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Redstone MSPT Measuring

This excel sheet is the calculation of the MSPT (or amount of (extra) lag) that is caused by certain blocks
The way this is calculated is to subtract the "base" MSPT, so the lag the server normally has, from the lag the server has wi
The amount of blocks is always a 64x64 area or 4096 blocks (or more depending on what needs to be added)
Tests are done using Trapdoor to measure the MSPT
Each test is runned 5 times and then an average is taken to get a good view of how much lag a component causes

Block Setup Y1 Setup Y2 Setup Y3 Setup Y4 MSPT 1

Base MSPT, complete air Air Air Air Air 0.793
Stone Stone Air Air Air 0.785
Hopper Stone Air Hopper Air 2.406
Hopper into single chest Stone Chest Hopper Air 3.085
Hopper into shulker box Stone Shulker Box Hopper Air 3.394
Hopper into dropper Stone Dropper Hopper Air 3.298
Hopper into composter Stone Composter Hopper Air 2.48
Hopper into furnace Stone Furnace Hopper Air 3.474
Hopper into brewing stand Stone Brewing Stand Hopper Air 3.249
Hopper into glass Stone Glass Hopper Air 2.553
Hopper below single chest Stone Air Hopper Chest 4.063
Hopper below shulker box Stone Air Hopper Shulker Box 4.076
Hopper below dropper Stone Air Hopper Dropper 3.543
Hopper below composter Stone Air Hopper Composter 3.005
Hopper below furnace Stone Air Hopper Furnace 3.637
Hopper below brewing stand Stone Air Hopper Brewing Stand 3.358
Hopper below glass Stone Air Hopper Glass 2.416
Hopper below stone Stone Air Hopper Stone 2.454
Hopper below lever (active) Stone Air Hopper Lever 1.91
Hopper below redstone block Stone Air Hopper Redstone Block 1.91
Hopper below Cauldron Stone Air Hopper Cauldron 3.098
Hopper below Fletching Table Stone Air Hopper Fletching Table 2.407
Hopper below Powder Snow Stone Air Hopper Powder Snow 2.402
Hopper below Beacon Stone Air Hopper Beacon 3.182
Hopper below Daylight Stone Air Hopper Daylight 3.746
Hopper below Daylight inverted Stone Air Hopper Daylight inverted 4.306
Hopper below Hopper Stone Air Hopper Hopper 4.492
Hopper below Slab Stone Air Hopper Slab 2.425
Hopper below Grass Path Stone Air Hopper Grass Path 2.398
Hopper filled with arrows Stone Air Hopper Air 3.921
Piston Stone Air Piston Air 2.263
Collision Can spawn (stone floor + block) Can spawn (leaves floor + bl
Twisting vines 0 1 0
Lantern 1 1 x
Powder snow 0 1 1
trapdoors 1 1 1
Amethyst Cluster 1 1 1
coral (and fans) 0 1 x
Big dripleaf 1 1 1
campfire 1 1 1
fences * 1 1 1
doors 1 1 x
conduit 1 1 1
anvils 1 1 1
composters 1 1 1
cauldron 1 1 1
sea pickle 0 1 x
grindstone 1 1 1
brewing stand 1 1 1
glow lichen 0 1 x
slime block 1 1 1
iron bars * 1 1 1
signs 0 1 0
bells 1 1 1
redstone dust 0 1 1
lectern 1 1 1
shulker boxes 1 1 1
lightning rods * 1 1 1
stone buttons 0 1 1
end portal (frames) 1 1 1
chains 1 1 1
rails 0 1 x
armor stand 0 1 0
boats 0 1 0
minecarts 0 1 0
Randomtickspeed 1
he lag the server has with the blocks Inventory empty
No effects
Render distance 12, Simulation distance 6
ponent causes Always day

MSPT 2 MSPT 3 MSPT 4 MSPT 5 Average

0.783 0.784 0.777 0.775 0.7824
0.769 0.818 0.772 0.771 0.783
2.438 2.386 2.415 2.412 2.4114
3.089 3.097 3.082 3.101 3.0908
3.378 3.372 3.454 3.358 3.3912
3.247 3.303 3.212 3.224 3.2568
2.542 2.558 2.495 2.524 2.5198
3.483 3.4 3.444 3.417 3.4436
3.215 3.243 3.208 3.224 3.2278
2.597 2.523 2.588 2.615 2.5752
4.046 4.057 4.073 4.048 4.0606
4.078 4.058 4.045 4.046 4.0606
3.56 3.51 3.508 3.559 3.536
2.998 2.958 2.957 2.97 2.9776
3.542 3.567 3.56 3.614 3.584
3.337 3.397 3.334 3.356 3.3564
2.381 2.405 2.44 2.405 2.4094
2.381 2.41 2.402 2.415 2.4124
1.918 1.916 1.908 1.901 1.9106
1.907 1.901 1.911 1.909 1.9076
3.099 3.097 3.104 3.09 3.0976
2.414 2.413 2.422 2.386 2.4084
2.418 2.396 2.424 2.405 2.409
3.109 3.219 3.137 3.134 3.1562
3.711 3.679 3.693 3.844 3.7346
4.306 4.297 4.327 4.298 4.3068
4.505 4.516 4.544 4.48 4.5074
2.397 2.433 2.412 2.404 2.4142
2.435 2.411 2.416 2.405 2.413
3.916 3.933 3.955 3.945 3.934
2.282 2.282 2.342 2.272 2.2882
spawn (leaves floor + block)
mtickspeed 1

distance 12, Simulation distance 6

Base MSPT:
Subtracted from Base MSPT Rounded MSPT
0 0
0.0006 0
2.4114 2.41
3.0908 3.09
3.3912 3.39
3.2568 3.26
2.5198 2.52
3.4436 3.44
3.2278 3.23
2.5752 2.58
4.0606 4.06
4.0606 4.06
3.536 3.54
2.9776 2.98
3.584 3.58
3.3564 3.36
2.4094 2.41
2.4124 2.41
1.9106 1.91
1.9076 1.91
3.0976 3.1
2.4084 2.41
2.409 2.41
3.1562 3.16
3.7346 3.73
4.3068 4.31
4.5074 4.51
2.4142 2.41
2.413 2.41
3.934 3.93
2.2882 2.29

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