Vivaldi Salve Regina

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ISTITUTO ITALIANO ANTONIO VIVALDI ANTONIO VIVALDI SALVE REGINA PER CONTRALTO E 2 ORCHESTRE RICORDI INTRODUCTION The « Salve Regina ad Alto Solo Con Violini, e Flauti ¢ Traversier in due Cori Del Vivaldi » (Salve Regina, for solo contralto with violins, flute, transverse flute in double chorus by Vivaldi) is the second work written by the Venetian coniposer on the text of the prayer attributed to Peter of Campostela and contained in the tvell-known collection of the National Library of Turin (catalogue number: Giordano 35, cc. 145r - 1620). This is a work of fairly big structure, based — as many sacred pieces by Vivaldi — on a manifest attention 10 spiritual and technical details, the latter being expressed through a sensitive choice of the vocal and instrumental means used in the composition, Consequently, a double « chorus » of strings with continuo is added to the solo voice, the first string orchestra being enriched by the two flutes. This is yet another example of Vivaldi’s predilection for antiphony, which he so often displayed in his church music, though in this patticular work the ellect is purely instrumental, the second orchestra having mainly the function of «echo ». This instrumental antiphony is employed in four of the six sections in which the work is divided. This treatment gives each section a rich tonal individuality, together with a touch of grandeur but without pomposity. Quite different in structure are the third and fourth sections. Ad te suspitamus (Larghetto) reaches the climax of lyric tenderness of the whole work: full prominence is given to the solo voice, accompanied by the solo flute spinning one of those long and shapely melodic lines which are typical of Vivaldi end which so closely remind us of Bach, Eja ergo (Allegro) combines together the two string ensembles in vigorous and strongly rhythmic discourse. In this work we find once more the perfect unity of style through the various aspects of the Vivaldian creative mind which is so typical of the composer's sacred music. The elements of concerto, church music and opera are welded together in an extremely coherent and efficient synthesis of bis idiom. The treatment of the voice is not as varied as elsewhere: bere Vivaldi has obviously preferred mellow lyricism to. contrast. The solo singer appears in the same vein in the Ex'Jesum (Andante molto) and in the O clemens (Andante), whilst a more instrumental character is given to the vocal part of the Ad te clamamus (Allegro) and in above-mentioned Fja ergo. Some slightly virtuoso passages occur in the first section, Salve Regina (Andante). According to the typographic custome adopted for Vivaldian editions, all that is not in the original manuscript is printed in brackets even when it appears implicit. From the figured bass of the continuo we have derived, in the ripieni, the ’cellos and doublebasses paris — which were missing in the manuscript — according to musical and technical criteria, The part of the basso continuo bas been written down in smaller notes. Failing specific indication in the original, the organ bas been chosen as keyboard instrument Soli Contralto (C.) Orchestra Coxo I Flauti I - 1 (Fl.) Violini 1 - 11 (Vni) Viole (Vile) Violoncelli (Vc.) Contrabbassi (Cb.) Organo (Org.) Coro I Violini I - IE (Vni) Viole (Vie) Violoncelli (Ve.) Contrabbassi_ (Cb.) Organo (Org.) durata: min.22 4 Antonio Vivaldi oss- s+» SALVE REGINA per contralto e 2 orchestre acura di ANGELO EPHRIKIAN I Salve Regina Andante 5 I Flauto 1 I Violini 1 1 Viole Violoncelli coRO Contrabbassi Organo Contralto I Violini 1 I Viole Violoncelli Contrabbassi coRO organo oo 77 ©. RICORDI #0. Editori, MILANO. , © Copyright 1970, by G. RICORDI & C.-s.p.a.-Milana ‘Tutti f diritti riservatl, Tous droits réservés, All rights reserved ANNO MOMLXX PRINTED IN ITALY 481068 IMPRIME EN ITALIE FL Vai Ve co. ores vail vie Ye ce.| ores snes AGS F oS———= |G oe G Fi. vail Vie co, ore: Vea vie Ye. ce. Org. 131684 ss1684 3 7 4 ssteea FL. Vail Vie ve. ce. Ores vai vie ve. cb. ore. 431664 FL. vail vie Yo. ce, one: Vai Vie Yo. cb, se1684 Rogi-na Ma - ter, Tasto solo Mater mise. ri - i o y vey sal 131684 48 100 FL Yall Vie Ve cb. Org: Vai Vie ve. cs org. sst68a 1 cCoRO pi cORO Violini 1 Viole Violoncelli |Contrabbassi Organo Contralto Violini vi Viole Violoncelli \Contrabbassi Organo 19 Il Ad te clamamus Allegro (molto moderato) (senza Sora.) Sf (Benga Sora.) hf) (sons Sora.) nf (senza Sord.) Dp \sonza Sora.) fp Allegro molto moderato) (senza Sora.) P (nloito (senzafora P (oletto) (senzalsora) P (mpiio) [senza Sora.) GED sora, (PP) i) asic64 20 Vai vie Ve. cu, Org. Yai Vie Ve. cb. ores sn1684 a 110 ss168a 22 Vail Vie ce, org Yai ve. co. ore: 181684 Ad teyad te cla 83 5 Vail vie cb. Org! ex - sules, ex - sucles, ex . su-les Vail vie Ye. co. Ore: ss1684 24 & > 120 i Vai Vie Ye. cp. ore vai vie co Ores 181684 25 Yai! Vie ve. org. Li.iHae-vae, ad t6,ad te clama.mus, ela. *) Vol Vie Ve. ce, ore: *) Ms. 181684 26 125 v Val Vie Ve. cb. Org’ Vai Vie cn,| ore: 181684 fie1.1 Hae - vae. D sai684 28 vail Vie cw Org: Vai vie co. org. 130 ad te cla ~ ma-mus ps ssieea Vai Vie co, ove: Vai Vie ce, one ex-sules fi-Lil Haevae, 181684 aad 135 29 30 vail Vie Ve. cb. c. Vai Vie Ve. co. s1684 (rutts compre pit piano) (racer) su = les, (Tutti sempre pitt piano) Vai vie Ve. co. ore Vai vie Ve. co. org. B4 140 excentes {lei fi.1Li Has 2 vac sates Bibliotheque 382 Ill Ad te suspiramus Larghetto @) 45 Flauto Contralto I Violini 0 coRO Viole ‘Violoncelli Contrabbassi | Organo Fe Yai vie 151084 ieee teat eee acai val ve ve. ce, ove: pi-ra-mus ge - men ssiesa flen-tes in bec lacery = 34 lacryma-rum val - Vail ve Ve. cb. s31664 ect 35 FL, vai] Vie cb. Ore: @ 165 rasmus ge-men-tes et flen-tes in hac la.ery - ma rumval-le, Mle co. Org: 131684 36 poe Be ool Fl + (nef ma sentitoh, Vie Ve. 7 co. FL. tes, ge-men - tes ot vai vie cb, ore: sn1664 ee FL in hac val - le, et flen-tes, ge-mon-tes et Vat Vie 181664 38 A. Nai vie AL. vail Vie Fl val} vie FL. Yai Vie 131684 a9 IV Eja ergo Allegro 190 Contralto Violini 1-1 Viole lell | 2] Violoncelli ° \Contrabbassi Organo D 195 200 Vai Vie Ve co. ore! 131684 40 205 (nf) Eeja er-go, advo - Vai e Vie Yo. cb. org: 3 210 215 = los tu. 0s mi-se-ricordes 0. onlos ad con-ver- te ad val vie ve. ce, Org! ss1884 a4 220 im con. ver - te, mi. se-ricordes 0,-cu-los ad nos conver - te. Yai Vie Ve. ob. orgs 225 ow 230 © E.ja er. go, ad-vo-ca-ta no . stra, fi Yai Vie ce. Org QP s31684 a2 235 tu . 08 mi. se-ricordes 0 - culos, -riccordes wv Vai vie ve. org. 0 = culosad nes con -vei teyad nos con-ver. te,ad w Vai Vie co, ore: 191654 43 245 yp tm» 250 con-ver - te, mi - se-ri-cordes o-cu-losad nos conver - te, ad ta ® rin) Vai = P » Vie 7 3 w ve. @ ce. orgs 7 255 (on0808 eee eee este eee Bow e no stra, | ad nostra. mi - se-ri-cor.ées Vai vie Vou cb, ore: (erese.) 3G 3 R wD 181654 aA 260 z 265 = 0 - culos, mi - se-ri.cordes noseonver - te, mi-so-ri.cordes 0-cu - los ad Vai vie ve, ob. org! Vai (erese: vie (orese:.. (erese: se. co. orgs (erese: 121684 I CORO IL coRO 45 V_ Et Jesum Andante molto 275 2, be bn se Violini si Viole Violoncelli Contrabbassi Organo Contralto Andante molto Violini pte Viole Violoneelli \Contrabbassi Organo wt te 4 181684 1n1684 as ni mortar Vie Jomortai ve, aorep co, ores (molto p) op marti Vni » lenottay vie laottonp cwntto p) ob, ore cnnttop) sste8d a eee vail Vie oo, ong no - bis post lee ex- vail Vie Vo. co. ore. 131684 50 Vai Vie Ye. cu Ore: Vie ve co. Ore asiesa val Vie cb. ong Val Vie ce. ove. asie84 52 Vuil vie Vo. oo. ores Vai vie Ye. ove Py 7 sa1684 Vai Ve Ve. ce, org: Vai vie Ve. ov. ore) ss1684 315 53 ba bis post boc ex - si-li-um, no = bis post hee ex - si-li-um saisea 55 325 vai Vie ve. oo. Ong: Voi Vie Vo. ©, org. ss1084 56 Vn Vie Vo ov. Ore: Vai Vie Vo. oe. Ore. 151684 1 c ORO coRO 57 VI O clemens Andante __} => ~ 3% Flauto Violin 0 Viole Violoncelli |Contrabbassi Organo | Contralto Violini Viole Violoncelli Contrabbassi organo | ss1684 58 FL Vai Vie Ve. ce, ores Vat Vie ve co, org ss1684 FL Vai Vie Ve. cb. orgs vail Vie ve. ce. ores We (segue) (segue) (segue) (segue) (oogue) (segue) (segue) (segue) 345 1 ) 4 erose.) (erese) (evese) (erese) (orese) (erese Bh oreee, BX erese co (orese) (orese) (erese) (orese.) (evese.) ee BK oresed DD ss1684 60 350 2 Vani Vie Ve. on. (TACRD, orgs 3 Vai Vie ve. ore. sa168a Val Vie Yo. cv, Ore: cle-mens, vai Vie cb. Ore: acer) w ss1684 62 I. vail Vie Ve. ©, Orgs Vai Vie ve. cb. ove. ss1684 teins gg 181664 64 370 Fl, Vie org: Vni Vie ve. cb ore: 3 © 5 as664 aa enema te ee hi a & 6! 375 FL Vai Vie Vo. ob, ong o vai vie cb. ove. _—<—$—$—$—$—$<$_$<_$

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