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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

New venture creation:

Entrepreneurship for the 21st century
mehraj bhat

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Syllabus – MBA 559 Entrepreneurship

August 2012 Session

(August 27, 2012 – October 21, 2012 – 8 week class)

Course Syllabus

Textbooks and syllabus are subject to change each session.

Students are responsible for using the appropriate textbook
and syllabus. Instructors may modify assignments.

Course Description

This course deals with new venture management, examining entrepreneurial personalities, managing
creativity and establishing a successful enterprise. The major project is a new Business Plan.

We begin with an overview of what entrepreneurship really means to the individual and its impact on
society. We then examine the global revolution and the mindset required for success as an
entrepreneur in the pursuit of a profit and satisfying career. We will learn to assess real opportunities
versus good ideas and be able to recognize the differences between the two.

entrepreneurial concerns such as team building, leadership, and one’s personal ethics as a guide to
A look at how to exit a business profitably by choice is also explored. We will also examine other

operating the business enterprise.

Franchising, fund-raising, and creation of financial spreadsheets for a startup venture are also

incorporated in order to capture the essence of the chapter’s readings and aid in knowledge retention.
developed in an effort to secure funding for our venture. Weekly discussions and case analyses are

Course Objectives

Develop an understanding of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process.

Assess the feasibility of new business concepts and ideas.

Develop skills in new business venture management including opportunity recognition,

market assessment, and financial planning.

Identify resources and skills needed to grow a new venture business.

Analyze various exit strategies for new business ventures.

Create business plans for development and financing of new business ventures.

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

Required Text and Resources:

Title: New Venture Creation, Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century

Author: Jeffrey A. Timmons and Stephen Spinelli
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Ed/Year: 8th edition/2009
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338155-8

Course Requirements

Discussion Forums: This course is designed to be a collaborative learning experience using

Discussion Forums. To receive a minimum passing grade, you must make a posting by midweek and a
respond to at least one other posting by the end of the week which must be on two separate days.
However, I hope each of you make more than three postings and really get into the heart of the
discussions. NOTE: Only discussions threads posted by 11:00pm CST on Sunday of the week they are
due will count for grading purposes.

Team Project: In this course a team project of developing a Business Plan will be utilized. Complete
details on this project are located in the Course Materials folder.

Course Polices: You are encouraged to access this course 3 to 5 times per week. By doing so you will
be able to actively participate in the Discussion Forums, complete your assignments and access
announcements in a timely manner. Assignments are to be submitted by the due date listed on the
course schedule. Late assignments will be penalized.

Week Title Assignments

Reading - Timmons and Spinelli, Chapters

1 and 2

Week 01 Discussion - Entrepreneurial


It is often argued that "the rich get richer

and the poor get poorer." How and why has
the entrepreneurial revolution affected this
01 The Entrepreneurial Mind
stereotype? What are its implications?

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

Week 01 Discussion - Hero Maker

Discuss the concept of 'hero maker' with

regard to entrepreneurial leadership.

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 01 Team Assignment - Virtual

Team Formation

By the end of this week, please form teams

of no more than 3-4 members for the team
assignments in this course. When forming
your team, please consider your colleagues'
schedules and time zones. You need to meet
as a team online for a few hours each week;
selecting teammates with similar schedules
will significantly ease such collaboration.

Using this Discussion Forum, identify the

classmates with whom you would like
to collaborate on your team project (i.e. post
a thread with your study availability, etc.)
Once you have identified your team
members, each team is to post a single
thread in this Discussion Forum titled
"Team Formed". In this thread,
please identify all team members (first and
last name) and a name for your team.
Choosing a team name is a chance for your
team creativity to shine, and marks your first
decision as a team. Also, have one team
member email the instructor with your team
member's names and team name when your
team is formed.

Once your team is formed, your instructor

will set up your team in ANGEL; you will have
access to a Team Discussion Forum (for
posting messages, etc.) and a Team Drop
Box (for submitting assignments).

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

02 The Entrepreneurial Process Reading - Timmons and Spinelli, Chapters

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

3 and 4

Week 02 Discussion - Leadership


"People don't want to be managed, they want

to be led." Explain what this means and its
importance and implications for developing
your own style and leadership philosophy.

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 02 Discussion - Green Business


How has the communications revolution

become a major driver of entrepreneurial
thinking and opportunities in sustainable,
green business models?

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 02 Team Assignment - Executive


In your team, discuss and commit to a

single new venture that you would like to
pursue as your business plan for the course.

You cannot choose to open a franchise since

the bulk of the business plan work would
have already been done for you by the

During the course of the term, your team will

complete a Business Plan on your venture.
There will be different portions of the
assignment due each week. You will follow
the outline at the end of Chapter 08 in the
Timmons and Spinelli textbook, starting on
page 283. The full contents of the team
assignment are located on the Course
Materials page and should be referenced
from this point forward.

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

For this week, complete a brief Executive
Summary of your team's new venture using
the guidelines listed on pages 283 of the
Timmons and Spinelli textbook (Sections A-
F). Submit to your Team Drop Box.

While I recognize that "some" of this

information is not yet available, please offer
a best guess in your submission.

The main purpose of this assignment is to

have your team "commit" to a business plan
concept so that you can focus your efforts
during the remainder of our course
developing the complete plan.

This is a graded assignment and it also allows

me to review your chosen venture and offer
some feedback to the team.

Submit your completed assignment to your

Team Drop Box. Please check the Course
Calendar for specific due dates.

Reading - Timmons and Spinelli, Chapters


Week 03 Discussion - Idea v.


What is the difference between an idea and a

good opportunity?

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
03 The Opportunity

Week 03 Team Assignment - The

Industry, The Market, and The Marketing

See the Course Materials page for

information on what is to be completed for
Week 03. The assignment allows to you to
stay on track with the creation of your plan
and is not a submitted document.

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

Reading - Timmons and Spinelli, Chapters
8 and 9

Week 04 Discussion – Influence

Discuss the concept of exerting influence

without formal power.

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 04 Written Assignment -

Business Plan

Prepare a brief outline of a business plan

The Business Plan and the tailored to a specific venture you have in
Entrepreneurial Leader mind. This assignment has no relation to
your team assignment and should be a
personal venture that you have in mind.

Submit your completed assignment to the

drop box below. Please check the Course
Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 04 Team Assignment - Design,

Manufacturing, and Management

See the Course Materials page for

information on what is to be completed for
Week 04. The assignment allows to you to
stay on track with the creation of your plan
and is not a submitted document.

Reading - Timmons and Spinelli, Chapters

10 and 11

Week 05 Discussion - Ethical Decisions

05 Ethics and Resources Why do many entrepreneurs and CEOs

believe ethics can and should be taught? Why
is there dissent on this controversial topic?

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 05 Team Assignment -

Economics, Scheduling, and Critical Risks

See the Course Materials page for

information on what is to be completed for
Week 05. Once you have completed the
material for Week 05, submit the draft to the
Team Drop Box for grading and feedback.

Reading - Timmons and Spinelli, Chapters

13 and 14

Week 06 Discussion - Venture


Most venture capitalists say: There is too

much money chasing too few deals. Why is
this so? When does this happen? Why and
when will it reoccur?

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
06 Financing and Growth Capital
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 06 Team Assignment - Revised

Executive Summary

See the Course Materials page for

information on what is to be completed for
Week 06. The assignment allows to you to
stay on track with the creation of your plan
and is not a submitted document.

Reading - Timmons and Spinelli, Chapter


Week 07 Discussion - Role and

07 The Family as Entrepreneur Contribution of Families

What are the entrepreneurial implications of

not appreciating or understanding the role
and contribution of families to the economies

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

of our communities and countries?

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 07 Team Assignment - Final


See the Course Materials page for

information on what is to be completed for
Week 07. The assignment allows to you to
stay on track with the creation of your plan
and is not a submitted document.

Week 08 Discussion - Team


Please assign one person from your team to

post your team's Business Plan. Post it as a
New Post with the following in the Subject

TEAM NAME: Business Plan Name

Individually, you each read all plans and

should post a question or comment on each
of them. This should replicate a Q&A session
at the end of a live presentation. Any team
member can respond to the questions and
comments, but all questions must be
08 Finalizing the Plan responded to in a timely fashion and all team
members must answer at least 1 question or
respond to 1 comment.

Please post your Business Plan by

Wednesday and question/comment/respond
by Saturday at 11:00pm.

Please make your initial post by midweek,

and respond to at least one other students'
post by the end of the week. Please check
the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 08 Team Assignment - Final

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

Business Plan

Submit your final business plan to the Team

Drop Box.

Week 08 Survey - Team Evaluations

By the end of this course, please submit your

Team Evaluation. You are to respond to the
following regarding each team member:

Team member’s name.

Percentage of project to which the
team member contributed.

Remember this survey is completely

anonymous and will not be shared with any
team or individual student. It is for the team
project grading purposes only.

Week 08 Survey - Benedictine Student


The following survey allows you to provide

feedback based upon your experience in this
course. Your response will offer valuable
insight, and will be used to improve our
Benedictine online courses.

The results of this survey will be collated and

viewed by a course administrator. While not
anonymous, your name will not be made
available to your course instructor; this
information is only visible to the course
administrator. This survey is ungraded, and
will not affect your grade in this course in
any way.

Benedictine University thanks you for your

honest and candid feedback.

Library Resources

The primary mission of the Benedictine University Library is to provide library resources and services
that support the Benedictine University community and meet its academic and research needs. To
support our mission, the Library has made provisions for all students to gain access to important

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

academic resources through the Benedictine Library Website. As you begin your academic journey
please take note of these key concepts that will affect that access:

Entry into academic databases and most Library resources must be made through the

Benedictine Library Website at

Within one week of your official enrollment your patron information will be

automatically entered into the library system, where once entered, you will be able to

check out books and access databases

When off-campus you will be prompted by authentication software (a proxy server) to

provide your Library ID number and last name to access article databases and request

books. This software proxy server confirms that you are a current Benedictine

University student and thus allowed access

Your Library ID number is a combination of the Benedictine Library prefix 2281100
and your seven-digit student ID number (also called your �b� number). Thus

2281100XXXXXXX is the Library ID number with X�s being the seven digit student

number. This number is prominently located just below the barcode on your

Benedictine ID card

Tutorials on the Research Process including basic Library skills and Web-based

Resource Guides are available on the Library Website

Click on Reserves & course support or simply follow the link

Additional Library information and tutorials are available on the Library Website by

clicking on How do I?...(Help & FAQs) or simply follow the link

For further information on any aspect of Library resources and access please call or

write the Benedictine Library Reference Desk at 630-829-6057 or

Please take note of Library hours and staff directory located on the Library Website

under About the Library and feel free to contact us about any concern or need you
might have.

Late Assignments

Per University policy, assignments cannot be accepted by an instructor after the last day of
the course. In the event of extenuating circumstances, please see the information regarding
the Incomplete Policies and Procedures.

Incompletes: Policy and Procedures

Under extraordinary circumstances, when a student is unable to complete all course

assignments by the final date of the session, a grade of 'I'(Incomplete) may be requested by

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

the student and issued with the permission of the instructor. In order to be eligible for an
Incomplete, a student must be performing satisfactorily in the course, have completed a
substantial portion of the course and be in good academic standing.
Online students may have as many as 28 days in which to complete their work and submit for

an “F” unless the student has removed it. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all
a final grade from the instructor. Incomplete grades not addressed by students will become

course requirements.

University Academic Honesty Policy

The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a
university. Benedictine University pursues these missions in an environment guided by our
Roman Catholic tradition and our Benedictine Heritage.
Integrity and honesty are therefore expected of all University students. Actions such as
cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, forgery, falsification, destruction, multiple
submission, solicitation, and misrepresentation are violations of these expectations and
constitute unacceptable behavior in the University community.
To access the complete Academic Honesty Policy, which includes student responsibility,
responsibility and authority of faculty, violations, reporting and communicating, responsibilities
of the provost, appeals, composition of the academic appeals board, procedures of the
academic appeals board, and records, please select the following link:

Services for Students with Disabilities

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of
1990 prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities by standing provision of
reasonable accommodations to make programs and activities accessible to qualified individuals
with disabilities.

If you have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability, you may be eligible for
reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request accommodations or services, please
contact the Student Success Center, Krasa Center - 012A, 630-829-6340. All students are
expected to fulfill essential course requirements. The University will not waive any essential skill or
requirement of a course or degree program.

MBA 559 Syllabus August 2012

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