Oge Analysis: Conversion Rates

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Applicants 542

Conversion rates
Applications 3758
App->ACC 22.55%
Accepted 124
ACC->APD 83.06%
Approved 103
Realized & Finished 59
FIN->COMP 52.54%
Completed 31

First things to notice in these numbers :

Really good conversion rate between ACC->APD and that is mainly due to
good lead nurturing and expectation setting about payment from the start
leading to an accepted EP who knows about the payment and is excited to
get approved which is something to keep for the next generation of oGE
You look at the conversion rate between APD-> Realized and you think that's
terrible and this is a very good example for when data can be missleading of
someone looks at it without knowing the reason behind that data, with that
being said let me show you an interesting stat : Egypt were hosts of the
African cup of nations which lead to a lot of Tunisians applying for the visa
and therefore an issue with the rejection of many of them including our EPs :
this was so expected and the MC should have reacted before the damage was
Solution : For next term the visa with Egypt is allegedly fixed and with a
better synergy with the MC I'm going to present to you last term's conversion
rate from APD->Realized if we take Egypt's visa issues out of the equation :
57.28% 87%
Conclusion : Data is amazing , but DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE IT, you need
to look deeper and read between the lines.
Okay let's carry on with our analysis ...

Now let's actually check the reasons behind the very poor conversion rate from
App->Acc that is 22 .55% and to help me do so let's actually check something
else, have you noticed that out of 542 applicants were generated 3758 meaning
that each applicant applied to 6.9 opportunities is that okay ?
SURELY NOT!!! , if an EP applies to 7 opportunities this increases the likelyhood
of him/her applying to opportunities that do not suit his/her profile making our
rejection rate higher and therefore dropping our conversion rates from App>Acc
The Eps are mostly acting like this becauuse they spend around a week on expa
before they are assigned an Ep manager another 3 or 4 days before that
manager contacts them making it around 10 days per EP without a manager, and
you know what EPs do when they don't have a manager ? they see a cool button
named "apply" and they press it a lot.
Solution : Daily tasks for Team leaders ( rotation system ) to check new opens on
expa DAILY and assign them to members and check if they have been contacted
within 24 days.
Now the last thing to analyse from the previous table :52.54% conversion rate
from fin->completed :
Before I start with the analysis of this issue I'm going to display additional data to
help us understand it more :

Figure : Approvals per host entity

Putting all your eggs in one basket is a very risky idea, especially when that basket is
"Egypt", a lot of people think that in order to increase our FIN->COMPLETED
conversion rates we need to push EPs to fill the standards.. but that's not the case ,
that conversion rate starts from the moment that the EP opens his/her account on
YOP and is wondering throughout the available opportunity, that's when you should
redirect your EP to your IR partners that you're more confident will deliver their part of
standards, and speaking of IR partners we're really limited in that department and
here's what I propose as potential solution and limiters for this weak conversion rate :
I'm not going to sit here and complain about the monotonous market, because we all
know that all oGX departments suffer from it and it's mainly because of the reality of
the Tunisian student, but I have prepared a list of 3 partners that I think can help oGE
get to the next level of diversfication :
TOP 3 sub-products : IT-BD&Sales-Marketing
TOP 3 sub-products : Marketing-Sales-BD
TOP 3 sub-products : BD-Marketing-IT
Why I chose these countries:
These countries have considerably easier Visa process especially Ukraine(really easy
and I have helped very financially low profiles get their Visas To Ukraine easily before)
and Romania is no different, Portugal doesn't have a complicated Visa process either
But we can't sell portugal to all our EPs we need to use a good customer personna that
will help us point out the people who are financially able to travel to portugal, as for
Ukraine and Romania they are acutally budget friendly countries.
Something to keep an eye out for :
For Romania and Ukraine we need the original Invitation Letter and this is something
that is mainly dealt with by the MC, and actually I was the person who is responsible
for the process of the Invitation letters through DHL, and I think it's safe to say it didn't
go smooth with some entities like Poland.
There has to be a huge coordination with the the MC and other OGX comissions to
receive our Invitation letters in time, and I'm planning on making sure things are
changing and are being dealt with in a more organized way this term otherwise there's
always the second plan of ordering our Invitation letters alone but it will take more HR
on our part to work on that and especially the EPs would have to pay more which is
why ultimately we would rather the first choice.
Don't Look

at Data,




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