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Abra High School


Bangued, Abra

Quarter 1 –Week 4:
Evidences of Evolution and Evolutionary Relationships of
Learning Competency and Code:

• Explain evidences of evolution (e.g. fossil record, biogeography, DNA/ protein

sequences, homology and embryology (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIc-
g-12); and
• Infer evolutionary relationships among organisms using the evidences of
evolution (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIc-g-13)

Grade Level : 12

Subject: General Biology 2

Name of Learner: _________________________________

Date of Delivery: _________________________________

Date of Retrieval: _________________________________

Subject Teacher: MARICAR R. SUSON

Teacher III

Checked and Validated:

SHS Coordinator

Lesson Evidences of Evolution
Specific Objectives

At the end of the worksheet, you should be able to:

• describe the evidences to support evolution and

• explain some modern evidences of evolution


1. List down 5 evidences of evolution and a brief description of each. 3 points each
2. Fossils & Evidence for Evolution:

Discussion and Presentation


❖ The Evidence for Evolution Anatomy and embryology that Darwin thought of is telling that
evolution, as "descent with modification," is a process in which species change and give
rise to new species over many generations. He proposed that the evolutionary history
of life forms a branching tree with many levels, in which all species can be traced back
to an ancient common ancestor.
❖ Homologous features - If two or more species share a unique physical feature, such
as a complex bone structure or a body plan, they may all have inherited this feature
from a common ancestor. Physical features shared due to evolutionary history (a
common ancestor) are said to be homologous. Here are some examples of
homologous features or structures: forelimbs of a dog, bird, lizard, and whale, which
are structurally the same, but functionally different. The presence of homologous
structures is a strong indicator that the organisms evolved from common ancestors.
This type of evolution is called divergent evolution.
- Divergent evolution is the splitting of an ancestral population into
two or more sub-populations that are geographically isolated from
one another.
❖ Analogous features - To make things a little more interesting and complicated, not all
physical features that look alike are marks of common ancestry. Instead, some physical
similarities are analogous: they evolved independently in different organisms because
the organisms lived in similar environments or experienced similar selective pressures.
This process is called convergent evolution. (To converge means to come together,
like two lines meeting at a point.) In convergent evolution, analogous structures of
unrelated organisms from different ancestors develop similar function such as butterfly
wings and bird wings.
- Convergent evolution is an increase in similarities among species
derived from different ancestors as a result of similar adaptation to
similar environment.
❖ Determining relationships from similar features- In general, biologists don't draw
conclusions about how species are related on the basis of any single feature they think
is homologous. Instead, they study a large collection of features (often, both physical
features and DNA sequences) and draw conclusions about relatedness based on
these features as a group. We will explore this idea further when we examine
phylogenetic trees.
❖ Molecular Biology - Like structural homologies, similarities between biological
molecules can reflect shared evolutionary ancestry. At the most basic level, all living
organisms share:
❖ The same genetic material (DNA)
❖ The same, or highly similar, genetic codes
❖ The same basic process of gene expression (transcription and translation)
❖ The same molecular building blocks, such as amino acids
❖ Biogeography - The geographic distribution of organisms on Earth follows patterns
that are best explained by evolution, in combination with the movement of tectonic
plates over geological time.
❖ Fossil record - Fossils are the preserved remains of previously living organisms or
their traces, dating from the distant past. The fossil record is not, alas, complete or
unbroken: most organisms never fossilize, and even the organisms that do fossilize
are rarely found by humans.



Identify the evidence shown by the picture and explain how it supports evolution. (5pts each)

Human Horse Cat Bat Bird Whale

Activity 2. Identify the pictures below and tell whether they are Convergent evolution or Divergent
Evolution then give a brief description about it. (5pts each)


ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITY: Directions: Write in the space provided H if the structures below are
homologous and A if they are analogous

1. Can you say that human, whale, and bat might belong to a common ancestral group? Explain
2. Give three more examples of homologous structures.

Lesson Evolutionary Relationships of
8 Organisms
Specific Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
• recognize how comparisons of similarities and differences can suggest evolutionary
• explain the significance of using multiple lines of evidence to identify evolutionary relationships;
• infer the degree of relationships among organisms based on the amino acid sequence in
the cytochrome c molecule;
• compare four species of horses by measuring structures in their hind legs; and
• differentiate various hominids by describing their physical features.

Discussion and Presentation



Living things share some biomolecules which may be used to prove relationships. These
chemicals include DNA and proteins. The building blocks of these chemicals may be analyzed to show
similarities and differences among organisms. The more similarities, the closer the relationships.

One of these is the protein cytochrome-c, an important enzyme found in virtually all organisms. It
is a highly conserved protein which functions in the electron transport chain system of the mit ochondria
which is needed for the release of energy from food. It also performs a role in apoptosis (programmed cell
death) by being released into the cytosol activating the events of cell death.

There are 104 amino acids in the human cytochrome c, 37 of which have been found at the same
position in every cytochrome c that has been sequenced. The molecules are assumed to have
descended from a primitive microbial cytochrome that existed over two billion years ago.

A cladogram is a diagram used to represent a hypothetical relationship between groups of

animals, called a phylogeny. A cladogram is used by a scientist studying phylogenetic systematics to
visualize the groups of organisms being compared, how they are related, and their most common

A phylogeny is a hypothetical relationship between groups of organisms being compared. A

phylogeny is often depicted using a phylogenetic tree.

A phylogenetic tree is a diagram used to reflect evolutionary relationships among organisms or

groups of organisms. Scientists consider phylogenetic trees to be a hypothesis of the evolutionary past
since one cannot go back to confirm the proposed relationships. In other words, a “tree of life” can be
constructed to illustrate when different organisms evolved and to show the relationships among different
organisms a phylogenetic tree can be read like a map of evolutionary history. Many phylogenetic trees
have a single lineage at the base representing a common ancestor.

Species - This taxon is below the genus and the lowest taxon in Linnaeus’ system. Species in
the Pan genus include Pan troglodytes(common chimpanzees) and Pan paniscus (pygmy

Scientists call such trees rooted, which means there is a single ancestral lineage (typically drawn
from the bottom or left) to which all organisms represented in the diagram relate. Notice in the rooted
phylogenetic tree that the three domains— Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya—diverge from a single point
and branch off. The small branch that plants and animals (including humans) occupy in this diagram
shows how recent and miniscule these groups are compared with other organisms. Unrooted trees don’t
show a common ancestor but do show relationships among species.

In a rooted tree, the branching indicates evolutionary relationships (Figure 3). The point where a
split occurs, called a branch point, represents where a single lineage evolved into a distinct new one. A
lineage that evolved early from the root and remains unbranched is called basal taxon. When two
lineages stem from the same branch point, they are called sister taxa. A branch with more than two
lineages is called a polytomy and serves to illustrate where scientists have not definitively determined all
of the relationships. It is important to note that although sister taxa and polytomy do share an ancestor,
it does not mean that the groups of organisms split or evolved from each other. Organisms in two taxa
may have split apart at a specific branch point, but neither taxa gave rise to the other. of-


ACTIVITY: Phylogenetic Tree

1. Illustrate the Phylogenic Tree of Human Ancestors.

ENHANCEMENT: Amino Acid Sequences of in Cytochrome-c

Animals Amino acid Sequence





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