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Group members:
Rida Rizwan 16976
Shahriar Khalid 16962
Usman Ullah Khan 18581
Abdul wahab 18294
Maisam Ali 14610

Submitted to: Sir Hamza Farooqui


I. First of all, what is STRENGTH:
An internal resource or capability that supports in the achievement of the desired goals.

For example: Abundant financial resources, well-known brand name, economies of scale, lower
cost, superior management, better marketing skills and committed employees.

Now, STRENGTH in point of view of TMQ, ES & HP:

Employee Satisfaction and Hotel Financial Performance:
If we look at the relationship between employee satisfaction and hotel
financial performance. Employee satisfaction, we believe, is critical to the hotel's financial
performance. As a result, they are both linked to each other.
No business can accomplish its goals without a dedicated workforce. Because happy people are
much more constructive, an organization will never be as successful as it could be unless
measures are put in place to help establish and maintain employee satisfaction. Employees
who are satisfied with their jobs are enthusiastic to come to work and willing to go beyond for
their employers because they adore their jobs and want to help the organization achieve its

Some of the following elements and factors contribute to job satisfaction :

The level of satisfaction with promotional opportunities varies because promotions can
take many different forms and come with a variety of rewards, for example, a
promotion could be based on performance or seniority.

If working conditions are good, comfortable, and safe, employees will find it easier to do
their jobs, resulting in reasonable job satisfaction.


Employees who are under constant stress and pressure to perform may develop apathy,
fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, substance abuse issues, and high blood pressure.
Employees are more satisfied at work when they can work in a stress-free environment
where they know they are appreciated and are not afraid of losing their jobs if they
make a mistake.

II. Secondly, what is MOTIVATION:

There is a motivation behind every goal that is set. It may not be well laid out enough for every
goal-getter to understand, but it is there. Motivation is the fuel that propels the achievement
of a goal; without it, achieving any goal becomes a difficult task.

For example: The sales department was underperforming. The department head decided to
motivate them by promising a team bonus if they met the target goal for the month. The
monetary award was motivating. The team has already surpassed their goal. In the workplace,
this is the most common example of motivation.

Now, MOTIVATION in point of view of TMQ, ES & HP:

The main motivation between TMQ practices and employee satisfaction and hotel
performance is one and only High commitment from top management. This factor has a
significant effect on employees’ satisfaction. Because when the employees are motivated, this
factor directly effects on their performance and when their performance will be outstanding,
the organization gets positive result out of it. So it all starts with a motivation.

Employee motivation is important to the success of any organization. It is the level of

commitment, drive, and energy that a company's employees bring to their jobs on a daily
basis. Without it, businesses experience decreased productivity, lower levels of output, and are
more likely to fall short of important goals.

There are several benefits of the employee motivation to the organization. Here are some of


People will deliver more if they are motivated to work faster and more efficiently. This can allow your
business to do more and even sell more.
Motivated employees are more satisfied with their jobs and have a goal to strive for.
These employees are less likely to miss work without justification because they believe it
will impede their progress.
People, as we are all aware, talk about what they like and, more importantly, what they
don't like. Satisfied employees spread the word, which helps the company's reputation
as an employer. As a result, it is easier to attract top talent.

III. Thirdly, what is POSITIONING:

The process of developing a strategy that allows a company to understand its market
impact is known as positioning. Why do their customers prefer them over the
competition? What distinguishes them and sets them apart from the competition? It is
all about how customers perceive business and what they associate with it. The strategic
goals of a company are frequently linked to positioning.
For example:

 Tesla and Audi position themselves as a luxury status symbol

 Starbucks positions itself as a trusted source of upscale quality coffee and
 McDonald’s positions itself as a place to get quick and cheap meals
 Microsoft and Apple position themselves as a tech company that offers innovative
and user-friendly products.


In our topic the thing motivation and hotel performance are connected with each other. Both
factors motivate themselves in various way. But what made them possible? What stands out
our topic? What makes THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT? They are as follows:

Customer focus encompasses prioritizing your customers' needs.

For example: Quality customer support, developing the best solutions for clients rather
than the best products in general, using data to better understand customer behavior,
asking for customer feedback and taking it seriously to improve, and focusing on their
satisfaction are some examples of customer focus.

The process of constantly improving products, services, and processes is known as
continuous improvement.

For example: A single customer is been served by different segments of the

organization. Many organizations are implementing collaboration and Team
work at the work place in order to provide Quality service to the customers.

Meeting and exceeding the needs of customers is the overarching goal for
everyone in organizational leadership. Business leaders stress the importance of
excellent customer service in achieving customer satisfaction, repeat business,
and excellent word-of-mouth advertising via social media.

For example: Having a clear vision that all employees understand helps to ensure
that everyone is heading in the right direction and working toward the same goal.
 (Chang et al., 2010; Matzler and Renzl, 2006; Matzler et al., 2004; Al-Zoubi,
2012; Arsić et al., 2012; Credé et al., 2009; Gursoy and Swanger,
2007; Amin et al., 2014; Baker et al., 2014; Álvarez-García et al., 2015).

 Chi and Gursoy (2009), Gursoy and Swanger (2007) and DiPietro et

al. (2014) 

(Silvestro, 2002; Wangenheim et al., 2007; Jun et al., 2006; Decramer et al.,

2013; Al-Refaie, 2015).

 (He et al., 2011; Al-Refaie, 2015).

(Matzler et al., 2004; Matzler and Renzl, 2006; Guimaraes, 1996; Sanchez

and Blanco, 2014)

 (Loveland et al., 2016; Rathi et al., 2013)

(Arasli et al., 2006; Chi and Gursoy, 2009; Hsu and Wang, 2008; Schmit and
Allscheid, 1995; Gillen and Chung, 2005).

 (Al-Refaie, 2015; Lee, 2016; Pan, 2015).

 (Chen et al., 2006; Arasli et al., 2006; Böckerman and Ilmakunnas, 2012)

(Chi and Gursoy, 2009; Silvestro, 2002) and low productivity (Böckerman

and Ilmakunnas, 2012)

 (Wang et al., 2012; Jung and Yoon, 2015)

Sadikoglu and Zehir (2010), Hsu and Wang (2008), Jun et al. (2006), Ugboro

and Obeng (2000), Silvestro (2002), Prajogo and Cooper (2010) and Shieh
and Wang (2006)
 Chi and Gursoy (2009), Sadikoglu and Zehir (2010), Jun et al. (2006), Hsu
and Wang (2008), Akgunduz (2015) and Al-Refaie (2015)

 Domínguez-Falcón et al. (2016)
 Bouranta et al. (2017)

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