The Bank of Punjab Internship Report

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The Bank Of Punjab


Internship report
Internship report submitted to faculty of Management&
Administrative science in partial fulfillment of Requirement for
Degree of Masters of Business Administration

Pro#ra$ % Session M.B.A (inance! ".#years

ni&ersit' of Gujrat
Date$ %#')'%"

The Bank Of Punjab

I dedicated this report to my parents. Because of their prayers & encouragement I have been
able to complete this report. A**A+ is great and compassionate,.. -e submit to Allah all
our effort before the Almighty. -e offer a humble than/s to the most benevolent that made
us capable of completing this pro0ect 1ell in time.

 2his is ritual of Department of commerce to conduct internship for it graduate in summer

vacation. 2he credit of this term goes to the esteem faculty of this Department 1ho gave
a chance to their students to 1or/ in an organi3ation beside their theoretical bac/ground
 build a practical /no1ledge. or this I am highly than/ful to all the members of faculty and
4ir 5asim Ra3a for guiding me in preparing my internship report.

I 1ould also li/e to have a 1ord of than/ to the people of B67 Ramtalai Road Branch
8u0rat 1ho shared their /no1ledge and e9perience 1ith me in order to complete my period
of internship there I my special than/s to Mr. 5asim Ra3a 1ho accepted my internship
proposal and give me a chance to 1or/ in branch.

*ast but b not least my parents 1ho are in continuous phase of brining me up and in every
respect of my life by providing their moral help and resources.

E-e.uti&e Su$$ar'
The Bank Of Punjab

Internship is an important part of MBA program and provides opportunity to all students
to learn about the partial 1or/ing of organi3ation and improves their personal s/ills
 problems are becoming more comple9 1ith the passage of time due to the achievement in
1orld. 4tudents really get many benefits through this practical /no1ledge during studies.
2his internship is not only helpful for ma/ing this report but this education gives a
/no1ledge about the business decisions and policies. In this 1ay I personally feel that your
mind start thin/ing innovatively broadly and dynamically. acing challenges of day to day
life is not a difficult tas/ to handle for individual. Internship training at the ban/ of 7un0ab is
aimed at providing the students a ma0or unique opportunity to learn 1hat ban/ is all about.

I try my level best to produce a most comprehensive internship report to ban/ of 7un0ab by
compiling all 7ractical learning in a systematic 1ay hence ma/ing report unique. All
information:s this effort and my interest in internship can evaluate me in true prospective.


Intro/u.tion 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1

The Bank Of Punjab


Bac/ground study;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<

6rgani3ation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<

Methodology ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<

4ummary ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<

Bankin# histor' 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002

Ban/ing Act;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=

Ban/ing evolution in 7a/istan ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=

7rivati3ation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=


 >ature of Business ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Mission 4tatement ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

?ision 4tatement ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

@ore values ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Bran.h Intro/u.tion  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%';%

4upervisors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; %'

7rofessional 2raining ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%

@redit card acility ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%

4taff Relation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%

Relationship of +ead office to Branch office ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%

Bankin# Se.tor of Pakistan ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%;%

Role of B67 in 7a/istan ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%

A4ar/s an/ A.hie&e$ents  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)'

The Bank Of Punjab

9cellence A1ard by the @entral board of Revenue;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)'

"rd/issan time A1ards ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)'

Best corporate report a1ard ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)'

%thBollan 9cellence A1ard ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)'

Achievement A1ard;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)'

+o1 to open account ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)%

Documents to be attached;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;))

4pecimen 4ignature @ard ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;))

Issuance of @heaque boo/ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ;))

@ los ing acco un t;; ;; ;;; ;; ;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ) "

D orm ant account; ;;; ;; ;;; ; ;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ; ;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ; )"

A ctiv ati o n of a d orm ant acc oun t;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; )"

Re#iona5 an/ bran.hes0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000067

@ ur rent staf f;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ; ;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;; ; ) C

@u rren t staf f acc o rding to q ualification and e 9perien ce ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ; )C

4alary stru cture;;;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;; ) C

7romotion system;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; )#

Incentives and motivation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)#

@ritical analysis of branch;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; )#


Recruitment of the staff;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)

4hort listing of the application ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)



The Bank Of Punjab

Morale of the employees;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)<

7hysical facilities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)<

7erformance ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)<

Genera5 bankin# 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000062078

4ervices of bop;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'

7ay order online ban/ing;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"%

S)OT ana5'sis 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000077

6rgani3ation structure ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"C

Boar/ of /ire.tor0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 79
Bop head office;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Introduction to Departments;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C';C"

Porter $o/e50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000::
Re.o$$en/ation 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:2
(on.5usion 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000098

Abbre&iation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 98 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009;


The Bank Of Punjab

Ba.k#roun/ of stu/'

In the niversity of 8u0rat required for the students to do an internship for at least si9 1ee/ 
 period of si9 1ee/s period of time in any business organi3ation. 4o for my internship
reports I choose the ban/ of 7un0ab Ramtalai campus in my district. 2he ban/ of
7un0ab is very emerging ban/ in our city and it 1ill be good for me to gain some practical
/no1ledge in that
/ind of field of life.


2he purpose of this internship report is to learn the organi3ation s/ill. -hen you are doing
internship in an organi3ation you 1ill learn different /ind of s/ills li/e accounting reporting
communication and managerial s/ills. 4o on si9 1ee/ period the purpose 1ill be to enhance
the level of learning in business organi3ation.


2he ban/ of 7un0ab is becoming one of the most emerging ban/s. B67 introducing a lot
of ne1 schemes to their customers and also it 1ill a good e9perience for to choose the
 because some of friends did their internship in this ban/ they find it very good for learning.

Resear.h ,etho/o5o#'

2here are t1o 1ays to collect the data

• 7rimary data
• 4econdary data

7rimary data based on the observation /no1ledge gathered from

questionnaires and intervie1s.

4econdary data contains material 1ith the help of internet articles and 1ith courtesy
of the employees of B67.


I am student of 68 and doing MBA and my specification is in

finance. As our university required doing internship in any 6rgani3ation for the
practical /no1ledge I choose the B67 ramtalai branch of the internship of si9
1ee/s. 2he ob0ective of my internship is to enhance my professional managerial s/ills
in that field and also enter in
 practical life.

Bankin# Histor' of Pakistan

The Bank Of Punjab

Bankin# E&o5ution in Pakistan

6ur ban/ing history starts 1ith the establishment of the state ban/ of 7a/istan in %C= at that
 particular time the domestics ban/s 1as limited .the aim for state ban/ of
7a/istan is to develop the commercial ban/ing system in 7a/istan and ma/e proper
channel for financial resources so according to that agenda the ban/ establishes li/e national
ban/ Allied ban/ and
+abib ban/.

Nationa5i3ation A.t

@ommercial ban/ing 1as at pea/ in the late si9ties and early seventies until the time
our 8overnment declared the nationali3ation policy in %<C 1ith the policy thirteen ban/s
1ere ta/en into the possession of 8overnment and then merged into si9 ban/s.


In %% the nationali3ation act 1as ended and then again )" ban/s 1ere established Muslim
commercial ban/ 1as privati3ed in %% and the management of Allied ban/ of 7a/istan
too/ most of o1nership. After that many ban/s established and by the end of %< there 1ere
)% domestic ban/s and )< foreign ban/s.



2he ban/ of 7un0ab 1as created under the ban/ of 7un0ab act %= in the % >ovember
%==. 2he ban/ of 7un0ab established its first branch in *ahore. It 1as mended as
non scheduled ban/ in the 7un0ab province. Because it 1as government support ban/ the
main customer of the ban/ 1ere the 8overnment employees. But 1ith the passage of
time they increase their target mar/et so in %C the ban/ of 7un0ab converted into
schedule ban/ and then they opened branches all over the 7a/istan. 2oday they have )='
branches all over the country. 2he ban/ of 7un0ab has indeed entered a ne1 era of
science to the nation under e9perience and professional hands of its management. 2he ban/
7un0ab plays a vital role in

The Bank Of Punjab

the national economy through mobili3ation of local resources promoting saving

 providing funds for investment. 2he ban/ of 7un0ab offers attractive rates of profit
on all depo;;;sits: oing of foreign currency accounts and handling of foreign e9change
business for e9ample imports e9ports and remittance financing trade and industry for
1or/ing capital requirements and money mar/et operation.

Nature of business

6ne of the most important businesses in the 1orld is ban/ing. In our country ban/s plays
vital role in the national economy. Ban/s are li/e bac/bone of our country they
provide money for different sectors of economy /eeping our economy progress. 2hey
provide finance to the agriculture sectors 1hich is vital to our economy so they are
mobili3ing our resources indirectly or directly.

,ission State$ent

E2o e9ceed the e9pectations of our sta/eholders by leveraging our relationship 1ith the
government of 7un0ab and delivering a complete range of professional solutions 1ith a focus
on program driven products and services in the agriculture and middle tire mar/ets through a
motivated team.F

<ision State$ent

 E2o be a customer focused ban/ 1ith service e9cellence.F


(ore <a5ues

• 6ur customers are our first priority.

• 7rofitability for the prosperity of our sta/e holders that allo1 as to
constantly investing improve and succeed.
• @orporate social responsibility is to enrich the lives of community 1here 1e operate.
• Recognition and Re1ard is for the talented and performing employees 9cellence in
everything 1e do.
• Integrity is in all our dealing.
• Respect for our customer and each.


Bran.h intro/u.tion

The Bank Of Punjab

2otal number of employees in Ramtalai Road branch is seven. 2he branch 1as handled
 branch manager Mr.fasial. 2he flo1 chart of responsibilities and designation are sho1n in
management hierarchy.



(re#it Remittan $#'anc "oreign $cco%nt


Short Term

Mortgage !port

 2he top most authority in a branch is the branch manger the rest of staff comes under his
span of control. 2hen comes the operational manager then operational grade % operational
grade ) operational grade " and then clerical staff li/e cash officer 0unior cash officer.

2he hierarchy according to the responsibilities performed is also classified as follo1s. 2he
services in ban/ of 7un0ab are classified in different categories.

(ate#or' (ate#or' (ate#or' (ate#or' +

A B (  >on;@lerical

The Bank Of Punjab

Presi/ent 6fficer 8rade I @lerical 4taff 


E-e.uti&e &i.e
presi/ent =E<P> 6fficer 8rade II ,,,,.. Driver  
Senior &i.e
presi/ent =A<P> 6fficer 8rade ,,,,, 8uards
<i.e Presi/ent =<P> @ash 6fficer  8ate
,,,,, Geepers
Assistant &i.e
presi/ent =A<P> ,,,,,,. .................. 2ea Boys


I did my internship in B67 ramtalai branch. 2he supervisor has been assigned to me is Mr.
5asim. -hen I started my internship in ban/ they provided me full support.

• aisal Branch Manager 

• *ayaqat Ali 6perating Manager 
• Miss Anila Account 6pening 6fficer
• Mr. 5asim Ali Ra3a oreign account opening officer 
• ) @asher 6fficer 

)eek5' Ti$etab5e?
-ee/ly details of my internship according to date and day are as under$ through the
strategies. 2he board guidelines laid do1n by the 4B7 are strictly follo1ed by B67@

;st )eek?

Re$ ;st )eek +epart$ent?

+ate +a' Internship A .ti&it'
)).<.)'%) Monday Introduction of Remittance
)"..)'%) 2uesday -estern nion oreign
)C..)'%) -ednesday oreign e9change dealings
)#..)'%) 2hursday @ash Deposits Receipts @heque
Deposits Receipts
)..)'%) riday Data Recorded for Internship
The Bank Of Punjab

6n/ )eek?

6n/ )eek +epart$ent? Operations

+ate +a' Internship A .ti&it'
6@81@68;6 Monday Introduction o f 6 perations
78@1@68;6 2uesday 4upervision o f c learing
7;@1@68;6 -ednesday 6nline 2ransfer of unds
;@2@68;6 2hursday Demand Draft @ashier @heque
6@2@68;6 riday Data
7r/ )eek? ecorded f or I nternship

7r/ )eek +epart$ent? Operations

+ate +a' Internship A .ti&it'
;@2@68;6 Monday @hec/ d eposits
68@2@68;6 2uesday Inter @ity @learing 6ut1ard
@learing 6;@2@68;6 -ednesday In1ard @learing 6ut1ard
@learing 66@2@68;6 2hursday Data Recorded for Internship

:th )eek?

:th )eek +epart$ent? (ash

+ate +a' Internship A .ti&it'
67@2@68;6 riday @hecque collection verification &
6@2@68;6 Monday Data recorded for internship Report

9th )eek?

9th )eek +epart$ent? (ash

+ate +a' Internship A .ti&it'
6@2@68;7 Monday @ash received cash payments &
management 61@2@68;7 2uesday 6rder ob0ection voucher & A2M
problems 62@2@68;7 -ednesday oreign remittance payments and deposit

The Bank Of Punjab

6@2@68;7 2hursday Data recorded for internship report

th )eek?

th )eek +epart$ent? A..ount

78@2@68;7 riday Internship A.ti&it'
6@@68;7 Monday Account 6pening 7rocedure
7@@68;7 2uesday account types and ris/y account
:@@68;7 -ednesday oreign Accounts filled
9@@68;7 2hursday Minor account opening forms filled
@@68;7 riday Data recorded for internship report

+etai5s of +epart$ents of Internship

During my internship I have been 1or/ing in follo1ing departments 1hich are

operations Department cash Department remittance Department @learing
Department and sales Department. Details of these departments along 1ith activities
being carried out there are as under$

Operations +epart$ent

In 6peration Department activities are requiring nature are handled. 6peration manager are
handle all quires and problems of customer of branches and mployees as 1ell. Activities
of operation Department are as under$

 @ash Deposits
 @haque payments
 @haque Deposits
 4upervision of clearing
 6nline transfer of funds
 Demand Draft

The Bank Of Punjab

 @ashier chaque

A..ount +epart$ent

In account Department activities of different account opening and verification are handled.

 Ris/y account
 oreign account
 Minor account

Re$ +epart$ent

In remittance Department matters of transfer of cash from foreign countries and other ban/s
are handled bill for collection are also handled. Main activities of this Department are as

 Bill for collection

 In1ard Bill for collection
 6ut1ard Bill for collection
 -estern nion
 Aftaab e9change
 *ulo e9change
 asy paisa
 +abib e9press
 9press money
 Remittance In1ard
 Remittance out1ard

(5earin# +epart$ent

In clearing Departments chec/ dra1n on 76B by others ban/s are handled. @ore activities
are this Department is$

 6ut1ard clearing
 In1ard clearing

(ash +epart$ent

In cash Department dealing of cash received and cash payment is handled . cash recieots are
in the form of deposits in account Demand draft  transfer commission and other
instruments that can be sold in the mar/et. Main activities of cash Department are$

 @ash receipts
 @ash payments

The Bank Of Punjab

 @ash management
 +andling of fresh cash

Su$$ar' of 5earnin#

 During my internship I have learned a lotI have learnedH

 +o1 handle customers
 +o1 to attract ne1 customers (mar/eting strategies &schemes!
 +o1 to 1or/s professionally
 +o1 to solve problems of customers in ban/ and provide them gaudiness in
 +o1 to open account

Ginds of Responsibilities nderta/en During Internship$

ollo1ing responsibilities I have underta/en during my internship$
Responsibilities of sending cheques through clearing

Responsibilities of sending ne1 accounts to +ead 6ffice

Responsibilities of Accounts opening and verification
Responsibilities of cash management.
Responsibilities of oreign account managements and dealings.
)orkin# in /ifferent /epart$ents
During my internship I observed that other internees in the ban/ use to stic/ 1ith one
department only. An internee 1ith speciali3ation in inance 1as of the vie1 that he should
be in inance department same 1as the case 1ith other speciali3ed internees .But I 1ould
suggest that one must 1or/s in department for some time to gain a hand on e9perience of all
the departments. As in real 1or/ing environment employee have to coordinate 1ith other
departments so heshe must /no1 1hat the other Departments operations are ho1 they

(orre5ation of internship A.ti&ities 4ith .5assroo$ kno45e/#e

I have observed during my internship that classroom /no1ledge and internship Activities are
correlated positively someho1.

Professiona5 Trainin#

4eriously the staff is needs some professional training. the methods are not up dated they are
using old method to do their 0obs. 2hey do not bring change and 1ant to do same routine
1or/. 4o for that purpose B67 should provide training facilities to its employees.

(re/it .ar/ fa.i5it'

@urrently there 1as no credit card facility in our ban/. 4o efforts must be
made by introducing credit card facility at our branch.

The Bank Of Punjab

Staff Re5ations

During my internship I 1itnessed that staff relation 1ere not up to the mar/. Most of the
employee:s behavior 1as not good to each other. 4o it my suggestion to the employees to
 build the strong professional relationship. Respect in our customer and each other.

Re5ationship of hea/ offi.e to the bran.h offi.e?

2he relationship of head office to the branch office is also termed as the management
hierarchy. 2here is a certain method of communication bet1een head office and branch
office. If head office 1ant communicate 1ith the regional office the regional office 1ill
communicate 1ith the area branch office and then the area branch office 1ill finally
communicate 1ith branch office.

+ead office regional office area branchbranch office

Bankin# se.tor of Pakistan

Ban/ play very important role in the economy of a country and 7a/istan is no e9emption.
Ban/s in 7a/istan account for # of the financial sector. 7a/istan has a 1ell developed
 ban/ing system 1hich consist of a 1ide varie ty of institutions ranging from central ban/s to
commercial ban/s and to speciali3ed agencies to cater for special requirements of specific

7a/istan came in to being on %C th August %C< sufficient ban/ing services 1ere available in
the areas forming 7a/istan. 6ut of the total branches of the nearly "#'' in the
undivided India as many as about %#'' branches 1ere e9isting in these areas.

It 1as agreed bet1een the t1o countries that reserve ban/ of India shall continue to function
in 7a/istan territory until "'th 4eptember %C= and that Indian notes 1ould continue to be
legal tender at 7a/istan until "' th 4eptember %C=. nfortunately relationship bet1een t1o
countries becomes most strained immediately after independence. Ban/ing 1as mostly
in lands of +indus 1ho immediately started transferring their offices and assets into India.
As a result most of ban/s in 7a/istan 1ere closed do1n and even those 1hich 1ere open
1ere not doing any effective business.

2he number of ban/ing office in 7a/istan came do1n to about )'' on "' th  June
%C=. Branches of some uropean ban/s 1ere also functioning in a limited manner
financing in e9port of crops and their number 1as limited to about )'.

It 1as only the +abib ban/ 1hich transferred its office from Bombay to Garachi Austral Asia
 ban/ 1as into another ban/ 1hich 1as in e9istence in 7a/istan territory at the
time of independence. Despite of best efforts on the part of government of 7a/istan no
heavy 1ay

The Bank Of Punjab

could be made on this behalf and reserve ban/ of India 1as in no mood to help the
ne1 country. Imperial ban/ of India agent of reserve ban/ of India also started closing do1n
 branches in 7a/istan.

Reserve ban/ also refused to advance money to 7a/istan to ma/e essential payments such as
salaries etc also 7a/istan:s share of Rs. <# Billion in cash balance 1as 1ith the held by ban/
causing hardship to the ne1ly born state. In vie1 of these hopeless state affairs it 1as agreed
 bet1een the t1o countries that reserve ban/ 1ould serve as monetary authority in
7a/istan only up to "' th June %C=. 2he era of 's 1as the clima9 of privati3ation
Deregulation and restructuring in the domestic ban/ing industry and financial institutions
the 8overnment only o1ns the national ban/ but =' of the ban/ assets are in private
sector. Ban/ing assets arose three;folds over the last five years and industry si3e is reaching
Rs C trillion. 2he contribution of ban/ing sector to 8D7 ratio is ##.. 7a/istan has been
ran/ed ) nd in performance and efficiency indicators among the south Asian countries by
the -orld Ban/. 2here are = scheduled ban/s of 1hich the top five have #' of
mar/et share. Ban/ing industry in 7a/istan is currently under a 1ave of Mergers and

Go&ern$ent o4ne/ banks Pri&ati3e/ Banks?

Karai2araqiati Ban/ *imited Allied Ban/ *imited

Industrial Development Ban/ of +abib Ban/ *imited
irst -omen Ban/ *imited M@B Ban/ *imited

Ghushhali Ban/ *imited nited Ban/ *imited

 >ational Ban/ of 7a/istan +e&e5op$ent

finan.ia5 institution

2he Ban/ of Ghyber 7a/ 6man Investment @ompany


4M Ban/ *imited +ouse Building inance

2he Ban/ of 7un0ab >ational Investment 2rust *imited
2he 7un0ab 7rovincial 7a/ Brunei Investment @ompany
@ooperative Ban/ *imited *imited
Pri&ate banks 7a/ Iran Joint Investment

The Bank Of Punjab

@ompany *imited

Ban/ A* +abib *imited 7a/ Gu1ait Investment @ompany

Mee3an Ban/ *imited 7a/ *ibya +olding
@ompany (7vt.! *imited

GA4B Ban/ *imited Forei#n Banks?

+abib Metropolitan Ban/ *imited 6man International Ban/

4.6.A.8. 7a/istan

aysal Ban/ *imited +4B@ Ban/ Middle ast

*imited 7a/istan
mirates 8lobal Islamic Ban/ @itiban/ >.A. 7a/istan
Dubai Islamic Ban/ 7a/istan Deutsche Ban/ A8 7a/istan

Da1ood Islamic Ban/ *imited Pri&ate banks an/ /e&e5op$ent


Arif+abib Ban/ *imited Ban/ of 2o/yo Mitsubishi J

*imited 7a/istan

Barclays Ban/ 7*@ 7a/istan Ro3gar Micro inance Ban/


As/ari Ban/ *imited 2ameer Micro inance Ban/


Atlas Ban/ *imited 7a/ 6man Microfinance Ban/


Ban/ Alfalah *imited 7a/;@hina Investment @ompany


 >IB Ban/ *imited 7a/;@hina Investment @ompany


2he Royal Ban/ of 4cotland >et1or/ Micro inance Ban/


The Bank Of Punjab

4tandard @hartered Ban/ GA4+ Microfinance Ban/

(7a/istan! *imited *imited
4il/ban/ *imited ormerly 4audi 4oneri Ban/ *imited
7a/ @ommercial Ban/ *imited
myban/ imited 4amba an/ imited  ormerly
* B *
@rescent @ommercial Ban/

 Ro5e of BOP in Pakistan?

 B67 creating employment opportunities by increasing its number of branches
and e9tending its reach to for off areas of 7un0ab.
 B67 is playing very positive role in the economy by mobili3ing the resources and
channeli3ing the fund.
 Agriculture is the bac/bone of our country:s economy. B67 is faciliting the
agriculture sector by providing a number Gisan dost scheme 1hich are helping the
lo1er and middle class of our villagers.
 B67 is committed to provide e9cellent services to the customer at very reasonable
 B67 is playing a critical role in increasing the 8D7.
 B67 is providing different types of loans to the industrial sectors 1hich are
also helping the country:s output to increase.
 2he foreign e9change trade department is functioning very efficiently 1hich is
facilitating the businesses to import and e9port the merchandise.
 B67 financing the ideas of female ntrepreneur 1hich is producing fruitful
 2he B67 is also providing loans to the mille class people by providing loans to
the 7eople for their shops and offices.

A4ar/s an/ A.hie&e$ents

E-.e55en.e A4ar/ b' the .entra5 boar/ of Re&enue

2he central board of Revenue presented E9cellence A1ardF to the ban/ of 7un0ab in
recognitions of contribution made by the ban/ to1ard 8overnment 9chequre.

7r/ Kissan Ti$e A4ar/s

The Bank Of Punjab

In Recognition of ban/:s contribution in development and gro1th of agricultural sectors the

 ban/ honored 1ith the ban/ of agriculture *oans and EBest ban/ of crop insuranceF under " rd
/issan time A1ards year )''.

Best (orporate Report A4ar/

Annual Report of ban/ for the year )''# 1on #th position for Ethe best corporate repot
A1ardF for the financial sector ad0usticated 0ointly by the institute of chartered Account of
7a/istan and the Institute of cost and management Account of 7a/istan.

;th Bo5an E-.e55en.e A4ar/

2he ban/ 1as a1arded best ban/ A1ard under %# th Bloan 9cellence a1ards distribute in

A.hie&e$ent A4ar/

2he *ahore chamber of commerce & industry (*@@I! a1arded the ban/ *@@I achievement
A1ard )''.

Ho4 to open A..ount

-hen a customer 1ants to open ac. he comes in this Department of ban/ and submits an
application for opening an ac. the officer of this department gives him an application
form. 2he application form is useful for all account opening e.g. 7*4 @D etc. the
requirements of application form are this information 1hich ban/ 1ants to /no1. ollo1ing are
in the ban/$

T'pes of a..ounts
In/i&i/ua5 A..ount


!oint A..ount

(5ubD So.iet'D Asso.iation of Persons Trust

*i$ite/ (o$pan'

Ne.essar' infor$ationD 4hi.h a bank reuires

The Bank Of Punjab

• Na$e • 6perating Instructions

• A//ress • Introducer 
• Te5ephone  • @ountry of residence
• akat +e/u.tion •  >ature of Business
• Si#nature of the App5i.ant • Account (local or foreign
• +etai5s of other • 4pecial Instruction Regarding
Banks A..ounts the Account

+o.u$ent to be atta.he/

 Attested photo copy of >I@passport of account holder proprietor

partner Directors and office Bearers as the case may be.
 @ertified true copy of the certification on incorporation or registration (in case of
companies and registered bodies only!.
 @ertified true copy of the certified of commencement of business (in case of
 public limited companies only!
 @ertified true copy of the memorandum and articles of association(in case of
limited companies!.
 @ertified true copy of rules and regulation or by;la1(in case of limited
 @ertified true copy of the Resolution of the Board of DirectorManaging
committee8overning Body regarding conduct of the account.
 *ist containing names and signatures of the Director6ffice Bearer duly certified
 by registration authority.
 *atter of partnership or certified copy of partnership dead (in case of partnership!.
 2rust deed and board Resolution for trust accounts.

Spe.i$en si#nature .ar/

-hen an account is opened 1ith account opening form a specimen signature card is given
to the customer 1ho contains$

 Branch code
 Date

The Bank Of Punjab

 Account >o.
 2itle of account
 4pecial instruction
  >ames
 4ignatures
 Approved by

2he customers fill this card and return to ban/ officer. or illiterate person
thumb impression are ta/en and to latest passport photograph shall b ta/en. 2he
specimen signature card is scanned in the computer system so that 1henever the
account holder cheque 1ill come the ban/ officer 1ill verify his signature to the computer.

Issuan.e of .heue Book 

Any account holder that has opened the account heshe credit hisher account and for this
 purpose there should be a cheque boo/ so heshe could be able to credited
the need amount 1hatever heshe 1ishes. or the issuance of the cheque boo/ a person
is advice to fill a requisite slip 1ith hisher full name and their account 1ith t1o
verified signature. 2hese signatures are chec/ed and then another requisite slip
prepared by ban/ staff send to the >I2 and it issue the printed cheques boo/s after
completion of the procedure in t1o or three days. Account holder another person could
also ta/e the cheque boo/ only heshe authori3ed signature of the account holder. -hen
the cheque is issued they are feed in the computer system from the requisite slip so 1hen
the cheque is given for the credit  transfer of amount they could chec/ed. In this 1ay
neither the cheque could be repeated nor could the invalid cheque claimed.

(5osin# of A..ount

2he customer can close his account by submitting an application form. 2he account is closed
and balance is paid after deducting the closing charges and application in filled
in account closing file. @heque boo/ is returned to the ban/. 2he ban/ officer cancels all
the cheques.

+or$ant A..ount

-hen any customer does not operate his account for  months then computer automatically
includes that account holder in an active account. 2his is dormant account. >o1 account
holder cannot operate his account. Ban/ informs him that your account is no1 in active.

A.ti&ation of a +or$ant A..ount

or activation a dormant account the account holder submits an application that he 1ants to
activate his inactivate account 1ith >.I.D. copy. 2hen the ban/ officer fills an account 1hich
is account activating form the ban/ manager sigs on the stamp of EAllo1 to operateF. >o1

The Bank Of Punjab

account holder can operate his account but for activating his account he has to pay some

Re#iona5 offi.e an/ bran.hes?

Ne.essar' infor$ationD 4hi.h a bank reuires

• Na$e • 6perating Instructions
• A//ress • Introducer 
• Te5ephone  • @ountry of residence
• akat +e/u.tion •  >ature of Business
• Si#nature of the App5i.ant • Account (local or foreign
• +etai5s of other • 4pecial Instruction Regarding
Banks A..ounts the Account
2he total number of branches of B67 is )<) in the 1hole country. It has no branch in foreign

(urrent staff?

2here are seven employees in the branch. 2hey are much qualified have /no1ledge of
general ban/ing. 2here is a proper hierarchy in the branch and everyone /no1s his

(urrent Staff a..or/in# to ua5ifi.ation an/ e-perien.e?

Na$es ua5ifi.ation E-perien.e

Faisa5 ,S( P h'si.s ;; ' ears

*ayaqat Ali ,@(o$ 81 ' ears

Miss Anila ,S( Ph'si.s 8 'ears

5asim Ali Ra3a ,@A 89'ears


The Bank Of Punjab

B67 is offering handsome salary pac/ages to its employees. Its salary structure is as follo1s$

+esi#nation Startin# s a5ar' i n r upees

(ash =''' Gra/e 7 %''' Gra/e 6 )C''' Gra/e ; "#'''

Apart from the salary the other incentives are also provided.

Pro$otion s'ste$?

 2he employees are promoted to reinforce the desire able performance. 2here
are certain criteria on 1hich employees are evaluated.
 mployees are promoted on the basis of performance and their commitment
to1ard their 0obs.
 mployees are also promoted on the basis of their e9perience and qualification.
 2he highest ran/ in a branch is 68%.
 2he performance is evaluated on the basis of 1or/ing as 1ell as number
of deposits brought by that employee.

In.enti&es an/ $oti&ation?


 21o bonuses on id ul fitr and id ul A3ha. ach bonus is equal to one basic salary.
 7erformance bonus at the end of the year based on performance.
 7rovident fund
 Medical allo1ance


 mployees are motivated through the benefits and salary

 mployees are motivated 1hen their hard 1or/ is recogni3ed.
 2he staff of branch is also motivated due the success of branch and organi3ation.
 2here is no separate room for the manger of branch.
 2he environment of branch is very congested.

The Bank Of Punjab

(riti.a5 ana5'sis of bran.h?

 2he branch is situated in ramtalai road 1hich is busies place of 8u0rat. 2he trading
activities are on the rise 1here the branch is located so there is huge potential for 
 branch to increase its deposits and improve its mar/et share.
 2he number of deposits is increasing day by day.
 2he attitude of staff to1ard their customer is very polite
 2he online ban/ing facility is very quic/ and responsive.
 2he security system of the branch is not satisfactory security may lapses may occur
at times.
 mployees are not 1ell dressed
 2he budget fir employee entertainment is very lo1.
 mployees are highly trained.
 2he salary pac/ages are not attractive as compare to other ban/s.
  >o refreshment is provided after meeting.
 2he latest computer systems are provided to the employees.


2he communication bet1een employees is not goodH employees interact 1ith each other
through the loud voices. 2here is no intercom system in branch. 2hey interact 1ith each
other 1ith 7un0abi. 2hey communicate 1ith customer 1ith informal 1ay and overall
communication system in not 1ell in ban/ing system.

Re.ruit$ent of staff

Recruiting is the discovery of potential s/ill of the employees to fulfill organi3ational needs
or 1e can say that it is lin/ing activities of bring together employees 1ith s/ills to fill the
vacancies. 2he recruitment procedure has follo1ing steps.

Short0*istin# of the app5i.ation

In this step thousand of the candidates apply for limited posts available. 2he calls and send
 by the head office to only those candidates 1ho fulfill the requirement of 0ob advertised@


 >B7 under the super vision of institute of ban/ers in 7a/istan conduct test. After the

2est the applicants are further short; listed.

The Bank Of Punjab


or the intervie1 only those candidates are called 1ho qualify the
1ritten test. Different types of questions are as/ed from candidates by the
intervie1ing board. Intervie1 questions include

A! 5uestion about personal bac/ground e9tracurricular activities during

education and personal contacts.
B! About the rule of ban/ing in current situation of
economy. @! Role of foreign enterprise in public economy

,ora5e of the e$p5o'ees?

Morale of some employees is very high. 4ome of employees are not much dedicated as
others. Most of the employees are committed to their 0obs and they loo/ very involved in
their 1or/. 6verall the staff of branch is very motivated and they 1anted to e9cel in their
respective fields.

Ph'si.a5 fa.i5ities?

 6verall physical facilities in the branch are very good.

 All the general ban/ing operations are done through manually supported computer
 +igh speed branded computer are provided to the employees so that they can perform
their duties quic/ly.
 Air conditioners are installed to provide comfort to employees and their client of B67.
 2he branch is decorated 1ith comfortable furniture. 8ood loo/ing and durable
furniture is provided.
 @ash officer:s cabin is 1ell guarded to avoid any undesirable event.
 a9 machine and laser printer are also provided.
 It is online branch so internet connectivity is provided 1ith throughout the
1or/ing hours.


2he performance of the branch has improved to a great e9tentH this is can be by the number
of deposits and degree of the satisfaction of customers.

Perfor$an.e in the ter$ of .usto$ers satisfa.tion?

2he customers are much satisfied as I observed during my internshipH there is a good

The Bank Of Punjab

relationship bet1een employee and clients. 2he staff of branch is very quic/ to respond the
queries of customers.

Perfor$an.e in the ter$ of nu$ber of /eposits?

2he performance of branch can be measured from number of deposits. @urrently

 performance of branch is very good. 2he number of deposits is increasing. 2he
average numbers of ne1 account opened in a day are # to . 2his sho1s very good performance
of the

Genera5 Bankin#

+eposit bankin#

Along 1ith this ban/ is offering different schemes in all over province. +ere is the detail list
of the products and services offered by B67@

+eposit pro/u.ts

 @urrent accounts
 B67 basic ban/ing account
 B67 2i0arat account
 B67 @L supreme current account

Profit % 5oss sharin# a..ounts?

 B67 7ehlai Munafa 4cheme

 @orporate premier term account
 Munafa hi Munafa term account "
 Bai Misaal term deposit Account

Profit 5oss sharin# .heuin# A..ounts

 7*4 saving Accounts

 4enior citi3en saving account
 8harayloo 4aving Account
 Kiada Munafa saving account
 7*4 saving profit plus Accounts
 @orporate 7remier Account
 B67 7*4 supreme saving Account
 B67 @L supreme saving Account

(o$$er.ia5 Finan.e

The Bank Of Punjab

 Running inance
 Demand inance
 @ash inance
 @>8 filling station 4cheme
 Auto lease financing
 Ali A/bar 8roup ranchise inancing scheme
 Altas +onda limited Authori3ed Dealer financing 4cheme
 inancing scheme purchase of officeshops

A#ri.u5ture .re/it

 8reen tractor *ease finance scheme

 Agri inance Branches
 Agriculture finance scheme
 Gissan Dost 2ractor scheme
 4econd +and tractor lease finance scheme
 Gissan Dost Abiari scheme
 Gissan Dost Mechani3ation support scheme
 Gissan Dost arm transport scheme
 Gissan Dost slah ;Ara3i scheme
 Gissan Dost live stoc/ Development scheme
 live stoc/ Breed Improvement 2rough ??-
 Gissan Dost commercial Agro 4ervices
 Gissan Dost Agri Mall scheme
 @ommercial lease finance 2ractor scheme
 Demand inance 4heds @onstruction and civil 1or/s *ease finance
 facility for Milch Animals
 running finance *ive stoc/7oultry and fish arms
 Gissan Dost Model Dairy arms(7DD@!
 Gissan Dost Model Mil/ collection center(7DD@!
 Gissan Dost 8reen +ouse inance facility
 Gissan Dost @old 4torage finance
 facility scheme for controlled 4heds
 *ease finance acility for installation of BI6 gas 7lant
 8roup inancing to small armers
 @lean credit facility through 4yngenta ranchisees
 Kar/aashat Drip Irrigation system
 Mar/up of scheme

The Bank Of Punjab

Tra/e Finan.e

 2rade processing @enters

 unctions of 2rade processing @enters


Ser& of BOP

2hese are the services provided by B67.

 A2M facilities
 *etter of credit
 7ay order
 6nline ban/ing
 ; Ban/ing
 Debit @redit
 @onsumer inancing
 Agriculture inancing
 @orporate inancing
 @ommission free Remittance
 Demand Draft
 @ollection of tility Bills
 *oc/ers facility

Issuan.e of AT,

+ead office issue A2M cards 1ith their 7in codes and 1hen the customer claims for their
A2M cards they are chec/ed rom the list that is also issued from the head office and @laim
is chec/ed from the list and if the name is found than the card is issued ta/ing the signatures
and their 7I> codes are given to them by ta/ing signature on their A2M forms. 2he A2M
card has been activated by the number provided at specific card.

(an.e55ation of AT, .ar/

@ancellation of A2M card becomes necessary in the follo1ing conditions$

The Bank Of Punjab

 If folded are damaged

 4tolen 7I> code missed or forgotten

 @ard captured by machine and e9pired

 If requested by customer 

On5ine Bankin#

B67 is currently offering the online ban/ing facility you 0ust have to fill the form of online
 ban/ing and they give your username and 1ill access your account on the internet and 1ill
latest information related to your account.

Pa' Or/er

B67 is providing the pay order facility in 1hich you transfer your money. 7ay order is a safe
and secure 1ay to move the money from one account to another. 2he charges are e9tremely

,ai5 Transfer

Lou can use B67 mail transfer facility and send your money safe and quic/ly. 2he rates are
very impressive and competitive.

*etter of .re/it

Bop is providing its customers the 1idest range of option in the area of money transfer. 2his
service is 1ith fair rates security and ease of transactions and good 1ay to do business


It is one of main facility that B67 is providing at this time so the customer can /eep their
valued things li/e gold in safe place.

The Bank Of Punjab

+e$an/ +raft

Bop gives you the safe speedy and reliable 1ay to transfer money at very reasonable rates.
Any person 1ith any account holder of the ban/ or not can purchase a Demand Draft from a
 ban/ branch.

Debit @ards

B67 provides Apna cash @ard it is an A2M card along 1ith Debit @ard. 2he ront of the
card 1ill have the follo1ing matter on it.

 @ash +older >ame

 International Bin number 
 Magnetic strip 4ignature panel condition of usage
 M;>et and M;net logo

Business <o5u$e

2he B67 is conducting their business in 7un0ab. And their main customers are government.
Mostly government employees are customers for ban/ of 7un0ab. 2he fact and figures of the
 business volume of the B67 are mentioned belo1. 2hese facts and figure start from )''C to
)''< because the ban/ does not provide any figures from there on.

)''C )''# )'' )''<

Rs(M*! )"C<
2otal assets ")' %%%%#C %C=## C
Revenue #C== %'%) %='" )#)
4hareholderNs Rs(M*!
quity CC)' <<< %'# %#%%'
Investment %%= %=') )=)"" <"C)
Rs(M*! %%
Deposits #C<)C ==C# %"<<)= =
Rs(M*! %""=
Advances (net! "C" ")C %'%")' C
Income %"= )"#" "='C CCC
74 (Rsshare! .'= %'.'% %".%C %'.#%

The Bank Of Punjab

 %" 

S)OT Ana5'sis

B67 is one of the fastest 8ro1ing ban/s in 7a/istan. In the light of these situations 1e can
ma/e an analysis 4-62 analysis is overall evaluation of an organi3ation:s strength
1ea/ness opportunities that effects the organi3ational performance. Best strategies can be
accomplished by using 4-62 analysis$

 9ploitation of organi3ation opportunities and strength.

  >eutrali3ation of threats.
 @orrection and avoidance of 1ea/ness.

-e can easily formulate 4trategy 1ith the help of 4-62 analysis /eeping the organi3ation
mission in conte9t manager focus on the internal strength and competencies and asses the
1ea/ness and threats for organi3ation.


o2he ma0or share of B67 is o1ned by the 8overnment of 7un0ab so it can develop
a good image and trust among customer.
o 7ersonal selling has /ey role in the ban/ing services. 2he officers of ban/ of 7un0ab
go to the potential customer to develop the business. By the relationship 1ith
customer they achieve the deposit targets.
o 2he officer of B67 is considered very professional in their fields. 2hey do their 0obs
according to segment of target mar/et. 2he main strength is to treat their customer as
a friend and discuss their problem 1ith them.
o sing this method the officers created high perception of the ban/ in the customers
mind and this is 1hy customers have trust and loyal relationship 1ith the ban/.
o B67 rapidly opening their branches all over their country so that their customers can
easily e9cess to the ban/. 2he ban/ of 7un0ab has very good internal system. 2he
records of customers are held in very secure 1ay and easily accessible.


A ma0or 1ea/ness of B67 even mentioned by the Auditor is lac/ of internal controls.

Despite of B67 several services and products not even a single add is
published on electronic media.

The Bank Of Punjab

During my internship I observed some of the employees burdened 1ith over1or/ 1hich I
thin/ should be distributed according to their post and capabilities.

 avoritism of employees.

2he B67 has very less staff in this branch as compare to upper 7un0ab. 2his creates problem
employees have spend most of their time in ban/ to complete their routine 1or/. or this
reason their normal life is disturbing 1hich create the irritating in the
behaviors of employees.


o B67 introduced large number of financial schemes especially Deposit Account.

o B67 should focus on I2 especially on ;ban/ing as )% st century future is information
technology li/e foreign ban/ B67 can design universal account to improve online
o 2oday the customers have different needs B67 introduced a lot of scheme that 1ill
meet the demand of Dynamic customer so 1ith the 1ide range of
product and services people are becoming more loyal 1ith the ban/ also branding
strategies of 
 ban/ or helping them.


o Business of all ban/ are gro1ing day by day so B67 has to face strong competitors.
o 2here are very difficult circumstances in our country at this particular time ban/ing
sector is facing difficult situation the B67 is ma/ing higher profit the
adverse situation can be harm the ban/ financially

o Businesses of all the ban/s are gro1ing day by day so bop has to

face strong competitors.

o 2here are very difficult circumstances in our country at this particular time ban/ing
sector is facing difficult situation although the B67 is ma/ing the higher profit the
adverse situation can harm the ban/ financially

Or#ani3ationa5 Stru.ture

Boar# o) *irectors

The Bank Of Punjab

(orporate (ommerci (ons%mer Retai,
hea# a, -ea# -ea# -ea#



Boar/ of +ire.tors

The Bank Of Punjab

Na$e +esi#nation

Mr. A bdul 8 hafoorMir3a @hairman

Mr.  arooq A hmed A 1an Director  

Mr. J unaid A shraf ha1a0a Director  

Mr. M uhammad >aveedMasud Director  

Mr. R i31anllah G han Director  

Mr. 4 hafqatMahmood Director

Mr. 2 ariq B a01a Director  

Mr. 2 ariq M ahmood 7 asha Director  

Mr. > aeemuddin han 7resident


Mr. R a3a4aeed 4ecretary t o t

he Board

Bop ,ana#e$ent

Sr@ N o +esi#nation Na$e

Presi/ent Se.retariat
% 7resident Mr. > aeemuddin G han
) Deputy @ 6 Mr. G halid

Au/it % Risk Asset Re&ie4

% 8roup +ead Audit & Ris/ Mr.
Asset Revie1 I0a3urRehman5ureshi
) +ead R B A4* Mr. ansoor A /bar  
AR & M
" +ead 4 I 4 A udit Mr. I mran B ashir  
M &

(o$$er.ia5 % Retai5 Finan.e

% 8roup +ead @ommercial Ban/ing Mr. *iaquat Ali
Retail inance

Business P5annin# % +e&e5op$ent

The Bank Of Punjab

% +ead Business 7lanning Mr. 4alman 4aeed
& Development

Retai5 Finan.e +i&ision

% +ead etail inance Division Mr. 4 tif  
R .M. A

(re/it A/$inistration
% +ead @redit Administration Division Mian Muhammad 4harif 
) Deputy +ead @redit Divisio
Administration n
Mr. 4hahna1a34aeed Ghan

(o$p5ian.e % Interna5 (ontro5

% +ead @ompliance & Internal @ontrol Mr. Irfanuddin
) +ead @ompliance & Internal @ontrol Mr. +afee3ud Din

(orporate % In&est$ent
Bankin# Mr. Ghalid 5aiyum
% +ead @orporate &
Ban/ing Mr. Asim Jahangir
8roup;I 4eth
) +ead @orporate &

A#ri.u5ture (re/it
% +ead A griculture @ redit Mr. A bdul

% @hief  fficer Mr. adeem mir  
inancial 6 > A
) Deputy + ead  inance Mr. M uhammad

Hu$an Resour.e
% 8roup + ead Mr. M oghisBo/hari
) Deputy + ead ( Acting! Mr. 4 ohaib5ureshi
" +ead  7rincipal 6fficerNs 4yed Ka/i Ahmad
C +ead 4ecurity  2ransport *t. @ol. (Retd.! 4a0id Ali


The Bank Of Punjab

% +ead *eg al 4yed


Retai5 Bankin#
% 8roup + ead R etail B an/ing Mr.
) +ead Media & Mr. Ahmed Ra3i8ha3ali
& R.@ *ahore 4outh
" Regional 8eneral Manager >orth Mr.
AmerMumta3 C Regional
8eneral Manager @enter Mr. Amir
Risk ,ana#e$ent
% @hief R is/ 6 fficer Mr. 2 aqbool
ariq M

OperationsD I@T % Genera5 Ser&

% 8roup +ead 6perations I.2 & 84D Mr. aqir 4yed A3m Ali
) +ead I nformation 2 echnology Mr.
" +ead A dministration Mr. M uhammad
C +ead eneral 4 ervices @ol. ( R! 2

Spe.ia5 Proje.ts
% 8roup +ead 4pecial 7ro0ects Mr. 4 4 a00ad+ussain

Spe.ia5 Assets ,ana#e$ent

% +ead 4pecial Asset Mr. Aamir Mali/ 
) +ead 4pecial Asset Management Mr. Mahboobul +assan

Transa.tion Bankin#
% 8roup +ead 2ransaction Mr. Mustafa +amdani
Ban/ing 8roup & quity
@apital Mar/etO

% +ead 2 reasury Mr. G
d Ansari

The Bank Of Punjab


BOP Hea/ Offi.e


2he main head office of the B67 is located in the main boulevard road 8ulberg *ahore.



Bran.hes Net4ork 
The Bank Of Punjab

 Bran.hes Net4ork re#ions

 *ahore central;I Region
 Multan Region
 *ahore @entral;II Region
 aisalabad Region
 *ahore north Region
 8u0ran1ala Region
 *ahore south Region
 8u0rat Region
 7esha1ar Region
 Baha1alpur Region

The Bank Of Punjab

 Islamabad Region
 D.8.Ghan P Region
 Ra1alpindi Region
 Jhelum Region
 4ial/ot Region
 4hei/hupura Region
 Baha1alnagar Region
 4ahi1al Region
 Jhang Region
 Ghushab Region

Intro/u.tion to +epart$ents

Ban/ of 7un0ab is one of the most emerging ban/s in our country. In recent times they have
increased their net1or/ of branches and no1 they are reaching to every one possible
customer li/e the others ban/s the ban/ of 7un0ab 1or/s 1ith mostly all ban/ing operation.
2here are follo1ing departments that are 1or/ing in ban/ of 7un0ab.

• Deposit Department
• Remittances Department
• @learing Department
• Account Department
• Bill Department
• @redit Department

+eposit +epart$ent

6ne thing is sure here those ban/s are mostly relying on their customer 1hich gives them
their capital in form of the deposit. 2his deposit belongs to the different parties. Ban/ ma/es
huge profit if the spread bet1een the lending and borro1ed rate is 1ide. If the ban/ has
larger capital it gives more credit to parties and 1ill earn more profit.

Ban/ does not ta/e deposit for the purpose of the save /eeping they ta/e the
deposit lend to other parties. It becomes the relationship of the creditor and debtor.
@ustomer is then become the creditor for the ban/ and same vice versa. 4o ban/ must ma/e
proper investment of the money to earn a profit Ban/ of 7un0ab provides different /ind of
deposits in their ban/.

4ome of them are 1ritten as follo1

• @urrent or demand Deposits

• 4aving Deposit

The Bank Of Punjab

•  >otice 2erm Deposit

• @all Deposits
• i9ed or 2erm Deposits

(urrent +eposit

@urrent deposit is that /ind of deposit that gives the customer right to demand the
funds 1henever they 1ant. Ban/ does not pay any profit in that /ind of accounts. 2he
current deposits are usually ta/en by the business persons or the parties 1hich requires
money on daily basis.

Sa&in# +eposit

2here are different scheme of saving deposits 1hich are considered the by the salaried class
 persons. 2he saving deposit gives you the profit on fi9ed period of time. Although 1ithdra1n
of the money 1ill be restricted at fi9ed period of time.

Noti.e Ter$ +eposit

2his is opposite to the demand depositsH in this /ind of deposit the client easy 1ithdra1 the
money at any time. 2hese deposits are for the shorter period of time. In this /ind of deposit
the customer 1ill earn the profit out of its deposit.

(a55 +eposits

2hese deposits are given to the ban/ usually by the contractors against any tender. 2hese
deposits are 1ithout interest rate or may be interest can be provided 1ith 1ill of the ban/.

Ter$ +eposits

2his type of deposit is same to the short notice term deposits but the /ey difference is that
these deposits are for the longer period of time.

Re$ittan.e +epart$ent

Remittance is considered one of the main functions of the ban/. It means transfer the money
from one place to another. 2his department is the responsible for the mobili3ation of the

The Bank Of Punjab

money. In our daily life there is a great need of the remittance. By providing this facility the
 ban/ of 7un0ab is ma/ing the customer more loyal to1ards them.

T'pes of re$ittan.e

2he ban/ of 7un0ab provide these remittances

• Demand Draft
• Mail 2ransfer 
• 2elegraphic 2ransfer 
• 7ay 6rder 

+e$an/ +raft

Demand draft is an order in 1riting given by one branch of the ban/ on the behalf of the
customer to another branch of the same ban/ 1ith certain person.


%. A draft voucher contains the follo1ing information

o  >ame of the parties involved
o Date
o Amount to be sent
o Account number (if DD is crossed!
). ?oucher is filled to earn e9cise duty and e9change commission.
". 2hen cash receipt is sent to the account department to /eep the record of the amount
 paid in cash scroll.
C. Accountant hands over the DD leaf and DD voucher to his assistant to record sender:s
name  amount and
#. 7ayee:s name in the register then assistant gives it to the officer along 1ith the DD for 
. After authentication of DD it is given the sender and advice to the concerned branch.
<. 4o as soon as party sho1s the DD payment is done through the concerned branch.

Parties In&o5&e/

In demand draft follo1ing parties are involved

%. 7urchaser or 4ender A person 1ho sends money to a certain person at a particular 

 branch is purchaser.

The Bank Of Punjab

). Issuing or Dra1ing Branch 2he branch from 1here the draft issued to another branch
of the same ban/.
". Dra1er Branch Branch to 1hich draft has been sent and has to pay the amount.
C. 7ayee 7ayee is a person 1ho is named to receive the amount after
sho1ing the
demand draft to the dra1er branch.

,ai5 Transfer

2hrough mail directly credit is sent to the receiver:s account from one branch to another 
 branch of the same ban/.


%. irstly the voucher is filled 1ith the amount to be sent name and account number
of the payee date and the name of the branch to be sent.
). ?oucher is filled to earn income in order to e9change postage the amount to the mail
". 2he sender deposits the total amount in the cash department.
C. 2he cash officer affi9 received cash stamp & amount 1ritten on it 1ith red lin/ and
hands it over the voucher the officer.
#. 2he officer 1rites the cash amount in the scroll and gives it to his assistant.
. Mt leaf is filled according to the information given on the voucher by the sender
then this information is noted on M2 register 1hich is sent to the officer for

Te5e#raphi. Transfer

Most urgent 1ay of sending money is 2elegraphic 2ransfer 22 by 1hich the sender remits the
money urgently. Manager of the branch issues 22 in this case to the sender.


%. 2he manager and officer use coding technique for sending 22 1hich is allotted as
 ban/ branch code.
). After all the conformation payment is done to the receiver but if sender 1ants to send
same massage.
". 2hrough telephone he has to pay e9tra charger along 1ith 22 charges.

The Bank Of Punjab

(5earin# +epart$ent

2his department receives different /ind of instrument of the behalf of customer. Instruments
1ith clearing and date stamp fi9ed on it dra1n on ban/s as 1ell as B67 in same city are
called clearing.

T'pes of (5earin#

2here are t1o types of clearing

• 6ut1ard @learing
• In1ard @learing

In4ar/ (5earin#

2hese are those chec/s that are cleared inter branch and 1ithin the city. As the concerned
 branch receive any type of clearing chec/ first of all physical chec/ing is ta/en
place. or clearing procedure there should be t1o days margin. 2hese cheques have their
vouchers and the amount of the cheque and voucher should be identical. 2han these
cheques are stamped and noted on receiving sheet as 1ell as feed in to the computeri3ed

Out4ar/ (5earin#

2hese are those cheques that are cleared outside the city. or out1ard clearing cheques are
send because the home branch has their accounts but chec/s are of the other ban/s. @ontras
of these cheques are vouchers that are recorded in the home branch.

A..ounts +epart$ent

Account department is the main function of the ban/. It plays a main function
for the
 performance of the ban/. 2he account department is no1 become a computeri3ed and all the
debit and credit entries are no1 made in the computer. 2he computer than create t1o types
of voucher. Debit voucher and credit voucher.

Bi55s +epart$ent

The Bank Of Punjab

As the name suggest this particular department handles the bills for collection. 2hese bills
include cheque draft and pay order call deposits etc. 1ith outstation branches of B67
or 1ith other ban/s. +e four main heads of bill department is.

• 6ut1ard Bill for @ollection (6B@!

• In1ard Bills or @ollection (IB@!
• 6ut1ard Documentary Bills or @ollection (6DB@!
• In1ard Documentary Bills or @ollection (IDB@!

(re/it +epart$ent

2his department deals 1ith loan function of the ban/. It produces the ma0or ban/ income and
it is main area for ban/ concern. 2here are # principles that must observe 1hile advancing
money to the borro1ers

• 4afety
• *iquidity
• Disposal
• Remuneration
• 4uitability

Porter $o/e5?

;@ Entr' barriers =hi#h>

2he 7a/istani mar/et is highly regulated by the government and also by central ban/. A lot
of decision such as regulari3ation of interest on loans and deposits as 1ell as money supply
is controlled by the state ban/ of 7a/istan

6@ Ri&a5r' a$on# the e-istin# .o$petitors =hi#h>

-hen it comes to the ban/ing sector in the country 1e could include in 1hole lot of public as
1ell as private ban/s along 1ith >B@s and micro finance institutes 1idely spread in the
country. 2he ban/ing sector of the country has # ban/ing institution 1hich include
public sector Islamic ban/s foreign ban/s development financial insti tution speciali3ed
ban/s and micro finance institutions.

The Bank Of Punjab

7@ Bar#ainin# po4er of supp5iers =$e/iu$>

2he supplier of ban/s is people from 1hom the ban/ raises funds. 4o the ma0or source funds
come from their customer (depositor! 1ho becomes the supplier in this case

:@ Bar#ainin# po4er of the .usto$er =$e/iu$>

2he customers and the depositors have a high bargaining po1er in the mar/et. Any
ban/ giving the higher rate of interest 1ould attract a large number of customers. Because
there are number of ban/s operating in the mar/et 1hich offer similar service.

9@ Threat fro$ substitutes =hi#h>

2here are number of substitutes in retail fiancQ industry such as money lender >BDs micro
finance and also the insurance companies. Ban/s are seeing the competition
rise form unconventional companies. Mar/ets li/e 7a/istan customer have high
propensity to1ards s1itching to other substitutes


B67 has certain 1ea/nesses and strengths. 2he e9ternal environment has a great influence on
the performance of the ban/. 2he regulations are very high the environment
is very competitive.


 In the light of the Gno1ledge obtained during internship and studying

the organi3ation the follo1ing recommendations may prove to be successful to the

 In order to capture a considerable share in the ban/ing sector of the country the prime
ob0ective should be a1areness in the general public. or this it should launch a 1ell;
 planned advertising campaign in the general public.

The Bank Of Punjab

 7hysical facilities in a ban/ also play their role in enhancing its grade and sound

image. 2he ban/ should /eep these facilities li/e furniture par/ing facilities for the
 4alaries of the officers must be compatible to other private ban/s so that the B67 can
attract professionals intelligent persons.
 2he Ban/ of 7un0ab should minimi3e its e9penses.
 4pecial a1ards should be given to the hard1or/ing employees 1ho performed e9tra;
ordinary in the ban/.
 2he ban/ should come up 1ith ne1 and innovative products. It 1ould be advisable to

ma/e these products 1hile /eeping in mind the gap bet1een 1hat people 1ant and
1hat their ban/s are providing them.
 2he Ban/ of 7un0ab should concentrate more on advances than on investments
 2he ban/ should come up 1ith such products or services in 1hich the customers

1ould not have to come to the ban/ at any stage i.e. 2elephone Ban/ing etc.
 2he Ban/ of 7un0ab should use the latest technology because the ban/ 1hich can

 provide speedy accurate and standard services in the delivery of products loans
etc. to the customers 1ill be successful e.g. computeri3ation fa9 installation.
 2he authority should be delegated to the manage level.
 MI4 should improved by connecting all regional offices and branches to the head
office through a net1or/ for timely delivery of information.
 Management of Ban/ of 7un0ab should try to avoid the political influences and should
give loans on merit.
 2he ban/ should ma/e a plan to gear up its recovery function on 1ar fooling and
recogni3e the recovery function.
 2he Ban/ of 7un0ab should give some e9tra credit to concern to

qualifications such as BBA MBA (I2!:s M.B.A:s @.A:s A.@.M.A:s at the time
of recruitment and selection.
 Intervie1 should be conducted 1hile recruiting personnel to consider the personality
characters communications s/ills and sociability.
 2he ban/ should adopt a policy to accommodate and facilitate the research scholars

1ho 1ant to study the ban/ing affairs. 2he universities and other institutions can help
to launch the studies regarding ban/ing business.
 All possible efforts should be made to protect the ban/ from the interruption of 
7rovincial government.

The Bank Of Punjab

 2here should be an association of employee to convey the voice of the employees to

the administration.
 7articipative management concept should be adopted 1here ideas from the

employees should also be ta/e not only for developing products but also service
efficiency employee morale etc. in order to improve them.
 Ban/ of 7un0ab is a very 1ell established ban/ but the number of air conditioners

they have in the 1hole ban/ is very less. Ban/ should increase the number of its 4plit
units because summer stays longer in *ahore.
 2he number of a9 machines and photocopying machine in he ban/ are also less than

they are needed. or photocopying one has to go do1nstairs. 46 there should be more
machines and also their placement should be at the right place.
 B67 should introduce more training programs for their employees. It 1ill help less
educated and less e9perienced staff to gro1 and be a valuable part of the ban/.


I thoroughly chec/ed the performance of the B67 and I reali3ed that it is becoming one the
most gro1ing ban/ in our country. 2he financial reports are very encouraging
and the shareholders are very happy about it. Also there are some fla1s in their operations
1hich they need to overcome if they 1ant to reach at top. @ontinuous efforts should be
made to increase the quality of the products and services of the ban/.

Internship is an interesting e9perience 1hich gave me the practical /no1ledge about ban/ing
field. I observe ban/ing activities very closely and become part of it. I learnt a lot from my
supervisor and understood the operations of ban/ing. 2his internship enhances my e9perience
and s/ills.


B67 (Ban/ of 7un0ab!

B6M (branch 6perational Manager!

The Bank Of Punjab


Annual report B67$

)'%' conomic revie1 of



https$inancialAnnualAccounts.asp9 http$free;essays<C'.htm

l http$doc#%CC'=%#CBusiness;?olume


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