1 Lesson Plan Unit 1 States of Matter

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Primary School1
SCHOOL: Ciresola Comprehensive School BEI Class: second

Subject/s: Science Module/Unit Title: States of matter

Duration/Time: 4 hrs. Teacher group: M. P. Fabbri, E. Salis, S. Daniele

Learning Outcomes Content 1. To learn what matter is

2. To identify the three states of matter (solid,
liquid and gas)
3. To gain awareness of the characteristics of each
4. To describe the three different states
5. To state some characteristics of a range of
common materials.

Communication 1. To use the specific subject language

(Language) 2. To engage in dialogue/discussion
3. To record observations

(Thinking skills) 1. To make predictions
2. To do observations
3. To make comparisons between materials (e.g.
wood is usually hard and strong; glass is hard but
4. To give reasons
5. To draw conclusions
6. To understand concepts (matter, state, property,
matter changing states)

Culture 1. To understand the importance of matter.

WALT At the end of the Module/Unit, children

• will know what matter is
(What are we learning
to …) • will understand that everything around us is made of matter

• will be aware that matter comes in three different states

Adapted from a British Council Lesson Plan Template
• will identify solids, liquids and gases

• wil be able to recognize the importance of matter

Language structures/ What is ….. ? It is … - There is/are …- Can you ….? Yes I can. No, I can’t.
Vocabulary What do you think about/if ….? I think …. - Have you……..? Yes, we have. Why
……? Because …. -Let’s …… , Look at ….. - …… is different from ….. - Does …..look
like the …….? Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t. - If you had …… how would you …..?
If I had …… I would …. - We have chosen …… - I will ….,
Matter and related vocabulary: matter, states, gas, liquid, solid, property, mass,
shape, volume, particles.
present simple, past simple, present perfect, future, conditional, imperative,
modal verbs, passive verb form.
Materials/ Resources IWB with the internet connection, blackboard, paper sheets, worksheets,
poster, glue, scissors, realia, traffic lights fans, ppt, Video-song mp4.

Assessment Formative assessment:

At the end of the unit the teacher will give the children a brief oral report about
their behaviour and their work.

Summative assessment:
Test 1: Circle the right picture; Test 2: Draw a picture inside each frame; Test 3:
Fill in the gaps.

Final self assessment:

Children will be invited to evaluate the groups work and their own work inside
the group.

LESSON format to be repeated for each lesson of the unit/module

Each unit/module follows the steps you can see in STAGE, these steps are developed in various lessons

WALT (What are we learning today -at the end of the lesson-…) :
Today we are going to
• learn what matter is
• to be aware of the states of matter

Stage Aim Procedure Language structures Materials Interaction Timing

and vocabulary:
e.g. Teacher captures Activity:
Introduction children’s interest and Chiediamo ai bambini di pensare e dire What is the world made IWB/blackboard Whole class 10 min
/Lead in activates prior knowledge. di che cosa è fatto il mondo. of/from?
I bambini nomineranno cose di diverso It’s made of water, ….
tipo. soil.
Trascriviamo ciò che dicono sulla IWB, What else?
traducendo in inglese. ….
Assicuriamoci che i bambini menzionino Think about something
i quattro gli elementi naturali cioè: that is around you and
acqua, aria, terra e fuoco. you can feel but you can’t
see or catch.
It’s air!
There is another
important element in
Can you guess?
I’ll give you some clues:
It’s necessary to warm
water, to melt butter or
It’s fire/heat.
Very well, children!
e.g. T. introduces the content Activity:
Content Proponiamo ai bambini un’attività di Let’s do a brainstorming IWB/blackboard Whole class 15 min
input brainstorming sulla parola Matter. activity.
I bambini devono dirci tutto ciò che What do you think if I say
viene loro in mente. Esempi di possibili matter?
risposte: il banco, la sedia, l’acqua, l’aria, Give me some examples
il calorifero, ……. of things made of matter.
Sollecitiamo delle risposte, mostrando I’ll write your answers on
degli oggetti. the board: desk, chair,
Accettiamo tutte le risposte che i water, vapour, heater,
bambini forniscono, trascrivendole in ……
inglese sulla LIM.
Chiediamo di ripetere quanto scritto alla Now, listen carefully and
lavagna. repeat after me, please!

Introduciamo il concetto di materia Matter is everything

portando i bambini a riflettere sul fatto around you, including
che tutto ciò che ci circonda è fatto di you!
materia. Matter is what all things
are made of.

e.g. T. practices and reinforces Activity 1:

Input the content. Facciamo trascrivere ai bambini il Children, please, copy paper sheets Individual 10 min
processing brainstorming su un foglio. the brainstorming on this work
Activity 2:
Proponiamo il worksheet 1 sul quale è Let’s read the definition Worksheet 1 whole class 20 min
scritta la definizione di materia. written on the worksheet
Leggiamo la definizione e chiediamo ai 1.
bambini di ripetere insieme a noi. Children, repeat after me:
Matter is everything
around you, including
Matter is what all things
are made of.
Chiediamo di disegnare sulla stessa Now, I want you to draw Individual
scheda delle cose che rappresentano la some things made of work
materia. matter.
Have you finished?
A conclusione dell’attività, chiediamo ai
bambini di dirci cosa hanno disegnato e Yes, we have.
perché. Tell me what you have
Why have you drawn a
desk/chair ….?
Because it is made of
wood/iron …..

Activity 3:
Mostriamo ai bambini delle cose che Look at these things and Realia: an inflated Whole class 20 min
rappresentano i tre stati della materia tell me their name. balloon, a bottle
per esempio: un palloncino che viene What’s this? of water and a
gonfiato e sgonfiato, una bottiglia con it’s a balloon. piece of
dell’acqua e un pezzo di legno. wood/log.
Let’s write
Chiediamo ai bambini di dire il nome
degli oggetti mostrati e, balloon/bottle of water/a
contemporaneamente, scriviamo la piece of wood – a log.
corrispondente parola inglese.
What’s inside the IWB/blackboard
Disegniamo sulla Lim, una tabella con balloon?
tre colonne e scriviamo all’inizio di ogni
There is AIR.
colonna le tre parole chiave riferite alle
cose mostrate: Air, water and wood. Ok!
Sollecitiamo i bambini, attraverso delle Now, look at this bottle.
domande stimolo, a descrivere le What’s inside it?
caratteristiche di queste cose. WATER!
In ogni colonna, inseriremo le risposte
That’s right!
suggerite dai bambini.
What’s this?
It’s a piece of WOOD/a
Very well, children!
In your opinion, are these
things similar?
No, they aren’t.
Why not?
Because air is different
from water and from
What’s the characteristic
of air?
It’s invisible, warm, cold,
it’s everywhere …..
Ok! Can you hold air?
No, we can’t.
What’s the characteristic
of water?
It’s liquid, transparent,
fresh, …….
Can you hold water in
your hand?
No, it’s difficult.
What’s the characteristic
of this piece of wood?
It’s hard, strong, brown,
rough, heavy …..
Can you hold it?
Yes, we can.

Portiamo i bambini a trarre delle Now, let’s see.

conclusioni da quanto emerso e cioè che Does air look like the
l’aria, l’acqua e il pezzo di legno sono un piece of wood?
gas, un liquido e un solido. No, it doesn’t.
I bambini, per intuizione, dedurranno i Does it look like water?
tre stati della materia, soprattutto se
No, it doesn’t.
hanno già studiato il ciclo dell’acqua.
Se ciò non dovesse accadere, diamo noi So, air is made of ……
questa terminologia. GAS!
Scriviamo queste tre parole chiave, in Water is ….. LIQUID!
evidenza, nelle rispettive colonne che Wood is ………. SOLID!
individuano le tre cose esaminate.

e.g. Children use new content Activity 1:

Output and language through 4 Dividiamo la classe in piccoli gruppi di Children, you have to Magazines, Small group 30 min
skills (listening, speaking, tre/quattro bambini. work in small groups of scissors
reading, writing) Diamo ai bambini delle riviste dalle quali three/four.
ritagliare delle immagini di oggetti
Here are some
diversi che rappresentano la materia.
Have a look at them and
search some pictures of
different things.
Cut the pictures you like.

Have you finished?

Successivamente, chiediamo ai gruppi di Now, share your ideas
scegliersi un criterio e fare una prima and find a criterion to
classificazione delle immagini ritagliate. classify the pictures.
Diamo un esempio per essere più chiari
If you think about matter,
nella consegna.
what criterion can you
use to classify your
For example, if you had a
picture of a bottle of
water and one of a river,
how would you classify
We would classify them
as liquid things!
Good! Go on, children.
You can have some time
Lasciamo ai bambini del tempo per
to discuss your choices.
confrontarsi sulla scelta del criterio.

Infine, ogni gruppo, attraverso il suo Now, the spokesperson of

portavoce, spiegherà alla classe il each group will tell the
criterio in base al quale ha classificato le chosen criterion to the
proprie immagini. class.

Aiutiamo i portavoce ad esporre in L2 il We have chosen …..(e.g. IWB/blackboard

loro pensiero, scrivendo dei language liquid/solid/gas/colour/
chunks e il lessico utile alla lavagna. shape/….. ) as a criterion
to classify our pictures.
Activity 2: Children, I prepared a big A big, white Small group 10 min
Chiediamo ai gruppi di incollare le loro poster for you. wrapping paper,
immagini su un grande foglio bianco di
As you can see, there are glue
carta pacco, che avremo
precedentemente suddiviso in tre three columns.
colonne titolate: GAS, LIQUID, SOLID. Can you read the
Il cartellone deve essere ben visibile, headings of each column,
quindi sarà esposto su una parete della please?
classe. Ok! Let’s repeat: Gas,
Liquid and Solid.
I’ll explain what to do:
One group at a time will
come to glue its pictures
on the columns of the
Think about the matter
the things are made of
and make sure to glue
your pictures in the right
place of the poster.
e.g. Children show their Formative assessment for the lesson:
Assessment interest and what they Diamo un breve feedback verbale al Two stars: Plenary 15 min
acquired. lavoro svolto dai bambini, in base I think that you were
Teacher observes, all’interesse, alla partecipazione, ai
great in speaking English.
checks, gets and gives contributi dati e al comportamento
feedback about learning. assunto nel corso delle attività proposte. You have shown a great
Cerchiamo di incoraggiarli in modo da interest in the proposed
(Remedial work or Move farli sentire più sicuri e più coinvolti. topic.
on). and one wish:
You should improve your
behaviour when you work
in group. You were a bit

Self assessment for the lesson:

Chiediamo ai bambini di valutare il Can you, please, give your Whole class
lavoro svolto dai singoli gruppi dando un personal feedback to the work groups
personale feedback. I bambini work groups?
utilizzeranno la procedura del Put your thumbs-up if
Thumbs-up/ Thumbs-down. you have appreciated
their work.
Put your thumbs-down if
you want to suggest them
to do better.

Summative assessment (when / if

necessary/possible): sarà proposto alla
fine delle due unità.

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