Jurnal Ekologi Terestrial

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No Nama NPM

1 Ahmad Dean 140410190050

2 Qamar Ramadhina 140410190101
3 Arnida kusumadewi 140410190011
4 Haura Aqila Fadiyah 140410190074
5 Dwi Astuti A 140410190022
6 Hanifa Hanan 140410190107
7 Nanindra Kinan 140410190052
8 Andika Trihardi 140410190042
9 Shelvie Raffiza N 140410190062
10 Denia Zalfaa M.E 140410190023
11 Atasya Yasmine 140410190070
12 Lisfia Husnul K 140410190044
13 cindy Meylia 140410190021
14 Dwi R 140410190102
15 Nisrina Padma 140410190111
16 Bianca Debora 140410190059
17 Alyssa Meutia 140410190080
18 Kania 140410190007
19 ayu 140410190109
20 Probowati Isworo Gians 140410190073
21 Firda Wulandari 140410190028
22 Aprillita Cahyani Putri 140410190097
23 Qurrotu Ainun Nisa 140410190053
24 Diva Syadilla 140410190081
25 ester mega bintang.s 140410190069
26 Riska Amalia 140410190061
27 Sabilafaza Wishnuputri 140410190071
28 Andrea Nataya S. 140410190105
29 Rima Haifa 140410190045
30 Sarah Khoerun Nisa 140410190103
31 Tahani Vidra Putri 140410190047
32 putri dwi 140410190010
33 Deviana Aulia Putri 140410190032
34 Agni Annisa Putri 140410190004
35 Erin Nurinsani Waafi
36 Hasna Syarifah 140410190104
37 Ghefira 140410190096
38 ulyaa 140410190027
39 Felicia Alifah 140410190015
40 Almira Salma N 140410190100
41 septian 140410190078
42 Shofi Siti F. 140410190115
43 Hera 140410190035
44 Risna 140410190054
45 angelia e 140410190026
46 Cika Asti Amalia 140410190098
47 Annisa Handayani Dewi 140410190012
48 Shafanissa Azzahra 140410190064
49 Adam Almaliki 140410190017
50 Falya Adinda 140410190084
51 Valerie Lubay 140410190048
52 Rifqi Fawwaz 140410190087
53 Putri Camelia 140410190066
54 Handina Alya W 140410190108
55 Firla Amalia 140410190016
56 Azka Khalishaturrahmah 140410190058
57 Retno Widuri 140410190029
58 Anastasya 140410190005
59 Bittarae Fatahillah Hasb 140410190046
60 Salma Amaliah 140410190082
61 Kharisma Nurinsani 140410190024
62 Al Meisya Nur A. 140410190041
63 Regita Octaviani 140410190068
64 Muhammad Terry A 140410190076
65 Gagah Mulia Imani 140410190056
66 Fatihatun Muflihah Al M 140410190033
67 M. Dikri Sulaiman 140410190038
68 Farrel Radhysa Muhamm 140410190085
69 Aulia Meida Savira 140410190112
70 Syaharbanu Mehri A 140410190114
71 Anisa Muthia F 140410190019
72 Fasya Nadhifa 140410190037
73 Salsabila Luthfiana 140410190116
74 Salwa Nurfitria 140410190014
75 Riska Kurniawati 140410190039
76 Alysa Yasyfa N 140410190020
77 Vanya Asdiqaputri Nugr 140410190009
78 Salsabila Laraswari 140410190072
79 Edwina Olivia 140410190051
80 Irma Indriani 140410190075
81 Hasna Nurul H 140410190088
82 Azhar Fauzan Fawazilla 140410190057
83 M. Zamzam Muzamil 140410190025
84 Dhiya Sabrina 140410190086
85 Aqlikah Zakiah 140410190079
87 Muhammad Fahmi Alf 140410190067
88 Indra Ryadi 140410190018
89 Elnosan Jembar Sayidin 140410190034
90 Haitsam Ammar 140410190036
92 Julian Harmatrio 140410190083
94 Arkan 140410190006
95 Daffa 140410190031
96 Rara 140410190099
97 Nyoman 140410190060
99 Faris Verliansyah 140410190049
Soil macrofauna density and diversity across a chronosequence of tropical forest restoration in Southeastern Brazil
Land use diversity and prey availability structure the bird communities in Norway spruce plantation forests
The use of the point count method for bird survey in the Atlantic forest
Diet and Ranging Behavior of the Endangered Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) in a Submontane Tropical Rainforest (Kim, S
Bird surveys in grasslands: do different count methods present distinct results?
Hopes and challenges for giant panda conservation under climate change in the Qinling Mountains of China
estimation of environmental
of parrot and hornbilleffects of beaver
densities using ainpoint
relation to artificial
count distance dams
sampling method

Species diversity and population distribution of arboreal mammals in Kemuning Forest, Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia
Diversity and activity of small carnivores of the Sabangau Peat- swamp Forest, Indonesian Borneo.
The Time Budget of Javan Deer (Rusa timorensis, Blainville 1822) in Panaitan Island,Ujung Kulon National Park, Banten, Indo
Robinson, W. D., & Curtis, J. R. (2020). Creating benchmark measurements of tropical forest bird communities in large plots. The Con
Responses of leopard Panthera pardus to the recovery of a tiger Panthera tigris population
Population density, geographical distribution and habitat of Talaud bear cuscus(Ailurops melanotis Thomas, 1898)
Nestedness for different reasons: the distributions of birds, lizards and small mammals on islands of an inundated lake
Habitat evaluation of wild Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and conservation priority setting in north-eastern China.
Distribution of the Ibex (Capra ibex) in Tomur National Nature Reserve of Xinjiang, China
Diversity of Birds in the Foothills of Phulchoki Hill, Lalitpur, Nepal
The platypus: evolutionary history, biology, and an uncertain future
Invasive raccoon management systems and challenges in regions with active control
Birds in the west coast of South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Fauna and Ecology of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Wrangel Island Nature Reserve (Chukotka, Russia)
Ecological study and status of komodo population Varanus komodoensis on Padar Island, Komodo National Park
The distribution, population status, and wildlife product trade of Himalayan musk deer in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
Ampeng, A., & Md-Zain, B. M. (2012). Ranging patterns of critically endangered colobine, Presbytis chrysomelas chrysomelas. The Sc
Ecology and Conservation of the Endangered Banteng (Bos javanicus) in Indonesia Tropical Lowland Forest
Conservation ecology of bees: populations, species and communities
An evaluation of field techniques for monitoring terrestrial mammal populationsin Amazonia
The diversity, abundance and habitat association of medium and large-sized mammals of Dati Wolel National Park, Western Ethiopi
Results of a nationwide census of the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) population of Singapore
Population Structure Analysis of Javan Rhinoceros at Ujung Kulon National Park, West Java
Mammals and Birds in Bukit Batu Area of Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve, Riau, Indonesia
Trophic ecology of green turtle Chelonia mydas juveniles in the Colombian Pacific
Estimating densities of large herbivores in tropical forests: Rigorous evaluation of a dung-based method
Integrated modeling predicts shifts in waterbird population dynamics under climate change
Conservation status, species composition, and distribution of Avian Community in Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary, India
Line Transect Surveys Underdetect Terrestrial Mammals: Implications for the Sustainability of Subsistence Hunting
Impact of changing vlimate on the distribution of migratory birds in china: Habitat change and population centroid shift
Constructing and using a light trap harvester: Rural technology for mass collection of agoro termites (Macrotermes subhylanus)
Ex-situ population of White-rumped Shama (Copsychus malabaricus): Studies of density, distribution and bird keepers in Bengkulu
Reliable estimates of wild boar populations by nocturnal distance sampling Focardi, Stefano, Morgia, Valentina La, Montanaro, Paol
Searching a site for a civil airport based on bird ecological conservation: An expert-based selection (Dalian, China)
Amphibians and Reptiles of the Tchabal Mbabo Mountains, Adamaoua Plateau, Cameroon
Diversity of mammals in the Lower Drâ a valley. A preliminary survey
Bat conservation and zoonotic disease risk: a research agenda to prevent misguided persecution in the aftermath of COVID-19
Ecology and Human Conflict of Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus laniger) in Mansehra District, Pakistan
Past, Present and Future: Combining habitat suitability and future landcover simulation for long-term conservation management of
Leadership in elephants: the adaptive value of age.
The diversity, distribution and conservation status of the tree- cavity- nesting birds of the world
Spatial ecology and conservation of two sloth species in a cacao landscape in limo´n, Costa Rica
Population ecology of polar bears in Davis Strait, Canada and Greenland
Distribution, Climatic Relationships, and Status of American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) in The Great Basin, USA
Observations on Southern White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum Translocated to Uganda
Spatial ecology and habitat use of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in South Africa

The Influence of Habitat Structure on Bird Species Composition in Lowland Malaysian Rain Forests
Home range and movement patterns of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia
Diversity of carnivorous mammals in Batutegi Nature Reserve, Lampung, Sumatra
Ecology of the snake Atracus paraguayensis (Dipsadidae) in southern Brazil
Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Survey of Small Mammals in the Kwamalasamutu Region of Suriname
Habitat use, preference, and utilization distribution of two crane species (Genus: Grus) in Huize National Nature Reserve, Yunnan–G
Biotic and abiotic factors predicting the global distribution and population density of an invasive large mammal
Species richness, densities and biomass of nine primate communities in eastern Colombia
No room to roam: King Cobras reduce movement in agriculture
Distribution, abundance and diet of the Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata)
The distribution and density of Tapanuli orangutans (Pongo tapanuliensis) at potential corridor locations between forest fragments
Distribution and conservation of the Arabian Leopard Panthera pardus nimr in Saudi Arabia
Nematodes, exotic earthworms and nitrogen addition: interactions between global change factors lead to cancellation effects
Density and population structure of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in a protected area of Los Llanos, Venezuela, from 1 year of camera t
Distance and size matters: A comparison of six wildlife camera traps and their usefulness for wild birds.
Estimating deer abundance from line transect surveys of dung: sika deer in southern Scotland
Diversity and density of butterfly communities in urban green areas: an analytical approach using GIS
One thousand jaguars (Panthera onca) in Bolivia’s Chaco Camera trapping in the Kaa-Iya National Park
Ecology Of Lesser Sulphur Creasted Cockatoo Cacatua Sulphurea Sulphurea At Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, Southeast Sula
Large Mammal Diversity and Endemism at Geremba Mountain Fragment, Southern Ethiopia
Sex Differences in Giraffe Feeding Ecology : Energetic and Social Constraints
Female tiger Panthera tigris home range size and prey abundance: important metrics for management
Decline towards Extinction of Mexico’s Vaquita Porpoise (Phocoena sinus)
Processes influencing the population dynamics and conservation of African penguins on Dyer Island, South Africa
Butterfly Species Diversity and Abundance in University of Ibadan Botanical Garden, Nigeria
Species Diversity and Seasonal Population Dynamics of Terrestrial Insects in Saluga and Ghazal Protected Area, Aswan, Egypt
Population and distribution of Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica F. Cuvier, 1823) in designated area of Cisokan Hydrop
Ecology and Behavioral Studies of Elephant in The Selous-Mikumi Ecosystem
Optimal bird migration revisited
Observations on Southern White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum Tra
Uncovering Salamander Ecology: A Review of Coverboard Design
Golden eagle diet in western alaska
Automatically identifying, counting, and describing
wild animals in camera-trap images with deep learning
Ant community and habitat limit colony establishment by the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta

Uniform performance of mammal detection methods under contrasting environmental conditions in Mediterranean landscapes
Habitat features and long-distance dispersal modify the use of social information by a long-distance migratory bird
Exploring mechanisms and origins of reduced dispersal in island Komodo dragons
Wildcat population density on the Etna volcano, Italy: a comparison of density estimation methods

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