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Registration Date Name Suriname Address Age Gender Race

12/7/2021 Kamarandeen Reliance 56 M EI

Zaheed Mohamed Maria's Lodge 71 M EI
Rattan Singh J/C 46 M EI
Donna De Young Capoey 50 F AI
Alvin Livan Anna Regina 24 M AF
Shameeza Joseph Supernaam 33 F AF
Marihana Cameron Airy Hall 15 F AF
Cassie Walcott Land of plenty 22 F AF
Lerry Milo Devonshire Castle 32 M AF
Emmanuel Douglas Abrams Zuil 3M AF
Prasuti Kalica Anna Regina 57 F EI
Nalini Dhanraj Hampton Court 56 F EI
Atika De Young Capoey 25 F MIXED
Samantha Wilson Akiwini 35 F AI
Lorleen Boston Charity 34 F AI
Baidwattie Deotadeen Golden Fleece 55 F AI
Ramdai Nauth Capoey 42 F EI
Chatralall Taymouth Manor 47 M EI
Shivamber Lavishwar Reliance 27 M EI
Gavin Mangroo Pomeroon 52 M AI
Sumita Persaud Perseverance 28 F EI
Deokie Harrycharan Huist Dieren 48 F EI
Stacy Rodrigues Abrams Creek 26 F AI
Clement Tappin Wakenaam 80 M AF
Carlos Douglas Charity 35 M MIXED
Chester Winston Queenstown 45 M MIXED
Valarie Sewcharran Adventure 25 F EI

19/7/21 Vishua Das Onderneeming 47 M EI

Parsuti Kalica Anna Regina 57 F EI
Kumesh Persaud Lima Sands 25 M EI
Kurt Walcott Queenstown 29 M AF
Tracy Deveiller Bush Lot 32 F AF
John Wong Middle Sex 67 M AI
Kamla Soaker Zorg 49 F EI
Juilet Lindore Pomeroon 46 F AI
Devanie Persaud Golden Fleece 18 F EI
Annette Chattergoon Devonshire Castle 38 F EI
Bomesh Narayan Bush Lot 29 M EI
Tarifa Walcott Queenstown 23 F AF
Laveshwar Shivambar Reliance 29 M EI
Wong Fredrick Suddie 65 M AI
Amanda Gouaveia Onderneeming 39 F EI
Jumain Lindore La Belle Alliance 18mths M AF
Stacy Rodgriues Abrams Creek 26 F AI

16/8/21 Bibi Zaine Alli Aurora 55 F EI

Jousta La Cruz Charity 46 F EI
Prasuti Kalica Anna Regina 58 F EI
Kumesh Persaud Lima Sands 25 M EI
Haimwattie Gonsalves La Union 49 F EI
Diana Lawton Cotton Field 23 F AF
Joy Redin Aurora 63 F AF
Khemraj Budnarine West Berry 36 M EI
Akbar Ally Colombia 55 M EI
Laveshwar Shivamber Reliance 27 M EI
Cecil Glasgow La Belle Affiance 80 F AI
Ivan Smith Pomeroon 57 M AI
Aladwin Dyal Chariy M MIXED
Freelay Williams Supenaam 39 M MIXED
Treshan Paul Queenstown 19 F AF
Lorleen Boston 35 F AI
Audley James Moruca 51 M AI
Kamlawattie Ranesh Anna Regina 51 F EI
Bomesh Narayan Bush Lot 30 M EI

23/8/21 Kemraj Charity 75 M EI

Kevin James Lima Sand 11 M AI
Annnete Gangroo Anna Regina 59 F
Jashoda Persaud Affiance 67 F EI
Fred Williams Supenaam 41 M MIXED
Layton Pearson Mainstay 75 M MIXED
Shivon Edmonds Onderneeming 19 F MIXED
Baidwattie Deotadeen Golden Fleece 53 F EI
Romona Motielall 47 F EI
Treshan Paul Queenstown 19 F AF
Paul Courtman ST Monica 59 M AI
Ramsahoy Cottonfields 80 M EI
Sedish Joseph Cottonfields 43 M EI
Puran Sugrim Bountyhall 51 M EI
Juilet Lindore Pomeroon 47 F MIXED
Nazeer Khan Heneritta 65 M EI
Denise Gamell JC 55 F MIXED
30/8/21 Rickford Jeffery Bethany 76 M AI
Clement F Tappin Wakennam 80 M AF
Desiree Edwards Maria's Lodge 51 F AI
Kevin James Lima sands 11 M AI
Shazam Jaitron Onderneeming 12 M MIXED
Aleme Edwards Capoey lake 40 M MIXED
Ramesh Beharry H. Court 29 M EI
Gladwin Dyal Charity 8M MIXED
Lovern Blair Anna Regina 40 F MIXED
Norma Roberts Anna Regina 81 F
Nickell Alphonso Jack Low 12 M MIXED
Elase Persaud Heneritta 63 F MIXED
Shivon Edmonds Sand Pit Road 19 F MIXED
Offam Spellen Cotton Fields 26 F MIXED
Xavier Comacho Queenstown 8M MIXED
Nalini Dhanraj H. Court 86 F EI
Lalita Singh D. Castle 33 F EI
Pooran Bisnauth Anna Regina 28 M EI
Laveshwar Shivambar Reliance 27 M EI
Parsuti Kalica Anna Regina 58 F EI

27/9/21 Martine Mohamed Heneritta 62 F

Nickell Alphonso Jack low 12 M
Norma James 56 F
Kumesh Persaud Lima sands 26 M
Janet Blake Paradise 58 F
Gevanie Greene 24 F
Haimattie Airy hall 53 F
Romona Matilall Affiance 47 F
Carol Baird Jack low 61 F
Ramesh Beharry Richmond 29 M
Kimberly Norton Onderneeming 12 F
Deokie Harrychan Huist dieren 43 F

4/10/2021 Martine Mohamed Heneritta 62 F

Bhamane Reliance 57 M
Koonj Beharry Rupnarian Spring Garden 55 M
Juilet Lindore LPR 47 F
Anoopkumar Ramkumar W/ Castle 50 M
Atika De Young Mainstay 25 F
Chatish Singh Onderneeming 30 M
Ramesh Beharry Richmond 28 M
Harold Fredricks 69 M
Tracy Stanely LPR 34 F
Ronel Stanely LPR 45 M
Moneron Bodhram 33 M

11/10/2021 Kumesh Persaud Lima sand 26 M EI

Dinna De Young Capoey 50 F AI
Jaleil Win Suddie 30 M MIXED
Mohandie Lall Heneritta 65 F EI
John Wong Huist Dieren 68 M AI
Deonarine Tacordeen Queenstown 85 M EI
Mahindra Ram T/Manor 32 M EI
Sumintra Persaud Perservance 28 F EI
Alice Cummings Darthmouth 18 F AF
Danish Persaud Hibernia 51 M EI
Nalini Dhanraj H/ Court 56 F EI
Cornelius Jacob Sand Pit 14 M MIXED
Phone number Diagnosis Remarks

6659257 LT Hydrocele Requested time in 3mths

6951844 CA of prostate Routine checkup RTC 3mths
6924095 RT Inguinal Hernia postoperatory check up (10/6/21) RTC 1wk
6835834 Megacolon -colostomy Routine checkup RTC 3mths
6690219 Phimosis Circuncision on 15/7/21
6980994 Epigastric hernia hernography on 15/7/21
6969837 RT Breast Fibroadenoma RTC 19/7/21
6898866 Queloide to RT ear Acete trans 1 dose x 3mths
6833479/6789705 Indicated Abd USG + antibiotictherapy
6882340 Haematoma to RT forehead RTC IN 1wk
6632644 Choleclithiasis RTC 19/7/21 for admission
6683468 Choleclithiasis RTC in 3mths with labs
69117537 Choleclithiasis RTC in 3mths with labs
6986557 Choleclithiasis Cholecystectomy on 20/7/21
6908923 Choleclithiasis RTC in 2mths
6969836 Choleclithiasis RTC in 2wk
6554579 Haematoma to forehead 2 trauma RTC in 1mth
6464283 Choleclithiasis RTC 3mth
6126806 Umbilical Hernia RTC 19/7/21
6128421 LT Hydrocele RTC 3wks
6801542 Choleclithiasis RTC 2 wks
6891801 Ext Hemorroides Same Rx +_ RTC in 1mth
6302494 RT Breast Fibroadenoma RTC 19/7/21
6598499 RT Inguinal Hernia RTC IN 1wk
6011339 Anal Fissure CONT Rx RTC 2wk
6875169 RT Inguina; RTC in 2wks
6674499 Anal Fissure RTC in 2wks

6542652 Infected haematoma Rt Foot RTC 3mths

6632644 Choleclithiasis 21/7/21 Admission
6222555 Infected Anal Fissue RTC 2wk + Antibiotictherapry 1wk
6360929 Sutured Stab Wounds RTC 1wk
6583777 Incisional Hernia to Lt abdomin RTC 3mths
6647144 RT Inguinal Hernia RTC 2wks
6102596 Mass to Lt Breast Discharged from clinic
6112172 Choleclithiasis RTC 1mth
6720292 RT Frontal Osteoma Referred to Neurosurgery clinic GPHC
6393854 Epidurmal cyst to anterior chest 20/7/21 admission
Amputation of diabetic foot above knee Rtc 3wks
Queloide to RT ear RTC 3mths
6128506 Umbicial Hernia 21/7/21 admission
6676201 Operated hernia Discharged from clinic
6867612 RT Breast Fibroadenoma 21/7/21
6793246 Lipoma frontal region of head Referred to Neurosurgery clinic GPHC + xray
6302494 Multiple Fibroadenomas in Rt Breast RTC 2wks

6979027 Cholelithisis RTC 1mthn

6983474 Cholelithisis RTC 1mthn
6632644 Cholelithisis postop RTC 1wk
6222555 Infected preanal fissure RTC 1mthn
6634481 Fibroma to ant chest Labs RTC 1wk
NR Infected Keloid Antibiotictherapy RTC 1wk
6782440 cellulitis lt foot
6124523 Hemipelvic abcess RTC 1mthn
6105132 Warts to rt glutus Labs + RTC 2wk
6128506 Umbicial hernia postop Antibiotictherapy RTC 1wk
6828828 Cholelithiasis RTC 2mthns
6920914 Phimosis Labs
6645394 Stab wounds postop Antibiotic + RTC 1wk
6682350 Fibroadenoma rt breast Labs + RTC 1wk
6908923 Cholelithiasis RTC 1mthn
6686381 BPH Referred to Urology
6418166 Hemorrids RTC 2mthns
6702543 Postop

Renal colic
6855958 RT Ingunial hernia Abd USG + RTC 1wk
6393854 Umbicial hernia RTC 1mth
6188486 Cholelithiasis RTC 1mtn + referred to Speacial clinic
6645394 Stab wounds postop Sutured removed
6273348 BPH Referred to Urology
6848700 LT breast Fibroadenoma Lads + RTC 1wk
6969836 Renal calculi Discharged
6955079 Cholelithiasis RTC 1mthn + referred to obgyn clinic
6682350 Rt breast Fibroadenoma RTC 1wk
6831832 Rt Inguinal hernia RTC 1mth
6180650 Cholelithiasis RTC 1mth
6639367 Renal calculi + hydronephrosis Referred to Urology
6288377 Cyst to temporal aspect of head RTC 2wks
6112172 Cholelithiasis RTC 1mthn + referred to HTN clinic
6855760 Rt Inguinal hernia RTC 1mth
Abdominal hernia RTC 1mth + Referred to HTN clinic
6335162 BPH + Cholelithiasis RTC 1mth
6598499 RT Inguinal hernia RTC 1mth
6759717 Cholelitiasis RTC 2mth
6855958 RT Inguinal hernia Admission 3/9/21
6013176 Circumision RTC 1wk + labs
6305054 Cholelitiasis RTC 2mth
6136264 Hydrocele RTC 2wks + labs + abd usg
6910656 Phimosis RTC 2 wks
6993855 Cholelitiasis RTC 1mth
6019761 Abd hernia RTC 3wks + preop evaluation
6529305 Inguinal hernia RTC 2wks
6852543 Cholelitiasis RTC 2mth
6848700 Fibroadenoma LT Breast Admission 1/9/21
6076917 Cholelitiasis RTC 2mths
6786847 Trauma to face discharged
6683468 Cholelitiasis RTC 1mth
6577156 Anal fissure RTC 2wks
6575076 3 Degree burns to feet dressing
6128506 Postop umbicial hernia RTC 1wk
6632644 Postop cholecytectomy RTC 1wk

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