partners of Vietnam mainly comes from
neighboring countries such as China, Korea, Japan, and Thailand with a total import
value of 25.8%, 20.5%, 7.8% and 4.9% respectively. The goods that Vietnam imported
from other countries were mainly from industry groups such as machinery and
equipment, petroleum products, steel products, raw materials for the clothing and shoe
industries, electronics, plastics.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
2.5. Trade deficit
Despite many exports, there will still happen a trade balance deficit in Vietnam in
2019 when the total export value of Vietnam is less than the total import value of this
country up to $ 17,113 billion. This is not necessarily a good or bad situation, a trade
deficit deficit will lead to diversification of imported goods, a slowdown in inflation,
but in the long run it will cause disparity. Vietnam's workforce because Vietnamese
people tend to use foreign goods will cause certain difficulties for domestic enterprises
but open up huge opportunities for companies producing pepper products. reputable
use from abroad like L'Oréal.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
2.6. Labor force and unemployment in country
In addition to the strong economic development is the development of human
resources in Vietnam, according to statistics in 2019, the total workforce in Vietnam is
up to 54,659 million people, according to statistics, Vietnam ranks. 11 world labor
force, but mainly focus on agriculture with 40.3%, industry 25.7%, services 34%.
Despite having been in the market economy for a long time, the proportion of workers
in the agricultural sector of Vietnam still accounts for the majority, indicating that,
despite the abundant labor force, high-quality human resources do not have a lot to
meet the recruitment needs of foreign companies that want to seriously invest in
The strong development of human resources, leading to fierce competition among
workers, leads to unemployment in Vietnam which tends to increase but not much. In
2018 (3.11%), the Unemployment rate of Vietnam is 42nd highest compared to other
countries in the world. This rate has increased slightly compared to 2017 at 2.2%.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
2.7. Inflation rate
The inflation rate of this country is not too high, ranking 138th in comparison with
other countries in the world, which shows the stability of this socialist economy. And
more specifically, Vietnam's inflation rate tends to decrease in 2019 at 2.7%, smaller
than in 2018 and 2017, at the same time 3.5%.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
2.8. Assessment
Vietnam's economy is one of the fledgling ones but has an admirable growth rate
compared to other countries in the region and other countries in the world. That helps
people's income also improve, so the consumption behavior of Vietnamese people is
changing day by day, compared to previous decades, which is still very difficult,
people begin to know how to enjoy it. and enjoy life, using more beauty items than
before. The low inflation rate helps the economy become more stable, the prices of
commodities have not changed too much over the years. Besides, there are still many
problems such as low quality of human resources, mainly focusing on agricultural
groups, less developed in service sectors, although the world trend is to develop
epidemic groups. service.
3. Social environment
3.1. Family
Vietnamese society was influenced by Chinese Confucianism, so the traditional
Vietnamese family also influenced the Confucian "ceremony". There is an influence
on the human treatment, to relationships, to transactions. Every person living in
society more or less must follow the conventions and customs of that society in
communicating with everyone around, from relatives to nuns, from grandparents,
parents to friends, grandchildren
Vietnamese people consider family the first priority in life, followed by health,
employment, income, friends, education, leisure time, status, religious and political
beliefs. . It can be seen that family and marriage are an important value in Vietnam and
a popular social institution.
Source: [ CITATION Phấ06 \l 1033 ]
3.2. Education
Vietnam's people's intellectual situation has undergone a very distant change. Before
the August Revolution, more than 90% of the Vietnamese population could not read or
write. According to the 2009 census, nearly 94% of people can read and write.
Vietnam also has many professors and doctors. Up to now, Vietnam has more than
11,000 professors and associate professors. In addition, Vietnam has about 24,000
doctors, hundreds of thousands of masters. Regarding the issues in education, there are
still very notable paradoxes when talking about educational achievement, some
officials like to say that superior education has successfully eliminated illiteracy (very
true), that the people are smart and wise. But when someone suggested reforming the
mechanism, legalizing the basic rights of citizens (such as referendum), some officials
said that the level of education is low, unable to proceed. So whether the people's
intellectual level has really been evaluated objectively or not or there is only one
paradox: people's knowledge is valued at high or low ... depending on the context.
Source: [ CITATION Phấ06 \l 1033 ]
3.3. Demographics
Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups. Besides the largest ethnic group, the Kinh, which
accounts for 87% of the population, this ethnic group has absolute dominance in terms
of culture and politics in Vietnam. Vietnamese is the main language in Vietnam and is
heavily influenced by Chinese words and most Vietnamese words are derived from
Source: [ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
Total population: 85,789,573 people (2009)
Number of women: 43,307,024 people.(2009)
Sex ratio: 98.1 males per 100 females
Population growth rate: 1.2% (2009)
The population living in urban areas: 25,374,262 people (accounting for 29.6% of
the national population).
Age structure:
- 0-14 years old: 29.4% (male 12,524,098; female 11,807,763)
- 15-64 years old: 65% (male 26,475,156; female 27,239,543)
- over 65 years old: 5.6% (male 1,928,568; female 2,714,390) (2004
Source: [ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
3.4. Social class
Class is also the social class but is based on economic standards such as occupation,
income and wealth. Class is generally "open" and has more or less room for
newcomers to join.
Source:[ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
Since Vietnam is a socialist country, social decentralization may not be evident
(everyone is equal). However, there is still a gap between the rich and the poor in
Source: [ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
In order to assign the social classes, my team will evaluate based on the following
factors: Housing condition (Ownership, area, location, quality of house, ..), Home
amenities ( TV, motorbike, car, air conditioner, washing machine, ...), Expenditure
(consumption habits, electricity and water bill, children's spending, entertainment
expenses, ...), Income (source of income , the level of stability of the income,…) and
finally the self-assessment of the household head and the information gathered outside
(neighbors, communes, wards).
Source: [ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
The standard of living of the majority of our country's population has increased
significantly. However, the disparity in living standards is also increasing, creating a
clearer social development between and among social groups. For example, the
expenditure gap between the richest 20% and the poorest 20% was about 5.52 times in
1998. The income gap was higher. In 1998, the income gap between the richest 20%
and the poorest 20% was 11.26 times, between the richest 10% and the poorest 10%
more than 20 times, and between the richest 5%. and the poorest 5% is more than 40
Source: [ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
The more educated the person is, the more likely it is to belong to the group with the
higher standard of living. That explains the Vietnamese people are increasingly
investing in their children in education.
Source: [ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
And now, in Vietnam, the middle class have the largest number because of the
inevitable result of the process of social stratification. The process of social
stratification in Vietnam has been taking place more and more strongly since our Party
initiated the renovation, opening up (1986), moving from a centralized and subsidized
economy to the development of a market economy. Middle-class in Vietnam are
basically groups of people with high professional qualifications, knowledge, success,
proficiency, high education and has position in life.
Source: [ CITATION Hội14 \l 1033 ]
3.5. Living standards and leisure
Vietnam is a developing country, a country with low middle income. The average
income per person per month for the whole country in 2018 at current prices is about
3,873.8 thousand VND and the average income per person per month in urban areas is
5,624 thousand VND; rural areas reached 2,987 thousand VND. (Source: Electronic
news of the government of the socialist republic of vietnam).
Source: [ CITATION nền03 \l 1033 ]

The richest households have 5 times more total spending on goods and services than
the poorest households. In which, spending on housing, electricity, water and
sanitation was 6.1 times higher; expenditure for household equipment and utensils was
3.9 times higher; spending on health and health care is 2.5 times higher; travel and
postal expenses 7.3 times; spending on education 4.9 times; spending on culture,
sports and entertainment 90.2 times. (Source: Electronic news of the government of
the socialist republic of vietnam).

Source: [ CITATION nền03 \l 1033 ]

In terms of housing. Over the years, the number of temporary houses has tended to
decrease deeply, because over the years the Goverment has taken many measures to
improve people's lives to support people in difficult circumstances to build houses and
implement the the program of eliminating temporary houses and improving housing
for people.

Source: [ CITATION nền03 \l 1033 ]

In terms of entertainment, Vietnamese people in middle-aged and above appearances
are quite reserved and finite in spending, shopping and entertainment. In contrast,
young people tend to spend more on enjoyment and consume more than basic
Source: [ CITATION nền03 \l 1033 ]
4. Technology
The technology system in Vietnam has developed strongly with the number of internet
users increasing significantly each year, as of January 2020, the total number of
internet users in Vietnam accounts for more than 70% of the population, about 68
million. users and on average 1 of them spends more than 6 hours on the internet. The
number of internet users increases, which means that the number of social network
users also increases in Vietnam. Besides, with the strong development of e-commerce
floors, Vietnamese people nowadays tend to use the e-commerce platform for
shopping, amid the current Covid-19 epidemic, the trend of using e-commerce for
shopping has increased even more than before. The Vietnamese government is also
making efforts in developing a 5g network and popularizing 4g to the people in the
country. From a country behind the world about 7-8 years in the 3G and 4G era,
Vietnam has "made 5G no slower than the world", as stated by Minister of Information
and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung, before the National Assembly on
November 6. Vietnam's mastery of 5G technology is also rated better than many
countries in the region. "While Thailand, the Philippines and a few other countries use
Chinese company's equipment, Vietnam is pursuing its own path. Vietnam's major
telecommunications companies are relying on proprietary technology. to deploy their
5G service ", Nikkei wrote about Vietnam's efforts to master 5G technology in April
2019. Last July, Vsmart Aris 5G was launched, marking the first time there was a
Vietnamese-made 5G smartphone. Before serving the domestic market, VinSmart said
it would sell Aris 5G in the US market. Thus, we can see that the 5g development
efforts of the Vietnamese government reflect that they have a close interest in
understanding how the development of technology affects people's lives. Therefore,
developing products incorporating novel technologies is an opportunity for brands to
catch up with the trend, bringing novelty in the user experience.
Source: [ CITATION Lưu20 \l 1033 ]
5. Environment
5.1. Topography
Vietnam is diverse: hills, plains, coastlines and continental shelves, reflecting the long
history of geological and topographical development in monsoon, hot, humid and
strongly weathered environment. The topography is lower in the Northwest - Southeast
direction, clearly shown through the flow direction of big rivers.
Source: [ CITATION Vie20 \l 1033 ]
Mountains and hills account for 3/4 of the territory, but mainly low hills. Low terrain
is less than 1,000 m, making up 85% of the territory. Over 2,000 m high mountains
only account for 1%. Vietnam's hills and mountains form a large bow facing the East
Sea, running 1400 km long, from the Northwest to the Southeast. The most massive
mountain ranges are located in the West and Northwest with the highest peak of Phan
Xi Phang on the Indochinese peninsula (3,143m). Further east, the mountains are
lower and often end with a coastal strip of lowland. From Hai Van pass to the South,
the terrain is simpler. Here there are no long limestone mountains, but large masses of
marble, occasionally rising to the top; the rest are the highlands consecutively forming
the Central Highlands, the eastern edge is raised to Truong Son range.
Source: [ CITATION Vie20 \l 1033 ]
The plain occupies only a quarter of the land area and is separated by mountains and
hills. At the two ends of the country, there are two vast and fertile deltas, the Northern
Delta (Red River basin, 16,700 km2 wide) and the Southern Delta (Mekong River
basin, 40,000 km2 wide). Located between these two large deltas is a chain of small
deltas, distributed along the Central Coast, from the delta in the Ma river basin (Thanh
Hoa) to Phan Thiet with a total area of 15,000 km2.
Source: [ CITATION Vie20 \l 1033 ]
5.2. Transportation
The transportation system in Vietnam is diversified, including air, road, railway,
waterway, and pipeline. Over the years, Vietnamese airlines have been born more and
more, creating a healthy competition, in the Vietnamese aviation market, this also
leads to a reasonable market fragmentation, customers have Airline services can be
experienced more frequently, at a more affordable price than before, only Vietnam
Airlines had the exclusive right to operate air services in Vietnam, not only passengers
can experience cheap air services More, the air freight service has since been exploited
at reasonable prices. As of 2020, there are 5 domestic airlines officially registered to
operate in Vietnam, this is one of the must-have moves because of the extremely
demand for air travel by Vietnamese people. High, about 47 million passengers,
according to statistics in 2018. The country has many domestic airlines, and the
number of aircraft therefore also increases over time, according to statistics in 2020.
Vietnam has about 224 commercial aircraft in operation, along with an admirable
number of airports, creating extremely exciting aviation activities in this country, with
about 45 airports in Vietnam. Male, ranked 96th compared to other countries in the
world in terms of number of airports. Regarding the road system, Vietnam currently
has more than 195,000 km of roads, the statistics in 2013 and the number are all
paved, only more than 40,000 km are unpaved, ranking 28th compared to the above
countries. in the world in terms of road kilometers, with these road kilometers,
commercial and transportation activities in Vietnam are developing strongly, creating
many advantages for people to participate in traffic. In addition to the road and airway
systems, Vietnam is also developing very powerful pipelines and waterways. Although
basic transportation systems have developed like this, at present, in major cities, the
metro and overhead rail lines have not been completed and have to wait a few more
years. This is a newly officially launched and widely used.
Source: [ CITATION Cen20 \l 1033 ]
5.3. Weather
Vietnam is located in the tropical inner belt, with high temperature and high humidity
all year round. The North is influenced by mainland China, so it has more or less
continental climate. The South China Sea has a profound effect on the humid monsoon
tropical nature of the mainland. The humid monsoon tropical climate is not
heterogeneous throughout the territory of Vietnam, forming different climatic regions
and regions. Vietnam's climate changes seasonally and from low to high, from north to
south and from east to west. Due to the strong impact of northeast monsoons, the
average temperature in Vietnam is lower than that of many other countries of the same
latitude in Asia.
Source: [ CITATION Vie20 \l 1033 ] 
Vietnam can be divided into two major climatic zones: (1) The North (from Hai Van
pass onwards) is a tropical monsoon climate, with 4 distinct seasons (spring-summer-
autumn-winter), influenced by northeast monsoons (from mainland Asia) and
southeast monsoons, with high humidity. (2) The South (from Hai Van pass onwards),
due to less influence of monsoons, the tropical climate is quite temperate, hot all year
round and divided into two distinct seasons (dry and rainy seasons).
Source: [ CITATION Vie20 \l 1033 ] 
Besides, due to the topography, Vietnam also has sub-climates. Some places have a
temperate climate like Sa Pa, Lao Cai province; Da Lat, Lam Dong province; some
places belong to continental climates such as Lai Chau and Son La.
Source: [ CITATION Vie20 \l 1033 ]
6. Legal
6.1. Constitution of Vietnam
Throughout their millennia-old history, the Vietnamese People, working diligently and
creatively and fighting courageously to build and defend their country, have forged a
tradition of patriotism, solidarity, humanity, justice, resilience and indomitableness,
and have created the civilization and culture of Vietnam. Since 1930, under the
leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam founded and trained by President Ho
Chi Minh, our People have waged a protracted struggle full of hardship and sacrifice
for national independence and freedom and for their own happiness. In the wake of the
triumph of the August Revolution, on September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read
the Proclamation of Independence, declaring the birth of the Democratic Republic of
Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. With the will and strength of the
entire nation and the assistance of friends around the world, our People have gained
great victories in the struggles to liberate the nation, reunify the country, defend the
Fatherland and fulfill international duties, and have recorded resounding achievements
of historical significance in the cause of renewing and building the country toward
socialism. Institutionalizing the Platform for National Construction during the Period
of Transition toward Socialism, and perpetuating the 1946, 1959, 1980 and 1992
Constitutions, the Vietnamese People create, implement and defend this Constitution
to achieve the goal of a prosperous people and a strong, democratic, equitable and
civilized country.
Source: [ CITATION Vie14 \l 1033 ]
6.2. Components of business laws
6.2.1. Subject is State management agencies of economy:
 Goverment

Ministries managing economic and technical specialties such as industry, agriculture,

transportation, post and telecommunications, electricity ...
Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies directly under the Government have
the authority to manage functions such as finance, banking, investment planning, ...
Local People's Committees
Local economic departments and offices.
Sour: [ CITATION Lýl21 \l 1033 ]
6.2.2. Subjects are economic units:
 State enterprises

Collective economic organizations (cooperatives, unions of cooperatives)

Enterprises under the Enterprise Law: limited companies, joint stock companies,
partnerships, private enterprises
Foreign-invested enterprises
Individual business households.
Sour: [ CITATION Lýl21 \l 1033 ]
6.3.  International Trade Agreement
Free trade agreements (FTAs) are when two or more countries agree on the terms of
trade between them. They determine the value of tariffs and duties that countries
impose on imports and exports. In 2007, with Vietnam’s ascension into the World
Trade Organization (WTO) – it took a significant step integrating with world trade and
subsequently entering into several free trade agreements.
Source: [ CITATION Vie19 \l 1033 ]
Over the past few years, Vietnam has been active in signing bilateral trade agreements
with countries throughout the world. Additionally, due to its membership in the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Vietnam has become a party to
several FTAs that the regional trade bloc has signed. Source:[ CITATION Vie19 \l
1033 ]
The benefits of the free trade agreements will enable Vietnam’s economic
development to continue to shift away from exporting low-tech manufacturing
products and primary goods to more complex high-tech goods like electronics,
machinery, vehicles and medical devices.
Source: [ CITATION Vie19 \l 1033 ]
This can be done in two ways – first, through more diversified sourcing partners
through larger trade networks and cheaper imports of intermediate goods from partner
countries, which should boost the competitiveness of Vietnam’s exports.
Second – through partnership with foreign firms that can transfer the knowledge and
technology needed to make the jump into higher valued-added production. An
example of this is the recently launched VSmart phone manufactured by Vietnamese
conglomerate Vingroup.
Source: [ CITATION Vie19 \l 1033 ]
6.4. Assessment
4Ps of L’oreal paris in Vietnamese market

6.4.1. Product
Lips: Lip gloss, lipstick, liquid lipstick, lip liner, lip glitter, and lip primer.
Eyes: Eyeliner, eyebrow, eyeshadow, eyeshadow palettes, mascara, eye glitter +
pigment, eyeshadow primer, and false lashes.
Face: Foundation, primer, concealer, powder, setting spray, blush, contour,
highlighter, bronzer, color correct, face palettes, and glowing skin.
Brushes: Face Brushes, Eye brushes, Lip brushes, makeup cases, Sponges, Beauty
Supplies, Brush Cleaners, and makeup removers

6.4.2. Price
Depending on each type of product line will have different prices.
The prices will be depend on the product line.
- Lipstick costs from 199,000 vnđ
- Eye products are priced from 599,000 vnđ
- Products for the face are priced from 249,000 vnđ
- Makeup brushes with prices from 199,000 vnđ

6.4.3. Place
L'Oréal Vietnam's products are available throughout the country thanks to a diversified
distribution network including supermarkets, pharmacies, hair salons and thriving e-
commerce sites.
- Online: L’oreal paris’ s website, L’oreal’s facebook and L’oreal’s instagram
- Offline: Guardian, supermaket, beauty store, pharmacies, hair salons
- E-commerce: Shopee, Tiki, Lazada, etc,..

6.4.4. Promotion
Lo’real together with our environment
Global warming and environmental changes will lead to the permanent degradation of
natural and human habitats. Sea levels, melting glaciers, warming and acidifying
oceans and extreme weather are on the rise. Facing higher risks requires even stronger
Based on strong results, L'Oréal has decided to accelerate its efforts through a program
called "L'Oréal for the Future" ("L'Oréal For The Future"). Our commitment to
sustainability through 2030 will mark the beginning of a strong transformation and
express our views on how our vision, purpose and responsibility must be met.
challenges facing the whole world.
In addition to the regular campaigns of each product line, promotions or discounts,
sponsors of reality shows, etc.
7. SWOT analysis of L’oreal Paris
7.1. Strengths
Largest Beauty/’Cosmetics company – Without a doubt, L’oreal is the largest Beauty
and cosmetics company in the world. Where other companies have a product line
concentrating on cosmetics and personal care, L’oreal as a company is completely
focused on Beauty products, which is the reason for the phenomenal success of the
company in this sector.’
Fantastic product and brand portfolio – The product lines within the brands of L’oreal
are all one ace after the other. Where Garnier is focused towards stronger hair and
personal care, Maybelling is focused towards beautification. And both of them are
excellent names in what they do. L’oreal has ensured that each brand, as it is
established, keeps the focus on its core strength which contributes to the strengths in
the SWOT analysis of L’Oreal.
Strong’integrated marketing communications – Each brand in the portfolio of L’oreal
is known for its integrated marketing communications. Not only are these brands
famous for their Above the line marketing campaigns, but they are very good in their
point of purchase marketing as well.’
L'Oréal Vietnam's products are available throughout the country, it helps customer
easy to buy in many ways.
- Online: L’oreal paris’ s website, L’oreal’s facebook and L’oreal’s instagram
- Offline: Guardian, supermaket, beauty store, pharmacies, hair salons
- E-commerce: Shopee, Tiki, Lazada, etc,..

7.2 Weaknesses
Too many sub divisions – Handling such a large operation is always fraught with
problems and issues and it is a similar case in L’oreal. The firm is known to be slow
and bulky in nature because of the various sub divisions it has. Employee management
is also a problem in L’oreal as the firm has close to 60,000 employees. Thus, human
capital expenditure is huge.
Stiff competition from other leading cosmetic established brands
7.3 Opportunities
L'Oréal’can tap the growing market that ranges from the affluent, the aging and also
the masses of the developed countries
Greater market share because of the numerous patents registered by the Company.
Participate in reality shows about beauty, beauty, or beauty contests for domestic and
foreign Beauty Bloggers to attend. This will be a way to help the L’oreal Paris brand
make a mark on the public's heart.’
7.4 Threats
Economic downturn that is quite evident in other countries
Growing’competition within the field of cosmetic brands. Because of this, well-known
cosmetic companies have to keep up with the trend and constantly change in product
quality, design, design.’

8. PESTEL summary
In general, Vietnam is still a developing country and has not yet developed its full
potential. With the advantages of climate, transport infrastructure and stable politics,
the leading 5g technology system in Southeast Asia is the strongest advantage of
Vietnam, compared to other countries in the region. . The number of internet users and
access to modern technology in Vietnam is increasing year by year, suitable for brands
who want to apply new technologies to their products. Besides certain advantages,
Vietnam is facing economic difficulties such as the trade balance is in deficit and the
number of highly qualified workers is not as impressive as expected. This is suitable
for foreign companies investing in agriculture but not for companies that have needs
and intentions on developing technology and service fields in Vietnam.
Today in Vietnam more and more people take care of themselves, so the use of
makeup products is indispensable. At L'oreal there are a lot of makeup products and
we want to show how these product works to the public so that everyone can see the
strength of L’oreal makeup products through using the L’oreal’s makeup virtual try-on
machine. We will install this machine in public places (bus station, airport, subway,…
potential place for people to use the L’oreal’s makeup virtual try-on machine) where it
is accessible to the target audience we pursue. At the same time will also work to
spread the brand L'oreal to everyone.
Source: [ CITATION Xuh20 \l 1033 ]
9. Idea of L’Oreal Paris in Vietnam
Nowadays, technology is an indispensable part of our lives. In order to keep up with
the development of technology, a number of fashion and cosmetic companies have
launched virtual try-on applications on the internet.
Some typical examples for this new type of technology: Sephora Virtual Makeup Try
on, Virtual Try On Sunglasses, Timberland Virtual Try On Clothing in store, 3D Retail
Product Demonstration (Virtual Product demo), ...
That’s why we want to create a new virtual mirror to allow customers to try on
different shades of eye shadow, lipstick, hair color and other L’oreal’s makeup
products, not in the Internet or apps, but in real life, in public places. It is called
“L’oreal Makeup Virtual Try-on in Public Campaign”.
The main functions of this machine:
- It is located in crowded places like the airport, subway station, cinema.
- Can be used to try on makeup, hair care products from L’Oreal Paris.
- Customers can order L’Oreal Paris products directly on the device.
- Delivery service.
- Integrating the characteristic scent diffusion device of L’Oreal Paris (vanilla

10. International marketing objectives

We will use SMART Principle to shape and realize marketing goals. Through SMART
analysis, we will know what our capabilities can do and develop a specific plan for
Specific (S)
We want to create a machine with a full range of built-in modern technologies such as
makeup virtual try-on, ordering, automotic payment, and fragrance capanilities. The
machine will help L’Oreal Paris increase their brand awareness in the community and
increase revenue and market share in Vietnam.
Measurable (M)
To achieve the goal of increasing brand awareness and increasing sales and market
share of L’Oreal Paris in Vietnam in the next three months, we will install the makeup
virtual try-on in airport lounges, subway stations and cinemas.
- Airport: 6 machines/airport (including international and domestic terminals).
- Subway station: 3 machines.
- Cinema: 1 machine/theater (CGV cinema system in the central are)
Achievable (A)
L’Oreal Paris has launched the Makeup Virtual Try-On application on the website
system, so this is a good foundation in building software integrated into touch screens
located in public places.
Besides, creating a virtual try-on makeup program in a public place is a very new
element for this famous cosmetic company, instead of using virtual try-on makeup
before. use on your phone, in stores and on the website.
Relevant (R)
To achieve increased brand awareness and consumer buying stimulation, we will
incorporate scent diffusers in the Makeup Virtual Try-on machine site. The scent
diffuser will be active during peak hours - times when there is a high back-through
Time-based (T)
In order for L’Oreal Paris to achieve a high level of brand recognition and revenue, we
will use virtual try-on in public place such as airports, subway stations and cinemas in
the first 3 months of 2022.
Besides, in order to promote this new campaign, we will plan the IMC for L’Oreal
Paris within 5 months (from 12/2021 - 4/2022).
9.2. Revenue Respect
Table: Revenue growth target

Total revenue in quarter 4 of Expected to Expected revenue in

2020 (billion VNĐ) increse (%) Q1/2022 (billion VNĐ)

14.9 30% 19.4

9.3. Market share objective

To achieve the financial objective above, a market share increase of 10% is needed. It
is identified that the financial objective could be achieved just through distribution.
Table: Market share objective in 2022.

Market share in 2020 Expected market share in 2022 Expected to increse

(%) (%) (%)

35% 45% 10%

11. International marketing program
11.1. Fianancial objective
Produce a net profit of VND through sales of L’Oreal Paris products by
virtual try-on machines in 3 months (1/2022 – 3/2022).
Profits increased by 10% through the sale of products on the entire distribution system
(Offline, Online) after applying the Makeup Virtual Try-on in public places in 3
months (1/2022 – 3/2022).
Table: Our profit goal in 2022

Profit in 2020 (billion Expected to increse Expected profit in Q1/2022

VNĐ) (%) (billion VNĐ)
10.8 10% 12.42

11.2. Market Segmentation and Target market

11.2..1. Demographic segmentation variables

 Age: 16-35 yrs old
 Gender: Male and Female (mainly focus on Female)
 Income: Above 2.000.000 VND/month
 Marital status: Single or Marriage
 Occupation: Student in highschool, university; office workers
 Religion: All
 Nationality: Vietnam
11.2.2 Psychographic segmentation variables
Lifestyle: be willing to try something new, mostly Gen Z, curious, flexible
Social class: Midle class

11.2.3 Geographic segmentation varialbes

Location: Ho Chi Minh city
Population: About 14 million people
Language: Vietnamese

11.2.4 Behaviroural segmentation variables

Occasions: Using public transportation
Customers’ perceive about product: excited, fun
Customers’ usage: have used L’oreal products
Brand loyalty: 
Benefits sought: satisfied curiosity
Buyer readiness stage:

11.2.5 Evaluating market segment

Segment size: Large
Growth of market:
Level of competition:
Substitute products
11.2.6 Summary
Today in Vietnam more and more people take care of themselves, so the use of
makeup products is indispensable. At L'oreal there are a lot of makeup products and
we want to show how these product works to the public so that everyone can see the
strength of L’oreal makeup products through using the L’oreal’s makeup virtual try-on
machine. We will install this machine in public places (bus station, airport, subway,…
potential place for people to use the L’oreal’s makeup virtual try-on machine) where it
is accessible to the target audience we pursue. At the same time will also work to
spread the brand L'oreal to everyone.
Source: [ CITATION Xuh20 \l 1033 ]

11.3. Marketing Mix – 4P

11.3.1 Product
In 2018, L’Oreal Paris, the number one global beauty brand, elevates beauty discovery
and experimentation with the launch of a new augmented reality try-on tool, which
provides consumers with an innovative way to experience more than 300 products
directly from L’Oreal USA website without apps.
It is designed to revolutionize the way people discover, interact and shop for L’Oreal
Paris Products. By inspiring creativity and experimentation among beauty enthusiasts,
the tool allows users to be their own makeup designer.
But this time, we want to enhance the customer experience through the use of virtual
reality makeup technology that will be offered in public places instead of through the
website or software as before. Placing virtual reality screens in public places such as
airports, subway waiting areas and shopping malls will contribute to stimulate
curiosity, get attention and gradually gain customers. remember the brand image of
L'Oreal Paris subconsciously. From there, it can create new demand (even though they
rarely thought about it before), and stimulate quick purchasing decisions.
a. Core components
User interface: The friendly interface design is easy to use, the colors and layout are
similar to the virtual try-on app on L’Oreal Paris's website. Simple implementation
steps and language, access to many client files.

Customers have to follow these simple steps:

 Step 1: Select mode (Live try on or Using model)
Before using, the user will choose to either use the camera of the device and test
directly on his image or use the available model to try the products from L’Oreal Paris.
 Step 2: Select your skin tone (if user selects model mode).
In this step, the user will choose the skin color that matches his skin tone.
 Step 3: Try it on (if the user selects Live try on Mode, they will go straight to
this step).
This is the step that allows the user to choose a category, product and select a shade /
color of this product.

Figure: Three steps to try it on.

 Step 4: Choose to buy the product.

Figure: Choose Buy Now

 Step 5: Choose the form of delivery.
Figure: Choose the form of delivery.
 Step 6: Choose the form of payment.

Figure: Choose the form of payment.

- Try before they buy.
- Save time: Use the time customers are waiting for flight or tram for too long.
- Match it with different products.
- Convenience: Customers do not need to go directly to the store to buy the
products they need, the can use their free time waiting for flight, trains to select
and buy products directly at the booth.
- The camera is sharp and stable.
b. Packaging components
The machine has a minimalist and modern design:
- Screen: 43 inch touch screen.
- Screen size: 1011 * 604 * 60mm.
- Screen resolution: 1920 * 1080
- Brightness: 500cd / m2.
- Contrast: 10000: 1
- Color: 16.7 million colors.
- Chipset: Rockchip RK3288
- Android.
- Touch: Number of touch points from 1.2 to 10 points.
- Camera placement: In the top center
- Machine color: Black
- Private partition on both sides of the machine.
- Around the screen there are white light lights to help customer image quality,
more accurately.

Figure: L’Oreal Paris Makeup Virtual Try-On machine.

c. Support services components
Scent of smell
In addition to the virtual try-on makeup service that this machine can provide, we will
integrate a device to spread the scent in the machine's location. We will choose the
characteristic scent in the products from L'Oreal Paris is a distinctive vanilla scent.
Scent Marketing is more than just diffusing a pleasant fragrance in a space. It is the art
of taking a company’s brand identity, marketing messages, target audience and
creating a scent that amplifies these values.
A scent has the ability to influence behaviour and trigger memories. When smell is
combined with other marketing cues, it can amplify a brand experience and establish a
long lasting connection with consumers.
Humans are able to recognize approximately 10.000 different odors, and what’s more
remarkable, we are able to recall smells with 65% accuracy after a year, in contrast to
only 50% of visuals after three months. [ CITATION Air21 \l 1033 ]
The scent diffuser we are going to put together with the virtual machine. The fragrance
RS-Aromax is a product for small and medium areas, suitable for lounges with an area
of 20-100m2. Since we only need when a customer walks past the machine to sense
the scent emanating from the machine, greater diffusion is not required. [ CITATION
Roy21 \l 1033 ]
Specifications of the Aromax RS aroma generator:
- Size: L170mm * W80.5mm * H206mm.
- Voltage: 12V
- Capacity: 7.2W
- Noise level: <30 dba
- Tank capacity: 300ml.
- Weight: 0.9kg
- Volume of aromatic coating: 300 - 400m3.
- Application: Lobby, Medium area.

Figure: The Aroma Generator [ CITATION Roy21 \l 1033 ]

The outstanding features of the Aromax odor generator:
- NANO spray screen helps to separate the essential oils into the smallest
particles combined with the built-in blower to help the fragrance fly further.
- The cold pump system helps to preserve the essence of the essential oil.
- Adjustable 5 different timelines. We can break down the appropriate hour arc
(peak hour markers).
- Increase or decrease injection capacity / time.
- Safety lock to prevent theft of essential oils.
- Warranty 12 months.

Home delivery
After consumers can choose to buy the products they want, we provide door-to-door
delivery. Customers will be provided with full details on delivery time and order code.

11.3.2 Price
a. Price determination
Price Penetration is a marketing strategy used to get customers to buy a new product or
service, by offering lower prices during the initial offering. A lower price helps a new
product or service to enter the market and draw customers away from competitors.
[ CITATION Pri20 \l 1033 ]
Price Penetration is the perfect strategy for this campaign, when the brand new user
experience service - L’Oreal Paris Makeup Virtual Try-on in Public. L’Oreal Paris is
known to have an average price for all makeup, skin care and hair care products sold
directly at the store with prices ranging from 150,000 VND to 550,000 VND.
Therefore, when implementing this campaign, we expect the price of items sold at the
machine will be 5% lower than the original price. A 5% reduction from the market
price will help the campaign to be more widely accessible and attract customers from
competitors in the market.

For delivery service, we offer two different prices as follows:

 Large cities (Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang, ...)
- Fast delivery (2 hours - 3 hours): VND 29,000
- Standard delivery: 19,000 VND
 Other provinces and cities
- Fast delivery (2 hours - 3 hours): VND 39,000
- Standard delivery: 29,000 VND

In addition, customers using virtual try-on services in public places will be completely
free of charge. This increases the user experience and creates a positive impression on
the mind of the customer.
b. Terms and sale
During the transaction process, we will include information about the price, quantity
and terms of distribution related to the sale such as the total cost of the invoice,
delivery method, delivery time. goods and payment method.
In order to do that, customers need to provide us with some personal information
necessary for the transaction process, for example:
- Fullname
- Phone number
- Email
- Address
- Immediately or standard delivery method
- Payment method (Via E-wallet, credit or debit card, Mobile Banking)
c. Method of payment
As well as online shopping applications, we provide a variety of payment methods,
helping customers to choose comfortably and conveniently.
 Via e-wallet (Momo, ZaloPay, ViettelPay, ...)
E-wallet is understood as an online account used to transfer - receive money or pay for
any normal transaction of the account holder.
When customers go to the payment step, they only need to scan the QR code of the
scanning device to pay.
 Debit or credit card
This is the most popular form of payment today. Customers need to enter some
necessary information about the bank card, then the system will automatically charge
your account for payment.
 Payment via smartphone
With this method, you only need a smartphone to easily pay your transactions. To pay
by phone, users can choose to pay via Mobile Banking (built on the linkage model
between banks, telecommunications providers and users) or pay via QR Code (built in
on mobile app).

11.3.3 Placement/Distribution
a. Entry mode
We contact Agency parties about advertising systems at major airports across the
country, namely Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat and Da Nang airports. The intermediary will
ensure all the procedures and paperwork so that we can transport the machine to the
places that we intend to install. To be able to interact with more people, we put
machines in waiting rooms at Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat airports. We will
prioritize placing the device in places that easily attract customers' observations. We
choose an intermediary Silver Star Media to negotiate and bring our products into
airports and cinemas. However, because at present, the Metro line is still under
construction, so there is no unit in charge of advertising at the metro, so we cannot
give an exact number. The intermediary will negotiate with the airport management
and cinema management about the content of the product, and obtain the necessary
permits and documents to ensure our products are located at the place above.
We contacted the installers of the virtual reality experience machine, integrated
cameras and scent machines for them to install, according to the construction unit that
we learn, learn to install everything and install everything. mode, software, program as
we request.
Cost for entrance to those public places:
Table: Cost for entrance to public places.
Placement Detail Unit Quantity Unit Price Price
2 machines
Tan Son
Machine/month and 3 30.000.000đ 180.000.000đ
2 machines
Airport Noi Bai Machine/month and 3 28.000.000đ 168.000.000đ
2 machines
Da Nang Machine/month and 3 25.000.000đ 150.000.000đ
2 machines
Subway Ben Thanh
Machine/month and 3 20.000.000đ 120.000.000đ
station metro
3 machines
Ho Chi
Machine/month and 3 10.000.000đ 90.000.000đ
2 machines
Ha Noi Machine/month and 3 10.000.000 60.000.000đ
Total Cost 768.000.000đ

b. Distribution channels
For the adoption of L’Oreal Paris Makeup Virtual Try-on in Public, we completely
distribute the product directly to its end customer (B2C). Because the machines are
located in public places such as airports, subway stations, movie theaters.
 Tan Son Nhat International Airport (HCMC)
Tan Son Nhat Airport is one of the largest airports in Vietnam, with a transfer capacity
of more than 29 million people a year including international and domestic terminals.
This is a place that attracts many people coming and going throughout the year, so the
placement of a virtual reality tester at Tan Son Nhat airport also contributes to
attracting more people to know about this campaign of L’Oreal. We plan to place these
devices in boarding waiting areas and public lounge areas at both international and
domestic terminals. [ CITATION Vie18 \l 1033 ]
 Domestic terminal
- Flight waiting area: 2 machines.
- Public lounge are: 1 machine.
 International terminal
- Flight waiting area: 2 machines.
- Public lounge are: 1 machine.

Figure 1: Domestic station diagram [ CITATION Sơđ20 \l 1033 ]

Figure 2: International station diagram [ CITATION Sơđ20 \l 1033 ]

 Noi Bai International Airport (Hanoi)
Noi Bai International Airport is one of the great pride of Vietnam's transport, and is
also one of the biggest “gateways” of import, export and entry. As the second largest
airport after Tan Son Nhat airport, Noi Bai has an extremely large number of
29,000,000 customers in 2019. Therefore, placing virtual reality test machines in
waiting areas of Noi Bai airport will makes it easier for the campaign to succeed with a
huge outreach. [ CITATION Quy20 \l 1033 ]
We plan to put virtual reality test machines in waiting areas, and outside public
 Domestic terminal:
- Waiting area: 2 machines.
- Public lounge area: 1 machine.
 International terminal:
- Waiting area: 2 machines.
- Public lounge area: 1 machine.

Figure: International departure station map. [ CITATION Quy20 \l 1033 ]

 Da Nang International Airport (Da Nang)
Danang is one of the major airports in Vietnam and the largest airport in the central
provinces. It welcomes millions of domestic and foreign tourists each year to visit and
travel to the coastal city of Da Nang and the ancient town of Hoi An. Therefore, this
place can also be seen as a suitable place to install a virtual reality machine. We plan
to install 2 machines in the departure lounge of the departure station and 2 machines in
the waiting room of the arrival station.
Figure 3: Departures floor [ CITATION Sơđ201 \l 1033 ]

Figure 4: Arrivals floor [ CITATION Sơđ201 \l 1033 ]

Subway station
Ben Thanh subway station plays a role in connecting the route, serving as a transit
point for metro lines 2 (Ben Thanh - Tham Luong), metro number 3A (Ben Thanh -
Tan Kien) and metro number 4 (Thanh Xuan - area Hiep Phuoc urban area). City
leaders aim to complete 85% of the entire line by 2020, putting the project into
operation by the end of 2021. After its operation, metro No. 1 has a route to go through
District 1, 2, 9, Binh Thanh, Thu Duc and Di An (Binh Duong).
Figure: Subway station of metro line No.1 Ben Thanh.
The central underground station is located at the Ben Thanh market, convenient for
domestic and foreign tourists. In particular, in the future, Ben Thanh station will
welcome a large number of young people in the school age group, students and office
workers and also the customer file that L’Oreal Paris wants to target.
The placement of L’Oreal Makeup Virtual Try-on Machine in the subway station
lounge area will receive special attention and easy access to target customers. In
particular, Ho Chi Minh City is a famous crowded city, often congested during peak
hours. Future people will choose the metro as one of the fairly new and modern public
means in Vietnam to use.

Figure: Waiting area

Due to the crowding at peak hours, the fact that the machine emits the distinctive scent
of the products from L’Oreal Paris and the camera image will help customers
remember the brand more actively. And the ability that the customer will use the
machine to kill time in the meantime will be higher.
CGV Cinema System in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
CGV is one of the largest movie theater chains in Vietnam, with dozens of movie
theaters in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This place is an ideal place
for young people, students, and students to visit after hard hours of studying and
working. CGV attracts a lot of young people who come to watch movies, gather with
friends and take pictures to post on social networking platforms on weekends.
Currently, in total, in Hanoi, CGV owns 22 theaters for itself and in Ho Chi Minh City,
this number has reached 21 theaters in total. We plan to place virtual reality machines
in shopping malls, crowded places to watch movies, and the central districts of these
two major cities. We will only pick the 5 theaters with the most audience visits to
place virtual reality machines in both cities. The theater lounges will be the place
where we prioritize to book because this is where moviegoers often sit back to wait for
movies and also where customers take the most photos. Specifically, in Ho Chi Minh
City, we will be located in Vincom Dong Khoi, Vincom Landmark 81 and Vincom
Pearl Plaza, which are the most crowded cinemas of CGV in Ho Chi Minh City. In
Hanoi, we will place the device in 2 theaters, CGV Vincom Ba Trieu and CGV
Metropolis Lieu Giai.
Source: [ CITATION CGV20 \l 1033 ]

Figure 5: CGV'S lobby [ CITATION CGV20 \l 1033 ]

11.3.4 Promotion (IMC Plan)

One of the most useful ways to communicate our new campaign and shopping
experience to our consumers is by using built-in marketing communications tools, or
IMC tools. . Because it is aimed at the target audience of active, young, and online
online users, we decided to communicate this campaign through online tools such as
social networks and online newspapers. In addition, due to the heavy influence of
Covid-19 translation, all offline entertainment activities in commercial centers are also
affected, so we decided not to use traditional advertising tools. to advertise this
campaign. To communicate this campaign, we decided to use integrated 3 tools of
IMC such as pr, advertising and digital marketing. 

Key message

“Try me to shine you”

Through the above message, we want to convey to our customers: “It's not that you are
not beautiful, you just have not found a makeup product that is right for you, so please
try it out, experience it, to become more beautiful with brand new virtual reality
technology. "
Big idea

Creating a completely new, smooth virtual experience and a new shopping journey,
bringing many benefits to customers. Customers not only experience cosmetic testing
but can also try a variety of scents, all integrated in a virtual reality device.

Customer insight

In our lives today, we are extremely busy, so we don't always have free time to be able
to visit stores, experience our favorite perfumes or make-up. At the same time, the
client becomes stumbling in the face of a consultant when they try too many products.
This product was born to solve the needs of busy, mobile customers, just interacting
with the machine, they were able to try hundreds of hairstyles, lipstick, perfumes, ...
without fear. annoying anyone or waste time moving to traditional stores.

a. Digital Marketing
As mentioned above, Vietnam is emerging as a developing country strongly in social
networks. In Vietnam, a user often integrates many social networks for work, living,
entertainment, study and especially shopping, so using social networks to
communicate about products is one of our choices. We will build a fanpage system on
Facebook and Instagram, and also build a Youtube channel specializing in beauty,
because we do not have much experience in the field of filming and photography, so
we will contact Content-focused parties to negotiate with them. We will publish
articles every week, combined with advertising on social networks Facebook and
Instagram, about Youtube platform, we will give tvc ads of products and make 3 clips
of beauty every week to attract viewers, besides to introduce our products.
Source: [ CITATION Yến19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 6: 57% of Vietnamese people buy cosmetics online

An important reason for us to choose social networking tools to promote our products
is because according to our research and survey, currently, in Vietnam, there are more
than 57% of Vietnamese people buying cosmetic products. According to this statistic,
the number of people who like makeup increased to 30%, especially from Facebook,
the number of people who did not wear makeup at all. from 24% in 2016, down to
14% in 2019. That shows a growing interest of Vietnamese women in makeup
products and does not show a downward trend, combined. With the number of internet
users increasing and internet users not only young but also middle-aged women, they
are also gradually forming the habit of using social media to shop and especially
During the Covid-19 season, they increasingly tend to shop through Livestream videos
on Facebook and Tiktok. Of those surveyed, 73% reported using skin care products at
least once a week or more often. The most popular skin care products are facial
cleansers, sunscreens and face masks. Following the general trend of e-commerce, the
number of online cosmetic buyers has also increased with 57% of people shopping
through this channel. Besides, 72% of people have ever bought cosmetics through
social networks. Facebook is the most popular address when users buy beauty
Source: [ CITATION Yến19 \l 1033 ]

Previously, in a report published in early 2018 also made by Q & Me, the average
spending of a Vietnamese person was 260,000 VND / month on makeup products.
However, the spending level is not too high compared to Thailand or the Philippines.
According to the International Trade Center (ITC) and World Bank, Vietnamese
women spend an average of 140,000 VND / month on cosmetics, 21% spend more
than 200,000 VND. The data of ITC and World Bank also showed that the value of
imported cosmetics into Vietnam in 2011 was 500 million USD, but by 2016, it had
increased to nearly 2 billion USD.
Source: [ CITATION Yến19 \l 1033 ]

The Vietnamese cosmetic market is considered to have a lot of potential when it is

forecasted that by 2020, the middle class, who is a strong consumer of cosmetics, will
rapidly increase to 33 million people. However, at present, more than 90% of
cosmetics on the market are foreign brands. In which, leading the market share
belongs to corporations from Korea, EU, Japan and Thailand ...
Source: [ CITATION Yến19 \l 1033 ]
 Facebook:
With this campaign, we divided into three phases to post on facebook, 1 month before
starting to order, 3 months after ordering, and 1 month after ordering. During this
period, we will post 3 posts a week to have more interactions with customers, ensuring
the fan page is active. In terms of content, before ordering, we will post articles that
reveal that we are going to be launching an exciting experience at gas stations,
airports, movie theaters, manuals. During the time of ordering, we will post articles
about user interaction with the device, special features of the device, play minigames
to receive promotions when buying with the device, repeat the user manual. . After a
period of time to set up the device will be articles with content about the user
experience. Besides machine articles, there will be content about beauty and new
beauty tips.
 Instagram:
In terms of content on the Instagram social networking platform, we will also
emphasize content such as Facebook posts, but we will focus more on the image, the
images will be beautiful photos. Besides, the style on Instagram will also be softer than
the style of writing on Facebook.
 Youtube:
Youtube is the platform for making videos, nowadays a lot of people watch Youtube
to learn a lot of knowledge and entertainment, so choosing Youtube will also be a form
that is more accessible to their customers. To build content for Youtube, we also split
into three phases like Facebook. In the first phase, we will produce videos revealing
new things, install machines at airports, railway stations, movie theaters. During the
machine operation phase, we will make video reviews about the machine's functions,
manuals, and the customer's purchase journey with this machine. At the end of the day,
we will make videos about how customers feel using this device and the benefits it
brings to the community.

We set the following budget for digital marketing:

No. Categories Note Unit Quantity Unit price Price

1 Content Post 60 200.000 vnd 12.000.000 vnd
2 Photographer Set 6 3.000.000 vnd 18.000.000 vnd
3 Designer Set 6 3.000.000 vnd 18.000.000 vnd
4 Editor Set 6 2.000.000 vnd 12.000.000 vnd
5 Mc Person 1 8.000.000 vnd 8.000.000 vnd
6 Studio Set 2 6.000.000 vnd 12.000.000 vnd
Total 80.000.000 vnd
Table 2: Budget of digital marketing

b. Public Relations
Currently, the number of people reading newspapers is not as much as in the old days,
they started to switch to reading electronic newspapers on the Internet through popular
news sites such as VNExpress, Tuoitre Online,, Kenh14, Zing, ...
Consumers often spend many hours a day updating the news and reading
entertainment information. The above newspapers are all the pages with high traffic
volume every day and attract many interested people every time they need to update
news of the day. According to Q&Me company, there are now many major
newspapers, attracting many readers such as 56% of online newspaper readers choose
VNExpress to update news, 54% of newspaper readers choose Tin Tuc 24h, 49%
choose Dantri , Kenh14 and both account for 36% of online newspaper
readers and, Zing owning 29%, 28% of the total number of daily online
newspaper readers in Vietnam.
Source: [ CITATION qua19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 7: Major online newspapers in Vietnam

Based on the target audience mentioned above, we decided to only select information
about female customers, specifically the interest of female readers on topics on online
newspapers. . According to statistics from the Q&Me statistics company in 2019,
women are often interested in social topics, fashion, health and beauty, all of which
attract more than 50% of women. read it. Specifically, in terms of beauty, more than
53% of women regularly visit this section every day to read it. That is an opportunity
for us to bring our products closer to women in particular or readers in general. Also
according to Q&Me's statistics, the number of people reading newspapers with
smartphones is the most, accounting for more than 40% of readers.
Source: [ CITATION qua19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 8: More than 53% of women are interested in the beauty category
We can see that the newspaper or pr tool is a potential tool, capable of reaching many
customers. If combining this tool with other tools in IMC will bring effective
communication effect, nowadays there are also many big brands using this pr tool to
communicate their products or marketing campaigns.
Source: [ CITATION qua19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 9: More than 40% of people love smartphones to watch news

We choose the PR tool, namely the media posting on the web. Our team decided to
divide the campaign into three phases: re-action plan, action plan and after-action plan.
As for the re-action plan, we will be sending press release to the headlines with the
headlines of the upcoming L'oreal Paris “Try it on campaign; Shoppers look forward
to the launch of Loreal's virtual reality technology”. We hope, with the new things of
this campaign, will attract more readers, because most of these cosmetic experiences
are not new in Vietnam. For the Action Plan, we selected articles with content like
"The first virtual try-on machine makeup made by Loreal works; instructions on using
L’Oreal's try on technology; Young people join the trend of using try on of L'Oreal".
About the After-action plan, after creating a novel shopping experience effect for
users, we chose articles with content like “The image quality of the device is
surprising; Passengers are no longer boring when waiting for flights / trains; Loreal
makeup virtual try-on in public place impresses with fragrance technology” to
summarize the last campaign.
Because Dantri, VNExpress, 24h make up a high number of readers, we decided to
choose these 3 newspapers to cooperate during the campaign.
We set the following budget for digital marketing:
Table 3: Budget of PR plan

No. News agency Unit price Quantit Price

1 VNExpress 18.000.000 vnd 2 36.000.000 vnd
2 Dantri 9.500.000 vnd 4 38.000.000 vnd
3 24h 8.600.000 vnd 2 17.200.000 vnd
Total 91.200.000 vnd

c. Advertising
As analyzed above, the number of internet users in Vietnam is increasing, these people
spend their hours using Facebook and other social networking platforms, so we
decided to run one. number of advertisements for their articles to attract more readers,
besides daily articles on Facebook.
Specifically, to be able to communicate more effectively, we also divided into three
phases: re-action plan, action plan, after-action plan to be able to run Facebook ads
like we do with floating newspapers. language. We hope, with our dense presence on
social networking sites and popular newspapers, we will draw a lot of attention to our
readers and target customers.
Regarding the content we run Facebook ads, specifically, we will build content based
on the articles we have sent to journalists, but the style will be reduced seriously and
more relevant on social networks. 
We hope that the number of people who access L’Oreal's articles will fluctuate
between 50,000 and 70,000 people over the period. We set up a budget for ad running
as follows:
Table 4: Budget of FB Ads

No. Content Budget per Day Budget Engagement People

1 day s reached
1 Post number 300.000 5 1.500.000 vnd 1.000 - 3.000 50.000 –
1 vnd 65.000
2 Post number 300.000 5 1.500.000 vnd 1.000 - 3.000 50.000 –
2 vnd 65.000
3 Post number 300.000 10 3.000.000 vnd 2.500 - 5.000 70.000 –
3 vnd 95.000
4 Post number 300.000 10 3.000.000 vnd 2.500 - 5.000 70.000 –
4 vnd 95.000
5 Post number 300.000 10 3.000.000 vnd 2.500 - 5.000 70.000
5 vnd -95.000
6 Post number 300.000 5 1.500.000 vnd 1.000 - 3.000 50.000 –
6 vnd 65.000
7 Post number 300.000 5 1.500.000 vnd 1.000 – 3.000 50.000 –
7 vnd 65.000
8 Post number 300.000 5 1.500.000 vnd 1.000 – 3.000 50.000 –
8 vnd 65.000
Total 16.500.000
11.3.5 Summary
Through this project, we have selected 3 tools: Digital Marketing, PR and Advertising
to implement the IMC strategy, we have divided into three phases to implement this
campaign, which is the pre-placement stage. (re-action), from start to finish placing the
machine in the specified locations (action) and after placing the machine (after-action).
All times have been scheduled and below is an overview of the planner with the total
amount to be spent on this IMC campaign.
Table 5: Master plan and budget

12. Evaluation and control

12.1. Finance
The financial performance of any business is critical to long-term survival. Typical
measures to measure financial performance are often used by companies.
Regarding L'Oreal Paris's financial performance after launching the “Try it on in
public place” campaign, L'Oreal Paris will have a lot of success by growing revenue
from selling products directly. access to customers' hands via machines located in
public areas. In addition, placing these machines in a crowded place increases brand
awareness and speeds up the buying decision process of customers.

12.2. Customer
We can completely measure the satisfaction and excitement of our customers with
regard to this new experience. Passengers at airport lounges, trains or waiting in the
movie room can use their free time to experience virtual try-on machines makeup.
Measuring customer satisfaction when experiencing a service is extremely important
in helping the brand develop better, comparing its services to other competitive
In addition, the diffusion of the distinctive scent of L’Oreal Paris will help customers
feel familiar and remember the company's brand image easily and for longer.
In addition, we may collect the information of certain potential customers and use
them in customer file research to enable them to become loyal customers of the brand
in the future.
12.3. Internal business process
This campaign allows us to see if the internal business process is working and the
assistive technologies are working well. Check the performance of the touch screen,
camera, lighting, colors shown when the customer experiences and the delivery
process, ...
12.4. Learning and growth
Although this is the main idea of using technology and we are the students majoring in
Marketing, we are not too worried because those machines are completely applied and
assembled by a unit. construction outside. We just need to provide the clearest,
detailed idea of how to use this application, the builder will base it on and build the
As an added benefit, L'Oreal Paris is one of the brands that have a great influence on
the cosmetics market in Vietnam, so the advertising and PR for the campaign "Try it
on" also becomes so it's not too difficult.
However, there are some unpredictable issues in this plan that are the Covid-19
epidemic in early 2022 and the progress of construction of the Ben Thanh metro line in
Ho Chi Minh City can be completed. by the end of 2021 as has been announced
13. Conclusion
L'Oréal is a French cosmetics company that is the largest cosmetics company in the
world and has developed activities in the cosmetics industry, focusing on hair dyes,
skin care, sunscreen, makeup, perfumes and hair conditioners. Because of the
variations in the product, we want to show how these product works to the public so
that everyone can see the strength of L’oreal makeup products through using the
L’oreal’s makeup virtual try-on machine through their installation in a public places
In Vietnam, although there was no appearance of the makeup virtual try-on machine so
it's a huge challenge to do this campaign. However, we are very optimistic about our
work capabilities. Although L’oreal is a famous brand that is known by many people
but the brand has not received much welcome from consumers. That's why we'll
launch the L’oreal’s makeup virtual try-on machine to spread out L’oreal spirit, it is to
get the images and effects of the make up products on the virtual reality screen for
consumer to “try-on” to create an interesting and fascinating experience by installing
them in a public places. Besides, we will promote the promotion of the L’oreal make
up products to measure effectiveness and evaluate customer feedback. Through this
campaign, we not only receive intangible value from customers, but also receive sales,
profits and consumer loyalty.
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