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“Come to Learn, and Leave to Serve”

“Un proyecto para la vida”
Final Exam
Bimonthly: IV Date:
Area: Science Subject: Science
Teacher: Catalina Mejia Grade: First
Names and Surnames:
Goals to evaluate: :
1. Characterize vertebrates
2. Characterize invertebrates
3. Recognize the function of the heart, lungs and stomach on the human being
4. Identify the location and function of the skeleton and muscles
5. Describe the water cycle and value water as a natural resource.
6. Value water as an important part of life.
7. Describe weather characteristics and how they change during the year.
8. Understand the effects of weather changes on living things.

From questions 1 to 4 mark the correct answer with a X.

1. How are vertebrate animals classified?

A. Mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish.
B. Insects, birds, arthropods, reptiles and fish.
C. Mammals, birds, arthropods, reptiles and fish.

2. Which human activity has a negative impact on the environment?

A. Washing clothes in rivers or lakes.
B. Riding a bicycle.
C. Planting trees.

3. What organs correspond to numbers 1 and 2?

A. Stomach and intestines.
B. Heart and stomach.
C. Bones and muscles.

4. Which characteristic of weather can you see in the image?

A. Snow.
B. Heat.
C. Wind.

5. Label the animals according to their groups: M for mammals, A for amphibians, R for reptiles, B for
birds and F for fish.

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6. Read the paragraph and answer the questions:

In the Antarctic, the temperature is very low, and everything is covered in ice and snow. In the
Atacama desert in Chile, it is very hot during the day, and there is no vegetation to provide shelter
from the sun’s rays

Which of these animals can survive in the desert?

7. Read the text and color the system that it describes.

All Living Things Need Air to Live

When we breathe, we introduce air through the nose and mouth. Then the air passes through a
tube called the trachea and enters the lungs. There, the oxygen in the air is absorbed into the
blood, which distributes it around the body.

8. Draw what happens to the water as the temperature increases.

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9. Read the descriptions and match them with the images.

10. Write T for true and F for false.

a. ___ The temperature is higher in the winter than in the summer.

b. ___ Precipitation can fall in the form of rain, snow or hail.

c. ___ The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds the earth.

d. ___ Some characteristics of weather are temperature and the animals that live in a particular

Elaboró: Liliana Catalina Mejia Aprobó: Coordinador de Calidad: Fecha de Revisión:

Responsable del areá de: Ciencias DAVID GALVIS

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