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Once the Critical Rating (CR) of a model has been equalled or exceeded consult this table.

Roll 2D6 and

follow the instructions below. Black text is the result and green text is any possible repair option.

2 8
Reactor Overload: Ship turns into a mass of wreckage Secondaries Hit: roll 1D6 to see which system is
– Ships within a 4” radius of the centre of the exploding damaged; on a 1 it is the Shields, on a 2 the Mines, on a
Ship are attacked with a number of D6 equal to DOUBLE 3-4 the Point Defence, and on a 5-6 it is the Torpedoes.
the Hull Points of the exploding Ship. Affects ALL Ships If a Ship does not have the secondary that is rolled, roll
and Wings – friend or foe! again. If a Ship does not have an undamaged secondary,
roll again for a different critical hit. You CANNOT use a
REPAIR OPTIONS damaged secondary. Lose 2 Hull Points.
There are no options here. The Ship is obliterated.
3 Roll 1D6 when a Ship is next Activated. On a 1-2 the
Engine Damage: Ship MUST and can ONLY move 2” secondary is repaired and on a 3-6 it is not repaired.
when it is Activated, but it CAN turn. Lose 2 Hull Points.
REPAIR OPTIONS Decompression: place a decompression token on the
Roll 1D6 when the Ship is next Activated. On a 1-2 the Ship. Lose 2 Crew Points/Assault Points and lose 2 Hull
damage is repaired. On a 3-6 it is not repaired. Points.

Fire Control Hit: Ship CANNOT fire next time it is Roll 1D6 when the Ship is next Activated for each
Activated. Lose 2 Hull Points. decompression. On a 1-5 the decompression is halted.
On a 6 the Ship loses 1 Hull Point AND loses 2 Crew
REPAIR OPTIONS Points/Assault Points.
The damage is automatically repaired.
5 Motion Control Hit: Ship CANNOT turn next time it is
Raging Fire: place a fire token on the Ship. Lose 1 Crew Activated. Lose 2 Hull Points.
Point/Assault Point and lose 2 Hull Points.
REPAIR OPTIONS The damage is automatically repaired.
Roll 1D6 when the Ship is next Activated for each fire.
On a 1-3 the fire is put out. On a 4-5 the Ship loses 1 11
Hull Point. On a 6 the Ship loses 1 Hull Point AND loses Bays Blocked: the Ship CANNOT launch or land Wings
1 Crew Point/Assault Point. and CANNOT attempt a Boarding Assault. All Ships have
Bays, even if only for Dropships. Lose 2 Hull Points.
Primaries Hit: the Primary Weapon System that has the
Roll 1D6 when the Ship is next Activated. On a 1-3 the
highest AD rating is damaged; if there are two weapons
damage is repaired. On a 4-6 it is not repaired.
with equal ratings choose which one is damaged. You
CANNOT use a damaged primary. Lose 2 Hull Points.
REPAIR OPTIONS Containment Rupture: the fold space drive is ruptured,
Roll 1D6 when a Ship is next Activated. On a 1-2 the the Ship is destroyed and is replaced with a 12cm sized
primary is repaired. On a 3-6 it is not repaired. Distortion Field. If a Ship or Wing moves more than 2” in
the field roll on the Obstacle Table that can be found in
the core rule book. Affects ALL Ships and Wings – friend
7 or foe!
Hard Pounding: lose 2 Crew Points/Assault Points and 2
Hull Points.
There are no options here. The Ship has imploded killing
all the crew.
No repair options are available.


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