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TEACHER: Vanessa Plascencia


● Review “I want a ___” and “x wants a __” with the Do 4 questions using the
September throwing ball activity. Write 5 sentences in their notebook. verb want and different
27 ● Learn to ask “What do you/they want?” and “What does pronouns and write their
he/she want?” answers. Bring a
magazine or newspaper.

September ● We will learn o ask “Does she/he want a …?” Write 1 thing you want
28 ● Learn to answer in positive and negative. and 1 thing you do not
want for Christmas. Ask
your mom and write 1
thing she wants and 1
thing she doesn’t want
for Christmas.
September Workbook page 7
29 ● Workbook page 5
● Introduce new words with flashcards. Make the drawings
and write their names in their notebook
● Students Book page 14
September  Review flashcards Write 5 sentences using
30  Workbook page 6 want and the new words.

October 1 ● Caligrafía, the students will use the caligrafìa book to No homework
practice writing
● Students book page 19
● Small test
October 4 Draw 2 monsters and
● Learn “I have” and “he/she has” with the bag activity. describe them.
● Flashcards with games Bring a white sheet of
● I have paper.

October 5 ● They will learn the negative does not and do not. Describe their masks in
● They will make a mask and describe themselves, later they at least 3 sentences.
will describe someone else. Write 3 sentences of their
● “Who has..?” favorite mask
● Students Book page 23 Ask them to bring their
masks next day.
October 6 ● Student´s Book page 22 Workbook page 8.
● “Who has…?” with the dice activity. Write sentences in
their notebook.

October 7 Student’s Book Page 25.

● Workbook page 24.
● Student´s Book page 9

October 8 ● Caligrafía Book. No homework.

● Review flahcards.
TEACHER: Vanessa Plascencia


Bring a newspaper
September ● Student´s Book p. 12 and 13. or magazine for
27 Wednesday.
● Review “I am”, “you are” and “he/she/is” with the ball Write 3 sentences
activity. in negative.

September ● New words using flashcards. Use your Students

28 ● Write the names and drawings. book to find 3
words starting with
each letter.
September ● Review homework Write 3 questions
29 ● Workbook page 7. for one your
● With cuttings do 2 characters, present them. characters and
answer them.
September ● Workbook page 8. Complete the
30 ● Student´s Book page 9. sentences.

October 1 ● Caligrafía, the students will use the caligrafìa book to No homework
practice writing
● Review flashcards
● Small test

October 4 ● Students Book page 20. Workbook page 9.

● They will learn to say “It is a …” and “It is not a..” Write the correct
sentences in their
September 5 ● Students Book page 21. Balloon activity Write 1 sentence
● Write the words with a picture. for each vocabulary
September 6 ● Review homework. They will have to
● Students Book p. 22 and 23. write the question
● Chair game with the song. and answer of the
second exercise of
page 22.
September 7 Ask your mom 3
● Learn how to ask “Is it a..?” and “What is it” “What is it?”
● Practice “a” and “an” questions and write
her answers.
September 8 ● Caligrafía, the students will use the caligrafìa book to No homework
practice writing
● Review flashcards
● Small test

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