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Analyze Scientific Articles and Additional Materials Related to The Sylabus

(Myers-Brig Type theory)

 Dr. Afdal, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Azahra Hardi Cusinia
Guidance and Counseling
Faculty of Education
Universitas Negeri Padang

This article talking about This research aims to investigate personality type and
Counselor competence of undergraduate students in the Guidance and Counseling study
program, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta State University. A total of 209 students in
the 4th and 6th semester completed two questionnaire, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicarot
(MBTI) and a 1992 American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Competence
Instrumen. Result shows that there are more subjects with focus preference of
extrovertion, sensing in perceiving information, and feeling in making decision
averagely. In terms of personal competency and skills, those subjects are different
significantly for those who are extrovert and introvert (t=3.602 sig. p=.0.000 for personal
competency and t=2.167 sig. p=0.031 for skills). There is no differences on knowledge
and the degree of professional competence among involved subjects. How are personal
competency and skills different significantly is discussed, mainly with psychosocial
background and Western-adopted professional orientation issues.
Through this research, it is known that the direction of concentration of Guidance and
Counseling students is different from the aspect of personal competence. Therefore, it is
necessary to pay attention to how prospective counselors who tend to be introverted can become
effective counselors. Although there may be cross-cultural constraints or limited instruments in
explaining the cultural differences of research subjects and types of scholarship, an emphasis on
the counselor's educational side will need this part of personal understanding. Thus, students can
prepare and adjust to achieve the qualifications of the principal's vision, teacher work motivation
and organizational climate together on teacher performance by 59.6% and the rest is influenced
by other variables.
Simultaneously, the three variables, both management, supervision of the principal,
teacher work motivation and organizational climate contribute significantly to teacher
performance. Schools in which there are principals who supervise well, are accompanied by
teachers who have high work motivation, and a good school organizational climate is able to
effectively improve teacher performance.
From this article, we can see that the article explains in detail how implementation of
mbti for student career development: a study of differences of personality types in counseling
guidance students.
So far, from what I have analyzed related to the article, I have not found the shortcomings
of this article. I think this article is good enough.
Based on the research results obtained and the results of my reading, several suggestions
are put forward, namely:

 The implementation of supervision is expected to be more effective so that it is not only

fulfilling administrative requirements or simply carrying out tasks, the proposed
recommendation is to carry out supervision programmed systematically so that after the
supervision activities will be more effective and always sustainable

 The principal always supports teachers who want to always improve their careers, and
provides encouragement or motivation to teachers who are guided only by carrying out
their duties as a teacher, praising a successful job satisfactorily and helping if there are
teachers who have difficulty at work.

 The principal does not hesitate to give direct appreciation either through
congratulations or giving praise to outstanding teachers, the principal gives confidence
to the teacher when doing work.
A. The basic concept of the Myers-Brig Type theory
1. Definition of the MBTI
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on C.G Jung's (1921-
1971) thoughts regarding perceptions, judgments and attitudes used by each
different type of individual. Perception is an individual's psychological ability to be
aware of things, people and ideas. Judgment involves a variety of ways to infer what
the individual has perceived. If people differ from each other when they perceive
something when they make judgment, then this difference also affects their interests,
skills, values and reactions. MBTI was created to study personality types based on
Jung's theory.
Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychometric questionnaire designed to
measure a person's psychological preferences for seeing the world and making
decisions. MBTI relies on four (4) main opposing dimensions. Although the true
opposite of humans has it all, it's just that they are more inclined / comfortable in
one particular direction. Like ice cream and hot chocolate, you may want both but
you tend to prefer one. Each has its positive side but there is also a negative side like
that in the MBTI trend scale. With MBTI, you can understand your own strengths
and weaknesses.
2. The purpose of the MBTI
The purpose of this research is to develop an expert system application to
determine the type of work using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator theorem using
Algortima Forward Chainning. The software development methodology used in this
research is the Unified Software Development Process (USDP) method.
3. Four fraud scales
This theory then concludes that every individual has four main modes of
 Our energy flow, defines where we get energy or stimulation. Is it from the
outside (Extraverted) or from the inside (Introverted)?
 How do we receive information, refers to how we interact with information. Is
it with the five senses (Sensing) or with intuition (Intuitive)?
 How we decide something, refers to how we choose something. Is based on
logic (Thinking) or feelings (Feeling)
 Everyday lifestyle, is a theory developed by Isabel Briggs Myers that was not
previously defined by Carl Jung. Do we prefer organized, planned, and more
scheduled (Judging) or prefer flexible, more comfortable and open, and a
relaxed environment (Perceiving).
The MBTI rests on four main opposing (dichotomous) dimensions. Even though in
stark contrast we have it all, it's just that we are more inclined / comfortable in one
particular direction. Like ice cream and hot chocolate, we may want both but we tend to
prefer one. Each has its positive side but there is also a downside. Well, that is also the
case in the MBTI trend scale. Here are four MBTI trend scales:
The MBTI® attempts to describe individual's personality in terms of four
dichotomous indices: Extraversion (E) - Introversion (I); Sensing (S) - Intuition (N);
Thinking (T) - Feeling (F); Judgment (J) - Perception (P)
a. Extrovert (E) vs. Introvert (I).
The EI dimension looks at the orientation of our energies inward or
outward. Extrovert means the type of person who likes the outside world. They
like to hang out, enjoy social interaction, do activities with other people, and
focus on the outside world and are action oriented. They are good at dealing with
people and operational matters. In contrast, introverts are those who like the world
within (themselves). They like to be alone, reflect, read, write and do not really
like to hang out with people. They are able to work alone, full of concentration
and focus. They are good at internal data processing and back office work.
b. Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)
The SN dimension looks at how individuals process data. Sensing
processes data by relying on concrete, practical, realistic facts and seeing the data
as it is. They use experiential guidelines and concrete data and choose proven
methods. They focus on the present (what can be improved now). They are good
at technical planning and applicative detail. While the intuition type processes
data by looking at patterns and relationships, abstract, conceptual thinkers and
seeing various possibilities that can occur. They are guided by imagination,
choose unique ways, and focus on the future (what might be achieved in the
future). They are innovative, full of inspiration and unique ideas. They are good at
drafting concepts, ideas and long-term visions.
c. Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F).
The third dimension looks at how people make decisions. Thinking is
those who always use logic and the power of analysis to make decisions. They
tend to be task-oriented and objective. Impressed stiff and stubborn. They apply
the principles consistently. Good at analyzing and maintaining procedures /
standards. Meanwhile, feelings are those that involve feelings, empathy and
values when they are about to make decisions. They are relationship-oriented and
subjective. They are accommodating but often seem to take sides. They are
empathetic and want harmony. Good at maintaining harmony and maintaining
d. Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)
The last dimension looks at a person's degree of flexibility. Judging here
does not mean judgment (judging). Judging is defined as the type of person who
always relies on a systematic plan and always thinks and acts regularly (not
jumping up and down). They don't like things that are sudden and unplanned.
They want to plan work and follow that plan. They are good at scheduling,
structuring, and step-by-step planning. Meanwhile, perceiving types are those
who are flexible, spontaneous, adaptive, and act randomly to see the various
opportunities that arise. Sudden change is okay and uncertainty turns them on.
Good at dealing with sudden changes and situations.
Each type is identified by 4 letters such as ENFJ. This method is very popular, so
you can find it in a person's person.
a. ENFJ (Extroverted Feeling With Intuting)
Extrovert feelings through intuition. This type of person is talkative. They
tend to exaggerate their friends. They make good parents, but tend to allow
themselves to be taken advantage of by others. They are suitable to be: Therapists,
teachers, company executives and sales.
b. ENFP (Extroverted Intuiting With Feeling)
Extroverted introversion through feeling. This type of person likes new
things and surprises. They are overpowered by feelings and expressions. They are
very sensitive to bodily changes and have a good sense of self. they are suitable to
be: Sales, politicians, and actors
c. ENTJ (Extroverted Thinking With Intuiting)
Think extrovert with intuition. This personality type is someone who likes to
be at home and hang out with family. They enjoy organized organizations and
structures. This type is perfect for corporate executives and administrators
d. ENTP (Extroverted Intuiting With Thinking)
Extroverted introversion with thought. This type is lively and energetic,
indifferent, and untidy. As a couple, they are a bit unpleasant, especially
economically. They are suitable to be analysts and entertainers. They also tend to
want to put themselves first.
e. ESFJ (Extroverted Feeling With Sensing)
Extroverted feeling with sense. This type is a person who likes harmony.
They can be emphatic to say "yes or no". They tend to depend, especially on parents
and later on family. They devote their hearts and lives to others.
f. ESFP (Extroverted sensing with feeling)
Senses extroverts with feelings. This person is impulsive, they can't stand
anxiety. They are suitable as figures who come forward because they really enjoy
public relations and are very happy with telephone. They will never enjoy
academics, especially science.
g. ESTJ (Extroverted thinking with sensing)
Think extrovert with senses. They are responsible partners, good parents
and loyal workers. They are realistic, mummified, but and love the prevailing
h. ESTP (Extroverted sensing with thinking)
Thinking of extroverts. This type is action-oriented, sometimes
sophisticated, sometimes reckless, like James Bond. As a couple, this person is very
nice and warm, but they are weak when it comes to commitment. They can be good
entrepreneurs or artists.
i. INFJ (Introverted intuiting with feeling)
Introverted stalking with feelings. This type is a student or serious worker
who really wants to have a share. They are aloof and irritable. They make a great
couple and are physically very pleasant. They are considered capable of
understanding other people's psychological aspects. They make good therapists,
community servants and ministers
j. INFP (introverted feeling with intuiting)
Intreovert feeling with intuition. These are idealistic, self-sacrificing, cold
and restrained people. They are more concerned with family, but in a relaxed way.
You will find them in psychology, architecture, religion but not in business.
k. INTJ (Introverted intuiting with thinking)
Intuising by thinking. This is the type that is the most independent of the
other types. They enjoy logic and new ideas and are willing to dive into scientific
research. But not infrequently among them become petty people.
l. INTP (introverted thinking with intuiting)
Introverted thinking with intuition. This person was trustworthy, thoughtful,
forgiving and loved books very much. They tend to be very frugal with the
language used, like logic and mathematics. They are suitable to be philosophers or
theoretical scientists, but not exactly as writers or salespeople.
m. ISFJ (Introverted sensing with feeling)
Introvert senses with feelings. This person is happy to serve and
hardworking. They do not enjoy leisure time and will try to find trouble if nothing
is to be done. They are suitable to be nurses, teachers, secretaries, librarians,
managers, middle managers and housewives.
n. ISPF (Introverted feeling with sensing)
Introverted feeling by sensing. They are shy and tired quickly, do not like to
talk but enjoy physical labor. They are suitable painters, sculptors, composers and
dancers (art in general), and they love nature. They don't really care about
o. ISTJ (Introverted sensing with thinking)
Introverted feeling with thinking. They are the backbone of strength. They
try to change partners or other people. They are suitable to be bank practitioners, a
auditors, accountants, tax analysts, library and hospital supervisors, business
people, and so on.
p. ISTP (Introverted thinking with sensing)
Introverted thinking with senses. This kind of person enjoys action, has no
fear and always wants to be happy. They will be very impulsive and dangerous if
stopped. They prefer tools, tools and weapons, and are usually suitable technicians.
They do not enjoy communication and are often diagnosed as hyperactive. Usually
this kind of person is not good at school.
In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator study, that:
"Psychometrics and personality tests can be hugely beneficial in improving
knowledge of self and other people, examples: motivations, strengths, weaknesses,
preferred thinking and working styles, and also strengths and preferred styles for
communications, learning, management, being managed, and team. -working "
But according to Jung, some of us are extraverts (McGuire and Hull 1997: 213).
Extraverts are Jung's preference. All quotes are to McGuire and Hull, that they are
influenced more by their environment than by their own intentions. An extravert is a
person who goes by the influence of the outside world, for example society or sense of
However, the MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator results, unlike the results from
other personality inventories, are primarily intended for use by respondents and
presented in a non-assessing manner. Two of the most basic premises used in
estimating MBTI results are (a) that all types are valuable and necessary and have
certain strengths and weaknesses, (b) that individuals are more skilled in their preferred
functions, processes, and attitudes. These traits have increased the popularity of MBTI
and their applications for a variety of purposes, including career guidance, counseling,
and selective team and team development.
B. Characteristics Theory
Yulidar, et al (2002) explain that the Myers-Briggs type theory is based on the
psychological theory popularized by Gustav Jun and adapted by Khaterine Briggs. This
Myers-Briggs type theory deals with the ways in which individuals observe the world and
make inferences based on their perceptions. The concept put forward by Myers-Briggs is
perceiving and judging (acceptance and assessment).
The Myers-Briggs type theory deals with the way individuals observe the world and
make inferences based on their perceptions. In observing the world, the first step taken by
individuals is to perceive the environment. The existence of individual perceptions
through existing information will lead to individual awareness of the existence of real
people, objects or ideas. The second step is for the individual to make conclusions about
what is accepted. The mental activity of accepting and judging or making conclusions is
what Myers-Briggs calls "perceiving and judging".
In accepting and assessing this individual also has several combinations according
to Myers, as quoted by Richard S, 1992 (in Yulidar Ibrahim et al, 2002) there are several
combinations, namely:
1. Understanding and thoughts
2. Understanding and feeling
3. Intuition and feelings
4. Intuition and thought
People who rely on understanding and thinking in assessing, then prefer to correct
data obtained from observations. They prefer jobs that involve analyzing facts such as
careers in law, business manager, production and purchasing accountants.
People who rely on understanding and feeling are aware of the importance of their
own feelings. They put more emphasis on observation about objects. Jobs that are of
interest to those who rely on understanding and feelings in the fields of medical, social
work, teaching and ministry-related work.
People who rely on intuition and feeling will focus on observations or what has just
happened. They adapt to take a creative approach to human encounters and balance with
the object being observed. Jobs that are preferred by people who rely on intuition and
feeling are pastor, teaching, advertising and social services.
People who rely on intuition and thinking in making career decisions based on
work using philosophy and projections for the future. They tend to solve problems using
theoretical use and the jobs that are of interest to people who rely on intuition and
thinking are scientists, researchers, computers and developing scientific projects.
C. Strengths and Weaknesses
The advantages of the Myers-Briggs theory
 Designed to implement theory; so (Jung's) theory must be understood in order to
understand the MBTI.
 Based on the theory, there are special relationship dynamics between scales,
which will then lead to an explanation of the 16 types of personality
 The description of these types and their theory can actually be explained in terms
of human development throughout his life.
 This scale pays attention to basic human functions, namely perception and
judgment that always exist in human behavior, so it is very useful for use in
everyday life.
 The results of the MBTI are non-judgmental, so there is no good or bad.
The weakness of the Myers-Briggs theory
 The Myers-Briggs theory pays less attention to individual differences so that it
will affect the MBTI test results
 Even though this theory is enduring, the validity of the MBTI test is questionable
 The results of the MBTI test are static, only oriented to the results of the MBTI
 Individuals are more required to have their own intentions, without seeing other
supporting factors in their environment.
D. Applications Inside School and Outside School Counseling Services
By considering the various facts and thoughts that have been studied, it can be
emphasized that the expert guidance and counseling services provided by the counselor
are in the context of the task of "a service area which aims to empower individuals in
navigating their life journey through decision making about education including those
related to the need to choose, achieve and maintain a career in order to create a
productive and prosperous life, as well as to become a citizen of society who cares about
the general good through education ”.
In everyday life, it is necessary to know that this theory can be useful for
identifying the personalities of other individuals so that it makes it easier for us to
determine our attitudes and behavior to them so that good communication flows occur.
Especially in the Counseling Guidance service, namely: MBTI is very useful in the world
of education and career development. The MBTI can be used as a guide for choosing a
college major to a profession that suits your personality. As well as Personal
Development, with MBTI I we can understand our strengths and weaknesses in
ourselves. We can focus more on developing our strengths as well as finding ways to
improve our negative sides. and Understanding Others Better with the MBTI helps to
improve our relationships and the way we view others. We can better understand and
accept differences. Not everyone thinks, behaves and behaves the way we behave. So
accept the differences.

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