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Deck can be screwed to structural

steel, bar joists, or light gage steel
fram ing. The lowest strength was
used to produce the tabulated
values. For bar joists and structural
out of the screw or pullover of the
deck will normally control. The
values are based on the equations
provided by the AISI Specifica-
tions (1986with addenda). These

steel, a tensile strength (Fu) of 58 specifications call for a safety
ksi was used 'htlich is the lowest factor of 3 to be applied to the
value for A36 steel. For gage table values. However, for tem -
supports, Fu porary wind
=45 ksi was Uplift Values for loads, a one
used which third load
is the lowest
provided in
SCREWED DECK increase is
ASTM A653 Structural If it is known that the
Quality grade 33. Deck tensile strength of the
materials fumished ingages support steel or the sheet
24, 26 and 28 are usually steel is greater than the
grade 80 steels 'htlich use a values used for the tables,
tensile strength (Fu) of 60 the tabulated ultimate
ksi as lim ited by the AISI strengths may be increased
specifications. Either pull by a straight line ratio.
0 .210
head ala.
0 .415 or 0.400
0.430 or 0.400
0 .480 or 0.520
Average te5ted ten511e
.trength, klp6

= 60 k,,;
= 45 .,,1
= 58 .,,;

Not.: In our Metric catalog ·Steel Decks for Floors and Roofs·, the ta bles on pages 33 and 35 are i1 the
wrong place . Co ntact us for the needed correcUons or contact us for a co py of the corrected publk:ation.

Please circle # 33

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Volume 35, Number 7
July 1995

A listing of available shapes from the major
producers of structural steel members and tubing

A new 47-story building in Taichung, Taiwan, will
utilize a combination of moment and braced
frames to resist high wind loads and meet
stringent seismic requirements

A new retail center in Australia disproves that
country's notion that exposed steel can only create
a "warehouse" appearance

A new retail center in Australia

features a huge central skylight
supported by a spiderweb of steel
members. The story behind this fas-
cinating project begins on page 32.
38 Essentials Of LRFD
The second in a two part series presenting an
overview of LRFD as found in Part 2 of the
Manual of Steel Construction (1994)

Modern Steel Construction (Volume 35,
Number 7). ISSN 0026-844S. Published
monthly by the American Institute of Steel D EPARTMENTS
Construction, Inc., (AISC), One East Wacker
Dr., Suite 3100, Chicago, IL 60601 -2007.
6 EDITORIAL • Composite action
Advertising office: Facinelli Media Sales, through stud addition in
O'Hare Lake Office Plaza, 2400 E. Devon
Ave., Des Plaines, fL 60618 (708) 699-6049. 9 STEEL OOERCRANGE an existing steel beam
• Limitations on the and concrete slab
Subscription price: span-to-depth ratio of • Eccentric effects on
Within the U.S.-single issues $3 ;
3 yea rs $85. beams required by the single angle bending
Outside th e U.S.-Sing le iss ues $5; AISC Specification members
yea rs $ tOO.
I year $36; 3
• Lateral un braced
Please fax any addresses changes to lengths for the bottom 46 STRUCTURAL
312/670~540J or to the address below. {langes of continuous ENGINEERING

Postmaster: Please send address cha nges to trolley beams with mul- Smvl 'wARE-A R EVIEW
Modern Steel Construction, One East tiple spans and can- OF THE CURRENT STATE
Wacker Dr., Suite 3100, Chicago, fL 60601 - tileuered ends OF THE INDUSTRY

Second class postage paid at Chicago, IL and 57 S'r EEL MA!u<E1'PLACE

at additional mailing offices.

4 1 Modern Steel Construction 1 July 1995

,..-. •••


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Please circle # 34

Editorial Staff
Scott Melnick,
Editor and Publisher
Next Year In ...
Patrick M. Newman, P.E.
Senior Technical Advisor
Charlie Carter,
Senior Technical Advisor
Jacques Cattan,
May for the National Steel Construction Conference.
While the food was surprisingly mild, the seminars were any-
Technical Advisor thing but. It's hard to summarize the more than 20 sessions
over a three-day period, but if I had to choose one recurring
Editorial Offices theme, it was that least weight does not necessarily produce
Modern Steel Construction the lowest cost steel structure (anyway, I heard it in three sep-
One East Wacker Dr., arate seminars). Or perhaps a more accurate theme was sim-
Suite 3100
Chicago, IL 60601-2001 ply how to do the best job at designing and fabricating steel
(312) 670-5407 structu res.
Fax 3121670-5403 In addition to the seminars ranging from industrial building
design to advances in fabricating tubular sections, there also
Advertising Sales were a number of new products premiered at the show, includ-
Facinelli Media Sales ing Chaparral Steel's Castelite beams and MNH-SMRF's new •
2400 E. Devon Ave. , seismic connections (these will be covered in depth in next
Suite 267
Des Plaines, lL 60018 months new products section). I could regale you with stories
(708) 699-6049 from the conference (crossing the spectrum from a hilarious
Fax 708/699-8681 five-minute video on painting one speaker used as an introduc-
tion to the very detailed and thorough presentation on welding
AISC Officers inspection offered by Bob Shaw), but if you missed it, nothing
Frank B. Wylie, III, short of reading the entire Proceedings would provide you with
Chairman even an inkling of the valuable material presented there .
Robert E. Owen,
First Vice Chairman Instead, I'll let you know what's coming in the future.
H. Louis Gurthet, Next year's NSCC , to be held March 27-29 in Phoenix will
Second Vice Chairman offer the usual array of technical engineering and fabrication
Robert D. Freeland, se minars, as well as the engineering management and con-
Treasurer struction management tracks offered in San Antonio. And, as
Neil W. Zundel,
President was done this year, many of the sessions will be translated into
David Ratterman, Spanish for our attendees from south of the border. But next
Secretary & year also will see the introduction of two completely new
General Counsel tracks: Erection and Computers.
Morris Carn ine!", Complete information will appear in a future issue of
Vice President,
Finance/Administration Modern Steel Construction. In the meantime, be sure to mark
March 27-29 on your calendar (and if you see any good air
fares , book early). SM

6 1 Modern Steel Construction I July 1995

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Please circle # 83

, ~)

Stee l Int e rchange is an open forum for Mod e rn Steel Answers andlor questions should be typewritten and double~
COflstruction readers to exchange useful and practical profes- spaced . Submittals that have been prepared by word ~ proccssing
sional ideas and information on all phases of steel building and a re appreciated on computer diskette (either as a Wordperfect
bridge construction. Opinions a nd suggestions a rc welcome on file or in ASCII format ).
any subject. covered in this magazine. [ f you have 8 question or The opinions expressed in Steel l TlterchaTlge do not necessar~
problem that your fellow readers might help you to solve. please ily represent an officia l position of t he American Institute of
forward it to Modern Steel Construction . At the same time, feel Steel Construction, Inc. a nd have not been reviewed . It is recog·
free to respond to any of the Questions t.hat you have read here. nized that the design of structures is within the scope and
Please send them to: expertise of a competent licensed structural engineer, architect
Steel Interchange or other licensed professional for the application of principals to
Modern Steel Construction a particular structure.
One East Wacker Dr., Su.itc 3100 Information on ordering AISC publications mentioned in
Chicago, IL 60601·2001 this article can be obtained by calling AJSC at 800l644 ~ 2400 .

The following responses from previous Stee l at its outer end. The ANSI method is the most log-
Interchange columns have been received: ical, L unbraced equals 2 times the actual length .
If the cantilever is braced, the brace should con necl
Are there any limitations on the span to to the top tension flange at the end, to offset twist'.
depth ratio of beams required by AISC The interior unbraced length, should be the dis-
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings? tance between supports, per ANSI specifications on
n the Commentary on the AlSC Specification (9 Monorail Systems' .

I edition) chapter L, section L3 the following rule

was s uggested : "Th e d e pth of fu lly stressed
beams and girders in fl oors should , if practicable,
Often the size of the trolley beam is controlled
by the fl a nge width, to be wide enough for the bolt-
ed gage plu s 2 proper edge distances. Also the

be not less than (F/800) times the s pan . If mem- bea m depth must be deep enough for the trolley
bers of less depth are used, the unit stress in bend- wheel diamete r. Flange bendin g strength unde r
ing should be decreased from than recommended the wheels is important a lso.
above." I Timoshenko, S., "Theory of Elastic Stability",
Alex Krasilousky, P.E. p. 260 & 269, 1961.
Ridgefi eld Park, NJ , AISC , "Ma nu a l of Stee l Const ructi on,
Allowable Stress Des ign ", p. 5-47 , Ninth
For a continuous trolley beam with multi- 3 ANSI, "Am e rican National Standard
ple spans and cantilevered e nds what is the Specifications for Underhung Cranes a nd
lateral unbraced le ngth for the bottom Monorail Systems", p. 7, MH 27.1-1981.
flange? , AlSC, "Steel Design Current Practice, Bending
Members - Buckling and Bracing", p.27.
Claude R. Krout, P.E.
Birmingham, AL

Can an existing steel beam and concrete

slab b e made to work together in composite
action by adding studs to the steel through
cored holes?
his question was previously responded to and

he late ral unbraced length of a cantilever T it was the auth or's opinion that the existing
loads presently on the beam should act on

T t rolley beam is ap proxim ate ly h a lf' of the

canti lever span, provid ed the s upport is
the bare stee l. Howeve r, ut ili zin g the Load &
Resistance Factor Design code (LRFD) and assum-

• braced against twist. The AlSC code' states that L ing plastic stress distribution for positive moment,
shall conservatively be taken as a unity, if the s up- the composite section can carryall the load if the
port is braced against twist. ANSI' Monorail followin g requirements are met:
Specifications specify L to be 2 times the length of 1.iI>M" ~ M, for the composite section .
cantilever, since the cantilever is not fully stayed 2.Yi e ldin g of the bea m does not occur at t he

Modern Steel Construction I July 19951 9


maximum possible service load. For design purposes these stresses should be con-
3.Composite action between the grouted holes sidered as acting in combination with the normal
and existing concrete occurs. and shear stress due to bending.
4. The deflection of the member is acceptable. In addition, deflection and rotation due to these
Using load factor design, the nominal moment of torsional stresses should be added to the deflection
the section is developed when the entire section is due to bending when considering the serviceability
fully plastic. When this occurs, the relationship requirements of this angle.
between stress and strain is non-linear. Therefore, A very good source which outlines the calcula-
the existing dead load can be assumed to be carried tion of the torsional stresses indicated above is
by the composite section. Reference should be found in "Cold Formed Steel Design 2nd edition
made to Chapter I of the LRFD code under appendix B", Wei-Wen Yu. Additional information
Sections II. and 13. By utilizing this type of analy- on torsional stresses and their effects can be found
sis, significant load increase may be permitted in "Steel Structures design and behavior", Salmon
under the provisions of the LRFD code. & Johnson and in the AISC publication "Torsional
Kurt Seidler, P.E. Analysis of steel members".
Canfield, OH The commentary to the specification for single
angle members section C6 states " .. . the applied
moments should be resolved about the principal
Can yo u p rovide so m e i nfor m atio n on axes for the interaction check." If Mn is deter-
ecce n tr ic e ffects o n s in g le a n g le b e ndin g mined about the principal axis then Mu must be
m e mbers? converted from geometric axis loading to equiva-
he specifications for LRFD design of single lent principal axis loading. Hence, Mnx =Mn(sin )

T ang le members is valid for angles loaded

eccentric to the neutral axis and to the shear
center; however, the effects of these eccentric load-
and Muy = Mn (cos J.
The resolution of loading and stresses about the
principal axes may be neglected if the provision of •
ings must be considered in combination with sect. 5.2.1a is met. That is, as stated in the com-
stresses form all other load effects if the provision mentary to this section, if the angle is restrained
of sect. 5.2.1a are not met. That is, if the brick against lateral torsional buckling along its length
wall does not have the stiffness or connectivity to then bending occurs without any torsional rotation
the angle to prevent lateral torsional buckling or if or lateral deflection. Therefore, only bending about
the angle is not independently restrained then the the geometric x axis and shear in the geometric y
effects of this eccentricity must be considered. axis need be considered.
Furthermore, the location of the restraint with Thomas M. Vossm eyer, P.E.
respect to the vertical leg of the angle (i.e. the Salina, KS
extreme fiber of the compression portion of the
angle) should be considered when determining
The location of the load with respect to the shear New Question
center will cause a torsional eccentricity. This
eccentricity will increase the shear and normal
stress in the angle requiring an increase in the In fi e ld bolte d connectio ns fo r g a lvanized
strength of the angle. The effect of the load eccen- me mbe r s, are bolt holes e nlarged t o account
tricity to the shear center will induce torsional for t h e layer of zinc whic h will b e d e posited ?
stresses in the member. These stresses can be cat- If so, b y how muc h and is it possibl e to treat
egorized into two types, pure torsion (St. Venant's th e res ul t ing h o l e as a s t a nd a rd hol e i n
torsion) and warping torsion. Pure torsion causes d esign?
pure shear stress only 1, = Gt(d<l>ldz), warping tor-
sion causes warping shear stress 1w = ESw(d' <I>Idz3) H ow do you calc ulate the mome nt ca p acity
of a double angle sh e ar connection?

and warping longitudinal stress crw = Ew.(d' <I>Idz') .
Under the loading conditions shown all three of
these stresses can be present. Their magnitude
will depend on the magnitude and location of the
loads and the boundary conditions of the angle.

10 I Modern Steel Construction / July 1995

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Please circle # 43
Ju ly 20 .................. Omaha

luly 27 .................. S!. Louis


July 25 ................... M inneapolis

August 8 ............... Rochester, NY

October 3 .............. Birmingham, AL
October 5 .............. At lanta
October 10 ........... .Detroil
October 12 ............ lndianapolis

OClober 17 ............ Cleveland
STRENGT H STEE L, AISC 's 1995 August 9 ................ Albany
Seminar Series is designed to October 18 ............ Columbus
August 1O .............. Portland, ME
provide practical information for October 19 ............ Cincinnati
August t 5 .............. Washington, DC
structural engineers, fabricators, October 24 ............ Memphis
and others involved in the steel August 17 .............. Philadelphia
October 26 ............ Nashville
construction industry. As an August 22 .............. Chicago
October 31 ............ Pittsburgh
added bonus, the seminar will August 24 .............. Milwaukee
offer a session on "Answers to
the Most Commonly Asked September 7 .......... New York City November 2 ....... ... Edison
Questions" of AISC staff engi- September 12 ........ Meriden November 7 .......... New Orleans
neers. September 14 ........ B0510n November 9 .......... Albuquerque
Each seminar begins at 2:00 November 28 ........ Miami
September 19 ....... .Dall.s
p.m . and ends at 8:15 p.m . Cost November 30 ........ Orlando
for the seminar, which has a September 21 ........ Houston
CEU value of 0.45, is $120 ($90 September 26 ........ Denver
for AISC members ). The ree September 28 ........ Kansas City
includes the lectures, numerous
handouts, LRFD ed ucational For more information, call 3121670-5422
software, and dinner. or FAX 3121670-5403
For more information , call

AISC at 312/670-5422.

" Takeitoutof
,., the box and
create an error-free
mod e 1 STRAP ISTRuctural Analysis Programs)- IS fEM software that New AlSC publication
speaks the visual language of structural engineermg Easy
graphical tools let you rapidly model your most camplel( steel or concrele structures and apply
provides basic training in
loads without ever typing a metric units and offers
single command. Afrer stalic cautionary advice until
or dynamic analysis, click on standard metric practice
any part of your structure 10
has been established.
change design parameters
Includes information on
materials, detailing and
preliminary revisions to
the AlSC Code of
Standard Practice.

($15.00 for AlSC

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Sacramento, CA 95826
Ph: (916)368-t666 Fax: (9t6)368-2885

Please circle # 61

Please circle # 40

Modem Steel Construction I July 1995 / 13

'S deta\\\Og
S"EELC.~~ ratio \s so
nroduct\\J\ V 't sav what
t". h we caO
h\9 ~o ~h\s ad.

\t \S \ \ C
a t th e U niv ersi t y of
Florida in May to compete in the
Fourth Annu a l Nat ional S t ee l
Brid ge-Buildin g Co mp e tition .
Th e stud ents we re fin a li s ts in
. 5 ~nd r egion a l co mpe titi on s, wh e r e
wouldn't belIeve ~I~im. But they had previously erected their
're atraid 'Iou to bacK our . 'Iou sca le b rid ges. Th e 18- ft .-Ion g
fran~IV ' w~ enoUg~ room h~:~he dOcumentatl~ people s tru ctures a re judged on stiff-
ness (won by State Unjversity of
there 5 nod we'll gIVe Vo~ a 'Iou the number~ 'Iou can New York- Buffa lo); li ghtn ess
call us !~tter vet, we'll gEI~~~o sVstem . ,he (Unive rs ity of Al as ka a t F a ir-
need." . the S,E
Cltt US lUDll '.,c.
ba nk s ); const ru ct ion s pee d
whO are uSIng (Loui sia n a Tec h nica l Unive r -
believe\ ~ ,\\\\.. ~,\\ ..11111
sity); effi ciency (San Diego State
U ni ve rs ity); eco n om y (No rth
Sl\\\Cl~ I~~ ~-:::::::: Da kota State U ni ve rs ity); a nd
aes th etics (Ne w Me xi co S tat e
1 _ _- ~...~. Univers ity) . Thi s yea r's overa ll
~. ~,\ Please circle # 85 winner was North Dakota State

t t
Th e r eg iona l co mpet iti on s,
which will actually finj sh up trus
fa U, ar e expected to attract 170
sc hools from a ll 20 ASCE stu-
dent Cha pter regions.
F or more inform ation a bout
the 1996 National Steel Bridge-
Buildin g Co mpe ti t ion , con tact
Fr om y Rosenbe r g, AI SC
Assistant Dir ector of Education,
at 3121670-5408.


TION have gene ra ted a lot
of attention.
Most recently, t he cover of the
May issue featured a picture of
an ironworker a top two girders .
But wha t pricked peoples inter-
es t was th e innov a tiv e t ie-o ff •
sys tem. The syste m, ca lled the
"SINCO Beam Wa lker," is a fall
protection product that provides

Please circle # 55
14 1 Modern Sleel Construction / Ju ly 1995

an easy to install tie-ofT point for
ironworkers who must work at
heights before flooring or other
fall protection is available.
According to the manufacturer,
the system is eco nomical and
easy to install- it simply attach-
es to the beam with two struc-
tural bolts and sa fety strap
using a standard wrench. DOMESTIC
Further , it mounts at a 19
degree angle from the base, so it LARGE
does not impede work r move-
ment. For more information, con- FORGED
tact: SI CO Products, Inc., One
SINCO Place , P.O. Box 3651 ,
East Hampton, T 06424-0361; D yson maintains a
ph : 800/243-6753; fax: 203/267-
large inventory of
4976 ; or CIRCLE #106 on the
reader service card near the back Domestic fasteners in
of this magazine. finished and blank stock
Another question that has fre- from .625" to 12" diame-
quently arisen concerns the pub- ter. This allows us to tum
lisher of a book mentioned in an around product in days
article on Mathcad in the April instead of weeks. In the
issue . The book, Building event of an emergency,
Structural Design: Reinforced
our shop is equipped to
Concrete and Structural Steel

• Applica tions , is by Thomas handle break-in orders for

Magner and provides informa- same day shipments. Our
tion on automated st ru ctural in-house forging, heat
design calculations using treat, mechanical testing,
Mathcad . For information on the and extensive machine
book, call 800/628-4223. shop capabilities allow
custom orders to be
processed on time.
NEW GUIDE FOR Dyson fasteners are fully
traceable from the steel
WELDING OF OPEN mill to our shipping dock.

WEB STEEL JOISTS Certified Mill Test Reports

are available upon request.

T Call us on your next

HAS ISSUEO ITS T ECHNICAL fastener requirements.
D IGEST #8 to aid design and Literature available
construction professionals in upon request.
selecting and working with steel
joists. The publication includes
criteria for inspec ting joist
welds, a method for determining
weld strengths, and graphs and
DYSen53 Freedom HOld
tables correlating material sizes
with weld capacities. Cost of the Pllinllville, Ohio 44077
publication , including shipping Toll Free: BOO-680-3600
and handling , is 12 .50 . For Locll: 216-946-3500

more information , contact the
Fax: 216-352-2700
Steel Joist In s titute , Suite A,
1205 48th Ave. ., Myrtle Beach,
SC 29577 ; 8031449-04 7 or Cffi-
CLE #54 . ~
\~ Amencan Made

Please circle # 25
Mod em Steel C'onslrucllon I July 1995/ 15

Bicycle Racks Outdoor Furniture
and other recreat/OOBJ products a popular end-use applaJtJOn for
may be fabnca ted from mechanical tubmg
mechamcal tUbfng Exercise Equipment
tubing ;s an Integral part of this
product's framework.

Products Made From Tubing are Unlimited ...

From agricultural equipment to commercial construction , ASTM A5f3 TYPES f ' II
the end use applications for structural and mechanical A500 GRADES A BAND C
tubing are dramatically increasing. Our large size STRUCTVRAL TUBIHG · HI· Y50
range ... variety of products ... sales and technical support, STRUCTURAL Tl/BJNG ' ROPS
make UNR-Leavitt, the "Tube People", the preferred ~NG(UNTESTEDJ ' saES
"one-stop" supplier for a growing number of companies. SOUAR£S AND EQUIVALENT
Add to that, the convenience of buying any UNR-Leavitt fer x ,cr, ROUNDS 3.'8· TO
product through your local steel service center and you'll 0"· (26~.) TO 500" ( 112;
know why we're an Industry Leader ... At UNR-Leavitt we
put our customers first.

cg, Our people

A Division of UNR Industries, Inc.
1717 W lISttl ST .. CHICAGO, Il60&43
PHONE 312·239--710000
t ·8O().L· E· A· V·I· T· T
FAX: 312·239-1023

""' .....
make the '~~K .
difference _. . . 1...'*'

Please circle # 79
Pri nci pal Producers Of Structural Shapes

• B. Bethlehe m Struct. Prod .

C. Chaparral Steel
F. Florida Steel Corp .
G. British Steel
Sectio n
Weight Pcr Ft.
J. J&L Structural Inc.
M. SMI Steel Inc.
N. Nucor-Yamato Steel

R. Roanoke Steel
S.North Star Steel

Weight Per FI.
U. Nucor Steel
W . Northwestern Steel & Wire
Y. Bayou Steel Corp.


W44 x 230, 262, 290335 .... 16 ............T W27 x 132 .......................... l0 ............ G
84 , 94, 102,
W40x 593, 503, 431 ........... 16 ............ T 114,129 .......... ........ . 10 .......... .. S , G, N, T,W
362', 397· ................ 16 ............ N, T
327· .......................... 16 ............ N W24 x 335, 370 .. .. ............... 12.75 .... .. .T
297 , 324· ................ .. 16 .. .... ...... N, T 306 ........................... 12.75 ...... .N, T
294· .......................... 16 .. .. ........ N 279 ........................... 12.75 ...... .G, N, T
199. 215,249,277 ... 16 ............ N. T 250 ............ .... ........... 12.75 ...... .G, N
174 ........................... 16 ............ T 229 .. ........ ................. 12.75 .......B··, G, N, T, W
W40x 392 ........................... 12 .. .......... T 207 ............ ...... ......... 12.75 ....... S··, N, W
278,331 ............ .. ..... 12 ............ T, G 104,117, 131,
211. 235.264 ...... ..... 12 ............ B··, G, T 146, 162, 176, 192 ... 12.75 ....... S· ,G , N,T, W
183 ........................... 12 ............ S··, G, N, T W24x 100 , 120 . 160 ...... 12 ............ N
149,167 ................... 12 ............ S··, G, N, T
W24x 103 ................ .. ......... 9 .. ............ S ··, N. W
W36x 439,527, 650, 798 ... 16.5 ......... T 84 , 94 ......... ........ ...... 9 .. .. ... ....... S ', G,N, W
393 ........................... 16.5 ......... B··. N, T 68, 76 .......... .... .. .. ..... 9 .............. S , C, G,N, W
230, 245. 260, 280, 56' ,61 .................... 9 .............. N
300, 328.359 ............ 16.5 .. ....... S··. G. N. T

• W24x 55,62 ........ .......... ..... 7 ........ ...... S, C, G, N. W

W36x 256 .. ........ ................. 12 ............ B··, G, N
232 .... ........ ............... 12 ............ S··, G. N
135, 150. 160, )70, W21 x )82.20) ........ .. ......... 12.25 ....... G
182. 194, 210 ........... 12 ...... ...... S··, G, N, T 101.1 11 , 122.
132. t47 , 166 .. ...... .. 12.25 ....... S··, G. N, W
W33x 387' ........ .................. 15.75 ....... N W21 x 83, 93 .................. .. ... 8.25 .. .. ..... S , G, N, W
201 , 221.241 . 263. 62,68, 73 ................. 8.25 ......... B. C. G. N, W
291 . 318, 354 ........... 15.75 ....... B··. N, T 48'. 55' .................... 8.25 .... ..... N
W33x 118, 130. W21 x 44,50.57 .. .. ............. 6.5 ........... B. C, G. N. W
141, 152, 169 ........... 11.5 .... .. .. .S··. G, N. T
WI8 x 258, 283, 311 ........ .. . 11 ........ .... S·
W30x 357', 391.. ................ 15 ............ N, l' 192, 211. 234 ........... I1.. .......... S ·
261,292,326 ...... .. ... 15 ............ S··. G. N, l' 175 ........................... 11 ............ S· ,W
284· .......... ................ 15 ............ G 130, 143, 158 ........... l1 ............ B. N, W
173. 191,211,235 ... 15 ............ S··, G, N. T
W18x 130· .. ............ ...... ...... II ............ N
W30x 99. 108, 116, 124, 76. 86. 97,
132. 148 ................... 10.5 .... ..... B··. G. N, T 106. 119 ................... I1.. .......... S ··, N, W
W30x 90 ............................. 10.6 ......... B··. N
W18x 65, 71 .. ............ .. .. ..... 7.5 ........... B. G. N, W
50.65, 60 ................. 7.5 ........... B, C, G, N, W
W27x 539 .... ....................... 14 ...... .. .... G
368 ...... ..................... 14 ............ G. N, l' W18 x 35, 40.46 .......... .. ..... 6 ............ .. S, C, G, N, W
336· .................... ...... 14 .... ...... .. N, T
307 .. ....... .................. 14 ...... .. .... G, N, l' W16x 67, 77. 89, )00 .... ..... 10.25 ....... S··. N. W
281 · .......................... 14 ............ N
258 ........................... 14 ...... .. .... G. N. 1' W16 x 57 ........ ................ ..... 7 .............. S, G. N, W
235 ...... ..................... 14 .......... .. G, N 36, 40,45, 50 ........... 7 .......... .. .. S. C. G, N, W

• 146.161. 178.
194,217 .............. ..... 14 .......... .. B··. G, N, l'
W16x 26,31 ........ .............. .5.5 ........... S. C. G, N. W
MaXimum lengthS 0 1 :.hdPCS oblamec:1 voUy With, but tYPICally (doge Irom &0 II to 75 n. Lengths up to I <x) II ,H(..'
available for t ertaln "hapes. Plcase consult individudl producers for ICrllt1h rl'qUlrc m C'IlIS.
a Shapes not currently Iisl('d in Manual of Steel Construction

uMil1 scheduled 10 cease rolling these shapes in laiC 1995

Modern Steel Construction I July 1995 / 17

Principal Producers Of Structu ral Shapes
B. Beth lehem Struet. Prod.
C. Chaparral Steel
F. Florida Steel Corp .
G. Bri ti sh Steel

Weight Per FI.
J. J&L Structura l Inc.
M . SM I Steel Inc.
N. N ucor-Yamato Steel

R. Roanoke Steel
S.North Star Steel
T. Trad eA RBED

Secti on
Weight Per FI.
U . Nueor Steel
w. Northwestern Steel & Wire
Y. Bayou Steel Corp .

Nomina l

W14 x 808 ................. .... ...... 16 ............ B·· W8x 24.28 ....................... 6.5 ........... B. C. N. W
455. 500. 550.
605.665.730 ........... 16 ............ B··. G. T W8x l B. 21 ....................... 5.25 ......... B. C. G. N. U. W, Y
W8x 15 ............................ .4 .............. B. C. U. W. Y
426 ............... .. .......... 16 ............ B··. G. T 10. 13 ...................... .4 .............. B. C. M. U. W. Y
398 ........................... 16 ............ B··. G. N. T
370 ........................... 16 ......... ... B··. G. N, T W6x 15.20.25 ................. 6 .............. B. C. G. N. U. W
311.342 ................... 16 ............ B··. G. N. T. W
145. 159. 176. 193. W6x 12.16 ....................... 4 ......... ... .. B. C. U. W. Y .. . 16 ........ .... B··, G. N. T. W 9 ....................... ....... .4 .......... .... B. C, J , M, U. W. Y
8.5· .......................... .4 .............. C. J, M. U. Y
W14 x 90.99.
109. 120. 132 ........... 14 .5 .... .... .B'·. G. N. T. W
W5x 16. 19 ................. ...... 5 .............. B, U
W14 x 82 ............ ................. 10 ............ B, N. W
74 ............................. 1O ............ B. C. N.W W4x 13 ............................. 4 .. ... ......... B. C. M. U. Y
61,68 ....................... 1O ..... ....... B. C. N, W
W14 x 43,48.53 ................. 8 .. .. .......... B. C. N,W Secti on Producer
Weight Per FI. Code

W14 x 38 ............................. 6.75 ......... B. C. G. N. W M12 x 10.8, 11.8 .................. C. J
30.34 ............ ........... 6.75 ........ .B. C. G. N, W M12 x 10.0* ......................... J
MlOx8. 9 ......................... ... C. J . U
W14 x 22.26 ....................... 5 .............. B. C. G. N. W MlO x 7.5* ........................... J
M8 x 6.2* ...... ....................... J
W12 x 252.279.305,336 ... 12 ............ B··. G. N MB x 6.5 ............................... C. J , U
210.230 ................... 12 ... ..... .. .. B**. G. N. T M6 x 3.7*, 4.4 ......................J
170. 190 ................... 12 ............ B··. G. N. T. W M5 x 18.9 ............................. B
65.72,79.87.96. M4 x 6* ... ............................ C.U
106. 120. 136.152 ... 12 ............ B··, G. N. T. W
W12x 53.58 ....................... 10 ............ B. C. N. W 824 x 106, 121 ..................... B*·. W
824 x 80-100 .... .................... B··, W
W12 x 50 ............................. 8 .............. B. C. N. W 820 x 86. 96 ......................... B··. W
40.45 .......... ............. 8 .............. B. C. N. W 820x 66. 75 ... .... ................... B··. W
818 x 54.7. 70 ...................... B··. W
W12 x 26.30.35 ................. 6.5 ........ ... B. C. G. N. W 815 x 42.9. 50 ...................... B, W
W12 x 16. 19.22 ............. ... .4 ..... .... .....B. C. G. N. W 812 x 40.8. 50 ...................... B, W
14 ............................ .4 .............. B. C. W 812 x 35 ............................... B. W
812 x 31.8 ............................ B. C. W
810 x 35 ...................... ......... B. 8
Wl0x 88.100.112 ............ 10 ... ......... B. G. N. W 810 x 25.4 ............................ B. C. 8
49,54.60,68. 77 ..... 10 ............ B. C. G. N. W 88 x 18.4. 23 ....... ................. C. 8
WI0x 33.39.45 .... ..... ........ 8 .............. B. C. N. W 86 x 17.25 ............................ C. 8
86 x 12.5 ............ .................. C. 8. Y
WlO x 22.26.30 ................. 5.75 ......... B. C. G. N. W 85 x 10 ................................. C. Y
84 x 9.5 ................................ C. M
W10x 15, 17.19 ................ .4 .............. B. C. G. U. W 84 x 7.7 ................................ C. M.Y
12 ............................ .4 .............. B. C. U. W 83 x 7.5. 5.7 ............... ... ....... C. J . M. Y

W8x 31.35.40.
48.58.67 ................. 8 .............. B, C. G. N. W
Noles: Maximum lenl-\t hs of shapc!!. obt<l1ned vary with proc:lu(cr, bul l yp i c~l l1 y range from 60 ft to 75 ft. Lengt hs up 10100 fl art'
available for certa in shapes. Please consult individual producers for length requirements .
• Sh<l pes nOI current ly listed in M ,mual of Strel Construction
·-M ill ~chC'du l ('d to LC,1Sl' rolling tht.·se sh,lpes in lat€' 1(NS

18 / Modern Steel Construction / July 1995
a 36-lnch
Angle Roll
in the Western Hemisphere


10' x 10' x I' Angle Iron Leg Out and Leg In
9" Solid Round Bar
8' Solid Square Bar
4' X 14' flat Bar on flat (the easy way)
2W x 12' flat Bar on Edge (tbe bard way)
16"Pipe and Tubing (square. round and rectangular)
36" Beams and Channels
12' Tees Stem In and Stem Out

3715 South Rockwell. Chicago. illinois 60632

CALL 312-523-5757
STANDARD MILL SHAPES Rolled or Bent to Order - FAST!
~ We bend ALL Sizes up to·
. . - - INSIDE OIA
ANGLE RINGS LEG OUT I 1 10"xl0"x l " Angle
~I_-- OUTSIDE 01' ----Ij 2 lO"xl0"x l " Angle


3 12" x 2:v." Flat

SQUARE BAR RINGS 5 8"x 8" Square

6 36"x 210 Ib.l ft. Beam
(Y-Y Ax is)
BEAM RINGS THE HARD WAY 18/1 x 50 Ib.l ft. Beam
(X-X Axis)
our::;IO£ OIA

CHANNEL RINGS FLANGES IN 8 18"x 58 Ib ft. Cha nnel


CHANNEL RINGS FLANGES OUT 9 18"x 58 Ib.l ft. Channel

13" x 50 Ib.l ft. Channel
(X-X Axis)
TEE RINGS STEM IN 12" x 811b.lft. Tee

TEE RINGS STEM OUT 12" x 811b.l ft. Tee

TEE RINGS STEM UP 10.5" x 83 Ib.l ft. Tee



8"x 8" x1/1 Angle

~ ANGLE RINGS HEEL OUT 8"x 8"x 1" Angle

~- I
1--- - MEAN OIA
~ ANGLE RINGS HEEL UP 16 8 ")( 8"x1/1 Angle

RINGS 20" x 8" Rectangular Tube

6 18 14" Pipe

ROUND BAR RINGS 19 9" Round Ba r


Bethlehem 175* Rail

_ INSU)t OLA ---1
21 ASCE 100* Rail
Bethlehem 175* Ra il

~r L
221 ASCE 100* Ra il
~hlehem 175* Rail


t Principal Producers Of Structural Shapes

B. Beth lehem Struct. Prod. J.I&L Structural Cnc. R. Roanoke Steel U. Nucor Steel
C. Chaparral Steel M. SM I Steel Inc. S.North Sta r Steel W. Northwestern Steel & Wire
F. Florida Steel Corp. N. Nucor-Yamato Steel T. TradeARBED Y. Bayou Steel Corp.
C. British Steel

Section Producer Section by Leg Producer

Weight Per Ft. Code Lengths & Th ickness Code

HP14 x 73, B9, 102, 117 ...... B··, G, N, W

HPl2 x 53, 63, 74. 84 .......... B··, G, N, W
LBx B x 1'/, .................. 8 , T
HPl0 x 42,57 ............ .... ...... B, C, G, N, W 1 ...................... B. T
HPB x 36 .............................. B. C. G. N. W '/, .................... B. T
3/ ....................
B, 8, T
'/, .................... B. T
C15 x 33.9, 40, 50 ................ B, N, W 1/ .................... 8 . S
C I 2 x 30 ............................... B, S, W
C 12 x 20.7, 25 ...................... B, C, S, W L6 x 6 x 1.. .................... B. U. Y
CIO x 25, 30 ......................... B, S, W '/, .................... B. U, Y
CI0 x 15.3, 20 ...................... B, C, S, U, W 3/ .•....... . ....•.•... B. M, U, Y

'. C9 x 20 ................................. B
C9 x 13.4, 15 ........................ B, S
5/8 .••..•..........•.•. B. M . V. V
9/'6 ................... M . V. Y
C8 x IB.75 ............................ S, W, Y 1/2 .•..••.•.. . ......... B. M . S. U. Y

CB x 11.5, 13.75 ................... C, M, S, U, W, Y '/" ................... 8 , M , U. Y

C7 x 12.25 ............................ S, U, W 3/ .................... B. M . S. U. Y
C7 x 9 .8 ................................ M, S, U, W '/" ................... M, U, Y
C6x 13 ................................. M,S, U, W, Y 1/4* ................... U
CS x 10.5 .............................. C, M, S, U, W, Y
L5 x 5 x '/, .................... U, Y
C6 X 8.2 ............................. ".C, F, M, 8, U, W, Y,
'/, .................... M, U, Y

C5 x 9 ................................. C, M, U, W, Y
'I, .................... M , U, Y
C5xS.7 .. .............................. C, F, M, U, W, Y
1/, .................... M, U , W, Y
C4 x 5.4, 7.25 ....................... C, F, M, U, W, Y
C4 x 4.5* .............................. M, U
M, U, Y
3/ ..................... M, U, W. Y
C3 x 6 ................................. M, U, W, Y 8

C3 x 4.1, 5 ............................ C, F, M, R, U, W, Y 6/'6 ................... M. V. W. Y

1/.* ................... U
C3 x 3.5' .............................. M, R, U
L4 x 4 x '/, .................... M . U. Y
MCI B x 42.7. 45.B, '/, .................... M , U, Y
51.9. 58 ............................... .B. N 1/2 .......•.•.•..•....• F . M . R . V, W. Y
MC13 x 31.B, 35. 40, 50 ....... B, N 7/ 16 ............. .. .... F. M. R. U. Y
MC12 x 31, 35, 40, 45, 50 .... B, N 3/8 .................... F. M. R. U. W. Y
MC12 x 10.6 ......................... J , S '/" ................... F , M, R, U, W, Y
MCI0 x 2B.5, 33.6, 41.1.. ..... B 1/..................... F. M. R. U. W. Y
MCIO x 22, 25 ...................... 8
MC I0 x B.4 ........................... J, S L31/2 X 3'/2 X 1/, .................... F. M, U, W, Y
MC I O x 6.5 .. ........ ................. J 7/ ...... . ........... . U. Y
MC9 x 23.9. 25.4 .................. B '/, .................... F, M, R, U, W, Y
MC8 x 21.4, 22.B .................. B, S 5/ 16 ................... F , M. R. U. W. Y
MCB x IB .7, 20 ..................... B. S 1/..................... F, M, R. U, W. Y
MCB x 8.5 ............................. J, M
L3 x 3 x 1/2 .................... F , M, U, W. Y
Me 8 x 6.S· ........ .... ............... J
MC7 x 191. 22.7 .................. 8
................... u, Y
MC6 x I B.............................. B
3/ ....................
F, M, R, S. U, w, Y
5/ ................... F. M , R. S, U, W, Y
MC6 x IS.3 ........................... B,S 16
1/4 .................... F. M, R, S, U. w, y
MC6 x 15.3 ......................... B
3/ 16 ................... F, M. R, S, U, W, Y
MCS x 15.1... ........................ B, S
MC6 x 12 .............................. 8 , S
MC6 x 6.5', 7.0 .................... J
!'.1C4 x 13.B· ......................... S
:'lC 3 x 7. 1· .......................... S

Noles: Maximum lengths of shapes obt<uncd vary wi th producer, bu t typica ll y range from 60 ft to 75 tt. LengthS up to IOU II Me
.wdilable for cerla in .. hapes. Please consult individual producers for length requi rements .
• Shapt~s not currently liste<1 in MtlfllMJ ofStecl Construction
·-Mill scheduled to cease roll ing these shapes in latc 1995

Modern Slee! Constructi on / July 1995/ 19

Principal Produ cers Of Structural Shapes
B. Bethlehem Strucl. Prod. J. J&L Structural Inc. R. Roanoke Steel U. Nucor Steel
C. Chaparral Steel M. SM I Steel Inc. S.North Star Steel W. Northwestern Steel & Wire
F. Florida Steel Corp. N. Nucor-Yamato Steel T. TradeARBED Y. Bayou Steel Corp.
G. British Steel

Section by l eg Producer Section by leg Produ cer

lengths & Thi ckness Code l engths & Thickness Code

L2'/2 X 21/2 X 1/2 ............... .. ... F. U, Y L5 x3 x 1/2 .................... F, M, V , W, Y

3/8 ..•••.... .. . ... ...•• F. R. S, U, Y 7/
•••.•.•••••••.••••• F. V , Y
5/ 16 ..•........ . .•...•• F, R, S, U, Y
3/ ...•.••••..... . . .. . . F. M. U. W, Y
5/ 16 •••••••••••••• • •• •• F. M. V . W. Y
1/•.................... F, R, S, U, Y II•.......... ... .... ... F, M, V, W, Y
3/'6 ....... ... ........ .F, R, U, Y
lA X 3 1/ 2 X M, V, W
1/2 .••.•..........••.•. F,
L2 x 2 x 3/, ..... .... ........... F, R, S, U, Y 3/ ••••..............•. F, M, V, W
5/ 16 ................... F, R, S, UI Y
•••••••••••••••••••F, M, R, V, W
1/•.... .. ......... ... .. F, R, S, U, Y 1/•.................... F, M, R, V , W
3/16 . .....••..•........ F, R, S, U, Y
1/, .. ........... ....... F, R. S, U, Y
L4x3x '/•.................... U, y
L8x6x 1 ...................... B '/2 .................... F , M, V , W, Y
'/•.................... B, S 7/16 ..•.•.............. U, Y
1/, ........... ... ...... B, S 3/ ...•...... . .......•. F. M, R, V, W. Y
7/ 16 •••••••••• .. ••••• .. B 6/ ................••. F. M, R, V, W, Y
L8 x 4 x 1.. ................... .B 1/•.................... F. M, R, V . W, Y
3/•.................... B, S 'I, .................... U, W

L3'/, x 3 x
1/, ...... ............ .. B, S 'I, .................... M, U, W
L7x4x '/•.................... B, Y 5/ 16 •• ••••••••••••••••• M, U, W
'I, .................... B, Y 1/•.................... M , V, W
1/2 ........ " .......... 8 , S, Y L3 1/, X 2' 1, x 1/, ................ .. .. U
7/ ..••............•.. y
16 'I• ....................U, W
3/, .................... B, S, Y 5/'6* ................. u, W
L6 x 4 x 'I, .................... B II• .......... .......... U, W
3/•.................... B. M, S, V, W, Y La X 2 1/2 X 1/2 .................... V , W
5/ . .. .. . .....•........ B. M,
U, W. Y
S 3/ ........•...••.••... V, W
9/16 ... ...•...•........ M. U,Y 5/ ............•..•... U, W, Y
1/ .......•.•.......... 8, M , 8, V, W, Y
2 II• .................... R, U, W
7/ 16 ................... u. Y 3/16 ....•..••.••...... .V
3/s .................... M. S, U, W, Y
6/ 16 .•••..... .. ....•••. M, S, V, W, Y L3 x 2 X II, ....................F, U
L6 X 3 1/, x II, ........ ............ M, U, W, Y
'I, .................... F, U
'/16 .......... ......... F, U
3/8 •.......•....•••.... M, V, W, Y 1/, .................... F . R, U
5/16 ······· .••.••..•.•. M, V, W, Y 3/16 .............•••••• F, R, U

L5 X 3 1/, x 'I• .................... M, U, Y

5/ . . ............ . . . ... M. U. W. Y
L2 1/, x 2 x ", ................. .. .R, S, U
1/2 .................... M. U, W, Y
'/16 ................... S, U
'I•.................... M. U, W. Y II• ....................R, S, U
6/ 16 .•...........•••... M. V. W. Y 3/ 16 ••••••••• • ••••••••• R, S. U
1/•.................... M, U, W, Y

Notes: Maximum lengths 01 SllJI>eS obtain(>d va ry willl producer, but typicallY range Irom &0 ft to 75 ft.lengths up to 100 ft arc
ava ilable for certain shapes. Please consu lt individual producers for length requirements .
• Shapes. not currently listed in Manual o(Steel Cons /ruction
u Mili scheduled to ceJse rol ling these shapes in late' 995

20 I Modern Steel Construction I July 1995

Principal Producers Of Structural Tubing (TS)

A . Ac..Ill(' Roll FormmgCo. H HilMa 51l'('l Corp N Hannlb..ll lnd u\lfll'S, Inc. U. UN It- l~J\lltt. DIY_ of UNR Inc.
B Bull (\100-'«> Tulx- Co I.lndo'f)(·fl(krKt' Tul~ C-orp. P IPSen Inc:, V Vd l moo ll ndu~l r~
C. Coppl-'fV+i'1d Corp I Vt... t lnc R ':ttandard 1u'*(0 W. Wt,l(k'd Tulx> (0 01 Amenta
o Dallas Tullt' & RoIhunn ~ . M,l\O('t'Kk Tu""" S. Sonco ';1('('/ Tu"" 'J( [ Xll U8£
[ [uKffIf' W ('!dlnK Co. l loN. It-do.· SII"-" (0 T Atlas Tulx' '( Janx'\ ~I{'d & Tulx> Co.
G Bntl")''€"{'· M M.1ruK tu Am(-'fKdn C()fP l. Wt'Itk-d Tube of C:maw lid

Nominal Size Produc('r Code Nommal Size Producer Code

and Thu:.kneliS and Thickness

32x32xb/.. I ' 'I•............••V · 3x3x'I............................. .A,B,C,D,E,H ,I,J ,K,L.M ,N .P,R,S ,T,

30x30x-V•• 1/:. 'I•............V. ........................................ U.W.X.y .Z
28x28r/". 1/2 , 'I...............V ·
26x26x5J•• 1/'j' J/............... v. 21/.y0211ax'I" .................... .1 ,S.T
24x24xlt/. , 1/1 , 'I•..............V· 2 '1,.2'I,x'I. , 'I" ............... A.B.C,D,E.H,I.J .K,L.M,N ,P,R,S,T.
22x22r/., lIz, 'I• ..............V · ........................................ U.W.x,Y,Z
20x20xt'/•• 1/1, 'I•......... .....V · 2'1,x2'I.x'I....................... A.B,C,D,E.H,I,J,K.L.M,N,P,R.S.
18xl8 1,.1/1 , ' ,•••••• •• ••• • v ........................................ T,U ,X,W,y,Z
16x16 1•• 1/3' J/• .•••• , G, V , W
2x2x~/I.···· · · .. ···················· I,S
16xI6x'I". ....•••..•... W 2x2x'I. ............................. B.C.D.II,I.J,K.M .N,R,S.T,U,W.x.Y,Z
... G,V*,W 2x2x'/lt'l/• ..................... .A.B.C. D,E,H.I,J ,K,M.N ,P ,R,S,
14x14x .' ........................................ T,U,W.x.Y,Z
14x14x I J G. V'.W
14x14xV"14· G, W P/-4x l'/-4x l/, ...••_.............. H
12.12>'1,. .................. B,G,S.W P/,xP/4r /, ........... ..... H.Y ,Z
12xl2x 1 " , ,'/16'1/4 .........B,G.S.T.W 1'1,.1 '1,x'1....................... B,E,H,L,N,P,R,S .T,U,W,y:L.
IOxl0xV. ...... •....... B.C.G.S,W 32x24ro/•• I/~, J/...............V
10xlOxI/:, ""./ ..,1/, •••...• B.e,C.p,S,T.U,W 30x24r/... Il" 'I...............V
IOxlO I •.••.••••.• .B.C,G,P.S,U.W 28x24x&/•• 1/2 , J/...............V
26x24x-5/., 1/'1' '/...... .... .. ... v
8. S. '.. .............. . B,C,G,S,W
24x22x'/1I.1/'J. l/............... V ·
8x8x l /, , '/., Ir,,··················· B.e.D;G,K,P,S.T,U.W.Z
22x.20x&/", 1/ 2, J/...............V·

S.8.'I.............................. B,C,G.K.P,S.T,U.W,Z
8x8 I" ......................... B.C,G,K,P,S,U,W,Z 20x18x&/•• 1/ 2 , s/...............V ·
7x7..,........................ .B,C,G ,S 20xt2x'/'J' s/,. 'I" ............. G.V. ,W
7x7x I/2 .l/~/·/ I " . I/, . 3/ .... ... B,e,G,K.p,S,T,U.W.Z 20x12x 5/~ ........................... C
20x8xli/ • • II,. s/................. V. ,W
6x6x ~/II" ................. .. B.G.S 20x8x ~/~ ............................. 0
6x6x'I.......................... .B,C.G ,K,P.s,T.U,W,Z
6.6.'1•• ""... .......... .. ..... B,C .D,G ,K,P.R,S,II,I .J ,1', U .W.Z 18x12xl/'J ,·I.....................V
6x6x'I., '1,.. ................. B,C.D,G,K,P,R,S ," ,I ,J,T,U ,W.X ,Z l8x6x&/1I ............................. G
6x6x':,. ..................... B,C,D,G,S,T,H.I.J,Z 18x6x ' /•• s/., 'II ............... B,G.W
18x6x l', ........................... B.G
51/.;x5 1/.;x'1•• ~/I'" 1/,.'/IIi' I) • .B,D.G ,S.H.I ,Z
5'1;<5'1 'I.................... B,G ,S,I .Z 16x12x ' /2 , 'I•• 1i/,. ............. G.V ,W
16xI2x ~/............................ G
5.5x'I.... ................ .. B,C,G.K,P.R.S.T,U,W,Z 16x8xl /~, s/" '/ ................. B,G,W
5x5x'I., .,,, ................... B,C,D,G ,H.I,J ,K,P,R,S.T.U.W,Z
16x8 1, ...................... ....... 0
5x5x'I•. 'I" .................. B.C,D,G ,Il,I ,J,K,M .P.R,S,T.x,U,W,Y,Z
16x4xl/~ • •/~ . '/I ................ B.G.W
5x5x'I............................ B.C,G.H ,I,J.M.P.S,T,Y.Z
16x4x'/~ ............................. 0
4 1/:zx4 1/.,x1/'J............... e, K,T,Z
14x12x 1/ 2 , s/.. ................... V
4 '1 4'1,x'1....................T ,H,I,K,P,S ,W.Z
4'1,x4 '1,x'1"............ ... T,H ,I,K,P.W.Z 14xl0x '/" " ........ ............ B,C,S,W
14xtOxl!>/~ ........................... 0
4'1;<4 'I 'I•. 'I" .............. B.C.D.H ,I,K.P,S.T.W ,Y,Z
4'1,x4 '1;<'I....................... B,C,H,I,K,P,S,T,Y,Z 14xlOx '/1t ......... ,.............W
14x6x'1............................ B,G
4x4x 'I........................... B,C.K. P.R,S,T,U,W.Z 14x6x 1/ 2• 'I•• 'I ... II, ......... B.G ,W
4x4x'I•. 'I" ................. B.C,D.Il.I ,J ,K,R,S,T,D,P,U.W,Z 14x4x6/ ............................ B.S
4x4x 'I•• 'I". 'I......... B,CD.E.HJJ.K.M.N.P.R.S.l'.x.U.W.Y,Z 14x4x l/ 2, l/,.. '/1f>' 1/4 ......... B,S ,W
14x4x:1f I •···• ....... . .... .. ... .. . B.S
.... C, T
... C.I.J.P,S.T.U,W,Z 12xlOx l / J • 'I,. 1/4 .... . ........B. 5, U
B,CD.E.HJJ.KJ.M.N.P.ll.S.T.U.W.x.Y,Z 12x8 I.......................... B, C. G. S .W
.C. T t2x8x l/'J' aI" 'II,' 1/, ........ B. C. G. S, T, W
12x8xl / l ......................... B, C, G, S, U

3x3 I~ .................. e.
H, T 12x6x·,. ...................... B, S
3x3x' ".... ......... .. .. C.H ,I,J.P.S ,T.U,W.Z 12x6xl/... a/., 'I ... II,. . B, C. S,U.W
3x3x '.' ".. .... .. .....A.B.CD.E.HJJ.K.L.M.N.P.R,S,T,U.W.x.Y,Z
Notes: ·Size IS manufactured by Submerged Arc Weldmg (SAWI process and are not stocked by sleel service centers (contact.
producer for s pecific reqUJrement.8). All olher sizes arc manufactured by Electric Resistance Weldmg and mostal"e
available from steel service centers .
. Bnlis h Steel also produces a full range of melric
Some manufact.ures produce a .120 si'l.e instead ofa I/~: please check with individual manufact.urers

Modem Steel Construction I July 1995 / 2 1

Principal Producers Of Structural Tubing (TS)

A. Acme Roll Forming Co. H. Hanna Steel Corp. N. Hannibal Industries, Inc. U. UN R- Leavitt, Oi ..... of UN R Inc.
B. Bull Moose Tube Co. I. Independence Tube Corp . P. IPseo Inc. V. V"lmont Industries
C. Copperweld Corp. I. Vest Inc. R. St.lnd,ud Tube Co. W. Welded Tube Co. of America
D. Dallas Tube & Rollform K. Maverick Tube S. Soneo Steel Tube X. EXLTUBE
E. Eugene Welding Co. l. Laclede Steel Co. T. Alias Tube Y. James Steel & Tube Co.
G. British Steel-· M. Maruichi American Corp. Z. Welded Tube of Canada ltd .

Nominal Size Producer Code Nominal Size Producer Code

and Thickness and Thickness

12x6x 3/ 1S ........... .. B, C, S, U 6x4x l / 4• 3/ Is •• • ...••• • . B,C,D,H,I,J ,K,M,P ,R,S,T.U.W.X.y,Z

12x4x'/,......... ........ C, G, S 6x4x'l, ........................... B, C, D, I, J, K, P, S, T, V, X, Y, Z
12x4x l/Z,3/s,5/16' I/~, 3/ 16 " .B, C, G, K, S, U, W, Z 6x3x'/2 ••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••• C, K. P , S, U. Z
12x3 1/ 2 X3/ s• 5/16 ....... .. •. z 6x3x:Vs• 6/,6 ..................... B, C, D, H , I, J , K, P, S, T. U, W, Z
12x3x5/16' ]/4' 3/ 16 " ......... c. B, K. Z 6x3x 1/ 4 • ~/,s" .......... B,C,D,H,I,J ,K.P .R,S,T ,U, W.X, y ,Z
12x2x1f4 > 3/16 , ... .. .. B. K, S , U, Z 6x3x'l, ............. .... B, C, D, H, I, J, K, P , R, S, T, U, X, Y, Z
6x2x'l, ............................ H, K, S, T , U , W, Z
lOxax ' / 2, 3/g , ~/16' 1/4 , 3/]6··· B , C. S, U. W 6x2x 5/ 1s ' .......... .. ..... . ••• B, H . I, J . K, p. S , T, U, W, Z
lOx6x5/ g ......................... G, K 6x2x 1/ 4 , 3/16 . ..... . ... . B. C, D. E, H , I. J,.K, M,
lOx6x'/ 2 .B, C. G, K, S, 1', U, W. Z .................................... N, P , R, S, T , U, W, X, Y, Z
lOx6x 3/ s• "116' 1/4 ..... .B. C, D. G, K. P, S. T . V. W, Z 6x2x l/g ........................... B,C.D,E,H,Y,J,K,M,N,P,R,S,T,U,W){,y ,Z
lOx6x 3/]6 . ........... . B, C. D, K. p. S, V . W. Z
lOx5x 3/ g , 6/]6' '/~. 3/'6 ... .B , C, D , K , S 5x4x I/ 2 ............................1'
lOx4x 5/ g • • ••..••••.••••• G 5x4x3/ g • 6/ 16 ........... B, C, I, K. p. T, W, Z
10x4x'I, ............... .. .... ... ... B, C, G, K, P , S, T, U, W, Z 5x4x 1/ 4 • 3/ 16 ...... ........... B, C, D, I, K, P , T. W. Y. Z
lOx4x 3/ a, 5/]6> ]/4 , 3/ 16 ..... B. C, D. G, K. P , S. T. V , W, Z 5x3x l/l! ........ .C. K, p. S, V . Z
10x3 11zx3/'6 •• K , Z 5x3x3/s' 6/ 1S .... .. ..•. .. ....... C, D. H, I. J . K, P, R, S, T, U, W, Z
lOx3x 3 / g • 6/ 16 , 1/4 •••..•••••..• 8 , D, K. T 5x3x'I" 'I" . .................. B,C,D, E,H,I,J ,K,M,N ,P ,R,S,T,U,W,X,Z
lOx3x3/ 16 ••• .. B, D, K, T, Z 5x3x'l, .... ... ... ...... B, C, D, E, H, I , J, K, M, N,
lOx2x 3/ s ....... .T , Z ... ......... .... . ......... P , R, S, T, U, W, X, Y, Z
lOx2xb/ 16...... . ..... D, P , S. T , V, W, Z 5x2 1/ 2 x 1/ 4• s/ls .................J . K, Y, Z
lOx2x 1/ 4 , 3/16 .B, D, P , S , T, U, W, Z 5x2x3/ A···.. • ...... C, K, T
5x2xfijIS.... . ........ C, 1. J, P , R, S, T, W
9x7x l/~ . 3/11 , ~/16' '/4 , 3/ 16

.B, C, W, Z 5x2x'/~, 3/ 1S ' 1/8 .... .......... B,C,D,E,H,I,J ,K,M,N,P,R,S,T,U, W,X,Z
9x5x i / 2 • 3/.,." 5/16' ]/4 ,3/ 16 .••• 8 , C, W, Z
9x3x'/ 2 .. •••• .. ••• ..• •••• . •••• ... •• C 4x3xS/ B .•• ••• B. J , S, T
9x 3/ s , "/ 16 •••••••..• C. Z 4x3x li/ ls ......... B, I, J , P , S, T , U, W, Z
9x3x 1/ 4 , 3/16 •••• . •• B, C, Z 4x3x 1/ 4 , 3/16 •.••• B. C, D. E, H , 1, J , K, L, M. N, P ,
........................ .. .. R, S, T, U, W, X, Y, Z
8x6x"/II'" ........ .G 4x3x l / g • • •••••• ...• •• . •••• . •• B. C. D. E, H , I, J, K, L. M, N, P, R, S,
8x6x'l, ........ ............. ...... .B, C, G, K, P , S, T, U, W, Z .... T, U , W, X, Y, Z
8x6x 3/ s• 5/ 16 , 1/4 , 3/ 16 ••••••• B. C, D. G, K, P, S , T , U. W, Z
4x21 /.;<'/., 3/ 16 , ~/16 Y, Z
8x4x 6 / s ' ..................... .B. G, S 4x2x3/ B ••• .. ••••..•••• .. •••••.•••• . C, H, S, T. Y
8x4x I / 2 •• . ...••••.•.•.. B, C, G. K, p. S. T, V, W, Z
4x2x5/ 1S ••••. .. ••••.••• . C, H, I , J, P , S. T , U, W, Z
8x4x'I" 'I" ... .... B,C,D,G,H , I,J ,K,P ,R ,S,T ,U,W,Z
4x2x l / 4 .. • ••••• B, C, D, E. H , I. J , K, L, M, N. p. R, S .
8x4x 1/ 4 , 3/ 16 •••••••• • ••• B. C. D, 0, H , I, J, K, p . R, S, T. W. X, Z
...................................... T, U, W, X, Y, Z
8x4x'/s'" .. B, C. D, C , I , J , K, p . S, T , Z 4x2x3/ 16 .. ••••..••• .. •••• . •• A , B, C, D, E. I, J , K, L, M, P, R. S, T,
ax3x l l z ................ .... . ....... C, P, U ...... .. ............ U, W, X, Y,Z
ax3x 3/ g , 6/,6 •.••••••.••••...• ••. C, D. H, I. P , T, U, w. Z 4x2x'l, ... ........................ A,B,C,E)i,I,J,K,L,M,N,P,R,S,T,U,W,x,y,z
8x3x'/4 , 3/ 16 , ••••. B, C, D, H, I, P , S , T, V, W, Z
8x3x l / g ••••••••• • •••• B, C, 0 , I, P , S, Z 31/zx2 1/2XI/.... . ..... .1, R. Y. Z
8x2x3/ s ......... . .... H , J , K, S, T, V, Z 3x21/:0 1/4 ...... • ...... Y. Z
8x2x6/ 16 •••• • ••.••••.••••• .. •• H, I, J, K, p . S, T, U. W. Z 3x2x 5/ Is ........................... .I, S, T
8x2x i /" 3/,6.... ... B, D, H, I , J, K, P , S , T, V , W. Z 3x2x ' /............. ..... B, C, D, E, H , I. J , K, L,M , N , P , R. S,
8x2x'I,.......... .. B, D, I , J , K, P , S, T, Z ................................... T, U, W, X, Y, Z
3x2x3/ 16 . .. .......... . .............A, B,C, D, E, I. J, K, M, P, R,
7x5x'I, ..... ..................... ..B, C, K, P, S, T , U, W, Z ...................... ........ S. T, U, W, X, Y, Z
7x5x 3/ g , 5/16 , 1/4' 3/16 , ..... B, C, 0 , H. I, K. p. R, S, T. U, W, Z
3x2x'l, .. ..............A, B, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P , R,
7x5x l/s' ...... ............. B, C, I, K, P , S. T , Z ............................ S , T, U . W,X, Y,Z
7x4x I / 2 ••••..••••• .•••••..••••..••• Z 3xl 1/ 2x 3/J6> lIs ................. C. E, I. V, W, y , Z
7x4x3/tJ. tl/ 16 , 1/4 , 3/ 16 •••..•• B. C, D. H , I, P, S, U. W, Z
3xl l / 2 x II• •.••.••..•.• . ••••..•.•. 1, Y
7x4x '/s ........................... C, I , P , S, Z 21/2 xl l/2 xII. ........ .... A, B, C, E. I, S, V, Y
7x3x I / 2 •••••••••••• • •••••••••• Z
21/2 xP/ 2 ,,?lls .................. B. C, E, H , I. R, S. V, y , Z
7x3xJ / g, 5/]6 ...•••••.••••..••••.. B, C, D, H, I, K, P, S , W, Z 2x P /2 X ~/18" ... y , Z
7x3x 1/ 4 , 3/16 , ..•. B, C, 0 , H, I , K, P, S, W, X, Z
2xlx3/ 16 • ....•. y . Z
7x3x l / g ••••••• • •• C, D, H, Y. K, P, S, Z

6x4x'l, .... ... ... B, C, K, P , S, T, U, W, Z li/2 xli/z xiI.. . ....... H ,
6x4x3/ s, 5/'6 .............. ..... B, C, D, H , Y, J , K, P , R, S, T, U. W. Z 1 112 xP/2 x / 1S ' '/8 " .......... Z

Notes: *Size is manufactured by Submerged M C Welding (SAW) process and a l'e not stocked by steel ser vice centers (contact
producer for s pecific requirements). All other sizes are manufactured by Electric Resista nce Weld ing and mos t are
available from steel service centers.
** British Steel also produces a full range of metric
Some manufactures produce a .120 size instead of a l/f!; please check with individual manufacturers

22 1 Modern Steel Construction I July 1995

'AI Principal Producers Of Steel Pipe (P)

A. Aunt' Roll FOfming Co. H. Hanna Steel Corp N, .Iannlb.ll Industries, Inc U. UNR lC',l\lIlt, OIY_ of UNR Ill(
B. Bult Moow Tube Co. I. Independence Tube Corp . P. Jl>SCO Inc v, Vdlmonllnc!uSlfI('<,
e. CopfX'f'Wcld Corp. I. Vest Inc. R, St,mdard Tubc Co. w. w(,lctro lube.' Co. of Amt.'rieJ
o Dalla\ lubl"' &. RolhQ(m K_ Maverick Tube S. SootO Sleel Tube X (Xl TUBE
E. Eug<'rle Wdding Co. l. laclede Steel CO. T Alias Tulx- Y.,.lmt·, 51('('1 & Tubl.' (0.
G. Bnu~h Stef>lo, M. Maruichi American Corp. I. Welded rube of (dl1,ul.1 ltd

Nomina' Size Producer Code Nominal Size Producer Code

a nd Thickness and Thickness

20x.500, .375.. .................................... . ..... p., W

20x.250 ............................................. ............ .... P*
5.563x.375 ........................................................ P , U
18x.500, .375 .................................................... P*, W 5.563x.258 ... .............................................. P, R, 1'1, X, Z
18x.250 ............................................................. p. 5.563x.188 ........................................................ P, Z
5.563x.134 ... . .......................................... P, R, Z
l 6x.500 ............................................ ...... P*. W
16x.375 .................................... ......................... p. , W 5.5x.500......... . .. ....................................... Z
16x.250 ....................................... .................. P 5.5x.375, .258 ................................................... K, p, Z
16x. I88 ............................................................. P
5x.500, .375, .3 12 ............................................. C, K, P , R, T, Z
14x.500 .............................................................. P, W 5x.258 ............. ....................................... C, K, P, R, T, U, Z
14x.438 ........................................................... P 5x.250, .188 ...................................................... C, II , K, L, P, R,
14x.375 ............................................................ P, W ...........................................................................T, U, Y,Z
14x.250, 188 ..................................................... P 5x.125 ................................................................ C, E , L, P, R
........................................................................... T, U, Y, Z
12.75x.500 .. ",•............................................... P, W
12.75x.406 ....................................................... P 4.5x.337 ....... .............................................. L· , P, Z
12.75x.375 ...................................................... P, W 4.5x.237 ..................... ................................. C, E , K, L , P,
12.75x. 188, .125 ................................................ P ........................................ .................................. R, U, W, X, Z
4.5x.188 .................... ........................................ C, II , K, P, R,
12.5x .625 , .500, .375 .. 312, .250, .188 ............ C ........................... ........................................ U,W,X,Z
11.25x.625 , .500, .375, .312, .250, .188 ........... C 4.5x.125 ....... ............................................. C, II , L, P, R, U, Z

10.75x.500 , .365 , .250 ...................................... P, W, Z

10x.625 .......................................................... .. C L···
4x.337 .............................................................. E , R
4x.31B ................................................................

I·e 10x.500, .375, .3 12 .................... ...... .... C, Z 4x.3 J3 ................................................................ Z

10x.250, .188 ..................................................... C, Z 4x .250, .188 .... . .. .... ......................................... C, II , R, U, Y, Z
IOx.125 .............................................................. V 4x.237 .. .... .......................................................... C, II , R, Y, Z
4x.226 ................................................................ L
9.625x.500, .375, .3 12, .250, .188 .................... C, P, U, Z 4x. 125 ............................................................... C, E , R, U, Y, Z
8.75x.500, .375, .3 12, .250, .188 ....................... C, Z 3.5x.3 13 ............................................................. Z
3.5x.300 ............................................................. E , L" , P, X, Z
8.625x.500 ........................................................ .K, P, U, Z 3.5x.250, .203, .188, .125 .................................. H, K, P, R, U, Y, Z
8.625x.375 ........................................................ .K, P, U, Z
• 8.625x.322 ......................................................... K, P, U, W, Z
3.5x.216 ............................................................. H , L , P, R,
...........................................................................U,X, Y,Z
8.625x.250, . 188 ............................................... .K, P, U, Z
8.625x.125 ........................................................ P, 3x.250, .203, .188, .152 ..................................... E , R, U, Z
3x.300 ............................................................... Z
7.625x.125 ...................................... ................. Z 3x.21S .................... ................................. R. U, Y, Z
7.5x.500, .375, .312, .250, .188 ........................ C, R, Z 3x.120, .134 ... ......................................... R, Y, Z
7x.500 .............................................. ................ C,
7x.375, .3 12, .250 .............. ...... C,
P, U, Z
H , P, R, U, Z
2.875x.250 ......... ... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L··
.............................. K, P, U,Z
7x.lSS ........................... .. ................................... C. H, P, R, U, Z 2.875x.203 ........ .. . ....... L··'. P, U, W. Z
7x. 125 ................................................................ C, P, Z 2.875x.188, .125 ............................. K, P, U. V, Z
6.875x.500 , .375, .312, .250, .188 ................. C 2.375x.250 ........................................................ H , L"', P, Y, Z
6.625x.500 , .432 ............................... ........ K, P, U, Z 2.375x.218, .188 ................................................ E , P , Y, Z
6.625 .. 375, .3 12 .......................... ......... H , K, P, R, U, Z 2.375x.154 ........................................................ .1 1, L'" , P, U,
6 .625x.280 .................................................. ..... H ,K,P ,R,U,W, X, Z ...........................................................................W, X, Y,Z
6.625x.250, .188 ...................... .............. H ,K,P,R,U,W,X,Z 2.375x.125 ......................................................... K, E , P, R,
6.625x.125 ........................................................ P, Z .......................................................................... U. V, Z

6. 125x.500, .375, .3 12, .250, .188 .................... C 1.900x .145 ........................................................ Z

6x.500 ............................................................... Z 1.680x.140 ......................................................... Z

6x.375, .3 12 ............................ ................. H, R, Z
6x.280 ................................................................ H, R, Z
6x.250, .188 ....................................................... H, R, Z
6_X_.l_2_5 _..._.._..._.. _..._..._.._..._.._..._..._.._..._.._..._.. _..._..._.._..._.. _..._..._.._.H_,_Z________--~------------------------------------------1
. . . . r-

Notes: · Size is manufactured by S ubmerged Arc We lding (SAW) process and are not stocked by stee l service centers (contact
producer (or specific requ irements). AJI other sizes nre ma nufactu red by Electric Resistance We ld ing and most nrc
available fro m steel servi ce ce nters.
Bri tish Steel a lso produces a full range of metric
Size produced by Continuous Bu t Welding

Modern Steel Co nstruction I J uly 1995 / 23

Bayou Steel Corp.
P.O. Box 5000
Laplace, LA 70068
Chaparral Steel Co.
300 Ward Road
Midlothian, TX 76065-9501
Northwestern Steel
& Wire Co.
121 Wallace St.,
P.O. Box 618
Nucor-Yamalo Steel
P.O. Box 1228
Blytheville, AR 72316

Sterling, IL 61081-0618
Bethlehem Struc. Prod. Corp. Florida Steel Corp. 800/793 -2200 Roanoke Electric Steel Corp.
501 East Third St. P.O. Box 31328 P.O. Box 13948
Bethlehem, PA 18016-7699 Tampa, FL 33631 North Star Steel Co. Roanoke, VA 24038
800/633-0482 800/237-0230 1380 Corp. Center Curve 800/753-3532
P.O. Box 21620
British Steel Inc. J&L Structural Inc. Eagan, MN 55121-0620 SMI Steel, Inc.
475 N. Martingale Rd., #400 111 Station St. 800/328-1944 101 South 50th 51.
Schaumburg, IL 60173 Aliquippa, PA 15001 Birmingham, AL 35232
800/542-6244 800/451-7469 Nucor Steel 800/621-0262
P.O. Box 126
Jewett, TX 75846 TradeARBED
800/527-6445 825 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10022
212/ 486-9890


ACME Roll Formin g Co.' Eu gene W elding Co.* James Steel & Tube Co. UNR-Leavitt
81 2 North Beck St. P.O . Box 249 29774 Stepheson Hwy. Div. of UNR Industries, Inc. ...
Sebewaing, MI 48759-11 20 Marysville, MI 48040 Madison Heights, MI 48071 1717 West 115th 51.

800/937 -8823 800/336-3926 800/521- 2539 Chicago, IL 60643-4399
Atlas Tube' EXLTUBE Laclede Steel Co.'
200 Clark St. 905 Atlantic One Metropolitan Square Val mont Industries, Inc. ...
Harrow, Ontario, NOR 1GO N. Kansas City, MO 64116 St. Louis, MO 63102-2739 (Structural Tube Division)
CANADA 800/892-8823 314/ 425-1461 801 Nonh Xanthus
519/ 738-3541 P.O. Box 2620
Hanna Steel Corp. Maruichi American Corp.· Tulsa, OK 74101
British Steel Inc. 3812 Commerce Ave. 11529 S. Greenstone Ave. 800/331 -3002
475 N. Martingale Rd. , #400 P.O. Box 558 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Schaumburg, IL 60173 Fairfield, AL 35064 310/946-1881 Vest Incorporated*
800/542-6244 800/633-8252 6023 Alcoa Ave.
Maverick Tube Corp. * Los Angeles, CA 90058
Bull Moose Tube Co.· Hannibal Industries, Inc. * 400 Chesterfield Center, 213/581-8823
1819 Clarkson Rd. , Ste 100 P.O. Box 558 Second Floor
Chesterfield, MO Los Angeles, CA 90058 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Welded Tube Co. of
63017-5040 213/588-4261 800/840-8823 America
800/325-4467 1855 E. 122nd 51.
Independence Tube Corp. SoneD Steel Tube* Chicago, IL 60633
Copperweld Corp.' 6226 W. 74th St. 14 Holtby Ave. 800/733-5683
4 Gateway Center, Ste. 2200 Chicago, IL 60638-6196 Bramptan , Ontario
Pittsburgh, PA 15522 708/496-0380 L6S 2M3 Welded Tube of Canada,
412/263-3200 CANADA Ltd.
IPSCO Steel, Inc. 800/268-3005 111 Rayette Road
Dallas Tube & Rollform P.O. Box 1670, Armour Rd. Concord, Ontario L4K 2E9
P.O. Box 540873 Regina, Saskatchewan Standard Tube Co' CANADA
Dallas, TX 75354-0873 S4P 3C7 P.O. Box 430 800/565-8823
214/445-0234 CANADA Woodstock, Ontario
306/934-7700 N4S 7Y6


'Member of the Steel Tube Institute of North America, 8500 Station St., Ste. 270, Mentor, OH 44060 216/974-6990

24 1 Modern Steel Construction I July 1995

Curved & Straight ONT
Steel Bridge Design DRNE
English & Metric You
Integrated Girder and Bracing Design
Complex grid Bnd roadway geometries, I girders, box girders. rolled shapes
Influence surface (grid) or influence line approach (grid or line girder)
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Powerful nonprismatic girder optimization processing (curved and straight)
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Demos and 30-day trials available symbols. writes bills of m~lIcrials, creates title
blocks. checks (or logical input and more.
It's ensy - and your job productivity and
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Phone (314) 446-3221
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Please circle # 45
Please circle # 47
owners and designers ,
though, see an elegant solution
that turned a complicated pro-
gr am into a signature tower for
the city ofTaichung, Taiwan.

The Tzung Tang Development
Group commissioned Kohn
Pedersen Fox Associates,
Architecls and Weiskopf &
Pickworth Consulting Engineers,
both of New York City, to create
a new foca l point for this city in
central Taiwan. Within this
towe r, the developers needed a
range of uses, including an office
b lock, a 350-room hotel with
ba llroom, a private club with
workout equipment and swim-
ming pool , retail levels and
extensive parking facilities.
The solution is a 47-story ,
184-meter-tall tower whose fish-
like shape was considered a
favorable symbol for the develop-
ers. The 47 tower floors house

the office, hotel, and club facili -
ties whi le six below grade floors
house two retail levels and four
par king levels.
During the 1950s , Taiwan
built a large ship building indus-
try which in tum created a high-
ly-developed steel industry ,
which remains today. In fact
steel is promoted so vehemently
that proposals for concrete tow-
ers rising mor e than 20 stories
will likely not be accepted by
Taiwan's Structural Review
Committees. The Committees,
made up of a combination of uni-
versity professors and practition-
ers, study each proposed struc-
tural design carefully before
A new 4 7-story building in Taichun g, allowing a building permit to be
issued . The Committees are
Taiwan, will utilize a combin ation of uncomfortable with the quality
of concrete produced in Taiwan
moment and braced frames to resi st and they see structural steel as
cost competitive, accessible and
both high wind loads and stringent the smart solution for seismic
and wind forces .
se ismic requirements
By Le o E. Argiris, P .E. While the use of structural
steel for this tower was a forgone
concl usion, the str uctura l system
for the tower's unique layout and
complicated program required a

26 / Modern Stee l Construction I July 1995
• good bit of ingenuity.
Taichung is located in a high
seismic zone roughly equivalent
to UBC s Zone 3. In addition, the
challenge of minimizing the
eccentricity of the lateral load
resisting system. The design was
a balancing act between the sti ff-
plates in all but a few isolated
columns for which 95mm thick
plates needed to be imported.
The seismic code in Taiwan
entire island of Taiwan is subject ness of the moment frames and requires that the column splices
to typhoons and their resulting the eccentric braced frames. develop the full capacity of all
high wind forces. While maintaining wide col- columns in tension. This require-
Res ponding to the developer's umn-free spaces in the office ment, coupled with the box
desire for wide clear spans in the floors, the nature of hotel floors shape columns, results in exten-
office floors , the designers pulled allowed the designers to stiffen sive full penetration field welds
the core off to one side of the some of the moment frames by for column splices. Beam-to-col -
building. To maximize window adding diagonal bracing within umn moment connections also
space, perimeter column sizes the partitions between guest are commonly field welded with
needed to be minimized and rooms. full penetration welds.
columns needed to be placed no Taiwan's steel mills generally
closer than eight meters on cen- fahricate structural steel mem-
ter. bers by welding steel plates
Weiskopf & Pickworth 's instead of rolled I-sections. The health club and ballroom
(W&P's) structural solution uses Columns are traditionally made are situated in the low-ri se podi-
a dual system consisting of an by welding four plates in the um (ca lled the plinth ) on the
eccentric braced frame core shape of a box. For this project, third above grade level. These
working in combination with a a variety of rectangular column spaces called for column-free
special moment-resisting steel sizes were designed to accorn_mo- spans approaching 30 meters,
frame to provide lateral resis- date the multiple floor plan and thus very deep transfer trusses

tance. Floor framing uses steel core layouts required in a mixed- were required. Since these trans-
beams acting compositely with use tower. Local mills can roll up fers could not be accommodated
the floor slab. to 50mm thick plates while local in the floor above the health
Because the core and plan welding techniques can weld up cluhlballroom (the fourth floor),
were irregular, the structural to 70mm thick plates. The tow- they were introduced at the
designers were faced wi th the er's design uses these local ninth floor mechanical level and

Modern Sleel Const.ruction I July 1995 / 27

girders cantilevering over the seven basements; the three low-
@ ® plate girder at the H.4 line. This est provide additional headroom •
arrangement of plate girders to accommodate mechanical
allowed the cantilever without stacked parking. The foundation
requiring heavy splices in the is a mat with voids carved into it
girders . for fuel storage tanks. Reacrung
The transfer at the G line was down some 32 meters, these
accomplished with a combination foundations are the deepest in
truss/transfer girder. The girder the city of Taichung. To save
was divided into three panels. construction time, the basements
The center panel includes truss will be constructed using a top-
diagonals to allow for passage down construction; excavation
within the mechanical spaces . will start at the same time as the
The two outer panels use 50mm- superstructure begins to rise.
truck web plates to transfer the Taichung's signature tower
column shear applied at the totals 61 , 100 square meters
floors eight down to four were third points. (700,000 square feet). Its site is
hung from the trusses. Taichung's prevalent soil con- at the north end of a three-mile-
The floor plan ill ustrates how ditions are a combination of clay long landscaped mall and
the depth of the mechanical floor soil with a dense matrix of boul- promises to be a premier desti-
between levels nine and ten was ders . Combined with a high nation for this city of one million
used to transfer two interior water table this stiff soil system people . Construction is to begin
columns that would have run offers a unique excavation chal- in 1995 with completion in 1997.
through the ballroom and two lenge . Traditionally, hand dug
columns at the mouth of the fish piles are us e d to provide a Leo Argiris, P.E., is a Partner
that would block the main perimeter wall on the site prior in Weiskopf & Pickworth, a New
entrance to the hotel. The latter to excavation. York City-based structural engi-
columns were picked up on plate This tower is designed for neering firm.

Please circle # 123

Steel is not all brawn. it"s much more. With today"s steel framing, grace. art and /lll1c/ioll can come
together in almost limitless ways thanks to:
• High ,trength-to-weight ratio of steel
• The ability to curve and shape steel members
• Clean and precise fabrication to close tolerances
• High-performance coatings for long-term protection against the elements

• When you want to achieve an amazing and graceful form in your building. think of :,teel a, the framing
material of choice. For a free brochure, Innovations in Steel, fax your requc,t to AIS
Marketing 312-670-5403.

Setting Standards For Over 70 Years

Please circle # 8
• Nucor-Yamato
THE mOST POPULRR of - the-art mill ,
Stu I is reshaping including electric arc

the way America and ladle metallurgy
sees construction. furnaces, continuous
With an expanded beam blank casting
mill that can supply SIGHT In RmERI~R. and high performance
more structural steel than any mill in rolling mills designed to produce
the Western Hemisphere . stock and other lengths for all our
THE BIGGEST MILL And not only more customers. All our steel is low carbon
steel, but a broader product line with and fine grain with superior toughness
beams up to 40 inches deep . Perhaps and surface quality that offers both
best of all, we are a low cost producer. weldability and improved corrosion
It all adds up to just one thing: talk resistance.
to Nucor-Yamato before you decide LOW COST PRODUCER Perhaps best

• to build your next project . of all, it's produced cost effectively

AVAILABILITY With 1.6 million tons for some of the most competitive
behind us, nothing can stop our prices you'll ever see. And if you're in
availability and on-time delivery by the construction business these days,
rail or truck or barge on a wide range that's a sight for sore eyes .
of products. In fact, we can offer high Contact Nucor-Yamato Steel early in
strength steel at Structu,.1 ,h.p.' f,om W6 X 15 to W~o X 397 your next project at
little or no more cost St.nda,d ,ection, including CIS X 33.' - 50. MC 800/289-6977, FAX
than standard ASTM 12 x wso. MC 13 X 31 .8-50 and MC 18 X ~' . rs8 501/763 - 91 07; 0 r
A 3 6 be a m s . H- Piling '.nging "om HP 8 X 36 to HP I~ X 117 W r it e to usa t PO
QUA LIT Y N u cor - e,ad .. includ. A8S e,ade, A, 8, AH3'. AH36; Box 1228, Blytheville,
Yamato is a state- "STM "36; "STM "57' e,ade so; "STM "588 Arkansas, 72316 .
("weathe,ing ,t.el "); "STM "70, (AASHTO M270

equivalents); as Will as CSA 40.ZI Grade 44W


Please circle # 39

part of Australia to the western.
TURAL MATERIAL IN Perth is the second most iso-
AUSTRALIA , steel is seldom lated capital city <V1adivostock is
center in left exposed on high-end projects
because most developers in that
first}, and the neare t large city,
Jakarta , is more than three
country think of it as creating an hours away by air. Still, it has a

industria l feel. The designers of population exceeding 1 million
the new $220 million Galleria people an d is one of Australia's
disproves that Morley in Perth quickly put that
image to rest.
most important cultura l and eco-
nomic centers. The area is
Long before its September known for its sparkling blue
country's 1994 opening, the Galleria
Morley created a stir. When the
s ki es, crysta l clear water and
pristine beaches. Structures tend
notion that joint venture of Colonial Mutual
and Coles Myer Properties Ltd .
to be square-shaped with gable
and hip roofs and wrapping
announced the project, they verandahs . Nearby Fremantle
exposed steel promised it would be the largest
retail facility in Western
(located to the Indian Ocean just
west of Perth ) has an older, more
can only Australia. And at 700,000 sq. ft.,
they delivered on that promise.
traditiona l architecture, with a
tendency towards Victorian
But even more importantly, they styles, though here too the pubs
create a promised a world class facility
incorporati ng the latest interna-
and hotels have an abundance of
porches and verandahs, many on
"warehouse" tional d es ig n concepts. This
promise was crucial , since the
the second level and canti levered
out over the sidewalk.
developers hoped to attract a Designed as a modern inter-
appearance large number of major retailers
who had not previously entered
pretation of the architectural
sty les prevalent in Fremantle
By Norman M. Garden, AlA, the western Australia market. and Perth , The Galleria Morley
and Michael Connolly, ARAIA The design , developed by the Los features colored corrugated
Angeles office of RTKL metal roonines combining hip
Associates [n c., in conjunction and gable forms that reflect the
with The Buckan Group of architectu ra l shapes so familiar
Brisbane and Perth, was so well to Western Australians. The pro-
received that much of the center
was pre leased more than 10
months prior to completion-
despite many businesse s hesi-
tancy to expand from the eastern
ject offers continuous vaulted
skyJjghts over the malls, as well
as domed skylights over various
courts, though in an angu lar or
octagonal shape, rather than the

32 1 Mode rn S teel Construction I July 1995

more common barrel-shaped and
rounded skyligbts. The center is
distinguished by its main entry
with 50-ft.-high composite
columns and a 15-ft.-wide sec-
ond-level verandah, reached via
a pair of grand staircases.
Located at the second level is a
700-seat food court that over-
looks both the garden entrance
and the activity within the cen-
As its name indicates, the cen-
ter is a two-level galleria struc-
ture. Open, light and airy in feel-
ing, it is organized around a
modified T-form plan, with
anchors (a three-level flagship
Myer Department Store, Kmari
and Target) at each of the three
extremities. Each spine is bound- Atop the
ed by a soaring continuous sky- central court is
light and a fanciful network of a huge sky-
trusswork in the two-level interi- light. The
or. The main spine of the center, trusses are
which stretches 445 ft. and also designed to
features two courts with domed appear to
skylights, is a two-story fashion emanate from

galleria of shops and boutiques. the columns
Splitting off from the central and then leap
spine are two slightly curved out into the
200-ft.-Iong two-level malls lead- space, where
ing to two of the anchor tenanls. th.ey are linked
Shops line the ground floor only, together by all
leaving the double height space octagonal-
above to give a sense of cool airi- shaped com-
ness as well as to maximjze the pression ring,
view to the food court and a cine- from which the
ma located in the upper level of second tier of
the central spine. There are no curved linear
blind alleys-the sight lines are trusses spring
straight, the central court is to the top of the
always in view. A pair of escala- space.
tors, travelators or curving stairs
are incorporated into each interi-
or court or node.
The focal point of The
Galleria Morley is the central
atrium-a 115-ft.-wide octagonal
courtyard featuring a massive
fountain pool flanked by tower-
ing royal palms. Soaring 82 ft. to
its pinnacle and visible for miles a structural system similar to challenge , lhough , was lo con-
around, day and night, the atri- that found in a warehouse- vince lhe developers lhat the
um design bestows the project though the designers were care- steel porlion could serve not just
with immediate landmark sta- ful to disguise thai image. structurally , but also archilec-

• tus.
As with many s hopping cen-
ters, The Galleria Morley utilizes
While wood construction tends
to prevail in Western Australia,
it proved unsuitable for such a
large structure. Instead, a com-
posite structure was chosen. The
turally. Far from ihe induslrial
image lhat sleel usually repre-
senls in Australia, The Galleria
Morley has light, airy, e legant
interiors. No bolts were used;

Modern Steel Construction I July 1995 / 33

th roughout this part of Western
Austr alia. •
Th e entire structure is basi-
cally a composite construction of
precast conc r ete units for the
lower level columns, t h e two-
story external walls and the sec-
ond floor framing, with the
upper floor columns and roof
framing of structura l steel.
Composite construction was
adopted for this project for sever-
al reasons. First, it was less
expensive than the more stan-
dard Australian technique of on-
site erected steel units and insi-
tu concrete. And second, it
contributed versatility and effi-
ciency to the erection of the pro-
ject. Pre-contract and early con-
tract works could be carried out
The 700,OOO-sq.-ft. center was instead, all connections are weld- on-site whi le fabrication
completed on budget and within ed and ground smooth. Sleek, occurred off-site. The overall
the i8-month project schedule. streamlined, painted bright process produced a project that
white and touched with brass was comp leted on budget and
accents, the steel i nside the within the schedu led 18-month
Galleria Morley resembles the construction program. Structural
finely detailed trellis-work found engineer was Ove Arup &

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Please circle # 62

34/ Modern Steel Construction I July 1995
• Partners and general contractor
was Multiplex Construction III "J l'O
Company, both of Perth.
The upper floor steel construc-
tion allowed column spacing
beyond the 30-ft.-by-30-ft. grid
often found in American and
Australian shopping centers-
thus addressing the developers'
concern that a smaller grid with
more columns would create a
wall blocking tenants' shopfronts
from the view of consumers cir-
culating though the center.
Whenever possible, the light-
weight steel columns in the main
fashion mall were reduced in
size and twin 8-i n. -diameter
columns were used instead of a
single 18-in.-diameter co lumn .
Spaced at more than 40 ft. along
the entire length of the mall,
these smaller twin columns were
designed to appear to be resting
on bra ss balls bracketed off of
the second floor bulkheads ,
which gave the interior a ter-
raced feel while al so providing

Making the Difference When Performance,

Reputation and Quality Count. - FULL TRACEABILITY
Registered head markings on all
structural and machine bolts.

A-3fJJ-A A-449 A-3fJJ-B A-325
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1-800-237-7059/(314)389- 7500/ FAX (314)389- 7510 Associate

Please circle # 36
·, maximum visibility for tenants.
Composite construction also

/ '
I ~1_lt
Ott~ll in& S\'~OIS,
of Ihr
Inc InltodlKrs
Jrt ~l rIKIUn.1 ~INI
dt'lll li OI
was used for the sloping 0001' to
the cinemas. This consisted of
sloping steel beams 18- to 24-in.
deep with pre-cast hollow core
alIoto'l> fabnrJwn and dfulk'n
!')Itm .. hid! concrete planks spanning
·,t 10 mtd ttItdtm.uKb of Iht ru lUl't' ",Iii II!( between the beams topped with
~blh" 10 generalt connKuon nlcul.lIons,
doIr.~ 10 C' Cf'qtupmnll :and 1Il\trl;Kt' ll1lh a concrete wearing slab.
nllllW do«n ....1lS ~ Itw SWI DtuiIIn&
\nltrJI rllt
Although not specifically permit-
ted under the building code, this
~t \ pnc1IC2I IIelibW
S\~lem rrqu l~ mmliml
COS IS o.p;abIt of pruducu1 IllItll.,.1I
m nMldt l" IIoor pl:lm and tk-o"1\JOlb :a:. .,.d!
design obtained a variance based
ZI..nup dmmwro of U'bll~~'I\ lbill!l: on the fact that both the under-
luor ~J,w.brIb:md paper side of the slope and the occu-
a~ b (11I'l'tI11i'j U!ieII II) bbnaIors lind di.'I.UIm pied space above were fully
Ihrou!thOUI the lS l.nd In C:uudlt
sprinklered and that alarms to
G o,.,,,u (OM''''''. DIfA'UHO UlliMI
warn of an inoperative system
,~"'" '01 .. 'UI IN'OIMAtlON I'AC"

Cffi ~ .. were installed. (This concession

is now being applied to other
new construction in Perth.)
Although light and lacy
throughout, the trusswork in the
center was designed to resist
what are termed the "Fremantle
THANK YOU TO AISC Doctor" sea breezes that blow
fTom the west creating a cooling •
AND THE STEEL INDUSTRY effect , as well as the erratic
from gusty winds that blow off the
nearby ocean. The 7-ft.-6-in.-
deep trusses that cross the mall
to support the continuous sky-
MNH-SMRF Systems, Inc. lights and roof along the three
extremities are curved to evoke a
sense of elegance.
for the Interest, Enthusiasm, and While the trusses span across
the mall, the upper chord of the
Support given the truss is linear , reflecting the
straight forward linear design of
the gable and hip roof forms
found in the region. The lower
MNH-SMRPM Systems chord, however, is curved. The
carefully assembled structural
Steel Moment Resisting Frame Connection (s) elements create a sense of depth
introduced to the industry at the articulating their shape through
shade and shadow , reinforcing
National Steel Construction Conference the notion of a light and delicate
in San Antonio, Texas feel. The ladder trusses, running
parallel along the length of the
galleria, provide lateral stability
to the overall structure, while
MNH-SMRF Systems, Inc. their appearance is enhanced by
the addition of criss-crossing
3151 Airway Avenue, Ste. N-1 tubular steel rods that provide
stability while also creating a •
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 tracery of patterns for the sun-
1-800-475-2077 light to filter through.
Roof lights in the malls and
center court are glazed with
Please circle # 11 4

361 Modem Steel Construction I July 1995

• tru sses spring to
the top of t h e
Two a ddition a l
courts were creat-
ed along the main
galleria to serve as
nodes to break the
445 -ft . length of
the space . Th e
node at the oppo-
site end of the cen-
ter court has been
dubbed the "fash -
ion court." The
structure of this
court is similar to
the center court,

though significant-
ly sma ll er at only
60 -ft. across. In
th e stair court,
midway betwee n
th e fash ion and
center court, s im-
pli city waS
achieved by bow-
ing in pl a n the

• blue-gr ee n laminated glass

which , together with an
embossed white ceramic, help
reduce ultra-violet penetrate and
heat gain, yet allows the pene-
ladd e r trusses
within a typical
structural bay. This interrupted
the lin earity of the ga ll eria and
created a sense of place for the
Steel roof construction of the
tration of natural light during center court and fa s hion court
th e daytime . At night , the domes were asse mbled on-site
e mbossed white ceramics provide from elements pre-fabricated ofT-
a textured patte rn to the roof s ite . Both structures we re

Ughts. assembled on the ground under
As The Galleria Morley was their final location and raised
envisioned as a "town center" for into position by two 100 -ton
Perth, the monumentally scaled mobile cranes. Long range
center court was designed as the weather forecasting was carefu l-
heart of the project. To provide a IRREGULAR CURVES, VERTICAL OffSETS,
ly ana lyzed with respect to the ELUPTICALSHAPES. CIRCLESOR SEGMENTS
sense of proportion a nd order, famou s "Fremantl e Doctor " WITH OR WITHOUT TANGENTS
the double-tiered trusses brea k winds, a necessary precaution If you need sfruclurol sleel bending for
down the s pace . The lower por- while th e U5-ft . center court major orchiteclurol projects or olller sleel
tion provi d es a sense of sca le s tructure was position ed atop fobricoling oppllcollons, fox or call Max
while the top portion rises to a eight slender composite columns Weiss. We Wlil give you compell!lve qUO!O-
height that establishes the pro- 50 ft. in the air. tions, close loleronce speclflcollons, on
ject as a landmark in the region. Norman M. Garden, AlA, is a lime delivery and dependable solutions
Crowned in glass, the pinnacle vice president with RTKL
glows in the distant night sky Associates, Inc., in the firm 's Los ROLLING AND FORMING, WELDING, FORGING
when flooded with light. As the Angeles office. RTKL is a multi- AND HOT BENDING

trusses e manating from the discipline fi rm with a portfolio of
columns appear to leap out into work in 42 coulltries. Michael
the space, they are link ed COllnolly, ARAIA, is director of MAX WEISS CO, INC,
together by an octagonal-shaped Th e Buchan Group, one of 6625 W Bradley Rood
compress ion ring, from which Australia's leading architectural MJN.W<eo. 'M 53224 l.SA
the second tier of curved linear firms. Tetepm! 414355-8220
. . , ...1IIIIIi1lll1 Fax 41055A698
Please circle # 56
Modern Steel Construction I July 1995/ 37
Second of three parts .................................. ~.

An overview of LRFD as found in Part 2
of the Manual of Steel Construction (1994)
b. For fracture in the net section,

TIlY-WID~; TIlANSITION from Allowab le Stress ,=F"A, <01-2)
Design (ASO) to Load and Res istance ~'actor Design where
(LRFOJ. While acceptance has been s low, momentum is A, = effective net area, sq. in. (see Section B)
= gross area of member, sq. in.

gathering: A recent Gallup poll showed that industry
acceptance of LRFD is growing and a majority of struc- = specified minimum yield stress, ks!
tural engineers now believe that LRFD is the steel = specified minimum tensile strength, ksi
design method of the future. Some people, however, have = nominal axial strength, kips
interpreted the existence of two specifications as an indj-
cation of an unclear direction. Therefore, the AISC Board For 50 ksi steels, F, = 50 ksi and minimum F. = 65 ksi.
of Directors has adopted the following resolution: Accordingly,
"'Based upon expert input from it.s Committee on
Specifications, the Board of Directors of A ISC affirms 8. For yielding in the gross section ,
that the 1993 IJoad and Resistance Factor Design $,P, = 0.9 x 50 ksi x A, = 45.0 ksi x A, (2-3)
(/JRFD) Specification for Structural Steel Buildillgs is
the preferred Specification for the fabricated structural b. For fracture in the net section,
steel industry. LRFD is a modern and technologically $,P, = 0.75 x 65 ksi x A, = 48.8 ksi x A, (2-4)
superior steel design specification. Its direct representa-
tion of ultimate structural behavior is especially relevant The limit state of block shear rupture may govern the

[or seismic design, design of frames with partial1y design tensile strength . For information on block shear,
restrained connections, and composite systems design. It see Section J4.3 ofthe LRFD Specification and Part 8 (in
offers engineers the oppo rtunity to innovate in the Volume II) of the LRFD Manual.
analysis and design of highly reliable and competitive
steel structures by encouraging the consideration of Example 0·1
strength and serviceability criteria under app ropriate
combinations of gravity and lateral loads. In this way, Giwn: Dl'll'rmlllf" Ihf' d£'sign \trl'n!;th of d W8x24 as d tcn\ion
ml~mhrr 10 ';0 k~i .;.1('(·1 How mue h dCdd load C.ln it
LRFD is consistent with the prevailing trend toward
limit-slates design in all materials, both domestically
and internationally," Solul.on: If thefl' Jfl' no holt... 10 th(' member, Ar- = Ac and
This article is the second of a three-part summary of [qllJlron l·J gov('rnc"
LRFD (part one appeared in JUDe ).
cp,P" 45.0 bi)( A~ = 45.0 k\i)l. 7.08 in, ' = 319 kips

AC,~Ulllillg th.lI dp.Hllo.1ri i .. tlw only load, the

~()\'ernmg luad mmblllolllon from Wclion A is 1.40
rhen thl' rt'quirl'<ill'nc,il<, .,tT('n)tth
1', ,= 1.41')< 4Il'.= 119 ki~
The design philosophy for tension members is the P" ~ 119 kil~ / 1.4 III 218 "'ip., mJximum dead 1000d
same in the LRFD and ASD Specifications: Ih,)1 can he "upportl"d hy Iht' nl<'mnt.'c
3. The limit stale of yielding in the gross seelion is
intended to prevent excessive elongation of the mem·
ber. Usua ll y, the portion of the lotallllember length
occupied by fastener holes is small. The efTect of early Given R<'p<'<lt ExJmpll' D· 1fUf J W8x24 in 50 ksi !)feel With
yielding at the reduced cross sections on the total lour l·ln.·diam<:'ll:'r holt..." two per flangt'. along the
nl<'llllX'( (1.('., not .11 il" rnd .. ) for mi'>{"(>lIdneou5
member elongation is negligible. Use of the area of
i1t1.uhmc'nls. $('(> ri).\un' 0-1(.1).
the gross section is appropriate.
h. The second limit state involves fracture at the section ~oluljon: d_ For yipklmg in Ihl' Wu..... '>t'<.tU)I1 ~l)n = 119 kips, .l~
with the minimum effective net area. m [x<lmpl(' 0*1

The design strength of tension members, ct> P , as b. For (racture In the nt'l ,{'( Hon
given in Section 01 of the LRFD Specification,' i; the
lesser of the followi ng: A,. = A = A 4 x (d~ + 1/\1, m.) x "
8. For yielding in the gross section, ,., 7.08 in. • 4 )( I I + 1/••. in .J )( 0.400 in.
5.18 in.
$, = 0.90
P, = FA (01-1> (continued on nex' page)

38 Modern Steel Construction I July 1995

........•...........•.•..........••••.........•••............• ~


Example 0·2, Continued
= 48.8 ksi )( A,
= 48.8 ksi x 5.38 in." = 263 kips < 319 kips For a discussion of the effective length Kl for columns,
refer to Section C in last mont.h's iss ue.
Fracture In the net c,ection governs.


p) :5 261 kips / 1.4 = 188 kip!.
Although the column strength equati ons have been
Note: It the hoi"" had been at the end connection of the revised for compatibilit.y with LRFD and recent resea rch
\{'n"ion mC'mi:>er, the U reduclion coefficient would on column behavior, the philoso phy a nd procedures of
apply in the calculation of an l'ffeclive n~1 area . column design in LR.FD are similar with those in ASD.
The direct desi gn of columns with W an d other roll ed
x=y=O.695 in. shapes is facilitated by the column strength tab les in
W8x24 If I Part 3 of the LRFD Manual, which show the design com·
a:::;?cq-- - -c::II=,--~t. pressive strength $/p" as a function of KL (the efTecti ve
T WT4x12
unbraced length in feet). Columns with cross sections
not tabulated (e.g., built·up co lumns ) can be designed
f- - - - - - -- iteratively, as in the past, with the aid of tables listing
design strength s versus KL / r, the slenderness ratio.
WT4x1 2 Such tables are given in the Appendix of the LRFD
Specification for 36 a nd 50 ks i structural steels, and
below (Table E· tl for 50 ksi steel.
Figure 0-' There are two eq uations governing column strength,
based on the limit state of nexlll'al bucklin g, onc for
inelastic buckling ( Equation E2-2) and the olher
Example 0-3 (Equation E2-3 ) for elastic, or Euler, buckling. Equation
£2-2 is an empirical relationship for the inelasti c range,
Given: Repeal Example 0-2 tor hole .. at a bolted end- whi le Equation E2-3 is the familiar Eule,' formula multi-

(onnection. There are a lolal of eight l·in.-diameler plied by 0.877. Both equations include the effects of
holes, as shown in ligure 0-1 (al. on two planes, 4-in. res idual s tresses and initial out-of-straight.ness. The
cenler-Ia-c.enter. boundary betwee n inelastic and elastic instability is Ar =
1.5, where th e parameter
Solulion : J. For Yielding in the gross section

Cl,P" = 319 kips, as in Example 0-1. A, = r~f!i (E2-4 )

h. For frdcture in the nel secllon, accorcilng 10 Equation
83-1 in SectIon B (S<."e last month), the effective net For axia ll y loaded colum ns with all e le ments hav ing
are.) width·thickness rati os < \ (in Section B5.1 of the LRFD
Specification). the design co mpressive strength = ¢rP"
A = 5.38 in! ol'i In Example 0-2
whe re
u= 1-.\ / L, L=4 in.
"at", In lwu ul ukuldhng U ttw- CommHltOl'V ora ttM·tRfO 9,
Si~'tlC.JI'on 'Wo::tlOf1 81) pt't,,-.. l\ Ihto "".~ UI mot'(' ((>r> ... .,..dhw .... I~ ul
l li\ll;'d thell.·,n (E2·1)
R "
According to Commentary Figure C-53.I{a), x for a
W8x24 in this case is tak('n as that for <l Wf4x 12.
Ag = gross area of member, in. 2
from the properties of a WT4x 12 given in Part 1 or the
Manual, x = y = 0.695 in. (See Figure 0-1 (b)). a. For A, < 1.5

= 1 0.695 on./ 4 on. = 0.826
F" = (0.658 ' )F,
As is done in t he Commentary in Section E2, this equa-

tion can be expressed in ex ponential form as:

= 5.38 in. x 0.826 = 4.45 in.1
= 48.8 ksi x A, (C· E2-1)
= 48.8 kips x 4.45 in .1 = 217 kips < .319 kips F" = lexp (-0.419 ' )I F,

Fracture In Ihe net se<.tion governs. Again, assuming where exp{x) = ez

that dead lood is the on ly load,
b. For A, > 1.5

p = l.4P )~ ~,P =217kips
pn ~ 2 \ 7 kips /1.4 = 1 S5 kips maximum dead load
thai can be supported by the member.

Modern Steel Construction I July 1995 / 39


wh ere T.... E·1.
o.Ign StrNa tor ComptuaIon of 50 k-' Specln.d"-"''*'
t = specified minimum yi eld stress, ksi
= modulus of elasticity, ksi 'E., ,... . .., 'E.
.... .." ,........... ,'"... ,........,....,
M'nlmum YIMd Str.M S,.... .. . 0.15"

'E., , ... ' ..., ....
K = effective le ngth factor
= unbraced length of me mber, in. ,,, .....
..." .,.
.." ....... ,".'".. ".
'.'0 .
,'" ."
r = govern ing radiu s of gyrati on a bout pla ne of
•• ...., ... 3713
30• 2U7 ,,'" ,I..... ,.>3

• ,,,. ,..
buckling, in. " 30...
..... .. , ,..
For 50 ks i steel
,• .....
,• ...,. ..." ,... .. .. ..

"" ,
" .....
.,• """ ,'"

,u, ..
' 3.23

13 ..
,,'" ,...


J ..." 50
". '.311

29000 ksi = 0.0132~' ... " .. .. ....

A KI 1 50 k,i ,."
" ...
"".. 4' .•.. "36'. .." ..'" '"'"'"'"
23.20 12.~
,= "" "" ..... '"
.... .....
r n 12.2S '21
"... . ..... '"'"'" 7. 13

53 34.11
~' = 75.n,
"'",. .. ,.., '"
or '.III
15 4U'
21.'" 1171
,..,, ..." ... ""..,... ""
"" 4'"
"1.1, "...
...... ..." "" .....,. ,",.. "...

... ,,,.'"..

The boundary between inelastic and elastic buckl ing (A,

.."" 41.6'

2U_ '30
. ." ..... ,,.... ...,...." ,.,,,...
= 1.51 fo r 50 ksi sleel is ,
" 41 ,$ '013
..... ,'""'.

..........".. "... ".. ,. " . '",..

•'.02 10.111
K if r = 75.7 x 1.5 = 113.5
,"". " . ,.

.... ,.,.
31.21 1015

The column stre ngth eq ua ti ons in te rm s of Kll r for 50

ksi steel become ."
". .......",..," ..'" .. .'" "''''. ". ,,'"..

"" '"
,".4 ,.,
,. '",.,'".
"'".. "" "... ""

",83 1.11

'".. ...

..... "..... "27 ,.311

...."... "13" ,n, ,'" ..... ,'"'".

3O." In
..... '"'50 •."

..... .
" .71
where $, = 0.85 '"
....... ,'"'"..
a. For KI I r < 11 3.5 " ..." I..
' .00
,." '" , '4.13


• "... '" ,,.... 15' m

(2-7) "30 11
"'".. '"
F" = lexpl-7.3 x lO-4(Kl l r)'U x 50 ks i
.." ....
,." ...
"2' ,
" "'"" '"'00
.. •." '"'" ~"

b. For Kl i r > 113.5
37.1' 00 '"" • .33 2011
·WhIrI ......... 110 . . . _NIo-.-l.._.-..-M.ldlAFD ...........

F = 2.51 x 10' ksi (2-8)

cr (KII r )l
Example E-2
Based on Equ a ti ons 2-7 a nd 2-8, Ta ble E -l gives th e Given : ~IKn a 2S·tt .~hjgh, Iree-Manding Ab18{F y " 50 ksi
design stresses for 50 ks i sleel columns for the full range sirel pipe column 10 !oupDOn a water lank wilh J
of slenderness ra ti os. Detenni ning the design stre ngth of weight of 7S kips at full rJpacity Set> Figur(' [·2.
8 given 50 ks; s teel colum n me re ly invol ves us ing Solunon : For J live load of 75 ki~. fhe requlrl'(1 column strength
Equa ti on 2-6 in connection with Table E-l. The a ppropri- (from Section A) IS P" -= l.bPI = 1.6 l( 75 Kip!I • IlO
ate design stress 1$,Ful from Ta ble E-l is multiplied by kip-.
th e cross-sectional a rea to obtai n t he design stre ngth From Table C·2. case e, r('(:ommcnd('(1 K = 2.1 .
M =21 xlS.O ft. = 52.5 "
~tP". 1 ry a !ltandard 12-in. diameter piPE" (A = 14.& in. ,
/ + 27q in.·):

Example E-l ./1 / A = ./279 m' / 14 .0 m.' . 4 ..17 m.

Determin(> the ad('(IUa( y of a W14x 120 bUilding column ~' = 52.5 11.,12111. 1 /1. = 144 .2
4 17 in.
Given: SO kSi st(-'('I; t.; . 1.0; story height ";I 12.0 It. r("Qulred
slrcnglh bdv'(/ on the ma)(imum to(.)1 factored load is
1300 k,t>'>.
From Table [.1.+ F = 10.3 k!li
Solution I( . .
L :: J(,L • 1.0"\ 12.0 It . = 12.0 ft. . ,p = {., F, )A~";10.1k"il( 14.&1".'
= 150 kips> 110 J.;.lpo. rec.:lulred . .k-
BeCdUW r I' < rv To lomplete the design, Ix'nding due to latNalloads
(i.t'. wind and rarthquak<.·s) !Iohou ld abo tx- con!liderro
(~/) mdICimum = 12.0 n. , 12 ill.! II =38.5 St.\{' Section!! f and H
1.74 It!

from T Jhl(' [ 1.~, f tr = 38. 14 Ksi

Ot.... ign compR....sive 'trength -- Fig. E-2
.P" sj • .rJ A.=38 .14ksix35.31" )
= I 14b ~IPS > 1300 kips rt.oqulrt.>d •. k.

40 I Modern Steel Conslruct ion I July 1995


....................•••....................••••••........... .. ~

• Example E-3
Select the most economical W14 column for the
Figur~ E-Ja and E-3b.

case shown in

-- -_
FIangn of I .nap. and channell
r .... 8-1 .
Umtting WJdIh-'ThIdlneM RIItIoe tor Com",..." E'-'-nts'

..... ......
Utnlting WktIh-Thlc:u-. AaUo, )."

• Iff,
Fat F,- 50 QI


flangeeof ~and ~

w.. Inf'-XUt1IIOI)I'I1j)f......
.f< 1to l.fF,

640 Iff,
hI ~

L"w """.. Webs In combined I\eKUnlI and . . .

L'" ,om""..... hI~ 2531{F,- 35.8

Fig. E-3a Column v.ment

Thlc:kMll R,1to
lJm/ttnt WIctth-Thtcknell RlUo, ).,
..- Fat Fy_50 QI

Given:50 ksi steel; K = 1.0;

required strength based on
the maximum total factored
load is 1300 kips. The col-
umn is braced in both InltmNdial.
FIIngeI of I IhapM II'Id chfonnelll
and plates prqec\J'lg from

w.o. In PIlI compr....on

-n. ......... ----._oI ..



· For . . -..... ..... _LRFO~. S- . . r.ttlllllil

a5 I'lF,



directions at the upper and

lower levels, and in the
weak direction at the inter-
mediate level.
Solution: Try a W14x120 (as in
example £-1):

K,I,.. = 1.0 x 24.0 It. x 12 tn'! Ii. = 46.

r,. 6.24 Ii.
K,ly = 1.0 x 12.0 It. x 12 in./ tL = 38
rio' 3.74 in. .
KJ. max = K~/){ = 46 2
, r\ . Figure F- l: Flexura l strains and stresses

• From Table £-1. $,F" = 36.35 bi

R . d
1300 kips 35 8' ,
As = 36.35
> 35.3 in. 2pro~'lded
W14xl20 n.g.

By tnspection . W14x 1.J2 is o. k.

Use WI4x 132
= . m.
in Chapter H of the LRFD Specification .
This section exp lains the provi s ion s of the LRFD
Specification for compact rolled beams. For other com-
pact and noncom pact nexural me mbe r s, r efe r to
Appendix F of the Specification ; plate girde rs are in
Appendix G.
Fig. E-3b
To unders tand the provIsIOns of the LRFD
Specification regarding nex ural design, it is helpful to
review briefly some aspects of elementary beam theory.
As stated in Section E3 of the LRFD Specification a nd Under working loads (and until initia l yielding) the
Commentary, torsional and flexural -torsional buckling distributions of flexural strains an d stresses ove r the
generally do not govern the design of doubly sym metric cross-section of a beam are linear. As s hown in Figure
rolled shapes in compression. For other cross sections, F-l . they vary from maximum compression at the
see Section E3 and Appendix E3 of the LRFD extreme fibers on one side (th e top ) to ze ro at the neu-
Specification. t r al, or centroida l, axis to maximum te ns ion at the
extreme fibers on the other side (the bottom ).
BUILT-UP AND PIN-CONNECTED MEMBERS The relations hip between mom e nt an d maximum
These members are covered, res pectively. in Section bendillg stress (tension or compression ) at a given cross
E4 and E5 of the LRFD Specification. section is
F. BEAMS AND OTHER FLExURAL MEMBERS M = bending moment due to the applied loads, kip-in .
S = elastic seclion modulus, in the dir. of bending in '
Chapter F of the LRFD Specification covers compact = lie
beams. Compactness criteria are given in Table B5.1 of t: = maximum bending stress, ksi
the LRFD Specification and are summarized in Table B- '! = moment of intertia of the croSS section about

1. To preve nt torsion , wide-flange s hapes must be its centroidal axis, in .~
loaded in either plane of symmetry. channels must be c = distance from th e elastic neutral axis to the
loaded through the sbear center parallel to the web, or extreme fiber, in .
restraint against twisting mus t be provided at load Similarly, at intitial yielding
points and points of s upport. Torsio n combined with M , = SF, (2-10)
flexure and axial force combined with fl exu re are covered

Modern Steel Co nstruction 1 July 1995 / 41


M = be ndjng mom e nt coinciding with first
,. yie ldin g, kip-in .
If additional load is applied, the strains continue to
increase ; th e st re sses, however, are limited to F .
Yi e lding proceeds from the outer fibers inward until ~
plastic hinge is developed, as shown in Figure F-l. At
The definition for the Hmiting laterally unbraced length
L, is given in the LRFD SpeciJication (in Equations Fl-6,
8, a nd 9 ) and will not be repeated here. For bendi ng
about the major axis if Lb > Lrl

The case of Lb > L, is beyond the sco pe of this section.

full piast ification of the cross section Th e reader is referred to Section Fl.2b of LRFD
M =ZF (2- 11) Specification (s pecifically Equation FI-13 , where the
p ,
where critica l moment M is contro ll ed by latera l-to rsional
M = plastic mome nt, kip-in . buckling ). This cas~ is also covered in the beam graphs
Z P = plas tic section modulus,
in the direction of in Part 4 of t he LRFD Manual.
bending, in.3
Due to the presence of residual stresses (prior to load- b. All values of C,
ing, as a co nsequence of the rolling operation), yielding Cn is the bending coefficient. A new expression foJ' Cb
begin s at an applied stress of (F , - F/ Equation 2-10 is given in the LRFD S pecification. (It is more accurate
should be modified to . than th e one previous ly shown .)
M , =S(F.-
where C = __ ~ 2.5 Mm .!", _
u 2.5Mm.. ~ + 3M + 4MH + JM( (Fl-3 )
Fr = the max . compressive residual stress in A

eith er flange. ks i where M is the a bs olute value of a mom e nt in the

= 10 ksi for roll ed shapes unbraced beam segment as follows:
= 16.5 ksi for welded shapes M max' the maximum
The definition of plastic mome nt in Equation 2·11 is still
M A • at the quarter point
valid , because it is not affected by residua1 stresses.
M,l' at the centerline
DESIGN FOR FLEXURE Me. at the three-quarter point
a. Assuming C b = 1.0 The purpose of C is to acco unt for the influ ence of
Compact sections will not ex perience loca l buckling moment gradient on tateral-torsion al buckling. The flex-
before the formation of a plastic hinge. The occurrence ural strength equations with Cb = 1 arc based on a uni-

of latera l torsional buckling of the member depends on form mom ent along a latera lly unsupported beam seg-
the unbraced length L ,. As implied by t he term lateral- ment causing single curvature buckling of the member.
torsional buckling, overall instability of a beam requires Other loadings are less severe. resu ltin g in higher flex-
that twisting of the membe r OCcur s imultaneously with e
ural strength s; b ~ 1.0. Typical va lues of Cb are given
lateral buckling of th e co mpression flange. L, is the dis- in Table F-l. For un braced cantilevers, Cb = 1. Cb ca n
tance betwee n points braced to prevent twist of the cross conservative ly be taken as 1.0 for aJJ cases.
section . Many bea ms can be co ns idered continuous ly For a ll val ues of Cw the flexural design strength <i,M.,
braced; e.g., bea ms supporting a metal deck , if the deck where $./1 = 0.90, is give n in the LRFD Specification in
is int e rmitte ntl y we ld ed to the comp ression n ange. te rm s 01 a nominal flexural strength M" varying as fol -
Compact wid e fl a nge a nd channe l members bending lows:
about th eir major (or x ) axes can develop their full plas- Mn = M il = Z ~Fy for bending about the (2- 13)
tic moment M Il without. buckling if L~ 5. Lp. If Lb = Lr • the
nominal fl exural s tren gt h is Mr. t he moment at first major axis if Lb :s; Lm
yielding a djusted for res idual stresses. The nominal M o = Ci/VI, = C"s,(F, - 10 ksi)" M (or (2-19)
moment ca pacity (M,.) for LJI < Lb < Lr is Mr < M" < M . "
Compact shapes bent about their minor (or y) axes will bending about the major axis if L" = L,
not buckle before deve loping M . rega rdless of Lb. for bending about the major axis if Lm< Lb < L,.
Flex ural des ign strength , gtiverned by the limit state linear interpolation is used
of lateral-torsional buckling, is <ibM., where <i, = 0.90 and
M" the nominal fl exura l strength is as follows: Lb - Lp
M n= CblMp- (Mp- M ,) ( - - ) ] S; Mp (Fl-2 )
Mn = Mp = Z , F. for bending about the L, - Lp
major axis if Lb S L'I If Lh> L(, M il =Mo S C1,M, iJnd Mp (2-20)
Mn = Mp = Z, F, (or bending about the (2- 14 )
The determination of M" for a give n Lb can best be
minor axis regardless of L"
don e g raphi ca ll y, as illus trated in Fi gure F-2. The
300r (2- 15) req uired parameters for each W shape a re given in the
Lp = .; ~ = 42.4r,. ;or 50 ksi steel
F, beam design tabl e in Part 4 of th e LRFD Manual, an
Mn = M, = S,.JF,. F,) = S,(F~ 10 kSi) (2-16) exce rpt of which is s hown herein as Table F-2. If C, = 1,
tor rol/ed shapl's iJendlng <,bout the major the coordinates for constru cting th e graph are (L". M ),
and ( L~ M ). For C. > I , t he key coordin ates are ( l ".

axis Ii Lb = L, C,M ) and (L e C.M ,). Note t hat M . cannot exceed the
Mn for bending about the nMjor .1xis, if Lp < L < L" plasfic moment M . L m , t hen , can be derived graphically
is determined by linear interpolation betweens"equations as the upper limi t ~f Lb for which M" = Mp. If Lb > L r , the
Lb - L bea m graphs in Part 4 of lhe LRFD Manual can be used
2- 13 and 2-16; i.e., M " = Mp - (M p- M ,H L _ LP) (2- 17 ) to determine M er .
, p

42 / Modern Stee l Constru ction / July 1995

.- .••••.•......••.••........•.....•...•..........•.............
.~~ ~
' oJ

• -
Conoetw1IMId . , c:erMt

VIIIUH of C. tor Stmply Supported BHm. ar.c.d at End. of Span
l.nnIltndrtg A*'I s,.n

Given , ()(>1C'rminl' lhe tlt'l\.ural d("\ign ..Irt·ngth of a 30-fl. lonR
~Imply ~upportrd W 24x76 gUdN (01 ) 0 k.. i SIt't.'1J with
iI concentraled 10cld .lnd 1<lIN.11 support , hoth .1I
midsp.lO .
Solution: From Table F·l :
C, = 1.&7 ; l , = 30.011 / 2 . l S. U h.
"'-""" ' .30 From Equation Fl·,;! :


lin lor Cb= 1.0

From Tablt' F- 2 for J W24x76 :
lor CiV'.O ~bM = 750 kil>-ft.
lip ",M, = >28 kil,.rl.
lin Lp = b.8 (I.
l. = )8.0 h.
~1,Mn = 1.671750 ;'P-" . -
1750 - 528Ik/,rIl .I·
15.0 h. b.8". ·)1
18.0 /I . 6.8 II
= 9SJk/,rh . > 750 kip- ft .
Use .,M =.;'1 = 150 kIp-it.
In this Ccl<,e, e~e~ though tht' unbr.u rd I("ngth L" > L
Figure F-2: Determination of nominaJ flex-u ral st rength M . the design neltural !)trength is <-"M" tx.'( clll'-€' C" > I.?

TMJte F-2-
El~ from l.C*i Factor o.slgn Selection T.ble

• ,.
For F; . 50 kaI The design shea r strength is defined by the equa ti ons
...... in Secti on F2 of the LRFD peci fi cation. Shea r in wide-
......,.. ...
blln.., <'(11) ",(ft)
"'- (klp-ft) (ldp-ft)
na ng. a nd cha nnel sections is resisted by t he a rea of th e
web (A ) , which is ta ken as the overall depth d times the

Wl ,b<,20
'12 570 13' web thickn ess t".. For webs of 50 ksi steel without trans·
W'8xt7 791 '74 ve rse stiffeners, the design shear strength . , V~I where ~.
,.. ,,
200 W2.".
W2,.., 743 ...'" ... a 0.90, a nd the nominal shea r strength V.. nrc as foll ows :

,,"" W, 4XI08
13' "'
,." ~'or h / I. " 59 (inc ludin g a ll ro ll e d W and channe l

W'8J.(18 U
...'" .... ,
W'2lcI20 111 " .0
v, = 30.0 ksi x dt,

". W
,_ LI
273 ¢I, v,. = 27.0 ksi x dl, 12-211
~,....... ....... '""""' ....... . ~ • .-...WlllIoI ... S "". c..'.a, "". t . , . - - .
.... :. '-'" ... 010
For 59 < h / I." 74, .
V, = 30.0 ksIX dl,.x 59Ih / I,.
Eample F-l ~,v.. = 27.0ksi xdt ll x 59Ih l t" (2-22 1

Given: 5f;·it.'t.J th«.· rt>quiretl W shape for J 30-fl !limple floor

~'or h / I,. > 74,
ix'am with fulll.11E:'r.l1 ~upport carrying a d(,fld load
V, = 132000/( h / I.,l' x dl,. kgi
(in( ludtng ib own wl'i~ht) of 1.5 kips per lint'<lr fl. ,md (2-23)
<1 live' 10.1(1 of 3.0 kips per linear fl. Assume 50 k!li \I('£'I ¢l, V~ = 118000/(h / 1.1' x dl " ksi
and '
a. Th("re is no n1l'mber depth limil.llion
b. Th<.> deep<.~1 member is a W18

Solution· Ttlf' gov(.'rnmg load combination in Se<tlon A is A4·2·

1.20 + + O_)(L Of 5 or R) = 1.2 x 1 5 kif + 1.6lt i.O kif + 0
, = 6.6 kli
Req r'd i\.t
UI (
wl' _ 6.6 kli x 130.0 h.,
II- 8 - 8 1& 743 "'I). ft h d
Fk·l\.ural dt".. ign strength ¢IbM" 2: 743 kip-ft

d. In T:lble F.2, th(> rTl(h1 t'Cooomical bE>.1m .. are in boldface prinl.
Of Ih(> bc,ldfcKed bE-dms, the lighf{.~t one with . ~M. _
~bM.,~ 743 kip-h . ic, cl W24x7(,.

b. By inspt"(.tion 01 Table F·2, the lighu»t W18 With Figure F·3: Definilions of d, h, alld tJor
¢It.''''1n =- ¢I/tMp~ 74:\ kip-ft. is <1 W18xQ7 W and channel shapes

Modern Steel ction I July J 995 / 43

................................................ ... ... ·· ··· ··f
Shear strength is govern ed by the following limit
hamplt" F-J
states: Equation 2-21 by yielding of the web; Equation •
Gi\l"en: ChC'< k the adt--quacy of a W30x99 beam of 50 kSi \t('('1
2-22, by inelastic buckling of t he web; a nd Equa tion 2-23
to lJrry cl load r6ulltn& 10 maximum sheJr<) of 100 kips by elastic buckling.
dU(> to cJt'ad load and 150 ki~ due to li\,(> load.
Solu tIon : Rl'quired shear strength . V" S ee S ection F4 of th e LRFD Spe cifi ca tion a nd
1.20+ 1.6L Comm e ntary, and th e re fe r e n ces g ive n in th e
I.2xl00 kips + 1.6x150 kips Commentary.
J60 ki ps
Dt.'Slgn shea r strength ~ . V"
Part Three of "E.sential. of LRFD" will appear
27.0 ksi x dl. in the August issue of Modern Steel Con stru ction
27.0 kSI x 29.&5 in . x 0.520 in . and will discuss Members Under Combined Forces
4 16 kips > 360 kIps req . & Torsion and Composite Members.

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i. l
Set t n g Standards For Over 70 Years

44 1 Modern 5w.1 Construction 1 July 1995
Looking For

What is the compatibility of spray-applied
fireproofing with shop primers? ................................. .. .. ........ ... ........ .. .... see page 1-11
When must expansion joints be provided in steel structures? ...... ..... .... see page 1-13
Where can I find a good primer on LRFD? .. ..... .. .......... ........ ................ ... see section 2
How are single-angle struts designed? .......... ................... .. ....... ...... .. .see page 3-104
How can I design to eliminate
floor deflection and vibration problems? .. .... ........... .. .. .. .... ...... .. .. .... .. ... see page 4-207
Wh at is the difference between snug-tightened
and fully tensioned bolts? ..................... .... .... .............. .. .... .. .. .. .... ... ... ... .. see page 8-12
How can the engineer-of-record determine if
bolts are suitable for re-use? .. ................... .... ... .. .. .... .. .......... .. .. ..... ... .. .. .see page 8-19
When can bolts and welds in the same connection
be considered to share load? .. ..... .......... ....... .... ... .... .. ...... .. .. ....... ........ see page 8-211
What is the difference between a shim and a filler? .................... .. ...... see page 8-327
How can I avoid problems with double connections? ............... .... ........... see page 9-9
How is eccentricity considered in the design of shear splices? .... .... ... see page 9-179
Why are extended end-plate connections
limited to static loading only? ... .................. .. .. ............. ... .. ... .. .. ............. see page 10-21
When are stiffeners required at
beam-to-column flange moment connections? ...... ......... ... .. .. .. ............ see page 10-35
How are forces transferred in diagonal bracing connections? .... ......... see page 11-19
What is the most efficient reinforcement detail
for beams with web penetrations? .. ... ............... ......................... .. .. .. .... see page 12-11

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Modern SIl'<'l COnstru( lion / July 1995 / 47

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48 / Modem Sleel Conslrudion / July 1995
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Ao.' . . . . ,Int~~,"'opn~ 01ocl~
AD INA x x x x x x x
AISC for AutoCAD
Ana lysis Group x x x x x x
AutoSTAAD x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
DAST x x x xxxxxx x x x x
DESCUS x x x x x
ECOM x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
ETABS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
FloorVIB x
GTStrudl x x x x x x x x x x x
Images-3D x x x
LARSA x x x x x x x x x x x
MDX Software x x x x x
Merlin DASH x x x x x
Multiframe x x x x x x
Quick-CONNECT x x
RISA-2D x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
RISA-3D x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
ROBOT V6 x x x x x x x x x x x
SABRE x x x
SAP90 x x x x x x x x
SC-Bridge x x x x x x x x x x x
SC-Push 3D x
SDI Floor x x x x x x x x x
SODA x x
STAAD-III x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
STAAD-MATE x x x x x x
STAAD3-2D x x x x x x x x
Steel Plus
STRAP x x x x x x x x
STRUCAD'3D x x x x x x x x x
Stuc!. Eng. Library x x x x x x x x
TRAP-jr. x x x x x
VisualAnalysis x x x x x x x
WinSTRUDL x x x x x x

50 I Modern Steel Construction I July 1995


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k (,(/(M
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Dt'p'-Htnlt'nl t It'dd
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Stafl Archlt("(.1/ Inquirr,
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CHICAGO, IL 60605-9960

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Please circle # 27 Beach, SC 29577

AD INA x , x x x
Analysis Group
AuloSTAAD x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx
DAST x x x x x x xxxxxxx
ECOM x x x x x x x x xxxxxx
ETABS x x x x x xxxxxx
FloorVIB x x
GTStrud l x x x xxxxxxx
Images-3D x xxxxx X

LARSA x x x x x xxxxxxx
MDX Software x x x x
Merlin DASII x x x x x
Mu lt iframe x x x x x X X
Q uick-CONNECT x x x
RISA-2D x x x x x x X X X x
RISA-3D x x x x xxxxxxx
ROBOTV6 1st x x x xxxxxxx
SAP90 x x x x x xxxxxxx
SC-Bridge x x x xxxxxxx
C-Push 3D X X X X

DI Floor x
SODA x x x xxxxxx
STAAD-III x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx
STAAD-MATE x x x x X X X
Sleel Plus x x x x
STRAP x x x xxxxxxx
STRUCAD'3D x x x x xxxxxx
Slue!. Eng. Library x x x x x x xxxxx
TRAP-jr. x x
VisualAnalysis x x x xxxxxxx
WinSTRUDL x x x x x X X X X X

52 / Modern Sleel Construction I July 1995
AD INA , x x x x x x x x x
AI C for AuioCAD ,
Analysis Group x 'ltXXXX
AutoSTAAD x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x , x x
DAST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DESCUS x xx x x xx xx x
ECOM xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , x x
ETABS xxxxxxx x x x
FloorVIB x x ,
GTStrudl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , , \

Images-3D x xxx xxx x

x x x x x x x x , ,
x x x x x x x , X ,
Multiframe XXXXXX\X X x x x x \ x
PC SIMON X X '1(,:11; x x x ,
RISA-2D x x x x x x , x x x x x x x , x ,
RISA-3D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , x x
ROBOTV6 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
SABRE x x x x x x x x , x
SAP90 x x x x x x x ~ x x x x x
SC-Bndge x x x x ~ x x x x x x x x
SC-Push 3D , , x
SDI Floor x x x x
SODA x x x x x x x x x x x x x ,
STAAD-II I xxxxxxxx'<xxxxxxxxxx x x x
STAAD-MATE xxxxxx X xxxx
STAAD3-2D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x X
Steel Plus X x
STRAP x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
STRUCADo3D x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x , , x
StUCI. Eng. Library x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
TRAP-jr. x x x x x x x
VisualAnalysis x x x x x x
WinSTRUDL x x x x x x x x x x x x x , x

Modern SI{'('I COll!llructlon I Julv I q<)S / 53

ADINA 57000 x
AIS for AuioCAD S120
Analysis Group x x 1994 yrly. 5295
AutoSTAAD x x x 1991 6 mo. 5595
CO XPRT x 1990 24 5110-1230
DAST x x x 1986 5300-3600
DESCUS x x x 1978 95 n.a.
ECOM x n.a. 4/95 5150-5999
ETABS x 1975 94 S3000
FloorVlB x x x 1994 n.a. 5250
GTSlrudl x x x x x 1978 3/95 6 mo. x
Images-3D x x x x x 1984 yrly. 5795-1395 x
MDX Software
Merlin DASH







5/95 6 mo.
4/95 4 mo.
95 6 mo.
2/95 6 mo.



RISA-2D x x x 1987 6/95 yrly. S495 x
RISA-3D x x x 1993 4/95 6 mo. 51295 x
ROBOT V6 x x x x 1985 2/95 8 mo. $495-8070
SABRE x x x x 1978 95 yrly. n.a.
SAP90 x x 1970 12-18 S2000
SC-Bndge x 1994 4/95 6 mo. S2500
SC-Push 3D x x 1994 3/95 6 mo. S2500
SDI Floor x x 1992 n.a. n.a. 5295
SODA x x n.a. 4/95 yrly. 5495
STAAD-III x x x x x x 1978 3/95 4 mo. S900-3700
STAAD-MATE x 1993 6/95 6 mo. S495
STAAD3-2D x x x x x x 1991 6/95 6 mo. 5595
Steel Plus x x 1988 1/95 6 mo. $129
STRAP x x x 1982 9/94 yrly. $300-3500
STRUCAD'3D x x x x 1986 94 yrly. S249-45OO
Stuc!. Eng. Library x x x 1983 94 9-16 $1295
TRAP-ir. x X x x 1978 95 yrly. n.a.
VisualAnalysis x X x x 1994 6/95 yrly. 5395
WinSTRUDL , x x x x 1984 2/95 6 mo. 5400-3000

54 / ModC'rn Sterol Construction I Julv 1995
At last. the 111 0 S1 powerful :o.trul.!lurai OIIH.I
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.\Iso , the ineretlsed producti\tity from the improved
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You do the · · g... •
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Please circle # 107

State -of-the-art 2D Structural Analysis
and Design Software
for $595
Research Engineers. Inc. is proud to announce the arrival of
STAA03-2D. the most comprehensive 20 Structural Analysis
and Design software in today's industry. STAAD3-2D is the 20
Help Wanted
Ameri can Institute of Sleel Co nstruction is looki ng fo r
an indi vidual with ex perti se in structu ra l steel fabricating
operati ons to administer AISC qua li ty certificati on pro-
gra ms. Respo ns ibiliti es also incl ude inte rpre tation a nd
version of RE's world famous structural software STAAD-II1. application of OS HA and EPA regulati ons and oversight of
Eq uip ped with powerful Analysis/Design, brilliant GU I, easy safety publi cat io n, for fabricators. Thi s person will work
Visualization/Verification, and nexible Report/Query fac ili ti es.
c lose ly w ith th e A ISC Co mmitl ee o n Ce rt ifica ti o n.
STAA D3-2D represents the (me state-of-the-art in modern struc-
tural engineering. Fabri cati ng Operati ons and Safety.
per AISC (ASD & LRFD). ACI and AITC codes. With a price tag Candidate should have 10 years experi ence in a structur-
of $595. it offers you the best value for all your 20 st ructu ral aJ steel fa bricating environment. Work experie nce in con-
needs. structi on or re lated ma nufac tu ring o pera ti o ns wo ul d be
R esearch Engineers, Inc. advantageo us. Send work hi story and qu alifications to:
22700 Savi Ranch Mr. M.H. Caminer
Yorba Linda, CA 92687 P.O. Box 806276
T oll Free: 1-800-FOR-RESE
Fax: (714) 974-4771 Chicago. IL 60680-4 124

StruCAD*3D H e lp Wa rt ted
The Flagship Product for 3D Structural Analysis & Design SDS/2 Detailers & Checker
• Pop-Up & Pull-Down Menus • Wind & Gravity Load Generation
• Truly Interactive 3D Graphics • Material Takeoff
Pre- and Postprocessing • P-Della and Thermal Analysis Detail er appli cants must have a mi nimum of 5 years SDSn
• 3D AutoCAD Interface (in & out) • Pile-Soil rn teraclion experience and be able Lo efficien tly ope rate all parts of the pro-
• AlSC-ASD, AlSC-LRFD, ACI-318 • Seismic & Machine Vibration gram. Looking for the right pe rson who can squad lead. manage
• Rcinforced Concrete Design • Detailed Fatigue Analysis projects and assist in detailer trai ning.

Prices start at only $249
Zente ch, Inc. 8582 Katy Freeway, *205, Houston, TX 77024 Chec ker appli cants must have a min imu m of 5 years c hecki ng
Tel (7 13) 984-9 171 Fax (713) 984-9175 experience and a proven track record. SDSn experience a plu s.

& MisoeIIaneous Steet Detailing CAD Programs Roscoe Steel is a well -established Category rtJ Certified struc-
AutoCAD panunetric USP programs fur prepering structunU AND mise. steel
shop drawings. All programs have been updated IDr 1995 and new pnwruns have Hira I. misce ll a neo ll s. brid ge fab ri cato r. II is a n aggressive.
been added. Anchor bolts to roof opening frames and -everything between". expandi ng company located in the beaut ifu l Big Sky country with
Imperial and metric venrions with USA, Canadian and European steel sectims. 45- access to Yellowstone Park. skiing. fi shing and WeMern heritage .
DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Disrounts up to 30%. Buy only what you
need. Used in the fiek:l for 8 years. Programs written by a detru1cr with 39 years
experience. Extremely "flexiblc" programs. FREE telephone support.. No mainte- Send resume. with saJary history and requirements. to:
nance fee. Reasonable yearly update fee. EXCEI.J..ENT PROGRAMS at a REA- Roscoe Steel & Cul ve rt Co.
SONABLE PRICE. Call for II FREE demo disk. list of progrums, and priC('8. 28 47 H esper Road
110 Shady Oak Circle, Florence, MS 39073 Billings, MT 59102-6735
Tel: 60li845-2146 (rax same) Attn: Engineering Manager

For Sale: Category III Experienced Engineer Looking

New Engla nd Fabricating Plant For Employment
25,000 sq. fl. & 7 acres of land
Experie nced structural professiona l enginee r, licenced in
Beam Line; Circular & Band Saws; On tar io, Canada, a nd mem ber of S tructural E nginee rs
Pangborn Brake & Shear; etc. Associa ti on or Calirornia, looking ror rull-time em ploy-
With proper fi naci ng and manage ment. ment in U.S. Please call or fax 1-5 19-578-6295 or write
shop Can do $7 million annuall y to: Henry Staniewski , 465 Highla nd Rd . E., Kitchener,
Fax inquiries to: 708/699-8681 aUn: John B. Ontario, CANADA, N2M 3N B

He lp Wanted Help Wanted-Structural Stee l Drafte r/Detailer

Drafts construction. detail and ~hop drawln~s for structural Meel prOJecL~ for
CHIEF DRAFTSMAN office buildings. shopping centers lind residential/houses. Utih7ClI "Fabncad"
Well established AlSC Certified Cat.egory II mediu m size
Computer-Assistcd Drafting program. DraflS prOJecl ~pec i ficlluon ... and cost eSII
structura l and miscellaneous fabricator needs well Quali fi ed

mllle~. Condw;ts field in~pections and collects dnta for complillnce With project
department head. Reply in confidence via fax or mail to: dc..sign and specifications. Auends construction site rrn.:etings. Mallliain ... proJttt file~
Stein Steel & Supply Company lind records or field IIIspection~ lind change" up to dale. SupcntlM"S forclgn struclUral
P.O. Box 17907 projects produccd under the metTle syMel11. Repons to chief detat lcr 4O/hr/wK. 8-
Atlanta, GA 30316 4:30 Mon. -Fri. Structural Engineering B.S. or equi .... 2Jyrs/exp. $9.25/hr. Scnd
Attn: Bert Stein, President re;;ulllc to Job Service or }-lorida. 70 1 SW 27th Ave.. Room 47, Miami, Fl31 135-
Fax: (404) 523-8415 3014. Re: Joh Order Number F1.. 1223681.

Modern Steel Construct ion / July 1995/ 57

"Calirornia Structural Engineering Exam Review Manual"
Complclc problem SlatcmenlS and solu tions for the last 8 years of
Structural Bolting Handbook •
California Structural exam are presented (except the bridge problems). Step· by-step instructions for: boll installation using the
The main volume (S I50) includes the 199().1994 exam problems. These tum-of-the-nul. calibrated wrench, twist·off bolt and direct
~olu ll on" arc in a word processed fonnal wilh exten"j\lc usc of compuler tension indicator methods; pre-installation tests and inspec-
generated drawings for additional clarity. The 1987 Ihru 1989 solutions ti o n procedu res for eac h method; dispute arbitration proce-
($25 each) nre also available as supplement,;;. All ~() I utionc; are per 1991
dures; AASTHO/FHWA rotat io na l capac it y tes t proce-
USC. 1989 AC I and ASO manuals. Specific solutions and page numbers
are printed 01 the ~ide.~ of pages to provide case and quicknc"s for the user. dures; bolt, nut and washer product a nd manufacturer
To inquire about the technical conlenL.. , contact the editor. Ben Yousefi. identification markings; bolt, nut and washer dimen sio ns;
S.E .. at 619-236-7368. To order. call Bernie or Elisa at 619-236-7075. compatibil ity tables; and discussion of many critical bolt-
ing issues.
Comprehensive Review Manuals 1- 10 copies: $9.00 ea.; 11 ·50 copies: $8.00 ea.;
SE and PE (Civil) License 51+ copies: $7.00 ea.
PE (Civil) six vol. (4200 pp). Calif Structural Engr (SE) five vol. For orders under $75.00. add $4.00 s&h;
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techniques with severaJ hundred solved problems. Invaluable
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references for practicing engineers. Steel Structures Technology Center, Inc.,
CaWwrite for detai led brochures. PEDP, Inc., 5912 Bolsa Ave.,
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GTSTRUDL ADINA Adve rti sers' Index

Static, Dynamic, Linear, Nonlinear & Pushover Analysis Ad vertise r Page Numbe r Circle No.
Straight & Curved Steel Bridge Model & Load Generator AISC Marketing, Inc. ........... 29 .. .. .... ......................... 8
SC Solutions, Inc. AISC Publicatio ns ................ 12 ................................. 1
ATIR Enginee ring ...... ........... 12 ............................... 28
Tel (4 15) 903-5050 Fax (415) 691-9452 AutoS D ........... ...................... 8 ............................. ..59

8DS Services ....................... 13 ............................... 6 1
Nic hol as J. Bouras ............... CII .............................. .33
SC-Bridge SC-Push3D Bristol Mac hine Co .............. 34 ............................... 62
CAST ........ .. ........................ .5 1 ............................... 27
Images--3D CDS .................................... 36 ............. .. ................ 63
20-30 St.ructuraVFinite Element Analysis CadYantage ......................... 25 .......... .. .................. .45
Easy to learn and use Automesh Generation Chapara ll Steel .................... 11 .............................. .43
Shear & Moment Diagrams Static, Modal, Dynamic Compute r Detailing ............... 8
AISC Code Check Enforced Displacements Computers & Structures ..... CIY ............................... 31
Large Problems to 3,000 Joints p.l) AnaJysis
Complete Static Package-Only $795 deCA D ................................ 56 ............................. 107
Celestial Software, 2150 Shattuck Ave., Suile 1200 DAS Consuh ing ................... 49 ............................... 82
Berkeley, CA 94704 Des ign Data .......................... 7 .............................. .32
Tel: 510·843·09771 Fax: 510·848·9849 Dyson ................................. 15 ............................... 25
Fifty-node fully functional evaluation package for only $49.95 EJ E Indust ries ....................... 25 ........ .. .................... .46
GT Strudl ........................... ..49 ............................... 71
HEWLETI-PACKARD Grinder ................................. 8 ......... .. .................... 83
Integrated Eng. Soft .............. S5 ............................... 87
A complete line of used and refurbished HP Equipment to fill JJK & Associate .................... 13 ............................... 95
all your computer needs. Laser printers, scanners, disk drives, LRFD Manu al .................... .45 ................................. 2
plotters (Draftp ro, Draftmasler & Oesignjet), PC's and 9000 Larsa ................................... 55 .................. ............. 88
series workstations are available for immediate delivery. Call UNR Leavill ........................ 16 .............................. .79
our toll free number for additional information and pricing. MDX Softwa re ..................... 25 .............................. .4 7
Ted Dasher & Associates MNH·SMRF ........................ 36 ............................. 114
4117 2nd Avenue South Me trosoft ........................... CIII ............................... 51
Birmingham, AL 35222 Nu cor yamato ............... .30·3 1 .............................. .39
800-638-4833 fax (205) 591-1108 O mnitech ............................ 55 .............................. .52
Optimate ............................... 8 ......................... .. .... 53
Engineering Journal Ram Ana lys is .. ..................... 51 ...................... .. ...... .41
The only technical magazine in the U.S. devoted exclusively to Resea rc h Engineers ................ 5 ............................... 34
the design of steel structures. the AISC Engineeri"g JOllmai RISA Tec hno logies ........ 13, 49 .............................. .40
provides structural engineers, fabricalOrli, and educators with the 51. LOll is Screw & Bolt ......... 35 ............................... 36

late\t information on stee l design, research and construction. Stee l Jo ist Institute ............... 51 ............................... 54
For a one-year subscription, send $18 to: SteelCAD ............................ 14 ............................... 84
American lnstitute of Steel Construction, TradeARBED ... ..................... .3 .. ............................ .35
Max We iss Co . .................... 37 ..................... .. .. .. .... 56
P.O. 80x 806276, Chicago, fL 60680-4124
Welded Tube Co ................. 28 ................. .. .......... 123
or pbone 312/670-2400
Whitefab ............................. 14 ......................... .. .... 55

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France: Research Engineers, 18, Rue de Moresville, 28800 HACEY, France, Tel : 37.47 .51 .63, Fax : 37 .47.44 .63
W. Germany: Research Engineers, Lillienthalstr 47-49, 6140 BENSHEIM, W. Germany, Tel : 06251 /39065, Fax: 06251 /64935
India : Research Engineers Pvt. Ltd., 408 Darga Road, Calcutta 700 017, India, Tel : 47·8914, Fax : (033) 74-8172, Tlx : 214102
AutoETABS" -
structural Modeler for
nus mooel generator 15 prtmartly
for drawmg and ecl!hng an lITABS
model USIng AutoCAD Adcillron-
ally, tlus model Information is
duectly available from the
database for creatmg frammg
plans and elevations Wlth
AutoCAD nus scheme allows the
draftsperscn and the engmeer to
share common de5l9J1 informatIon
WIthout duplioabon Many data
preparatIon steps OSSOCIated WIth
the ETABS model generabon erre
aIsc automated

AutoFLOOR~ -
Structural Steel Floor Modeler for ETABS
nus program allows the automated analySIS. desJgn. optlm1zatlon and drafting of structural
steel flcx>r framing systems of arbItrary COnfigurations cmd loadmg The program operates
upon the enbre floor frammg system. cilstrtbuhng grOVlty loads to the various beams and
gIlders as deterrruned by the cilrectIon of the deckmg The trtbutary areas and OSSOCIated
live load reductIons are automatically computed Composite and non<:amposite deslgn
options are avallable for ASD and LRFD speclfioabons Beam camber and VIbrational
characterisbcs are evaluated Matenal quantity takeoff tables are aIsc produced
AutoFLcx)R IS closely interlaced WIth AutoETABS The modules share mformabon the.
automates the tedious task of transferrmg tributary floor vertical loads to the columns an
gIlders of the lITABS model

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