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Andrea and Angelica


hey are my sisters, Andrea

is 20 years old, Angelica
19, she is younger than
Andrea, Angelica studies
psychology and Andrea
engineering, Andrea her
height is 1.55 a little
shorter than Angelica that
her height is 1.62, Andrea
has short hair, Angelica
has long hair, Andrea has
a boyfriend and Angelica
does not. Angelica likes to
read novel books, while
Andrea likes to read
comics. Andrea likes to go
to the beach while Angelica
likes to go to the pool.
Angelica is very intelligent in Mathematics, Andrea is more intelligent
in English, they love Ian Lucas who is her nephew, they are my sisters
that is why I love them

Match day.
Activities in progress

We have a soccer game at home this day, all my friends and family are
invited, my mother is in the kitchen preparing the snack, and the
popcorn, while My father is in charge of taking care of the family
business, my cousin Juan and José are desperate for the game to start, I
find myself standing because there are no more chairs, my sister
Andrea is walking in the street walking my nephew who is crying, my
other friends and family are in front of the television waiting The game
patiently, while my sister Angelica is opening the refrigerator to see
what she can get to eat, it seems that everyone is enjoying game day as
a family.

Talking about routines.

Daily routine
She is Julieth, she is 24
years old, she works as a
cashier in a shopping
center, she is a public
accounting student, she
has a strict routine for her
work and for her studies.
She gets up at 4:30 in the
morning, to do the chores in
her house, at 5:30 a.m. she
cooks her breakfast for
herself and her son, at 6:00
a.m. she has potatoes and
eggs for breakfast and gets
ready to go to work, at 6:40
am she takes the bus to
work, she comes in at 7:30
and leaves work at 12:00
pm and goes home for
lunch. She only works part time, she takes care of her son and at 2:00
pm they go to sleep until 4:00 pm, she does her homework at that time,
she likes to study, she finishes her homework at 6:00 pm, at that time
she is preparing to make the afternoon meal, being 7:00 pm she exercises,
she likes to be in shape, she arrives home at 8:30, she takes a bath and
she sleeps next to her son, she loves her son very much.

talking about a city

Bucaramanga, is a city located in Colombia, it is also known as the

beautiful city or city of parks, it is characterized by its exotic food such
as the culona ant, its fairs are held in the month of September, one of the
sites The best known are found in Carrera 33, where the San Pio Park is
located, it is characterized by having lush vegetation, with shady spaces
to rest, it is visited by many tourists.

In Bucaramanga you will find the CACIQUE, one of the largest

shopping centers in Colombia, which is very beautiful, it has very
elegant restaurants, and commercial premises.

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