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Peo g CORVIT CATICES ree Rc! ae ert students (642-813) World’ s most simple and advance form of practial guide for learning switching techniques. eMC re POC OmES tress ay s t vd www.lattices SWITCH PRACTICAL GUIDE for CCNP students (642-813) Complimentary Edition November 2010 Verified by: HAROON: CCIE R&S, (CCIE Security, copyeighto 2009 by Muhammad shakes! LATTICE studies Tattice Studies is an independent virtual institute for sharing its common visions of extreme foniliscity end editocial wncellence. Lattice studies iz providing 100 percent Eree of cost material pertaining to CCMA, CCN? and other certifications. for detail, please visit sng, Latticestuciae,com GOAL OF THIS ROOK: Mot Cisco certifications require practical skills; and the only way to provide you with those skills is to desonstrate them in a working environment that uses common Cisco-detined Eechniques. This practical guide is not designed to pass your CONP Switch exam but can be used to build some fundamental ideas which can help you in passing CONP Switch exam WARNING & DISCLAIMER: This practical guide ix designed to provide informstion about selected topics for Cisco Certified uetnorks Professional switch Exam. Every effort has been made to make this book 2 complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implica. The information is provided on an ‘as is basis. The author/lattice Studies shall have neither Teskility apr’ cescensibility ‘te any person. GE saeity witb respeck ta aay 16is 6 deneges deining time Uw Snforastign Gontained a this bookieeifron Ube wee GE the diseeer\ proveens The opinions expressed in this book belong to the author and are not necessarily thoes of Ciscs syatens, nc) FEEDBACK INFORMATION: My goal is to write in-depth technical books of the highest quality and value, Sach book 42 crafted with care and precision, undergoing rigorous development that involves the unique sipsctish GE cenbets Econ the, penfessioual techadrel comunity. Readers’ feedback is 2 natural continuation of this process. If you have any coments or Suggestions regarsing inprovenent in thie manual o: otnerwies alter it to better suit your needs, you can contact me at: shekee! Please make sure to Include beck title. greatly appreciate your assistance. LATTICE studies Tattice Studies is an independent virtual institute for sharing its common visions of extreme foniliscity end editocial wncellence. Lattice studies iz providing 100 percent Eree of cost material pertaining to CCMA, CCN? and other certifications. for detail, please visit sng, Latticestuciae,com GOAL OF THIS ROOK: Mot Cisco certifications require practical skills; and the only way to provide you with those skills is to desonstrate them in a working environment that uses common Cisco-detined Eechniques. This practical guide is not designed to pass your CONP Switch exam but can be used to build some fundamental ideas which can help you in passing CONP Switch exam WARNING & DISCLAIMER: This practical guide ix designed to provide informstion about selected topics for Cisco Certified uetnorks Professional switch Exam. Every effort has been made to make this book 2 complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implica. The information is provided on an ‘as is basis. The author/lattice Studies shall have neither Teskility apr’ cescensibility ‘te any person. GE saeity witb respeck ta aay 16is 6 deneges deining time Uw Snforastign Gontained a this bookieeifron Ube wee GE the diseeer\ proveens The opinions expressed in this book belong to the author and are not necessarily thoes of Ciscs syatens, nc) FEEDBACK INFORMATION: My goal is to write in-depth technical books of the highest quality and value, Sach book 42 crafted with care and precision, undergoing rigorous development that involves the unique sipsctish GE cenbets Econ the, penfessioual techadrel comunity. Readers’ feedback is 2 natural continuation of this process. If you have any coments or Suggestions regarsing inprovenent in thie manual o: otnerwies alter it to better suit your needs, you can contact me at: shekee! Please make sure to Include beck title. greatly appreciate your assistance. This book is only @ practical guide but some brief piece of theories taken from following books are incorporated to set your focus on the respective topic! cone self-study, CON BOMSN official Exam Certification Gulde, by David Hucaby + COMP BCMSH Student Guide Before starting with this practical guide, T strongly econmend you te go through one of these books for canprenensiva knowledges of rooting. BIOGRAPHY Muhanmad Shakeel Asheaf is a Graduate in Computer Sciences aad has 8 years of working experience on different kind of devices i.e. REID (Radio Frequency Identification), surglar flazm iyeten, access conteol System, suometrics otc. During his 5 years of service with Notional Datsbase ¢ Registration Authority (IAIRA) Pakistan, he wer awarded with "Cectifieate of Achievement” for the successful development 4 Lmplesentation of following projects: + Pakistan's firat Computerized Birth Rogiotration Certificate (ake) + Research @ Development of RFID Chip Bionetrics for the integration on Pakistani Pasepert ia year 2010, he was awarded with “certificate of Excellence” by the chairman of Corvit systeas for his brilliant efforts towards writing some extra ordinary practical guides EEN=SAoMRO MRO ee ES] MERCISE ¥1 SECTING HOSTNAME. oo... . . 7 VIP (VAN TRUNKING PROTOCOL) ©2222! 2 a a 6 (ERCISE 42 VTP VERSION. EXERCISE #3 UTP OPERATING NODES: EXERCISE ¥¢ VIP DOMAIN 1 (ERCISE ¥5 VEP PASSNORD....ssssvssocveseesocee Ger ses a8 MERCISE ¥5 VLAN Poe : : L MERCISE ¥ sue TGoRARTON ABWISTON HUMBER, 1, ont : L KERCISE 98 VTP PRUNING. 2 (ERCTSE ¥9 SERVER, TRANGEARENT « CLIEWE BUAVIOR 26 EXERCISE #10 CHANGE TERED SOURCE FOR VEP IP ceentite ramets Sa SWETCH FORT MODES 3 (ERCISE #11 AGGESE MODELS sossssees renstsuvarcevenaesustes veces 3H MERCISE ¥12 CONPIGURING TRUNK MODE /” STATIC @RUNK. | : renee HERCISE #13 CONEIGURING DYNAMIC "TRUNK : 7 . a EXERCISE #14 DISABLING DT? ERCISE Y15 AL VANS Oi A TRON 56 EXERCISE 416 HOM 70 RESET CONFIGURATION OF A 2OAT 10 DEFAULT?....csscssessvee ora BE EXERCISE 17 PRIVATE VLAN, 6 EXERCISE #18 802.19 NATIVE VLAN. ‘ . n SPANNING TREE PROTOCOL (STP)... 20... cic : POnIn nls EXERCISE 419 SELECTION GF ROSE aRTEGE BY CHANGING SW 2 EXERCISE 420 CONFIGURING SECONDARY ROOT BRIDGE ELECTION OF PORTS BY CHANGING PORT NUMBER... an ‘SPRNUZNG-TREE. JPLINKFAS us EXERCISE $28 SPANWING-IKEE BACKBONEEAST. sss. mm n IN aa RSTP (RAPID SPANNING TREE PROTOCOL) ....0 00.0. - : AE Se an EXERCISE #29 CONFIGURING RSTP..... 1. é : : 2 EXERCISE #30 MEFP (MULPI INSTANCE SPAMMING TREE PROTOCOL) 132 ETHERCHANNEL. ‘ : 140 MERCTSE 431 CONPTGURING 2 ERCISE 432 puSiTG WAY FOR EANER-D ETHERCHANNEL) 10) 145 EXERCISE #2 ETHERCHAUNEL USING LACP (DYNAWIC WAY EOR LAYER-2 ECHERCHANMEL) J. 14 MERCISE ¥ AYER-3 ETHERCHANNEL (STATIC WAY) s.-...s++ en 5 NERCTSE #25 CONEIGURING IAYER-3 ETHERCHANNEL (STATIC WAY) Jc00 ls 0 ihn 52 MLS QALET LAYER swrncHiNc) 157 EXERCISE #36 LAYER-3 SVI (SWITCH VIRTUAL INTERPACE) HIGH AVAILABILITY. .. stavuwenstoey eeeue sont etait Nae MERCISE #39 HSAP (HO? STANDBY AODTING PROROC : at seine NERCISE #80 HERE (LOAD BALANCING). «« : 3 7 MERCTSE #81 VERTUAL ROUTER REDUMDANCY PROROCOL (VRAD > NERCISE 443 PORT SECURITY iso EXERCISE J4¢ PORT SECURITY WITH STICKY MAC-ADDRESS 393 EXERCISE 445 802.1 PORT-BASED AUTHENTICATION. . Se none 96 EXERCISE 446 802.1% PORT-BASED AUTHENTICATION. | an Tn 197 EXERCISE #87 VACLS cece : : : 139 EXERCISE 445 VIAN HOPING. 200 EXERCISE #49 BPDU GUARD. 202 ERCTSE 450 BPDU FILTER 206 EXERCISE 81 ROOT GUARD. 209, EMERCISE 452 IEEE 802.19 TOMMELING / ONG... eee ee ET cn aaa Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies EXERCISE #2 VIP VERSION + Support for vuaN ond Sabtiple ENABLING VIP VERSION 2 IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE DOMAIN fag) # yep \w2-mode CHECKING/VERIFYING VIP_VERSTON SN-AP show vep states pled Enabled Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies EXERCISE #3 VIP OPERATING MODES ynee gi# vtp node t Switch Practical Guide for CCNP Students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies SN-AP show vep states yee version 2 Contigueetion Revision a vasinun YEANS supported locally + 1005 Nunber of existing VLANs 5 ‘VIP Operating Mode yee Domain Kane Transparent yee Prvning Mode Disabled yee v2 Mode Enable YIP Traps Generation Disabled eps digest £0387 OXCD 0x40 0x65 0x63 0X59 Oxe? OXSD Configuration last modified by at 0-0-0 00:00:00 Eecal updater ID 1s ' (ho valid Latertace found) CLIENT MODE + cannot create, modify, or delete viANs at the ctr + Eorwards yer sdvertisemonte reostved. ‘synchronizes ite own WIN database with latest information received fron VIP servers in ‘the management donain. + VIAN internation in TaMoniy, not stored in WVRAM or Plash memory; must be repopulated Exon a VIP server Sf ewitch is powered cycled, SweA(config) # vep mode clicnt ‘ Setting device to VIP CLIENT mode. SW-A(confag!# exit, SWAB show vtp states vie version 22 Configuration Revision a Wasimun VLANs supported locally + 1005 ) lumber of existing ViaNs re \ - ( YEP Operating Mode : Client” YEP Pruning Mode Disabled vie v2 Woda 7 enabled \ vre traps Generation Ppieablea MDs digest (x57 CD Ox40 0x65 0x69 O%59\0x47 OAD Configuration last modified by.0.0.0,0 at 0-0-00<00700:00 Local updater ID ix 0.0\0.0 (so valid interface faund) pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i -9- Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATNCE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies EXERCISE #4 VIP DOMAIN ugh trunk Lin updated via escol VAR Trank Domain: PAKISTAN CONFIGURING TRUNK ON SW-A woA(config) # interface fastathernet nore cont CONFIGURING TRUNK ON’ SW- VERIFICATION OF TRUNK SWAP show interface trunk Fa0/24 on 802.14 trunking 1 owed om trunk Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies Sw-SP show interface crunk Pore Mode Encapsulation status Native vlan Fa0/24 on 802.14 erunking 1 Port Vans allowed on trunk Fal/24 14098 Pore Vians allowed and active in management demain Pav2a 1 Port Vlang in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Fat/24 1 NOTE: Trunk between SK-A and SWB has been established. VIP _DOMAIN VERIFICATION (BEFORE CONFIGURING VIP DOMAIN) SW-AP show vtp status yee version 2 Configuration Revision oO Vaxinon YEAS supported locally + 1005 Nosber of existing ViANs 5 Vre Operating Mode server WEP Donain wane yre Pruning vede Dieabled yee ¥2 Mode Dssabled DS digest - 0x57 OxCD Oxd0 0x65 1x63-0559-0347 OxaD- Coniguration last modified by 0-0.0,0 at 0-0-00 00:00:00 Local updater ID Le (no valid Interface found) SN-SE show vep states yee version 2 ( Contiguestion Revision io Vaxinum YEAHS supported locally + 1005 Number of existing VLANs rs Vre Operating Mode P sexier ‘Vie Donain Wane —elEnae yre Pruning Mode P Dasabled yre v2 Mode Disabled YEP Traps Generation Desebiod ) bDS acest 0257 txcb Uxt0 D663 059 0x4 0x80 Contiguratién last noditied 0-0-0 00:00:00 Eecal updater ID\Le (a0 Valid latertace found) CONFIGURING VIP DOMAIN ON SW: SW-A(config) ¥ vtp” deaid PaRrstaN Changing VIP domain(niiie from NULL to PAKISTAN mors: “Thege are following attributes of a VIP domain: A snitch may be in only one VIP domain. By defasit, switches are member of NULL domain. vrfopdates ill be exchanged only with other avitehes in the sane domain. + The way Wa" information ie exchanged between ovitches inthe sane domain depends upon the VIP mode of the switch + By default, @ Cisco Catalyst switch iz inthe no-sanagenent- domain state until it receives an advertisenent for a domain Over @ Sunk Link, of until e management domain is configured. CONFIGURING VIP DOMAIN ON SW: SWB (contig) ¥ wtp domain PAKISTAN MOTE: Since VIP domain is configured on steA only; but due to trunk Link between these switches, thie domain has been propagated from sW-A to GH-B and SH-B tas become nenber of PAKISTAN demain. Tnerefore, remenber that, if there is a trunk link between two switches and you configure a Goninon one switch (e.g. SiHA), sf will automatically propagate to pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i aL Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies VIP _DOMAIN VERIFICATION (AFTER CONFIGURING VIP DOMAIN) SH-AP show vtp status roning Mode SW-BE show vtp states ob tot Xona-Some Lo} VIP PASSWORD f yep password paxrsraw Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATNCE Complimentary Bdition ~ Nov 2010 Studies S8-BF snow tp EXERCISE #6 Barr ANE DEFAULT VLANs eo ioe 2 nore © by detautt, att Switch Practical Guide for CCNP Students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies VERIFICATION OF VLANs OWA show vlan default active Fa0/i, F20/2, Fa0/3, 70/4 Fa0/5, 20/6, Fa0/T, ¥20/8 Fa0/9, PsO/10, Pao/ii, Fa0/12 Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16 Fe0/17, Fa0/14, 700/13, Fal/20 20/2, Fa0/22, 720/23, Fa0/24 6io/3,sior2 3. vanno003 active 002 fani-deeauie act /unsup 2003 texen-ring-deFaule et /onsup, 104 Fasiner-detaele act /unsup 1005 tenet =default set /ansup type sap mr varent Ringtlo EridgeNo stp Brdgiode Trans! Trans? enet 1000011500. - a oo 3 enet 100003 son = = > 0 yoo} ts 20093, tsoo | oe > 0 200¢ fanet 201004 © 1500 = == doce = . 0 4008 tenet 101005 ©1500 = > ste . 4 SW-AE show vtp states YEP Version 2 Contigurstion Revision 1 vaxinun YEARS supported locally + 1005 unber of existing vane i \ yre Operating Node Server ) C re Domain Name PAKISTAN \ - ( oe Pruning Mode Disabled YEE ¥2 Mode Devablod YEP Traps Generation Digabled 2 MDS digest 2 0x87 OxcD Ohad Dx6s 063.059 oxk7 BKB Configuration last nodified by.0-0.0.0, st 0-0-00 00:00:00 Local updater ID is valid interface founc) wore: the Waals, trope Seeatocel\ Wyips) configuration revision musber is Therennted seach tiau a Waw Ye created of changed (For more on avielon Ranberc bee enezctas #7) - Sw-S# ghow vlan ~ VLAN tame status Ports 2 detaule ¢ active F20/3, F0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4 20/5, 70/6, Fa0/1, 7a0/8 2 ¥a0/9, 740/10, FaD/it, Fa0/12 30/13, Fa0/14, F20/15, Fa0/16 90/17, Fa0/13, Fa0/13, Fa0/20 Fo0/21, Fa0/22, 700/23, Fad/24 ios, ‘si0/2 3 vanno003 active 2002 faci~deeaule ‘act /uncup £003 toxen-ring-defaule ct /unsup 004 Fasiner-defauie act /uncup 2005 tenet -ceesuit sot /ansup sarD MES Parent RingMo RridgeNo Stp RrdgMade Trans1 Trans? ioooo1 i500. = oo ton003"aso0 es . 0 1010021500 _ = > 0 roond. ©1500 |e Sesie= > 0 so100s 00 > ste = > 0 WOT: Due to trunk link between SW-A and SN-B, VLAN 3 hao been propagated to SHB. pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i a4 Switch Practical Guide for CCNP Students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies Sw-SE show vep states ye version 2 Configuration Revision a vaxinun YEAHS supported locally + 1005 Munber of existing VLAN é Vie Operating Mode PServer yee Domain Kane PAKISTAN yee Pruning Mode P Dasabled yee v2 Mode Deaab led VTP Traps Generation Disabled eps digest £0387 OXCD 0x40 0x65 0x63 0X59 Oxe? OXSD Configuration last modified by at 0-0-0 00:00:00 Eecal updater ID 1s ' (ho valid Latertace found) CREATING VLANs Su-nf vlan database MOTE: VIAN 4 is created using VIAM Database mode. VIAM database Sweatvlan)# vlan 4 mode 1s session oriented. when you add, delete, or nodify Vaan 4 adda VIAN paraneters, the changes are not applied until you ame: YuAN0004 enter the apply of exit command. You can also exit VLA Su-RtrLen)# ondt Gatabase mode without applying the changes by entering Exiting, command is executed from privileged EXEC mode. From this mode, you cen add, delete, and modify VEAW configurations for VaaNs in the range 1 to 1005,” SORE configure termine? Shen (confagi# vlan 5 Suen (confag-vlanl 4 exit Shen (config) # vlan a-10 \ SN-A(confag-vian) # exit ) Se-R(confag) ¥ vlan 16,18 Suen (confag-vian] # exit SW-AP show vlan brief VLAN tame forts 1 deteult active Pa0)a,)F40/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4 20/3; 740/6, Fa0/1, Fa0/8 \ ¥a0/9; 740/10, FaD/it, Fa0/12 ) ) 20/23, Fa0/24, 720/28, Fa0/i6 30/17, Fa0/13, #30/19, Fa0/20 ~~ Fansai, Fa0/22, #20/23, Fa0/24 ios’, ‘Giore 3 vtanones Sa Bite (SE 5 vennaoos 5 setive 8 vuaN0008 =) Sotive 3 viavo009 eae to vianooie Fa ie veanase nee ta vena: ean 1002 faaiedetaul peehareis 1003 tokanering-defanlt Sce/unsup tbe Sauinecsdecaute Sct/ansup 100s exnecnaerauit Soe/anoup SW-AD show vip states wre version La Connect oaaESIA 5 Marines Juake supported 1ocally + 1005 Number of existioy Wang 3 TP Domain Heo | exerstan ee punina toe 5 Disabled ve tained | Etsaplea Yee trope, cenoration : oleabled tos digest Ox37 DHCD On0 Ox6S 6x63 0x59 O47 OxBD Configuration last nodified by at 0-0-00 00:00:00 Local vpdater ID 2 (no valsd intertace fours) pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i 35 - Switch Practical Guide for CCNP Students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies ASSIGNING NAME TO VLAN Suen (config) # vlan 5 Shen (config-vian) | ame Marketing Shen (config-vian) # end SWAP show vlan Brief VIAN tame status Ports 2 detaule active #20/1, F0/2, Fa0/3, 7a0/4 30/5, 70/6, Fa0/1, Fa0/8 ¥a0/9, 740/10, FaD/it, Fa0/12 90/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/i5, Fa0/16 Fa0/27, FaQ/18, F30/19, Fa0/20 Fap/21, Fa0/22, 720/23, Fa0/24 ios’, ‘si0/2 3 vzano002 active 4 viaioooa Sotive 5 Marketing active 8 viano0oe: potive ve vEawo0ss cctive 28 veano0zs aetive 2002 faai~deeaule act /uncup \ 1003 texen-ring-defauls ct /unsup 1008 Facinet-detault act /unsup 2005 tenet =default set /ansup DELETING VLAN: SweA(configi# no vlan 4 } C SN-A(confagl# no vlan 9-10 \ y \ SW-AP show vlan brief 1 deeauie Bective Fa0/i, Fs0/2)\Fa0/3, Fa0/4 FaD{S)\ PA0/5, Fa0/T, F20/8 FAO/4))EAO/A0, FaD/it, Fa0/12 C\, rangi Fan/1i, #40/15, Fa0/16 - \ 30/17, Fa0/13, £30/19, Fa0/20 ¥a0/2i, Fa0/22, 720/23, Fa0/24 / i0/i," ior? 5 Marketing active 8 viawooos otis 26 wuawoore = ( Setive ze vuanooss Setive L002 Zadi-detaule ct/uncup 1003 token-ring-detauit act /unsup 1008 Fasiner-sesnule sot /ansup 2005 tenet ndefeult ct /fansup SR-AP show vtp status yre version Configuration Revision Maxima VLANs supported locally + 1005 Munber of existing VLAN Fo VIP Operating Mode Server vEe Domain Kane 1) BARISTAN yee Pruning Hede Disabled yee v2 Mode Desabled oe Traps Generation F Dasabled bbs digest 0x87 OxCD x40 Ox6S 0x63 0x59 Ox47 OxBD Configuration last modified by at 0-0-0 00:00:00 Local updater ID 1s (no valid Interface found) You can never renove Vine 1 of 1002 though 1005 from a trunk, these are reserved for special uses: VLAN 1 se the Cisco default, which carries control protocols such as CDP, VIF, and STP. VLANs 1002 through {0Rihete HIgEsc eahly beet Spaereel Fae WOOK ond Teen, pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i = 36 = Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies ‘SHOW VLAN COMMAND OWA show vlan 2 default active 30/2, Fa0/3, ¥20/4 Fa0/13, Fa/14, FaO/15, Fa0/16 20/21, Fa0/22, 720/23, Fa0/24 3 vuawooo2 active 5 Marketing active 6 ViANoOIs active 1002 fddi~detaul Set /unsup 41003 token-ring-defau act /unsup Lob’ Zadiner-desaule ct /unsup 05 tonet-cefauit act/unsup ent = = = = rr ence > = - . 8 ene = = = a 0-8 te -_ = = aS o\ 6 Samet 101004 ©1500 : ieee D) \ 9 tenet 101008 sod >> Str o) o The Fields in above output are descriSl as\undar: Fiel ription Mare [None of Phe Vial, if Fontigured catia [Status of the VIAN active oF auspended) SarD | Security asscGlatign 20 value for the VIAN MU Waeitun trancniedion unit size for the VAN fareht VIAN, if one existe Bridge auaber for the VIAN, If applicable ‘Spanning ives Protocol type used on the VIAN Bragiode | Sridging node for thie VLAN ops | Waxinun curber of hops fox spanning tree explorer Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 oben ones a] VTP CONFIGURATION REVI hoa Une device, the owitch show vep status Switch Practical Guide for CCNP Students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies switch (configy# vlan 20,32-35 Switch (config-vian)# end switch show vep status WEP version 2 Configuration Revision 6 wazimun YEANe supported locally + 1005 dumber of existing VLANs a Yre Operating Mode Server vre Pruning Mode + Disable vie v2 Mode Disabled Vip Traps Generation Disabled DS digest £057 OxCD O40 Ox6S Oxe63 0459 OK47 Ox Configuration last nodified by at 0-0-00 00:00:00 Lecal updater ID is (no valid interface found) MOTE: When you create multiple VIANe with a single command, only one sunber die in the value of revieion number. Switch {config)# no vlan 55 Switch iconfsa)h exit sultch show vep status yee version 2 ‘ Configuration Revision 1 Waxinun YLAKs supported locally : 1005 ugaber of sisting VIAN P12 e YIP Operating Mode Server vre Pruning Mode Disabled yee v2 Mode Disabled \ re traps Generation Dssab les PDS digest 0x57 Oxcb-Tx40 ORGS 0463 0590x447 Ox5D Contaguestion Inat nosifies by s© 0-0-0 00:00:00 Local updater ID ix (no valid Yntertace\ foundh 7 worm: when youdelot’ viaws, \the Walue SE révistoa\ni Switch {configy# no vidp 34°35 Seisch (contig) # exit ) vitchd show vip status \ vie version \ Cane guraclon\RaNLRIE AY Waxinun VLANs supported Jocelly +1005 Manigerarincis ECG ISAS Pao Vie Operating Mode Server yre Pruning wode |“ + Disabled vie ¥2 Mode ) } disabled vre Traps Generation “—~ : Dieabled DS digest x57 OeCD Ox40 Ox65 0x63 0x59 O47 OxaD Contigueation last modified by at 0-0-00 00:00:00 Local updater ID ix '0.0.0-0 (no valid interface found) MOTE: When you delete multiple VIANe with a single command, only one number adie in the valve of revision number VLANs deleted on one switch may be deleted on all switches in the VIP donain, and thus @ll ports removed from thet VERN. Delete VLANs with caution on 2 evitch that i participating in a VIP donala with other Svitches Given this overwrite process, if all the VIANs on a VIF server are Geleted, the VIP server will then send an advercisenant with 2 higher Fevision number; the receiving devices in the VIF donain will accept Gin dees be gieests ined Geleta alias allie ela permitted under the copycight. Grdinence 1962 of Tekiaten, no part of thia publication may fe as Switch Practical Guide For CCNP Students Complinentary Edition - Nov 2010 LATTICE studies HOW TO RESET REVISION NUMBER TO ZERO? Suitoh(contio)# yep domasn Changing VIP domain name from NULL to SHAKEEL ech (contigh# exit svitch show vep status Configuration Revision 0 waximum YEAKs supported iocally : 1005 Humber of existing ViaNe a0 oe Operating Node carver YEP Traps Generation Disabled eps digest Ox57 OCD Ox40 ORES 0x69 OH59 O47 Ox Contsgueation last nosified by at 0-0-00 00;00:00 seal vpdater Ib is '0,0,0.0 (na vaisd interface found) KER (eRRTIQ Ep lmads transparent Switch (contiey# exit oultch# show vep otatue yee version 2 eRe eS mts Vaxinin JLAks supported locally : 1005 Nusber of existing VIANS 10 ‘VIP Operating Mode ‘transparent yee Pruning Meds : yee ¥2 Mode pasabled Local updater TD Ls" (no. jalid Interface found) rept ox) suep-2 mitch? wrate erase cK) SSYS-7RV_BLOCE INIT! Initialized the geonetry of nvram rma Svitch? delete flaah:vian.dat belete fiienans (vlan. cat Delete flsehi/elan.aat? [oonfizm = 20 - Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 LATTICE studies mera Proceed with reload? [confirm] switsh> enable svitch§ show vip statue vie version : Contiguration Revision : Waximug YEANs supported tocally + umber of existing VLANs YEP Operating Mode ‘yee Domain Nan YEP Pruning Mode vie v2 Mode : vee traps Generation PDS digest 2 a 1005 5 serve! Disabled Dégabled Disabled 0x87 OxCD x40 Ox6S 0x62 OH59 0x47 0x80 Configuration last modified by st 0-0-0 00:00:00 Local vpdater ID 2 0,0,0.0 (no valid intertnce founa) MOTE: Method # 3 will caxet all the configuration of # switch to default Sane Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies EXERCISE #8 VIP PRUNING ru ansporta traffic fro 3 network (2 are enabled netneen in. This scenari ated with SN-AE show vtp states supported locally : 1005 YEP Domain Name ARISTAN re Pruning Mode Disabled 2 tole jon last modi: BASIC CONFIGURATION OF SW-B contigi# vep mode client confagi# inerface fastethernet contag-ie) trunk en Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies Sw-SE show vep states oe version 2 Contigueetion Revision 2 Wasinun YEANS supported locally + 1005 VIP Operating Mode P clinet yre Pruning Mode Disabled yee v2 Mode Deane led YIP Traps Generation Disabled eps digest £0387 OXCD 0x40 0x65 0x63 0X59 Oxe? OXSD Configuration Lae decal updater ID nodLfied by at 0-0-0 00:00:00 °0.0.0-0 (a0 vaild Lnterface found) VERIFICATION OF TRUNK SWAB show interface trunk vo: ode Encapsulation status wative vlan Fa0/24 on s02.1q trunking 1 Fal/24 14094 Fort Vlans allowed and active in management domain ra0/24 1 Pore Vians in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Sw-BP show interface trunk bore ode ‘Encapsulation status Native vlae Fa0/24 on s02.1q trunking, \ Fav/24 14094 Fort Vlans allowed anddetive Gn managapent, domain rag/24 1 Port Vians in spenning tree Porwirding statecand ot pruned Fal/24 1 ) CREATING VLANS ON SW-A SW-A(contig|# Shan 2,3 SWAB show interface trunk Port Mode Tycapsulstion status Native vlan Fa0/24 on s02-1q trunking 1 Fort Vans allowed on trunk Port Vlenisjelloved and ectiveininsharemet counts Fat/2d 13 Po: viane in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Fav2a 1-3 SW-BP show interface trunk Port Mode Encapsulation statue Native vlan Fa0/24 on 802.14 trunking 1 Port Vans allowed om trunk Fort Vlang allowed and active in management domain Fat/24 1-3. Pos Vians in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Pav2a 1-3 SEIN Ge Soe oa ets a er, ays mate, mee -Fa0/25, Fa0/36 50/17, Fa0/14, Fa0/29, (Fa0/20 20/21, (Fa0/22, 720/23, Fa0/24 i0/3, aioe 2002 faai~detaule act /unsup ) C 1003 teken-ring-default act /unsup , ( 100d fadinet-default act /unsch 2005 tenet default Set unsup wore: vintts, “Greated on sua, \are sot digted ‘yn “Sub because it 1s in TRANSPARERT\wode and ca only pass WLAKe infofmaticn. vlease also sce Frercige #3. VIAN Mame gtatle \ porte 1b aeesuie abtive / #30/1, F20/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4 ~~" van/s, Ba0/6, Fa0/T, Fa0/8 Fa0/9, Pa0/10, Pa0/i1, Fa0/12 Fe0/13, Fa0/14, 700/15, Fa/16 20/27, Fa0/18, 730/19, Fa0/20 ¥a0/2i, Fa0/22, 720/23, Fa0/24 cio/3,"stor2 7 vannoo07 active 55 viaNonss botive 56 vianoos6 sctive 87 vianoos7 sctive 58 vinn00ss setive 2002 faai~detaule ‘act /uncup £003 toxen-ring-defaule ct /unsup 004 Fasiner-defale act /uncup 2005 tenet -ceesuit sot /ansup MOTE: VLRils, created on SH-A, have been propagated to SW-C because it is in CLIENT ‘mode, which can accept VLANs information. Please also see Exercise #3. CREATING VLANS ON SWITCH-B (TRANSPARENT) sh-B (config| # vlan 66,67 SheB (config! # exit pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i - 28 - Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies VERIFICATION OF VLANs WBE show vlan Brief default ¥a0/2, 70/2, Fa0/3, 70/4 Fa0/5, 20/6, Fa0/T, ¥20/8 Fa0/9, PsO/10, Pao/ii, Fa0/12 Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16 Fe0/17, Fa0/14, 700/13, Fal/20 20/2, Fa0/22, 720/23, Fa0/24 6io/3,sior2 66 vuanooss active 7 vuano0s7 potive 2002 faasdeeaie Bet /ansup 1003 teken-ring-default act /unsup 1008 fddinet-default ct /fansup 2005 trnet-detault ct /unsup OW AB show vlan brief Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4 20/5, 70/6, Fa0/1, Fa0/8 30/9, 740/10, FaD/it, Fa0/12 30/13, Fa0/14, #30/28, Fa0/ié FaD/17, Fa0/18, Fa0/13,"Fa0/20 Pa0/21, Pal/22, Pa0/23,-Pal/24 io/3, ‘store 2 viana002 Bos Ss venwooss Sotive Se venwoose Setive 57 vianaos? Setive. J é Sh viawonse sotsve / ( 1003 tekencring-defaule Serdiees tte Soinec-deeacte sit fonkee i005 tenetserault Sct/anesp Sw-CE show vlan Dries, VIAN Hane Status Parts) b detauik aetive \ £20/%, F20/2, Fa0/3, 70/4 \) 20/5, 70/6, ra0/7, 7a0/8 / ra0/9, 20/10, Fad/it, Fa0/12 ~~ ¥a0/13, Fa0/14, #20/15, Fa0/16 Fa0/17, Fa0/18, Fa0/13, Fa0/20 Fe0/21, Fa0/22, 700/23, Fo0/24 to/3, store 7, vaawoaor active Ss vuawooss a Sctive Se vuanoose ~ setive 57 vuanoos7 atire Se viawooss active 1002 fadindetoule set /unsvp 1003 tokenriag-defaule see/unsup 1004 Seaines-aezaule See/unsup 1005 tenet=default ace/unsup See TRAMPLE Sly. $08 Ae deed oe Feeee Hl 409. oan Edfomeetlon, ¥E other switches in its donain, Please also see Exercise #3 CREATING VLANs ON SWITCH-C (CLIENT) -C(configh # vlan 15,16 YEP VAN configuration not allowed when device is in CLIENT made, MOTE: A switch in CLIENT mode cannot create, delete or modify VLAts pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i - 29 - Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 LATTICE studies CHANGING VIP MODE OF SWITCH-B FROM TRANSPARENT TO CLIENT S0-B(confsg)¥ wtp mode client Setting device to VIP CLIEKT mode VERIFICATION OF VLANs SW-BE show vlan brief 7 vanno007 active 55° vEAN00SS Setive 56 vuaNo05s porive 57 viauo0s7 sosve sa viauioose sotive 1002 fddi-defeult fect /unsup 1003 token-ring~defaule et /unsup 200% fadinet-dezaule act/unsup Loos tenet-ceeault Sot /ansup more: vans, node), have been deleted CREATING VLANS ON SWITCH-A (SERVER) Sh-n(config] # wlan 20 VERIFICATION OF VLAN: SWAP show vlan briet aceaul® active > viawono7 active 20 vianoo20 | \ active 5S VEANOOSS: active Se vuANOOSE active 57 vzaNo0s7 aotive 58 vuanooss sotive 1002 Faci~derau botive 2003 teken-ring-default Sctive 1008 fadinet=default on 2005 tunet-detsult Setive Sk-BP show vlan brief 1 detoult actin > vianono7 active 20 vuaNo020 potive Se vEANOOSE 57 vzaNo0s7 58 vEANo0ss 2002 fadi~detaule Sotive 1003 token-ring-default botive 100g Fasiner-detaule porive created earlier on 20/2, F20/2, Fa0/3, 70/4 ¥a0/5, 70/6, Fa0/1, 7a0/8 Fa0/9, Fa0/10, Fad/it, Fa0/12 Fa0/23, FaQ/i4, F30/15, Fa0/i6 FaD/17; Fa0/18, Fa0/13, Fa0/20 Fe0/21, Fal/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/24 io/3, stor2 SUA, axelisced on\ sw, because it is now created Gh SHB \when 4¢ was in TRANSPARENT ‘when ity node.wes changed from TRANSPARENT to 20/0, £30/2, Fa0/3, 70/4 ¥a0/5, 70/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8 ¥20/9, F20/10, Fa0/il, Fa0/12 Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15 a0/0, FaO/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4 Fa0/S, Fa0/6, Fads, Fa0/8 20/9, 740/10, FaD/it, Fa0/12 50/23, Fa0/14, £30/15 pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i - 30 - Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 LATTICE studies Sw-CE show vlan brief VLAN 20 os 56 5 58 1002 1003 io sous ome aetaule vuawo007 ‘viawan20 ‘WLANOOSS vEANO0Se ‘vEaN00S7 VEANOOSS fasi~default token-ring-default fasinet-detaule tenet=defeult worR: VLAN No. 20 status active sotive active detive botive potive Ports 20/0, 00/5, 20/3, 30/13, 30/2, Fa0/3, ¥20/4 Fa0/6, FaD/T, ¥20/8 F20/10, Fa0/it, Fa0/1i, £20/15 Fa0/12 (created on Sw-R) have been propagated to SHB & C. sae Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 LATTICE EXERCISE #10 CHANGING PREFERRED SOURCE FOR VTP IP UPDATER Trunk Domain: PAKISTAN VERIFICATION OF TRUNK interface trunk Noe statue native visa on trunking 1 Pore Viana allowed and active in management domain Fa0/24 1 VERIFICATION OF PREFERRED SOURCE FOR VPP IP UPDATER ADDRESS SN-AE show vtp states supported locally 1005 yee operating Node Neve, Disabled © EA Ux€4 Ox9D OxBE OA DADE On38 Configuration last \nodified by0.0.0.0 at 3-1-93 0110: Local updater Ib 12°0,0.0,0 (no. valsd interéace found) Sw-BP show vtp status Configuration savision Vaxinin VLAlis supported locally + 100: bibs aigest iePA OxH4 Ox9D OXBE 0x69 O04 OKDF 0x38 Contigueation last modified by st 3-1-93/01:09:42 Local updater ID is (no valid Interface found) CONFIGURATION OF PREFERRED SOURCE FOR VTP IP UPDATER ADDRESS 200.100. Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies VERIFICATION OF PREFERRED SOURCE FOR VIP IP UPDATER ADDRESS SW-AE show vtp states vre version 2 Coniguration Revision a Wasimun YEANe supported locally + 1005 Humber of existing viaNs rs YEP Operating Mode PServer yee Damain heme coRvit YEP Pruning Wode Disabled vie v2 Mode Déeabled Vie Traps Generation Disabled PDS digest OXFA 0484 OX9D OKBE 0x69 ODA OADF 0x38 Configuration last modified by at 3-1-93 01:03:42 Local vpdater ID 2 200-100.50.1 0m interface Lol (prefarsed interface) Preferred anterface name Se. loopback) SR-BE show vtp status yee version 12 Contigneation Revision oO Varinan VLANs supported locally + 1005 honber" of exiating Vas is YEP Domain Kame 2 CORVET yee Pruning Keds Déeabled yee (2 Mode bisabled oe Traps Generation P Dasabled bs digest ORFA 0x84 Ox9D OxRE 0x69 OxD4 OxDF G38 Configuration last modified by at 3-1-93 01:09:42 Local updater TD ix (no valid interface found) CREATING VLAN ON SH-A S6-R(config) ¥ vlan 10 Shen (contig-vian) ¥ end VERIFICATION OF PREFERRED SOURCE FOR VIP IP UPDATER ADDRESS (AFTER CREATING VLAN ON SW-A) SWAP show vtp states vie Verslon’ LP Contiguraticn Revision 1 wasimun YLANe\supported\Jocally +1005 Runner of existing VLANs 6 YEP Operating Node fenver vie v2 Woda Digabled Vie Traps Generation Disabled EDS digest Ox40 OxOF OxSE OKCL OxEC OnE2 0x04 Ox2L Configuration last modified by at 3-1-93 01:39:13, Local vpdater ID ix 200,100.50.1 on interface Lol (preferred interface) Preferred anterface nano is loopback! Sw-BP show vtp status yee version 2 Contigueatson Revision 1 Variman YEARS supported locally : 1005 Number of existing VLANs e VIE Operating Mode P Senver YEP Domain Kane conviT yee Pruning Hode Dssabled yee 2 Mode Dsaabled yee Traps Generation : Dasabled DS digest Dx40DsOF OxSE OxC1 028C 0x82 0x94 0x21 Contiguration last modified by at 3-1-93 02:39:13, Tecal updater ID is (80 valid Interface founa) pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i saa Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies SWITCH PORT MODES The options sultohport wode command are as follows ACCESS ‘TRUNK trunking node. DIP ss still operationa DYNAMIC AUTO Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies EXERCISE #11 CONFIGURING ACCESS MODE Domain: SHAKEEL igure-6 BASIC CONFIGURATION OF SW-A CONFIGURING ACCESS MODE ON SWITCH PORT Switch Practical Guide for CCNP Students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies Suen (config) # interface factethernet 0/23 SN-A(confag-it)# switchport access vlan 5 Shen (eonfag-ie)# weit VERIFICATION OF SWITCH PORT Sw-AP show vlan VIAN tame status Ports 2 detaule active #20/3, F0/2, Fa0/3, 7a0/4 30/5, 70/6, Fa0/1, Fa0/8 ¥a0/9, 740/10, FaD/it, Fa0/12 90/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/i5, Fa0/16 PaD/17, FaQ/18, Fa0/19, Fa0/20 Fap/2l, Fa0/24, GiO/1, Gi0/2 5 vaanoo0s active 700/23) 20 vinn0020 Setive 720/22 42002 fadi~detaule ‘act/unsup 1003 texen-ring-defaule act /unsup 008 Faciner-defaule act /unsup 2005 tenet -ceesuit sot /ansup VIAN Type SAID MTG Parent Rincllo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Transl Trans? zenet 19000: 1500. - > re 5 eres 100005 © 1s00 > a 0-8 20. enet iouo20 © 1800 a 0 0 hooz asi 1010021500 = = >: y Co 2003 ts 201003 igo > > ce we 100d Fanet 101008 = 1500 > feaaiZ o\ @ 2005 tenet 1010051500 = == ste o\ 6 SWAB show interface fastethernet 0/22 awitehport ( Svitchport: Enabled Dininistrative Mode: static acces Gperational Mode: static access Dazinistrative Trunking Encapsulation? nagorlate \ Operational Trunking Encapsulation: native Negotiation of Trunking: OFF Access Mode VLAN: 20 (VLANOOZ0} Trunking Native Mode VIAN: \1 (deéeulth > ) Aduinietrative Native VaaH \saggings, enébled 7 Yolce YEAR: non \ Adninistrative private-vian (host-aseockation: hone Adwiniecrativa privatecvlan-mapping: none Adwinistrative private-vian frank native Vial: none Dosinistrative private-vian Sramr Wative VLAN taggsnge enabled Ddsinistrotive peivatecvlan trunk encapsulation: dotiq Adsiaistrative privgtesvian trum Gormal VEANS? noae Adslnistrative private-vian trunk private Yuasa: none Operational private-vian? none ‘Trunking VLANs Enabled ALL Pruning VEANs Snabled: 2-101 Capture Mode Disabled Capture YEARS Allowed: ALL protected: false Unknown unseast blocked: disabled Unknown multioaat blocked: disabled applinnces testi none SW-AP show interface fastethernet 0/23 switchport Hane: 20/22 Switchport: Enabled AGinisrrative ode: static access Gperationsi Moda: static access Dasinistrative Trunking Encapsulation: negotiate Operational Trunking Encapsulation: native Negotiation of Trunking: Off Access Mode VLAN: 5 (ViANOOOS) ‘Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Adeiniserative dative Yiaw tagging? enabled pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i = 36 - Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition - Nov 2010 studies ‘SW-A SWB "3580 "3560 Mode=Trunk Mode=Trunk Encap=Dott@ Eneap=Dott@ Figure-7 DEFAULT VALUES OF A SWITCHPORT (CATALYST 3560) SW-AP show intexface fastetheznet 0/24 switchport Nome: 20/24 Switchport: Enabled Dasinistrative uode: dynante sute Operational wode: static access Aaninistrative Teunking Encapsulation: negotiate Megotiation of Trunking: On Access Mode VLAN: 1 (defaulc) ‘Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Adeiniserative dative VLAN tagging? enabled Aduinistrative private-vian host-aseociation: none Adsinistrative private-vian mapping: none Aduinietrative peivate-vian trunk aative VLAN: none Adwinietrative private-vian tram Native VIAN tagging: enabled Doministrative private-vian trunk encapsulation: dot ia Ddsinistrative private-vian trunk private Vulile: none Operational private-vian: none ‘Trunking VLANs Enabled! ALL Pruning YEAHS Snabled: 2-101 Capture Mode Disabled wre VANS Allowed: Abb Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disables appliance trost: none DEFAULT VALUES OF A SWITCHPORT (CATALYST 3550: Sw-3} show interface fuetethernst 0/2¢ evitehport fone! fa/24 Suitchpore; Enables Aaniniberntsve ode! aynante desirable Gfeent one ses stationncess erect tee Negotiation of toolieeses Rovere Hole uate 1 (Gefaur) Teusking sacive fds ints 1 (desauit) Raminigheative Norive Vial foggingi erebled Beet EAR tone Mbiniselative belvatecvdan teonk Sativa Via conga Mninistrative private-vian frank encapoulacion? aoe Fousing ‘uate enabled 23001 Copland de bisabied Capture vuake Allowed: ALL enabled Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled appliance trust: none pemnitied under the Gopycight. edinarce 1962 of etistans, ao patt of this publication may i - 38 - Switch Practical Guide for CCNP students LATTICE Complimentary Edition ~ Nov 2010 studies CONFIGURING TRUNK MODE ON SW-A Shen (config) vtp mode secver Swen (confiq\# vep domain PARISTAN Sh-A(ccntaq|# Interface fastethernet 0/24 Sh-A(config-14)? axitehport mode trunie Command rejected: nn interface whose trunk encapsulation is tauto™ can not be contigueed to "erunk® mode. OTR: / sings) Het: SLEEPERS TEE EAEELySE SND Seem REET IEES this mode cannot be converted into trunk until default encapsulation is Shanged to DOTI9 oF ISL, Encapsulation should be sane on both sides. To change the encapsulation, apply following comand: Sw hiccntag 48)¢ sstenport teunle encapsulation dott Sh-hicontaq-is)¢ sstenport made tron SW-R(confag-i8) 8 end CONFIGURING TRUNK MODE ON SW-B Se-B(contsg) ¥ wep mode server Se-B(ecnfag|¥ vtp demain” PARTSTAN SW-B (config! # interface fastethernet 0/24 Sh-B(config-if)} seitehport trunk encapsulation dotiq Shes (confsq-if)? ewitenport mode trunie SNS (confag-if)# end VERIFICATION OF SWITCHPORT MODE SH-AP show interface fastethernet 0/24 ewitehport’ Rane: 20/24 Swicchport: snabled Doministrative Mode: trunk rai 4 ‘ Cperationsl Moda: crunk 2 ee Operational Trunking Encapsulation: dotiq Negotiation of Trunking: on Access Mode VLAN: 1 (defaulc) Trunking Waive Mode Via: 1-\defauley Aaeinsstvative dative Vit cangingt anapies Aduinietrative private-vian host~aseocLat ei Ddslaistrative peivate-vian mappiig: soma Adzinietrative privatervian trun ative YuaN:)none Aoministrative private-vinn trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled Raministrative feivaty-Vien Grant \encepsuletion: dot ly Dasiniateative srsyate-vian trans Somme! VLANe! none Ddsinistrative private-vian trunk private Vultle: none Operational privatervian: none ‘Trunking VLANs Enabled! ALL Pruning vEANe Enabled: 2-001 Capture Mode Disabled Capture YEAHS Allowed: ALL Protected: false Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled appliance trust: none SW-RE show interface fastethernet 0/24 switehport. Mane: Fo0/24 Sulechport: Enabled Administrative vode: trunk Operational veda: crunk Adwinistrative Trunking Encapsulation: dotl Cperational Trunking Encapsulation: dotiq Megotiation of Trunking: On Recess Mode VLAN: 1 (defauls) Trunking Native Mode VIAN: 1 (default) Adeinietrative dative Vian tagging: enabled Yoice VLAN: none "rest of the output is omitted -- SEIN Ge Soe oa ets a er, ays mate, mee

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