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Putting it Together

Form words with the following meanings:

_________________________ 1. A disease (inflammation) of the joints

_________________________ 2. An organism that makes its own food

_________________________ 3. A hazard to living things

_________________________ 4. The study of cells

_________________________ 5. An organism composed of only one cell

_________________________ 6. A science discipline that integrates

physics and its application to living
_________________________ 7. Name for a seed plant

_________________________ 8. Study of plants

_________________________ 9. Inflammation of the tonsils

_________________________ 10. One color only

_________________________ 11. Term for a substance that loves H20

_________________________ 12. ‘Stomach-footed’ mollusks

_________________________ 13. A cell that engulfs or eats other cells

_________________________ 14. Composed of many sugar molecules

_________________________ 15. A plant that lives on decaying matter

_________________________ 16. The removal of waste products by the

_________________________ 17. The study of small forms of life
_________________________ 18.The study of animals

_________________________ 19. A plant that grows in water

_________________________ 20. Inside the cell

_________________________ 21. Green leaf

_________________________ 22. Outside of the cell

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