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Literary Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Menu

You will need to use your library book to complete this assignment. You will need to
choose three activities to make a tic-tac-toe. Once you have completed this
assignment, you will need to either upload your work onto SeeSaw or turn in your
assignment in person.

Genre: Upload a video on Artistic Writing:

SeeSaw of you explaining Representation: Write a 6 sentence
what genre the book is Use materials from summary of your story.
(5pts) and how you know. home to create a (1 pt per sentence)
Provide three examples to (4 pts for using correct
representation of the
support your reasoning grammar)
main character of the
SeeSaw story (10pts).

Book Review: Write a 5 Story Elements: Media:

sentence review of your Create a table showing Create your own movie
story and talk about the character, setting, that displays your
whether or not you would conflict, and solution. character, setting, and
recommend this book to (2 pts per box) plot (6 pts). Use
someone. Explain why you (2pts for creativity)
Toontastic to complete
made that choice.
(1 pt per sentence)
Setting Conflict Solution this assignment. Upload
(5 pts for using correct your link to SeeSaw
grammar) (4pts).

Sequencing: You can Comprehension: Find Oral Presentation: Bring

either digitally or your book on EPIC and a prop that represents a
physically create a complete the character in the story (5
timeline explaining what comprehension task. pts) and explain how it was
took place in the beginning Screenshot your score significant (5pt). You will
(2 pts), middle (2 pts), and need to share with the
and submit it to
end (2 pts) of your story. (2 class why you decided to
SeeSaw. (10 pts)
points for creativity) bring the prop.

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