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90 Original Papers

Anti-Inflammatory Activity and Chemical Profile

of Galphimia glauca

Authors Manasés González-Cortazar 1, Maribel Herrera-Ruiz 1, Alejandro Zamilpa 1, Enrique Jiménez-Ferrer 1, Silvia Marquina 2,
Laura Álvarez 2, Jaime Tortoriello 1

Affiliations Centro de Investigación Biomédica del Sur (CIBIS), Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), Argentina No. 1, Col. Centro,
Xochitepec, Morelos, México
Centro de Investigaciones Químicas (CIQ), Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México

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Key words Abstract tracts showed an important anti-inflammatory
" Galphimia glauca
l ! effect. Chemical separation of the active methanol
" Malpighiaceae
Galphimia glauca, commonly known as “flor de extract allowed us to identify the nor-seco-triter-
" galphimine
estrella”, is a plant species used in Mexican tradi- penes galphimine-A (1) and galphimine-E (3) as
" nor‑secotriterpene

tional medicine for the treatment of different dis- the anti-inflammatory principles. Analysis of
" anti‑inflammatory activity

" flavonoid eases that have an acute or chronic inflammatory structure-activity relationships evidenced that
" organic acids process in common. Aerial parts of this plant con- the presence of an oxygenated function in C6 is
tain nor-seco-triterpenoids with anxiolytic prop- absolutely necessary to show activity. In this
erties, which have been denominated galphi- work, the isolation and structural elucidation of
mines. Other compounds identified in the plant two new nor-seco-triterpenes denominated as
are tetragalloyl-quinic acid, gallic acid, and quer- galphimine-K (4) and galphimine-L (5), together
cetin, which are able to inhibit the bronchial ob- with different alkanes, fatty acids, as well as three
struction induced by platelet-activating factor. flavonoids (17–19), are described, to our knowl-
The objective of this work was to evaluate the edge for the first time, from Galphimia glauca.
anti-inflammatory effect of crude extracts from
G. glauca and, by means of bioguided chemical Supporting information available online at
separation, to identify the compounds responsi-
ble for this pharmacological activity. n-Hexane, plantamedica
ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, and methanol ex-

Introduction 7]. Among these, galphimine-B (G‑B) has been

! identified as the most active, followed by galphi-
received March 22, 2013
revised Nov. 6, 2013 Galphimia glauca (Malpighiaceae) is a plant spe- mine-A (G‑A) [8]. In this regard, scientific re-
accepted Nov. 11, 2013 cies widely used in Mexican traditional medicine search has achieved a high level of knowledge
for the treatment of different diseases such as gas- that has permitted the development of phyto-
DOI tric ulcers, and as an anti-inflammatory in the pharmaceuticals elaborated with the standard-
10.1055/s-0033-1360150 case of traumatic blows, wounds, scars, inflam- ized extract of G. glauca, which has important
Published online December 11, mation of the kidney or uterus, and rheumatism anxiolytic effectiveness, as demonstrated by clini-
2013 [1, 2]. It is noteworthy that these conditions have cal studies. The G. glauca phytopharmaceutical,
Planta Med 2014; 80: 90–96
an acute or chronic inflammatory process in com- administered orally for 4 and for 15 weeks, was
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Stuttgart · New York · mon. This plant species, popularly known as “flor compared with Lorazepam in patients with gen-
ISSN 0032‑0943 de estrella”, “telpinoxochilt” (Nahuatl), “yerba del eralized anxiety disease (GAD) [9, 10]. There is al-
desprecio”, “árnica de raíz”, or “árnica roja”, has so scientific background on the pharmacological
Maribel Herrera-Ruiz, PhD been submitted (over the last two decades) to dif- effect produced by extracts obtained from G. glau-
Centro de Investigación ferent chemical, toxicological, pharmacological, ca on bronchial asthma, a disease with an impor-
Biomédica del Sur (CIBIS) and clinical studies in order to analyze its effect tant inflammatory process of the airways. In this
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro
Social (IMSS) on the central nervous system [3–5]. It has been case, the tetragalloyl-quinic acid as well as the
Argentina No. 1, Col. Centro demonstrated that the aerial parts of this plant gallic acid and quercetin were identified as the ac-
62790 Xochitepec, Morelos contain compounds of the nor-seco triterpenoid tive suppressor compounds of bronchial obstruc-
Phone: + 52 77 73 61 21 55 type, which possess anxiolytic properties and tion induced by the platelet-activating factor [11]. which have been denominated galphimines [6, Recently, it was reported that a methanolic

González-Cortazar M et al. Anti-Inflammatory Activity and … Planta Med 2014; 80: 90–96
Original Papers 91

Edema (mg) Edema inhibition (%) Table 1 Effect produced by dif-

Extracts from G. glauca (3.2 mg/ear) ferent extracts, fractions, sub-frac-
" GgHex 1.43 ± 0.78* 87.94 tions, and compounds obtained
" GgAcOEt 1.48 ± 1.43* 87.51 from Galphimia glauca on auricular
" GgCH2Cl2 1.57 ± 1.46* 86.74 edema induced by 12-Ο-tetrade-
" GgMeOH 1.48 ± 1.45* 87.51 canoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) in
Fractions from GgMeOH (1.6 mg/ear) ICR mice. Analysis of variance
" C F1 5.98 ± 1.30* 55.74* (ANOVA) with post hoc Bonferroni
" C F2 5.80 ± 1.90* 57.04* (n = 7; mean ± standard deviation
" C F3 2.65 ± 1.60* 80.37* [SD]). * p < 0.05 in comparison
" C F4 2.93 ± 1.50* 78.27* with the negative control group.
" C F5 10.48 ± 2.79 11.28
IND = indomethacin.
" C F6 7.45 ± 1.93* 44.81*
" C F7 1.15 ± 0.61* 91.48*
" C F8 9.42 ± 1.66 20.28
" C F9 10.88 ± 1.63 7.87
" C F10 9.95 ± 3.00 15.77
" C F11 11.23 ± 1.73 4.90
Subfractions from C1F7 (1.0 mg/ear)

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" C F1 7.55 ± 2.20* 36.08
" C F2 7.62 ± 2.32* 35.52
" C F3 4.80 ± 1.62* 59.37
" C F4 5.08 ± 1.50* 52.41
" C F5 10.67 ± 2.30 9.70
Galphimines from C2F3 (1.0 mg/ear)
" G‑A 6.18 ± 2.21* 51.75
" G‑B 9.80 ± 1.64 17.04
" G‑E 3.68 ± 1.20* 68.85
" G–K + GL 10.23 ± 1.39 13.40
Positive control group (IND) (1.0 mg/ear) 0.82 ± 0.50* 93.06
Negative control group 11.81 ± 1.74

(MeOH) extract from G. glauca reduced the inflammation in- of secondary metabolites capable of diminishing TPA-induced in-
duced in mouse ear with tetradecanoylphorbol acetate [12]. Re- flammation. Thus, we continued with a bioguided chemical frac-
garding the chemical composition of aerial parts from G. glauca, tionation to identify the active anti-inflammatory compounds.
compounds of the nor-seco triterpene type, known as galphi- Methanol extract (GgMeOH) was selected for fractionation be-
mines (galphimine-B, galphimine-A, galphimine-E, and galphi- cause it was that with higher yield.
mine-J), have been identified. Some galphimines have shown se- All fractions and subfractions obtained from GgMeOH, as well as
lective anxiolytic activity, while a structure-activity relationship the purified compounds, were submitted to the pharmacological
has evidenced the importance of a double-bond between C-1 and anti-inflammatory test. As illustrated in l
" Table 1, the C F7 frac-
C-2 of the A ring in order to exert the pharmacological effect [7]. tion was the most active with 91.48 % inhibition of auricular ede-
Other reports showed the presence of terpenoids denominated ma, while C1F1, C1F2, C1F3, C1F4, and C1F6 were also able to re-
galphin-A, galphin-B, galphin-C, and galphimidin, as well as duce the TPA-induced inflammation but at a lesser proportion.
quercetin, stigmasterol, and sitosterol 3-O-β-D-glucoside [13]. After analyzing the chemical content, it was not surprising to find
The objective of this work was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory that fractions C1F1-C1F6 exhibited anti-inflammatory activity.
effect of a crude extract from G. glauca and, by means of a bio- For example, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC‑MS)
guided chemical separation (by using the mouseʼs ear edema in- analysis of the C1F1 fraction allowed identification of the follow-
duced by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) as the ing non-polar compounds: triacontane, tricosane, pentacosane,
monitoring test), to identify the compounds responsible for this hexacosane, heptacosane, octacosane, nonacosane, hentriaco-
pharmacological activity. sane, cyclotetracosane, hexacosene, and hexadecanoic acid. This
latter saturated fatty acid is able to modulate the immune re-
sponse. A previous report demonstrated that this fatty acid inhib-
Results and Discussion its the phospholipase A2 enzyme (PLA2) which hydrolyzes phos-
! pholipids in the cellular membrane with the consequent release
Different extracts from G. glauca (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, dichlo- of araquidonic acid (AA), thus initiating the inflammatory re-
romethane, and methanol) at a dose of 3.2 mg/ear were eval- sponse [15]. In this respect, TPA is capable of stimulating AA re-
uated in TPA-induced auricular edema in mice [14]. This study lease in a keranocyte culture through the action of cytosolic PLA2
showed that all of the tested extracts had an important anti-in- action [16]. There is no information about the anti-inflammatory
flammatory effect, which was significantly different (p < 0.05) activity of the other compounds identified in the C1F1 fraction.
with respect to the negative control group (l " Table 1), but not On the other hand, fraction C1F2 contains α-tocoferol, triaconta-
different from that of the positive control group which was treat- nol, eicosanol, pentacosanol, phytol, α-amyrin (15), and β-amyrin
ed with indomethacin (IND). This result suggested the presence (16), and these triterpenes have antinociceptive and anti-inflam-

González-Cortazar M et al. Anti-Inflammatory Activity and … Planta Med 2014; 80: 90–96
92 Original Papers

matory action (at a dose of 30 mg/kg) through activation of can- NMR spectra data analysis (1H, 13C, DEPT) with two-dimension
nabinoid receptors and by inhibiting cytokine production [17]. α- (2-D) experiments (COSY, HSQC, HMBC). Direct comparison of
Amyrin derivatives, such as α-amyrin acetate and α-amyrin cin- 1
H and 13C signals from this compound displayed high similarity
namate, induce a decrease of TPA-induced inflammation [18]. Re- with those previously described for galphimine-B (2) [24], except
garding fractions C1F3 and C1F4, both contain β-sitosterol (13) for the absence of signals assigned to C-4 and C-7. The signal cor-
which has been demonstrated to possess an anti-inflammatory responding to the hydroxymethine group at C-7, which in G‑B
activity. For example, a mixture of β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and appears at δH 4.22 and δC 66.5, disappeared in compounds 4 and
campesterol, isolated from Buddleja globosa, is able to reduce 5; instead, signals for an aliphatic methylene group were evi-
TPA-induced edema up to 78.2 % at a 1-mg/ear dose [19]. It is im- denced. In compound 4, this methylene signal (δH 1.64; δC 30.4)
portant to point out that these results are similar to those ob- showed COSY correlation with H-6 (δ 1.39) and H-8 (δ 2.36–
served in our work, in which C1F3 and C1F4 inhibited edema by 2.41). In addition, the signal for C-4 hydroxymethine was shifted
80.37 and by 78.27 %, respectively. Fractions C1F5, C1F8, C1F9, downfield (Δδ = 0.22 in 1H and 9.4 in 13C) with respect to 2, due to
C1F10, and C1F11 did not induce an anti-inflammatory effect, the presence of an acetyl group in this position. This was also
and their chemical analyses indicated the presence of organic ac- confirmed by the 3J correlation between H-4 (δ 4.29, q,
ids such as methylgallate (10), 4-methoxy methyl gallate (11), J = 6.9 Hz) and the acetate carbonyl group at δ 167.7 in the HMBC
and gallic acid (12), as well as the sterol β-sitosteryl-3-O-β-D-glu- spectra. Full assignment of proton and carbon signals is described
copyranoside (14) and the flavonoids kaempferol 3-O-β-D-gluco- in the experimental section. This compound has not been, to our
pyranoside (8), quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (9), kaemp- knowledge, previously isolated and represents a new natural

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ferol 3-O-β-D-(2′′-galloyl)-glucopyranoside (17), kaempferol 3- product from G. glauca; it was denominated galphimine-K (4).
O-β-D-(2′′-galloyl)-galactopyranoside (18), and quercetin 3-O-β- In addition, some samples of G–K are made up of a mixture of G–
D-(2′′-galloyl)-galactopyranoside (19). Although compounds 17, K and its Δ20(29) isomer (80 : 20); this was evidenced by the pres-
18, and 19 have already been described for Galphimia glauca ence of additional vinyl signals at δ 4.61 (1H, br, d, J = 2.3 Hz, H-
[20], in this paper we report, to our knowledge for the first time, 29a) and 4.38 (1H, br, d, J = 2.3 Hz, H-29b) in the 1H NMR spectra,
the experimental evidence by spectroscopic analysis of the pres- corresponding to an exocyclic double bond. The remaining sig-
ence of these metabolites. nals in these spectra were very similar to those of compound 4.
It has been reported that compounds associated with methylgal- This compound is also a new, natural product, and it was de-
late (10), such as (−)-epicatechin 3-(3-O-methylgallate) and nominated galphimine-L (5).
(+)-catechin 3-(3-O-methylgallate), exert anti-inflammatory ac- Nor-secofriedeles 1–3 were evaluated (1.0 mg/ear) in TPA-in-
tivity on auricular edema induced by the TPA model [21]. We duced auricular edema in mouse model. l " Table 1 illustrates the

can assume that the active part of these molecules is the epicate- anti-inflammatory activity displayed by these compounds. The
chin and not the methylgallate. On the other hand, fractions con- natural G‑A (1) inhibited inflammation by 51.75 %, while G‑E (3)
taining kaempferol derivatives were not active, although it was did so by 68.85 %. Both exhibited statistical differences in com-
reported that these substances show activity when administered parison with the negative control group. The known anxiolytic
orally (50 and 100 mg/kg) in an animal model. This metabolite compound, G‑B (2), as well as the mixture of the new galphi-
was capable of inhibiting the production of nitrites and prosta- mines G–K and G–L, failed to induce any anti-inflammatory ac-
glandin-E2, and it also diminished the cellular infiltration into tivity. To date, there have been, to our knowledge, no previous re-
rat granuloma air pouch induced by carrageenan by modulation ports on the anti-inflammatory activity of nor-secotriterpenes
of the cyclooxygenase pathway via inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) from G. glauca. The biological effect of these compounds confirms
synthesis [22]. It was also able to reduce the activity of nuclear and validates the traditional use of G. glauca in Mexican tradi-
factor (NF)-kappaβ and NF-kappaβ-dependent pro-inflamma- tional medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. The effect of G‑A
tory gene activity [23] in both experiments in which this flavonol (1) and G‑E (3) was analyzed by means of a dose-response curve
was administered orally. In our work, the correspondent fraction (l" Table 2); the results showed an E
max of 99.01 % and an ED50 of
did not exhibit activity, probably because of the administration 0.81 mg/ear for G‑A, and an Emax of 90.8 % and an ED50 of 0.31 mg/
route employed, or, the presence of more complex molecules as- ear for G‑E (3), indicating that compound 1 is more active than
sociated with kaempferol. compound 3, but that compound 3 is more potent. The structural
The C1F7 fraction was selected because it exhibited the highest difference between these two active galphimines (1 and 3) and
activity; subsequently, it was submitted to chemical separation. the inactive G‑B (2) is the oxidation state in the C6 position of
Only subfractions C2F3 and C2F4 (these subfractions also con- ring B (l " Fig. 1). In this position, there is a hydroxyl group in

tained β-sitosterol) inhibited the inflammation by 59.37 and G‑A and an acetate group in G‑E, while in G‑B, these groups are
52.41 %, respectively. This result was significantly (p < 0.05) dif- absent. This fact is in agreement with the absence of activity of
ferent from that of the negative control group (l " Table 1). Sub- the remaining C6-non-oxygenated galphimines G–K and G–L,
fractions C2F1 and C2F2 inhibited edema by 36 and 35 %, respec- suggesting that the presence of an oxygenated function in C6 is
tively. Even though these effects were significantly different from necessary for anti-inflammatory activity.
those of the control group, they were lower. C2F5 failed to pro- In this work, isolation and structural elucidation of different alka-
duce anti-inflammatory activity; however, this fraction was con- nes and fatty acids, as well as of three flavonoids (17–19), are de-
stituted mainly of the flavonols kaempferol (6) and quercetin (7), scribed, to our knowledge for the first time, for this species. Two
as well as galphimine-J (G–J). new nor-secotriterpenes were also identified and denominated
Finally, reverse phase chromatography of C2F3 allowed us to ob- galphimine-K (4) and galphimine-L (5).
tain the triterpenes galphimine-A (1), galphimine-B (2), and gal- Chemical separation of active compounds performed by means of
phimine-E (3), in addition to a new triterpene described as gal- their anti-inflammatory effectiveness allowed us to identify nor-
phimine-K (4) and its isomer galphimine-L (5). Structural eluci- secotriterpenes G‑A (1) and G‑E (3) as responsible for this activ-
dation of both compounds (4 and 5) was performed by their ity. Analysis of the structure-activity relationships of galphimines

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Table 2 Dose-response curve of galphimine-A and galphimine-E obtained from Galphimia glauca in auricular edema induced by 12-Ο-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-
acetate (TPA) in ICR mice. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post-hoc Bonferroni (n = 7, mean ± standard deviation [SD]); * p < 0.05 in comparison with the neg-
ative control group. a Emax = maximum effect; b DE50 = effective doses to 50%.

Edema (mg) Edema inhibition (%) Emaxa ED50b

Treatment G‑A (mg/ear)
" 0.25 8.81 ± 1.87 25.36 99.01% 0.81 mg/ear
" 0.50 7.02 ± 1.66* 40.53
" 1.0 6.18 ± 2.21* 51.75
" 1.5 2.57 ± 1.01* 78.35
" 2.0 2.01 ± 0.42* 82.93
Treatment G‑E (mg/ear)
" 0.25 7.03 ± 3.04* 40.46 90.80% 0.31 mg/ear
" 0.50 4.91 ± 2.01* 58.52
" 1.0 3.68 ± 1.20* 68.85
" 1.5 2.99 ± 0.91* 74.69
" 2.0 2.36 ± 0.57* 80.02
Positive control group 1.0 0.82 ± 0.50* 93.06
Negative control group 11.81 ± 1.74

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Fig. 1 Chemical structure of secondary metabo-
lites from Galphimia glauca.

González-Cortazar M et al. Anti-Inflammatory Activity and … Planta Med 2014; 80: 90–96
94 Original Papers

(1–5) evidenced that the presence of an oxygenated function in (90 : 10 : 0, 3.2 g); C1F3 (80 : 20 : 0, 4.4 g); C1F4 (70 : 30 : 0, 4.1 g);
C6 is absolutely necessary for exhibiting activity. C1F5 (60 : 40 : 0, 5.2 g); C1F6 (50 : 50 : 0, 7.2 g); C1F7 (47.5 : 47.5 : 5,
Anxiolytic effectiveness, previously identified in galphimines 2.9 g); C1F8 (45 : 45 : 10, 3.8 g); C1F9 (40 : 40 : 20, 2.6 g); C1F10
from G. glauca, has already been demonstrated by preclinical (35 : 35 : 30, 5.3 g,); and C1F11 (0 : 0 : 100, 3.7 g). C1F1 and C1F2
and clinical studies and, together with anti-inflammatory activ- fractions were subjected to a GC‑MS analysis. All of the remain-
ity, suggests that the standardized extracts or fractions obtained ing compounds were elucidated through their 1H and 13C NMR
from this plant could be effective for the treatment of degenera- spectra analysis.
tive disorders that express an inflammatory component, such as Recrystallization of C1F8, C1F9, and C1F10 allowed us to obtain
anxiety and Alzheimer disease [25]. It is also important to con- compounds 17 (0.120 g, 97 %), 18 (0.070 g, 99 %), and 19 (0.170 g,
clude that, considering the yield of galphimines (0.2 %) in the 99 %), respectively. All of these flavonoids were identified by their
methanol extract, it is evident that the anti-inflammatory activ- H and 13C NMR spectra analysis as well as their two-dimensional
ity displayed by the extract is due to the pharmacologic interac- experiments (COSY, HSQC, and HMBC).
tion among the different compounds.
Flavonoid derivatives isolation
The C1F7 fraction (5 g) was submitted to a chromatographic open
Material and Methods column (500 × 30 mm) previously packed with 100 g of silica gel
! 60 (Merck, mesh 70–230). A dichloromethane/methanol gradient
Drugs and general procedure system was used as mobile phase, starting with 100% of the sol-

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12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA, ≥ 99 %, TLC) and in- vent of least polarity and finalizing with 100 % methanol (volume
domethacin (IND, ≥ 99 %, TLC) were purchased from Sigma Chem- of all samples was 75 mL). Forty fractions were obtained that
ical Co. Melting points were obtained on a Thermo Scientific were grouped in five final fractions according to their chemical
IA9000 series melting point apparatus and were uncorrected. All composition: C2F1 [100 : 0, 0.4 g); C2F2 (95 : 5, 1.1 g); C2F3
NMR spectra were recorded on Varian INOVA-400 at 400 MHz for (90 : 10, 0.8 g, β-sitosterol (13) and galphimines (1, 2, 3)]; C2F4
H NMR, 1H-1H COSY, HSQC, and HMBC, and at 100 MHz for 13C (70 : 30, 1.8 g); C2F5 (60 : 40, 0.8 g). Crystallization of C2F3 (ace-
NMR in CDCl3. NOESY experiment was used for the characteriza- tone) gives uncolored needles. GC‑MS analysis of this crystalline
tion of galphimine K (4). Chemical shifts are reported in parts per compound indicated that it corresponds to 13. C2F4 and C2F5
million (ppm) relative to tetramethylsilane (TMS). were subjected to an HPLC method which revealed that these
fractions contain the flavonols: kaempferol (6, 98 %) and querce-
Plant material tin (7, 97%), as well as the triterpene galphimine-J (comparison
Leaves from Galphimia glauca (10 kg) were collected from a con- with authentical samples previously isolated from this plant).
trolled crop developed in Morelos State, Mexico. Taxonomic
identification was performed by Abigail Aguilar-Contreras, M. Galphimines purification
Sc., the Herbarium Head. A voucher sample was deposited in the The C2F3 fraction (1.5 g) was purified in a chromatographic open
Mexican Institute of Social Security Herbarium with the code column (500 × 21 mm) previously packed with 30 g of reverse
number IMSSM-8646. Plant material was dried under dark condi- phase silica gel 60 (Merck, 40–63 µm, RP-18) and stabilized with
tions at room temperature for 2 weeks. Afterwards, in order to methanol. A water/acetonitrile gradient system was used as mo-
obtain particles 3–5 mm in size, the plant material was ground bile phase, starting with 100 % water and finalizing with 100 %
in an electric grinder mill. acetonitrile (the volume of all samples was 30 mL). Forty eight
fractions were obtained and grouped into the following eight fi-
Preparation of extracts nal fractions according to their chemical composition. C3F1
The dried and ground material (4.6 kg) was organized into four (100 : 0, 0.03 g); C3F2 (70 : 30, 0.12 g, galphimine-A [1, 89 %]);
samples of 1.15 kg, which were individually extracted by macer- C3F3 (40 : 60, 0.13 g); C3F4 (40 : 60, 0.26 g, galphimine-B [2,
ation with n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, or metha- 95 %]); C3F5 (30 : 70, 0.48 g, galphimine-E [3, 99%]); C3F6 (30 : 70,
nol for a 2-day period and repeated three times. All extractions 0.24 g); C3F7 (20 : 80 : 0, 0.15 g), and C3F8 (0 : 100, 0.04 g). These
were performed by using 1 : 5 plant material/solvent proportions. nor-secofriedelanes were identified by direct comparison by
Solvent was eliminated under reduced pressure distillation with HPLC with authentical samples previously isolated from this
a Heidolph-brand rotary evaporator, obtaining total yields of 1.1, plant [8].
2.2, 4.1, and 12.2 % of the n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl ace- Chromatographic purification of C3F7 (0.15 g) by silica-gel open
tate, and methanol extracts, respectively. column (21 × 300 mm, 70–230 mesh; Merck) and a mixture of
the n-hexane/EtOAc gradient system as mobile phase allowed us
Methanolic extract fractionation to obtain a yellow precipitate which was crystallized (acetone) to
GgMeOH extract (50.0 g) was fractionated by chromatographic give both compound 4 (30 mg, 95 %) and compound 5 (1 mg,
open column (600 × 70 mm) previously packed with silica gel 60 95 %). These last compounds were identified, to our knowledge
(Merck, mesh 70–230, 500 g). An n-hexane/EtOAc/MeOH gra- for the first time, in this plant species.
dient system was used as mobile phase, starting with 100 % of n-
hexane with successive increments of EtOAc (the volume of all GC‑MS analysis
samples was 250 mL). When the gradient system consisted of The chemical composition of the C1F1 and C1F2 fractions was an-
50 : 50 % mixture (n-hexane/ethyl acetate), ascendant concentra- alyzed on a gas chromatograph equipped with a quadrupole
tions of MeOH were incorporated into this mobile phase. One mass detector in electron impact mode at 70 eV. Volatile com-
hundred and fifty six fractions were obtained, which were pounds were separated on a HP 5MS capillary column (25 m long,
grouped into the following 11 final fractions according to their 0.2 mm i. d., 0.3-µm film thickness). Oven temperature was set at
chemical composition: C1F1 (100 : 0 : 0, 4 g, fatty acids); C1F2 40 °C for 2 min, then programmed from 40–260 °C at 10 °C/min

González-Cortazar M et al. Anti-Inflammatory Activity and … Planta Med 2014; 80: 90–96
Original Papers 95

and maintained for 20 min at 260 °C. Mass detector conditions Isolated compounds
were as follows: interphase temperature 200 °C, and mass acqui- Kaempferol 3-O-β‑D-(2′′-galloyl)-glucopyranoside (17): White
sition range, 20–550. The temperatures of the injector and detec- amorphous solid; 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD); δ 6.16 (1H, s, H-
tor were set at 250 and 280 °C, respectively. The splitless injection 6), 6.33 (1H, d, J = 1.6 Hz, H-8), 7.94 (1H, d, J = 8.8 Hz, H-2′, H-6′),
mode was carried out with 1 µL of each fraction (3 mg/mL solu- 6.84 (2H, d, J = 9.2 Hz, H-3′, H-5′), 7.12 (2H, s, H-2′′′, H-6′′′), 5.73
tion). The carrier gas was helium at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Iden- (1H, d, J = 8.4 Hz, H-1′′), 5.10 (1H, dd, J = 8, 9.6 Hz, H-2′′), 3.64–
tification of volatiles was performed comparing their mass spec- 3.66 (1H, m, H-3′′), 3.43 (1H, dd, J = 8.4, 8,4 Hz, H-4′′), 3.32–3.36
tra with those of the National Institute of Standards and Technol- (1H, m, H-5′′), 3.5–3.6 (1H, m, H-6′′a), 3.7–3.8 (1H, m, H-6′′b);
ogy (NIST) 1.7 Library. In addition, a standard solution of C7-C40 13
C NMR (100 MHz, CD3OD); δ 158.3 (C, C-2), 134.9 (C, C-3),
alkanes was used to obtain the retention index of compounds and 179.3 (C, C-4), 163.2 (C, C-5), 99.8 (CH, C-6), 167.8 (C, C-7), 94.7
to compare these with data in the literature [26]. (CH, C-8), 158.4 (C, C-9), 106.0 (C, C-10), 122.8 (C, C-1′), 132.2
(CH, C-2′), 116.3 (CH, C-3′), 161.4 (C, C-4′), 116.3 (CH, C-5′),
Animals 132.2 (CH, C-6′), 100.6 (CH, C-1′′), 76.1(CH, C-2′′), 77.5 (CH, C-3′
Male albino ICR mice weighing around 35 g were used (Harlan). ′), 71.8 (CH, C-4′′), 78.8 (CH, C-5′′), 62.7 (CH2, C-6′′), 121.7 (C, C-1′
All animals were housed eight per cage, maintained under labo- ′′), 110.7 (CH, C-
ratory conditions at 25 °C, under 12-h light/12-h dark cycles, with 2′′′), 146.4 (C, C-3′′′), 139.9 (C, C-4′′′), 146.4 (C, C-5′′′), 110.7 (CH,
lights turned on at 7 : 00 a. m. and free access to water and stan- C-6′′′), 167.8 (C, C-7′′′).
dard food pellets (Harlan). The mice were allowed at least 3 Kaempferol 3-O-β‑D-(2′′-galloyl)-galactopyranoside (18): White

Downloaded by: Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. Copyrighted material.

weeks to adapt to the laboratory environment prior to initiating amorphous solid; 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD); δ 6.16 (1H, s, H-
the experiments. All experimental procedures were carried out 6), 6.33 (1H, d, J = 1.6 Hz, H-8), 7.92 (1H, d, J = 8.8 Hz, H-2′, H6′),
according to a protocol approved by the Institutional Research 6.8 (2H, d, J = 8.8 Hz, H-3′, H-5′), 7.13 (1H, s, H-2′′′, H-6′′′), 5.63
Committee in compliance with the Official Mexican Regulation (1H, d, J = 7.6 Hz, H-1′′), 5.41 (1H, dd, J = 8, 9.6 Hz, H-2′′), 3.8 (1H,
that dates from 1999 (NOM-062-ZOO-1999). Minimum number dd, J = 2.4, 10 Hz, H-3′′), 3.90 (1H, br, d, J = 3.2 Hz, H-4′′), 3.5–3.6
of animals (n = 7) and duration of observation required to obtain (1H, m, H-5′′), 3.6–3.7 (2H, m, H-6′′); 13C NMR (100 MHz, CD3OD);
consistent data were employed. The experimental protocol was δ 158.4 (C, C-2), 135.0 (C, C-3), 179.4 (C, C-4), 163.2 (C, C-5), 99.8
approved by the local Ethics Committee on April 13th, 2010, and (CH, C-6), 168.1 (C, C-7), 94.7 (CH, C-8), 158.3 (C, C-9), 105.9 (C, C-
received registration number R-2010-1701-23. 10), 122.7 (C, C-1′), 132.2 (CH, C-2′), 116.4 (CH, C-3′), 161.4 (C, C-
4′), 116.4 (CH, C-5′), 132.2 (CH, C-6′), 101.1 (CH, C-1′′), 74.6 (CH,
Acute inflammation in mice with TPA C-2′′), 73.5 (CH, C-3′′), 70.6 (CH, C-4′′), 77.5 (CH, C-5′′), 62.2 (CH2,
Animal inflammation was induced following the method previ- C-6′′), 121.6 (C, C-1′′′), 110.7(CH, C-2′′′), 146.4 (C, C-3′′′), 139.9 (C,
ously described by Gábor [14]. The mice were grouped (into C-4′′′), 146.4 (C, C-5′′′), 110.7 (CH, C-6′′′), 168.1 (C, C-7′′′).
groups of seven individuals), and TPA (2.5 µg) dissolved in ace- Quercetin 3-O-β‑D-(2′′-galloyl)-galactopyranoside (19): Yellow
tone (20 µL) was topically administered on the internal and exter- needles; 1H NMR (200 MHz, CD3OD); δ 6.17 (1H, d, J = 1.8 Hz, H-
nal surfaces of the mouseʼs right ear to cause edema. 6), 6.30 (1H, d, J = 1.8 Hz, H-8), 7.55 (1H, d, J = 2.2 Hz, H-2′), 6.66
Doses of 3.2 mg/ear of different polarity extracts were adminis- (1H, d, J = 8.8 Hz, H-5′), 7.28 (1H, dd, J = 2.2, 8.8 Hz, H-6′), 7.04
tered topically on the ear of each individual mouse. In case of (2H, s, H-2′′′, H-6′′′), 5.39 (1H, d, J = 8 Hz, H-1′′), 5.11 (1H, dd,
fractions, 1.6-mg/ear doses were employed, while for subfrac- J = 8.8, 9.6 Hz, H-2′′), 3.92 (1H, br, d, J = 2.6 Hz, H-4), 3.5–3.7 (5H,
tions and isolated compounds (galphimines), doses were 1.0 mg/ m, H-3′′, H-5′′, H-6a’’, H6b’’); 13C NMR (50 MHz, CD3OD); δ 157.5
ear. The reference anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin (IND) (C, C-2), 135.0 (C, C-3), 178.6 (C, C-4), 162.1 (C, C-5), 99.5 (CH, C-
was administered at 1.0 mg/ear [14]. Treatments were dissolved, 6), 167.5 (C, C-7), 94.4 (CH, C-8), 157.5 (C, C-9), 105.4 (C, C-10),
according to their solubility, in acetone, methanol, and a mixture 122.2 (C, C-1′), 115.7 (CH, C-2′), 145.0 (CH, C-3′), 148.8 (C, C-4′),
of methanol-acetone, and subsequently administered topically 116.7 (CH, C-5′), 122.4 (CH, C-6′), 100.9 (CH, C-1′′), 74 (CH, C-2′′),
onto both ears. Ten min later, the TPA solution was administered, 72.4 (CH, C-3′′), 69.8 (CH, C-4′′), 76.4 (CH, C-5′′), 61.4 (CH2, C-6′′),
and 6 h after administration of the inflammatory agent, the ani- 120.7 (C, C-1′′′), 110.3 (CH, C-2′′′, C-6′′′), 145.0 (C, C-3′′′), 148.8 (C,
mals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. Circular sections, C-4′′′), 145.3 (C, C-5′′′), 167.6 (C, C-7′′′).
6 mm in diameter, were taken from both treated (t) and non- 13α-Carbomethoxy-4R-acetoxy-18β-hydroxy-30-nor-3,4-seco-
treated (nt) ears and were weighed to determine the inflamma- friedela-1,20-dien-3,24-olide, galphimine K (4): mp 212–215 °C;
tion. UV λmax: 198 nm; 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3); δ 6.32 (1H, dd,
Percentage of inhibition was obtained by using the expression as J = 8.8, 12 Hz, H-1), 5.97 (1H, d, J = 12.5 Hz, H-2), 4.29 (1H, q,
follows: J = 6.9 Hz, H-4), 1.39 (2H, m, H-6), 1.64 (2H, m, H-7a, H-7b), 2.68
(1H, d, J = 8.8 Hz, H-10α), 2.36–2.41 (1H, m, H-8α), 2.58 (2H, m, H-
Inhibition % = [Δ w control – Δw treatment/Δw] [100], 16, H-22), 5.08 (1H, br, s, H-21), 0.96 (3H, d, J = 6.4 Hz, H-23), 4.25
(2H, br, s, H-24a, H-24b), 0.9 (3H, s, H-25), 1.31 (3H, s, H-26), 0.91
where Δw = wt-wnt, while wt is the weight of the section of the (3H, s, H-28), 1.51 (3H, s, H-29), 3.46 (3H, s, OCH3), 1.46 (3H, s,
treated ear and wnt is the weight of the section of the non-treat- CH3COO); 13C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3); δ 144.1 (CH, C-1), 123.5
ed ear. (CH, C-2), 168.8 (C, C-3), 72.9 (CH, C-4), 50.7 (C, C-5), 38.4 (CH2,
C-6), 30.4 (CH2, C-7), 53.7 (CH, C-8), 38.7 (C, C-9), 49.5 (CH, C-
Statistical analysis 10), 37.2 (CH2, C-11), 23.5 (CH2, C-12), 53.3 (C, C-13), 42.4 (CH,
The results obtained from the pharmacological test were submit- C-14), 37.2 (CH2, C-15), 22.9 (CH2, C-16), 35.8 (C, C-17), 77.2 (C,
ted to ANOVA, followed by a post hoc Bonferroni test. Values of C-18), 42.6 (CH2, C-19), 130.9 (C, C-20), 119.2 (CH, C-21), 40.4
p < 0.05 were considered significantly different. (CH2, C-22), 15.4 (CH3, C-23), 65.5 (CH2, C-24), 13.5 (CH3, C-25),

González-Cortazar M et al. Anti-Inflammatory Activity and … Planta Med 2014; 80: 90–96
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