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Rabail Khalid, Hafsa Tariq
School Of Architecture And Design
UET-University Of Engineering And Technology, Pakistan

This study focuses on architectural design methodology that evolved from traditional ways to
transformed digital techniques somehow bringing down the peculiarity of contemporary forms.
The constraint thus got applied to the previously existing forms and styles of architecture that are
making them to lose their essence and appeal. The cultural heritage and individuality of the
conventional architectural design is at the verge of getting obsolete under the digitated
architectonics tending to desist it to progress further. This research aims to achieve the
consideration of uplifting that particular attribute of classical interest incorporated with the
innovative digital approach to conserve the historic design pattern along with the fresh touch of
growing digital forum in architecture. This digital metamorphosis of architecture is inevitable but
orthodox style cannot be avoided at the expense of the modern styles. It is thus analyzed that the
application of the respective software and computer-based algorithm can be adopted to renew the
previously existing significant monumental buildings with their context in the coexistence with
modern architecture in the growing word.

Traditional, digital techniques, cultural heritage, renew, computer based algorithm

1.0 Introduction
The end of the century was the start of the mixing of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
processes into architecture; by then, engineering , automotive and aerospace industries were using
powerful digital tools that would develop building technologies in new directions. This cross-
disciplinary vision opened a new field for a generation of architects that were working at the
cutting-edge of digital design. A few of them attempted to increase the impact of the computer in
their work by including digital production processes that might result in a built object . Nowadays,
this tendency has become a widely spread reality. Not only architectural practices but also many
faculties of Architecture have began to integrate digital production equipment as a part of their
facilities, challenging the particular potential of the digital for the “making” of Architecture. This
paper participates within the current digital architecture debate by taking under consideration the
introduction of CAD-CAM technologies, and that specialize in the way this can further change the
method of architectural production. (Marta Malé-Alemany, n.d.)1 In traditional architectural
design process, two-three dimensional drawings and models which gradually become more
concrete are used. With the use of computers in design process, although traditional expression
tools are not left, digital technologies are used as additional tools in visualization of design. For
this reason, a hybrid training process with a combination of traditional and digital technologies is
The research tends to explore two forms of architecture and the possible outcome to be attained
by their amalgamation while preserving and maintaining the ethnicity and identical flavor of
both. Since it is an era of evolution and continuous transformations in all the fields and so has it
been noticed in the arena of architecture. The reflection of every on going movement in
architecture has been clearly observed in building typologies and relevant context yet with such
continuous evolution, the abolishment of the true flavor of that particular architectural style in
order to meet the new norms is not well justified. Today the world is shifting to digital
architecture with numerous means of software based techniques which truly is a very convenient
and innovative approach towards architecture and from here the shift to digital future can clearly
be seen but the question that arose as a reason behind conducting such research is that , “How
can the new digital innovations in architecture be adopted in traditional style while preserving its
actual flavor?’ or “Is it possible to fuse digital techniques into traditional architectural style
without disturbing its peculiar identity?”. To acquire the possible outcomes and answers to the
questions, there is a need to study both of the forms in detail that can lead us to an in-depth
knowledge of both branches. The next step is to analyze the area in detail that has to be
transformed with respect to past evolutions and contextual impacts that will make us able to
mark the constraints present there. The next step is the identification of relevant techniques and
strategies from digital styles to obstruct and morph those constraints with relevant research. The
final step involves the implementation of those strategies and techniques in form of computer-
based algorithms and softwares.

2.0 Literature review

The aim of this paper was to analyze traditional and digital expression techniques used in the
process of visualization of architectural design from various aspects and to compare the superior
and weak aspects of these techniques. A field study was conducted with a group of students
selected from Gazi University Faculty of Architecture. Within the scope of this study, an
evaluation study was perfumed with 72 students starting from first grade to third grade, for four

(Marta Malé-Alemany, n.d.)
successive semesters. In this process, design visuals were evaluated in terms of “Production
Time”, “Spatial Need-Hardware”, “SensitivityQuality”, “Photorealistic Results” “Ease of
Revision”, and “Ability to Produce New Alternatives”, “Ease or Archiving”,“ Compatibility for
Distance Education ”and“ Satisfaction of Lecturers and Students.
The first stage of the study was conducted in second semester of 2007-2008 academic year.
Within the scope of technical drawing course, the students were provided plan, cross-section and
profiles of a ready project and were requested to make two-dimensional drawings, perspective
drawings and models. In 2008-2009 academic year, this group of students made vector based
drawings of the same project in “Computer Aided Design I” course. In the second semester of
2008-2009 academic year, in “Computer Assisted Design II” course, the students made three-
dimensional modeling of this project in vector based software. In computer course conducted
following the first semester of 2009-2010 academic year, which was the final semester, the same
group of students were requested to model the same project using object-based software; to
produce material effects, light shadow adjustments and to obtain photorealistic images.
(Yildirim, 2012)2.

Table 1: comparison of visualization techniques

The table indicates that, at the end of the study, which lasted for four successive semesters, an
evaluation table which compared the products produced in traditional and digital media was
formed (Table 1). Since real magnitudes are required to evaluate the titles of “production
process” and “Spatial-Hardware Requirement”, these values were determined in unit of minute
and m2 . For the evaluation of other criteria, lecturers and the students were requested to conduct
a questionnaire study which can evaluate both expression techniques and each criterion. In the

(Yildirim, 2012)
questionnaire, a five degree grading scale ranging from “Very poor”, “Poor”, “Moderate”,
“Good”, “Very Good” was used.
Building technique is not a tool for solving the problem of form, but is just the source for
considering architectural spatial form (Giedion, 1967). Computers, an important technological
feature of the new generation, have already produced important breakthroughs in spatial form. By
use of digital computer technology, construction methods have gradually become a product of
computerized techniques. Computers are not just used in graphical stages of design production,
but are used in every step of the construction process. Using many new techniques, such as CAD
(computer aided design), CAE (computer aided engineering), CAM (computer aided
manufacturing) and CNC (computer numerical control) etc, spatial form has reached an entirely
new level. Thus, computers have become an indispensable interface in architectural design and
construction.(1998 a; Kloft, 2001; Ruby, 2001; De Luca and Nardini, 2002; Ham, 2003). With
theaid of computer animation software, designers can handle complicated form. Computers can
also assist in transforming design into construction. Computer software and hardware can be used
to create an interaction between design concept and manipulation of objects. The development of
digital free-form is the most obvious aspect of digital techniques (Imperiale, 1996; De Luca and
Nardini, 2002; Ham, 2003).

3.0 Methodology
In the age of the technological advancements in which every aspect of life is being affected in
order to adapt itself to the environment, filed of architecture has also evolved and there is a shift
to the computer aided design strategies. Besides having positive effects and ease of deign
production, this trend also applied some restrictions or limitations. One of those limitations inludes
the challenge of amalgamation of the old style buildings with digital architectural styles (Anton A.
KIM, September 2018)3.
There can be two possibilities to the methodology; first is to review and analyze the various case
studies of the present projects and the second approach is to design a new project on a site with
heritage significant architecture. The first approach is done as a critical analysis in order to
compare it with our second mentioned approach which will help in producing data for analysis.

Figure 1: Conceptual scheme of Figure 2: Conceptual scheme of parametric

representative digital design strategies digital design strategies

(Anton A. KIM, September 2018)
To analyze the above mentioned scenario, the practical approach is adopted in which digital
architectural style will be created in the site location with traditional context all around.Now there
are many design methodologies being practicing in computational architecture to produce a design
e.g. using representational method(figure 1) which is done by providing communication between
designer and computer is produced through commercial CAD packages or using algorithmic logic
or parametric methods(figure 2) in which relationship between elements is defined by assigning
values to control these points (Grisaleña, 2017)4 .
The parametric digital design strategy with algorithm logics will be appropriate for the exhibition
of the design as it provides more flexibility to adapt the shapes and styles according to the
contextual background which can probably be merge into one unit visually.
3.1 Framework of research methodology

Analysis of
Detailed study of Analysis of
context and
architectural architectutal
features evolution till date

Inlisting the Research based Identifying

possible methods to constraints
technuiques to obstruct present in the
implement constraints region

Drawing the Implementing

Exploring the
prototypes of and populating
computer based
innovation the prototype to
techniques whole form

A digital prototype structure will be fabricated and churn out on the charing cross Lahore
(significant site for its traditional architectural nabes) will be done practically by using the strategy
of the parametric digital design approach induced on the computer aided programmes to allow the
synchronization of the designed mould with its context by varying the expression values to
organize the control points of the components. The prototype will be analyzed by the data used
during the strategy and results will be concluded. At the end, both analysis( the analysis of the case
studies and the prototype) will be compared to extract the conclusions that will indicate the
possibility percentage of the amalgamation of the both traditional and computational digital design.

(Grisaleña, 2017)
Charing Cross, officially renamed Faisal Square), is a major road intersection of Lahore, Pakistan,
located on The Mall (Lahore).
Laid out during the British period.In the middle of the crossing is the garden where today juts

Figure 3: Existing plan of chairing cross

out from the ground a needle-like monument called the Summit Monument, a reminder of the
Islamic Summit of 1974. The canopy that stands in the middle of the garden was designed by the
famous architect of Lahore, Bhai Ram Singh. In the canopy was a grand statue of Queen
Victoria that looked across to the sloping Queens Road. The statue was cast in London in 1900
by B Mackennal, just a year before the Queen's death in 1901. In 1951 the statue was removed to
the Lahore Museum, where it can still be seen. Decades later military dictator Gen Ziaul Haq got

Figure 4 : British pavilion Figure 5 :Summit Minar

with model of the Holy Quran flanked by trapezoidal blocks
placed a wooden model of the Holy Quran where once stood the statue. Facing the canopy,
across the road, are two buildings of considerable historic significance.

One is Shahdin Building on the western side of the crossing, while on the eastern side is the old
Masonic Temple of Lahore. Shahdin Building has been purchased by a foreign bank, while the
old Masonic Temple was taken over by the Punjab chief minister to use it as an office. Shahdin
Manzil has been the witness to the many changes proposed and executed on The Charing Cross,
Lahore. Named after the first Judge Mian Shah Din, the building has survived for more than 100
years. Standing silently in one corner of the Charing Cross, the building is a reminder of the
glorious days of the past. At that time, it was designed to house the elites of the British society.

Figure 6: Shah Din Manzil Figure 7: Masonic Lodge

Figure 8: Punjab Assembly Figure 9: View of WAPDA

Building House

Following many years of neglect, the building was heavily damaged and had to go through some
major renovation. This resulted in the restoration of the façade and rejuvenation of the interior of
the space. The building presently houses a Bank. (Hafsa Imtiaz, October 2018)5 Behind the
canopy is the Punjab Assembly. The Charing Cross started taking its present form when the
building for Punjab Assembly was approved to be built opposite from the marble pavilion
(facing the semicircular buildings of Masonic hall and Shahdin Manzil). With the design of the
assembly hall, the physical fabric of The Charing Cross, Lahore would change dramatically,
adding an air of formality and order. Built in 1935-1938, the complex covers an area of 112
Kanal (50,4000 sqft) and was planned on the same principles of the neo-classical styleIf one was
to approach the canopy from the west, the building to the left is the Alfalah Building, where

(Hafsa Imtiaz, October 2018)
once was a beautiful garden. To the eastern side, where today stands Wapda House were rows
of shops in the Mela Ram Building and the Jodha Lal Building. To the right was the famous
Nedou's Hotel, where today stands the Avari Hotel.


1900 1914 1917 1935 1951 1962 1963 1974


Figure 10: Historical timeline of events leading in evolution of chairing cross

The Charing Cross may be ranked as more than simply the junction of roads. It is imperative to
preserve its character as it symbolizes our cultural and architectural heritage. As the square
constitute the public domain therefore, must be coordinated and based on perception of the
people. The success of a square is not just related to how it was formed, what contains it or what
it contains, but also what happens within it. Its existing condition reveals that we are certainly
not enough. A conscious effort has to be made to provide a better relationship between people
and the square. It is proposed that its first centenary may be celebrated to remove obscurities
related to its development. Architects, urban designers and planners may be invited to submit
their proposal for its renewal to make it a place of joy forever. A ray of information acts as a
spark so it could lead to a beginning in the urban renewal / revitalization of the Mall. The
journey forward lies in creative involvement of people and sense of identity with the built
environment of Lahore. (Naz, Jan 2008)6 While considering the renovation of chairing cross,
above mentioned buildings as the context of this square where to be preserved with whole of
their on-going activities as a consideration during incorporating digital methods.

(Naz, Jan 2008)
There is a serious traffic problem which is creating a problem for public. The cross between
roads is creating discomfort for people and accidents. All three major roads i.e. Mall road,
Egerton road and Queen’s road meet running in different directions creating a traffic junction

Figure 11: Traffic patterns at Charing Figure 12: traffic junction at Charing
Cross, Lahore Cross, Lahore

The site has random angular patterns. The Mall, Edgerton and Queen’s roads has hierarchy due
to their connected location in terms of the building typologies around as they the way to other
city and urban spaces. These roads have a lot of traffic all the day that create problems. The VIP
protocols, rallies and protests cause the road blockages.
The area has significant importance regarding its context. It is surrounded by many significant
types of buildings. The area is predominantly built with historical context in immediate context.

Figure 13: Figure Ground Relationship at

Charing Cross, Lahore
The office buildings are spread specially on the northern side. There are many hospitals and
health care centres, stores, some industrial buildings and a lot of public buildings. The
amalgamation of heights in buildings but mostly with 6 to 8 stories. There are many
entertaintment and recreational spaces which make the site more dense and busy.
The surroundings of the site has many open and green public spaces e.g. public parks.

Figure 14: Open Space Network at Charing

Cross, Lahore

The area has significant importance regarding its context. It is surrounded by many types of
buildings with historical context all around (as explained earlier in architeural evolutionary
history of the site).
The research topic is chosen randomly regarding the interest. The topic we chosen is the study of
the forest wisdom which lies in the hidden communication network of the trees underground.
The final form of the protype has been derived from the research keeping in view the context of
the site.
Using computers by designers provides to explore new opportunities in the design process.
Parametric design process presents data for architects and designers and also crucial
contributions in order to generate alternatives and solutions via parameters. Parametric
orcomponent form finding means the regarded process by taking advantages of the changeable
variables with introducing a set of rules describing the problems and obstacles of the form and
shapewhich creates three dimensional shapes based on the users’ data.
To create a very close, targeted and effective relation between structure and architecture,various
solutions were suggested in the field of architecture that one of these solutions is the
newmathematics. In conventional methods of design, designers try to put their feelings in the
center ofdecision-making process at the first step and the certain process of forming an idea and
concept inthis process was trimmed. One of the difficulties in the way of intuitive thinking is the
reduction ofthe possibility of the manufacturer’s reviewing; this means that until complete
visualization, thearchitect cannot come close to the ultimate goal and if a plan is formed in the
mind of the architect,to change its components are greatly reduced.
An algorithm is a clear set of instructions which received data as input, processes them
andprovides its answer in output. In algorithmic architecture it is attempted to make the
parametersaffecting the physical behavior of building (such as structure and materials) in the
process ofcontinuous analysis affect the architecture on time and reform the design in the
feedback loops. Thedesigner's insistence on advancing an idea of spatial form and then
engineering teams forcing tobuild the project is not the best form of the architecture anymore.
Algorithmic cycles of analysisdesign carry out the evaluation and production of options and after
various analyses on the project,the shortages, and problems resolves its problems (Khabazi,
2012). Algorithmicdesign consists of a set of variables and a set of relationships that defines a
form that the form can bemanipulated by changing certain parameters and setting data.
3.2 Exploring Voronoi Diagrams
Voronoi diagrams are a parametric design tool that used often in spatial and urban planning in
recent years. Voronoi diagrams and its general characteristics and usage areas in different
disciplines were referred within this study in order to understand the usage of Voronoi diagram
in spatial and urban planning. Information about usage area of diagram in architecture and urban
design and also design process was represented. The usage of diagram in different concepts was
exemplified by reviewing and examining of a research project that performs Voronoi diagrams, a
well-known building, an urban design project and a competition project. Finally, student project
process and usage of diagram in this process was illustrated and design process was evaluated
with examined examples in the conclusion part of the study.
Voronoi diagram is a formula that divides space into the regions according to the specified
points. Regions are generated by associating each point with the closest points. These points are
defined as Voronoi cells. Voronoi diagram consists of Voronoi cell, Voronoi space that surround
Voronoi cell, Voronoi vertex and Voronoi foam. Delaunay Triangulation or Delaunay
Tessellation described as dual graph of Voronoi Diagram. Delaunay Triangulation occurs with
the joining of the neighboring points that generates voronoi cells.

Figure 15: Delaunay Triangulation or Tessellation

4.0 Conclusions:
This paper provides the incorporation of digital methods in renovation of an existing urban square.
The traditional aspect and features present on the site were sustained with the addition of digital
prototype based upon algorithms. Charing Cross, Lahore is thus redeveloped digitally in
innovative manner through vornoi based algorithm as innovative technique. Hence leading to an
observation that a place can be evolved digitally with the preservation of historical context and
signature architectural fearures of the site.

Figure 16: Transformed plan of Charing Cross, Lahore

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