Testing and Prescription Project

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Tsamara Roberts, Samantha Garlesky, Hannah Schmidt

Dr. Brian Larouere

Testing and Exercise Prescription
13 May 2021
Individual Exercise Prescription Project
Client and detailed exercise history
a) Client: Anna
Age: 21
Height: 5’2
Weight: 128lb
Resting HR: 72 bpm
Resting blood pressure: 118/76
She has been cleared to participate in an exercise program based on her CVD risk factors.
She is under the age of 55, she has no family history, she does not smoke, she is not
physically inactive, her BMI is 23.4, her blood pressure is 118/76, her total cholesterol is
130, and she does not have diabetes.
b) Client indicates that she is physically active and that she participates in physical activities six
days a week. She enjoys attending group fitness activities, and she likes to participate in
activities such as running and using the stair climber in the gym. Her VO2 max was calculated to
be 40.3 mL/kg/min from the YMCA bicycle ergometer test.
Frequency Intensity Type Time Location

Saturday RPE=15 Group fitness 1 hour Fitness Room


MWF RPE=17 Sprints 15 mins (30 Aerobic floor

seconds on, 30
seconds off

M/Th afternoon RPE=16 Stair Climber 50 min Aerobic floor

c) For her musculoskeletal activities, she enjoys workouts routines that incorporate heavyweight
days and circuits. She works all the large muscle groups and participates in circuit training 4-5
days a week.
Exercise Frequency Intensity Sets Reps Additional

Back Squats M,F 205lbs 4 10-12 Done in


Bulgarian M,F 50lbs 3 10-12 for 25 lbs each

Squats each leg hand

Bicep Curl T,Th 35lbs (two 3 10-12 Each arm is 3

17.5 dumb sets of 10

Tricep T,Th 25lbs 3 10 Use of

Extension machine

Deadlifting M,F 165lbs 4 10-12 Sumo stance

d) She realistically can devote about an hour to working out 4-5 times a week.
e) Her motivation for working out is mostly mental; she finds that exercise provides stress relief
from her job and school. Working out also makes her feel healthy and strong. Potential barriers
that can set her back from exercising is time, lack of energy, and having school and work
activities to focus on.

Explain Fitness Components:

1. Cardiorespiratory endurance: The ability of the circulatory and respiratory system to
provide oxygen to the muscles during physical activity. This is an important component
for our client because she participates in a variety of cardio circuits, so working on
improving her cardiorespiratory endurance can help maximum those workouts. Working
on her cardiorespiratory endurance is also important because it can increase her overall
cardiorespiratory fitness, which decreases her risk for all cause mortality.
2. Body composition: The percentage of fat, muscle, bone and other vital parts in the body.
This is important to our client because she has a desired physical appearance, as well as
for health purposes. It is also important because we can keep track of her percent body fat
and her muscle mass as an indication of the effectiveness of her workout routine,
considering how much of her workouts consist of lifting weights.
3. Muscular endurance: The ability of the muscular system to continue to exert force
without fatiguing. This is important to our client because she wants to be able to lift for
long periods of time with the circuits she performs. Working on muscular endurance can
help increase the amount of reps and sets she completes when exercising.
4. Muscular strength: The ability of the muscular system to exert force. This component is
important to our client because she wants to be able to increase her workload monthly.
5. Flexibility: The available range of motion at a particular joint. This is important to our
client because she has noticed a lack in this component over the course of recent years. It
is also important because increasing flexibility will improve her overall mobility and
range of motion. Improved mobility and range of motion will help her body move more
effectively and safely when lifting.

Intended Outcomes or Behavior Goals:

Body Composition
● Intended outcomes
○ Client wants to increase her muscle mass and decrease her overall body fat
○ Clients want to stay within her general weight range.
● Behavioral Goals
○ Over the next three months, the client will try to decrease body fat percentage
from 26% to 23%.
○ Over the next three months, the client will count her calories and use myfitnesspal
to help track her food intake.

Muscular Strength
● Intended outcomes
○ Client wants to improve upon her upper body strength
○ Client wants to improve upon her lower body strength
○ Client wants to increase flexibility
● Behavioral Goals
○ Over the next three months, the client will participate in a strength training
program to increase her 1RM squat max from 205lbs to 225lbs.
○ Over the next three months, the client will participate in a strength training
program to increase her 1RM bench press from 75lbs to 90lbs.
○ Over the next three months, the client will begin and end her strength training
programs with static and dynamic stretches and increase her sit and reach by 3

Client has these intended outcomes and behavioral goals because she wants to feel more
confident about herself, as well as feel healthier overall
First Week of Exercise Prescription:

A. Written to a Professional: The program that we have developed for the client includes a
5 day strength training program that hits all the major muscle groups in the body. We
decided on the frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercises based on her past work
out experience and the goals she wants to accomplish. Based on her interest in circuit
work, we incorporated supersets into the routine. Having an exercise program that
focuses primarily on strength training will help the client accomplish the body
composition she deserves by increasing her muscle mass. This increased muscle mass
will ultimately be paired with an increase in her overall muscular strength. The intensity
of the workouts will be monitored by accessing her heart rate as well as evaluating her
rate of perceived exertion. This client’s progression can be monitored through accessing
her execution of the exercises. First, if she feels comfortable and confident at the initial
phase, intensity can be increased by increasing the amount of reps and sets she
accomplishes. If she can complete two more repetitions for two consecutive sessions,
then the load of the exercises will be increased. This program will participate in a
progressive overload format and the client will be pushed within her limits to progress

B. Written for the Client:

MONDAY: UPPER BODY (Triceps and Chest)
● 5 minute walk on the treadmill at 3 mph with a 5% grade
● 5 minutes of dynamic stretching
○ Arm circles
○ Cross body arm stretch
○ Right and left side reach
○ Overhead tricep stretch
● HR:80-100 bpm
● RPE: 8-10
● Super set 1 (3x12)
○ Tricep Extension with 25 lbs dumbbells
○ Tricep pulldown on cable machine at 25 lbs
○ Skull crushers with 15lb barbell
● Superset 2 (3x12)
○ Chest Flies with 15 lbs dumbbells
○ Bench press with 65lb barbell
○ Incline Bench with 55 lbs barbell
● HR: 150-170 bpm
● RPE: 15-17
Cool Down:
● 3 minutes walk on the treadmill at 3 mph with a 0% grade
● 7 minutes of static stretching
○ Tricep stretch
○ Above the head chest stretch
○ Bent arm wall stretch
○ Child’s pose with extended fingertips
○ Side lying parallel arm chest stretch
● HR: 110-130 bpm
● RPE: 11-13
TUESDAY: LOWER BODY (Quads and Hips)
● 5 minute walk on the treadmill at 3 mph with a 5% grade
● 5 minutes of dynamic stretching
○ Inchworm
○ Hip rotators
○ Dynamic Runners lunge
○ Straight leg lateral swing
○ Deep squat and hold
● HR: 80-100 bpm
● RPE: 8-10
● Superset 1 (3x12)
○ Goblet squats holding 35lbs dumbbell
○ Reverse lunges holding two 15lbs dumbbells
○ Jump squats
● Superset 2 (3x12)
○ Elevated heel squats holding 20lb dumbbell
○ Leg press 150lbs
○ Leg extensions 75lbs
● HR: 150-170 bpm
● RPE: 15-17
Cool down:
● 3 minutes walk on the treadmill at 3 mph with a 0% grade
● 7 minutes of static stretching
○ Standing quad stretch
○ Lying quad stretch
○ Kneeling quad stretch
○ Runner lung
○ Butterfly stretch
● HR: 110-130 bpm
● RPE: 11-13


● 3 minute jog on 5.5 mph at 0% grade
● 30 second of Straight arm circles going both directions
● 30 second of Cross body shoulder swings
● 30 second of Alternating chest hugs
● 30 second of Rolling shoulder circles
● HR: 80-100bpm
● RPE: 8-10
● Superset 1 (3x12)
○ Barbell overhead press 45 lbs
○ Lateral raises two 10lb dumbbells
○ Front raises two 10lbs dumbbells
● Superset 2 (3x12)
○ Dumbbell shrug two 20 lbs dumbbells
○ Military press two 15lb dumbbells
○ Barbell high pull 45 lbs
● HR: 150-170 bpm
● RPE: 15-17
Cool down:
● 5 minute walk on the treadmill at 3mph at 5% grade
● Cross body shoulder stretch
● Thread and needle stretch
● Cow face stretch
● HR: 110-130
● RPE:11-13

THURSDAY: LOWER BODY (Hamstrings and Glutes)

● 5 minute walk on the treadmill at 3 mph with a 5% grade
● 5 minutes of dynamic stretching
○ Inchworm
○ Hip rotators
○ Dynamic Runners lunge into hamstring stretch
○ Straight leg lateral swing
○ Deep squat and hold
● HR: 80-100 bpm
● RPE: 8-10
● Superset 1 (3x12)
○ Dumbbell romanian deadlifts two 35 lb dumbbells
○ Leg curl 50 lbs
○ Bulgarian split squats two 25 lb dumbbells
● Superset 2 (3x12)
○ Benched hip thrust 135 lbs barbell
○ Glute bridge
○ Cable pull through 35lbs
● HR: 150-170 bpm
● RPE: 15-17
Cool down:
● 3 minutes walk on the treadmill at 3 mph with a 0% grade
● 7 minutes of static stretching
○ Standing hamstring stretch
○ Sitting hamstring stretch
○ Figure 4 stretch
○ Rotating runner lunges
○ Butterfly stretch
● HR: 110-130
● RPE: 11-13

FRIDAY: UPPER BODY (Back and Biceps)

Warm Up:
● 3 minute jog on 5.5 mph at 0% grade
● 5 minutes of dynamic stretching
○ Child’s Pose
○ Arm Circles
○ Knees to chest stretch
○ Arm Swings
○ Standing Bicep Stretch
● HR: 80-100bpm
● RPE:8-10
● Super set 1 (3x12)
○ Bicep curls with two 15 lbs dumbbells
○ Hammer curls with two 12 lb dumbbells
○ Barbell bicep curl 30lbs
● Super set 2 (3x12)
○ Bent over row with 25 lbs dumbbell
○ Lateral pull down with 55lbs
○ Rear delt fly with 12 lbs dumbbells
● HR:150-170
● RPE: 15-17
Cool Down:
● 3 minutes walk on the treadmill at 3 mph with a 0% grade
● 7 minutes of dynamic stretching
○ Standing Bicep Stretch
○ Seated Bicep Stretch
○ Wall Bicep stretch
○ Supine Twist Stretch
○ Prone Bridge Stretch
● HR: 110-130 bpm
● RPE: 11-13

C. Data/Log Sheet: This chart is intended for the client to fill out while she is at the gym.

Date: Time: Activity: Reps and Reflection/

Sets Comments:
The client reports that she enjoyed the exercise program and noted that even though some of the
exercises were challenging, she was excited to push herself. She expressed that as the weeks
progressed, she noticed that certain exercises became easier, which is a great indication of
increased overall muscular strength. We were very satisfied with the execution of the exercise
program and the client’s initial and sustained response to the program. Having the client start
each workout with a little bit of cardio and some dynamic stretching worked well because even
though her primary goal was increased muscular strength, these components helped her increase
her cardiovascular fitness as well as her flexibility and mobility. Based on the day of training,
there are no major changes to the exercise prescription that we would implement except
increasing the intensity as needed. The data sheet was utilized to let the client record what date
and time she exercised, the exercises she did with the reps and sets, and her overall comments
she had pertaining to those activities. From this assignment, we learned the importance of
formulating an exercise program to help a client reach their desired goals. We also learned how
to take their intended outcomes and come up with SMART behavioral goals to help them
accomplish those intended outcomes. Overall, this assignment was a great opportunity to apply
the things that we learned in class and was great preparation for senior synthesis next semester.

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