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Name : Nguyễn Mai Thùy Dương Course : CALLR Class : K42.




Name : Nguyễn Mai Thùy Dương

Class : K42.LLPPTA

Course : CALL.R

Provisor : Professional Ph.D Nguyễn Văn Long

Da Nang, 2021


Name : Nguyễn Mai Thùy Dương Course : CALLR Class : K42.LLPPTA

Videoconferencing in online classrooms: Analysis university students’ use and

perception in learning on Video-Conferencing during Covid-19 pandemic.

Globally, due to the new pandemic SARS-CoV-2 or known as COVID-19, the use of
different softwares for student education is increasing. Less than a decade ago,
videoconferencing was only used to avoid unnecessary expenses on business trips, thus
reducing savings on lodging and time. There was an abrupt change with the arrival of this
new virus. This has led to a growing need for all students (from kindergarten to university
level) to establish and become familiar with this new teaching and learning process,
making the frequent use of these platforms more common. This essay will show
university students’ comprehension and critics about online studying on
videoconferencing through a study of the University of Sciences and Humanities Lima in
A general view of the effect of videoconferencing on university education in the
Covid-19 pandemic period
Currently, in times of pandemic, teaching is at a distance where the use of different means
of videoconferencing is relevant in education. Since, it has a very significant role in the
learning experience of the students. Among them, video conferencing applications
provide a powerful tool for learning through collaboration. While these users struggle to
come to terms with the sudden change to their academic trajectories, many appreciate the
strong relationships that video conferencing has allowed them to build with both their
instructors and peers.
COVID-19 might have sparked the uptick in video conferencing as a teaching tool, but it
has been a steadily rising trend in the education sector for years. The advent of tablets,
live-streaming platforms, and other vehicles for instant connectivity has created a unique
opportunity for schools to redefine what higher learning means.

Video conferencing technologies reshaping the higher education landscape through

distance learning offers students a more customized way to learn. Think one-on-one
breakout sessions for students having trouble with the assignment, hosting virtual office
hours where students can come and go as they please, or even better, learning material
visibility through screen sharing.

As helpful as video is as a tool to teach and expand education opportunities, it can be a

disaster if it’s not set up correctly. The right tools for video conferencing are a necessity
that can be complicated and confusing if you’re not familiar with the equipment. Schools
need tools like displays, sound systems, cameras, and other conferencing equipment..

Name : Nguyễn Mai Thùy Dương Course : CALLR Class : K42.LLPPTA

With some studies ,using videoconferencing can be conceptualized within the framework
of social-cultural theory (Wiesemes & own knowledge as a result of interacting with their
environment and of mediating their understanding through meaningful cultural and socio-
cultural theory, videoconferencing can offer students to experience and analyze
sociocultural learning and teaching interactions. The literature indicates that video
conferencing has been used increasingly for initial teacher education in higher education
and for other students at different levels (see for example, Armstrong-Stassen, Landstrom
& Lumpkin, Martin, 2005; Wiesemes & Wang, 2010) students predominantly think that
videoconferencing has certain benefits, such as increasing motivation, interaction,
novelty and improvements in communication skills, not all students are comfortable with
the new technology, which may be attributable to different learning styles, strategies and
unfamiliarity with new technological tools. The potential disadvantages of
videoconferencing technology are difficulty in sustaining the interest of the learners, lack
of training and guidance for teachers and/or students (Martin, 2005). In Armstrong-
Stassens, Landstrom & Lumpkin’s (2006) study that focused on students’ perceptions
about videoconferencing, it was found out that students had less interested attitudes
towards videoconferencing at the end of the semester than at the beginning of the
semester, which may stem from the inexperience of students and teachers with the
technology. Also, they argued that female students were less positive about
videoconferencing than male students at the end of the semester (Armstrong-Stassen,
Landstrom & Lumpkin, 2006). Nevertheless, this gender difference can disappear if they
have the same computer use experience in their daily life. Dogget (2008) found out that
over 80% of the students responded favourably to the videoconferencing. However, 80%
of the students stated that they would have been more comfortable in a conventional
classroom setting. Likewise, Gillies (2008) focused on the opinions of students that took
videoconferencing classes in the teacher training context which is similar to the context
of this study.

The tertiary students’ review about the quality of learning on videoconferencing

This essay bases on the research of the University of Sciences and Humanities Lima in
Peru , an online Google form survey of 25 students coming from the faculty of Science
and Engineering .(Angie Del Rio-Chillcce, Luis Jara-Monge, Laberiano Andrade Arenas,
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 12, No. 5,

Name : Nguyễn Mai Thùy Dương Course : CALLR Class : K42.LLPPTA

Firstly ,when asked about the student about their level of learning in new virtual learning
environment ,the 60% of students rate that their learning level has remained in a normal
state, the 20% estimates that it has improved, and 8% qualifies that they have learned
little; however, the 8% considers that they have learned very little.

Secondly, the 68% of the surveyed students rate that they agree that video conferencing
tools help them learn; however, the 32% considers that they do not agree.

Furthermore, when surveyed about the perception about videoconferencing, 72% of

respondents believed that they need to continue strengthening their digital knowledge,
although 28% consider not. In terms of the comprehension of videoconferencing apps,
the vast majority of students have a medium-high knowledge of the Zoom and Meet
platforms. However, they have low-zero knowledge of the Skype, Microsoft Teams and
Discord tools.

Name : Nguyễn Mai Thùy Dương Course : CALLR Class : K42.LLPPTA

Fourthly, when it comes to the comfort in online learning on video conferencing, 16%
considers that they feel very comfortable regarding the new learning modality, a 20% rate
that they feel comfortable, the 44% considers that it is normal, the 16% estimates that he
feels uncomfortable, in the same way a 4% He rated that he is not comfortable.

Fifthly, the charts show that 52% indicated that they very seldom have concentration
problems during classes, only 32% who often have problems often and 16% of students
constantly have problems.

How often do you have trouble

concerntrating during your online
classes ?
Constantly 16%

Often 32%

Few times 52%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Finally , The 24% rated that their performance has improved considerably, the 60%
considers that his performance has remained on the sidelines, and only the 16% indicates
that its performance has decreased.

Based on your academic performance , you

consider :
16% A decreased performance
24% Has slay on the slidelines
Improved performance

Name : Nguyễn Mai Thùy Dương Course : CALLR Class : K42.LLPPTA

In general, it is obvious that videoconferencing in higher education has proved so useful
that we can even expect a new model to emerge after COVID-19 has passed. There is a
real opportunity for collaboration, innovation, and, most importantly, connection.
Through the study of the University of Sciences and Humanities Lima, we can see that
the results obtained from the surveys denotes that the vast majority of students perform at
an advanced level in the platforms for the virtual teaching and learning environment and
they feel comfortable and motivated during their virtual classes.


1. Angie Del Rio-Chillcce, Luis Jara-Monge, Laberiano Andrade Arenas,

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 12,
No. 5, 2021

2. How Video Conferencing is Reshaping the Higher Education Landscape

3. Duygu Candarlia , H. Gulru Yuksel , Students’ perceptions of video-conferencing

in the classrooms in higher education, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
47 ( 2012 ) 357 – 361

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