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NAME: Valentina Cerquera Yucumá DATE: _________________________

1. What things do you take into account when choosing a program to

 I take into account if I like what I am going to study

 if I have all the requirements to enter the program.
 if I have the score to enter the program
 if I have money to pay for the program
 and if I have time to attend the program

2. Read the article and answer the following questions.

a. What are the six tips Ames offered to consider when deciding a major?

1. Consider your interests and skills

2. Investigate careers that mix your passions and strengths
3. Know the job market
4. Utilize online career resources
5. When thinking about changing your major, befriend your academic adviser
6. Talk to people in the fields that interest you

b. What should students take into account according to the first tip given by Ames?
According to the first tip, students should consider what they enjoy and how they like to
spend their time, and they should also think about their personal strengths and where
they are likely to be successful based on their experiences.

c. “Mix passions and strengths”; what exactly does Ames suggest in this tip?
Ames suggests that students pursue a career in which they can be happy and
successful, where they can use a combination of their own skills, but also things
that they enjoy doing on a day-to-day basis.

d. What does she want to say with “explore the labor market”?

It means that simply enjoying something and being good at it is not always enough to earn a living, so it
is best to research the job prospects and salaries associated with different careers.

3. Taking into account the article read in class, fill in the following chart related to you
and your interests.

1. What are your interests and skills? I am interested in being in a program that is
related to an office, because I am good at
handling computers

2. What careers mix your passions and The engineering and business administration
strengths? career

3. How is the job market? What careers It is good in the labor market since every
are needed nowadays? day the cities are urbanized more

4. Do you know online career resources? no, I still do not know the professional
Which ones? resources online

5. Have you talked to people in the fields Yes, if I have spoken with people in that
that interest you? field, they say that great leadership is

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