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Pls. choose the correct term (a, b, c…) for each definition & write in space
a. Resource development b. Services
c. Capitalism d. Business environnment
e. Multinational Corporation (MNC) f. Market price
g. World Trade Organsation (WTO) h. Producer Price index
i. Demand j. Joint venture

1. The surrounding factors of the ________ either help or hinder the development of the
2. Products that intangible, such as education, healthcare, insurance, recreation and
travel are known as _______
3. An organization that manufactures and markets products in many different countries
and has multinational stock ownership and management is a(an) _______
4. This organization known as the _______ replaced the GATT (General Agreementon
Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreement and was assigned the duty to mediate trade
disputes among nations
5. In a _______ partnership has been formed in which two or more companies, often
from different countries, have joined to undertake a major project.
6. The economic system known as _______ is one in which all or most of the factors of
production and distribution are privately owned and operated fro profit.
7. The study of _______focuses on how to increase resources and to create the
conditions that will make better use of those resources.
8. The _______ is the price deterrmined by supply and demand.
9. The index that measures prices at the wholesale level is the _______
10. _______ is the quanity of products that people are willing to buy at different prices at
a specific time


Please write your answer (a, b, c or d) down in blank-space.

Test 1 - Understanding Business – Oct 2021 – Lect. Ngô Bình / FBA - HUFLIT
1. _________ The study of the economy as a whole
a. Resource development
b. Microeconomics
c. Capitalism
d. Macroeconomics
2. _________ Phrase coined by Adam Smith to refer to the self-regulating nature of a
free marketplace
a. National Debt
b. Command Economies
c. Keynesian Economic Theory
d. Invisible Hand
3. The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed (at least 16 years of age and
trying to find work within the prior four weeks) is_______________:
a. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
b. Capitalism
c. Consumer Price Index (CPI)
d. Unemployment rate
4. ________________is theory that a government policy of increasing spending could
stimulate the economy in a recession
a. Theory of Free-market economies
b. Monetary Policy
c. Theory of Command Economies
d. Keynesian Economic theory
5. When the market largely determines what goods and services get produced, who gets
them, and how the economy grows is called ____________.
a. An economic system that combines private and state enterprises
b. A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market
c. Economic boom
d. Free-market economies
6. Tangible products such as computers, food, clothing, cars and appliances is ________
a. Services
b. Quality of Life
c. factors of production
d. Goods

Test 1 - Understanding Business – Oct 2021 – Lect. Ngô Bình / FBA - HUFLIT
7. The general well-being of a society in terms of its political freedom, natural
environment, education, healthcare, safety, amount of leisure and rewards that add to
personal satisfaction.
a. Business Environment Surrounding Factors
b. Outsourcing
c. Standard of Living
d. Quality of Life
8. Companies can reduce their production costs by purchasing raw materials in bulk
a. Networking
b. Chain of the Command
c. Management
d. Economics of scale
9. The process used to accomplish organizational goals through planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling other organizational resources
a. Organizing
b. Leading
c. Planning
d. Management
10. Specific, short-term statements detailing how to achieve the organizations goals
a. Mission
b. Plan
c. Goals
d. Objectives
PART 3: TRUE / FALSE (T/F) (2.5 marks)
Please give your answers in blank space.
1. ______ There is basically no difference between “goods” and “services”.
2. ______ Business skills are not useful and necessary in non-profit institutions.
3. ______ Sucessful organzations must listen to the needs of consumers and adjust
products, policies and practices to meet customer needs.
4. ______ Where there’s a surplus of products, manufacturers will tend to raise the price
so that they will make a profit from those products they are able to sell.
5. ______ Mixed economies exist where come allocation of resources is made by the
marketplace, and some by the government.

Test 1 - Understanding Business – Oct 2021 – Lect. Ngô Bình / FBA - HUFLIT
6. ______ High tax rates are encouraged by small business owners because the increase
in government revenues from higher taxes will be used by the government for small
business loans.
7. ______ One reason that companies trade is because no nations, not even a
technologically advanced nations, can produce all the products it’s peaople need.
8. ______ E- commerce in some developing nations is difficul because computer and
internet use is negligible.
9. ______ Trade protectionism is based upon the idea that barriers will help domestic
producers grow and create more jobs.
10. ______ Even today, most large businesses are not involved in global trade.


Please write briefly your answers in blank space
1. What are three reasons why countries trade with each other? (0.5 marks)
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
2. What are the advantages of international joint ventures? (0.5 marks)
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
3. What is the major principle of Keynesian economic theory? (0.5 marks)
Keynesian economic theory
4. What are the two major elements of the socio-cultural environment that have
significant impact on business operation? (0.5 marks)
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
5. What is the major principle of Adam Smith’s economic theory? (0.5 marks)
- The end –

Test 1 - Understanding Business – Oct 2021 – Lect. Ngô Bình / FBA - HUFLIT

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