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Demobilisation form

(Form to be handed to OSOCC/UC with demobilisation information of USAR team)

A1. Team Id.

A2. Team Name

Departure information
A3. Date [DD-MMM] DD MMM A4. Time [hh:mm] hh mm

A5. Point of departure

A6. Transport/Flight information

Team information
B1. Number of persons B2. Number of dogs

B3. Equipment (Ton) B4. Equipment (m³)

Special requests

C1. Need for ground transportation?

C2. Need of loading/unloading


C3.Need for accomodation at point of

D.1 Other Information

Form completed by: Name:

Date: DD MMM Title/Position:

Demobilisation Form
Form guidance notes

Spalte1 Spalte2
Three letter Olympic Country code, these are listed on the
separate worksheet; followed by-
The national team number; 1,2, 3 for classified teams, 10, 11, 12
etc for unclassified teams.
A.2 Team name as known internationally or domestically
A.3 Departure date - day as a number, month as 3 letters e.g. 13 APR
A.4 Departure time - 24hr clock using local time
A.5 Point of departure from affected region (airport, city, port, etc)
A.6 Transport used to leave affected region, such as flight information
B.1 Total number of people to be transported
B.2 Total number of dogs to be transported
B.3 Total weight of equipment expressed in ton to be trasnsported
Total volume of equipment expressed in cubic metres to be
Ground transportation requierements from BoO to point of
C.2 Loading/unloading assistance requirements such as forklifts, etc.
C.3 Need for temporary accomadation at point of departure
D.1 Any other information or logistical needs

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