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Oxford Eng. IT
By Petrenko Vladyslav, IK-93

Exercise 3
primary school teacher – group story-telling
Open University student – write assignments, email tutor, chat with other students
girl (Louise), aged 6 – makes cards, plays games
artist – produce cd of paintings for dealers

Exercise A (page 8)
1) There are medical equipment, home appliances, cars and toys.
2) To collect data at a customer’s site, to generate forms, to control inventory,
personal organisers.
3) a) results in safer enviroments
b) improves energy efficiency
c) provides features such as call forwarding, call monitoring, and call
4) Smart cards, smart phones, smart cars and smart houses.
5) To store vital information such as health records, driver’s licences, bank
balances, and so on.
6) Multimedia greatly enchances the interaction between user and machine and
can make information more interesting and appealing to people.
7) Help doctors pinpoint a patient’s illness, suggest further tests, and prescribe
appropriate drugs.
8) They help them to communicate more effectively with others.
9) Distance learning and videoconferencing.
10) That hardware, software, and connectivity are effectively integrated in a
socially responsible way.

Exercise B (page 9)
1) a. IV / b. V / c. I / d. II / e. III
2) a. F / b. T / c. T / d. F / e. F
Summarize the text “Computers Make the World Smaller and Smarter”
To start with, the ability of tiny computing devices to control has transformed the
way many tasks are performed. Tiny computers on a chip are used anywhere.
At first, today, computers in security systems result in safer enviroments,
computers in cars improve energy efficiency and so on. They can help people work
more creatively.
Secondly, multimedia systems are known for their educational and entertainment
value, which call ‘edutainment’. It combines text with sound, video, animation etc. ...
Distance learning and videoconferencing are concepts made possible with the use of an
electronic classroom or boardroom accessible to people in remote locations.
To sum up, people power is critical to ensuring that hardware, software, and
connectivity are effectively integrated in a socially responsible way.

Wordlist_Unit 1
tiny – крихітний
consumer products – споживацькі товари
home appliances – побутова техніка
hendheld computing devices – кишенькові обчислювальні пристрої
inventory – інвентар
sophisticated – складний
continual – безперервний
supervision – нагляд
energy efficiency – енергоефективність
call forwarding, call monitoring, and call answering – переадресація дзвінків,
моніторинг дзвінків та відповідь на дзвінки
vital – життєво необхідний
built-in – вбудований
the flow of information – потік інформації
edutainment – освіта
enhances – посилює
appealing – привабливий
diagnosis – діагноз
pinpoint – точний
incompatible – несумісні
proliferating – розмножуються
telecommute – телекомунікація
the disabled – інвалід
boardroom – зал засідань
remote – дистанційний
vast – величезний
The information superhighway – інформаційна супермагістраль
expand – розширювати
hardware – апаратне забезпечення
endure – терпіти

The History of Computer

1) c
2) m
3) d
4) b
5) f
6) i
7) o
8) k
9) e
10) n
11) h
12) g
13) j
14) a
15) l
1) G
2) F
3) A
4) I
5) H
6) J
7) C
8) D
9) E
10) B

1) Abacus – F
2) Punched card – J
3) Babbage’s machine – I
4) Charles Babbage – A
5) ENIAC – H
6) Hard drive – D
7) Processor – E
8) ROM – C
9) Stonehenge – G
10) Vacuum tube – B

1) Stonehenge is a giant astronomical calculator.
2) Abacus was invented about five thousand years ago. It could add and subtract.
3) Input, data storage, processor and output.
4) To show that every machine has similar architecture.
5) Computer has much more powerfull processor.
6) ENIAC stand for calculate balistic military tables. It was built in 1945. For
example by punched cards.
7) Can’t be altered or lossed each time you shut off or turn on computer.
8) Unlike ROM, RAM is temporary storage. It can be raised and changed.
9) Hard drives.
10) Vacuum tubes.
11) In 1970s.
12) sound, video, or print and so on.

alter – змінювати
bulky – громіздкий
infancy – дитинство (начальний етап)
ingenious – геніальний
lever – ричаг
punched card – перфокарта
RAM – оперативна память
ROM – постійна память
electrical current – електричний ток
subtract – віднімати

vacuum tube – вакуумна трубка
versatile – універсальний
thread – нитка
floppy drives - дискета


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