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Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 156–162

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Simultaneous determination of caffeine and paracetamol by square wave

voltammetry at poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid)-
modified glassy carbon electrode
Molla Tefera a,b,⇑, Alemnew Geto c, Merid Tessema a, Shimelis Admassie a
Department of Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, P. O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of Chemistry, University of Gondar, P. O. Box 196, Gondar, Ethiopia
Department of Chemistry, Samara University, P. O. Box 132, Samara, Ethiopia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid)-modified glassy carbon electrode (poly(AHNSA)/

Received 22 February 2015 GCE) was prepared for simultaneous determination of caffeine and paracetamol using square-wave
Received in revised form 22 March 2016 voltammetry. The method was used to study the effects of pH and scan rate on the voltammetric response
Accepted 21 April 2016
of caffeine and paracetamol. Linear calibration curves in the range of 10–125 lM were obtained for both
Available online 22 April 2016
caffeine and paracetamol in acetate buffer solution of pH 4.5 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9989 and
0.9986, respectively. The calculated detection limits (S/N = 3) were 0.79 lM for caffeine and 0.45 lM for
paracetamol. The effects of some interfering substances in the determination of caffeine and paracetamol
sulfonic acid)
were also studied and their interferences were found to be negligible which proved the selectivity of the
Square wave voltammetry modified electrode. The method was successfully applied for the quantitative determination of caffeine
Caffeine and paracetamol in Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and tea samples.
Paracetamol Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pepsi-Cola and tea

1. Introduction migraine headache, backache and toothache (Kumary, Divya,

Nancy, & Sreevalsan, 2013; Shiroma, Santhiago, Gobbi, & Kubota,
Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a naturally occurring alka- 2012; Tavallali & Hamid, 2011). In general, paracetamol does not
loid belonging to N-methyl derivatives of xanthine, which is found exhibit any harmful side effects but overdosing and chronic uses
in tea leaves, coffee beans, cola nuts, cocoa beans and other plants. produce toxic metabolite accumulation that will cause kidney
It is used as a flavoring agent in a variety of beverages, including and liver damage (Kang et al., 2010). Paracetamol is often used in
some soft and energy drinks. Caffeine is also a central nervous the presence of other drugs like; aspirin, cetirizine, tramadol,
system stimulant. In moderate doses, it can increase alertness, caffeine and codeine (An & Hoang, 2009; Shahrokhian & Saberi,
reduce fine motor coordination, cause insomnia, headaches, 2011). A combination of caffeine and paracetamol is used in
nervousness and dizziness (Aly, 2013; Guo, Zhu, Yang, Wang, & migraine attack, child birth and avoid postpartum hemorrhage
Ye, 2011; Habibi, Abazari, & Azar, 2012). However, intense use of (Chandra & Sharma, 2013). The use of the mixture of paracetamol
caffeine over time can lead to irritability, mutation effects such and caffeine as an analgesic and antipyretic is also well established
as inhibition of DNA, anxiety and tremors, among other side effects in pharmaceutical formulation (Vichare, Mujgond, Tambe, & Dhole,
(Zhang et al., 2011). It can mobilize calcium from cells which leads 2010). Therefore, it is very important to develop a simple, fast,
to bone mass loss and is considered as a risk factor for cardiovas- sensitive and accurate method for the detection of caffeine and
cular diseases (Ali, Eisa, Taha, Abdalla, & Elbashir, 2012; Torres, paracetamol in food, pharmaceutical products and biological
Barsan, & Brett, 2014). samples.
Paracetamol (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol, acetaminophen) is an Different methods have been employed for the simultaneous
effective and safe drug that is applied to reduce fever, relieve determination of caffeine and paracetamol which include spec-
coughing, colds and pain including muscular aches, chronic pain, trophotometry (Alpdogan, Karabina, & Sungur, 2002; Vichare
et al., 2010) and high-performance liquid chromatography (Dinc,
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, Yurtsever, & Onur, 2004; Tsvetkova et al., 2012). However, most
P. O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. of the methods suffer from disadvantages such as long analysis
E-mail address: (M. Tefera). time, high running costs and requirement of sample pretreatment
0308-8146/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Tefera et al. / Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 156–162 157

which is time consuming, making them unsuitable for routine 2.3. Preparation of poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid)
analysis (Torres et al., 2014). As a result, electroanalytical method modified glassy carbon electrode
is a method of choice for the simultaneous determination of
caffeine and paracetamol. Electrochemically both caffeine and Prior to electrode modification, the bare glassy carbon electrode
paracetamol were determined at the surface of self-assembled was polished with 1.0, 0.3 and 0.05 lm alumina powder and rinsed
monolayer of non-peripheral amine substituted copper(II) with double distilled water. Finally, it was sonicated with doubly
phthalocyanine modified glassy carbon electrode (Jeevagan & distilled water in order to remove adsorbed particles, and then it
John, 2012), graphite-polyurethane screen printed electrode was allowed to dry in air. The electrochemical polymerization
(Saciloto, Cervini, & Cavalheiro, 2013), poly(taurine)/TiO2- process of 4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid was
graphene nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode carried out by immersing the glassy carbon electrode in 0.1 M
(Xiong, Huang, Xu, Jin, & Zhai, 2013), boron-doped diamond HNO3 solution containing 2 mM 4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene
electrode (Lourenc, Medeiros, Filho, Mazoa, & Filho, 2009) and sulfonic acid monomer with a repetitive potential scan between
Nafion/ruthenium oxide pyrochlore/GCE (Zen & Ting, 1997). 0.8 V and 2.0 V at a scan rate of 0.1 V s1 for fifteen cycles. The
Furthermore, both caffeine and paracetamol were also determined modified electrode was then carefully washed with double
electrochemically in the presence of other drugs like aspirin distilled water and immersed in monomer free 0.5 M H2SO4
(Sanghavi & Srivastava, 2010) and noradrenaline and xanthine solution and the potential was scanned between 0.8 V and 0.8 V
(Aref, Raoof, & Ojani, 2014) and orphenadrine (Eisele, Clausen, (at a scan rate of 0.1 V s1) until a stable voltammogram was
Tarley, Antonia, & Sartori, 2013). obtained.
Previous works in our laboratory reported the electrochemical
determination of caffeine at poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene 2.4. Preparation of samples
sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode (poly(AHNSA)/
GCE) (Amare & Admassie, 2012) and paracetamol at poly(3,4-ethy Cola-beverages (Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola) were obtained from
lenedioxythiophene) modified glassy carbon electrode (PEDOT/ a local supermarket, Addis Ababa and were used on diluting by a
GCE) (Mehretie, Admassie, Tessema, & Solomon, 2011). The results factor of 1:10 (v/v) with acetate buffer after sonical elimination
showed that poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) of a gas. The tea solution was prepared by dissolving 15.0 g of
modified glassy carbon electrode exhibited good sensitivity and tea (Ethiopian Black Lion Tea) in 250 ml of double distilled water
low detection limit (0.067 lM) for caffeine determination. A wider followed by boiling for 1 h on a hot plate with stirring (Habibi
linear range and high sensitivity with relatively high detection et al., 2012). The residue was allowed to settle and filtered through
limit (1.13 lM) were obtained for paracetamol at PEDOT/GCE. To a filter paper and diluted with acetate buffer by a factor of 1:10
the best of our knowledge, there are no reports on the application (v/v). The dilution process helps to reduce the matrix effects. The
of poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified standard addition method was used for the analysis of Coca-Cola
glassy carbon electrode for the determination of paracetamol and and Pepsi-Cola and tea samples by spiking with aliquots of caffeine
the simultaneous determination of caffeine and paracetamol. and paracetamol.
Hence, we report a simple and sensitive electrochemical method
for the simultaneous determination of caffeine and paracetamol
at poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified 3. Results and discussion
glassy carbon electrode.
3.1. Electrochemical properties poly(AHNSA)/GCE

2. Experimental Poly(AHNSA) film formation was carried out by the electropoly-

merization of AHNSA monomers using cyclic voltammetry at GCE
2.1. Reagents in the potential range of 0.8 V and 2.0 V at a scan rate of
0.1 V s1 for fifteen cycles in 0.1 M HNO3 solution. As shown in
Caffeine, paracetamol, 4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic Fig. S1, two oxidation peaks (ipa1 and ipa2) and one reduction peak
acid (AHNSA), acetic acid and sodium acetate were purchased from (ipc) were observed in the first cycle at peak potentials of 0.054 V,
Sigma-Aldrich, Germany. Stock solutions of caffeine and paraceta- 0.61 V and 0.11 V, respectively. With increase in the number of
mol were prepared freshly by dissolving a weighed amount in dou- voltammetric scans, one oxidation peak (ipa3) was gradually
ble distilled water and then stored in refrigerator. A 0.1 M acetate observed at 0.38 V. All the anodic peak and cathodic peak currents
buffer solution in the pH range of 3.5–6.0 was employed as the enhanced gradually with increasing in voltammetric scans. The
supporting electrolyte. Working standard solutions of both caffeine increment in the intensity of the peak currents with increasing
and paracetamol were prepared by appropriate dilutions of the scanning cycles confirms the formation and growth of polymer
stock solutions in acetate buffer just before use. All solutions were film onto GCE. Furthermore, the electrochemical behavior of the
prepared with double distilled water. modified electrode was studied using cyclic voltammetry between
0.8 V and +0.8 V in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution without the monomer
2.2. Apparatus (inset Fig. S1). Three couples of redox peaks (ipa1-ipc1, ipa2-ipc2
and ipa3-ipc3) were observed which further confirmed that glassy
All electrochemical studies were carried out in a three carbon electrode has already modified. These results are consistent
electrodes setup with glassy carbon electrode (GCE) or poly(4-am to the previous related work [340, 341].
ino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon
electrode (poly(AHNSA)/GCE) as the working electrode, a platinum 3.2. Electrochemical behavior of caffeine and paracetamol
wire as the counter electrode and a silver-silver chloride (in satu-
rated KCl) electrode as the reference electrode. A CHI760D Electro- Fig. 1A shows cyclic voltammograms of 1.0 mM caffeine in pH
chemical Workstation, CHI Instruments (Austin, Texas, USA) 5.0 acetate buffer solution at a bare glassy carbon electrode and
connected to a desktop PC was used to run all experiments. All at poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified
pH measurements were made with digital Jenway model 3345 glassy carbon electrode at a scan rate of 0.1 V s1. At bare glassy
ion meter. carbon electrode, caffeine showed electrochemically irreversible
158 M. Tefera et al. / Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 156–162

Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammograms obtained (A) in 0.1 M acetate buffer solution (pH 5.0) at poly(AHNSA)/GCE without caffeine (a), in the presence of 1.0 mM caffeine (c) and at
GCE in the presence of 1.0 mM caffeine (b); (B) without paracetamol (a), in the presence of 0.1 mM paracetamol (c) at poly(AHNSA)/GCE and at GCE in the presence of 0.1 mM
paracetamol (b); (C) 1.0 mM caffeine and 0.1 mM paracetamol in 0.1 M acetate buffer solution at GCE (b) and at poly(AHNSA)/GCE (c), and in the absence of caffeine and
paracetamol at poly(AHNSA)/GCE (a) at a scan rate of 0.1 V s1.

characteristic with an oxidation peak at 1.60 V (curve b). In com- examined in acetate buffer solution of pH 5.0 containing caffeine
parison to the bare glassy carbon electrode, a better peak current and paracetamol using cyclic voltammetry (Fig. 1C). Caffeine
response and a negative shift in potential (to 1.45 V) was observed showed an oxidation peak at 1.53 V with a peak current of 35 lA
for caffeine oxidation at poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene at the bare glassy carbon electrode (curve b). However, at the pol
sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode (curve c). The y(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy
oxidation of caffeine at the electrode is also found to be carbon electrode (curve c) the peak current for caffeine oxidation
irreversible, as reported in literature (Guo et al., 2011; Habibi is enhanced (53 lA) at a potential about 0.1 V less positive than
et al., 2012; Torres et al., 2014). at the bare glassy carbon electrode. The oxidation peak of paraceta-
Similarly, paracetamol showed an irreversible wave with an mol appeared at +0.62 V without a reduction peak in the reverse
oxidation peak at 0.563 V at bare glassy carbon electrode (curve scan at bare glassy carbon electrode (curve b). The hydrolysis of
b Fig. 1B). However, a pair of well-defined redox peaks at the N-acetyl-p-quinoneimine (NAPQI) to p-benzoquinone is responsi-
anodic peak potential of 0.477 V and cathodic peak potential of ble for the disappearance of the cathodic wave in the cyclic voltam-
0.388 V with peak-to-peak separation of 0.089 V and enhancement mograms (Su & Cheng, 2010).
of peak current (two fold) was observed at poly(4-amino-3-hydro
xynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode NHCOCH3 NCOCH3 O
(curve c Fig. 1B).
-2H , -2e

3.3. Electrochemical behavior of caffeine and paracetamol mixture

The electrochemical performance of poly(4-amino-3-hydroxy Paracetamol NAPQI p-benzoquinone
naphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode was
M. Tefera et al. / Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 156–162 159

In contrast, at the poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene This is in agreement with previous reports (Amare & Admassie,
sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode (curve c) a new 2012; Habibi et al., 2012; Svorc, Tomcik, Svitkova, Rievajm, &
peak was appeared in the reverse direction around 0.46 V. In addi- Bustin, 2012).
tion, the oxidation peak potential shifts to 0.53 V and the peak Similarly, the effect of pH of acetate buffer solution on the
current is twice the corresponding peak at the bare GCE. The electrochemical behavior of paracetamol at poly(4-amino-3-hydro
increase in the oxidation peak currents and the decrease in the xynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode was
oxidation peak potentials of caffeine and paracetamol with studied using cyclic voltammetry. The peak current increased from
improved reversibility for the latter are clear evidences for the pH 3.0–4.5 and then decreased again with higher pH value
increase the surface area of poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene (Fig. 2B). Moreover, both the anodic and cathodic peak potentials
sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode. The carbonyl group were shifted negatively when the solution pH was increased. The
on caffeine and both carbonyl and hydroxyl groups of paracetamol linear dependence of the peak potential on pH is represented by
form hydrogen bonds with both the hydroxyl and amino groups of the equations:
poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) and thus,
Epa ðVÞ ¼ 0:049pH þ 0:673; R2 ¼ 0:9931
these bonds were responsible for an increased in the adsorption
tendency of both analytes on the surface of poly(4-amino-3-hydro
xynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode. Epc ðVÞ ¼ 0:06pH þ 0:679; R2 ¼ 0:9863
The values of DE/DpH 0.049 and 0.060 showed that equal
3.4. Effect of pH number of electrons and protons (2e/2H+) were involved, which
is in agreement with previous reports (Atta, Galal, & Azab, 2011;
The influence of the pH on the peak currents and potentials of Kumary et al., 2013; Su & Cheng, 2010).
caffeine were examined by cyclic voltammetry in the pH range
3.5–6.0 at 0.1 V s1. As depicted in Fig. 2A, the current increases
from pH 3.5 to pH 4.5, and then decreases with an increase in pH.
The peak potential was also affected by a change in pH (inset of
Fig. 2A). The oxidation peak potential of caffeine shifted negatively
+ 2H+ + 2e-
with increasing pH values. A linear relationship was observed
between oxidation peak potential and pH with a regression equa-
tion of E(V) = 0.045pH + 1.67, R2 = 0.9994. A slope of 0.045V/pH
suggests that the overall process involves transfer of equal number
of protons and electrons (4e/4H+) as given below:

CH3 The increase in peak current of caffeine and paracetamol at

CH3 lower pH of acetate buffer solution were due to the interaction
N between the positive charge on caffeine (pKa = 10.4) and paraceta-
mol (pKa = 9.7) and the negative charge of polymer-modified
+ 4H+ + 4e-
N N surface (pKa  4) (Amare & Admassie, 2012; Atta et al., 2011).
CH3 Therefore, pH 4.5 was chosen as the optimum pH value for further
CH3 O studies.

(A) (B)

100 1.54
11 0.56
90 1.52 10 0.52 Epa(V) = -0.049 pH + 0.673

80 1.50
9 0.48
R= 0.9931
I(μA) = -0.045pH+ 1.67
R = 0.9994 0.44
1.48 7

6.0 3.5 0.40

6.0 3.5 5
Epc(V) = -0.060 pH + 0.679

1.44 4 0.32 2
R= 0.9863
I( μA)

40 3 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

1.42 pH
1.40 1
3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
20 pH 0
0 -3
-10 -4
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms of (A) 1.0 mM caffeine; (B) 0.1 mM paracetamol in various pH value of acetate buffer at poly(AHNSA)/GCE. Inset: plot of peak currents and peak
potentials versus pH.
160 M. Tefera et al. / Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 156–162

3.5. Effect of scan rate Fig. 4 shows the SWV responses of poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaph
thalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode for caffeine
The effect of scan rate on the peak current for these two species and paracetamol when the concentrations of these species were
was investigated in acetate buffer solution of pH 4.5 containing increased at the same time. The peak currents for both caffeine
1.0 mM caffeine and 0.1 mM paracetamol. As shown in Fig. 3, peak and paracetamol increased linearly with concentrations in the
currents of both caffeine and paracetamol showed a linear relation- range 10–125 lM. The linear regression equations for caffeine
ship with the scan rate. This confirmed that the electrochemical and paracetamol, respectively are:
behavior of caffeine and paracetamol on the surface of poly(4-am
ino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon
Icaf ðlAÞ ¼ 0:218CðlMÞ þ 5:45; R2 ¼ 0:9989 and
electrode is an adsorption-controlled processes. On the other hand,
for both compounds the peak potentials shifted into positive direc- Ipara ðlAÞ ¼ 0:332C ðlMÞ þ 3:26; R2 ¼ 0:9986
tion with increasing the scan rate. This indicated that the oxidation The detection limit was calculated by using the relationship 3 s/
of caffeine is irreversible and the redox reaction of paracetamol is b, where s is the standard deviation of the blank measured under
quasi-reversible. the same conditions as for the standard sample analysis (n = 5)
and b is the slope of the calibration curve. The detection limits of
3.6. Optimization of square wave voltammetry parameters caffeine and paracetamol were estimated to be 0.79 lM and
0.45 lM, respectively.
The dependence of peak current on square wave step potential,
pulse amplitude and frequency for the response of caffeine and 3.8. Repeatability and stability of the modified electrode
paracetamol in acetate buffer of pH 4.5 were studied. The step
potential was measured in the range of 6–16 mV by fixing the Several measurements were taken to determine the repeatabil-
frequency at 20 Hz and amplitude at 30 mV. The peak height ity of the electrochemical responses of poly(4-amino-3-hydroxy
increases as the step potential increases, exhibiting a maximum naphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode for
at 12 mV, after which it decreases accompanied by broadening of 1.0 mM caffeine and 0.1 mM paracetamol in acetate buffer solution
peak width. Therefore, 12 mV was chosen as the optimum square (pH 4.5). The results of ten successive measurements showed a
wave step potential. The amplitude was also optimized in the relative standard deviation of 4.45% and 3.62% for caffeine and
range of 40–100 mV by keeping the frequency and step potential paracetamol, respectively, which indicates that the poly(4-amin
at 20 Hz and 12 mV, respectively. The peak current increased up o-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon
to 80 mV and then it decreased. Thus, 80 mV was employed in electrode has good repeatability. The long-term stability of the
the subsequent measurements. Finally, by taking the optimum electrode was evaluated by measuring the response for 1.0 mM
values of amplitude and step potential, the effect frequency on caffeine and 0.1 mM paracetamol after keeping the electrode in a
current response was studied in the range of 20–50 Hz. The peak buffer solution for 15 days. The electrode retained about 95% and
current for caffeine and paracetamol increased up to 35 Hz, but 97% of its original activity for caffeine and paracetamol, respec-
after 35 Hz the peak current decreased. As a result, the 35 Hz tively, indicating the electrode was very stable.
was selected as an optimal value for the subsequent
determination. 3.9. Interference study

3.7. Calibration curve of caffeine and paracetamol The selectivity of poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic
acid) modified glassy carbon electrode for the determination of
The simultaneous determination of caffeine and paracetamol equimolar concentration (40 lM) of caffeine and paracetamol
was carried out using SWV at the optimized conditions at the pol was investigated in the presence of 40 lM and 400 lM of ascorbic
y(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy acid, citric acid, glucose, uric acid and Pb2+ by SWV at pH 4.5. The
carbon electrode by varying the concentrations of both analytes. corresponding oxidation peak currents obtained in the presence of

200 100
I(μΑ) = 244v(V/s) +31.9
180 80
R2 = 0.9979
160 60
140 40

Ipa(μA)= 45v (V/s) + 2.3
R2 = 0.9977
0.275 V/s
120 20
100 0 Ipc(μΑ) = -34.5 v(V/s) -1.99
R2 = 0.9950

80 -20
0.075 V/s
60 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Fig. 3. (A) Cyclic voltammograms of 1.0 mM caffeine and 0.1 mM paracetamol in acetate buffer pH 4.5 at the poly(AHNSA)/GCE at various scan rates (0.075, 0.10, 0.125, 0.150,
0.175, 0.20, 0.225, 0.250 and 0.275 V s1). Inset: plot of peak current versus scan rate.
M. Tefera et al. / Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 156–162 161

I(μΑ) = 0.332C( μΜ ) + 3.26
40 2
50 R = 0.9986
35 caffeine

I( μΑ)
I( μΑ) = 0.218C( μΜ) + 5.45
30 2
R = 0.9989

I(μΑ )

20 5

a 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Fig. 4. Square wave voltammograms for different concentrations (a = 10, b = 20, c = 30, d = 40, e = 60, f = 80, g = 100 and h = 125 lM) of caffeine and paracetamol at poly
(AHNSA)/GCE. Inset: plot of current versus the concentration of caffeine and paracetamol.

interfering substances were compared with those obtained in the Table 1

absence of each interferents. The percent changes in the peak Recovery test for caffeine and paracetamol in Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and tea samples
(n = 3).
current response of caffeine and paracetamol were less than 5%.
Hence, one can concluded that these species did not significantly Sample Analyte Added Found RSD Recovery
interfere in the determination of caffeine and paracetamol and (lM) (lM) (%) (%)

the modified electrode had good selectivity for the determination Coca-Cola Caffeine 0 2.8 – –
of caffeine and paracetamol. 10 11.7 3.8 89.0
20 20.9 7.6 90.5
Paracetamol 0 – – –
3.10. Analytical application 5 4.7 6.5 94.0
10 10.5 7.5 105.0

The application of the proposed method was examined for the Pepsi-Cola Caffeine 0 3.0 – –
10 12.3 6.4 93.0
determination of both caffeine and paracetamol in Coca-Cola,
20 21.7 6.6 93.5
Pepsi-Cola and tea samples. The samples first were diluted with Paracetamol 0 – – –
the supporting electrolyte and then spiked with known concentra- 5 4.7 6.3 94.1
tions of standard caffeine and paracetamol. A peak for caffeine was 10 10.6 8.7 106.0
observed exactly at the same potentials as that observed in the Tea Caffeine 0 1.2 – –
case of standard caffeine, which indicates the presence of caffeine 20 17.4 10.8 81.0
in all the three samples. The values of caffeine in Coca-Cola, Pepsi- 30 30.5 8.8 97.7
Paracetamol 0 – – –
Cola and tea were found to be 112 (±11) mg L1, 114 (±6) mg L1 5 4.5 3.7 90.2
and 13 (±1) mg g1, respectively, which are in good agreement 20 19.58 2.9 97.9
with values reported in literature (Ali et al., 2012; Yang et al.,
2010; Zhang et al., 2011). However, none of the samples analyzed
contained paracetamol.
In addition, standard solutions of caffeine and paracetamol
were added into the samples to test the applicability of the method Table 2
Comparison of the analytical performance of poly(AHNSA)/GCE for caffeine and
in these matrices using recovery method. The results are summa-
paracetamol determination with previously reported electrodes.
rized in Table 1. The recovery was good, showing that the proposed
methods could be efficiently used for the simultaneous determina- Electrode Analyte Linear LOD Ref.
tion of caffeine and paracetamol in cola and tea samples.
(lM) (lM)
The analytical performance of the present modified electrode
Boron-doped diamond Caffeine 0.78–35 0.096 Jeevagan &
was compared with some other similar modified electrodes
electrode Paracetamol 0.54–61 0.23 John, 2012
(Table 2). These data show that the linear range and detection limit Poly(taurine)/ Caffeine 0.05–100 0.5 Xiong et al.,
were comparable with those of other electrochemical sensors. TiO2-graphen/GCE Paracetamol 0.034 2013
Nafion/ruthenium oxide Caffeine 10–250 1.2 Zen & Ting,
pyrochlore/GCE Paracetamol 5–250 2.2 1997
4. Conclusion Graphite-polyurethane Caffeine 4–200 1.6 Saciloto
screen printed Paracetamol 1–40 0.84 et al., 2013
In this study, the electrochemical behavior of caffeine and
Poly(AHNSA)/GCE Caffeine 10–125 0.79 This work
paracetamol was investigated at poly(4-amino-3-hydroxynaphtha Paracetamol 0.45
lene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode using cyclic
162 M. Tefera et al. / Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 156–162

voltammetry and square wave voltammetry. Poly(4-amino-3-hyd Habibi, B., Abazari, M., & Azar, M. P. (2012). A carbon nanotube modified electrode
for determination of caffeine by differential pulse voltammetry. Chinese Journal
roxynaphthalene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode
of Catalysis, 33, 1783–1790.
exhibited an enhancement in the peak current and shift of the peak Jeevagan, A. J., & John, S. A. (2012). Electrochemical determination of caffeine in the
position towards negative potential. Besides, low detection limit, presence of paracetamol using a self-assembled monolayer of non-peripheral
wide linear range, high selectivity and stability, the simultaneous amine substitute copper(II) phthalocyanine. Electrochimica Acta, 77, 137–142.
Kang, X., Wang, J., Wu, H., Liu, J., Aksay, I. A., & Lin, Y. (2010). A graphene-based
determination of caffeine and paracetamol was made possible with electrochemical sensor for sensitive detection of paracetamol. Talanta, 81,
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Acknowledgment formulations using a boron-doped diamond electrode. Talanta, 78, 748–752.
Mehretie, S., Admassie, S., Tessema, M., & Solomon, T. (2011). Voltammetric
determination of paracetamol with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modified
We thank the International Science Programe (ISP), Uppsala glassy carbon electrode. Analytical & Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, 3, 38–50.
University, Sweden for the financial support. Saciloto, T. R., Cervini, P., & Cavalheiro, E. T. G. (2013). Simultaneous voltammetric
determination of acetaminophen and caffeine at a graphite and polyurethane
screen-printed composite electrode. Journal of Brazil Chemical Society, 24,
Appendix A. Supplementary data 1461–1468.
Sanghavi, B., & Srivastava, A. (2010). Simultaneous voltammetric determination of
acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine using an in situ surfactant-modified
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in multiwalled carbon nanotube paste electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 55,
the online version, at 8638–8648.
Shahrokhian, S., & Saberi, R. S. (2011). Voltammetric determination of
04.106. acetaminophen in the presence of codeine and ascorbic acid at layer-by-layer
MWCNT/hydroquinone sulfonic acid-overoxidized polypyrrole modified glassy
carbon electrode. International Journal of Electrochemistry, 1–10.
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