Turn Taking in Mata Najwa Talk Show "Ragu-Ragu Perpu" Episode: A Conversation Analysis

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Firdaus Habibi, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Alek

Graduate Program of English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

This research is aimed to identify the features of turn-taking in Mata Najwa talk show
particularly in the episode “doubtful of the rules of law” regarding the conversation analysis.
Also, the authors would like to describe the use of turn-taking features between one speaker and
another one in the Mata Najwa talk show. This research is included in the qualitative research
methodology, which utilized the descriptive approach in conducting the research. This
consideration is taken because the authors will identify carefully the turn-taking features in
Mata Najwa talk show. What is more, the authors identify a complete talk show of Mata Najwa
entitled Ragu-ragu Perpu consisting of 4 parts and published on Thursday, October 10 th 2019.
Through this descriptive qualitative research, the other researchers can gain their knowledge
about how to identify the process of turn-taking in the conversation through an in-depth
explanation. Also, the readers are able to understand the meaning in turn-taking during the

Key words: Turn-taking, Talk Show, Conversation Analysis

Talk show is one of the interested programs on the television station, which
explores more about a current issue happened in the society life. It provides an in-depth
discussion by inviting an individual or a group of people based on a specific topic.
Moreover, it also becomes a platform for people to share their ideas, experiences, and
critics related to a phenomenon based on their own perspectives. What is more, Edgerly,
Gotlieb, and Vraga (2016) stated that talk show is the way to investigate an issue by
presenting experts with various forms. So, people can notice the different point of view
between one to another. According to Haqqu, Hasjarjo, and Slamet (2019), it can be
divided into two kinds of talk show based on its purpose: , such as a serious discussion
and a like entertainment. The serious discussion is emphasized on crucial topics to be
considered, criticized, and solved. For instance, the government regulations, president’s
election, forest fires, and so on. Through this kind of talk show, the stakeholders may
reconsider about the decision that has been established. Whereas, like entertainment talk
show is specified to convey the casual information which contains experiences, jokes,
gossips, and others. What is more, the communication style in like entertainment is
more cheerful and enjoyable, so the audience can be entertained from the talk show.
Therefore, a talk show can become a program choice for those people who are
concerned to the specific matters or interested in the entertainment points
In light of the importance of talk show, the TV stations in Indonesia have organized
various kinds of talk show based on their objectives. For instance, Mata Najwa,
Indonesia Lawyers Club, Kick Andy, and Hitam Putih, Mata Najwa is one of the
examples of talk show that reveals various problems happening in Indonesia, in terms of
politic, economy, social, culture, education, and defense. Generally, several informants
will be gathered in order to offer a response and a suggestion from different points of
view towards the issues discussed in each session. Moreover, Najwa Shihab as the host
of Mata Najwa presents two different perspectives between pro and contra sides, which
enable lead the audiences’ opinions from these sides. In fact, those people who agree
with the final conclusion from Mata Najwa episode will extend their positive responses
through social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Hayat, Juliana, and
Umber (2015) seemed to indicate that political talk show is able to raise the young
generation’s awareness about politic issues and increase their knowledge of the political
process. By contrast, if they possess a distinct point from the host’s conclusion, they do
not hesitate to convey the negative reaction to Najwa Shihab. As stated by Gautam
(2015), the audiences contradicted to the final conclusion of the program host will
confirm that the result of the discussion to be incorrect and bias. For instance, the
controversial decrees which are established by the house of people representative of
Indonesia cause different arguments from various circles including the general publics,
the academicians and the government officials. Even some hashtags have been
appeared, including #KitaKPK (We are Corruption Eradication Commission),
#ReformasidiKorupsi (the reform was corrupted) and others. Hence, the TV program
named Mata Najwa becomes one of the recommended talk show programs, discussed
various actual issues in Indonesia.
Based on the linguistics view, the study of a conversation analysis seems interesting
to conduct in the research. It is caused by the closest interaction between the host
program and the informants during the talk show. Even, it is related to how the
informant responds each other whose possesses different arguments. Furthermore, it
contributes in analyzing the on-going interaction between one person to another one
(Jagtiani, 2012). Moreover, Lester and O’Reilly (2018) argued that conversation
analysis points to three components, such as exploring social activities, considering
talk-in-interaction, and utilizing Jefferson theory in transcribing data. Firstly, it is aimed
to observe the language performances in the communication, such as agreeing,
rejecting, disagreeing, and complaining. As the result, the meaning of the
communication can be understood each other. What is more, conversation analysis will
explore more the natural conversations and the institutional discussion which are related
to human’s life. Importantly, it also underlines to the communication transcripts in
detail explanation in order to analyze the conversation based on the intonation and
pauses. Therefore, conducting a research about conversation analysis of turn-taking in
Mata Najwa Talk Show especially in the episode “doubtful of the rules of law” is
interesting even it will be a novel issue in Indonesian context.


This research is carried out to identify the features of turn-taking in Mata Najwa
talk show particularly in the episode “doubtful of the rules of law” regarding the
conversation analysis. Also, the authors would like to describe the use of turn-taking
features between one speaker and another one in the Mata Najwa talk show.

This research is included in the qualitative research methodology, which utilized
the descriptive approach in conducting the research. Ruark and Miller (2016) argued
that the qualitative methodology is useful for researchers to gain the data of the research
critically and produce an in-depth analysis. Moreover, through the qualitative method,
researchers are able to obtain detail information by interpreting the data through deeper
observation (Rahman, 2016). Related to the present research, the authors consider to use
qualitative descriptive methodology because the authors would like to identify carefully
turn-taking features (starting up, taking over, interrupting, and overlapping) in Mata
Najwa talk show. What is more, the authors identify a complete talk show of Mata
Najwa entitled Ragu-ragu Perpu consisting of 4 parts and published on Thursday,
October 10th 2019.
Through this descriptive qualitative research, the other researchers can gain their
knowledge about how to identify the process of turn-taking in the conversation through
an in-depth explanation. Also, the readers are able to understand the meaning in turn-
taking during the conversation.

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Gautam, J. (2015). Effect of news talk shows in voting behavior. Journal of Mass
Communication & Journalism, 5 (6), 1-3.
Haqqu, R., Hastjarjo, S., & Slamet, Y. (2019). Teenagers’ Entertainment Satisfaction in
Watching Talk Show Program through YouTube. Journal the Messenger, 11(1),
Hayat, N., Juliana, A., Umber, S. (2015). Role of political talk shows in creating
political awareness among Pakistani youth: a case study of general election 2013.
Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 23 (1), 1-19.
Jagtiani, N. (2012). Political news interview: From a conversation analytic and critical
discourse analytic perspective. Colorado Research in Linguistics, 23. 1-24.
O’Reilly, M., Lester, J.N. (2018). Applied conversation analysis: Social interaction in
institutional settings. United States of America. Sage Publication Inc, 4-8.
Rahman, M. (2016). The advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative and
quantitative approaches and methods in language testing and assessment research:
A literature review. Journal of Education and Learning, 6 (1), 102-112.
Ruark, A., & Miller., R.F. (2016). Using qualitative method to validate and
contextualize qualitative findings: A case study of research on sexual behavior and
gender-based violence among young swazi women, Global Health: Science and
Practice, 4(3), 373-383.
Process October 2019 November 2019 December 2019

WeekWeek 2
1 Week 3 Week
Week 4 1WeekWeek
2 3 Week
Week 4 Week
1 Week
2 3Week 4

Submitting Proposal
Revising Draft
Transcribing Data
Submitting 1st Draft
after revision
Identifying Data
Classifying Data
Describing and
Analyzing Data
Interpreting Data
Submission of 2nd
Final Submission

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