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The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 11, No.

1, January - June 2021, pages 47 - 59

Does economic growth moderate the effect of fundamental

values on the stock return of Indonesian infrastructure
1 2
Dody Hapsoro , Al-iefan K. Syahriar
STIE YKPN, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia
University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Article history In recent years, issues of infrastructure development and economic
Received 1 May 2020 growth have become very popular topics during President Jokowi’s
Revised 13 March 2021 administration. Infrastructure development is expected to have an impact
Accepted 16 March 2021 on economic growth. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of
fundamental values on the stock returns of infrastructure companies listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015-2017 with economic growth as
JEL Classification:
a moderating variable. This research uses a purposive sampling technique.
The analytical method used is partial least squares with WarpPLS software
Key words: version 6.0. the results show that EPS has a positive effect on stock returns
Economic Growth, while DER, PER, and NPM do not affect stock returns. Furthermore, it
Fundamental Value, also indicates that economic growth does not moderate the effect of EPS
Stock Return and DER on stock returns. However, the results of the study prove that
economic growth can moderate the effect of PER and NPM on stock
returns. This research implies that government policy that sets priorities
for infrastructure development needs to be supported because it is proven
that the government policy has a positive effect on the profits and stock
returns of infrastructure companies.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, masalah pembangunan infrastruktur
dan pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi topik yang sangat populer selama
masa pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi. Pembangunan infrastruktur
diharapkan berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian
ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh nilai-nilai fundamental terhadap
return saham perusahaan infrastruktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek
Indonesia pada tahun 2015-2017 dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi sebagai
variabel moderasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.
Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah partial least squares dengan
perangkat lunak WarpPLS versi 6.0. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa
EPS berpengaruh positif terhadap return saham, sementara DER, PER,
dan NPM tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham. Selanjutnya, hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak memoderasi
pengaruh EPS dan DER terhadap return saham. Namun, hasil penelitian
membuktikan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi mampu memoderasi pengaruh
PER dan NPM terhadap return saham. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah
kebijakan pemerintah yang menetapkan prioritas untuk pembangunan
infrastruktur perlu didukung karena terbukti bahwa kebijakan pemerintah
tersebut berpengaruh positif terhadap laba dan return saham perusahaan

* Corresponding author, email address:

Dody Hapsoro & Al-iefan K. Syahriar, Does economic growth moderate the effect of fundamental values

1. INTRODUCTION Different results were shown by Manoppo

The 2014 was a political year in Indonesia (2015) stating that economic value added (EVA),
because during this period there were major ROA, return on equity (ROE), and return on
political events, namely presidential elections sales (ROS) variables both simultaneously and
and legislative elections. General election partially do not significantly influence stock
affects the economy, especially national returns. For example, Al-Qudah and Laham
economic growth. The election had an (2013) found that the DER variable and stock
ambiguous impact (positive and negative) on beta have a significant effect on stock returns
the Indonesian economy. On the one hand, the while the ROE, PBV, and EPS variables have no
election can encourage the economy but on significant effect on stock returns. However, the
the other hand, it slows the national economy results of the Sorongan study (2016), showed
(Pepinsky and Wihardja, 2011). that DER and beta stocks do not significantly
Capital markets are important instruments affect stock returns.
in the modern economy. Capital markets Inconsistent research results indicate
are considered one of the effective means that fundamental values are not enough
to accelerate the development of a country to be used as a basis for investors to make
because the distribution of capital plays a very investment decisions. EPS, PER, DER, ROA,
important role in the economy development and other similar ratios are fundamental
(Samimi and  Jenatabadi, 2014). Capital market factors originating from the internal company.
conditions are very volatile therefore it is Also, there are fundamental factors that come
difficult to predict and it makes the investors from external companies such as economic
very risky. Investment activity is an activity conditions, government policies, or strategic
that has risks and it is difficult to predict the rate plans that also need to be considered.
of return. Investors when making investment President Jokowi stated that the current
decisions in the capital market, they need national development strategic plan focuses
various kinds of information, evaluation, and on infrastructure development (Nasional.
consideration. The strategy commonly used by, March 27, 2017). According to
investors is using financial ratios to determine Estache and Garsous (2012), infrastructure
the fundamental value of shares. Financial is one of the pillars supporting national
ratios allow shareholders to compare different economic growth. Infrastructure development
information in making investment decisions is an effort to strengthen the foundation for the
(Singh and Schmidgall, 2002). creation of economic growth. Infrastructure is
In addition to considering the benefits physical facilities that are developed or needed
gained from stock investments, investors also by public agents for government functions
need to pay attention to the risks that they in water supply, electricity, waste disposal,
will have. In this case, stock return is a very transportation, and similar services to facilitate
important factor them to invest their funds in social and economic goals (Asian Development
the capital market. The higher the company’s Bank, 2016). Meanwhile, infrastructure
stock return, the more attractive investors will companies are business entities that function to
be to invest. The higher the return or profit manage physical systems to meet basic human
obtained, the better the position of the company needs in the social and economic sphere.
owner (Aslama, 2019). The government’s seriousness in building
There are several studies on the analysis of infrastructure is reflected in the increase in the
the effect of fundamental stock factors on stock allocation of the State Budget (APBN) from
returns. The previous study proved that the 2014 to 2017. Figure 1 is the data taken from
fundamental value of shares has a significant the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. It shows a
effect on stock returns (Putra and Herawati, significant increase in the infrastructure budget
2018). The fundamental values they studied in the APBN over the past three years.
are return on assets (ROA) and price to book APBN or government budget or state
value (PBV). Also, Jasman and Kasran (2017) budget is a document prepared by the
stated that changes in stock returns are affected government and/or other political entity
by variables ROA, PBV, earnings per share representing their anticipated tax revenues
(EPS), and exchange rates. Yet, the variable (inheritance tax, income tax, corporation
debt to equity ratio (DER) proved to have no tax, import tax) and proposed spending/
significant effect on stock returns. expenditure (health care, education, defense),
roads, state benefit) for the coming financial

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 11, No. 1, January - June 2021, pages 47 - 59

Figure 1
Increased State Budget Per Sector
Source: Ministry of Finance

year. During 2014-2017 there was an increase Economic growth is predicted to be able
of more than 200% of the APBN budget in the to increase the effect of the fundamental values
infrastructure sector. Also, in the draft data on on stock returns of infrastructure companies.
the Financial Note RAPBN 2018, it is stated Infrastructure plays an important role in
that the APBN budget in the infrastructure increasing economic growth. Higher economic
sector reaches 409 trillion rupiahs. The budget growth is found in areas with sufficient levels
increase is the evidence of the government’s of infrastructure availability (World Bank,
seriousness in improving infrastructure in 2014). Economic growth is believed to have a
Indonesia. positive effect on stock returns (Ritter, 2012).
Infrastructure development is believed On the contrary, research by Bayar et al. (2014)
to be able to drive Indonesia’s economic as a whole does not show a significant effect of
growth to reach 6% in 2019 (Waluyo, 2018). economic growth on stock returns.
The government seems to signal to investors Based on the description above, resear-
to participate in the success of national chers are interested in examining whether
development. Infrastructure is one of the economic growth moderates the effect of
factors that influence economic growth, so that the fundamental values on stock returns of
it is necessary to examine the effect of the trend infrastructure companies in Indonesia.
of infrastructure development and economic
growth on stock returns in infrastructure 2. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK AND
companies. HYPOTHESIS
The fundamental value of shares of Fundamental Analysis
infrastructure companies listed on the IDX Fundamental analysis is one method used by
is one of the bases for decision making for investors to predict stock prices in the future
investors. The fundamental value of shares can (Venkates et al., 2012). It is done by looking
be reflected in financial ratios. In this study, the at the company’s equity value based on the
fundamental values include EPS, PER, DER, analysis of published financial statements and
and Net Profit Margin (NPM). However, due other information without reference to the
to the results of previous studies that show price of the company’s shares in the capital
inconsistent results, the present researchers market (Wafia et al., 2015).
need to add economic growth variable that The role of financial ratios is very important
is proxied by GDP (gross domestic product) in fundamental analysis. For example, financial
as a moderating variable. This is intended to ratios can be used to compare companies
understand the effect of fundamental factors that have the same or similar activity and
originating from external companies on stock size (Baresa et al., 2013). Factor that can be
returns. compared, according to Abardanell and

Dody Hapsoro & Al-iefan K. Syahriar, Does economic growth moderate the effect of fundamental values

Bushee (1997), is macroeconomic condition Although some companies do not list the
that is GDP. This also needs to be considered size of the EPS of the company concerned,
because they relate to fundamental values and EPS can be calculated based on the balance
corporate profits. Another role of fundamental sheet information and the company’s income
values is that it can also be used to estimate statement.
the company’s stock returns in the future The company’s ability to generate
(Abardanell and Bushee, 1998). net income per share is an indicator of the
company’s financial fundamental that the
Framework investors use for consideration in choosing the
This study aims to examine whether stocks. With accurate and accurate assessment,
economic growth moderates the effect of the EPS analysis can minimize investment risk
fundamental value of shares on stock returns and help investors gain profits. Based on the
of infrastructure companies in Indonesia. The description above, the first hypothesis can be
research framework is shown in Figure 2. formulated as follows:
H1: EPS has a positive effect on stock returns
Hypothesis Development
The Effect of EPS on Stock Returns Economic Growth Weakens/Strengthens the
Earnings per share (EPS) are an important Effect of EPS on Stock Returns
measure used by investors to assess company The study by Velankar et al. (2017) found that
performance (Wet, 2013). According to Islam the effect of economic growth on EPS and stock
et al. (2014), EPS shows the amount of the returns is inconsistent. Therefore, economic
company’s net profit that is ready to be shared growth has a positive or negative effect on EPS
with the company’s shareholders. The number and stock returns. This evidence is the same as
of the company’s EPS can be known from the that by the Crestmont Research study in 2017.
company’s financial statement information.

Figure 2
The Test of the Effect of Moderating Variable

Description of Figure 2
= Direct effect
= Effect of moderating variable
= Variable

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 11, No. 1, January - June 2021, pages 47 - 59

According to Samimi and Jenatabadi The lower the interest, the less the
(2014), economic growth encourages investment risk faced by investors. Also,
companies to issue new shares because they a lower interest rate can encourage higher
are considered capable of increasing company dividend payments. The source of corporate
profits. Coban (2014) stated that there is a funding derived from debt has advantages,
positive relationship between profitability namely lower tax costs due to interest costs
and economic growth. Profit affects earnings (Aslama, 2019). Based on the description
that automatically affect EPS. Based on the above, the fourth hypothesis can be formulated
description above, the second hypothesis can as follows:
be formulated as follows: H4: Economic growth weakens the negative
H2: Economic growth strengthens the positive effect of DER on stock returns
effect of EPS on stock returns
The Effect of PER on Stock Return
The Effect of DER on Stock Returns The price-earnings ratio (PER) is the ratio
According to Haque and Sarwar (2013), DER of price per share to earnings per share. This
has a positive and significant effect on stock ratio shows the amount investors are willing
returns. The increase in DER will make the to pay for each dollar (rupiah) reported by the
market react positively if the market tends to company (Manzoor et al., 2019). The higher
interpret that an increase in DER is considered PER value indicates the prospect of the stock
a good signal about the company’s prospects in price being valued higher by the investor
the future (Degutis and Novickytė, 2014). This on the income per share. For that reason, the
can occur because a high DER is considered higher PER also shows the more expensive the
capable of producing a higher return if it is stock is to the income per share.
used optimally (Acheampong et al., 2014). The companies with a high PER have a high
The company’s risk level is reflected in chance of growth rates. It causes investors to be
the debt to equity ratio (DER). DER shows interested in buying company shares which can
how much capital is owned by the company in then increase stock prices (Angelovska, 2016).
meeting their obligations. Based on signaling The increase in stock prices that occur will be
theory, information about the company’s responded positively by investors because it
financial statement is used by investors as affects stock returns. Thus, it can indicate that
a signal about the company’s condition in PER will have a positive effect on stock returns.
the future. Every investor avoids investing This statement is supported by the results
in a company that has a high DER because it of research conducted by Karami & Talaeei
reflects a high level of risk (Çelik and Isaksson, (2013). Based on the description above, the fifth
2014). De Luca (2017) stated that the greater the hypothesis can be formulated as follows:
DER, the greater the risk of defaults faced by H5: PER has a positive effect on stock returns
the company. The higher the DER the company
must also pay higher interest costs (Roshan, Economic Growth Weakens/Strengthens the
2009). Based on the description above, the third Effect of PER on Stock Return
hypothesis can be formulated as follows: According to MSCI Barra Research (2010),
H3: DER has a negative effect on stock returns economic growth is assumed to affect
shareholders in three stages. First, economic
Economic Growth Weakens/Strengthens the growth affects the growth of company profits.
Effect of DER on Stock Returns Second, the growth of aggregate income
DER is related to the amount of company’s debt. translates into an increase in EPS; third, an
Although debt is one of the considerations of increase in EPS translates into an increase in
investors in determining investment decisions, stock prices. Increasing stock prices will affect
it does not mean that the company’s debt has stock returns.
caused the stock return to be bad. Debt is PER shows how many times investors
related to financial institutions (banks) lenders. pay for each rupiah profit per share of shares
The high and low rate of loan interest affects produced by the company (Puspitaningtyas,
the company and economic growth. Manzoor 2018). The PER value is used by investors to
et al. (2019) assessed that the reduction in understand how the market appreciates the
lending rates could be the key to driving company’s performance as reflected by EPS.
economic growth. Companies with high growth rates usually
have a high PER. This shows that the market

Dody Hapsoro & Al-iefan K. Syahriar, Does economic growth moderate the effect of fundamental values

expects earnings growth in the future. The stock returns. Also, economic growth increases
development of the infrastructure sector and investor expectations for future profits. Based
the increase in economic growth are expected on the description above, the hypothesis is
to be able to influence the increase in profits stated as follows:
and return on the stock of infrastructure H8: Economic growth strengthens the positive
companies. Based on the description above, the effect of NPM on stock returns
sixth hypothesis can be formulated as follows:
H6: Economic growth strengthens the positive 3. RESEARCH METHOD
effect of PER on stock returns This study used the population of 63
infrastructure companies listed on the
The Effect of NPM on Stock Returns Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample was
Net profit margin (NPM) is used to calculate taken from the annual report of infrastructure
the amount of profit from each dollar (rupiah) companies in the 2015-2017 observation
of sales remaining after all costs are deducted, periods. They were taken using a purposive
namely operating costs, interest, and taxes sampling technique, in certain terms and
(Graham, 2006). According to Dita and Murtaqi condition.
(2014), NPM has a positive and significant
effect on stock returns. The statement was Types and Data Sources
supported by Martani et al. (2009) which first This study used documentary data taken
stated that NPM has a positive and significant from the financial statements of infrastructure
effect on company stock returns. A high NPM companies listed on the IDX and economic
value also signals investors to invest because it growth data from BPS in 2015-2017. They were
indicates the company’s ability to increase net taken from the IDX and the database of PT
income (Dita and Murtaqi, 2014). Based on the Mirae Asset Sekuritas.
description above, the next hypothesis can be
Data Collection Method
formulated as follows:
The data were taken by means of documentation
H7: NPM has a positive effect on stock returns
method. It was done by collecting financial
Economic Growth Weakens/Strengthens the statements of infrastructure companies on the
Effect of NPM on Stock Returns IDX official website and the PT Mirae Asset
Economic growth is a macro variable that Sekuritas database during 2015-2017. They
affects stock returns. In this study, economic were then processed to produce an overview
growth can be seen from the size of the GDP. related to the research variables.
The increased GDP can be interpreted as an Evaluate the Goodness of Fit Model
increase in the income and purchasing power This study used a structural model (inner
of the people. Increasing people’s purchasing model) because all variables can be calculated
power can affect company profits and directly and interpreted with exact numbers
investment levels. The greater the NPM, the and standard formulas. The following is
more effective the company’s performance will an evaluation of the structural model using
be. This can increase investor confidence to
invest in a company (Muhammad, 2017). This
ratio shows how much percentage of net profit Multicollinearity
earned from each sale. The higher the GDP, According to Daoud (2017), the multicollinearity
the higher the level of sales of the company is test aims to test whether, in the regression model,
expected. there is a correlation between independent
Investment, in general, has a long-term variables. In a good regression model, there
relationship with economic growth (Li and should be no correlation between among
Liu, 2002). One indicator that shows that independent variables. If the independent
GDP affects investment is because investment variables correlate with each other, then the
depends on the outputs obtained from all variables are not orthogonal. Orthogonal
economic activities (Samuelson and Nordhaus, variables are independent variables whose
2001). Low GDP indicates poor economic correlation value between the independent
growth. Also, significant changes in GDP have variables is zero (0). Multicollinearity in the
a significant effect on the stock market (Sattar WarpPLS software can be known through the
et al., 2018). This affects the high or low stock value of the average block variance inflation
prices of companies that automatically affect factor (AVIF). The ideal AVIF value is less than

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 11, No. 1, January - June 2021, pages 47 - 59

3.3, but it can still be accepted if it is worth less Effect Size

than 5. The results of the multicollinearity test Effect size is a measure of the practical
in this study can be seen on Table 1. significance of research results in the form of
On Table 1, the AVIF value is 1.739 < 3.3 a measure of the magnitude of the correlation
(ideal). This shows that in this study there was or the effect of a variable on other variables
no multicollinearity between independent (Sullivan and Feinn, 2012). The effect size can
variables. be found on the standard errors and effect size
of the path coefficients menu in the WarpPLS
Inner model software. Effect size according to Sholihin and
According to Sholihin and Ratmono (2013), Ratmono (2013) can be grouped into three
the measures that can be used in assessing the categories, namely weak (0.02), moderate
inner model are as follows: (0.15), and large (0.35). The value of the effect
size in this study is presented on Table 4.
Coefficient of determination
Table 4 shows that the estimated effect
R2 values were 0.67, 0.33, and 0.19 indicating
size of the EPS variable is 0.051 > 0.02. The
that the models were good, moderate, and
estimation result is considered medium so
weak (Chin, 1998). The value of R2 of the test
that EPS has a moderate contribution to
results using WarpPLS is as follows:
increasing stock returns. The estimated effect
Table 2 shows that the R2 value of this
size for the DER variable is 0.020 = 0.02. The
research model is 0.257 (weak). The R2 value
estimation result is moderate so that DER has
shows that the dependent variable returns
a moderate contribution to increasing stock
on infrastructure companies in Indonesia for
returns. Estimated value of effect size for
the 2015-2017 period can be explained by the
PER variable is 0.132 > 0.02. The estimation
independent variables (EPS, DER, PER, NPM)
result is moderate so that PER has a moderate
and moderating variables of economic growth
contribution to increasing stock returns.
of 25.7%. The remaining 74.3% is explained by
Estimated value of effect size for NPM variable
other variables, not in this research model.
is 0.008 < 0.02. The estimation result is weak.
Predictive relevance Therefore, it indicates that NPMs contribute
Q2 predictive relevance of structural models low in increasing stock returns. Also, the
is a value that shows how well observation is estimated effect size for EPS, DER, PER, NPM
generated by the model and also its parameter variables on the dependent variable return
estimates. Q2 is greater than zero (0) which on infrastructure companies in Indonesia for
indicates that the exogenous latent variable the 2015-2017 period with economic growth
has a predictive relevance of the endogenous as a moderating variable shows a value of
latent variables that are affected (Sholihin and 0.007 (GDP*EPS), 0.003 (GDP*DER), 0.099
Ratmono, 2013). The value of Q2 of the test (GDP*PER), 0.034 (GDP*NPM). This value
results using WarpPLS is on Table 2. indicates that the contribution of GDP*EPS and
Table 3 shows that the Q2 value of this GDP*DER variables to stock returns is classified
research model is 0.339. This value is more as weak (<0.02). However, the contribution of
than zero (0), so it can be concluded that the GDP*PER and GDP*NPM to stock returns is
exogenous latent variable has predictive classified as moderate.
relevance to the endogenous latent variables In addition to the size above, the fit indices
that are affected. and P-values model also displays the results of

Table 1
AVIF 1,739
Source: WarpPLS output processed
Table 2
Coefficient P-values
R-squared 0,257 0,002
Source: WarpPLS output processed

Dody Hapsoro & Al-iefan K. Syahriar, Does economic growth moderate the effect of fundamental values

Table 3
Q-squared 0,339
Source: WarpPLS output processed
Table 4
Effect Size Path Coefficient
Return (Std. Error) 0,096 0,098 0,094 0,099 0,100 0,101 0,096 0,097
Return (Path Coefficient) 0,051 0,020 0,132 0,008 0,007 0,003 0,099 0,034
Source: WarpPLS output processed
Table 5
Average Path Coefficient and ARS
Average path coefficient Average R-squared
P-values 0,026 0,002
Source: WarpPLS output processed

two other fit indicators, namely the average NPM on the dependent variable of stock return
path coefficient (APC) and average R-squared of infrastructure companies in Indonesia in
(ARS). According to Kock (2013), the P-value of the period 2015-2017 with economic growth
APC and ARS can be received if it is less than as a moderating variable of 18.8%. Yet, the
0.05 (significant). remaining 81.2% is explained by other variables
Table 5 shows that the value of APC and that are not in the regression model.
ARS are 0.026 and 0.002 respectively. This value
is acceptable because it is less than 0.05. Because Partial Significance Test
APC and ARS < 0.05 and AVIF 1.739 < 3.3, it The partial test is used to examine the effect
can be concluded that this research model fits of each independent variable EPS, DER, PER,
the data used and is free of multicollinearity. and NPM on the stock return of infrastructure
companies. The researcher also examined the
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION effect of each independent variable on stock
Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R2) returns with economic growth (GDP) as a
The problem often encountered in the use moderating variable. Partial testing was done
of R-squared to assess the good or bad of a by comparing the P-values of each independent
model is. The value continues to rise along variable and the moderating variable to the
with the addition of independent variables dependent latent variable. The P-value of each
into the model. According to Daoud (2017), the variable is presented on Figure and Table.
coefficient of determination (R2) is a measure Explanation of Table 7 is as follows.
of a model’s ability to explain variation in
the dependent variable. Adjusted R2 serves Effect of independent variables on the de-
to measure the level of confidence, adding pendent variable
the right independent variable to increase the Effect of EPS on Stock Returns
predictive power of the model. The adjusted R2 H1: EPS has a positive effect on stock returns
value will never exceed the R-squared value, From Table 7 it is known that the EPS path
it can even go down if there are additional coefficient value is 0.216 with p-values of 0.013.
independent variables that are not needed. P-values are lower than the significance value
Adjusted R2 can have a negative value. The of 0.05. H1 is supported if the p-values are
adjusted R2 estimation results in this study are less than 0.05. P-values 0.013 <0.05, then H1 is
presented on Table 6. supported. Therefore, it can be concluded that
The adjusted R2 value was 0.188. It shows EPS has a positive effect on stock returns of
that the regression model used in his study infrastructure companies in Indonesia for the
can explain the magnitude of the effect of the 2015-2017 period.
independent variables EPS, DER, PER, and

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 11, No. 1, January - June 2021, pages 47 - 59

Figure 3
SEM Model
Source: WarpPLS output processed

Table 6
Adjusted R2
Adjusted R2 P-Values
0,188 0,014
Source: WarpPLS output processed

Effect of DER on stock returns Therefore, it can be concluded that NPM has
H3: DER has a negative effect on stock returns no effect on stock returns of infrastructure
From Table 7 it is known that the value of the companies in Indonesia for the 2015-2017
DER path coefficients is -0,146 with a p-value period.
of 0,070. P-values 0.070 > 0.05, then H3 is not
supported. Therefore, it can be concluded Effect of independent variable and modera-
that DER has no effect on stock returns of tion variable on the dependent variable
infrastructure companies in Indonesia for the The effect of EPS on stock returns with eco-
2015-2017 period. nomic growth (GDP) as a moderating vari-
Effect of PER on stock returns H2: Economic growth strengthens the positive
H5: PER has a positive effect on stock returns effect of EPS on stock returns
From Table 7 it is known that the value of From Table 7 it is known that the path
the path coefficients PER is -0.293 with 0.001 coefficient value of EPS*GDP is 0.049 with
p-values. P-values 0.001 < 0.05, then H5 is not p-values of 0.203. P-values 0.203 > 0.05, H2 is
supported. Therefore, it can be concluded not supported. Therefore, it can be concluded
that PER does not affect stock returns of that economic growth does not moderate the
infrastructure companies in Indonesia for the effect of EPS on stock returns of infrastructure
2015-2017 period. companies in Indonesia for the 2015-2017
period. Before moderation, the effect of EPS
Effect of NPM on stock returns. on stock returns was positively significant, but
H7: NPM has a positive effect on stock returns after being moderated by GDP the effect of EPS
From Table 7 it is known that the value of NPM on stock returns was insignificant. This shows
path coefficients is -0,097 with p-values <0.165. that GDP does not have a significant ability to
P-values 0.165 > 0.05, then H7 is not supported. moderate the effect of EPS on stock returns.

Dody Hapsoro & Al-iefan K. Syahriar, Does economic growth moderate the effect of fundamental values

Table 7
Effect of Independent Variables on the Dependent Variable
Return (Path C.) 0,216 -0,146 -0,293 -0,097 0,049 0,083 -0,217 0,185

Return (P-Val) 0,013 0,070 0,001 0,165 0,313 0,203 0,013 0,030
Source: WarpPLS output processed
The effect of DER on stock returns with eco- H8 is supported. Therefore, it can be concluded
nomic growth (GDP) as a moderating vari- that economic growth strengthens the positive
able. effect of NPM on stock returns on infrastructure
H4: Economic growth weakens the negative companies in Indonesia for the 2015-2017
effect of DER on stock returns period. Before moderation, the effect of NPM
From Table 7, it is known that the path on stock returns was insignificant and after
coefficients of GDP*DER is 0.083 with p-values being moderated by GDP the effect of NPM on
of 0.313. P-values 0.313 > 0.05, then H4 is not stock returns was positively significant. This
supported. Therefore, it can be concluded suggests that GDP has a significant ability to
that economic growth does not moderate the moderate the effect of NPM on stock returns.
effect of DER on stock returns of infrastructure
companies in Indonesia for the 2015-2017 5. CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, SUG-
period. Before moderation, the effect of DER on GESTION AND LIMITATION
stock returns was insignificant and after being Conclusion
moderated by GDP the effect of DER on stock It provides evidence that the fundamental
returns was also insignificant. This shows that values (EPS, DER, PER, and NPM) on stock
GDP does not have a significance to moderate returns, moderated by economic growth
the effect of DER on stock returns. (GDP). It indicates that EPS has a positive
effect on stock returns of infrastructure
The effect of PER on stock returns with eco- companies in Indonesia for the 2015-2017
nomic growth (GDP) as a moderating vari- period. For investors, EPS is information that is
able. considered the most basic and useful because
H6: Economic growth strengthens the positive it can describe the earnings prospects in the
effect of PER on stock returns future. DER does not affect the stock return
From Table 7, it is known that the value of of infrastructure companies in Indonesia for
GDP*PER path coefficients is -0.217 (greater the 2015-2017 period. Therefore, it shows that
than -0.293) with p-values of 0.013. P-values the company is unable to maximize its debt to
0.013 < 0.05, then H6 is supported. Therefore, generate profits. Investors will not be interested
it can be concluded that economic growth in companies that have low profits.
strengthens the positive effect of PER on PER does not affect the stock return of
stock returns of infrastructure companies in infrastructure companies in Indonesia for the
Indonesia for the 2015-2017 period. Before 2015-2017 period. Thus, it indicates that the
moderation, the effect of PER on stock returns company’s shares have a low market price. The
was insignificant and after being moderated low PER value also indicates that the company
by GDP the effect of PER on stock returns was is in bad condition and, therefore, it is risky for
positively significant. This shows that GDP has investors. NPM does not affect the stock return
a significant ability to moderate the effect of of infrastructure companies in Indonesia for the
PER on stock returns. 2015-2017 period. Of the total 63 infrastructure
sector companies studied, 23 of them had
The effect of NPM on stock returns with eco- negative NPM values. The negative NPM
nomic growth (GDP) as a moderating vari- value indicates that the company suffered a
able. loss. Economic growth does not moderate the
H8: Economic growth strengthens the positive effect of EPS on stock returns of infrastructure
effect of NPM on stock returns companies in Indonesia for the 2015-2017
From Table 7, it is known that the value of period.
NPM*GDP path coefficients is 0.197 with Economic growth can trigger issuers to
p-values of 0.022. P-values 0.022 < 0.05, then issue new stock or do stock splits. Too many

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 11, No. 1, January - June 2021, pages 47 - 59

shares will reduce the value of EPS and the development policies will not be felt shortly.
delusion of shares. Economic growth does not However, in the long run, infrastructure
moderate the effect of DER on stock returns of development can boost the better economic
infrastructure companies in Indonesia for the growth. Therefore, government policies that
2015-2017 periods. It has an effect on decreasing set priorities for infrastructure development
credit interest. However, investors prefer to need to be supported because it has a positive
invest in the company stocks that generate effect on profit and return on the stock of
higher profits than new companies that have infrastructure companies.
the potential to earn higher profits because of
the use of financial leverage. Limitation
Economic growth strengthens the positive This study has several limitations that can lead
effect of PER on stock returns of infrastructure future research to obtain better results. These
companies in Indonesia for the 2015-2017 limitations include such as, first, the number
period. In this case, it increases investors’ of samples studied is limited because the focus
expectations of company profits in the future. of research is only on infrastructure sector
Investors will not mind buying shares at companies. Secodnly, thsis study only uses four
higher prices but have higher profit prospects independent variables related to fundamental
and stock returns as a result of infrastructure values, namely EPS, DER, PER, and NPM, and
development and economic growth. Economic one moderating variable of economic growth
growth strengthens the positive effect of NPM which is proxied by GDP.
on stock returns of infrastructure companies in
Indonesia for the 2015-2017 period. The GDP
In connection with the limitations, researchers
increase as a proxy for economic growth should
provide several suggestions for future research
be able to increase consumers’ purchasing
as follows. First, the next researchers are
power of the company’s products and services.
advised to increase the time of the observation
The increase in sales or the company’s earnings
period to obtain a more adequate number of
can increase the company’s profits, implying
samples so that more accurate results can be
that it can increase the investors’ confidence in
obtained. Secondly, they are also advised
to add the number of independent variables
The novelty of the research is indicated
related to stock returns.
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can moderate the effect of NPM and PER on REFERENCES
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