Afghanistan'S Natural Resources: February 2019

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Conference Paper · February 2019


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3 authors, including:

Mohammad Shaieq Frotan Eizo Nakaza

Ministry of Public Works Afghanistan university of theRyukyus


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Civil Engineering Department of Hydraulic Okinawa, Japan

Abstract - Afghanistan is a country rich in natural resources (water resource, gas and crude oil, gemstones and other
minerals) that are a huge national treasury of afghan people, these natural assets can lead Afghanistan toward self-sufficiency
and development whiles 54.5 percent of Afghanistan people are below poverty line but due to security problem and
concerning of neighbor countries the government of Afghanistan cannot manage its source properly, especially the
gemstone of Badakhshan province and other insecure area of country instead of to be used in developing and constriction of
infrastructure projects is a good source for the terrorists and none government militias and almost the gemstones of
Afghanistan extracts illegally with the rural people and illicit to Pakistan and other countries. The aim of this study is to
provide a generally information about natural resources and its situation in Afghanistan.

Keywords - Afghanistan, Natural Resources, Crude Oil, Gas, Security Problem, Gemstones.

I. INTRODUCTION or continental climate, and areas to the south of the

high mountains have a less continental climate. The
Afghanistan is located between latitudes of 29.4N- overall average temperature in July is +32ºC, in
38.5N and longitudes of 60.5E-75E and has a land January -2ºC and the maximum temperature at the
area of almost 652000 square km, and it is bordered deserts (Dasht-e Margo) has been recorded +50ºC
by Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to the while the minimum temperature has been dropped to
north, Iran to the west, Pakistan to the east and China -50ºC in the Hindukush mountains. Annual
to the northeast figure 1. evapotranspiration in Afghanistan is partially low. It
varies from (900 mm to 1200 mm) at the Hindukush
Mountain due to low temperatures and reaches up to
1800 mm in the southern and southwestern regions



Based on hydrological and morphological system the

country is divided into five major river basins, as
shown in Figure 2-a Amu River Basin, Kabul River
Basin, Helmand River Basin, Harirud-Murghab River
Basin, and Northern River basin. According to the
Water Sector Strategy of Afghanistan [3] the surface
water resources availability by basin show Kabul has
Figure 1. Location of Afghanistan in world map. 20.76 billion m3, Helmand 9.3 billion m3, Amu 22
billion m3, Northern 1.88 billion m3, and Harirud-
Afghanistan is almost a mountainous country so it Murghab 3.06 billion m3 of surface water, Figure 2-
causes to be a big natural water resource for the b.
rivers. Many streams in Afghanistan have been
originated from the northern and central part of
Afghanistan and flows toward west and south-west
part of the country. Hindukush Mountain provides
almost 80% of water resource Afghanistan has more
than 25 big streams that cross several provinces
among wide deserts and finally drains to Neighbors
countries, some of the most important rivers are
mentioned below. With estimation the overall
country’s annual potential water resource is 75
Billion cubic meters which 57 BCM is surface water
and 18 BCM is ground water [1]. Afghanistan is
located at sub-tropical latitudes, the topography of the
particular range of elevation has a very different
climate; areas to the north of high mountains are dry Figure 2-a. Shows the Afghanistan 5 major river basin.

Proceedings of GSRD International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 06th-07th February, 2019

Afghanistan’s Natural Resources

Figure 2-b. shows the Surface Water Resources Availability by

Basins in billion M

III. OIL AND GAS RESOURCES Figure 3. Show the Afghanistan oil and gas availability by
major basin.

3.1. Petroleum Resources

3.2.2 The Afghan-Tajik Crude Oil Zone
According to a joint survey, the United States
The crude oil in this basin has been situated in the
Geological Survey (USGS) and the Afghanistan
northern and north-east of the country and stretched
Geological Survey (AGS) an assessment of oil and
almost 31,000 square kilometers area along the
gas resources in northern as well as in Western and
border with Turkmenistan
Southern Afghanistan shows an estimation mean
The Tajik-Afghan crude oil zone was discovered in
volumes of petroleum in the Northern assessment
1958 with a reserve of around 946 million barrels of
area were 1.6 billion barrels of crude oil, 16 trillion
crude oil and 8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The
cubic feet of natural gas, and 0.50 billion of natural
sedimentary Afghan-Tajik oil and gas zone is divided
gas liquids, [4]. In addition most of the undiscovered
into 12 blocks. The two blocks have the capacity to
crude oil and gas is located respectively in the
produce 514 million barrels of crude oil and 91
Afghan-Tajik and Amu Darya Basin, that the both
billion cubic meters of natural gas. According to the
basin has covered an area of almost 515,000 square
contract, the two blocks would fulfill the energy
kilometers [5].
needs of Afghanistan [6].
3.2 Afghanistan Oil and Gas Resources Basin
3.2.3 Tripul Oil Basin
Afghanistan has five (5) major and 1 minor
Crude oil in this zone Situated in the Islam Qala
sedimentary basins figure 3. All of which are
district in the western province of Heart and stretched
underexplored. Almost all of the petroleum
about an area of 26,000 square kilometers and located
exploration and development activities were confined
95 kilometers from the Iran’s border. The exact
to northern Afghanistan within the Amu Darya and
information about the amount of oil in this basin is
Afghan-Tajik basins. Between year 1957-1989 while
not estimated yet but the geologists say that the
Afghanistan was occupied by Soviet- Era a total of
Tripul Oil and gas has been reserved enough and the
six (6) oil and eight (8) gas fields were discovered
excavation would be easier [5] [6].
3.2.4 Katawaz Zone
3.2.1 Amu River Basin
The Katawaz zone is located in the southeast of the
The crude oil zone in this basin is stretched over
country and stretched over an area of 45,000 square
75,000 square kilometers. The survey of this basin
has been started with collaboration of Soviet Union in
In part of Afghanistan neither exploration well have
1958, that 67 digging spots among 500 identified has
been drilled and ass well seismic surveys conducted
been explored and the result found eight natural gas
yet but the Petroleum geology studies as well as
and six crude oil.
gravity and magnetic surveys have been conducted in
this basin [7].
With estimation around 963 million barrels of crude
oil and 52 trillion cubic feet of natural gas were the
3.2.5 Helmand Crude Oil Zone
potential of these sources.
This site is situated in a desert and stretched over an
area of 131,000 square kilometers. The basin
In this case the Amu Crude oil is taken a position of
corresponds to an area in which gravity and magnetic
15 ranking in the overall world [6].
data are interpreted to indicate a sedimentary rock
thickness greater than 1,500 m [8]. The gravity and
magnetic survey are the only activities of this basin.

Proceedings of GSRD International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 06th-07th February, 2019

Afghanistan’s Natural Resources


4.1Gemstones of Afghanistan
Gemstone is found since 6500 years ago in
Afghanistan and made the country rich in precious
and semiprecious gemstone deposits as shown in
figure 4, Lapis Lazuli mined in the Hindu Kush
Mountains and the traders in Neolithic period were
carrying these gemstone to Mesopotamia, Egypt and
India. A good quality of precious gems including
emeralds , ruby and sapphires as shown in figure 5-a
and 5-b are mined in Afghanistan as well as semi- Figure 5-b shows emeralds of Afghanistan.
precious gems like Lapis Lazuli, tourmaline, kunzite,
topaz, garnets and quartz[9]. Recently government of Afghanistan initiatives is
addressing the economic issues associated with
gemstone production. A new mining law and
extracting regulations has been developed t for the
formal and logic extraction of minerals in
Afghanistan, implementation this new law will enable
the gemstone trade legally and will encourage the
traders to investment in the mining in Afghanistan.

4.2 Gold
Gold extraction has been started in Afghanistan for
centuries in south-west of the country including
Ghazni, Zabul, Kandahar and Takhar Province at
north of Afghanistan figure 6. Gold deposits and
prospects are known in rocks of Proterozoic to
Neogene age. Afghanistan is relatively under-
explored and has not yet been evaluated in the light of
modern mineral deposit models and using up-to-date
sophisticated analytical methods and exploration
Figure 4. Shows deposited of gemstone in different area of
Afghanistan. techniques. There is significant potential for further
discoveries of gold mineralization throughout the
Almost 95 percent of gemstones mined in country in a variety of styles especially porphyry Cu-
Afghanistan are extracting illegally, and illicit to Au and skarn Cu-Au.[9]
Pakistan for cutting and selling, the Afghanistan’s
gemstones are sorted and export by Pakistan around
the world, the illegally extracting of game stone
caused Afghanistan to gain a little income from the
minerals and also makes difficult to estimate the
annual production of gemstones.

Figure 6. Shows deposited of gold in Afghanistan

4.3 Lapis of Badakhshan

Badakhshan province is located at north-east of
Afghanistan, according to its geography location is
one of the most deprived provinces in the country but
it is rich in water resources and mining areas.
Mining in this province has taken places in many
Figure 5-a shows sapphires gem of Afghanistan.
areas, high quality of precious and semi-precious

Proceedings of GSRD International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 06th-07th February, 2019

Afghanistan’s Natural Resources

stones, including gold; Spinel (lal – also known as Cambrian quartz-biotite-dolomite meta sedimentary
balas ruby), tourmaline (beruj), and lapis lazuli rocks. According to Soviet surveys in the 1970 and
(lajward) are deposited. Lapis of Badakhshan is a 1980 Aynak mine has a potential of 240 Mt at 2.3 %
especial symbol of Afghanistan: a stone traditionally Cu.
associated with truth and friendship that is now linked
to corruption and conflict figure 7-a. And a huge
mine of lapis is located in this province as shown in
figure 7-b [9].
Badakhshan mines have been part of a global
economy for some 6,500 years, but the current crisis
has many of its immediate roots in the fighting
against the post-1979 Soviet occupation and the
subsequent civil war.

Figure 8. Shows the location of Aynak Copper in Afghanistan.


The Hajigak iron ore deposit is situated in the Bamian
province, almost 130 km west the country’s capital,
Kabul as shown in Figure 9. The ore occurs within
the Herat fault zone as sub-concordant sheets and
lenses within Proterozoic Meta sedimentary and Meta
volcanic rocks.
An official survey in the year 1960 estimated Hajigak
mine has a potential of 1.8 billion tons of iron ore
Figre 7-a shows Lapis of Afghansitan.
with a concentration of approximately 62 % Fe that
ranks the Hajigak deposit as world class’s iron mine.
The Hajigak deposit trends north-east–south-west for
about 9 km and is made up of 16 separate ore bodies,
each up to 3 km in length.

Figure 7-b shows Lapis Mine in Badakhshan province of



The Aynak Cupper is the most famous and valuable
natural source of Afghanistan, it’s situated in an area
Figure 9. shows the location of Hajigak iron Mine in
around 30 km from south to south-east of capital of Afghanistan
Afghanistan (Kabul) as shown in figure 8. In 1974,
Russian geologists prospected and mapped the Kabul The deposit can be divided up into three geographical
area and rediscovered the Aynak, Darband and parts, the western, central and eastern parts. In
Jawkhar copper prospects [9]. addition to the large ore bodies there is a substantial
area of thin fragmental ore deposits in the form of
Copper has been deposited in the other parts of four sacrificial deposits. The thickness of the lenses
Afghanistan as well but the largest and best-known has been indicated by drilling to be up to 100 m,
copper discovery in Afghanistan is the world-class while the depth of mineralization is untested 180 m
Aynak strata bound deposit hosted within Vendian- below surface [9].

Proceedings of GSRD International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 06th-07th February, 2019

Afghanistan’s Natural Resources


Afghanistan is a located in the south-central Asia and Afghanistan is a cross road of routes in Asia and a
has a population 31.6 million people in 2018 [10] and natural corridor for the traders to carry troops and
almost 54.5 percent of the population are under line goods from west to east moreover its natural
of poverty [11]. resources has the potential of growing up among the
first world countries. Investigation and development
Despite Afghanistan is rich in natural resources but of water resources and investment in mining sector of
has 20.8 billion USD GDP in 2017 [12], the main Afghanistan can be a new hope for the retune of
factors kept Afghanistan among the undeveloped peace and stability, on the other hand contribution
countries is security problems and corruptions, these natural resources directly influence to poverty
because in case of water resources Afghanistan’s alleviation and creates many job opportunity.
annual average water resources is 75 billion cubic
meters but only 30 percent of the water are used and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the rest is out of controls and flows to the neighbors
countries [13]. Natural gas and crude oil in The authors would like to acknowledge the Peace
Afghanistan is still not extracted except in 2011 Project Team, under direct supervision of JICA
Afghan Gas Enterprise successfully rehabilitated a Scholarship, Project for the Promotion and
well in the Shakarak gas field, which represented the Enhancement of the Afghan Capacity for Effective
first major addition to Afghanistan’s natural gas Development (PEACE).
supplies in decades. Afghan Gas Enterprise is
currently producing approximately 450,000 cubic REFERENCES
meters of natural gas every day [14].
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Afghanistan is a country very rich in gemstones but [2] Underground aqueduct handbook edited by Andreas N.
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methods, these techniques of mining caused to waste [4] (USGS FS-3031, 2006).
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area and locked with the mountainous geography and [10] Central statistic Organization of Afghanistan
obviously it is a challenge project for development online available.
and extracting but the large tonnage and high iron [11] Poverty in Afghanistan Result Based on ALCS 2016-2017
July 2018 Report No: AUS000426.
content make it attractive to companies with the [12] World bank national account data and, OECD national
proven ability to plan and develop large world-class account data files. Available online.
mines in demanding areas. The existence of sufficient [13] Applicability of IRIC (Nays2DFlood) for the Prediction of
coal near the Hajigak mine is a great opportunity for Flash Flood Inundation Area of Balkhab River. Proceedings
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Proceedings of GSRD International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 06th-07th February, 2019


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