B. Eylül Ergün - 2353324 - City in History Final

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1 Why Kemeraltı?: Select�on of the S�te

2 Understand�ng of the S�te: Smaller Scale to Larger Scale

3 Generat�on of the Kemeraltı: Helen�st�c Per�od

4 Commerc�al Ident�ty: Roman, Byzant�ne, Ottoman

5 Traces of H�stor�cal Commerc�al Economy: Khans

6 Soc�o-Econom�c Chanh�ngs of the S�te: Alterat�on �n the Coastl�ne and Outer M�grat�on
Why Kemeraltı?
Select�on of the S�te

Kemeraltı �s an �nsp�r�ng s�te as an 'Anc�ent Port' of the c�ty that �s preserv�ng �ts commerc�al
�mage throughout h�story; what makes �t my personal cho�ce �s my past opportun�t�es to expe-
r�ence �t on a da�ly bas�s enabled me to feel �t as a s�te has the traces of the past w�th �ts khans,
h�stor�cal mosques, castle, low r�se bu�ld�ng typology and narrow streets that d�vert �t from
surround�ngs and real�z�ng the sh�ft�ng of the c�ty center from Kemeraltı to Alsancak. It's a
place where 'old and new' �nteract, hav�ng �ts traces s�nce the Hellen�st�c per�od affected from
mult�ple h�stor�cal processes �n var�able contexts and reflect them to today's' urban�zed old
c�ty center (F�gure 1). The reflect�on part �s what makes the Kemeraltı select�on s�te; �t �s enabl�ng
d�scuss�ons as the chang�ng econom�c dynam�cs �n the commerc�al and �ts spat�al outcomes, how
the econom�c factors and growth of the c�ty lost the�r control under the mater�al�st�c reputat�ons,
the soc�al and cultural alterat�ons, and var�at�ons �n accordance w�th urban�zat�on, how the
spat�al elements ma�nta�n the�r ex�stence throughout years, and how the ut�l�zat�on of the spaces
changes. The sh�ft�ng of the c�ty center from Kemeraltı to Alsancak under the effects of h�stor�cal
processes br�ngs a d�scuss�on another d�mens�on that enabled to understand the urban dynam�cs .

Understand�ng of the S�te

Smaller Scale
to Larger Scale
and �ts relat�on w�th h�stor�cal surround�ngs


Generat�on of the Kemeraltı
Helen�st�c Per�od
The c�ty Izm�r (Smyrna) has f�rst const�tuted �n the Bayraklı area; after that per�od, New Smyrna settled
�ns�de the c�ty's fort�f�cat�on walls at the Pagos (Kad�fekale), �n 4th century BC by Alexander the Great,
�t �s ruled through the Hellen�st�c Per�od. Kad�fekale was where the adm�n�strat�ve ut�l�zat�on took place,
and the c�ty extends along the port s�de where the commerc�al usages at. That commerc�al port s�te has
been named as 'Kemeraltı' today. (F�gure 1) S�te has been occurred �n relat�on w�th the Port Castle and
the Castle �s �n a strateg�c locat�on that dom�nates �ts surround�ngs wh�le also protect�ng and controll�ng
the �nner port. H�sar Mosque and Kızlarağası Khan, wh�ch have access�ble relat�on w�th the Port and
Port Castle, has been constructed �n such a strateg�c s�te that �t may be �dent�f�ed as the reference of the
Kemeraltı Bazaar. (F�gure 4) It �s also ut�l�zed for collect�ng the taxes, and the Port presents a trade
relat�on w�th the Med�terranean s�nce �t was the end route of the long-d�stance trade S�lk route.

F�gure 1: The structures near the port d�rect�ng the s�te: (1) Kızlarağası Khan, (2) Port Castle,
(3) H�sar Mosque. Personal Arch�ve. Referenced (12.22.2020) from www.�zto.org.tr.
F�gure 2: Port Castle. Kamāl ud-Dīn Behzād. the
S�ege of Smyrna of 1402. 1467. John Work Garrett
Commerc�al Ident�ty
Roman, Byzant�ne, Ottoman
The h�stor�cal process cont�nues w�th the Roman and Byzant�ne, where the trade st�ll ma�nta�ns the
area between the 11th and 15th centur�es. In the Late Byzant�ne Per�od, the long-trade secur�ty
requ�rement was d�srupted w�th enemy �nvas�ons and earthquakes. The connect�on between the center
and h�nterland �nterrupted a fa�r amount w�thout los�ng �ts trade �dent�ty, but not for a long t�me th�s
per�od ended �n the 16th century. Unt�l than the Kemeraltı serve as a local port, after s�te generated �ts
�nternat�onal commerc�al dynam�sm w�th com�ng of the European traders' or�entat�on �n the s�te. Th�s
s�tuat�on contr�buted to the alterat�on of small commerc�als to greater ones, and started to enhance as
an exportat�on port w�th cotton, s�lk chang�ng the commerc�al �dent�ty of the s�te. Th�s Ottoman per�od
has �ts other effects on the c�ty; after the 16th century, these v�tal�t�es' and commerc�al areas' spat�al
reflect�ons emerged �n the construct�on w�th khans and baths and the alterat�on �n khans' ut�l�zat�ons.
After the beg�nn�ng of fore�gn trade, khans were constructed to serve as an accommodat�on to outs�der
merchants; also, the number of commerc�al and warehouse serv�ng ones have �ncreased �n the construct
�n the Kemeraltı. The typology of most of the Khans was �n the courtyard plan, and the courtyard
served as a market�ng area. (F�gure 3)

Traces of H�stor�cal
Commerc�al Economy
Courtyard plan of the Vez�r Khan
Soc�o-Econom�c Chang�ngs of the S�te
Alterat�on �n the Coastl�ne and Outer M�grat�on

The d�vers�on populat�on of the Izm�r �n h�story among

1950s also had �ts traces �n the space. Greeks, Armen�ans
(Chr�st�ans), and Jews settled concentrated �n the c�ty's port
s�de, wh�le Turks are the Kad�fekale area's dens�ty. Another
the s�ght of th�s concentrat�on �s that �t cons�derably cons�sts
of balance; these d�s�ntegrat�ons were not a s�gn�f�cant case
�n the c�ty. Even though there are cons�derably segregated
�n the�r terr�tory, soc�al and econom�c s�tuat�ons were more
�ntegrated. Th�s soc�al cond�t�on may relate w�th the gu�ld
F�gure 4: Coastl�ne’s Transformat�on Throughot the H�story. Personal Arch�eve.
understand�ng �n t he commerc�al throughout that t�me w�th Referenced (12.22.2020) from Atay, 1998, 31. www.ahmet-akay.com

passages, commerc�al streets, and �ntegr�ty of shops.

However, �n 1857 the coastl�ne fulf�lled (F�gure 4) has
changed the cost's �mage and the �dent�ty, w�th th�s spat�al Kızlarağası

alterat�on, the �ntegrat�on w�th the Anafartalar street enabled

the publ�c to pract�ce Anafartalar street as the ma�n sp�ne,

arter�al s�nce commerc�al ut�l�zat�on has been shaped �n the Mosque

the or�entat�on of the Mosques located �n the Kemeraltı.


(F�gure 5) Because the development pattern �s grow�ng apart

from the Kemeraltı, the s�te had m�grat�ons from the outs�de


wh�ch transformed the h�gher �ncome group w�th the m�ddle,

F�gure 5: Or�entat�on of the Mosques located �n Kemeraltı Shap�ng the Commerc�al Ut�l�zat�on.
lower-�ncome, and �n that process, the control �s lost �n the Source: www.snazzymaps.com (21.01.2021)

Under the Effects of Urban�zat�on
One of the uncontrolled growths has been �n the area's populat�on. After Europen traders left the
s�te, the �mm�grants turned back to the c�ty for settl�ng due to war; �t �nfluenced �n both econom�c
and soc�al factors. In that process, Izm�r has spat�al alterat�ons, w�th new roads constructed to
Alsancak, the w�den�ng of ex�st�ng roads. Hence, the c�ty center began to sh�ft to the Alsancak
under the construct�ons �n transportat�on. Moreover, f�ll�ng the coastl�ne (F�gure 6) �n accordance
w�th commerc�al, recreat�onal fac�l�t�es (even though �t br�ngs the conservat�on d�scuss�ons �t �s
completed), construct�ons �n the uncult�vated lands after the Izm�r F�re (F�gure 7) encouraged th�s
change �n spat�al terms. In the modern�zat�on per�od, the port ensured s�gn�f�cance, and �t was
serv�ng the �ndustry by supply�ng raw mater�als and enhanc�ng the opportun�ty to sell the
produced product.Hence, the port's movement from Kemeraltı to Alsancak (F�gure 8) w�dened the
gap between the Alsancak and Kemeraltı.The �ndustr�al�z�ng country showed �ts effects, so the
general c�ty Izm�r has been �n the urban�zat�on process w�th the transformat�ons from urban to
rural and the decentral�zat�on process generated �n the area. Wh�le the c�t�es were follow�ng the
traces of urban�zat�on, the fac�l�t�es l�ke product�on, storage sh�fted from the 'not �ndustr�al�zed
center. Kemeraltı's commerc�al perspect�ve started to lose. Wh�le the uncontrolled expans�on
leads to urban sprawl and slums �n the c�ty (Kad�fekale), the old 'commerc�al core' center �s left
w�th small-s�zed reta�ls; �t becomes a commerc�al serv�ng low-�ncome group. Desp�te all these
mater�al�st�c �mplementat�ons �n the space that lead to decentral�zat�on and expans�on of c�t�es.
The �mage of the Kemeraltı changed �n the reflect�ons of the h�story; even though �t part�ally
preserved �ts commerc�al �dent�ty, �t ma�nta�ns �ts center mean�ng regard�ng h�stor�cal and
cultural values.
F�gure 6: [Izm�r Coast]. (n.d.). https://�zm�rmag.net/ F�gure 6: [Izm�r Coast]. (n.d.). https://�zm�rmag.net/

Form�ng of a New C�ty Center

w�th the Industr�al�zat�on and Urban�zat�on

New Port

Anc�ent Port

F�gure 8: Chang�ng of the Port’s Locat�on, Form�ng new C�ty Center

Source: Google Maps (20.01.2021)

F�gure 7: Central Smyrna ne�ghbourhoods pre-1922 and the f�re zone: rescued part was the
Alsancak(Punta), Kemeraltı, Jew�sh and Turk�sh Ne�ghbourhoods (Source: S�mes, 2010-11)
Connect�on between Old and New
Traces of the Past
When the connect�on between 'old and new' �nteract w�th the d�screpancy, today's c�t�es ar�se, as �t emerges
�n today's Kemeraltı. The s�te adapted �tself to an �mage w�th h�stor�cal background and modern necess�t�es,
and d�fferent�at�ng from �ts surround�ngs w�th �ts spat�al values. In my general look to the Kemeraltı, the
h�stor�cal hous�ng typology �n the narrow�ng streets �s one of the f�rst elements that kept my attent�on as
h�stor�cal trace w�th the low-r�se, attached bu�ld�ngs w�th backyards, s�nce the surrounded settlements are
usually cons�st of h�gh r�se bu�ld�ngs. (F�gure 9) When I exper�ence the ma�n sp�ne Anafartalar Street �t �s
eas�ly or�antes me �n a cont�nu�ty as a observer, �t has the reflect�ons of the anc�ent, f�lled harbour of the
Kemeraltı arced due to anc�ent ports arced format�on. (F�gure 10) When �t �s walked throughout the street,
the cultural context �s �n the khans, baths, passages, mosques al�ng w�th street shap�ng the spaces, �t can
be understand�ng from the exper�encer’s behav�our that, they enable the soc�al and commerc�al �nteract�on
formed between people even today as �t �s �n h�story. Khans are usually ut�l�zat�on as commerc�al areas or
hotels �n the�r courtyards. (F�gure 11) Even though the cultural her�tages of Kemeraltı �s not preserved
opt�mally, and �t has destruct�ons �n the spat�al elements and the reduce �n the qual�ty of commerc�al �dent�ty
the s�te has �ts pattern clearly throughout the h�story.
Traces of the

S�te’s H�story Karaosmanoğlu Khan

Yeş�ld�rek Khan

Reflect�ons from Past Arap Khan

P�yaleoğlu Khan
Abacıoğlu Khan

F�gure 10: Arced format�on of the Anafartalar Street due to �ts Anc�ent Inner Cıty Format�on and Khans loacted along �t.
Source: www.snazzymaps.com (21.01.2021)

F�gure 9: Cultural Settlements from the Kemeraltı

[Old Kemeralt� Bazaar]. (n.d.). https://tr.p�nterest.com
F�gure 11: Courtyard of a Khan �n Kemeraltı. Personal Arch�eve.
The so called Utop�a of the Le Corbus�er
Le Corbus�er’s plan for the Kemeraltı after World War 2 took
Anafartalar Street as the ma�n sp�ne and only preserved the
anc�ent mosques. It was remov�ng all the commerc�al structures
and transform�ng them �nto adm�n�strat�ve and bus�ness centers.
He proposed a new �nd�v�dual gr�d �ron street pattern to the
organ�c fabr�c �ntegrat�ng w�th�n a green belt dec�s�on. The plan
that �s such d�sconnected from t he h�story of �ts s�te �s not
pract�ced and may be found ‘Utop�c,’ but �t enables a d�scuss�on
that c�t�es are not phys�cal elements emerg�ng w�th a tabula rasa,
but they have a cumulat�ve h�stor�cal background that reflects �ts
spat�al, econom�c, pol�t�cal, and soc�o-econom�cal aspects.
Therefore, a culturally s�gn�f�cant s�te as Kemeraltı should plan
�n accordance w�th �ts h�story so �t w�ll be �ntegrated w�th the F�gure 12: Le Corbus�er �n Turkey [Onl�ne Image]. 2020. Retr�eved 21.01.2021
from www.ark�tera.com

publ�c and serve the publ�c

wh�le �ntegrat�ng w�th the
h�stor�cal spat�al elements.

F�gure 13: Le Corbus�er. 1948. The Plan of Izm�r. Retr�eved 21.01.2021from www.fondat�onlecorbus�er.fr
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