1-mr Barnes 2 - MR James 3 - To Get Opinio 4. T 5. DONT CANT Any Desc

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Hello, Mr. James?

 This is Don Barnes, the president of Greater Electric. I'm calling about

your plans for the new factory. I'm interested in discussing the matter with you. Can we
make an appointment for lunch instead of meeting at my office? Do you mind if I invite
my bank manager, too? It's impossible for me to make any decision about the project
unless I have his approval. Please call me this afternoon. I'll be in meetings all
morning. I'll talk to you later. Goodbye.

1- mr Barnes

2- mr james

3- to get opinio

4. T

5. DONT CANT any desc

Dear Yvonne,
I'm in London on business. I plan to choose a location for another T-shirt factory near the
city. I have some offers, and I'm going to see two places this afternoon. Please think about
our discussion. I must have an answer as soon as possible.
I disagree with your opinion that you can't manage the business. I think you'll be great for
the job.

Dear Arlene,
I hope you're having a good time in 
. I received your 
. Thank you. I have thought about our 
I think you're right -- I can 
the business. So my answer is yes.

Please send details about the 

you have gotten, and describe the 
of the factories. How easy will it be to ship our T-shirts from there?

I will 
you there as soon as I can.


- Could you give this to Mr. Block? It's very important.

- I'm sorry. Mr. Block's at the New York office today.
- Oh, I see. Well, will he be here this afternoon?
- No. He's going to be in New York all week.
- Then could you fax it to him?
- Sure. I'll send it right away.

-All our workers must wear safety glasses. And workers must not smoke in work areas.

- Why are you so tired?

I had to finish a paper so I stayed up all night. Then I got to class and found out that
- we didn't have to hand it in.
- Don't worry. These bottles are not dangerous. You don't have to wear gloves over here.
- And over there?
- Ooh.. that's different. You mustn't touch anything without gloves over there.

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