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Product guide

Features, outputs and benefits

Why Anti Piracy?

Red Points Anti Piracy helps copyright owners minimize the

impact of illegal copies to increase the lifetime value of their
creations. Red Points’ software allows them to keep piracy under
control, detect infringing sources, and trigger effective actions to
make the most out of their legitimate distribution channels.

Increase For most intellectual property rights owners, copyrighted content

is one of their most valuable assets, and protecting it during key
content’s periods of time could make the difference between the success
lifetime or failure of a market strategy. By preventing pirates from sharing
value illegal copies indiscriminately, Red Points helps content owners
protect their sales and meet their targets.

Automate Red Points’ technology is not only able to find and cut
piracy off piracy; it is capable of doing it fast and at scale.
By automating the detection and enforcement of
management infringements, Red Points’ Anti Piracy solution allows
teams to save time and increase the visibility and reach
of pirated content.

Revenue lost to piracy

will reach $52 billion
by 2022 1

Protect your Some piracy sites are clearly understood to be illegal; others
are less clear. By fighting against illegal copies, content owners
audience make sure their customer experience always happens as it is
supposed to, and low-quality pirated copies do not distort the
creator’s reputation in the eyes of the end consumer.

Learn from Red Points’ Anti Piracy team counts with industry experts that
understand every sector’s anti-piracy needs, and can help build
others a custom strategy to achieve their goals. Having their support
means being aware of the latest trends in the fight against
piracy, get a better understanding of the problem, and
proactively enable impactful actions.

According to the Online TV Piracy Forecasts report from Digital TV Research 2
What kind of content
we can protect?
Red Points Anti Piracy helps IP right owners to protect
their content online in several platforms and formats:

Live events & streaming

Detect and take down unauthorized transmissions of live events.
Red Points can enforce streaming signals in real time from online
sites and social media and video platforms.

Cinema & TV on demand

Monitor the protected audiovisual content from its release at the
country of origin. Our technology can detect and enforce movies
and series that are being illegally distributed online.

Press & publishing

Detect, monitor and eliminate illegal copies of editorial content
in online sites and social media. Pirated magazines, newspapers
or books can be enforced using Red Points Anti Piracy.

Software, apps & video games

Protect interactive digital assets in app stores, web sites, and
browser extensions. Red Points’ platform is able to identify and
enforce apps, video games or software that infringe copyright.

What our technology can do
Product features overview

Detection Red Points technology can find illegal copies of copyrighted

content anywhere online.
After years of activity, Red Points Anti Piracy platform
has developed a unique database of infringers that
is updated on a daily basis with new piracy sites to
accelerate the detection and monitoring of copyright
violations exponentially.

The detection process is carried out by bot-powered

searches, which scan sites based on keywords and other
search parameters. These bots constantly crawl and
monitor pirate sites so that coverage is active 24/7 and
always provides up-to-date data.

Sources covered
Also known as online storage or cloud storage, cyberlockers are
hosting services that, in many cases, infringers use to store and
share files illegally.

Thanks to a close working relationship with these cyberlockers,
Red Points is able to detect and start the removal process of
infringing files in these storages faster than through the average

Enforcing uploaded content on cyberlockers can make a real

difference: since they act as file sources, by taking down on content
on a cyberlocker all the links pointing to that file become usuless.

These files act as the key to obtain the actual content. Torrents
allow users to download files by gathering fragments from more
than one server: once all pieces are received, the complete
file is downloaded, and both during and after that process, the
pieces are shared across a large number of users that are also
requesting that specific file.

Due to the use of this technology, many users end up consuming

copyrighted materials without knowing it. Red Points Anti Piracy
is able to detect and deindex torrents from search engines.

Streaming allows the users to view audiovisual content online
without having to download and store files. Red Points’ platform
can find content that is illegally broadcasted and deindex
streaming sites and linking pages.

Moreover, when it comes to real time events and live broadcasts

via streaming, our team of analysts complement the technology
by manually reporting brand-new unauthorized sites and links in
real time.

Peer-to-peer file sharing applications enable users to download
and share content with others connected to the same network.
Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources without
the need of a centralized coordination by servers or external

Linking sites
Linking sites work as an important distribution channel for files
stored on cyberlockers. Red Points’ platform is able to spot sites

linking to pirated content and find the cyberlockers or
servers where the content is hosted. By using this
strategy, the pirated content is removed from the source
and the initial detected links do not lead to any content,
frustrating the users’ attempts to access the content.

Unauthorized content can be also be available on mobile
applications. In order to keep copyright safe on these
platforms, Red Points’ technology is able to detect and
remove fraudulent applications. Moreover, for non-official
app stores, Red Points Anti Piracy is able to detect and
block pirated content so it cannot be downloaded.

Social Media
Social media has become one of the main channels for
pirates to redirect users to their sites and share illegal copies.
Red Points Anti Piracy is able to detect and monitor fraudulent
links in social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
Telegram or Instagram and remove them from posts, groups
and conversations where the links are shared.

Search engines
Red Points Anti Piracy platform is able to detect, monitor and
deindex piracy links on search engines fast and efficiently.
As part of the Google Trusted Copyright Removal Program, we
are able to delist and enforce links from Google search result
pages, a particularly effective method for finding and enforcing
certain types of content that users find mainly through search
engines where the links are shared.

Enforcement Once detected, copyright infringements can be automatically

reported and enforced through Red Points Anti Piracy’s
process automation rules. The enforcement process will vary
depending on the type of incident and source.

Features of enforcement
Whitelists and blacklists
A way for users to make the process more efficient and
scalable is to upload lists of online locations that have previously
uploaded pirated content so that future detections made there

could be flagged as high risk or enforced automatically.
The same principle is applicable to trusted sources: they can be
discarded without any manual intervention.


Subject: Copyright violation

Dear Site Owner:

We have detected a copyright violation

on your website, please delete any
content related to it.

Automatic notifications
Once a copyright violation is confirmed, our bots automatically send
a cease and desist letter to the site owner. The notifications are
generated in real time using customized templates to reach infringers
in a scalable way but yet maintaining a case-by-case approach.

Custom Reporting
Copyright violations have to be enforced in a different way
depending on the platform used by the infringers and its
requirements. Depending on the nature of the content and
where the copies and links were uploaded, Red Points Anti Piracy
follows a specific workflow to ensure the highest success rates



Asset Domain Closure date

Dashboards Red Points’ Anti Piracy dashboards offer metrics and KPIs that
help content owners understand the status of their copyright

All the data gathered is stored in one place, ready to be

accessed at any point. Graphs show users the detection and
enforcement results over time, allowing them to make strategic
decisions about what action to take next.

For example, content owners can find out where most of the
pirated content is being shared at, and take actions to increase
their protection in that specific territory or channel. For instance,
if most of the pirated content is found on a German site, a
strategic response could be to add more search keywords
in German.

Through dashboards’ metrics and charts, Anti Piracy users
are able:

• Assess their content protection level

• Discover patterns and trends
• Export the data for further analysis with full accuracy
• Prioritize content protection efforts and tactics
• Identify top infringers and piracy platforms
• Gather business intelligence

Where Red Points’ Anti Piracy is more than a platform.There is an

expert team behind that provide support, guidance and
technology insights to copyright owners to drive them to success.
meets Trends and tactics
expertise Piracy is constantly evolving and creating new ways to copy
and publish unauthorized content: black SEO tactics, distribution
channels, impersonation techniques, and so on. At Red Points
we are constantly monitoring piracy trends and developing new
strategies to fight them. Our expert team is made up of analysts
and anti-piracy specialists, who provide support and expertise
to help content owners protect their profits against online

Global approach
Red Points’ technology enables IP teams to cope with huge
piracy volumes worldwide. By automating repetitive tasks,
copyright owners can save time and focus on increasing the
reach of their legitimate distribution channels. All gathered data
is used to improve searches, create more efficient strategies and
constantly improve the way of fighting piracy everywhere.
As the internet has made traditional boundaries useless,
copyright protection needs to be scalable, sustainable,
and global.

Strategic partnerships
In order to increase efficiency and takedown processes, the
Red Points team engages in key partnerships with platforms that
help our technology to act faster, and to be up to date with the
latest ways to protect online content. For instance, as part of the
Google Trusted Copyright Removal Program, Red Points is able
to deindex infringing sites from Google’s search engine at the
highest speed and volume.

YouTube As an extension of our Anti Piracy solution, Red Points can
provide top-class coverage on YouTube to both protect
Multi-Channel intellectual property and monetize content on the world’s
Network team biggest streaming platform.

Protect: content blocking

Our YouTube-certified team complements the Content ID and
Live Content ID tools with in-depth research and follow-up for a
full copyright protection on the platform.

Monetize: content claiming

We leverage both Youtube’s technology and our proprietary
tools to maximize the finding of infringing UGC (User-Generated
Content) to claim your rights and amplify your revenue.

How we do it?
Tech overview

Red Points’ technology is built up of multiple layers that, when linked

together, create a comprehensive brand intelligence solution.
This technology employs web crawlers, machine learning, image
recognition, and automation that leverage the platform’s historical
data to take copyright protection to the unprecedented levels of
efficiency and scalability.

Bot powered Sometimes referred to as bots, web crawlers are computer

programs that usually serve a single purpose. Red Points’
search: detection technology relies on these to:
web crawlers
• Scan websites for relevant keywords and brand names to
find potential intellectual property violations
• Collect information and take a screenshot of every potentially
infringing content
• Monitor the listing’s URL to recurrently check the status of
the infringement over time

Self-improving Over time, the platform is able to recognize patterns in the

validation process and incorporate them as workflow
workflows: improvements by leveraging machine learning processes.
learning For example, if the keywords and the image match with the
protected asset, then is automatically detected and enforced.
This is very useful for contents that have several versions.
Image recognition allows to protect the right one.

Condition Action

found at youtube then Enforce

found at moviesforfree
found at torrent bay

Automation The key technological process connecting all these pieces is

automation. Automation empowers Anti Piracy actions’ speed
rules and scalability and at the Red Points platform, it is at the user’s
disposal in the shape of automation rules.

For example, if the content is detected on a recurrent piracy

site, the enforcement is done automatically by previously settled
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Thanks for reading

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Red Points Anti Piracy?
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