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Reviewer In Philippine Contemporary Arts

Arts d. Duration- is the length of time during which

– from the Greek word Ars which means skill. ; Art is a sounds is produced Some sounds are
longer than the others
human ingenuity in adapting things to man’s use, an
e. Timbre- is the quality of sounds that makes
extension or expression of man it distinct from the other sounds
f. Texture-Is the number of tones expected to
Principles of Art be apprehended simultaneously
1. Harmony – unity; all elements of an art are put B. Kinds of Music
together to come up with a coherent whole According to Boethius, the most
2. Balance – Physical Equilibrium, stability eloquent music writer of the Middle Ages,
A. Formal – symmetrical balance, 1 there are three types of music.
B. Informal – left and right, though not identical, a. Musica Mundane - proportions in the
represent even distribution of weight movements of celestial bodies
3. Rhythm – Repetitive pattern or succession of similar the Sun, Moon, and planets as a form
or identical items of music; kind of music created by the
4. Proportion – comparative relationship of different environment/ nature.
parts in relation to the whole Ex. chirping of birds, ocean waves,
5. Emphasis – proper importance to one or more parts blowing of winds
of the thing or the whole thing itself b. Musica Humana -the internal music of the
Genres of Art human body;
1. Visual Arts – arts perceived by the eyes Ex. the voice of Pavarotti, acapella, the
A. Graphics Art – visual arts with length and width; two
voice of any singer
B. Plastic Arts – arts with length, width and volume; c. Musica Instrumentalis – music created by
three dimensional musical instruments
2. Audio Visual – arts perceived by both eyes and ears, Ex. gong, violin, guitar
also called performing arts C. Classification of Musical Instrument
3. Literary Arts – presented in writing and intended to a. String/Stringed Instruments-as their
be read name suggests, have strings which are
4. Combined Arts – combination of two or more form of either plucked or bowed.
arts Ex. Banjo, Guitar, Violin
Elements of the Visual Arts b. Wind Instruments- As their name
1. Lines- a series of connected dots or a prolongation of suggests, require wind to produce sounds
a point to show the shape or form of any piece of art so they are blown
Ex. Bassoon, Oboe, Saxophone
2. Color – the aspect of the appearance of objects and c. Percussion Instruments- Are beaten or
light source that may describe in terms of hue, lightness struck examples are drums
and saturation for light source Ex.Castanets, Cymbals
3. Texture- associated with the sense of touch d. Keyboard Instruments As their name
4. Shape- is the form or outline of an object suggests, have keys which are pressed to
5. Space- the area or surface occupied by the artwork produce the desired sounds
6. Space- the area or surface occupied by the artwork Ex.Celesta, Piano
7. Volume- the amount of space occupied by an object DANCE-is a form of art using rhythmic bodily
in three dimensional movements expressing ideas and emotions and
8. Perspective- synonymous with point of view, angle of accompanied by music
vision or frame of reference A. Elements of Dance
9. Forms- refers to the overall composition of the a. Dancer – he/she is the performer, there
artwork. It describe the entire shape or organization of won’t be dance without him/her
the thing or object created. b. Choreography – he does the overall
Mediums design of the dance
Tempera – Ground Pigments mixed with albuminous or c. Design – planned organization or pattern
colloidal vehicle (egg yolk, glue) of movements in time and space
Oil – Pigments mixed with linseed oil d. Subject – is the message of the dance
Fresco – earth pigments mixed with water and applied e. Movements – are classified into steps,
to fresh plaster, Italian of Fresh; Buon Fresco –wet gestures, and facial expressions
plaster, Fresco Secco-Dry Plaster f. Technique – is the style or way of
Water color – Pigment mixed with water and applied to executing the movements
fine white paper g. Costumes – the things worn by the
Pastel – dry pigments bound to form crayons, applied dancers during their performance
directly h. Properties – more commonly called props,
Acrylic – synthetic paints mixed with a vehicle capable the things carried by the dancers as they
of being thinned with water perform
Encaustic – Pigments mixed with wax bind to a wooden i. Set Design – is the setting or the
panel or wall background that indicates the place of
MUSIC- is the art of combining sounds of varying pitch action for the dancers.
to produce a coherent composition that is melodious, B. Kinds of Dance
harmonious, intelligible, and expressive of ideas and a. Folk or ethnic dances are those
emotions 36. performed by members of a tribe or ethnic
A. Elements of Music groups to conduct their day-to-day
a. Pitch- is the relative highness or lowness activities.
of a tone. Ex.Maglalatik, Itik-itik, Singkil
b. Volume or Intensity- is the loudness or b. Social or ballroom dance-A re those
softness of a sound. performed by pairs or groups in ballrooms
c. Tempoor Rate- is the speed of a or dance halls to socialize.
composition or any of its sections. Ex.Boogie, Nae-nae, Pole Dancing
Reviewer In Philippine Contemporary Arts
c. Spectacular or theatrical dances-Are
those performed on stage as a spectacle to
entertain the audience.
Ex. Ballet, Gymnastics
Literature-a body of written works; traditionally been
applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose
distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the
perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution. It is an
art that is presented in writing and intended to be read

Kinds of Literature
A. Poetry-Is that board genre of literature that is written
in stanza form.
Elements of Poetry
a.Measure-Involves the counting of the number of
lines and stanzas and the number of syllables and
b.Rhythm-Is the regular succession of accented
and unaccented syllables in a line.
c.Rhyme- Is the presence of words that have similar
or identical final sounds
d.Imagery-Is the creation of a picture or pictures by
using words that appeal to the senses
B. Prose- It is a broad genre of literature that is written
in paragraph form.
A three dimensional and representational art in solid
Kinds of Scupture
Round Sculpture three dimensional and capable of
being viewed on all sides
Relief Sculpture attached to a surface, classified as
High or Low relief
Method of Scupture
Carving – Subtractive process
Molding – Forming the image manually
Additive – Material is added
Assemblage – installation of materials

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