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June 17,2015

Ralph J Lucas, Michelle A Lucas


Important update(s) about your loanl application

Enclosed you will find new information re ated to your loan application due to a change in your application or new information
we identified about the property. Change like these require that we send new disclosures, so we have listed the item(s) you
may be receiving along with a brief expl nation.

Good Faith Estimate

You may be receiving an updated Good aith Estimate for one of these reasons:
• Because closing costs have increase since we last disclosed (provided Good Faith Estimate)
• Because the loan has gone from a £10 ting rate to a locked rate
• Because an additional borrower has been added to the application

There are other reasons you may have received a revised Good Faith Estimate. If you would like more details, you can call
Mario Laza at (714)921-6682.

If you are receiving this document,: It's because:

Truth-in-Lending Disclosure The estimated APR increased by more than 118percent.
Notice of Special Flood Hazards and Availability of Federal The property is located in a special flood hazard area.
Disaster Relief Assistance (or Special /Flood Notice)
Notice Concerning Extensions of Credit Defmed by Section An additional borrower or title holder has been identified
50(a)(6), Article XVI, Texas Constitution for the transaction.
Nonprime Home Loan Counseling Notice (Connecticut) The transaction has been identified as a Higher Price Loan.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage disclosures The loan type has changed from a fixed to adjustable rate
or a different ARM program has been selected.

If you have any questions, please call Mario Laza at (714)921-6682. Thank you for choosing Chase.

Re-disclosure Cover
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IIII ~ 11111111 1111 lHurlllrm'llllllllll 11111 1111

OMS Approval No. 2502-0265

Borrower Ralph J Lucas, Michelle A Lucas

Name of Originator JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.

Originator 9245 Wilshire Boulevard, Floor 2, Beverly Property 3265 CACTUS SPRINGS DR, LAUGHLIN, NV 89029
Address Hills, CA 90210 Address
Originator Phone Number (714)921-6682
Originator Email mario.laza@chase.com Date ofGFE June 17, 2015

Purpose This GFE gives you an estimate of your settlement charges and loan terms if you are approved for this loan. For more
information. see RUD's Special Information Booklet on settlement charges, your Truth-in-Lending Disclosures.
and other consumer information at www.hud.gov/respa. lfyou decide you would like to proceed with this loan. contact us.

Shopping for Only you can shop for the best loan for you. Compare this GFE with other loan offers, so you can find tile best loan.
your loan Use tile shopping chart 011page 3 to compare all tile offers you receive.

Important 1. The interest rate for this GFE is available through 106/30/2015 I. After this time, tile interest rate.
dates some of your loan Origination Charges. and the monthly payment shown below can change until you lock your
interest rate.
2. This estimate for all other settlement charges is available through I 07/07/2015 I.
3. After you lock your interest rate. you must go to settlement within [1iJ
days (your rate lock period) to receive the
locked interest rate.
4. You must lock the interest rate at least IN/A I days before settlement.

Summary of
Your initial loan amount is $ 139,500.00
your loan
Your loan term is 30 years o months
Your initial interest rate is 4.375 %
Your initial monthly amount owed for principal,
interest, and any mortgage insurance is $ 786.02 per month
Can your interest rate rise? !XlNo 0 Yes, it can rise to a maximum of
N/A %. The first change will be in
Even if you make payments on time, can your loan balance !Xl No 0 Yes, it can rise to a maximum of
rise? $ N/A
Even if you make payments on time, can your monthly !Xl No 0 Yes, the first increase can be in
amount owed for principal, interest, and any mortgage N/A and the monthly
insurance rise? amount owed can rise to
$ N/A . The maximum it can
ever rise to is $ N/A
Does your loan have a prepayment penalty? !Xl No D Yes, your maximum prepayment
penalty is $ N/A
Does your loan have a balloon payment? !Xl No 0 Yes, you have a balloon payment of
$ N/A due in years.

Escrow Some lenders require an escrow account to hold funds for paying property taxes or oilier property-related charges in
account addition to your monthly amount owed of $ I 786 .02 I.
information Do we require you to have an escrow account for your loan?
o No, you do not have an escrow account. You must pay these charges directly when due.
[i] Yes, ou have an escrow account. It ma or 111a not cover all of these char es. Ask us.

of your
m Your Adjusted Origination Charges (See page 2.) 578.87

settlement ~ Your Charges for All Other Settlement Services (See page 2.) 5,799.35
m+[!] Total Estimated Settlement Charges 6,378.22

Good Faith Estimate (HUD-GFEI 11/17/08
Wolters Kluwer Financial Services 20150617·J 20140828 Y Page 1 of 3 VMPl16N 109081.01

111111 111111111 TlTif82581f"'ll"fi 111111111111

Understanding Your Adjusted Origination Charges
your estimated 1. Our origination charge
settlement This charge is for zertina this loan for you. 1,102.00
charges 2. Your credit or charge (points) for the specific interest rate chosen
D The credit or charge for the interest rate of 1 N/AI % is included in "Our
origination charge." (See item 1 above.)
[!] Y Oll receive a credit of $1523 .13 1 for this interest rate of 1 4.3751 %.
This credit reduces your settlement charges.
0 You pay a charge of$IN/A 1 for this interest rate of 1 N/AI%·
This charge (points) increases your total settlement charges.
The tradeoff table on page 3 shows that you can change your total settlement charges by
choosing a different interest rate for this loan. (523.13)

II 1 Your Adjusted Origination Charges 578.871

Your Charges for All Other Settlement Services

Some of these
3. Required services hat we select
charges can These charges are pr services we require to complete your settlement.
change at We will choose the providers of these services.
settlement. See
Service Charge Service Charge
the top of page 3 ~aisal Fee 420.00 Credit Report Fee 10.00
for more Floo<!Sertifica ion 11. 00
441. 00
4. Title services and lender's title insurance
This charge includes the services of a title or settlement agent, for example. and title
insurance to protect the lender. if required. 2,100.00
5. Owner's title insurance
You may purchase an owner's title insurance nolicv to protect vour interest in the nronertv. 906.15
6. Required services that you can shop for
These charges are for other services that are required to complete your settlement. We can
identify providers of these services or you can shop for them yourself. Our estimates for
providing these services are below.
Service Charge Service Charae

7. Government recording charges
These charges are for state and local fees to record vour loan and title documents. 62.00
8. Transfer taxes
These charges are for state and local fees on mortgages and home sales. 790.50
9. Initial deposit for your escrow account
Tins charge is held in an escrow account to pay future recurring charges on your property
and includes [!] all property taxes, [!] all insurance, and 0 other N/A

10. Daily interest charges

This charge is for the daily interest on your loan from the day of your settlement until the
first day of the next month or tile first day of your normal mortgage payment cycle. This
amount is $116.72 1 per day for EJ
days (if your settlement is] 06/24/2015 j). 117.04

11. Homeowner's insurance

This charge is for the insurance you must buy for the property to protect from a loss, such
as fire.
Policv Charae Policv Charue
Hazard Insurance Premium 884.00 I

~ I Your Charges for All Other Settlement Services II $ 5,799.351

Total Estimated Settlement Charges 6,378.221

Good Faith Estimate ~HUD·GFE) 11/17/08
Wolters Kluwer Financial Services 20150617·J 20140828 Y Page 2 of 3 VMP116N 10908).01
Instructions This GFE estimates your settlement charges. At your settlement, you will receive a HUD-I, a form that lists your actual costs.
Compare the charges on the H UD-I with the charges on this GFE. Charges can change if you select your own provider and do not use
the companies we identify. (See below for details.)

Understanding These charges The total of these charges These charges

cannot increase can increase up to 10% can change
which charges at settlement: at settlement: at settlement:
can change at
settlement Our origination charge Required services that we select Required services that you can shop for
(if you do not use companies we
Your credit or charge (points) for the Title services and lender's title
specific interest rate chosen (after you insurance a( we select them or you
lock in your interest rate) use companies we identify) Title services and lender's title
insurance (i( YOIl do not use
• Your adjusted origination charges (after Owner's title insurance (if you use
companies we identify)
you lock in your interest rate) companies we identify)
• Owner's title insurance (if you do not
• Transfer taxes Required services that you can shop
use companies we identify}
for (if you use companies 111e
identiM • Initial deposit for your escrow account
Government recording charges Daily interest charges
• Homeowner's insurance

Using the In this GFE, we offered yo 1 this loan with a particular interest rate and estimated settlement charges. However
tradeoff table • If you want to choose this same loan with lower settlement charges, then you will have a higher interest rate.
• If you want to choose th s same loan with a lower interest rate, then you will have higher settlement charges.
If you would like to choose an available option, you must ask llS for a new GFE.
Loan originators have the lion 10 complete this table. Please ask/or additional information if the lable is not completed.

The same loan with The same loan with a

The loan in this GFE lower settlement charges lower interest rate

Your initial loan amount $ 139,500.00 $ $

Your initial interest rate I 4.375% % %
Your initial monthly amount
owed $ 786.02 $ $
Change in the monthly No change You will pay $ You will pay $
amount owed from this GFE more ever month less ever month
Change in the amount you will pay No change Your settlement charges Your settlement charges
at settlement with this interest rate will be reduced by will increase by

$ $
How much your total estimated
settlement char es will be $ 6,378.22 $ $
1 For an adjuslable role loan, the comparisons above are for the initial interest rate before adjustments ore made.

Using the Use this chart to compare GFEs from different loan originators. Fill in the information by using a different column for each GFE you
shopping chart receive. By comparing loan offers, you can shop for the best loan.
This loan Loan 2 Loan 3 Loan 4

Loan originator name

Initial loan amount $

Loan term years

Initial interest rate %

Initial monthl amount owed $
Rate lock eriod
Can interest rate rise?
Can loan balance rise?

Bll • t?
Total Estimated Settlement
Charges $6,378.22
If your loan is Some lenders may sell your loan after settlement. Any fees lenders receive in the future cannot change the loan you receive or the
sold in the future charges you paid at settlement.

Good Faith Estimate IHUD-GFEI 11/17/08
Wolters Kluwer Financial Services 20150617 20140828 Y Page 3 of 3 VMPl16N 109081.01

/I1/ /I "' ,,/I, ,,/I Tl Ti'Hif'fll"fi ,,1/, '" /I " " "'

The Good Faith Estimate is a requirement of the Federal Government. It gives you an estimate of settlement
charges and loan terms. We are providing you this additional document to explain which of your settlement
charges are being paid by Chase. The table below starts with the charges shown on the Good Faith Estimate
(GFE) and shows you an estimate of the cash you will need for settlement (closing) charges.

Total of Boxes 1-8 on pg 2 of GFE + $ 4,878.52

Total of Boxes 9-11 on pg 2 of GFE + $ 1,499.70

Iot~harges $ 6,378.22

LESS charges paid by Chase $ 421. 45

LESS charges paid by Seller $ 4,926.12

LESS charges paid at application $ 420.00

LESS other credits $ 0.00

LESS closinq cost rebate $ 430.00

.Estimated cash V_ouwill need for Settlement Charges $ 180.65


Your monthly payment covers principal and interest due and also other items such as taxes and insurance.
The table below shows the detail of your estimated monthly mortgage payment.

Principal & Interest* $ 696.51

Second Payment $ 0.00

Hazard Insurance $ 73.67

Property Taxes $ 161. 50

Mortgage Insurance $ 89.51

Homeowner Association Dues $ 0.00

Flood Insurance $ 0.00

Other $ 0.00

~stimated Total Monthl~ Pav_ment $ 1,021.19

*If you applied for a loan with Initial Interest Only payments, the amount shown is an Interest Only payment.
Additional Info Explaining Aspects of GFE
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111111111111111ilfHn11Hr11i fillllllllllllill
Settlement Services Providers List
Originator Borrower Date
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Ralph Lucas 3/31/2015

Loan Number

Property Address

Blocks 4,5 and 6 on page 2 of the Good Faifh Estimate (GFE) you received from Chase identifies certain required settlement services
that you can shop for. Below is a list ofprojders who may offer those services. Not all of the providers listed below may actually
apply to services you may need. You can cnoose a provider from the list below, or you can shop for another provider.

NOTE: Chase does not recommend or er dorse any listed service provider. Chase is not responsible for the quality or timely
performance of any of the services that n ay be provided by any listed provider. Neither Chase nor any listed provider has
given or received anything of value with espect to inclusion on the list.

Settlement Service Provider Name Provider Phone or Website

Title Services Title Source 1-888-848-5355

Standard Home Inspection HomeServiceNet 877-300-3560

Standard Home Inspection HouseMaster 800-526-3939

Standard Home Inspection Environmental Solutions Association 570-326-6157

Termite/Pest Inspection HouseMaster 800-526-3939

Termite/Pest Inspection Environmental Solutions Association 570-326-6157

Termite/Pest Inspection Terminix 800-837-6464

Survey/Plat/Improvement Certification Alpine Land Surveyors 775-771-1491

Survey/Plat/Improvement Certification Tri Core Surveying 7028701627

Survey/Plat/Improvement Certification Residential Land Services 405-378-5838

Geotechnical Engineering Services Cardinal Resources 412-374-0989

1 1
Natural Hazard Disclosure Buyers Protection Group 800-372-1212

1 2

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