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Central Mindanao Colleges Score:

Osmeña Drive, Kidapawan City

Tel.# (064) 577-1708 Fax# (064) 288-5038
Subject /Code: EDUC 304 – EDUCATIONAL Time:
Teacher: DR. RICKY BUENAVIA PANTE, LPT Date: Oct. 30, 2021
 Prelim  Midterm  Semi-final  Final Permit #: 767713

General Information: This examination consists of different types of tests. Please follow the direction of the
examination carefully. Attach your outputs and submit when done. Remember, you only one chance/attempt to
submit. Please double check everything before clicking the ‘submit’ button. Please do not forget to write your TEST

Test I. Direction: Read each item carefully. Discuss each item comprehensively. Your discussions will be scored
based on the following rubric:
Exemplary (E) Fully Acceptable (FA) Not Fully Acceptable (NFA)
20 points 15 points 1 point

The student was able to provide The student was able to give The student was unable to
strong and correct idea that ideas/examples/justificati ons/ support/provide discussions/
support his/her answer to the instances that somehow/do not evidence of his/her answers/do
question. The fully align with the expected not have the ability to answer the
answers/examples/justificati ons/ answers. The response questions. The
practices/ instances provided by demonstrates limited answers/examples/justificati ons/
the learner are aligned with the understanding of the topic. practice s/instances do not align
expected answers/discussions and The response contained few with the objective and
showcase the learners deep grammatical and technical demonstrate little to no
understanding of the topic. (capitalization, punctuation, understanding of the objective.
The response contained little to etc.) errors. However, these The response contained several
no grammatical did not greatly affect the grammatical and technical
and technical (capitalization, quality of the response. (capitalization, punctuation, etc.)
punctuation, etc.) errors. The errors which interfere with the
learner has good command of the understanding of the ideas
language used. presented.
This statement of Smith and Piele made me realized that having leadership
skills in not just in the mind. These skills must be put in action in order for the
1. Discuss your understanding about these lines: (20 points - minimum of 300 words)
individual to grow and develop. I agree with their statement.
“It is conceivable that there are individuals who manifest all the behaviors
For me, leadership is with
associated subjective.
leadership,We can
yet fail say that
to embody a person may possesses
Those who attempt to “train” leaders long have recognized
the quality, characteristic of aSome
this problem. good leader
master all thebut leadership
necessary is a two-way process just
planning to decision making—but they do not convey the impression of
like teaching. Even though the teacher is very prepared when it comes to his lesson
leadership.” (Smith and Piele, 1996)
and learning materials if the students will not cooperate in his/her class discussion
and activities, it would be useless. Same as leadership, no matter how prepared you
Being a leader is not just a title or a position of a particular person. It is a big
are as a leader, no matter how skilled you are, no matter how good you are and no
responsibility to be performed. As a leader you have toa vision
be careful in everything that
matter Blumberg said he
how brilliant youwanted
are asto a“communicate of community”
leader if your subordinates won’t with
you do,
For and you act. As a leader you are the role model to your subordinates. You are the heart
you,him it means
it will harmony,
be useless. learning
If you to live
cannot together
control and and learning
convey yourtomembers
respect our
to differences.
of the team. has made public art sculpture and monuments in other Colorado cities, including
in everything that you are doing in order to achieve the goals that you target, at the
the Aurora
of the daytheater shooting
it is safe
is stressful memorial,
to say
I think forthat you“Ascentiate”.
a leader. did not convey
He/she During
has to the ainstall,
the impressions
maintain healthya of
driver shouted
Balance a wastetoofgood
is critical money!” from his
leadership. Ascar window.
a leader But fortheBlumberg, public to
is invaluable. “It
It is indeed true that everyone canyoubehavea leader responsibility
but not everybody everyone
can be a
in the that ourto
organization leadership
get the jobviews community
done. If nowe aswill
oneare more than
push, a place to sleep,
organization maynot eat,
fail toand work,”
good leader. No matter how trained as a leader if we do do the good
he said.task“That there are other qualities that are necessary for life-art, music and thingsthe
practice, or and
the desired we lack
achievea single idea goal.
the target of being
A gooda good
serves weas will
a mapnever
that be called an
2. Discuss your understanding about these lines: (20 points - minimum of 300 words)
on are
effected leaderto
the quality
team of life.”
needs to double Maybe
time their a person
effort inororder
a leader is not
to finish theperfect
in doing
the leader willhis/her
This be theisjob
story verybut
one therethe
clear is
“To always
a leader isato
educational room
toact well. for
make the improvement.
leadership. walk AOnce
His purpose roomthefora
It’s a delicate balancing act at times,
masterpiece We
is overcome, justto
is not just have
to thetopushes
impress strive
other reaching
one team
people it.and
that To
ahe be
the called
suchfrom a good
a the leader
talented notmain
reward. The best trophydirection, and hope that the result isn’t a stalemate.
is the trust of the organization that we are in.
purpose by doing this sculpture
Leader who knows how to balance is to promote a harmonious
the team will definitelycommunity
have a through
strong andleadership.
This purpose
relationship of him ismembers.
with his/her also a purpose
He is awareor a goal
of theof every school strength
capabilities, organizationand all overthe
even the
weakness the leadership
team he/shethat he is talking
is handling. about
By this is be
he can theable
onetowho will and
manage givelead
impact to the
the team
to perform and
the task that willand
smoothly lead to a better
achieve community
the goals where everybody respects diversity.
Respect individual differences. Respects everyone’s perspective.
A good leader knows how to motivate the team in the times of failure. He/she does not
point fingersIfwho
Blumberg didbut
to blame thisinstead
andsculpture, leaders and
settle everything personnel
to perform in in
better every school
the next
Lastly, a goodcan also has
leader do the
a simplestevery
way member’s
that they situation.
can. Not Ifjust
the through
one cannot do music canalone
the task also be a form would
everyone of art that
help can
andportray message
share ideas to everybody.
so that no memberThe most
be left thing just
behind. Success of like
onewhat Blumberg
is success said is the message and what it wanted to portray.
of everyone.
We must also remember that at the end of the day, our leadership skills cannot be seen only
on what we are doing or creating. It can be seen on how we perform as a leader in our field
and how we handle situations that tests our leadership.

3. Discuss Blumberg’s story about a sculptor and relate his story to educational leadership/school setting. (20
points - minimum of 300 words)
4. Compare and contrast the three leadership strategies.

Comparison of Three Leadership Strategies:


Task/Relationship Primarily task, but Relationship Relationship
may be
supplemental by
Autocratic/Democrati Autocratic Ambiguous; leader Democratic
c invites emotional
participation but may or
may not share decisions
Myers-Briggs Thinking, judging, Intuitive will be Perceiving will be
sensing will be especially important. especially useful.
especially useful
Bolman and Deal’s Primarily structural; Symbolic; human Political and
Four Frames may be resource (with focus on Symbolic
supplemented by psychological needs).
human resource
(often with
emphasis on
material needs).
View of Power Mainly coercive, Moral; leader’s authority Moral
with elements of rests on shared core
moral values with followers.
View of Teaching A technical activity, Diverse and Professional
capable of being individualized activity, activity; dynamic
standardized. but bound together by and unpredictable;
common ethos. autonomy required.
View of Change Rationally planned Aims at wholesale Continuous and
and incremental; transformation and unpredictable;
future is predictable paradigm shift; driven evolves toward
and controllable. by common vision. shared vision
through dialogue.
Advantages Technically efficient; Inspires and motivates Affirms autonomy
clear accountability; followers; provides of teachers; creates
emphasis on affirmation of core collegiality and
rational policies not values and vision for the community; sets
individual whims. future. positive tone for
school climate.
Limitations Oriented to status May require exceptional Requires
quo; emphasis on traits; difficult to sustain participants to learn
rules may reduce over time; may create new roles; unclear
leader’s flexibility; unrealistic expectations accountability; time-
fails to recognize and overreliance on consuming.
non rational leader.
behavior; may lead
to bureaucratic
Hierarchical Strategy: Hierarchy rests on logic and rationality; it assumes that
there is one best way of doing things that can be identified through careful analysis
by experts. Once the decision has been made, the organization’s job is to carry it out
as efficiently as possible, each worker doing his or her assigned part. In Weber’s
view, hierarchy develops when organizations grow large and complex. Needing
people with a variety of knowledge and skills, they divide themselves into
departments, each having a specific responsibility that allows workers to concentrate
5.on their
Explain area ofleadership
the different expertise. Example
styles and strategies.situation
Cite specificfor this and
situations strategy
examplesisforthat, the
each style
and strategy. (20 points - minimum of 300 words)
specialization in the school. Each teacher has a specialization where they are able to
perform their task and duties responsibly.

Transformational leaders practice a style of leadership that inspires positive

Can leadership
6.changes stylesthe
in both be changed? As a leader,
employees under how are and
them you going to choose your leadership
the organization strategy?
as a whole. (20
points - minimum of 300 words)
parts visionary, mentor and source of inspiration, these leaders create a culture of
innovation and positive change that leads to successful business outcomes. This
leadership strategy is a model of leadership used across the spectrum of politics,
education, styles can be
entertainment, changed
finance, to respond and
technology to anyother
new situation that may
industries. This
arise in the workplace.
transformational Changing
leadership has relies
approach a fouron
step process: First
encouraging and you detect followers
motivating the need
to change. Then
participate you prepare
in molding to adapt,future
a successful by being flexible
for an and receptive
organization. to change.
Example situationAs
thisleader, I have
kind of the responsibility
leadership to dowhen
strategy is that, or perform
you look good
at when
peopleit that
comesare togood
examples ofstrategy because Ileaders,
transformational will be the
you one
thinkwho will lead
of people thatthe team
have hadtoanachieve
specific goals that we want to. As a leader also, I should choose the best leadership
Facilitative leaders focus on building the capacity of individuals and groups to
strategy that will help us and the organization to grow. But how should a leader like
accomplish more on their own, now and in the future. Facilitative leadership is not
me do or attain this? Of course, I have to know my team members. Before anything
just about the immediate task. It is also about helping a group or team learn together
else, as a leader I should be informed and aware who are my team members. What
so they might become more productive in the future. Leadership through facilitation
they are capable of and how are they going to help me achieve the set goals. To do
provides leaders with the tools and strategies to move their management skills to the
this, I should be open in talking with them to know their backgrounds and know what
next level. Example situation for this is, a leader facilitates a workshop on how to be
they can bring to the table. By knowing them, I will be able to know also what kind of
a facilitative leader so that everybody can contribute, everybody can give their part
7.tasks I am
It is said thatgoing to give
the schools helpthem where
find and they
nurture the can perform
special the best
kind of people thatto they
needed can of
be leaders do.our
on how to enhance
educational system. Citean organization.
concrete Thesituations
examples and leader where
team to have
realizes a harmonious
this mission. (20 points
- minimum of 300 words)
one is,toI achieve
should own my leadership. I won’t be the leader for no
hand working the specific goals of the organization.
reason. I am selected because everyone believed in my abilities. I should embrace it
and be confident. Have the courage, be intelligent, be motivated, be creative and aim
for the success. As a leader, I should be firm and brave to trust myself and be smart
in making decisions. Open to everyone and hear all the suggestions that can be
helpful to achieve the goals. As a leader, if given a chance to change, this is the way
I choose my leadership strategy.
In the world of public school education everything depends on good
leadership. The unstructured process currently used for locating and selecting school
leaders, coupled with the mediocre quality of education leadership courses provided
by our colleges and universities make it clear that policymakers and educators are
under the misconception that almost anyone can be taught or trained to be an
effective school leader. We need to abandon the long held misconception that
locating a good manager to run a school is the same as finding a good leader. Not
everyone is blessed to have a good leadership skill.

Schools only realizes that it needs to nurture a special kind of people to be

leaders of our educational system when there is a need to it. When they only
observed that it is badly needed. Well in fact, it should be the practice in order to be
ready anytime that we need an exceptional leader who can manage and at the same
time lead our educational system.

Another situation is when a school is looking to grow and enable to achieve its
8. Discuss your understanding about these lines: (20 points - minimum of 300 words)
potential, it’s very important to have a strong leadership. To have this school, must
really provide “To
ways, trainings,
be a school leader seminars
is to live withthat will
ethical help every
dilemmas. Not justpotential
a few times people in the
a year, not just weekly, but every day. The dilemmas come in various
institution to be aforms.
leader. they
By announce
this, it would be like
themselves a great help
flashing neonthat everyone can be
sometimes they try to slip past disguised as mere technical problems; and
able to lead the school.they
sometimes Everyone
just lurk incan be able to
the background, contribute
throbbing to the betterment
like a toothache that of the
school and most especially everyone can quite
away. when it comes to being a leader.

Being a leader in an organization, you cannot choose what dilemmas will come to your
organization. Nobody knows what kind of ethical dilemmas will strike and test your leadership. These
dilemmas won’t give us signals that they are coming. As leader you have no control about it. You
have nothing to do but accept the challenge and do strive to solve these challenges and problems u
will be facing. All you can do is be ready and be brave enough, courageous and wise that if time will
come that problems will arise, you can be able to use your mind, use your capacity, utilize your
personnel to work hand in hand to solve the problems. I believe that there is no simple or difficult
problems as long as everybody who is around you is can be trusted and can be a big help to you as a
leader in making solutions, these people around will also be a great help to the organization you are
leading as long as you know how to handle them, take good care of them, treasure them, your life as
a leader will get easier. No matter how hard the impact of the challenges to you and to the school
organization, no matter how you painful it is to you, everything will alright because you know as a
leader that you do not stand alone. You have all the back up and the reinforcement needed in solving
different kinds of problems you will be facing.

We just have to remember that these challenges will strike with a purpose. This purpose is of
course to make the organization better and to make you as a better leader. To improve your
leadership strategy that have a strong bond between the you as their leader and to your
subordinates. The next time the problems will arise, no worries anymore because you are all trained
how to handle such kind of situation.
9. Discuss your understanding about these lines: (20 points - minimum of 300 words)

“To be an ethical school leader, then, is not a matter of following a few

simple rules. The leader’s responsibility is complex and multi-dimensional,
rooted less in technical expertise than in simple human integrity.
Leadership stretches that integrity, pitting it against a host of pressures and
demands that threaten to deflect us from our purpose. Negotiating
the turbulence requires a leader who thinks carefully and reflectively
yet acts decisively; who cares about others but has the courage to confront
them; who has a sense of history but also sees the world as it might be.
Most of all it requires leaders who are fully aware of their own humanity,
with all its faults and virtues.”
For me, a leader who has an ethical leadership is building a good and harmonious
relationship with his/her subordinates. By doing this the leader is also creating a good organizational
climate where leaders and personnel or teachers are enjoying doing their job without toxicity.

Leaders with ethical leadership is such an effective much appreciated by most of the
employees in an organization. I personally love the leader who value more the feelings and the
welfare of his/her employees. A leader who can understand and has a compassion to extend his/her
patience towards his subordinates. A leader who cares more on the integrity of the personnel more
than his own.

An ethical leader is much more appreciated the way he/she handles the situations or the
problems with his/her personnel. He prefers to talk privately and settle the misunderstanding than
act harshly in front of many.

An ethical leader is what we need in any kind of organization. A leader who knows how to
balance discipline and the compassion to all his members. A firm but genuinely give pieces of advice
in times of trouble to the one who needs it. That can correct the wrong doings of a teacher but at the
same time give chances of improving.

I do believe that this kind of leader is evolving. I really hope that they will dominate in any
institution to be an inspiration to others and a role model to everyone.
10. Discuss the challenges in visionary leadership. (20 points - minimum of 300 words)
An ethical leader also acknowledges his weakness. A leader who knows the boundary of
what he can and cannot do, of what he can and cannot be and find ways to improve, to grow and to
develop. This kind of leader does not brag himself as the best to everyone. But instead, he is helping
everyone to be the best version of themselves. This reflects how good and ethical leader he/she is.

A visionary leader is an icon and a genius that can lift a company from the ordinary to an
enviable height and accomplish his company’s goals beyond set targets and corporate expectations.
His leadership styles make him/her more close to his subordinates. This will be accomplished if the
visionary leader develops a good and harmonious relationship with his employees. However, he must
set the boundaries that his employees won’t take advantage of him as being too friendly. He must
Test II. the
clear Direction: Create
distinction ofahim
pre-recorded video presentation
being a friend and a leader.about your learning from Chapters 1 to 4. (maximum of
five minutes only.)
There are several challenges of visionary leadership style. Visionary leaders face the heat of
The nature and commit
criteria mistakes.
will be The primary
used in scoring factor which affects them is their single track mind i.e.
your output:
there is a probability that visionary leaders could be too concerned with the vision to pay attention
to necessary
Coherence – 20%details. They keep on focusing on the future and lags in the present taking into account
on situations
Content – 30% that require their attention in the present. Sometimes such leadership failed and does
not work
Clarity – 10% as a visionary leader becomes so attached to a vision that they could risk missing out on the
Grammar and structure
future ideas which –might
10% be unwilling to consider a change in the plan or abandoning the vision
altogether if they have of
to the real world toeducational
seek anotherleadership – 20%leaving the team and an organization behind in a
Overall Impact – 10%
lurch with unexpected outcomes.
Total: 100%
Another one is “misaligned strategy”, not having enough funding and lack of confidence.
During startups, some visionaries fall short of funding to support the execution and thus misaligned
the strategies and find themselves seemingly moving in hassle and teams experience the frustration
of a lot of activity with no results and losing the confidence in the end.

Finally, the most crucial one is lack of coordination in teams and organization. There are
instances when heads were not honest with each other which results in poor execution of projects or
hanging the plans in between.

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