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Real Life Case Write - up Number 1 Chapter 5 Page 151

Real Life Case Write Up # 1

Chapter 5 Page 151

Listening to your staff can reduce their stress.

Real Life Case Write Up # 1Chapter 5 Page 1512

The real life case in this chapter regarding the significant cause of absence is very fascinating

and triggered my curiosity to explore into the detail of it. Here we learn about the findings of a

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD 2016) Absence Management

surveyover 1,000 HR professionals, conducted in partnership with Simplyhealth. The survey

provides useful benchmarking data as well as highlights the key absence management trends that

UK employers need to be taking action on. The findings show that stress is now the most

common cause of long - term absence and the second most common cause of short - term

absence, after minor illness.

The case write - up notes as well that CIPD 2016 has seen a notable reduction in the range of

approaches organizations are using to manage absence. It notices that,nearly half of respondents,

report their organization’s focus on well – being has increased. Moreover, compared with last

year a higher proportion report that over the last 12 months they have improved communication

to staff about the well – being on offer. But despite the increased focus on well - being,more

organizations report long working hours are the norm, a concerning trend as workload is

reportedly the most common cause of stress - related absence and long working hours is also

associated with increase in reported mental health issues.

To combat these causes of absence, the organizations need to follow a more strategic, integrated

and coordinating approach to attendance and well – being. ( Miller. J., CIPD 2016).

Furthermore, employers with a long hours’ culture need to be taking action to address it, starting

with senior leaders and line managers.

Real Life Case Write Up # 1Chapter 5 Page 1513

Dr. Jill Miller, Research Advisor at the CIPD, comments: “Line managers have an essential role

in organizations, acting as a link between the senior team and the wider workplace issues. Their

role can cover a vast range of areas, from identifying and resolving workplace issues, to keeping

employees engaged and supported. It therefore makes perfect sense that employers increasingly

want them to be involved in managing absence levels, but unfortunately this survey shows that

the training and support for them to do this just isn’t there”.(Line Managers Under Prepared By

Employers to Manage Absence, Para.3).

Jill Miller in the foreword to the survey report argues that ongoing support for line managers is

essential as a way of seeking to combat this stress. In addition to this, using emotional

intelligence is seen as a way of teaching employees to manage stress resulting in happier


Comparing my-self when I was working as an administration staff at ERL Consultancy, stepping

into the world of organizations to start my career, I recall, that I was suffering through a lot of

stress and started to be absent from my workplace more frequent than normal due to some

family issues. One day at my workplace I was finding myself isolated sitting on my desk with a

slag on my face with a heavy workload. While entering into her office, my manager,Ms. Linda,

noticed me and returned to my table asking me if, something was troubling me as I was being

absent more often.I apologized and shared my concerns with her considering myself grateful to
Real Life Case Write Up # 1Chapter 5 Page 1514

her, that she listened to me patiently and with a cool mind, I was able to achieve and accomplish

all my tasks with full determination and peaceful environment due to her support and

motivation.Learning from her emotional intelligence taught me to be a communicative leader of

my team.


1. Absence Management (CIPD 2016) retrieved on September 24, 2020, from:

2. Line Managers Under Prepared By Employers to Manage Absence, Para. 3, retrieved

on September 24, 2020 from:


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