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Roll Number:

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
B. E. (Third Year): Semester-V (2019/20) Course Code: UEC401
(ECE/ENC) Course Name: Analog Communication Systems
Date: 3rd December 2019 Day/Time: Tuesday/ 02:00-05:00
Time: 3 Hours, M. Marks: 100 Name of Faculty: Dr Rajesh Khanna,
Dr Hardeep, Dr Amit Mishra, Dr Hari, Dr Amit
• Note: Attempt all questions. Questions must be attempted in sequence as given with all
parts on one place only.
• Assume missing data, if any, suitably

Q.1 (a) Estimate the essential bandwidth W (in rad/s) of the signal e-atu(t) if the
essential band is required to contain 95% of the signal energy. (10)
Q.1 (b) Explain the significance of Parseval's theorem in communication engineering. (10)
Prove that the signal energy Eg is 1/27r times area under Energy Spectral
Density (ESD).
Q.2 (a) Draw the block diagram of a nonlinear modulator for DSB-SC and prove that (10)
its output is 4bm(t)coswct, where m(t) is message signal.
Q.2 (b) A carrier wave 4sin (2Trx500 x 103t) volts is amplitude modulated by an
audio wave {0.2sin [3(2-r[x 5000] + 0.1sin [5(2nx 500t)]} volts. Determine the
upper and lower sidebands and sketch the complete spectrum, including
magnitude of various frequency components, of the modulated wave. (10)
Estimate the total power in the sideband, if load resistance R=11/.
Q.3 (a) Design an Armstrong indirect FM modulator to generate an FM carrier with a
carrier frequency of 96 MHz and frequency deviation Af = 20 kHz. A
narrowband FM generator is available at a carrier frequency of 200 kHz and
adjustable Af in the range of 9 to 10 Hz is available. The stock room also has
an oscillator with an adjustable frequency in the range of 9 to 10 MHz. There
is a bandpass filter with any center frequency, and only frequency doublers (10)
are available.
Q.3 (b) Derive the bandwidth of Wide Band Frequency Modulated (WBFM) signal.
How the derived formula differs from the bandwidth given by Carson's rule (10)
for tone modulated signal?
Q.4 (a) Explain with neat diagram how the ratio detector demodulates an FM signal,
proving that the output voltage is proportional to the difference between the (10)
individual input voltages to the diodes?
Q.4 (b) Show with neat diagram how high frequency components are more affected
by noise in FM as compared to low frequency components. (10)
Q.5 (a) The spectrum of a continuous time analog signal x(t) is shown in figure 1. The
signal is sampled at a frequency fs which is 3/2 times the maximum frequency
fm in the spectrum of x(t). Draw the spectrum of the sampled signal clearly
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showing the effect of under sampling. If the sampled signal is then passed
through an ideal low pass filter having a cut off frequency fc=fm then draw the
spectrum of signal recovered at the filter output.

f (Hz) (10)

Q5 (b) How do we generate pulse width modulated (PWM) signal. Explain briefly
with the help of circuit diagram(s) and plot. (10)

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