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The Role of FAITH and Faith

RELIGION in Ethics

Faith Faith
Is being sure of what we hope for and
certain of what we do not see
is personal encounter with God, a self Characteristics of Faith
disclosure of Divine father and personal
adherence to Him

Faith is a grace Faith is a grace

from God from God
Faith is a gift from God
Faith is a human act Faith is a human act
Trusting God and believing the truths He
has revelead are contrary neither to
human freedom nor to human reason

Faith seeks understanding Faith seeks understanding

Faith pushes one to understand God and
His intentions while knowing that he or
she will never fully know all these
“I believe, in order to understand: and I understand, the better to
The act of faith is fee act

–St. Augustine

Faith is necessary to obtain

The act of faith is fee act salvation
No one is forced to have faith in God.
One has the choice to believe in God or
not which makes faith a free human act
Faith is necessary to obtain
salvation Faith requires perseverance
Without faith, it is impossible to please
God and be able toobtain eternal life.

Faith requires perseverance RELIGION

You must persevere your faith, faith must
not be temporary nor must wane. One who
has faith in God must stand firm in his/
her belief
Derived from the latin word relegare - to bind together, that is,the bond
between humans and Gods

RELIGION Elements of Religion

Uni ed system of beliefs nad practices related to sacred things
Beliefs Beliefs
Expressed in terms of the holy or the sacred

Practices Practices
Involves ritual and liturgical practices as well as systems of beliefs
Moral Community Moral Community
Religion is made up of individuals who constitute themselves as a moral
community, individuals are joined together through their common faith

Types of Religious
Organizations Church
Church Denominations
structured bureaucratically, religions of this type are the guardians
enmeshed in the political anbd economic structures of society

Denominations Sects
It is closely integrated in the society but it is not formal part of the state
Sects Cults
Sects are smaller, less organized religious bodies of committed members

Cults Major Religions in the World

Cults are the most transparent annd informal of all religious groups
Judaism Judaism
Judaism is Monotheistic

Judaism Judaism
• It believes that there is one true God
• It believes that there is one true God Christianity
• Israel is the Sacred Land of the Jewish people and it is
seen as a gift to them from God

Christianity Islam
Believe in the trinity of the FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT as one God,
the God of Love
Islam Hinduism
Central to Islam is the belief that ALLAH is the only true god and that
Muhammad is God’s messenger - prophet

Hinduism Buddhism
Believes in reincarnation and that all actions have direct e ects, re ered to as

Hindu believe in One God that is represented by a multitude of sacred forms

know as deities

Dharma is the religious and moral law governing individual conduct

Follows the teachings of Gautama Buddha who taught his followers that
one’s end in life is to achieve enlightment

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