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STEREO TAPE RECORDER mopeL 1722W ALSO APPLICABLE TO MODEL 1722L STEREO TAPE RECORDER SECTION 1. SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 2 PARTS LIST ..... ee 2 SECTION 3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 40 m, VL vil SECTION 1 SERVICE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS MEASURING METHOD 1, TAPE SPEED DEVIATION 2. WOW AND FLUTTER 3. FREQUENCY RESPONSE 4, SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO 5. TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION FACTOR 6, CROSS TALK (Cross talk between the tracks) 7. BRASE RATIO 8. POWER OUTPUT DISMANTLING OF UNIT MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT 1, PINCH WHEEL ADJUSTMENT SUPPLY REEL TABLE TENSION ADJUSTMENT TAKE UP REEL TABLE TENSION ADJUSTMENT FWD/REC MODE MECHANISM CHANGE AND ADJUSTMENT DRIVE BELT POSITION ADJUSTMENT FLYWHEEL LOOSE PLAY ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT OF IDLER #2 POSITION AT FAST FORWARD MODE 8, AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF OPERATING POINT ADJUSTMENT HEAD HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 1, HEAD HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 2. HEAD SLANT ADJUSTMENT 6 3, RECORDING/PLAYBACK HEAD AZIMUTH ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT. AMPLIFIER 1. RECORDING BIAS FREQUENCY CHECK FREQUENCY RESPONSE CHECK RECORDING BIAS VOLTAGE CHECK ERASE VOLTAGE 5. HUM ALLEVIATION COIL ADJUSTMENT DC. RESISTANCE OF VARIOUS COILS ‘VIII, COMPOSITE VIEWS OF COMPONENTS. “4 14 1s 15 15 16 " ” 0 0 v ” 18 19 |. SPECIFICATIONS [An actersk next to 4 igue indicates the mininnum guaranteed performance, TRACK SYSTEM ‘ind Dahm deoinomonl pen REEL CAPACITY — Upto 7 reel = ‘TAPE SPEED. [7.172 and 3.3/4 pe OR OBR) = ‘Wow AND FLUTTER Tess than 0.148 (*0.15%) RMS. a0 T2 ips z Les than 0.18% (020%) RMS. at 3.3/4 ip. Tess than 0225 RMS. at 7-1/2 fps (Scotch #175 TAPE 3,000 He recording snd plybock) FREQUENCY RESPONSE 1,000 Ha =16VU Recording, measured at speaker ouipat WIDE RANGE TAPE | 30 to 21,000 He (*50 to 20,000 Hz)#3 dB at 7-4/2 ips 40 to 15,000 He (*50 to 12,000 H)t3 aB at 33/4 ips LOW NOISE TAPE | 30 to 18,000 Hz (450 to 18,000 H}#3 OB at 7-12 ips 40 to 13,000 Hs (*50 to 10,000 Hz)#3 dB at 3:3/4 ips. TOTAL WOW AND FLUTTER DISTORTION FACTOR TOTAL DISTORTION FACTOR "VU recording at @ mV mie Tapa, Output 2W and Tone Control Max using Scotch #211 ‘SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO] ~Bottor than 50 dB (47 a) at 10-dBm output and ‘Tone Control Max (fiom Speaker Out) ‘TOTAL SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO Better than 43 dB at 10 dBm output and Tone Coniial Max . = (Grom Speaker Ou) ‘CROSS TALK = Better than 60 4B (35 Gi) Momaaaal Qe pat 4 mV, 1,000 He #3 VU recording, measured at line output) Better than 45 dB (*43 4B) Stereo (me input 4 mV, 1,000 He +3 VU recording, meatured al line output) ERASE RATIO Better than 70-4 (65 4) 1,000 Iz +3 VU recording inputs Volume at maximum, 1,000 He "0 VU indistion MIC INPUT | More than 0.5 mV LINE INPUT | More than 70 mV DIN INPUT |More than 70 mV (High) |More tan $ mv Low ourPuTs TINE OUTPUT | OV (olume min) to 23V Wolume max) ung « 250 Hz ‘0” VU preecorded tape at 7-1/2 ie pix output | iv PHONE OUTPUT | 100 mV at 80 each CH. SPEAKER OUTPUT | 30/82 each CH. ___| fore than QW/2W) continuous power at 80 [RECORDING BIAS FREQUENCY 3 eras _—__ BIAS LEAK Leis than -20 VU measured at line omtpat HIGH FREQUENCY DEVIATION ‘With 2 dB using an 8,000 He 33/4 ips. provecorded tape a ~ 11/2 ips. Tone Control Max RECORDING CAPACITY. 2 hosresieeo recording using a 1,200 ape at 3.3/4 ips — FAST FOWARD AND REWIND TIME 80/100 see. using a 1.2000. tape at 60/50 He MOTOR 724 pole induction 2speed motor. type: Ic16Y Revolstions:—1,790/1,490 rpm. at 60150 te (Low Speed) FDINGLAYSACR HERD} pm. at 60/50 He igh ped) —_ EADS RECORDINGFLAYEACGK HEAD "| Types F150 Gap’ 2 microns Impedance: 1,2S02815% at 1,000 He De Resistance: 919 ERASE HEAD | Type: E4200 Gap: 0.6 mm Impedance: 2000859 at 100 lz Dee Ressince: 20 TRANSISTORS WSCSELGH) (4 Cue. 4 2sc711 (D) ©) 2SC1312 FG)... 2 250968 (3) (Red) 2 DIODES INSEA. 2 Tooer wy. 1ODCA (Red) 2 ‘SPEAKERS 2 bolt a(S ¥ 7) Ova speakers Impedance: an OWER SUPPLY 100 © 40V AC. 50/60 He 120V AC. 60 He for CSA/UL Models 220V AC. $0 He for CEE Models | POWER CONSUMPTION, SOW. S DIMENSIONS TaaW | 3S8(W) x 360 x 248 (Diam CAT x TST xD 1722_|_359(W) x 36600) x 248 (D)mm_(14.1" x 14.4" x 9. wai T72aW | 132 ky G9 Bos) rma_| 140 5g G08 bs) NOTE: Specifications subject to change without notis. H. MEASURING METHOD 1. TAPE SPEED DEVIATION 3. FREQUENCY RESPONSE Ling Ling Jutput Input} Frequency Audio. joutput Input, [ v= E comer | [iy tarp ee spate Fa tra Dea |As shown in Figure 1, connect a Frequency Counter 8a to the Line Output of the recorder. Take a Input frequen) contr rating a the begining, mie, High Senitiviy and end of tape winding during playback. The ‘maximum value of these respective readings will represent tape speed devi 2. WOW AND FLUTTER Line lout input! Wow and yew Fhutter Meter Fig. 2 Method A ‘As shown in Fig. 2, connect the Line Output of the recorder to the Input of a Wow and Flutter Meter. Use a 3,000 Hz presecorded test tape and take @ wow and flutter meter reading at the beginning, ‘middle, and end of tape winding. The maximum value of these respective readings will represent the ‘wow and fluter. Method B Supply 2 3,000 He sine wave signal from an Audio Frequency Oscillator and make a recording on a blank tape at the beginning, middle, and end of tape winding. Rewind and playback tape. Measure wow and flutter with a Wow and Flutter Meter. (The wow and flutter value of Method B will be close to VE times of Method A) VIM, a Fig. 3 1) Connect the various instruments as shown in Fig. 3 and supply a 1,000 Hz sine wave signal to the Line Input of the recorder from an Audio Frequency Oscillator through an Attenuator. Set recorder to “REC” mode and turn recording level control volume to obtain “O" VU meter reading. 2) Under conditions described in 1) above, readjust Attenuator so that the Line Input is -16 dB, and record 50 to 18,000 He spot frequencies, 3) Rewind tape and playback from the beginning Take V-T.V-M. spot frequency readings and plot values on a graph, NOTE: When measuring frequency response, new tape should be used 4, SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO speaker fOutput Input! High, sensitivity ligh Sensitivity rw Hh Sensiti Damimy 8 i 4 Connect the various instruments as shown in Fig. 4 ‘and playback a 250 Hz “0” VU pre-recorded test tape and adjust volume control to obtain +10 dbm V.T-V.M.teading. Then remove the tape and measure the noise level under the same condition. Convert each of the measured values into decibels, 5. TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION CTOR Line > ——— Audio loutpat Input Frequency lapel rw [eis Gee [Speaker Output Dummy) ao. put Distortion Meter Fig. 5 1) Connect the various instruments as shown in Fig. 5. Load a Scotch #211 tape and set Tone control to “MAX” position. 2) Record & 1,000 Hz. sine wave signal at “O” VU. Playback the resultant signal and measure the ‘overall distortion factor. NOTE: 1) At this time, Distortion factor of the ‘Audio Frequency Oscillator must be suf- ficiently small 2) When measuring the distortion factor, new tape should be used, 6. CROSS TALK (Cross talk between the tracks) we ™ _= eee Fig. 6 |As shown in Fig, 6, first record # 1,000 He sine ‘wave signal on Track No.3 at +3 VU level. Next, record under a non-input condition. Then, playback the tape on Tracks No.3 and 4 through the B.P.P. (band pass filter sensitivity ...1 : 1) and obtain & ratio between the two from the following formu: C=20 tog 2 (oD oo, where, © = desired crosstalk ratio (4B) Bp = 1,000 He signal output level (V) amt E, = 1,000 Hz crosstalk level (V) 2204 E, = Non.input signal recorded level (V) 4 7.ERASE RATIO ___ AAs shown in Figs @Miect «High Sensitivity VIM. to the Line Output of the recorder Playback a vggin tape and take a V.T.VM. reading Of the output level Next, reord 1,000 He sine rave signal at +3 oB, then playback this recorded gn apd uke a VEV.M, reading of the output Towel Next, sing this prerecorded tape record tinder a noninpot condition and lake a reading of the note level output ofthe erased signal and ob ain trai Between the to fom the following forma Eo aE 1 = (an) where, Desized erase ratio (4B) 1,000 He signal output level (V) Nom-input signal recorded level (V) Virgin tape noise output level (V) 8. POWER OUTPUT Speaker jutput __Input| High Sensitivity rw VM. anv a Fig. 2» As shown in Fig. 7, connect an_ 88% dummy load fevstor to the speaker output of the recorder and Connect this termina to 2 High Sensitivity V-L.V.M. Playback a 250 Hz “0” VU presecorded test tape and take ¢ V-TN-M. reading of the output evel The resultant output can be obtained from the reals ofthe above measurement by using. the following. formule where, Desired power output (watts) Measured voltage (V) (RMS.) 30. I. DISMANTLING OF UNIT In case of trouble, ete. necessitating disassembly, please disassemble in the order showg in photographs. Reassemble in reverse order . ne i i % : i a & : ; g i | ; : t i t % & ‘ ‘ $ na2adatatatatara tate ecb ententenseententrn enbententenb nn Latauatargtatatatatatstatazatste2etatatatatstater: prwtstatatstatatatatgtatstatatgentata2et62, 4 i i 4 Iv. MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT capstan at PINCH ROLLER Fig. 8 1, PINCH WHEEL PRESSURE MEASURMENT (See Fig. 8) Confirm the following prior to pinch wheel presure measurement: (See F.9) ‘The part of the pinch wheel over which the tape pecs is parallel with the capastan shaft (represented ty @ and ® nF.) 1) As shown in Fig, 8, measure pinch wheel pressure ‘with a spring giuge by pulling the pinch wheel awey from the capstan and then returning ‘Takes reading ofthe spring gauge indication at the time the pinch whee! contacts the capstan. Correct pinch wheel pressure at this time is within 1,150 0 1,200 gr. Fig. 9 2)1n case @ and @ in Fig. 9 isnot parallel, check for the following 1, Rubber part of pinch wheel is worn, (Replace pinch wheel) b. Capstan or pinch wheel shaft is bent. (Adjust) NOTE: This condition may also be caused by ‘twisted tape or wow and flutter. Fig. 10 e otc) pn n TaKE UP REEL TENSION 2. SUPPLY REEL TABLE TENSION ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 10 at left) Clutch felt (2) is used on the bottom part of rewind pulley (3) and reel table base plate (1) to protect the tape from excessive tension at rewind mode. For measuring the tension of each reel, it i ideal to ‘use on empty 5” reel on which a tape has been wound to cover a 60 mm diameter as shown in Fig. 11 Check and Adjustment (See Fig.11- @ ) (®) At rewind mode, the tension of felt (2) part shown in Fig, 10 should be from 400 t0 500 grams when the tape is gently pulled upward with a spring gauge. If adjustment is necessary, this can be accomplished by increasing or decreas- fing the number of washers used, (b) Felt (5) is for the purpose of applying suitable clutch (back tension) at Forward and Recording modes, Measure in the same way as outlined in item (a) and adjust by strengthening or weakening the tension by increasing or decreas: ing the number of washers respectively to obtain 80 to 100 grams of tension. (0) At Fast Forward mode, the tension (free tension) should be 15 to 20 grams, To adjust, strengthen for weaken tension by increasing or decreasing the number of washers and by moving Pulley (9) up and down and tightening to fixed position with serew. ° suPPuy REEL EENON ~comm Fig. 11 3. TAKE UP REEL TABLE TENSION ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 10 at right) Clutch felt (2) is used on the bottom of reel tabfe~~ ‘base plate (1) for the purpose of preventing excessive tension from being applied to the tape and tape stretch from occuring at Fast Forward mode. Check and Adjustment (See Fig. 11- @ ) (@) To measure the tension between felt (2) and rewind roller A (10), load the tape and at forward mode, gently pull end of tape upward with a spring gauge (Fig. 11- @) ) eal tension at thie part is 400 to $00 gr. To adjust, increase or decrease the number of washers used. Also, if rotation is not smooth when tumed by hand, replace felt (©) Felt (11) on take up roller D (12) is for the ‘purpose of clutch between take up roller A (20) and take up roller D. Measure the tension at this part in the same way as outlined in paragraph (3) [deal tension is 150 to 180 grams. Adjust by increasing or decreasing the number of washers sed (©) At Rewind mode the tension (Sree tension) Should be 15 40 20 grams. Adjustment can be made by increasing or decreasing the number of washers used and by moving set sleeve B (14) up and down and repositioning REC. LEVER? @ LEVER. SPRING . FWD/REC MODE MECHANISM CHANGE. ‘AND ADJUSTMENT ‘OPERATION (1) Set REC/PLAY Lever from FWD to REC postion, (Cam @ pushes Cam Roller © and Arm © as iutrated by the dotted lines in Fig. 12. (Am © pulls Lever Spring shaft @ as indicated by the arrow mack. (Then, Recording Levers 1 and 2(@ and ©) set Slide Switches SW-1 and SW2 to recording condition, In the event that the Recording Levers (REC LEVER 1 @ , REC LEVER 2 @ ) do not push the Slide Switches perfectly, too much loose play exists. * Vibration or the ibility to record is sometimes caused by imperfect slide switch operation Adjustment, Adjust position of Recording Levers 1 and 2 while checking to confirm thatthe lovers are pushing the Slide Switches perfectly Fix at adjusted position with screws ® mi ® 5. © ‘cam ROLLER & Fig. 12 DRIVE BELT POSITION ADJUSTMENT If drive belt position adjustment is necessary, with the powe turned ON, insert a U shaped washer in ‘the place indicated in the figure so that the drive belt come to the center of the motor pulley a5 shown in Fig. 13. . FLYWHEEL LOOSE PLAY ADJUSTMENT With a minus driver, turn bearing and adjust gap to obtain a 0.3 mm loose play between the Steel Ball ‘and Bearing when the flywheel is moved as indicated by the arrow mark (==) in Fig. 14 Fix at ideal position by turing mut to right (see figure). = whe waver MoToR PULLEY RIVE BELT [-—PROP Ae 2-SPEED ADJUST WITH MINUS DRIVER GaP a3mm Fig. 13 Fig. 14 TAKE UP ROLLER & LER WHEEL 2 ewuRLING PULLEY INDICATES FWD. 7. ADJUSTMENT OF IDLER #2 POSITION AT FAST FORWARD MODE Move Cam © shown in Fig. 15 up and down as indicated by the arrow mark (=~) in the figure and adjust Lever (G)_height so that Idler #2 contact between Take Up Roller A and the knurling Pulley 4 uniform when the FFWD/RWD Lever is set to EFWD postion. Fix at adjusted position with Adjustment Scie O Dating operation, confirm thatthe rotating position of fer #2 i ideal Lever’ stor MECH, HNO SPRING E aowkrine sorew © Fig, 15 a fie 16 8, AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF OPERATING POINT ADJUSTMENT Move Micro Switch as indicated by the arrow mak (=n) in the figure and fx Serews @) and @ 20 that when the Automatic Shutoff Switch is at ON position, the Miso Switch is perfectly tum off a position at which the gap between A lever shaft tnd AS lever Stopper i about 3 mm as shown in Fig. 16, Vv. HEAD HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT (eeu apwusrment) ANT. ADJUSTMENT, oo (ERT REED ©@ la bse @ (AZIMUTH ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT) [As head adjustment is of utmost importance to the ‘operation of tape recorder, please be especially careful in making these adjustments. Also please check the tape travel system, If the tape travel system is faulty, because this causes the tape to twist, etc., be sure that ree] height adjustment is precise 1, HEAD HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 1) Erase Head Loosen Serews @ and ©) and adjust the erase head height. Tighten screws, At position at Which the upper edge of the tape is 0.15 mm Jower than the upper edge of the erase head 2)Recording/Playback Head ‘Adjust with Head Height Adjustment Screws © and @ so that the upper edge of the tape and the upper edge of channel 1 head core are the same height Fig. 17 2. HEAD SLANT ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 17) Adjust Adjustment Screws @ © , ©, and Oso that the etase and recording/playbsck heads contact the tape at the proper angle in relation to tape travel 3, reeWA une et ‘SENSITIVITY VT. Fig. 18 RECORDING/PLAYBACK HEAD AZIMUTH ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT (See Figs. 17 and 18) 1) Playback an Ampex Alignment TTest Tape (8,000 Hz, 3.3/4 ips recorded) at 7-1/2 ips 2) Conneet a High Sensitivity V.T.V.M. to the line utpt pt a8 shown in Fig. 18 and adjust Screw @ to ‘obtain maximum V.T.V.M. indication at -10 dBm range 3) Repeat Items 1 through 3 two or three times for optimum performance. vi. AMPLIFIER Fig, 19 a eer Fig. 20 ‘Connect the various measuring instruments as shown, in Fig. 19, . RECORDING BIAS FREQUENCY CHECK (See Fig. 19) 1) Set recorder to recording mode. 2) Connect a Frequency Counter to point @ of the Recording/Playback Head as shown in Fig, 19 and read indication. * Specified recording bias frequency is 63 kHz#8%. . FREQUENCY RESPONSE CHECK 1) For measuring instrament connections, see Fig. 3, Set recorder to recording mode and supply a 1,000 He sine wave sigaal to the line input from an Audio Frequency Oscillator. Record at 1,000 Hz -16 VU and then switch the Oscillation frequency of the Audio Frequency Oscillator to 10,000 Hz and record. 2) The Volume Controls must be set to obtain a VU meter indication of -16VU at 1,000 He The Tone Controls should be set to maximum for 3.3/4 ips. tape speed and to about 4 or 5 position for 7-1/2 ips. tape speed. 3) The V.I.VM. indication should display equally flat frequency response at the two frequencies in items 1) and 2) (both channels). |. RECORDING BIAS VOLTAGE CHECK Check the voltage at points © and @ shown in Fig. 19, Correct recording bias voltage is about 13V A.C. ERASE VOLTAGE Correct erase voltage is about 43.5V A.C. . HUM ALLEVIATOR COIL ADJUSTMENT (Refer to Fig. 4 of Measuring Method) Connect a High Sensitivity V-T.V.M. to the Speaker output Terminal through an 82 dummy toad resistor, Leadea-250-Hz “0 VL seconds. test tape and set Tone Controls to Maximum. the fet Deck to P.1 modetastapa and move hum alleviator coils as indicated bby the arrow marks in Fig. 20 while observing V.T:VM. indication and position at place where V-T-VM, indication is minimum. (Must be better than 47 oB) VI, D.C. RESISTANCE OF VARIOUS COILS D.C, resistance value is average value Designation ‘Type DC. Resistance Between Red-Vit 1002 Between Gry-Vit_ 809. Main Motor Ic16y Between Wht Bik 1409 Between YiwBik 3100 | Primary 1502 Driver Transformer 1N24.6847 AT Secondary 709 Between 13 0.30 Oscillation Coit or-204 Between 46 0.72 Between 79 8.20 Bre. Head 20 Recording/Playback Head 1a Hum Alleviator Coit 050 (Refer to diagram shown below) Power ‘Transfomer ust-1 Fig. 21 Vill. COMPOSITE VIEWS OF COMPONENTS 1, PRE-AMP, P.C. BOARD (LS-5209) Ro Ta BER Becna TB ihe auteur tis=s20r) sec) Foo Taso aw EEO Satswrr 2 eth a1 Henn PHONE lwo seaeeee To SrA SW ew) ‘0 rove vrai 7 a SECTION 2 PARTS LIST TABLE OF CONTENTS FIG. 1 HEAD BLOCK ........-..- FIG. 2. REEL TABLE BLOCK : FIG. 3. MOTOR/BELT CHANGE LEVER BLOCK FIG, 4 FLYWHEEL BLOCK, FIG. 5 SWITCH BLOCK ........ FIG. 6 MECH. ASSEMBLY BLOCK FIG. 7. PRE-AMP. P.C, BOARD (LS-5209) BLOCK FIG. 8 MAIN AMP/OSC/POWER SUPPLY P.C. BOARD (LS-207) BLOCK FIG. 9 AMP. ASSEMBLY BLOCK FIG. 10 FINAL ASSEMBLY BLOCK . INDEX BRRAS 30 2 BRE HOW TO USE THIS PARTS LIST = - 1. This puts lists compiled by vvou individu! locks bated on assembly proce. 2. When ordering prs please dserbe parts number, serial umber, and model number in deta 3. How to read. The refeence number conesponds with ilustton or photo numberof ht parca par st. This number coresponds with the Figue Number ne number covesponds With the indus pats index number In that fe A sal x indeates the inability to show that particular prt Fn the Photo or mustation 12-115x [Scherstis Diagram Number of individual manoTactred pat {not required for parts order) i ree i Ref. No. Pats No, ecription stench Qty * FLYWHEEL BLOCK #13 1217 244758 Fat, Flywheel wom 1 12118) 251324 Main Metal Cte om 4. The symbot numbers shown on the P.C. Board list can be matched with the Composite Views ‘of components of the Schematic Diagram or Service Manual 5. The indications of Resistors and Capacitors in the photos of P.C. Board are being eliminated 6. The shape of the parts and parts name, etc. can be confirmed by comparing them with the parts shown on the Electrical Paris Table of P.C. Board 7. Both the kind of part and installation position can be determined by the Pasts Number. To determine where a parts number is listed, utilize Parts Index at end of Parts List It is necessary first of all to find the Parts Number. This can be accomplished by using the Reference Number listed at right of parts number in the Parts Index. (meaning of ref. no. outlined in Item 3 above), 8. Utilize separate “Price List for Parts” to determine unit price. The most simple method of finding parts Price is to utilize the reference number. FIG. 1 ILLUSTRATION OF ‘When ondetng par HEAD BLOCK wisrsiat Mzao10s8 hae Hzzsst1 HEAD BLOCK Description 4:4RLC Head Block Comp. Head Bas, £5 (in) Spring Wather REC /PB. HEAD Pa.150 Screw, round head 310 ‘Ansle Adjust Spring D race Head ‘Washer (Nylon) D&.2x9x1¢ “enson Spring. LS ‘U" Ring 2.884 Mola Socket 36-5202 (M Type) Head Chassis Retaining Srew Screw, pan head 4x8 ow plage describe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Modet Number in det, ———————— FIG. 2 ILLUSTRATION OF REEL TABLE BLOCK oS i . | REEL TABLE BLOCK | 21s BRST0802.Suppy Re abe Block Comp, L834 Eat nsrosia Takep ee Tae Bockcomy tod | 23 Mitgsena Rew tie Det Borman a Sem | G2) MSneiio Rennie nvvoe,cb2 com | 3S Nszss000 Ree Serb et 24426207559. Spring 6-2 (Let) om 1 Hibe Ewacenes Waite @UP Bestaos@aat 3 Tine fvicooes wanes (UP be tetora 38 3 EIS! Masser Rec Toie et eter seat 220" wR252066 Takeup Roller © 1 22 MTAaBGH7 Reel Torque Adjuet Theat 7 ‘22 2w29160 Thwvst Waaner wel amt 224 2W2¢0021. Washer (SUP) Do-151020.138 2 25 Zwa600584 Washer (SUP) De. Lx1o¥0.25¢ 2 Babs Duaeanes. Wher (SUP) D6 199030 354 2 Gimeta ata Di9ei3e1t Cylon) stmt 2:33 MT255993 Reel Table Spring Fate MOTT E34 Zwa6006s Washer (UP) De-1¥10x0.3¢ 1 B34 BSsaan7y Set Sor, Hexagon socket “eT (Cupp) : 23% 26277882 Spring 6-2 (Reh) Boe MT2SSe8) Ree! Table Sip Plate A (Deer Skin) en 241 MR252077 Taks-up Roller D(Lower) Mia 22x 7255982 Reel Table Spins Pte oa 285 26818077 Spring Ft on BAY MTs986%6 Reel Torque Adjust Throt 6 (evoin) : ‘wien ordering pars, please detribe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Modet Number in detail ————— FIG. 3. ILLUSTRATION OF MOTOR/BELT CHANGE LEVER BLOCK____ or MOTOR/BELT CHANGE LEVER BLOCK moroR ntock 32k Maa6663. Motor Blosk 16Y Comp. (CSA) 15-43 33x MA99139 Motor Boek 16Y Comp. (CEE) 1-23 34° zaanzaa 24Motor Cover, wimetal em 2 35 Muasoi7a 38SeD em Bax Mzaseeos OUFeit E rem 39x 29304131. Serew, round head 3x5 4 whwosher 4 342 Mzi50279: Motor Mt. Pate mt 3:43 7430334 Motor/R. Table B remot 3544 iaSe160 Motor Prop A mm 2 5416 28424056. Screw, pan 4 318 28427025 Screw, countersunk head 4x10 2 . 3.314 2059885. Washer (PDP) DS.1210.320.1¢ 1 323, MR259904 Knrting pulley, whleere MEME 3:24 Z5e13021" Screw, ovl countersunk bead 3.25 Mz251068 Motor Outside Shisid2 same 3.264 Mz29264 Motor Shiels Pate, XR. (C3A,CEE) xem 1 BELT CHANGE LEVER BLOCK 3.27% BLSGeI07 Bolt Change Lever Block (E) 3.28 M6L.217862_ ole Change Lever B Gm olen ATI 3.29 7248354. Bet Guide Stop, winetal TRE 333 20260054 Washer (SUF) DS-1x10x0.25¢ 1 34x Zwa002ta “U' Ring 2.8801 ea 3:35 ECS30101 M/C. (Lue Type Un/D.) 3:36 EC486630 MFC (Lup Type Uni/D.) uF 250WVAC (UL, CSA) e441 397 25329728 Sere, binding Bead 3x3 2 338 E2900 0B as0(K) ae Soe Zsnuzrae ‘wheather 1 341 Mtzaseata Motor Fan D, bose wees 1 34228476987 Set Serew, hexagon rocket Su (copie) 1 ‘Wien ordering pins plese describe Pats Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in deta FIG. 4 ILLUSTRATION OF FLYWHEEL BLOCK Pay nen ordering pars, please describe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in detail, Parts No. Miiase7t0 FLYWHEEL BLOCK Description oy Fiywneat Block Comp, tsar 1 ‘Flap Flywhee! Fixing Pia sex Washer (yon) Dstt (oithout hole Shaft Support tsa 180 Net #3 Ms FIG. 5 ILLUSTRATION OF SWITCH BLOCK SWITCH BLOCK Bet pata Decides Ht an Sh, Teentnae aeo188 Washer (be De seteute 3 izasraey cap tap Pate B sm Toarrste Spring © om Zoeio001 Sere pn end 4x8 5 Zwusnies wane gioy Dendoaost Zweat2ts Wane ye betas Thiam “Totes Lock Washer M3 i zatenes ot rate ma i Museiias overt wate ost Mnai0203 Cam ROMEA Gis) O12 es Ewasone) 0'Rinr as ete iSnrier ruse Leer Sut Srew om Binion Wer Coes) Dedaax0338 waisess Norte t fwarsto2Tootea Lock Washer M& : Merino svctameba wine wes whan Maainuts cam aleraQyion D1 tmnt Eacot21 washer Ryton) Ds.1x10x¢ i Nzatrocs Amp Sw con moet Ninnconss Cotter in 0 MEIN Con Beitout ap) “mt 2onsn121Tensen Lever Spine uot $33 20227488 srine fom S53. Zoaseas) Leaping fae S5h Mbbsests Rownd Shalt pace wo ‘When osderng parts, plate describe Pats Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in detail —————— MECH. ASSEMBLY BLOCK No a0 eats Pars No ‘TAPE GUIDE BLOCK hzaooses 2365979 "Tape Gude Block Comp. ‘Tape Guide Prop #1700 ‘Tape Guide Table A ‘Tape Guide Washer (Large) Bearing SRIDSOZ2SDS2 SPEED CHANGE BLOCK Esa79496 Eseaiess Hweaae) Speed SW. Retaining Side SW. SS002299, Screw, binding head 2.633 Graduated Screw € Sensing Inslator Paper (MECH ASSEMBLY BLOCK una79098 zasv073 26257095 MLao8ses Mzsis973 EOso9ne2 2sans788 winoaeas Mech. Frame, LS (w/oush) Mech, Pane Prop. M9 Lever FB Vibration Proof Sprig Brake Lever Pin (UL, CSA) Bait Vibetion topper (UL, CSA) Shut-off SW, arier (CSA) Hum Backing Col 207 Hum Hacking Coil 207 (CEE) WL Type), Start Lever Ay wfever © Sere, round bend 34 Mice sve ite U/L Actustor B, wipin lever Washer (FBP) Ds.3x11x0.2¢ Washer (PBP) Ds se1140.3¢ Agi Washer O) Asst, Waeher (U) ‘git, Washer (U) Cramp Terminal 28D Cyete Ane (CEE) Lover Bs wilerer D Cam Roller & @Sylon) D=12 in Rar B Ste) Devas Spring Mat Mt. 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